xt763x83kd0b_16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1931-1932 text 1931-1932 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_1/2009ua001_1_11/2009ua001_1_11_2/13659/13659.pdf 1931-1932 1932 1931-1932 section false xt763x83kd0b_16 xt763x83kd0b G@;;
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I Telephone Number .,   4 .. 4 Q I   .,_. . .
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University of Kentucky  
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* Cuiiipliixiviils 0I` i
  Y. M. C. A. and Y. VV. (`. A.  
Editor `
winmmi A. sirimnia,
Ass0i·i4m— Edimr
siimncn imwsow
Biisinvss Munaigcr
FRED c. mwmn
Assistant i\I2\Il1\§1`i‘1'
. nmmsn i>.·xRNi·iLn
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{ I’1zg,w·
; llvcliczxtlmx ..... 6
  \\'u1com0 ...., T
1 U111\`l‘l'H1L}' 01 K1‘I1L1lL'k}` P`1‘¢·sl11m·11 . 17
E l·‘1‘cs11mzm \\'ct·1; .... LIU
{ Truclitious 4...4 114
; Stlggxvsliolls lO Fx‘0s111m·11 . . 27
E Thu Uuixorsity ...4 21)
1 Calendar 19314932 . . . X2
 l History 0i` Uuivurslty of K¤~ut11<·l;)‘ 115
· Rcuitutlnu Schedule . . , 41 s
,· Tho Now Ll\)l`1ll‘)' .,4. 44
., Frcslmmu R,(’(1lll1`D11l(‘ll1S 4 . 45
1\1Im·1:im5 System and Credits . . -15
{ Stuclcut (}O\'L‘I`1lll1¢‘ll1. 4 . . 51
E Songs and Yvlls ,... 56
  The Y4 M. C. A. nucl Y. W. C. A. . . 111
1 Athletics .4.... 1151 1
Football ...... 105
- Buskvtbatll ..... 111
B:1s<·b:111 ..... . 113
` Truck ..4.. . 115
` Tvxmis ...... 1111
' I11Lrzm1111‘zxl ..... 121
\V0111C11'S Athlvtics . . . 122
V O1·.u*:1x1izat1unr: ..... 127
Pul1lica1t1u11s ..... 1215
Sullolzxrslnips uml Primus . . 139
V ¥
··   .,¢*-4-       .1 11   fil.-%·· -2 ‘i ‘1" `. ‘¤" ¤1i.¥s

 INDEX TO A1f)\1’1·J1i’1`1SF111S {
1*1:1:* Q
" 1v111"v·1`S1}`. (j<»::1m<1e; .... yi  
1`¤».1v11p 1:11; . , , 111  
1{;111i`11.;11: (`1¤»;E.1zx; (i`l\l11]Iil11)' iifi ;
1'31¤· 1.- i·;1x.1:1¤»11 1-Iumlni 1 . :1:-1  
31¤»:11;r·:11·-rj.; \‘.'.11‘mi e; <'¤» . _ Q1?  
L'~1..·¤11c1.•i¤n1 Driv; ('<¤1:;;¤:1·j` 41-1  
(Tiw1·j,‘>1vx· 1T—1>1‘1·.»»—1¢ Cv .... 532  
1,.¤···.L:.;1»»z1 Cui, (‘1»_ 11:1x . .   ` 
'1`11·· I1»-:»:11.;1m_ 1.1-.1<11·1‘ . . 52:; j
N¤·u·1j;`> \`1.1ci‘;¤1 1‘1..·1‘m:1<··; . , 51; E
1·`1:‘sL AI<·11.wci1>-1 C`1;v.11’u11. Hmznh . LM Q
'1`11·· '1`11'w‘l'Z1 . . . _ . ei; 2
(‘;11x1;1`5· 1i;1p11>1 Cimrch . . . mi  
J. 1). 1’111‘vc·1l CO111]}l11f.` . . . GH E
L;12a\’¤,·11¤· Szmim .... T0
s 11osv S<1‘¤~¤~1 C`¤v111`¤·v1:\>m~1‘jv . . T2 · 
13nm1<=~ Curtriy S1;m’»ppo . . . T4 ,
Dxxiq Iw Cronm .`.. 711 {
\\'11c11·:ax 1.;m· Cmv .... TH `
Campus limwk Sanru . . S0 ,
fx1¤»1ly-O—1*m;·1:» .... 1-42
1¥’v1`1u:111c111, \\‘11\`\‘ Slmp . . . S4
{ '\1xn·i111—1‘, 1·1u1·1s1 ..., H8
\\·OU(111111l1 Dry (`1<~:1:1¤·1‘> . . . SM1 '
16111111 Dru; CU1111lL\11§` . , , $12
L¤·>;111;;m1x 111ll111l11`)` .... 114
P1m¢=uix Axuvxsnuzmml Conupaxuy . mi
\v1i![111(`1 B:11’l>1~x‘ S1mp . . . 118
S1-xnxx, 1%m·1m<·1; Qy Cu .... 1112
S111(11*111`$ H111`1)l‘1' Shop . . . 1114
'1’1x¤— C1<>111v> Shop .... wei
1{<·11L11c·1;3‘ '1`11o:1111~ .... 1011
Slzxlv 1i;x1‘|1¤·1· Shop .... 1119
1‘~U1'(1 U-D1‘1\0—I1 .... 1111
1L S. '1`lmrpv & Sous , . . 114
L;11`:1yv111— 11011*1 ...1 1111
’1'11¤ Hucldlo L11m·111—<»m·m— . . 118
E 1*111g1x1-s 1<·¤~ Crvzmm .... H2
I 11
j, ·- . ;_ .._,; 1,:, _,x _` ~    ·

