xt763x83kd0b_17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1932-1933 text 1932-1933 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_1/2009ua001_1_12/13819/13819.pdf 1932-1933 1933 1932-1933 section false xt763x83kd0b_17 xt763x83kd0b 
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'I`i.·· (Lu ;.··»n ~i»-;» em ilw l`1\ll1}U\1:¥ uf 1h··
l;.;x\·1·~-Aj. 1~» :1 :;¤·.=. mini:. I1 1> just lxkw
mh 1*·~ in 1l:»· i‘.=.¤·;11).‘·mi11‘ lmmw UI tmxv.
\·,i 1*. E‘u`\ i11;;i clxmv x.~ mw ul} m**.·. 0)1]m1‘-
m;1»;¢jc 11::ci xx <»:1`¤·r.» am 1u·v. 1*s~l;1Liu1x>hxp. j
f.1,11.}.‘ i1Lri•·!1¤·» nin mu P;1:0‘.\’ this import-  
.:.1 im:.  
i·1»;g»1:;u uhm no <»y¤;>·¤rix111111c·$ m :1 .:
1~~»¤1»;·.i xu>x‘hi z` {uri <>;` lxxiuu. Tho sym`- .
.w..:1 hiv wi 1334- eéucimzi r;1il» my rmxsxd- g
[~1·,r1·»1; nw ‘.¤:¤~ll ;a~ 11;~= L1u¤~ll<=<·l11nl amd
;~1·.‘.u;¤Z. 'Tiw L':11=.··1‘;».1x‘ wilvxw o|)p¤wr\1z-
·u.·~ m ull aE::·~··. vI`]l1'Oll!h xlw Y. \\*.
(` .·\. ;a·x<1 Y. All C. A iixv >lx1rh·uL muclws
1;np·¤1·t;¤;;1 law 1¤m·1·¤~>1~. Su I nm \\`I`1lElLQ
w» >;1=: thx nu vlzx ~.l2(!¤‘l1lS wlm come m
*l.¤· U111n¤·1‘<11j. Lu S··;J!@1u}>¤~x‘_ 19312.
}·`!-Z.—\NK L. )I;·\`E\'.
P1···>1¤h·ur 01 t11vUui\‘v1‘s11y.

 10 7`/11* "K" [11111/1‘
(`ALENDAK 1S)32-32;
First SL‘JI1<‘S[1‘I'
S1—1111~111b1—r 12, 13. 1·1-—R1011(121)', T1l1‘S(111}4.
Sl‘11[\‘1111J1‘1' 12, 13, 1—1 —1`il)`1\1\‘11L 0i` Iirst sv-
1111‘S[L‘1"S 1`L‘l11· 111 111c·11‘s (101`I1111(71’1(‘S,
Sl‘1J1L‘1111)l‘l` 15- ·v1`1ll11'S(11\§'. Class 11*01*1: bc-
S(‘}Jl(`1111)k`l` 19 --1V1011(111§'. L11s1 (1i1.11‘ 10r 111:11;-
111,£l` c11;111g`1*s 111 l'E‘§§1SLl'L1L1()11 nr 111 1111*
sc111—c1111c wi111011L D11}'111L‘llL 01 [uns.
S(‘])L1‘1111)1‘1' 26 -M011r111y. Lust clutc 011 \\'111(J11
11 S11l1(10l11 111:15* L‘11Ll‘1` :111 01·gz1111xoc1 class.
Su]1L1·1111>o1‘ QU —N1(>11(l21}’. Lz1sL c1z1L0 UII \\`111(f11
TL S111)_1CC[ may bo <1r0111>uc1 \\'11111O1111 :1 $
{;1'{`1(1(‘ by ]1Cl'l111SS1011 01` L110 <1¢·:111,
Novuuzbor 1—1—M011d:1y. PH}'I110l1L 01` €(‘(§0l1(1
(|l1i11'1Cl"S 11011111 111 L110 r0sic1c11c0 11z111s 101*
NU\`(‘1111JO1' 21-213 --'1‘1111rs¤111y, 8 :1. 111. 10
1V1011(111)` 8 11. lll. '1`1111111{S1.§1\'1Il§3j 11l]11C1ll]'.
D(?Cl‘1111)Pl` 13 ---- '1`11US(1Z1}'. Ml?(‘L1I1g uf 1110
Bcmrd 01 T1`\1St(?(‘S4
D1-ccmbcr 1'1—S:1t11r<111y, 110011, C111·isL11111s
11011c1;1y begins.
J{l111l2\1'§' 2--M011c1z1y. 8 :11 111. C111·1sL11111s
11011r1z1y 1-11ds.
