xt763x83jn3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt763x83jn3f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1957-05-jun11. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-05-jun11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-05-jun11. 1957 1957-05-jun11. 2011 true xt763x83jn3f section xt763x83jn3f 

       Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, June
 11, 1957.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the
President, s Office at 9:15 a.m., CST, Tuesday, June 11, 1957, with
the following members present: Governor A. B. Chandler, Chairman;
R. P. HobEon, Wors. Paul G. Blazer, Harper Gatton,' Robert C. Stilz, Dr.
Daniel C, Elkin, Wood Hannah, Sr., Robert R. Makin, Dr. Ralph J. An-
gelucci and Dr. Harry'Deahait.  Absent: W. F. Foaltfr, Louis Cox, Carl
Dempewolle, J. Stephen Watkins and Ben ButiEr. President Frank G.
Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Board.  The meeting
was opened with a prayer by Mr. Harper Gatton.

      A. Approval of Minutes.

      The minutes of the Board of Trustees of April 2, 1957; and the
minutes of the Executive Committee of May 22, 1957, were approved as

      B, Easement to Central Kentucky Natural Gas Company.

      Mr. Peterson submitted Easement to the Central Kentucky Natural
Gas Company for right of way on the six sorority houses property located
on the north side of Columbia Avenue between Boone Alley and Pennsylvania
Court. The Easement permits the gas line to go through the middle of the
property to serve the six buildings. It is essential that the Easement be
given in order that gas may be made available.  Mr. Peterson recommend-
ed that same be approved.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in and the Easement granted.

      C. Financial Report.

      The Treasurer made the usual financial report for the period ended
May 31, 1957.  The report consisted of a balance sheet and related finan-
cial statements. Each member of the Board was given a copy and the
report was examined in detail.  The members being advised, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the report was received and authorized
made a part of the minutes.


                           f( k
           UNIVERSITY         -   OF KENTUCKY


                                         June 11, 1957

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Doctor Dickey:

        I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the Uni-
versity covering fund transactions for the eleven month period
ended May 31, 1957, consisting of a balance sheet and related
financial statements.

        The income received during this period for general fund
purposes amounted to $11,444,849. 74.  The amount which was
realized in excess of the 1956-57 budget estimate was $47, 307. 10.

        General fund expenditures and encumbrances outstanding
for the period totaled $10, 147,356.93, whichis 90.6% of the ap-
proved departmental appropriations.

        The schedules included in this report give a complete
analysis of the financial affairs of the various funds for the
eleven month period.

                                         Respectfully submitted

                                         Frank D. Peterson
                                         Vice President
                                         Business Administration


University of Kentucky
    May 31, 1957

      ASSE TS

Current Funds
  CaSh in Bank
  Petty Cash Fund
  State Allotments
  Current Year
  Revolving Funds
  Deferred Charges
  Unrealized Income



A gric ultural
Expe riment

Ag ric ultural

  Colleges             Station         Division         Total

$    54,457.66   $   167,626.11   $ 354,348.68 $     576,432.45
     40,000.00        10,000.00                       50,000.00

     340,743,28       107,690.85        56,220.40     504,654.53
     842,637.98       513,614.70                    1,356,252.68
     294,988.31                                       294,988.31
     52,666.20                                        52,666.20
     17,980,10*      29,327,00*                       47,307A10*

$ 1,607,513, 33  $  769,604.66    $ 410,569.08 $ 2,787,687.07

Re s tric ted:

   Petty Cash Advance
   Due from Other Fur

      Total Restricted
      Total Cur. Funds

Plant Funds

   State Allotments
   Revolving Funds
   Unrealized Income

       Total Unexpend

Investment in Plant:
  Construction Auth.
  Fixed Assets

    Total Invested
    Total Plant Funds

Other Funds
G Cash in- Ban k
   Notes Receivable
   Total Other Funds
   Grand Total
 *Realized in Excess


$   161,594, 03
      7,079 , 03
S    67,940.49

$  160,586.05

$  162,476.98
     1,350. 00


67, 940.49

    1,611,485.66        15,027.00                    1,626,512.66

 $ 1, 848,099.21  $  179,563.05   $   163,826.98 $ 21,191,489.24
 $ 3,455,612.54   $ 949,167.71    $ 574,396.06 $ 4,979,176.31

 $    76,695,00    $                $             $    76,695.00
      81,408.26                                        81,408.26
   3,386,862.91       185,281.26                    3,572,144.17
      26,988.28                                        26,988.28

 $ 3,571,954.45    $  185,281.26    $             $ 3,757,235.71

 $ 4,337,000.00    $                $             $ 4,337,000,00
 36,945,521.12     4,149,270.31                   41,094,791.43

 $41,282,521.12     $4,149, 270 31   $              $45,431, 791.43
 $44,854,47.57     $- 4,334,551.57   $             $49,189 027.-1

   Loan              Endowment          Agency
$     6,724.25     $    3,415.M     $   99,10Z.21 $    109,241.78
     48,656.51                                          48,656.51
     55,500.00        203,033,35        15,967.19      274,500.54
$  11088,0,76      $  206,448.67    $  115,069,40 $    432,398.83
                                                   $54, 600,6OZ.28
At Estimate



University of Kentucky
    May 31, 1957


Current Funds
   Petty Cash Liabil. $
   Res. for Encumbrances


Agric ultural
Expe riment

40, 000.00  $   10, 000. 00



$    50, 000. 00

      Current Year
      Prior Year
    Res. for Inventories
    Res. for Fire Losse
    Other Liabilities
    Unapprop. Surplus
    Approp. Balance

      Total General

   Outstanding Checks
   Fund Balance

       Total Restricted
       Total Cur, Funds

Plant Funds
   Res.for Encumb.
     Current Year
     Prior Year
   Due to Other Funds
   Approp. Balance

       Total Unexpend.

