xt763x83kd0b_10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1945-1926 text 1945-1926 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_1/2009ua001_1_8/2009ua001_1_8_2/1925-1926_12259/1925-1926_12259.pdf 1945-1926 1926 1945-1926 section false xt763x83kd0b_10 xt763x83kd0b 1  
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University of Kentucky Q
Complxments of Y. M. C. A.
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Q Y. W. C. A.
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[{(‘I]¥li(‘k)' }If!i]¤]h0G]{ 5
'1`IIE 1’RESIDEN’1"S \\'EL(‘0ME
To those who cotnc for thc first time
1 :1111 uxtciulittg the \\`(‘ll'ttil\<‘ of tho U11i-
versity; those who hurc buuti horo hoforo
I wolcutiio :1s friends. To both groups I
ll\`;.{L‘ 1lox··»tio11 to ititulis :11111 tho purposes
whivh Intro l>rougl11 tlu·u1 liorc. Young
1111-11 :11111 \\'UillCIl \\'iltJ ;:r:1¢1u:1tc nt thc
lj1li\'('I`Si[)` shouiui hnvo 11111 only t1·:1i11i11g,
but i<1o:11is111 :1111i (‘l11·isti;111 (‘i\:\l‘J\U{Ol', :11111
the ljitivorsity hopes :11111 trusts through
them it 111:15* servo the >?1::11,· ‘1‘»'U1`iilii}'. Su
I \\'\‘lCUiilL· the sttulvnts 111111 c1·111u to thc
Univorsity uith tho spirit uf :1 grc111c1·
I Ketitticky :11111 111 tho haipo of l`0;ii progress
111111 thu growth ot' tho U:·111111o11*.1·u:1it11.
IFRAAK L, Aiu\'1iY,

` 1
`¤. tj   ·. _·` · lit' ::*?"‘°
G Kentucky Handbook i
llenieinber tl1:1t when you enter Ken-
tuelcy you are considered a l"ll5ll'1. Kon
can do as you please about yllllf work:
Q nobody will ntake you d0 it. lie honest
with yourself and always keep clearly in
mind the fact that you are here for :1 life
All lllZlti¥‘l`S ncrtaiiiing to re;:istr:1tio11
are attended to in tl1e Adiiiinistration
\ building. the third of ll1e 111:1111 college
l buildings 1·ea1·l11·:l o11 entering from tho
i main galeu·:1y.
‘ The Dean of Alon lroeps :111 iitforination
bureau, \\'lll*l't’ you can Ht}CIl{`<’ :111y infor-
nlation i11 rezard to boarding houses.
1 places for meals, etc.
Q Tl1e Y. M, (T. A. S•‘C!`Ctlll`}' and the Dean
· of Men will _be 1:lad to give you illftlflllfl-
tion conceriiingz eiiiploynlent,
Don’t study on Sunday; you do not gain
n fllllli." by it; you need one rest day iu
every seven; don't loaf so lllll(‘l\ on week
days and then you will not have to study
on Sunday. Sunday is for worslnip.
Keep your body, llllllll and soul clean:
honor yourself.
Don’t zet into tho foolish notion that
by drinking, gaiublingx and sweariiipz you
are ntalcing Il better man of yourself.
Do not hesitate to ask for advice from
fl f1lClllt)’ llll‘lllll<‘l`. li(§lllQllllt(‘[‘ that l1e is
your friend. I"I'lf:llll$lll[) is not bootliok-
ing:. This is one of tl1e chief :1dv:1nt:1;;es
of Il small university. Dlllllt ignore it.
The 11ppc1·el:1ss111»·11 judge you more by
what you do than by what you say.
lle111e111be1· that the secret of miecess lll
college work is Q(lllCUllll"£lllUIl. 'lyfllill yo11r
mind to "sti::k to one thin: until you
gc; there."