J1l1ll1i1l'}' 21-28 rS{l1,L1I`(11l}' 10 Sz1L11rn1:1y. Mid-
vcnr ('Z(l1.1111l1U.1.101lS. °

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L'11i1*111·.»1{;1 11/ l{1·z1l1z1·lcy 11 ig;
.J;11111;11*1* 27 11111111*. 1·’11*sl >l‘ll1l‘{~}1,1‘1` u0111*11-  
\';1l1U11. ,`*
$1111111111 $1*1111*s/1*1* r_
.}:11111111*;* 31*. HI K1()I111il)`, ’I‘111‘s11z11*. R1—p;1s1-—
11:1111111 1111* >¢~11111111 s1·1111·s11·1*, 1I1(`1llC1111y,
11·>;1~~11·:1111»11 1111* l",1‘1\111;[ <'()1l1`S{‘S1
.1;.1111111*;* HU. 211 P111*1111~111. 111 11111`(1 1111:11*-
11—1*`:~ I>11;11*11 111 1*1—~-1111~111·11 11111ls 1111* 11*11111o11. -
111111lZ1\1`j»` 1$11_ lil 1*:1}*11111111 111 S1‘C()11(1 Hl‘l1\L‘S·
11—1*`s 1*11111 :11 11111*11111u1*1vs 1111* 111011.
1·‘1~i11*11111·j: 1 \1‘11i111~>1l:11‘. I11s11*111·111111 ru-
1·‘1·1>1’11:11*1* G AI1>1;1i:11* 14151 c1;1111· 1`<)1` l112l1·{—
1!1L 1·11;111:1‘.< 111 1*1·g1>:11*1111011 111* 111 11111 A
>1·11111i1111· x111l;11111 11;11*1111·111 01 11-1*s. 11
1·1111*11;11*j. 1Yl M111111:11*. Lust. (1:1111 011 11*l1i1·1.  
.1 >111111~111 111111. 1*w.i>11·1* 111 1111 1>1*u1111iz1·1l *’
1*111s<. `
1·1!11*11.11‘1‘ 11% X1U11i1i1\'. 1.11s1 <1:111· 011 \‘.'111(’11 -`
;1 :<1111j1·1·1 111112* L11· (11‘111)]>1*11 \\'1l110ll1 Ll
s11*;1111— 11;* p1~1*1111~·<1<111 111 11\l‘ 11111111.
1·`1·\>1*11;11’1* 22 r\\'1·1l111·»11;11*. \V11s11111gL1111`s
1)E1`€11(111§ 11111111;11‘,
.·\g11*1l ~§ 'I`111·>1111js. X11‘1‘111\LL 111 BUi1l'(1 111
5111*11 111-18~-'1"11111‘s<1111'. 8 11. 111, 10 '1`ll1‘S[1[L}'.
H 11. 111. }1]11s11~1‘ 1111111111;*,
Mnjs 5 1;`1`1(1l1)`. Muy 1.):11*. 1Cl11ss1—s 1111-
_i1»111*111·11 ;11`11·1* 1111— s1~1·1>111l 1111111*1.  
}.111j·' 24 \V11111¤·>c1111‘ :11'1¢·1‘1101111. Mi111111*1* ._
1*11-111 1):11*. {J
A1111* 23 —'1`11111*s<1111*, 51 n, 111. Lust 111111* 1111*  
1*··11111*1111;1 111*111i1—:~ 101' 1·11111111111L1·s 101* dv-  
;1·1~1m. Q
_ Maw :5 111 ·]1l1\l‘ 1 —r1`11l1l'¢~(111§' 10 '1`111l\'S(1L1}'.  
` 1·'111:1l 1~1;11111111;1111>11>.  
.,. ..,...,,... _ 1,1 '

 12 TI11"‘I{" 111111/.*
J1l111‘ 1 —'1`11111‘s11111‘. M1·1·1111u 01 1.10111*11 111
N1L\}' 2H*—rS'111(111)'. Bi11'1'1l1L111l'L‘L\11‘ S111111111.
.111111— 2 F1'l(1L1§'. S1Xl}'#:31Z~L111 11111111:1l C1>111-
.111111- 53-111 .1111111>1‘ (:1111) \Vm·1;4
.1111111 1277-A1·>111i;11‘. 1{L·§;1t»11`{1111)11 1111* 111'J·1
1L‘l'l11 111 Fl1l111111‘1' :¤1~>s11111.
