xt763x83jn5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83jn5m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1942-04-apr7. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-04-apr7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1942-04-apr7. 1942 1942-04-apr7. 2011 true xt763x83jn5m section xt763x83jn5m 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, April 7, 1942.

    The Board of Trustees of the University met in President Don-
ovanXs office at 10:00 a.m.s Tuesday, April 7, 1942.  The follow-
ing were present: Governor Keen Johnson, Judge Richard C, Stoll$
Harper Gattons H. D. Palmore, Robert Tway, R. P. Hobson, John Cooper,
Marshall Barnes, H. S. Cleveland, and Dr. Lee Kirkpatric'k.  Presi-
dent Donovan, Comptroller Peterson and Captain W. Gayle Starnes#
Secretary, were also present.

    A. Approval of Minutes.

                        * * i* * *F * * * * *

           1. On motions duly seconded and passed, the min-
              utes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees
              of December 11, 1941 and the meetings of the
              Executive Committee of January 16, February 20,
              and MKarch 20, 1942, were approved as published.
                        * ** ** * *** *

     B. Q-uarterlv Resort pi the President.

                   H. L. Donovan, President
                   University of Kentucky
                        April 7, 1942


          A year ago at the April meeting, the Board of Trustees
     adopted a new plan of organization for the administration of
     the University of Kentucky.   At that same time you appoint-
     ed a new president and a comptroller and authorized the ap-
     pointment of a dean of the University.   This position was
     filled in July by t he appointment of Dr. Henry H. hill.

          It has been a year cOnce my appointment, although I
     did not assume the duties of my office until July 1.   The
     public immediately made demands upon my time and I actually
     began planning and thinking for my new work from the day
     of my appointment.   The year has been an exceedingly
     busy one for me, but it has been pleasant and I hope it has
     been constructive for the University.



     It is a pleasure to report to you that I have had the
finest cooperation from every dean, head of department,
faculty and staff member of the University. I have never
taken over any position where I received so many courtesies
and so many pledges of cooperation as I have received as
the new president of the University.

     From the local community and the State at large I
have had splendid support. From my observation I believe
that the University has the good will of the people of our
State. Everywhere I go I find a genuine interest on the
part of the public in what the University is doing and in
how it can serve the State.

     The Governor recommended to the Gcneral Assembly a
budget for the University that represented the largest
single increase in money that had ever been given the Uni-
versity at one time. The General Assembly approved the
Governor's recommendation. The attitude of the members
of the General Assembly toward the University was very

     Just as we were launching a dynamic educational pro-
gram with a view of increasing the usefulness of the Uni-
versity to the peoples the World War broke upon us.    Stu-
dents began to leave immediately for military service and
industries endeavored to induce many students to accept
positions. The emphasis on the University had to be
changed somewhat from a peace time educational program to
a war time educational program.   The deans and other
faculty members devoted considerable thought to this
problem and produced The Program of the University of
Kentucky for Cooperating in the Total War Effort of the
United States. This was one of the earliest war time
programs produced by any university in the country. Since
our program was announced to the public many other uni-
versities have also published their programs

     From my point of view several constructive things
have happened at the University this year.    Among the
more important ones are: first, the reorganization of the
summer school; second, the introduction of the quarter
system which makes it possible for a student to graduate
in three years; third, the organization of a Key Center of
Information on the campus, under the leadership of Dr.
Frank L, lMcVey, to interpret our war aims and to prepare
the thinking of our people for the nature of the peace
that should follow; and finally, the mobilization of the
facilities of the University to assist our national govern-
ment in winning the war.



     The new administration has been anxious to see that it
continues to build the program of the University on the
splendid foundation laid down during the previous adminis-
trations of President RcVey and President Cooper.   We have
been scrupulous about carrying out commitments made by our
predecessors.   We have also attempted to keep the Uni-
versity moving in the direction they had charted its course.