 G T71¢"‘}x"` [Jim/.‘
1 . .
s DL‘hIfLltIl`|ll
` 'l‘m> you. thc Class of '2l5. this pulylicmiuh
is clcclicntccl. Wo ])l`(‘S(‘lll it wiili thu lzupv
K that iL will svi·v<— nh :1 guicli- tu all lllCOlll-
* ing studviits in i1iu·<>cli1ui1ig Llivm IO zmcl
Q making Lll(‘l1l xwqiiaiiiiivcl with rin- orgzuii- i
ZHUOIIS, CLISIUIIIS, uml lrarlilluiis of ilu-
-v U1!l\'<*l'slL}.` of l(v1iL11ul:y4
  J`; .p>‘·’4· ». _~‘r . 't ·; li¤F“L'TEZ1-5** Z:‘a·Y ‘ QW" xli ,3*;

 I.`u‘:w1·.y./1111] Ifvriliiw/.‘]1 7  
.· l
llio Lwo (¤l`1lLllll1CLlll02.$ \\'lll('lI lIll\`(‘ 11111rl<·  
1115 iioxicilyools po><1l1l1~ {)l`l‘S("1ll ll IO yo11 *
11*1111 Tllvi hope Lllill it will bv of $0111:- I`l"2ll 3
2*1111111 111 your r·;l<~r1s ro l11~1·o1111~ 11dj11sLz·ci  
lo 1110 lIt"\‘.` life of \\`lIl('ll you Lll'L’ now :1 {
)J1ll'1, \\'o, 1i11~ Y M. nucl Y. \V. C. A. , 
1·;1h1111—1s o1` 1l1c Il1\l\'C‘l'$lI}', wolcoixu- you 10 §=
our 1111t. mud hopv rim: yo11r cxpo1·1c11r·1*$ 2
l11·r1· will iw ais pl1—;1sr1111 :111cl promoblo os Z
ours iiuyu boom. ,
_ Io llIlS bool: wo l111y<— 1111d0uyoroci IO point E
our soow or llI¤‘ worih wlxilo things of 1
`U rollvuo life. :111rl io show you how to mako -
><· it four y0;1r> or |IIl)&lllCll\`ClI£‘SS 111s1v11d oi
!_ 1`our y1·:1rx Ul} v.11<1c. Wo lIiI\`(‘ l1'1(‘d to
ld xnxx ll {ow yrorch of 11clyic<— with r1 QVC-{Il
1111111y f:11·1:<. :111cl yo11 will liiirl ll lnouviicinl
i· ; io stop :111:1 1l1111l< over those words boforu
N. you oluugo 1111o 1l11— whirl or your nctiyi- °
tins. :111:1 lJ1·u0111o absorbotl 111 ilio cluily `
But, nftor zill. your l1l`1· here is for thu
mosr pr1rL iu your l>‘.‘1'll lmuds z111cl tho host
1l1:11 1lIl)'OI\\‘ c1111 do is usolvss unless you
lmyo cho right nrtitudc and 11111ko 1110 most
of your O[I]‘0I'lllllll.lON. We >§l\I(`DI`(‘1)' hopo
Llml you will bc- I`1\Ill\l)[‘1'CCl ZIIIIOIIQI L110 suc—
1·0s.<1`11l ours iu 1935. Good Luck.