'1`11e— Lr·x111u1<>11 L1‘11(1L‘1' IS <11=111‘1~1‘1~c1 10 YOU
1)}: :1 u0111*1;c s111t11*11L. I1 15 11111111s110c1 111 11
111111] u1 11:11 111111 1>1·>:1 mus your 1·1·11c1111g
(J1)1}L)1`1.l1111[§`. T1'L11111‘l1 1`C1)O1'lC1`> (111 1111¤>1
1·11s1·s g;z11111:111—:s 01 1111* U111\`L‘1`$11§` 01 Kou-
l1llC1(].`1 mw you 1111 11111 :411111*1 :11111 u1·111~1`11l
11L‘\\`S 1·u111·111‘11111g; 1111— U111\`1*1'>1l}`. 111 i111(1lr
L1011 '1`11(‘ 110111101* 0l1<·1‘s YOU :1 1*:1111* 1:111111*
01 111-1vs :11111 f1·z11111‘11 111L11,(‘1`1L11.
J11s1 01111 :\S1111lI1(1 (181111 ;111<1 11·11 1111- <=11‘<·11111-
1,1011 (11*11111‘11111·111 11‘111—1‘1— 10 11‘11\'1' 1110 11n1101‘
4 ··1·»m

 , . , #7*
l,r.r:¤rrx1(].* nj lxlrnt1lr;/.‘]/ 13 {If
, , , . . in
\\'L`l{.l·, GLAI) TO lxN()W EOU g
;\.— >;mlt¤·eznu-11 mr llw l>l`giLI\ll1lllOHS ·.
 zuwh up r¤~p1w·;·l·1.w. xw vxlvucl L0 you za
rEn··1’1ul uml szmn-ru §LI'(‘\‘lllly,. You are
~.·.l-llum··, ;1·1··ll"lzl lr. ul.<»¤»=1uu lo ulmnyucl :1 grunt,
¤1Zi!*x·l'-llfi, uutl lulu an wluclx wl- u¤1u1r1l1ul.· '
.11l`¤~ml¤l:.> uml l.¤,»pl-;~. \\'c do xml any. v:ulx
miami ¤·u1l.u>1.l~~m_ 1l;1xL our \ll\l\`(‘l`>ll§' is
;»l·11l»·1 11; <=x»·1‘j. Clvlzail, hux, us you 1`l‘ll\Z\ll`A
1.lr¤=_ zzzmw 1xz.ni luuzw you *.v1ll ugrvu wml:
wp 1l..ll ‘:-~ illuu uzuvlx ol xxlxirlx t0 D9
yrlvzmi. VH uml- i:»»¤1 LO lLlll\1ll1\l`lX(‘ your- _
—¤l2l·~ mill ¤·tl·xy1l11:x; tlmzu 1s ]1l'1ll>P\\`<)l`ll\}` ii
uz; ilu- ¤zxm;»l1.~. Lum uu tuuv lu u1;1l»;1;1g g
;,l»~»u L1~¤ mi ull tlw 0;1pm·l11u1Ll0s lkml nw ‘,
<~Elvl'r‘fl jsuxx. \\`··lum>m¢·’ You lxzlw Olll`
wlrrj: ··‘1»ll Luv ¤xlu>ll—»o11w c0m1’:1cl<·sl11p.  
-l·Eu·l.;>1;l~ »11u·l.~<, nucl wuucl lli\])])ll1L‘5S.
lla`- »¤r.l:n>z‘uzll ¤·ll`·—cls nw Uuly ll1(`2lll\ to
.lu;u.—.~; bun, 11; ull :—0rl¤;¤u>1u~ss.   urn glad
j.¤»~1 <’:\ll1f· lxvrv 11;.cl xyc vqislu you luvli. `
»Eci. Now lz; uliuw xyurds. ll<»u‘1Ig,‘.’v
A i'rulril·¤:Z S1lp,*{:v.;g>»1·:l·xz<·¤3 wm thnx xs lmpurtuun »_
lxmuul; lu llu><·1’*.‘l· ;1 uouuuvut. Mom uf us  
.;1·¤» cux·>··d wm vwrmlu lzmcls of prlclv i_
xvlxxvlu uiwu aiu u> much lxzxrm. \’V<· muy  
il:.cl ¤»11r>-rl*.‘¤·»· ml ;1 muy ucvaxnu lluvr. in 11  
14 xx >l·lu¤l¤l, ur ul il uuw lxutvl; ll1l·1‘¢· IS ux-  
Z¤\l`lll1.lli>ll =.·\1u·l;   vnulrl uso 1\(l\`i\l\l1\;L¤`·  
·n;—ly but   un;ll~¢·1 tu ubtum llxis lul’m‘- {_·_
··»·»e z·~~=·· . R,}

1-1 T/11* "}(" I}1111/.·
111:111011 1)<‘L'i1l1}§l‘ l111*1‘1* 1:; :1 11l11)§l(11)1ll1 111 112;:*
11111111. ()l11` (|111‘S1lU1\ 111111111 1*1·1*1*11*1* :111 :111—
