xt763x83kd0b_12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1927-1928 text 1927-1928 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_1/2009ua001_1_9/2009ua001_1_9_2/14357/14357.pdf 1927-1928 1928 1927-1928 section false xt763x83kd0b_12 xt763x83kd0b   Fifik; _;V_,  
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  :1 (‘111ll]('(? 111 1¤1·;111 :1111-xy, Y1·11 :11*1· 111 .1 "
  111-11* 1-11111*·111111 -111. Y11111* 11:11111s :11111 <'1lf<- 11
Q 111111s 1111:~<1 111·1·~-><:11*i1y 111- 1l11`1`1-1*1-111 :11111 *‘
11 )'*\1l1` 1`1*11-111ls——1l11·y :11·1· 1`1»1· y·111 111 1-11111+1,
E Y1‘1ll‘ s111·1·1·es 111* 1`:11l111*1- 111 y11111· 1-11111-;-- 1
if 1111- 111-111-1111.: \'1‘1`)' l:11*;1-ly 1111·11r 1111- wziy 1
1_ 111 11*1111-31 }'1111 111il1x1· }'·¤\ll‘ 1111l*' wl1il1— 111 1
1· l,1~~;111;11·1.. 11:1l:1111·1- )`¤>111' 1-1:.~s \\'111‘1{ \\`1l1l Y
Y 1: \:1!=1;11111- 1-*111·::—1·111*1*11·111111·1 ;1··11\*111:·<, l1` `·
i; y1~11 l`1l1l S11<¤1`1 111 11l\\111‘}`. :1-1 :111 ;l1.1¤’!` 1`
{ <1·1111111 _11111, 11 is 11111 1·1~1ls1111·1‘1*11 :1 111-
1 :1·:11·1~ 1-1 111-1·1< 11\'1`t‘ 1-1· :11 :1l1}' 111111-1· 11*1111 1 M
Q \\'1!111* 111s11111111111. 11111 11y :111 1111~:111·s, $1:11*1 I
EZ -:1*·11·1—;111: 111 )'1>\l-l' 1·1:1ss··s 1111 1111- 111`SY 11.11*. ly
E, :1111 1c1·1-11 v.111·l;111g1 Q
E; .\L)1.\ )l.\'1‘EIi lj
1) :\s :11111 ais }'1¤l1 1li\\`~‘ 111:111·11~11l:111-11. K1:1  
QQ 1111‘1£)' 1s 3*11111* .\1111:1 }l:111·**. \`·-11 :11*1- :1< `
  1·1111·11 :1 1111·111i11-1* 111` 1111- lll11\`¤·l‘$1l}' :1s }'<>ll "
1, 1·1·1-1- will 11>'*I1F 1`111ly 1·11111i1·1l 111 1l11·
1* rights :11111 111·1v1l1-;1·< wl1i1·l1 shi- 111`1`1·:·~
  :11:11 :1> 1·1·~11·111s111l1- l`111‘ 1111~ 111·1-s1-11:1111111
    111‘l' 1;.11.11 11:11111*.
  $1111 1< 111·v.* §`1¤11l` "1`1·#1··1*111;r 1111»1h1·r." 1
S \`1·11 11:111- il 1*1;:111 111 1-11:1-1·1 111:11 111‘1` :11— 1
{ 11111111- I1l\\'Jll'11 y1»1: 11111 111- 111:11 11f 111:111-r- i
Q 1::11 z:1'1`1·1·111·11 111111 $1ll* 11:1x :1 1·1;l11 111 1-ry {_
1- 111-1-1 111:11 y1»11 will 111111111* 111-1* \\'1l11 1111:11 _
  11111-1l11-111·1- :11111 1·1·s1»1~1·1, `
  lf s111· 1-1*1-r 1·1-11111l1:111·s :11111 1li<111l11·1·11s
  y1111, 11 will 111- 111-1·:111-<1· y1111 111·s1 111is- 1
1 1:·1·:111·1l :11111 11isl1111r111·1-11 l11·1·, 'l`l11-1·1~ :1:*1- 1:11 ·
1 1sx1·1~1»111111S 111 1111%.  