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I1*.i1;u 1*11111i1111111s. lllllsl bv 1111*1. A11 111 1111*s1* Q
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:*1*.111;* :11 1111- 11;11·11111u 01 1111· j:1*111* 111 111*111
I 111111 1111*1111;11 1111* 5*1*111* 11 is 1111*1*1* 111 (111 11s
` , 111·>1 [111* 111111. 1~11~ s1111111c1 1:111111* 1111* Ul'El11I\1-
  ,1'l\\I(\l\, 11*111*2; 11.*1111 11 111111 111*111 11. 1011. 111 1
  1*1-111111 1111* 1**11111 E1 111111s.
gg 1·`R:\N1{ I1. RTVVEY.
· 1,
111* ’ -*1 ‘1.·€ ·1*.· * .·1.; · 1 ·...  

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 U11111'I'Sl[y11/[{/‘I1I1l1'Ir`]/ ll .
.·\s— you L‘l11*‘l`1·L1 11111 Ul`11‘.`1‘\'S11}'. I \\`Z\ll1 TO  
1·<11—11d to you 11 1·orci1111 ryolcoruc 111111 11s- 1
sure you 111111 rw ongcrly cl1—s1r·v 10 zrssrsr 1 
you irr solrrrrg 111e [)l'()1}1l`1\lS zrrrd mcctiug 5
111x‘ (111!11`111IE1·5 '»\'1l1l'1l 111'lSO 111 your 11111-  
`·'\*1'S11)' l"ll\`l1`01llll('llI. `
. 11r»rrcv1—r; 11l1\§' I l`1‘l11111(1 }'(lll 1111111 your _ 
su<·<·1·ss us ll S1L1(1\‘1ll llll\}' dvpcrrcl 1111011 you 1
urrd il is cl1—1or·111111cd by your sulcctlorr of 1
your so1·r1rl 1·11·:1ro11111u111; by your iuclus- f
try; your Ll1}]ll`CC1i`1[l0l`A of 1111* O\)})O1`1.11lllL11‘S
1l1YL‘l`1‘(1 1111cl 1110 c11*s1r1— Lo arocorrrplislr some-
111111; 1·.‘or1l1-rr‘11110 111 1111*. _
T11r· rour y<~11r`s you ryrll 51101111 :11 1110
Ur11~.1=rs11y will bv lrnrrpy 1\ll(1 pr·o11m1:»lo 11 _
111 your ryork nucl lorsurv you 111*11 11*111- to
yurrrsrlf nucl Ill1l1(11·1l1 of 1110 obligntiorrs 10
1111* clonr ouos :11 l101111— \‘.'1l(1 lrnyc your irr-
rorvsr 1111cl sucuvss 111 11cnr1.
Dnnrr of 1\~10r14
  ·. .:_ -1,.: 1;:,   ·  1**

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 l,‘1zirw‘r.»1I_i.*o/Kwn!11¤·/sy lll
l Z
§ \\'iu·n you receive this   nook you will  
~ huxe rouisleretl ais :1 Fresliiuzin in the g
L`1iiy».·1‘s1ly ol Keiiluuky. 'l`1‘uly. you liziyv  
ontered zi new life und fl new world. Z
'I`hc·i·e are iuony opportiiiiilies awaiting I
1 you —zhe cliziiico to develop intelleciuully. '
spirilunlly und physically; in oilier words_ i
the elinnee to become :1 iuniiy-sid¢·d p¤·i·~ Z
son. AL the end of your four years will i
you be such :1 person or will you be o lop-
sxded indiyiduzil? Only time will Lell, but ·
much depends upon your Freshinzin yeur.
Muke it ri good om-.
Deun ol Women. ·
is * ·‘I ··.·a ·~l=.· .....·  