S\\`L‘I' l11<1* 1111::: 11u11111‘1*11s 111 111101111* \‘.111
11111111 l1ll*1I` l1l1§1‘1'S :11 us :11111 1‘1cl11*11l1* 11111*
1101*1111 lf;1l()l`llI1(`l‘. I1 you 111*1* :1s ll1111(l :1:1
11*1* 111*1*1* \\`11L‘1l 11*1* 111*sI 1*:11111* 111*1*1* you 111:1;*
1*x111*1*1c111·1* lllls ;;1*11s:1111111, ’1'111* :11*1-1*:1;:1-
$111111*111 1111 [1115 c:11111111s 15 :1 1111sy1>1111y :11111
L‘\'\‘11 Il11O\‘,`J% 111111glS 111:11 :11*1* 1111111* 111 1ll<
11us1111*ss. Now :11111 :1;:1111 you 111111* 111111
!~}Ol111‘O111‘ 11*1111 IS :1 1111, 111 :1 bully 111‘ s111111-—
111111 11110s1* 1:1slo for 1l11ll1Ul' is L1 1111 1111·._
1)111 111is $01*1 of 1111111*11111:1l 1:; 1·:1s1l;1· 111 1111*
1E1l. N<111·: 1)i111.1 111* 21l`1`111i1 111 :1sE;
P1*111·1*1I111‘1* 111111 S11 I·`111‘Ii1
'l`111‘ 1*11[1*1‘1112 ('12'1SS is usually ;11‘1·11 sw
11111111 good :1c11*1c1* 111:11 11` 11111--111*11111 11:11*1
0i` 11 1t1111l1l bo r1*1111*111111*1*1*1l 1111‘l'1‘ \\`()l1l(1 111*
110 111*c0ss11y 111 no 1l11}` 1`:11·l111*1* 111 LTUl1I‘}l1‘.
$01110 111 1111* ]!1'1I11’1]111‘S lll`1‘ l`1*])1‘1111‘(1 so
(1l>l(‘l1 l11£`11 Fl11(1l‘111S 1‘1*1`c1* 10 1111*111 1·11ll1*1·1-
12*1*11* :1s 1111* **11111 oil." Y]`11l‘ \\`Ul`l1·l)1ll c111·s1-
11111 :11111111 l>i1111l11i11'11.§' 111*1*1-11111; L'1111l1‘111§1l
applies 11l"\`P, :11111 1111* 1111:11 1·1~s11l1 15 111111.
1*:11111*1 Lllilll L{`UOll. l11L‘ :1111*111* 11115 110:11*
11:11*111. 0111* 1111*11 _11111u1111*11t1 must 11111111 11111
1:110 11*11y 1111 \\'111(`11 11*1* S11U111(l 11111*1*1. 11 15
111*1·1*ss111*y 10 111* _111(1l('l(11lS 111 111* s111:c1*:; 111uL 11*1* 1*11:1 11111111-
of (J11l' j1111g1110111 is 111 1·111111s1* 1}i1S1(` ])l'111-
viplus {11211 11*111 (11l`\‘C1 0111* 111*1*s 111111*:11*11
:11111 11:11.1·:11*11.
1*1·11111- i`
111u 2111.1 11.1111l1111· \‘.'1Il1 1111ly ll s11111ll ]ll`011]} 1,
111 :.1111·11·1·
11111·';1 ~<1’-l1 111 11111~1‘1*l;1l11L1 111111us 1l1i1L :11*1*
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111111 1110111*1: 1*11Q1·1~> 111 1111}; \‘.'ll]1 111‘1111*ss01‘s,
l>11l \=G»· ll11·.·1· 1'1·¥l`1‘ll(*(l 11—:111cl 1‘@I01‘1111*d. `.
11. ll ·,·1·1·1·, \\`1- l111y1· also ncq111r1*<1 the
11:11111 111 \L$ll!!:Q lmllciillus 111 \‘,`lllCl1 we
111121 111~;1111=1* 1;1;1:»»1-1: 11111* 01111*1* l7llS1l\l‘S$.
>l`l11*11. 1111- ‘»11l‘l(‘l}` 111 $1111101115 1S 1*>;11111s111*.
']rl1\l`<‘ 1ll'•‘ 1111~11, :111cl l11L‘l`1‘ :11*1* 11*0111011; -
1i11—1‘1· 11:v- 1111l»1· 1111111 ll(*11l`l)}', :111cl 1110sc .