 ::’%`" ·.
I{1"liYU(‘ii}` II:1mibm»k 7
}[lli‘iI »i»·i»¤·i::i¤ ··ii ihv l—;iii.—i>s iiwsiy 1`rhm,"
\‘.'i;;ii ‘.~-1· )`·>il Ah, hh s·iz··~ 1~¤ ;»;irii··i-
i»·i1·· in ~h1;·· vi. I-—r;i·:i·iv1:ii·· ::viivity, ·>lii—
~i:i.- ··:ir·:·i=·:ii:.;~. ·ix¤·1·i.: 1ii»·1·o :ir¤— •‘Ii¤>i}£ii
·:·‘·-:·»~‘—— iii ¤···l»··ge tu mort thv ii1··ii1i:i—
xi-·ii~ ·1` •·~=·i·y wm-.
im iw. i·»>¤•— ymir wits if il {mt rushvs
_~.‘··1i. 'lZii\· jchasr iizzw ziiiii |···¤l; up th··
i··~4·¤»]·»i ··s` 1h<· 1`:·:·i-mii)'. :¤11·i 1h·~ iiivh with
vsizim y=·i1 zme ;i~i»···l i»· "ai.i·.·w iu ymir
?v··i;`i ii<·—i1:i1i— tw msi: =i·
whiwh 5*1; mw iihi:¤:zi1|1;i1·, Zh·y will l»·
zihi 1=» i·.·1i· yuh.
i€i··;1·.;ii··z‘ y»·ii mw :1 f`r¤·shrai:1ii in th··
i`iiin·i·»iajs ·x` i{»·:i:i1<·i;5‘ :m¤l hh :1 s··ii1¤·;·
isi }`4‘!1Z` high s··§i.»i»i. 1>i»ii‘t hrzigz aihiniz
wh·~;·.· y··11 "i·r·~i·;¤u¤ii"
Uh |¤»j»‘:1l In ¤h·~ .\i:ii:1 }i2li1‘X`, ~’~x‘·~rj»‘w¥ii~i·¤,
1a? nil ii·zh—<.
; ..... ..   ...,.  . ___N______

_ I
S Kentucky Handbook v_
§ • (°
fm Quu '§HrLc ji
1 <"r A
l Gum ;$Ir¤}1
l   149 511. illirucsinxrc
Qglgnuz 5822-x
j YOU CAN mcam AA
Savmg Money
wmma IN 001,1,EGm
Students in University of ]{C\l\l1(‘k)'
r Arc Invited to Take Arlvzuntnge
of Our Service
FOUR mm cum`. PAID ON SAV-
INGS Acc0UN·rs
Guaranty Bank & Trust Un.
Q Corner Short; and Upper Streets

 B001; 1
The University

. ,. . '
UL - . Kwtutliei U’}‘1*l.lT‘TfHi    
l·`1·:1ul; L. )I··\'t—y, l’h. D., LL. D., l‘r¤S. l`. Cnmpt·I‘, Il. S, llutlll {lll!] l)Er•·<·—
({'1lll`$(‘$ lu .\gri<·nIturn uml llume lim-
, l·Tx;»··rim<.~x1t Stnilrm.
{ i·I>;r··z1si·»m Division of .\:ri<·ul!nr<: .
· l':mI I‘. Itnyzl. M. A., Ph. D., l)l‘1lll
Q ("0lll'F(‘$ in Arts, S<:i<·n<·r·t<. J·»urrmli»¢1n.
Z: (‘<>I.I,Ii(&i·l OF (‘OT»HIIEI{(’I·1
\‘»'illi:1m S. Qrllyltll`, l‘h. D., Dn:111.
l~'. l‘:1ul .\nIT.\'!'ii SCIIOOI.
lialmtrtl \\'i»—st, l’h. D., Acting Dcam.
Sllllllili SESSION
\\'illi:Im S. Tnylur, l‘h. D., Dlruvtnr
Wellington Patrick, A. M., Director
Mlm: Calla Taylor, Assistant Director