 . 14 T/11*   [mul:
} `
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2   aw  .       ’
¥s»\m·\.·.·,.·,.·_. .·.` . ~‘,·   ..  \  \E\A ,s._.~x._.·..‘w,
a ·\‘  mz:-anx;.-.qA·.=;= 1::;:=;:¤g;=;;·,;:\£;;;¢=-,;3 ‘ =;:=ea;·:  .;;:3·x@gu\·
¤ \a;2=xi=¤_;·ek=;»2:5:&:g;c3;=_1¤;a$·..iqmggg.   ·wa··_·.. "\¤·q§ gx,
{     "  
T   ‘   Tvkéké
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4·.—.<¤4zm, ;¢· .:3 "waz · . {.T ·=.~¤2 2   ;z z n'{né·.=3:2'-.==?,x%·'°  
 . * ;=.= wzzgragx    
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 L»'iti1’ui‘.rifg/ of Ke1tIti<·Irg/ 15
  7}  ) )  )     )) 7 r
OF '35 .
" '7 Q
The Young Men's Christian Association  
on the enmpus exists by and for the stu- j
dents and faculty ot` the University. Be- §
cause of this the association looks each Q
year to the freshman class for students ;
who are anxious to invest their time in Il .
` prograin of character building for their E
own good. for the good of those whom :
they serve. and for the good ot the Uni- {
versity of which they are a part. The
  has no other purpose than that of _
servit·e. The Great Teacher said, "He
that would he great rtmong you must be l
servant of all." As we extend to you J
urt—t·tings as new students at the Univer- `
sity we invite you to associate yourself `
with this organization which will help
you during the next four years to Gnd
"ltte at its best."
Secretary ot the Y. M. C. A.

V-.>~¤e··4·,¤;1·4. ‘¤·: »a.¤‘a"‘.I.»¥··¥c*=·'b‘ ·*“‘ ·\T‘·¥¢

 L'm1·.·r~;/u M 1{4·:1/m·f.;z/ 17 AE
U, K.  
Q./hl} iII*l'|SEil]lll&lll i
q. ?

  •f‘· ·=.`,*"· ·· `?<·;‘ ‘ NNE i"?i3.·1·· HW'? ` 1*-* ¤\l§;·;