11*11111 111111*. 1111111* :11*0 l1l011c10s. 111‘11111*111·s. fe
111111 l··1·<1»111~111*1i 111 p1111· 11·.=. :1y 1111* 0111 f11111111111· 11n11111s `
llliii *.11- l1·11 111 2111111111 1111cl 1110 111110 p11s1<1·1l
>l111xlj.‘. 1511: 1.*111*11 111* Cl111l1g(‘d 1:1<·1ius1 1111*
111111* 1>1l>s~~1l 11101*1* 111111·l;ly.
1E11. N011·. TE11* 11l)()\`L‘ 1*01111*5 10 1101111*-
>11·E1111*ss1. ·
I11 Y11111‘.< Pm! _
\\'1* 110111*1* ‘.\`lZl1 <01l11* 1*1*;1·c1 111111 11 was *
x`1l>l¤>l1l1\l')`. 1111111 1110y Q01 1111s now f1l'Sl·— .·
1·l.1ss s111:1, 111 1111 lllia s11:11·c* *.y1111 11 101 01
111111* !>l1(){`l _i1-1·};y s1*1111~111·1~» 111111 SOll11(l  
*.1*1‘y l111lCl1. I`1:1 111‘l`l1l(l, 111:1* 1*0111111;11111s. `I;
\\`1* 11111j: 1~;111* 111 1111·111111* $111111* 01 1ll1*1I1 be-  
1·11l1»1* 1111*5* 11111111 11111*1111 SOl11l‘ 0111* by 1101  
|>1·111; l1l‘l`¢‘. 1\\ :111y 11111*. 11l1*1\s1* 11cU1*1>1  
1111-111 111 1111* >1111·11 \\`1ll1 \\`l1lCll wc 111111* rl
z1111‘11cl11111~c1 1111*111: (l(1l\`L 11111111 1111* l1111}' 1111*y  
>1111111l, 1111, l111! "LL‘lll`ll 1111* 1·11ll1~g1* uuluvs,"  
··1·11·¤-—r·*""‘ ' . *1Q

111 'I‘/111 "1{" [:11111.*
'1'11;1L #11111111: :11. 11111l1!,11 1111·1‘1- \\'1'l`1‘ :11 11~:1s~1
1111*1-1- 111111111*1·1| 1·111111*>. \\-‘1·'11 111*111- 1111- 111'>1
1i1111`1 11111‘:1·1*,‘1·<; "I)1111`1 l11l 1111-111 111111 31.111.
111111*1· :11*1- 1111 111111*1* s1·111111l 1·111111*s 111111-1* 111:11;
just 11!111· 111111 11*/11111. \‘.`111&`11 1*1111 1:111-11..
1ir11111·1* 1111111 :1111111* l111> ]1:11*:1;1*:11111 111 11
11111 11111111*1-1:1, 11-1 11s: 111111 111111. 1111> 1111111
b1>o1—;101 1·11111:1111> ll1l1l'11 11111::111l1- 1111111‘111:1—
111111 11l1(1 IS 1111111- 1`1‘1\(1ll}>11‘.
1N1111-: (3111111 11111111.
'1`111— U1111'•J1’>1[f.` 111 1{1-11111111:;* 1111~>.1·1*1.1>
11*11:1111 1·11s»111111.» 1·.i111·11 11111*1- 111-1-11 11;111111·11
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111 >1111:!1—:11: 111 1`111*1111·1* 11111*> 11*1111 1-1111111* 111»-
:11111111*:111-11 1111%1‘ 1*11:~111111< 111*, 11};1- 11111*s1~111».
1111.11 !:1·p1 11Zl*111. rI`(\11`|1.1‘1` 11,*:111 :1111·1·1;1.111.
:1 e1—11:11111~1;t;1111y :1*1111> 11*1111*11 111111s 115 11:—1—
111*1-$$11111 111 11 1111-11 111 111111*, 1:1 :1 11:1;;. 111* 11;
1111- 1\'l1(11111111\ 111 :111 111:111111i11111. I1 IS l111·
111*1111 1`111 11 111-1.-.1*111111=1* 111 11:1c11`1*.~1:111;1s111111*1· 01 :1*:111;111111:. 1.111*
11:111- 111* 11*11* 11-:11*111-11 1: 1·11111;1l1·11 1*;111.111:a—
11011, 1s111 :411*1111 1111-1*1- 1:1 >1111:·111111; p11-:1—·—
1'1!111§` 1*11111z1111;1* 11111.1111 1211-111. 111l(1 11111. 11.1-*1
:11*11 111111; \1*1111·11 111- 11s l11l}1`l‘ 1*111>111y 111
1110:10 11*110 11111111- 111-11111- 115 \\`1= 11111Sl 1··,1
5*011 1111111. 11111*1- :11*1- 1,11111QS ‘1’.111L'11 11111 111.2
(111 111 1111111 118 1111>u1*\*1~ 1111- 11*::111111111>,
1. L1·:11*11 "O11. 011, U, 111 K." :1:111 *‘A1:11.1
1\11:11111*," ;1!1(1 $11; 1111*111. :111=.*115*s ::1:111111;;,
11*1111 11:11s 011.