     These are troublesome times.   Everly college and uni-
versity in the land is feeling the impact of the war upon
its program.   It will be easy for an institution to lose
its way during such an emergency as we find ourselves in
to ay. The one thing that a university must keep in
mind is that it is essentially an educational institution.
It must recognize and lead the public to appreciate that
education must go on regardless of the war.    In many
respects the education of youth is more important to the
nation today than it is in peace times.    If this war should
go on five, seven, or ten years as some have predicted it
may, where are we to get the young doctors, engineers,
chemists, physicists bacteriologists, mathematicians
and leaders that are so essential to fill the gaps that
are certain to be made as a result of the casualties that
will occur?   It is the primary work of the university to
prepare the younger generation that is constantly coming
on for the technical services, and for the leadership
that is so essential in carrying on the functions of soci-
ety both in times of war and peace.    Here at the Universi-
ty it is my purpose to keep before our faculty and the
public the fact that this is primarily our works that it
is   fundamental to the best interest of society, that
education like life must go on.


     At this meeting of the Board of Trustees it has been
the policy of the president to report the enrollment for
the second semester of the academic year.    The first
table is a comparative study of the enrollment for 1940-41
and 1941-42*   It will be observed that we have 17.6%
fewer students today than were enrolled a year ago. There
has been a falling off of 24.1% in the enrollment of men.
This is the result of so many men being called into mil-
itary service.   The largest loss in enrollment is in the
Graduate School where 39.6% of the students have fallen
out.   This is to be expected since they are the older
students in the University and are already prepared to take
up important positions both in military life and in indus-

     The second table is a study of the enrollment by
sexes and by colleges and classes.



    Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, Registrar, has pointed out
to me that until the outbreak of the war the ratio of
men to women had for years in the University been almost
exactly two to one.   It is now down to 1.5 to 1.   He
says that it appears probable that by next fall the ratio
will be approximately 1.2 to I.   Doctor Chamberlain pro-
dicts that the enrollment next fall will probably not
exceed 2450 students.

                         TABLE I

                         Enrollment for         Per Cent
                         Second Semesters        of Change

                         1940-41 1941-42

Total                     3509     2890           .17 6
Men                       2260     1716           -24,1
Women                     1249     1174           - 6,0
Arts and Sciences         1374     1176           -14,4
Agr. and Home Economics    632      543           -14,1
Engineering                394      372           - 5,6
Law                         93       67           -0709
Education                  216      207           - 492
Commerce                   452      315           -30,3
Graduates                  348      210           -39,6
Seniors                    682      601           -.11.9
Juniors                    789      619           -21.5
Sophomores                 754      653            1S3.4
Freshmen                   844      710           -15,9
Specials                    14       16           +14,3
Auditors                    23       10            .56.5
Transients                  59       71           *20.3



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     At the April meeting of the Board of Trustees the
budget is approved.

     The making of a budget is one o' the most difficult
and yet most important assignments delegated to the admin-
istrative officers of the University.   In a period like
the present when there are so many unknown factors in-
volved, it is a major undertaking.   The loss in enrollments
the reouests from the government and industry for the
services of professors, and the assignment of new responsi-
bilities by governmental agencies complicate budget making.
In addition, there are changes in the curriculum that
have to be made to prepare youth to meet the new problems
of a world at war.   This tends to shift emphasis and
requires some outlay of money.   It is extremely difficult
to ascertain with exact accuracy the income of an institu-
tion todays

     The budget of the University which we are submitting
to you has been given much thought.   First, there were
preliminary meetings with the deans of the various col-
leges, at which time it was determined the approximate
income each college could expect this next year.   The
deans then consulted the heads of their departments and
asked them to prepare departmental budgets.   Next, the
dears assembled these requests from departmental heads,
organized and amended recommendations, and brought to
the president the budget for each college.   A conference
with each dean was then held by the president. Finally#
the dean of the University, the comptroller and the presi-
dent went over the budget, calling deans of the colleges
back for further conference when necessary.   Thesc data
were then given over to the comptroller to be assembled
in proper form to be presented here today.   This required
manys, many hours of painstaking work on his part.   I
should like for you to know that the comptroller has
done most of the work in the preparation of this budget.
I am grateful to him for his untiring efforts in the
preparation of this document.