 1'1111*1*r,111g/11_iK1*11I111rl1*1/ 19 L,
W1-, 1111* 1111·111l11-1*x 01 1111* 1w0 0l`1J2ll1lZ21#  
1111115 \\1llC]1 l1i1\`€ 111*1-11111*1-11 Llils l1l1l1- 110111;- 1
11*1. 1*-:111*1111 111 5*1111 11 QlT‘[’tlll1,Z. 111111 1-1111- 3_
u1*11111l1111* 5*011 ll§J()1l 5*0111* <11*1·isi011 111 1-1111*1*  
1111* U111-1*1*rs115* 111 K1-11111cl<5*. \\’1* kl1()\\' 1111* `
_105*= 111111 11*r111l1l1*;s 55*1111*11 Z1\\`l1ll 5*011 1111 111is  
111111*-5*1*111* 1111111, 111111 we si111·1*1·1*l5* 1111111- 111111 ;
5*1111 5-.*1ll 111*11-.*1*- 10 121* 11111111- 01 1,111* 1111111*1*1z1l {
!`l'Ol1`l \‘.'11l(`]l 11-111i1*1*s 111*1* 111sl1i0111*1i, 'l`l11- 1
11·1»*1:1ls111ps \‘.'l1l1'1l 5*011 11111111* 111 1·111l1*1;1- E
will 11115*1* 1111} 31*1-:111-$1 111ll111*11u1* 111 lr111*1‘ Q
1111*, :11111 1111* 111>s111cl1*.< 55*1111*11 will 111*1s1* 111 I
5*11111* 1111111 $1‘l`\`(‘ 111 s11*011u1l1011 5*0111* 1*l1111*» A
11111*1* 1111 1111* 11111110s lll 1111- l`1llllI'L‘. T111* 1
])lll`])()S1‘ 01 this 111101: is 10 01*01*1110 1l€·1])111l Q
111101*111z111011, 111111 10 11111 5*1111 111 111*1-0111111;  
n1lj11x11-11 10 1110 111-w 1111* \\`lll('1l 5*011 :11*0
:11111111 10 1*1111*1*. I1 11 z-·1l1= }`()ll i11 11115* 55-:15*
<\l1l` 11111-1*s will 1E11\'f- 111-1-11 1`11l1ill1*<1. V
Thu Riflllf Alllzzdu
Y011 1*1111 111111115* 1*c11liz1- 1111* 111111111*1:111c0 1
(117 1111* 111111,11111- wl111·11 5*011 111110 111 1110 bc-— ‘
gi1111i11g 01 )`O1ll` 1-0111-gr 1-111*01*1*. N01 01115*
5*11111* 1111* 111. 1110 lllll‘.'<‘I'Sl1}' will 111* 11111-c1,1*d
115* 11 blll 1111- 10113.2 5*1*n1*s 11111-1*. Y011 111*1*
s1:11111111g 1111011 }'(\lll' 1111*11 11*01 llO\\'. Tl11-1*0
is 110 U1l(‘ 10 lll`Q(‘ 5*011 10 do 5*0111* 55*01*1;.
vYUll 11111st 111* SCl1A—l`I‘ll211l(, 5*011 11111s1 11111*1-
1*1*s<11*11i111. :11111 good j11clg111c11t. Y011 111*1-
1-111,1-1·i11g il lll‘\\' 1110 {`1Il(l 5*011 will 11111*1- 10
1:111111* 11*11111 }'0l1 u1111 cl0. Wl1111, 5*011 11111*1-
1111111- i11 high $1*11001 is 11 11111111-r 01 $1111111
l1]l1)Ol`1flllCl‘, `[Oll 1111151 lC'C11'll 111111 11111115*
\\`l1ll11 )'()ll 11115*1- 10:11*111-11 b1-101*0 5*1111 will 111-
11uc1-1111-d by )`Ulll` l1C\\` 11ss111·ir111-s. ’1‘l11* stu-
, le.
.·   ,· =I -·. ·a ·1’-- -- ·"   *" `

 ` EU '1‘/u· "I{` I$o4»i.·
5 mloiu xxlio will u1‘u1·iil·l~ lhrso lllllllim uml
who :s» imluslrious. uml :%L'l'lOll>-llllll(l\‘(l.
- 1u·¤·lIi)' of l{¤·uluvk5‘.
g l"I`l‘h]I`IllII l\`vw.l:
§ 'l`l1i¤ i> 1lu· liiLli your lliul ]"l`t‘hlllIl£\ll
  \\'m*k lius Iwoii Ul)SPl`\`\*Ll All l~1ouLi1cl:y. Il
Q liu> boon us lilo l)L‘l`Ul`t‘ Lliv rmt ol Llzo stueloul
2 hotly i‘UIllL'h upon tho cuuxpux. 'l`lu* mum
i ])lll'])(>§¤’ oi llils ·.¤.··<·l; 1:» no lwlp iiw 11<··.·.
{ sutnlui ls lo liuuniuv i`u111iliu1‘ wulx ilu- lllllr
` wi·>u5‘, uucl ull its rulvs uml 1‘l·uului1ou>
_ bs~1`o1‘¤· llw lwgziizuiig of llioir rvuulur
  g·lu\~·->. For this roumu ll])})Dl'L`lll>§lllL`*l\
l` uw u0L ;>ui‘mili,oIrll(l<‘lllS upon 1‘1iLl‘L\l\t`l‘ to the uxiivnwsiny.
` ’l`lu·y will bo glucl in givo iuformulmu uml
urlvicv Lo amy nun who is iu clouhil ubout
uuy qursliou tlxull muy como lll).
.·llma illulcr
Wlivu you l·uLc1· Lilo Uixivorsiiy of Knu-
Lucky you ussumo ocrluiii iwspoiisibililivs
  ,,:‘· · wl '_   .· `C‘·; `l1•’i'Z"T]Z`·l" -j‘( ‘l‘ * ’.\"‘ ¤iCi~.·{