J. \\*1*:11* }`1)111` 1*1111 1111111*•·x1·1* 511111 qw.
IJ1111`1 111* :1>111111:1·11 111:11 1*1111 :11*1 11 11*1->i1-
111:111 111 1111- 111111*1-1*>111y 111 1{1111111·11;1*.
I1. H1-111111.1- )`1$l1l` 111-:111 11111,*1-1*11:u 1.221:1-- ;11—
. 1**1*

 l'1:111*1.<11r 11] l1'1J11l111·I.*1/ 17  
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1111) 11u111>1.  
-1. 1.`111;11*.1·1‘ *.1111-:1 11:1*~.-1111: 1111* 111‘1·s1111·111 1_
111 11.r* 11111*.11*>115*. '-
5. 111- 1*1 -111111111 111 1111111*1 <'11\SS!I1l‘11, 11111 1
111·1·;111,—1· 1.11-5 111*1.- 111*111*1* 1111111 1*1111. 11111 111--
1·.111~1· 1111-5* 1111*.1- 111111 1111 1111* 1·111111111> `
11 1111.1~ 111*.*1111;* 1111* *.*11111* 1*1:1>;¤ 111111 111- `
11-1.11 1111 111;%*1111 111·‘1·11112w.
'1. 1111111*11 1121 111*1·11;11*111111*5* :1*1111111 111-
JL. (111 11111 1111* ;~111111· 1>;11*11-1·111*1*1u111111* 111·—
~1·§11. N1111~: \'11=1'11 1-111111.* 1111* 111111*1* 11
*,1-11 do 1 .1
.1 ."1111<1*  
11.1- 1111*1z.1»11,; 1:1113 1111*.1* 111·1*111111~ 1111111-- -.1
*1.111 1.1-.;*.*.*. \‘.'1» 111; f.`1,\111' 11.1111·111*1*, ]I1111» .
11115*, *1-.1- 11.1*.1- 111. 111~>11*1· 1*11111*1* 111 11111*1- 5*1111 -
111* 111 :1112.1*1 11111 *,11111 :111u111 11*11111 11*1111*11
*.11.1 11.11 1111;*.1- 1111 1JL‘ILl*111. S(I1l11‘ 01 1111+*1-
1;EZ111§> *,*,111. 1;11 (11111131, $1-1*111 11111‘\'1}' 1101111-
11*.1 111 *.*1111. 1311*}. 11111 111 115, :11111 11 1111*
1:*11121 *.11-1*1- 1;:11.11111. s111111* 111` 1111*111 111*1* 1111111*
1111*115 111 <1»·1:111;;>i1*.a1111u 1111* 1*1*:1s1111 [01* 111111* `
1·r~;;>-11-111*1* I1..~111:11* :1:1 111* :11*0 :11111*. 11*1* 11:11*1- -
..*.111111—c1 111*11:; 1.;11*-·. 1·‘11*>1 111 1111, 111* 11:11.*1*- .
11111*111 ~1*1:1;1I1~ 1111-11. 14111* 111*s 11*1111111 111* `
11:11 ·;1—111 1E.·11*1*11·c1. \\'1· 111111* 11111 Ll {1*11* _
1.·.111*<1,— 111111*1- 111 $125*; 1111* 1*1*.1 5*1111 1111 11111 V.
:11- 1111* 5*11*11‘>1·151*>.  
.—1 11'111·1!1_1* C111.<.1  
\'1`1 1111111 111.11 1*1111 11*111 1·111111*1111111~ 111 1111* ‘j.
·~11111 111 1111- 11111·.*1-1*>11).* 115* 111:111111; 5*11111*  
11·:.~» 11111* 111111 \‘»111 111- 1*1*1111·111111*1*1*11 111111 ij
g11*;11~1*11 115* 1111 1*.*1111 111*1* 1*1111111*1w11*d \\'1111 11111*  

 18 'I'/1u"I1"' H1111/.`
lllll\'Cl'Sll}'. Y011 l1111‘(lly ll{‘l‘(l i11- 111111 wl1:11
1,0 (lu. GLJlllQ 111 &']llil'I'|l. writing )'Ull\' lc1ll;>.
l·{1‘l‘])lll§ }'<)ll1` s1.111li1-s 1111 111 the- lllllllll1‘,
(’llOlWSlll§ Ll11- 111*11111-1* x111‘1 11I` l'1llll}`Mllllllll`<.