      It should be understood when this budget is approved
by you that it may have to be modified at a later date
as the result of unforeseen emergencies that may occur at
any time.   The kind of a world that we live in is so
uncertain that no planning can be made for a long period
of time.   It is our Judgment that the present budget
represents the best one we can prepare at this time.   If
there are disasters ahead that we can not see at the
present moment, it may be necessary to come before you
again during the year and ask that the budget be amended.



         It has always been my judgment that one of the most
    important pieces of business for a Board of Trustees of
    a college or university is the consideration of the budget
    of the institution.  It therefore, trust that you will
    take the time today to go thru this budget and.become
    acquainted with how we propose that the funds of the
    University be expended in carrying on its work.

    C. Budget

    President Donovan submitted the Internal Budget for the year
1942-43 and asked Mr. Peterson to explain it in detail.  The
Trustees examined the Budget, department by departments and after
a lengthy discussion took the following action:

          2. It was moved and seconded that the Budgets
             as submitted, for the year 1942-43 be ac-
             cepted as a basis of maximum expenditures#
             and that inclusion of the name of any person
             in the budget shall not be considered as a
             contract of employment, and the Board of
             Trustees or the Executive Committee shall
             be authorized to make such changes in the
             budget as may, from time to times be deemed
             necessary or advisable.  A copy was ordered
                       * * * * * * * * * *

     D. HonoraryNt Dearees,

     The President reported that the Graduate Faculty had decided
that, because this is the Sesqui-dentennial of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky and the 75th Commencement of the University, it would
recommend honorary degrees for a number of distinguished Ken-
tuckians*   He proposed the following list of names which had been
approved by the Faculty of the University and recommended to the
Board of Trustees for consideration:



Bishop H. P. Almon Abbott                LL.D,

Senator Alben W. Barkley                 LL.D,

Mrs. Mary Breckinridge                   LL.Dv

Mr. J. W. Carnahan                       LL.D*

Judge H. Church Ford                     LL.D.

General Allen W. Gullion                 LL.Dq

President Raymond F. McLain              LL.Do

Rabbi Joseph Rauch                        LL.D,

Mr. Rogers Clark Ballard Thruston         LL.D.

Dr. Charles W. Welch                      Le;D

Judge Samuel Mackay Wilson                LL.Dq

Dr. Irvin Abell                           D.Scp

Dr. Fred W. Rankin                        D.Sco

Mr. Irvin S. Cobb                         Litt.D,

Dr. A. L. Crabb                           Litt.D.

Mrs. Mark F. Ethridge (Willie Snow
       Ethridge)                          Litt.Dq

Dr. John C. Metcalf                       Litt.D.

             * * * * * * * * * *

3. The above list was read by President Donovan
   to the Board of Trustees.   On motions duly
   seconded and passed, the Board authorized the
   granting of degrees indicated opposite the
   name of each person listed herein.



     E. Gift of J. K. Lilly.

     In announcing the gift of a portrait of Stephen Collins Foster,
made by Mr. J. K. Lilly of Indianapolis# President Donovan present-
ed the following letter:

                     ELI LILLY AND COMPANY

                     Indianapolis, U. S. A.

                                     March 19, 1942

     Mr. Elmor G. Sulzer
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Mr. Sulzer#

               Correspondence with friend Hodges at Pitts-
     burgh indicates that there is renewed interest in
     putting some Foster material in your Stephen Foster

               It so happens that there are two very nice
     portraits of Foster in the possession of Foster Halls
     both by Marie Goth.   One of them has been chosen
     to remain with us here and the other is available to
     you if you want it.   It is a very nice piece of work
     and depicts Foster in the familiar pose at the piano
     with his chin resting on his hand and. the elbow on the
     piano.   If you would like to have this for your studio
     it would be a pleasure to make shipment upon receipt
     of your request.