 L'wz·~ ·*r2¤:!u uf l{wr:t11¤·i.1/ lil
tIIl<' your Q
Ahuzt Mutt-12 You hzuv thr muht tn z·;<—  
{wut h<·t‘ xxlllltlliv t0‘.*.‘:1t‘(l Um t0 bv 1tl1l·  
ar~1‘11;t1 and ht·l;>1`t1l. us ham shw tho 1‘::;ht ;
m »—>;puct you to igmmr hvr wuh tihul rc-  
*—pzwt zmci 1uj.‘;;ltj:. 'l`ht·1‘¢= >h<»t11d hc :1  
1··t·111t; nt 1x1t.ttz;t1 ht~h>;`1al11t··»s h¢~t·.·;t—t~1t thu-  
:l\1(it‘ll¥, :21:d hts 01* I1¤—1‘ Alum ?»lz:tv1‘. Kvhr  
tttvkjq vth :;t—x‘¤·1‘ I`t`}1ll(‘11\ll‘ jmu v1hh·¤;` jsmx
Emtr hrst CiI§h()1ll)l`U\'1 hor.  
lin'] 1:/ [ltr//Jw i
\\'ht—:t rtm ;t-t to Lr‘}lH\£1\|\!l try to m;t}—;t· ,;
your l'Ul'¤Il! .1< much hlw :1 hu1m· an pn? 5
snhlv. Auf: 11:11ci nt }l1l`[ll1`L‘ than you t'111l  
huh; up tu bruxtk thu l]\t)IlOIOI`t)` 111 t1;·· `
lnlhf walls wtll hn hohxtrul, \\'ht·11 j.‘¤¤.11‘ ·
mmm gt-t> :1 "h\‘t-cl m" £Illll()\})h(‘I't‘ thou i
yum x\1ll t‘m;st· tty 1`uvl ho111t*s1t*\·:. {
D0u`t gut thu izathtt of "l`l`11])lJiIlQU nlmttt ‘
V ymtr room. 1`tmci. vtc. ))P<`21\l$t` they aw
· 1:01 :1:, gucci ns they \\‘c~rt> att `homtn 'I`hnjv .
‘ urn nut Sll|)]\t¤>t‘(t tu bw. You xntll {ind ;t<
umn guns em that they 111*0 hot, su bud.
· You must not hmkv thu 1x11st,;11;¤¤, Emv.- I
* ¤·\`u1·, of ])l‘1`ll\II[lllQ ynur YOUIII to lymwwntv
> your wurlrl. lt is :1 good plnco IO study
‘ and sluvp hut you nuvcl to wt mu nucl
. rub vlhuws with your follow students.
· L\‘Hl`I1 SOlUt‘lt`tiU§ about thv ;>I;tt·t— wh1c·h 1>
I to hu your humv tur tht- uvxt four j»‘mt1‘s.
i ["7'A’C(1'<>11I
[ Of :111 thu stt1dt—11ts who tail tu males :1
Sl1('L`l‘SS of <·u11¢·:t· hl`t· tht- §,1'l‘1l\t‘l` uuml>t*r
lxuvo 1`;1ih*d bvcuxxsc thvy (hcl unt know
what to do with their xtowly-fs1t11x&l fI`Cl‘·
- slum, AL hmmm- thv ]Hll`l‘!\[S hzx\‘t· closer
  bLl])C1`\'iSiO11 over thc boy Ol° girl und um