:1111l :1ll }'(>lll' 1)[lll‘l' 1*1->]11111s1l1ili1i1=s 1·1111 ln-
lc-[1 111 §'Ul1l` l1‘11s1. W1- l1(1]\1‘ 111111 l)l‘L\\'<’('ll
511111*51-lvvs :1111l )`(>lll' .’\l11111 l\Iz111-1‘ ll11-1-1-
will l11- 11 i1‘1—1- lluw 111 1:1-111-1`<111s 1·011l1‘1l111-
tions i11 l>11ll1 cl11‘1-1rli1111s,
Emi. N1111-: S10 4Clll]|.
Y. M. C. A.
4 ` »·-1·1¤¤·n·

 UIl1l'L'f$l[}.' 11j Ix'1·11I111:l,·_1; lll  
HISTORY ()I·` l'Nl\'iiRSlTY OF  
KliN'1`UCl{Y }_
‘l'111- lx1;1111·j1‘ 111 11111 1/1lll\'1‘l`3¤llf{ 111 }{1·11- ‘
1111·!;jx‘ 1. u *;:11*1111 :11111 lllll‘l`<‘f€lllll 11x11·. 'l`l1¢·
l1¤;11111111;.s 01 :1111:1* U11111·x‘s111‘ nun 111* ll'1l(T· ~_
mi 111 1111- 311111111 1.:11111 C1l`l\lll A11 111 July f
2, HL132, l1j.· 1=:111<·l1 11x1· 1>l'l§lll 11l` 11111 :`.1il'lUlll· ¤
11;1‘;1l u:11l Kl•‘1'l11llll\`ill C111l1·u1· 111 I{&‘l)1ll(`lZ}'
*11:2- ;11·1·11::11111;—1x»·lll- ·
1111‘>= 111;ci 11r11\’1·1·:< 111 1\lll' C11111x1111x11\‘c·z1l111.
l‘~lll` l{1=::x11ul;j.; 1111* 11:111*1l lL‘Ql§lll-  
1.·:1— il1l11l'111)l`lL11[¤'1ll>, T1111 y1—;1x·s \\‘1·x’1· uv- `
·111·1l;xxul5‘ :111011111 111 >l111 by l}l‘f<)l`(‘ Fllll§- I
x;11·111x‘\‘ l1:r1·~ 1-1111111 hn r1l11;11111~11.
l"lIli1ll}` *111* lx·QlSlllllll`C u1·u1·11\1*1l 1111* 0il`1·1’-
1111 lLlll(l~ :1:111 111·1»111·1‘1j: <11` Tl`i\1lSYl\`1lll\l'l :11111 `:
11:1* 111 xv 1*<’1ll1=;·- 111111111-ci ux u {)1ll`l 01 K1111-
1111*2—;1‘ U111·.1·1’>1xj.‘ 1111 O1·111l11·x‘ 1, 18815. Tl11s
1111111;1·1*111111 \\1ll\ I{1¤x;x111*l 1*1-111·;1lv1l :11111 :1 L'()lllllllSSlOl\ I
11;1> ll})1ll'lEl1l1*(l 111 1‘1*c11x111110111l 10 l,l1l’ lcpiu-  
1:1111111 111 1379-1881) :1 1111111 111‘ 111’;;:1111ux1011  
1111 xiw 1·e1;1l111sl1:111~x11 <1x` :111 xxxst11111x1111 xxx-  
4l11_ 3*
’l`l11~ C11y 1x;` l.··I~{lllQ1(l!\ 11ll`1·1‘1·1l xu 1111  
111111x111xs>s11x1 1111- 1·11jr 11:11*1; Ulllllilllllllyl    
111‘1’1·:s lll 1:11111 1.=.‘;1l11x1 1111- llll\ll,S 111 1110 lill}`.  

 1 »—»l `
211 Ti111"1{" 1111111.
:11111 Slililrlill 1=1<11‘1i1 111 11111. 1111:.11% 1111‘ 1111
1-1‘1-1111111 111 111111111:w;. ‘l11;· 11111-1* ·11‘.1·»- .11117 `
1111—1111~1111=11 11j: 111 (,`111111¢·; 111 I·11g.1~tt1· ‘1‘.’l1.
$211,111111 11. 1-11111.1;; 111111111. `
1§111¤.11—11 IJU12 :11.11 1:15111 1111— 1·111l1-;·~1 uzwx M
111*;.* 11111,1*1} !11 111:11 1111· 1`111.1;1‘11—~1 111 1:1- `
U11111111 :51.111111 11.1 11111 :;1 1111 11—~1.111E.~»21;11, I
1111 1·x1111·;1111·111 *.1111111 11:.11 1111111·11111’;111;11:; _
$15,111111 1:11::1;:1111: 11;1·1·1:··1‘.