 K1-111111-ky 11:111111>1111k 11 *
(LET SE'l"I`I,lil> 1
(Q1-1 >1·11l·-11 [>I`*•I11]111}'. '1'r5* 111 ,2:1-t as  
1:111111 :1 r···1111 :1S 5*1111 1'211'L 11` 5*1111r 11111111- j
111;.I 111111s1- is 11111 il 11:1]:111-. 111:1111- 1111.- 111-st E
111` 11. Y1111 :11*1- 11111 :1 1:111;. l’1·1111:1111y 5*1111 g
1-:111 :;*1-1 111-11-1 1-11*:111-11 1;111·1‘. '1`1lQl'1.‘ ilI`1‘ {
1-111111:11 11111l!< 111 1:····11 5*1111 111ISy 111155* E
55*11111·111 111111:111; 1111* 111111;;s 111 55*11rry -3
:11.11111. '
,`1I‘1`:11?1¤' 5*11111 11111111. XI:1111- 11 11111111-111:1*.  
1*11: 5*11111* 111··111·-1*'s 1»11·111r1- 1111 1111- 111111-:111,  
1111- 1i1E11·- 1-11 1111- 111111-- :11111 :1 1·:111·1111:11* 1111 I
111·· 11*:111. 1:1-1 111.1-11 1111 11111 111111'1 waste 1
-,-1111; 111111-, [11111`1 11111111- 5*1111`11 1111 1.11:11  
-..11·»11 g.1111 s»-1- }`·*1l1` ,:1‘:1·11-< 11' 5*1111 111111`L  
1—1-1111 1111—)‘.  
1--1 1111* :11111 51*.11k :11···u1111 111·1<1c15*. Y1111 1
1-- -11 111~- .111* :11111 5*1111 1'l1LY111 11-:11*11 -11111--- 1
11;E1r;* ;1·11~11¢ 1111- --1:5* 51*1111-11 1- 111 111- 511111*  
111;·;·- 11-1*   1;·~*—‘ 1`··11:· 5*1-;11·-·. I1·111`1 111-  
<--11`- 1-·1 11---5111:- 111111- 1`::··1- 111:1}' 11111 111- ,1
*11- :11:-.-.--1* 1-- .1 111:111l1·11'< 111*:15*1-1* 11111 111.1: Z}
~E1~->11 111:a1:1—1* N11 11:11- 1s ]);1)`1l1L' :1115* 1
:1**1-11:11111 1-· }'·‘11. Y·111:11r1-_111#1 11111- :11111111: `1
*111- 11111:-:11r11s. 5]-11 11*.5*11 1111- 11155*11 1-11' Q1
111111* 11*].* *1- 1111*1*--1*11~·} 1111- 1`:11·1,  
YUl`R 0\\`)J BOSS  
"\'11ur 1111*11 1111s<,"»·s1*1111111s ;IL11\l`1, LIOCSHIY Q
1*2 11% 1111- 1111111 55*1111 11111y 11111- cxcup- 1
*11111, \'11u 11111*1 S1111¥\' 111:11 5*1111 HTC 0:111- 1
:11111- (F11 111-111; 5*11111 1155·11 boss. If you 1
:11`1·11·1. 1111-11 5*1111 111111`1 111:11111;: 111 :1 1111-1- *
:.·1·r#115*. X1.1111* 111:11-1- is 11111-1; 111 high 1
#1-1111111--11115* 111:101- 111-$1111-s :1 u1115*c1·sity. 3
I*‘<)1`I1l1‘T1}`. 5*1111 55*1-1*1- 111111 when to get 1
1111 111 1111- 11111r11111;:, :11111 55*11011 10 go t0 {
111-11 :11 1r1g11t. 111-r1-, 111111011y cures 55*11011 1
3.*1111 g1-1 1111, N11111111y 1-:11*1-s 55*11011 you go *
111 111-11, 111* \\'111}[111‘I` you cvcr gc. 1

 Q 12 l{t‘ll[l`lt‘kY llflYltlht»t>l·{
¤ lf you wi—=b to put all four t`t·t·t iu tht- Z
{ trough :11111 ruin your digostion, i1'> your `
;- food, l'1···! and tli§:`USlltlIl. (io as far as 1
i you lfkta If you ]\t*_!it*(’t to t*:!l‘1· l`11I' your l
1 health, you`ll lm tho Ullt‘ to FlIf[t‘l"#1llltl _1
{ to l1la1111~. l~lt·111cn1l¤~1· that you :11·1· your 1
g own boss,. Bc :1 good boss, 1
g xr umu; K
  It is natural that your family at l1o111:· l1
I should bo anxious to hear fflllll you, In
ii your rush of (‘Vt‘l\YS, do not forgot to
;_ wri11· to fheant ,-\11d whnn you write,
l- r<>111¤·111h1·r that it is just posstblo that
Y} your utothor ia not f11lly CUIl\'1’I`SIlllI with
7 it tho r·oll··1:1· patois. Iiuttor writo to hor ;
1 i11 English until you 11:11*0 lll‘l‘ll ll11lllt‘ for A
f tho holidays :11 whioh ti111<· you (‘tlll 111:1k1; 1,
y hor :1 l1·xi<·o1r of studvnt sian:. Toll hor [·
§i Ililtllll your room. Draw t1»·1· a 111:111 of I,
j` it aud y>la<·0 :111 "x" at tha point r1»s1·r1·1·1l 1.