_ Kent11ck_y Hzmrlbook _ 11
CALENDAR FOR 1925-1926
Enfrzxnvn ]-]xnminnti1111=a
Sept. 17, 1S, 19, 'l`1111rs,, 1·`ri., $:11.
First Scruvsicr
Nwpt. 21·22. )1<111.. '1`11<1s.—1{r1g1st1·:11i»·11 111
:111 ·11—11:1r11111·111s.
$1-;-1. 222, \\'o11.—I11si1*111:1111u 111·:111¤.
Nov. 213. Cl`1111rs.~ '1`11:1111.
May 20. S1lI1.—Bll(!Cf1l1\ll\'*‘£l10 .\1l11r1~ss.
May 31—M<1n11:1y, Fifty-11111111 .\11uu:11

  tf {__; _» I- lb`. ‘_,,»
12 Kentucky Handbook
First Hour ............................,.,... 8:00 to 8:50
Second Hour ...<.........................r 0:00 to 0:50
Third Hour ................................ 10:00 to 10:50
_ Fourth Hour .,............................ 11:00 to 11:50
Noon Hour
Fifth Hour .....,......4..................... 1:00 to 1:50
Sixth Hour ...............,................ 2:00 to 2:50
Seventh Hour ........,................... 3:00 to 3:50
Eighth Hour .............................. 4:00 to 4:50
Results of work will he recorded ln the
Registrars oftice as follows:
f A. lixccptionally high quality, valued
r at 3 points for each credit.
  B. Good, valued at 2 points for each
Q credit.
t`. Fair, valued at. 1 point for each
· I). Unsatisfactory, indicates a dellciency
and gives no points, but gives credit for
graduation if with such credits the stu·
tlent’s standing is 1 or more.
E. I<`ailurt·, valued at 0 points for each
1. Incomplete.
X. Absent from examination.
The standing.: of a student is deiined as
the ratio of his total number of points 4
to his total number of credits. For ex-
ample, a student who makes an average
mark of C thruout his course of 120 se-
mester hours, would have 120 points and
1*20 credits, and a standing of one. Au
average mark of Il would give the stu-
dent 2·10 points and 120 credits and a
, standing of two. When a se1nester‘s work
is to be considered, "stnnding" ls under-
stood to be the ratio of the number of
points gained to the number oi crodlts
` scheduled.

HH WVIienttieltrdilaritlbtinlgr i IR
'1'0 THE }¤`RI·lF!l)¥;\N CLASS
An applicant for atltnissinn t0 the fresh-
man class of any of tht- uulh-;:es of the
I`nirt·t·sity t-xvi-pt Law inns; offer ctw-ilit
fur liftt-¤·n units nf high e<<·ln»t»l or ntln—r
St*l‘UIlti2lI')' swltrml work, su vltnseit as t·»
ltn·lu»h· tln- live liasie units ptw-set·il><-tl hr
all tl1»· t···ll··;··s. lluly stu·l·»nts whn hull!
vi-t·titit·:tt4·s ··t' gt·:t·ln:tti·¤u ]·l`l¤lll an :t¤·<·rl--
elitwl lii:;‘lt s··lt·»lh-gns ntht-r than law, six nf
wltiwh ntu:4t ln- in liuglislt.
AS S1‘l·l(‘l.\L S'l`l`l)li\'l‘S
A ;:t‘ailuat·- nl' uttnlln-t· l`uivi-rsity or
t·ull¤-;;i- may t-ntt-r tltt- I'lli\'l*l‘Sll)' tu pur»
sue any sw-i·i;tl wnrl;. Htht-t· pl-rsuns may
hr- ailtuittt-tl ns spi-¤·i;tl stutli-nts untlt-t*
tht- I`\\`il!;f huinlitiuitsz
:t—~-’l`ln-y ntust in- pi·i·part-il in ilu the
wurk tl:-sirnil. :tn·l ;:ivt- guntl rt-asntt fur
lin-I [ukill; :l \'<·;lll:tt‘ <·it\1l‘S<*.
h-»'l‘lu-y must he at least tw·-uty-uno
yi-ars ·¤l' :1;:1-.
\\'i·1i·Zlil.Y ('OTJYOCATION
An unusual nnporttuiity will he offered
this year in the way of cultural t-nter—
tainiuent. The University each week will
be the host to some noted speaker who
will address the assembly of students aud