011 J1;1jr 12. 11-LT1}, 11 111.11*11 11.111. 11:1;:111.111
c1111»1>111111 111 ~1:-. 1·11:111;·1.a:111=.1 11111111 111111- 1
lic 11:1·11 :11 ·.·,1;11111 ¢:11— 111111. 111111;1..:1·1;111L‘ 1
111 1]11· 11.>1111:111111 11.111 11111. 11·1111111t11·1i 1111
1111 111:·;: 1*:,11 j.·111·--, 'l111—j‘ 111-111111 ;1 1.1*11
1;11·1111‘1’ OI .;**.11, 1111:11111·1~ ·.1.·1:L. .J1 Ii, l"..1—
I1`l`:1|JI1 11.» ,11~ 111‘1~. 1111111111 ;:1111 11=.1‘1,;j1‘—111.1· 1i»~11111‘1;111·1’11>
121-.~1111`.1:111‘*.‘ 1l·~1111:’111.1·;.1_ ;1.~1:`1111-
111111 11; 1111111;1;1·1~1111;;, 1·1»11.11;1·1`111::1 111*:; :111cl
;»110111’1;1‘1111l11.‘ *.=,1·1·»· 1111111111]}; L11 L]11’ 111;1‘»
'l`111· ¢l1,11·1· 1111·;1·».1.. 1;1 1112111 1=.1·1‘e· .1 1*]11,»-
~:;·;1E ;111 11.111 E§;111111·1111· 111 51111..1*1; $,111; ii11~ :11-
u1·1·1= 01 1\1:1»111· 115 .·`\I'1‘~ :11111 1~1.1»111· 11: 51-1-
<·:11·1· 1·11i11-1`1·1—1: 11:111 :1:1 ;1<11i1i111:. j.‘1;11‘ -*11
>1111i1‘. '1`11· l1l'>l li   111;1‘1~1· `.=,11;» 1·1111i1~1‘1‘11;
11;111;1 :1 111111.. ‘.‘.‘. I1 1111;.11111., 1~11-*:»~11 11~,1`.
;11‘1·‘.‘1<1111~. v1;1l» t11·~ 1Q1’·:1 11111111.:; ‘11 1*111.1:1
il IJ. S 1111111- ·11.1—1 M1- (’11.1:‘11~ K1.; ·1·.11·—
1`11cu11‘1·(1 1'1.\1 <11·;1‘·=1· 111 1115111.

1,*111v u1:»1lj.’ 11; 1(1·11l111·/.11 L!] 1jZ·
1111 1,11·1<1l11~1* 211, 1112111, 1l11~ 1z111`111·1*:s11>111· 111  
1 1_1—v.‘ 11111111 l1111l1i111:;. ;1:;1·1>111111<11lz111111; 151111 1.
r1.1;1~111:~, ‘,·.`11~ 111111. lll 181111 1l112» <·<1ll1-gv 3
1·11.l1111.\(l ;1 *.=.1rl1· 111111 *.111‘11·1l l`llll§gl* 111 111-- VQ
:,1:*11111·111s. ‘
'l`111~ ]l1`1`l\Jll |»1·1*1·.1·1·11 ltlinll :11111 11103 1.x‘:1·.
.~11 \‘l`ll 111 1`1·111;11l111l1l1- g1‘11‘1·.*111 111111 11>;111111— >
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~ 1 1;; 1111- p11l1l.1· :11·1;1)1»l .·~3‘>111111 111 A1111*1‘i1·:1.
‘1'l11· 111311+ 111 L1·:~;111:1o11 ;111111·0‘1‘111 3111111. 15. 111118, 1111:1 1l11-  
.1:. 112 1l11· 11.:—11111111111 \*.11¤ <‘l11111u1‘l'Ol11
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—·Ql1-;1 111 11..11 111 11:·= Si;z1r· U111x‘1·1‘>11y.
ity: 11:1 .·\1·1 11; $1.11*111 115. 191111, 1111· (}··11r I
~x·;al ;`1:»:v·111l1lj. ;111g11*0111*;1111·1l 111 1l11· C111\1—1‘-
1*1 New >11:1; 11; >2l111_(>f1Fr 111 lw ll>1‘(l 1111 111c
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~1 H 1s1;1l1l1sl11·1i. `1`l11> cl¢·]1111‘&· `
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111 13111111-1111* 01 S1·11*111·1> 111 E(lllL'l1\l(>l1.  
I1: lérlil J;111111s K. P;1111-1‘><>11, "ll1L’ 91111111  
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