                                     Sincerely yours,

                                     (Signed) J. K. Lilly

P. S. "No charges, transportation prepaid." JKL.



                        *it it it * * * * *

           4. On motion, property seconded and. passed, this
              gift was accepted and President Donovan was
              instructed to write a letter of appreciation.
                        * * * * * * *F *F * *

    F. Aopropriation. for Mississippi Valley Historical Association.

    President Donovan recommended that an appropriation of $2Q00*O
be made to entertain the Mississippi Valley Historical Association
which is to hold its meeting in Lexington on May 7, 8, 9, 1942.

           5. It was moved and seconded that the recommenda-
              tion of the President be approved and that the
              Comptroller be authorized to pay the necessary
              expenses incident to entertaining the Mississippi
              Valley Historica. Association, not to exceed
              $200, from any funds that may be available for
              this purpose.

     G. Board Nemberse Presentation of Credenlials.

     Judge Richard C. Stoll, Mr. H. D. Palmore and Mr. Re P. Hobson
presented credentials from the Governor of the State of Kentucky
as members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.
Their terms run as follows:

              Judge Richard C. Stolls 1942-48
              Mr. R. P. Hobson, 1942-48
              Mr. H. D. Palmore (Alumni Repre-
                      sentative), 1942-48.



    H. Leaves for Faculty and Staff Mlembers Called to Militarz

                                     April 6, 1942

    President H. L.Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         At the meeting of the Board of Trustees, September
    17, 1940, Acting President Thomas Cooper submitted recom-
    mendations to the Board as follows:

               "The officers and employees of the Universi-
          ty of Kentucky and its divisions who have been
          in its service at lerast twelve months will, upon
          induction into active military service in ac-
          cordance with his duties as a Reserve Officer or
          member of the National Guard, be allowed fifteen
          days with pay.

               "That such officers and employees above re-
          ferred to shall be granted a leave of absence for
          the period of active service under the above pro-
          vision, and that after receiving an honorable
          discharge and upon return to civilian life, will
          resume former duties in the institution at such
          rate of remuneration as then attached to that
          office, and will be reinstated in the status occu.-
          pied at the time of leaving the service of the
          University of Kentucky to enter military service,
          provided application for reinstatement is made
          within forty days after the time of honorable
          discharge or other certificate covering active
          service ."

          I believe these recommendations are sound and should be
     followed in so far as possible.   However, it appears now
     that we are actually in war and a large number of University
     faculty members, officers and employees who are not members
     of the National Guard and Reserve Officers have been and
     will be affected, that a more specific interpretation be given
     by the Board of Trustees.   I suggest that the action taken
     by the Board of Trustees, as recommended by Acting President
     Cooper, be interpreted to apply to all members of the Nation-
     al Guard, Reserve Officers and faculty and employees who
     have permanent statuse.  I further suggest that employees of
     the University who are not on permanent status and, therefore,
     are not entitled to leave of absence for the period of



    active service in military service or defense work, be
    allowed accumulative vacation with pay not to exceed fif-
    teen days beyond the date of termination of employment
    with the University.

         Respectfully submitted for your consideration.

                                 (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

          69 On motion, duly seconded and passed, the
             Board authorized the extension of the
             policy set forth in the minutes of Septem-
             bar 17, 1940, to include the interpretation
             given in the above letter.
                        * * * * * * * * * *

     I. Staff Changes.

     President Donovan presented staff appointments, reappointments
salary adjustments and other changes requested by Deans and Heads of

                  College go Arts and Sciencef


     Miss Julia Ann Waters, part-time secretary in the Department
of Psychology for April, May and June.   Miss Waters succeeds Miss
Elizabeth Johnston, resigned,

     Drr. Charles E. Snow, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, for
a period of three months, beginning April 1.