1 for Filltl}'. Toll hor what you had for t
:1 (]lI'l'l•‘I‘. what the prof said to ytlll (if it 1
  was ooutpli111t·11t:1ry) tllltl incntiou tho fa<·t :1
{ that you would liku to soc hor illlti put H
  your t`··¤-t uudor tho f:1111ily tablo for :1 i.
  roal, l11»111,·st-t0—goodnt~ss1 111:*:11. 13
t And what about dad? You will fool "
¥·‘ 1·atl11·1· sl11~o;>is=11111r·11ts. C11 10 the l1hr:1ry  
1»1:.··· 11%:1111111 111111;; som 1h111·,!1· 1111*11 111:11 [11:1}*  
il 1:1r:-· 11:111 111 1111· l1v··s of th1—1r 1111*1].1- E
1»1~1·s ::1111 111 1110 1111* of 1119 U1liV<‘rsll.Y. Q
1i:11·11 ;r1»1111 l::1< f1`4\lll twenty tn 1`11r1y `1
1111·1111»1·t‘<, l1l’1\` 1111*11 111‘l1.l§ UIIOSEI1 fl'OI1l  
1·:1··h 1r;1·1·111111_: 1`r1—s11111:111 class :11“11:r Z1 1
~·;1<·»11 1·1` ‘·r11s11111;"—:1 syst1·111 \\’1l(‘l‘11k 111011 0ver." :11111 1
:11·~·. 111 1111‘!1. ,111.1;111l by 1111· 111~w 1l19ll', who -§
:1·· ···- 1·1 11:.·11· 1111-1111:1111;*. All 111v11:1111111 t11  
?·1···=111~· :1 111·~111111·1· always C<11lll‘S fr111u the 1·
1`1·:;:1·:·1111v. .*1 111-s11111:111 $1.11111111 :1ppc:11· 1111-  
i·11·~1·1·s1.·11 1111111 h1— is actually "b11l," f0r 1
1 s111·:11· 111 111 11111 f1‘:111~1·1111).' {
11:111 1·11·l11111· 111111 fr11111 :1 fI1`1l11[1 which g
1·1111—1·w1s1· 1111;:111. desire his :1f11l1:1t1<111. }
1‘v.`111i’1'1111}' 11:31 is s11<:c1~ssf11l 11111y w111=11  
11 is :1 11111111;:1 1-x1>1·1·11>111·1; 111 g1v1· :11111 1
*:11:1-. .\ !`1·1·sh111:111 sh1111111 k1111w 111*f11r1,· 1
11·~ "1·11—11g<-s" what 1111 is to 5111*0 :11111 11*11:11  
111· 11!Z1}’ 4’X}1t‘1‘1 111 1‘0uQ1\`Q. S1l1C(} H0 011101* 1
:1x1·1r1-1- :1111-s su 111111:11 111 1110111 :1 collage {
111:111‘s 111`1>. it is well for 111111 to 11~s1 1
··:11·1=f11lIy his 11rnsp1·ct1ve fmtcr1111y by ¥
<111'1l 11110:¢111111s :1s these:  
1. \V1lil1C 1111111 of r1~z1s0ns utc a1lv:mce1l .