 _ 112 Tlic "K" Html:
chuck any nioycinont in tho wrong dnw~t·»
` tion. Very oftou tho stop in collt·;t· hiv
 · lvayvs thu :;tudt—nt bcwilo-
i cintos nrc always rvady to suggest ho will
i betroinv inyolyvd in dlttlculttvs from winch
{ hn cannot vxtritnatu hitnxnlt. Tho way in
Z which yott usc this fl`l‘(`(iOIll will <·ttlit·r
i build you up or t<·ar you down, morally.
  tnnntallgs. and phystuztlly.
 _ Hztcls llontc
' During your first fvw (lays at tho unt-
 t yvrsity you will not lmyu to ht- l`t‘llllll(it‘(i
' about thc toll: back hotnc, but ns you stay
_ norv longer you will bocoino tnorv now
¥ loctful. Roincmbor that tht· faintly rio not
3 hare all thc intcrosts that you harp to
  kocp thcir minds occupied and that thuy
l are probably far inorc loncsonio than you
` arr.
7 Don`t lot thc first lottvr bo thc 1a:`t ont·
lor soywral wt=t=l;s4 It is alwayw hord to
{ think of something; to intcrvst t`atht—r and
mother, but they will bc glad to road any-
' thing that you have to toll about yoursvlt.
Lot thoxn know what you atrv doing and
. what you hztyv soon while you have boon
hvrc. Tcll thmn about your rootn, your
courses. your profs. and your now asso—
ciatvs;. Just l`l‘llll!llli)t‘l‘ that your Il\Uitill‘l'
` and dad nrc not awarc of thc fact. that
you have grown up ond arv yottr own boss.
  4»§‘·E· vi   M t ·;‘ tmF‘*."".Iwt··1;=a·t ~ _v· t1i,;;·

 t.'1152ttr··i/1;o_/Ii’1·11/111-/ay 22  
  .. .7 .., 7 .. .)W it E
Sport; '1‘1111¢r  
The ciisponttoii o1` your time {lt-li’I' t·lz1s> l
ix utzotlivr i`1l(`i.O!` ‘.\`lllCll tit~L0r111i11es luruely  
1.=.‘h:1t your college Cl\l`t*t‘l' will he like. When ?
you 1·r~;1l1.¤t· that: 2\l)l)l'OXllll2lLl‘l§' only one- L
;<1~;1l1 oi your time is spent 111 class y011  
will \lll(lt‘l`xlZIli(i the iivcessity for 111:1l»:i11; Q
the }\l`U[l¤‘l` u¤t· of the other liye»s1xtl1.<. .
You neetl not sgwnti nil your time lll the  
l1b1·;1ry. IlL‘llllt‘l` should you >:nt·ncl it ull i1t— §
lt’ll(l!Zlg1 the lllU‘.`lt‘¤, lt is true tl1z11 one Z
11111>t not ttouziiio |lllIl>t‘l!` I0 bool; l;11o1·.*l- {
twigs ll` he vsoiilcl be broad, but cio not  
111111:1* the llll>l1li·1t’ 01 being so broutl that l
yoii ure $1:11. This aiilment is t`;11· more
<`tAll!IllOll 1111101:;* <·ollt~ut— stticlviits than you  
night st1>11et·t. Divide your time eu thut  
you will met tht- 1>1·o11t·r ztinount of recren- j
11021, illl(l yet sue tl1:1t you do 1lUl slight
your >tuclit·s. If you do y0t1 will rind that
me rt·»ult~ are rwry ])lL'LlSlll§{ to your {ttm-
zly. your lll`Of>, said especially to yo11. ‘
Stitciunt ,—t1·!i1·i/ies
Tllt‘l`t‘ is no qtiestion ns t0 the yulue of
student ttutiyittes to the young: 111:111 or
young \\`Olll1`tll i11 eollugtn We do not I1t‘si·
taito tu advise every one t0 take purt i11
>ome form of PXIl'il·<'lll`l`lUlll£ll` work. The
oonortuiiitius zire nmny and yitried; pick
out the ones in whicli you ure pzxrtictilnrly
iiiterestecl and give theni your eiitluisitistic
A word of xyxiriiing here is not amiss.
Do not try to engage in every activity on
the czmtpus just to gain prestige for your-
self or your orgzuiizatioit. Tliese things
ti11l·:e time, nucl if y0t1 try to carry too
1111tny your grades will stiffer. Pick out