     Miss Frances Smith, part-time secretary in the Department of
Social Work for the remainder of the fiscal year, April, May and

     Re-appointment of Mrs. Mary Engle as assistant to Doctor White,
who was appointed to serve in the absence of Doctor Croft, for the
months of April and May.   Mrs. Engle is to return to her graduate
assistantship for the month of June.



     Mr. Jack Baker, re-appoin';Ad assistant to Doctor White, to
serve in the absence of Doctor Croft, for the months of April and

     Leaves of Absence

     Dr. Henry Beaumont, Asaociate Professor of Psychologyp military
leave, effective March 28, with pay for two additional wee's, as pro-
vided for under the resolution of the Board of Trustees.

     Dr. Robert L. Driver, Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Physio:
ogy, effective March 28, military leave with two weeks' additional
pay, as provided under the resolution of the BQard of Trustees.
Doctor Driver has received a commission with the Sanitary Corps of
the Medical Division of the United States Army.

     Mr. Frank Moseleyp, assistant coach in the Department of Athletic
effective March 24.   Mr. Moseley has entered the Naval Reserves and
is entitled to fifteen days' additional pays under the provisions of
the resolution of the Board of Trustees in regard to military leave.


     Miss Elizabeth Johnston, part-time secretary in the Department
of Psychology, effective April 1, 1942.

     Mr. Joe Shepherds student assistant, Department of Athletics,
effective March 7, 1942.

     Permission to Do Outside Work

     Professor A. E. Bigge, head of the Department of German Language
and Literature, permission to offer work in Kentucky Wesleyan at
Winchester for the year 1942-43.

               Co-llage o Agriculturo and Hgmg Economics


     Mrs. Isabel Mary Clark, clerk in the Department of Agronomy,
Agricultural Engineering Section, effective April 1, 1942.   This
appointment is to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss

     Miss Louise Nunnelley, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in
Ohio County, effective April 1, 1942.



    Mr. William Newman, Assistant County Agent in Franklin County,
eff oetivo April 1, 1942.

Leaves of Absence

     Mr. Lawrence Henson, Assistant Agronomists military leave with
pay for fifteen additional days following his departure March 1,
1942, for military duty, as provided for by resolution of the Board
of Trustees.

     Mr. George X,. Harris, field agent in dairy husbandry, and a
member of the Officers" Reserve Carps, military leaves effective
April 6, with pay for fifteen additional days as provided for by
resolution of the Board of Trustees.

                      College of Education


     Professor Leonard E. Mleece, acting director of the Bureau of
School Services effective April 1, 1942; to be placed in immediate
charge of the work in applied economics.

     Leave of Absence

     Professor Maurice F. Seay, leave of absence without pay, ef-
fective April 1, 1942.   Mr. Seay has been appointed Administrative
Relations Officer in the National Housing Agency in Washington.


     Dr. J. D. Williams# associate professors raised to the rank of
Professor of Education.

     Mrs. May K. Duncant associate professor, raised to the rank of
Professor in Education.

     Dr. Leonard E. Meece, assistant professors raised to the rank
of associato professor of education.

                      Special WorkRI Proioct


      Mrs, Frances Cassidy, part-time assistant to Dr. Frank Le XoVey
 in connection with his History of Education in Kentucky.



                        * * * * * * * * * *

          7. On President Donovants recommendation, by mo-
              tion and second, the above appointments were
              approved and record ordered made in the minutes.
                        * * 4*4* * *4* * * *

    J. Adiournment.
                        * * * * * ** 4* * **1B

           8. On motionq duly seconded and passed, the meet-
              Ing was adjourned to meet on Friday, May 29,
              at 10:00 a.m. in the office of the President.
                        4* * ** * 4* it * 4* 4*

     K. Luncheon.

     After adjournments the Board assembled at the Student Union
Building for luncheon.   The President, the Comptroller$ Dean of the
University, Deans of the Colleges and the Secretary of the Board
joined the Board of Trustees for lunch, after which members of the
Board were taken on a tour of the Campus*

                                         W. Gayle Starnes
                                         Secretary, Board of Trustees.