1`··1~ j11111111g 1111s fr:111·r111ty? Arc they 111  

 ? ll I{e·ttIt1<‘ky llatitihtmlt
X k¢~t~pitt;‘ with tlt¢~ tut»tivt·s that httvo vttti
; tt··tllt·tl my lifo? _,
B 2, \\'hat atv tht- s¤·ht»l:tstit· st:ttttl:tt··ls‘· ·‘
; \\'hat gratlws tlitl tho grntitu tttakw last
{ )'<*Hl"f I.
iv Sl. ltt· wltat fttrttts ttf stwial lif·~ ·l····~ ·l
  th·· t`r:tt··rttity ¤·tt;a:·~‘: Art- ih··y ¤:··tt- 5
it strttt·tiv<· ltr tlt·strittrtivt>`! tr
  l. lttws tltis 1`t·at··rttity tttakv its tttwttt- __
  h»—t·s ttttttw ·lt·1tt····t·;tti·· t»r l··ss`; \\'h;tt is  
lj its :tttittttl»· ttlw:tt·tl tttwtt with stttztll tittcttt "
_ { <·i:tl rt·<»·ttrt~·s: ltt[··rit·r s<»t·ial t··¤siti··tt'f "
li l·`t.t·t·i:tt hirtlti
lé 3. \\`ltat :tx··- tlw statttitttwls atttl y>t·:t··- t
I- tit·¢·s t···::tt’llittu‘ ]·Z'ttl·;lllll}`. gtttttlilittx. ,,
_ tlrittl, ··tt-`: i,
·; li, ls th·· ittll1t¤·tt¤·t~ tit` th·· h<»ust· 4`lttis- l`
*. . . . . ., . .t
l. ttazt: Xlttst qt ttt:·tt s•tt·t·»·tt·lt·r ltts itttttwtr "
· tlvutlitjr ;ttt·l ····tt—‘it·ti·>trs': iluw tttatty I‘
;‘· i‘t’lIl?¤l‘l"S :et··· i·it·ttti1it··l with ti•~i:hl»»·t·h····.l I'
K, -·ltttt·t#ltt~s. ‘.'. Al. l'. .\.. attll tttht-t· rt·li:i·»u> _'
? itti··t·t·sts`; ‘·
  T. \\'lt:it is tht- host til` th·~ t`r:tt··t·ttity‘Y
Ti lttiiiatitttt f···~s: ilu:-<; st»t·t‘ial ;t~s··sstttt·ttts:
  r4·»ttttt atttl httatwli statttlartls t»l` tirwss, s~»t·i:1l `
lt ltlv. »-tw.; aluttttti trtttws`: `\
it *. \\t»t1l·l yuu lt·· ;;l:t<·l:tt0 with :12 if
S lttttttw? Y
  il, lluw tl·» th¤· tu<·tuht·rs nf thti fratvr- ;,
E, titty "1‘:1l<·" ott lh<· tratttpus iu thm ttpittiott T
{ tif ttthwr sttttlvttts? t
gi 10. {law- you ttttswvrtetl thu fnrvzoittz  
j qtt¤·stt·ttts fairly? Aw you srttishcd? A ‘
l list tif thu fr:ttt·t·tiit.it~s atrtl surt¤rit.it·s tic
_ kt-tt.tt1t·lty will hu Luuttd ltstctl under or I
( gatttxattuns.

 l·Z1»11t11··l;)' ll:1111ll11111l< `15 V
'l`ll!·2 (lll I{('lI  
lr E< l|<·l 1~11111111l1-111s.  