_,i·     . .. 11*..  JW
H Kentucky Handbook
professors at the LHCHIB gyinnnsluni. Last
year was the tirst attempt to have the -
entire sehool hear :1 lecture and the popu-
larity of it lllfll<\‘S the coininittee in cliargo
feel that this s<·aso11 will see an even
creator att<·11dant·1e at tl1e lectures. Plasses
, will be disniissed for one hour while the
speaker niakos l1is address.
V ’ ’ s ' s .
M U. lx. s Hisloiy
I lll the year 1855 John ll. Bowman, of
I\l1·rt·t·r county, Kentucky, a fariner, een-
1·eiv<·d the plan of the fouiiding, ill his
, native State, :1 university for the people.
; lle 1·t·;111111·111s wu1‘11 1*1111-11
11_v :1 }I¤1\'t-l`111ll}f 1111:11·11 111' (T1l1':1111I`3. l']\`1‘I`}`
-~111111·111 \\'21S 1·1·1111i1·1-11 111 111- 111l\I`2111y 121
1115111.- :11111 11111s1111e 111` 1111- 1`11i1·1·1·s11y 111111
\\`Jl* 1·1’1:1111;·1:l11-11 111 :1111-1111 $1111*111)* :=1-1111111
:11111 1:11111‘1·11 r1-1.;111:11-ly.
111 1111- y1-:1r ]‘~1j11 1111- .\;1·i1·1111111·:11 & N1--
1-11n11i1-:11 [v1111L'§4’ 1·11111=1·1i11:111-11 11:1111 ’1`1`1111~
»y1v:111i:1 1'1l1\`f‘1'>11)‘ :11111 1-1-111:1111:-11 $11 :1ss11·
1-1:111-11 1111111 1111- y1-:11· HTS. 1·`1·.1111 18117 111
1SG% J11s1·1111 D1-<11:1 1'i1·111-11 w:1;: 11r1-$1111-111
11f thu 111s1i1111,i1·11, .1:11111-s 1{1-11111-115* 1':11-
11-1·s1111, 11*1-11111-1111)* 1·1·1'1-1-1·1-11 111 us "1111-
§I'111111 11111 1111111,,. 1-:11111- 11l'X[ :11111 s121‘\‘1-11 :1s
111-1-si111-111 1111111 11*11*, 11<_‘111'\' S. B:11·1:1-1*
w:1:< 1110 111-:<1 111:1-$1111-111, 1\r. 1’:1111 1‘. 11111*11
:11·11-11 11s 11r1-si111-111 111 1111- }'(‘111’S 111115-1T :11111
1111- [\1`1‘<1‘I11 1111-si111-111, l>1·, ]*`1'i1111{ L1-1{111111
N1c\'cJ.‘. 111111; 1111 1111- 1`L‘111S 111 1111- 1!1S11111-
111111 111 1111- your 1111T. ’1`111· }'•.‘11I`$ i'1·11111
NTS 111 ISS} S:111· :1 1111i111111;: 111111111 1111 1111-
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ii ti011s of 1110 v:11·i1111s s1:111·s.
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[111*11) 1'L’K`11lll‘1l1.
Twivv l111· 1'11i1'1·1·si1y l‘1·1·11< 11:1s l1=~·11 1·1·1·-
<11111111·111l1·11 1`·11· 11is1i11·:11isl1.·.l ¢‘1·Il1·z·~ l`l:1<—
I sili1·:11i1111, 1111— 1i1·>~1 1111:1- 11~··y 11111:1-11 by :1
·<1i:l11 1llfll’fl1l ::1111 1l1·· z···:<11|1·< l`1··¤:11 1l11·
last i11sp1*·1·1i1111 l::11·<· 11111 l1»·1·11 111:11l1·, 'l'I1Es
011rpS 1*:1111:s 11*1111 s111·l1 1lis1i11;’11is11<*1
groups :1s 1lli111»i<. ('>l1i11 :11111 'i‘1·11111~xs»~1~.
Col. Gnnrgc 11, l-`1·1~··:11:111. WE111 11::1s :1:
1hr: 110:111 Hf 1110 311111:11:)* 11111»:11‘l1111~11l. 11111*-
i ing its 1·:11·i11 :1011*111, was 1·1·li1~x·1~1l :1s
cr1111111:1111Ii11g 11fiic·1;r 1:1s1 your :11111 1‘1·l.
Hnrzicc 1*. Hobbs has 1,101-11 >1:11i1111•11l i11
his place.

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B00k H
Religious Activities
Y. M. C. A.
Y. W. C. A. .

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22 Kentucky Handbook
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