 24 T}10 "K" [11111};
 1 1111'UC 11r 10111 111:11 :111110111 11.1 you :11111 10:11*0
 ; 1111 11111L‘\`S 11111110. A 1011; 11s1 111 :11·111*1110:~
1 11<>0s 11111 1111‘C111 111111 y11u 111‘0 :1 suu1·0s:<. 0>-
1 1)1'('11111)` 11 your 11*1111: 11:1s S\111`1`*1'1*(1 by 11.
1 B111, 1‘1;11111y 111`011111`1111111111 L11P)' 111‘1· 01 111-
1 1111110 1*111110 111 you 111 yo11r 111`0 11111111 1110
Q ('L\111])l15.
{ Do 11111 11-1 1110 :1c111*1111=s 01 1110 L'1\1111)11$
1 111111‘1'1L‘1`L’ 11*1111 your 1`l‘11;;1U11S 1110. '1`111~r1·
1 xs :1 1011110111·y 111 1:1110 1110 1111\‘ 111 11·ns1 1`1-
1 S1~1f‘l1CL‘. 111111 1111· $111111*111 1111(1S 11i111s011 1>1»
1 C()111111Q 111x 111 1115 11b11u:111o11s 111 1110
‘ l'11111`L'1`1.
._ L1‘I£111Q1011`S 11l1111$11‘1‘21 11r1· 111111111;, 1111‘
' 11‘{1L11‘1'% 111111 1110 ;Q1`1‘111 1111111C1‘1'S 1.11 1111·
 1 011y`s (`111ll‘11$, Ass1101;111o11 \\'11~11 1110:11 11*111
' CL‘1`1.FL1l\1§' i1(1(1 11111011 111 your (11"»'1‘1K>D1l`11‘1111
E A 11*011 \1111n111;1·11 1111- 11111sL 11;11‘1· 1110 1*1-11sL-
1 1<>u> ])11Z1Sl‘ L111\‘l`1(1L‘(1 111 us 1‘(11l1\11}' ns {111f1'
1 111 1110 O1111‘1`S.
E '[`l`(I(11111J71S
j T110 11`11(1111()11H 01 1.111- U111\'1*1`S11}’ 01 K1·11—
11lC1~Z§` £l1'C 111051* <*11s=1111us \\'111(T11 11111*0 1)(‘1‘11
`· 11i11\(1(‘(1 111111*11 1ro111 class 111 class :11111
\\`111('11 111l)b(‘ 11‘1111 11111‘0 111‘01·0111·11 us 11:11*0
111111. 111 L1‘111‘1`1l1, 1110 1`1`l‘51111111I1 01111 111->1
obs,1=r1·0 1110 11`1\(1l111(J115 by 1o111111·111g 1111*51*
{ r1·u11lz111111111<;
14 L0111‘u UO11, O11. U. 111 K." i111(1 **111111
1{1‘1lL\1(`1~Z}'," aud sm; 1.11(‘l11, 111\\'i`1)'S 51111111-
1111; with 11111s 1111.
2. Wonr your Uilll 1‘\'(‘1'§'\\`11(‘l‘C you gn,
1111 111111101* 11*11111. 1111‘ 11c1·11>11>11. Dou'1 1>1·
;1s11z11111·11 1,11111 you 2l1`(‘ 11 Fr0s111111111 111 1110
U111\'(!1'S11.)` 01 Kvutuclzy.
V 3. H(‘1111)\’\‘ your 1101111 CO\'[‘1`111g 11*11110 111-
‘J¤~1=‘·<·=1 ,1*1   1111‘=N*·*.!.11· l:1=1—*‘= .~#· 11;.1 `

 I.'11-1 l`Y`»11U 111 K1*11!111·1.3/    
' E
;»1111- 1111~ 1111;-.·1·1‘s11j: l)1l1!(111l!:» or 1111- 11*:1-  
11-1*1111}: 2101:s1·. 1
~1. LF111·1>1‘1·1· 1·,1;1-11 1>:1>1>111g 1111- 11111+1111-111 i
111 1111- 111111·»·1·.¤11j.‘.  
5. B1- 111-·~1111·111;1 111 1111111-1- (’12lSS1ll1‘11, 11111