.\’t»·11¤l )·1»111· ··l1111·¤·l1 :1111l :<·r :1c1111:1i11t£>d *
·1·.i:l1 y··111· l1lillls¤  
~l·~»—·l_ l111~i·:··<< w·»11l¤l lw i11 :1 mighty  
11;:·l 11:151 12111 1l1:11`s tho way with this Q
hit! \\'·ll'ili. \\`1· :1ll www <·>111··tl1i1r;:. :111.1 Z
E:`~. 111- 1-1 IIS 11111 t·» fnr;1-t in 1·:1y. B0 i
1 li1`t··1·. 1:·»t :1 !1·:1111—1·. .\11yl1111ly l'£ll1 _;
I--:111, 'l`l1·» i1l»'l 111:11 v·»11 :11··· ··11t1·1·i11: c¤»1— i
l··:»· —?:··11l·l 1·r··*r·· 111:11 )'¤>ll 1121111 tw he  
:z1··1··· 111:111 il i¤'llll\‘l'. l,ll`tI 'l
ISIC _\ l·`Kl~Z‘•i :11111:1l h11111ilia- 1
1i·11r, This is :1 1»:11·1 <1l` }'1 It is thus  
»l··1-1···1·11. \\'l1;1t )'¤\ll Iilillii  l1:1v1- w11r11 1l1··i1· <‘Jl]lR as :111 _`

 { 4
il lt? l{<·11t.u1·ky ll:111<111o»»k
E l1<»11<11·. '1‘l1¤· honor is opetr in you. Take
Q ii ;1·a1···1`1111y—»—a11ii proudly.
{ i)U!1_i :11t1~r11pt to 1J<)I1<‘l‘2li the fact that
1 you are :1 I`1·»·sl1111:1t1. The HL‘11SllIll‘*i col-
; l··_:.~ lllilll <·:111 i·1en1i1`y a fl'•‘$illllI1ll one
2 l111111l1·»·11 yarwls off unless the latter shoultl
  ary In ·lis:11is1· it. `l1r tl1:1t·<·ase he can
y he r1·1··»;·1111;1·11 :1t il ualf a 1111le.
fi .\sl; 4llll‘Fii•»l1S. Ile natural. i.)Ol`1.t be
j. leo clmtty with Ulll>i*I`(‘i2lSSlllL‘I1, Let them
{ IllJ1!{•* the a¤l\‘:111ees1 The Illlflllili fresh-
  111:111 has L1•.···1r Ol1\]0\V\‘(l with two ears,
; two eyes :11111 only one lll(lllIil. The ra-
;- tio sliouiil point to s•»1>i11;; and hearing
g_ twi<·1· as I1llH‘ii as one talks. This is un
  ilil[>ll*i4*Ili l`('lIii1l`i·{. It is also true.
i` .\TI{I.E'l`lCS
  One of the most enjoyable featiirr-s of
f. ¢·nll1~;:e is ailileties. I1rstit11tior1s of higher
{ le:1r11i11g boast 0f the prowness of their
E, varsity f|‘Jlill. I\:<*lllll¥'i{y tloes not al-
1 ways iiave worln. A new coach-
1} ill! siail has been eiuployeul by the uni·
  \···1·sity anal they are taking over their
‘:f work this fall. It is up to you to fall
  in with the nlel students in baekinfr Ken-
ij tu<·ky; ii‘:1lIlS to the last point. They are
i. your teams. Show that you are proud
g- t,1» have an i11te1*est 111 them.
  lf you wish to do so111e1hi11g for *0ur
. 5
  :11111:1 111;1t.e1·, get out and qualify for swine
  flIl‘lll of atl1le·t1es, Don’t take all your
  exe1·1·ist· in the i)iL‘2lCil€1`N, or at Putt h:1ll
i' ami the sowrity houses. lf you have it
l . .
Q 11] you to excel 011 the field, it IS your
i tluty to present yourself for service.

 1{1'·11t11:·ky 1I:111111:1111k 17
111111`t g1-1. 111111 1111- foolish notion that 1
11y 1l1·i111I11D lrnowri without  
i1<~1Sl;11i<'1' 1111 your part.  
I11111't think that because you are a col- 1
11—;1· 111:1112 you must 11t· :1 spori. A col-  
|1·;I»· 111:111 1*:111 111* as big (IH HSS 115 BUY- 1
111111;* 1·1s1·. :11111 11uit1· llfllill :1 n1111:11 greater 1
111111. 1{1·111··111111·1‘ 111:11 \\'111·11 you :11’L· 1011.111-  
11—1l_ {
11` you :11··· 1·1111—ri11g without friends, lose  
1111 time in 1u:11