 Investment in Plant-
 Bonds Payable
 Other Liabilities
 Due to Oth.GovtUnits
 Net Invested in Plant

      Total Invested
      Total PI. Funds

Other Funds
  Princ"= Balances
  Expendable Balances

    Total Other Funds
    Grand Total


53 1, 046 , 80
10,919, 39
294,988. 31
85, 71Z 17
52, 666, 20
83, 871 25

317, 44 1. 36
  7, 502.56


60, 176. 65

908, 664.81
18,421.9 5
294,988, 31
85, 712.17
52, 666. 20

    508,309. 21     196, 385, 45  350,392.43    1,055,087Q09

$ 1, 607,513 , 33  $  769.604.66  $410,569.08  $ 2, 787, 687. 07

$     6,421L55   $                             $     6,42155
  1,841,677,66      179,563,05  $163,826.98      2,185,067.69

$ 1,848,099,21   $  179,563.05  $163,826.98   $ 2, 19 1,489. 24
$ 3,455,6 1254   $ 949,167.71   $574,396.06   $ 4,979,176,31

$ 2,853,058.76   $   60,424,83   $             $ 2, 913,483, 59
      6,764.40       12,747,00                       19,511,40
      67,940.49                                       67,940.49
    644,190.80      112,109,43                      756,300.23

$ 3,571,954,45   $  185,281,26   $              $ 3,757,235, 71

$ 8,373,000,00   $               $              $ 8, 373, 000. 00
                    200,0W0000                      200,00000
  3,2 87, 000o 00                                 3,287,000.00
  29,622,521, 12   3, 949, 270,31                 33,571,791,43

$4i,282,521A12   $4,149,270.31   $              $45,431,791.43
$44, 854,475.5-7 -$4,2,3-34,15-51.-57  $       $9189,0627. 14

   Loan            Endowment       Agenj
$   '7'I,399,81  $ "7'2,72Ti s   $              $   276,123,86
     37,480.95        3,724,62    115,069A40        156,274,97

     110,880,76     206,448.67  $ 1 5,06 9 4 0     4$ 43T, 98,




        University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
  -uly 1.! 1956 and ended May 31, 1957

             General Fund

Division of Colle es
ucational and Generalb
   State Appropriations
   Federal Grants (through the Statel
   Student Fees
   Endowment Incorne
   Sales, Services and Rentals
   Returned Checks


 Auxiliary Enterprises

           Total. Division of Colleges

Agricultural Experiment Station
Educational and General.
   State Appropraations
   Federal Grants (direct)
   Sales and Services

          Total Agr. Exper. Station

A ricultural Extension Division
Educational and General7
   State Appropr7at=ons
   Federal Grants (direct)

          Total Agr. Exten. Division

          Total General Fund

Division of Colle es
Deot ;erbvnce bncome


R eal ized

r nrealized

     Estimate      to Date        Balance

  $ 4,963,300,00 $ 4,963,309.}09 S
      135,860..10    116..07 54       19,784,56
      984F500,Q00  1,013,349.02       Z8,849A02*
        9,644.50       9,700.00           5550Q*
        20, 00000      2.0,338.03         338A03*
                         632 95         632n95

  $ 6, 113,304. 60 $ 6,122,i29.,64 $.  8,825.04*
                       100.. 1%o
      497,272.00     5-7;427' 0o6      9,155.06*
                       i.01 . 876
  $ 6,6110,576.60 $ 6 62-7 770 .5     17,980. 10*

  $   808,000.00 $   808,000. 00 $
      802.,144.00    802,1.44.00
      560,000-02     589,327.,00      29,327, 00*

  $ 2, 1-70, 144, 00 $ 2, 199,471 ..00 $  29,327,00*

  $   828.!000n00 $  828, 0' O 900 $
    1,788,822,04   1,788,822,04

 $ 2,6i6,822L04 $ 2,616,822.04 $

 $11,397,542.64 $I i4p 444T 74 $     47,307, 10*
                        1 0 777

Plant Fund

$  292,006, 01  $  26-5,017,72 $  26#988,28
   _       _     ;     w7=__==;_~~~~~~
                        ..9 w=  

* Realized in excess of estimate.
1 Negative figure.



              '.niversity of Kentucky
     For the Current Fiscal Per-od which began
        July 1, 1956 and ended May 31. 1957

Division of Collees

  Admin. & General:
    GenD Aam,. O1fces
    Student Services
    Staff Welfare
    Gen. Inst. Services


 Instruction & Research
   College of --
   Agr. & Home Ec,
   Arts and Sciences
   Comme rce
 Graduate School
 Organized Act, Rel, Ed.
 Re search
 Adult & Extension Ed.


 Other Expenses:
   Oper-.TBTMalnt, P1.
   AuxiAiary Enterpr.
   Working Capitat
   Clearing Accounts


      Tot, Div. of Col.

Agr. Experimern- Sta,

Agr, Extension Div,

      Combined Totals



Appropria 4on   Expend-Jure s  Encumbrarces  Balance

$   16v,875 03  $  140,005,06  $ 2 I-, 4. 83  $  24y 705 14
    247,610,I13   220,615t35     2,728,24        Z4,26 6,54
    71,000i00     74,188.09                      3,188. 09*
    123,348n41     99,607,24    22, 006, 50       1,734,67

$  608p833.57  $  534,415,74  $ 26899957     $   47,518.26

$  343,513.,86  $ 29 7, 468 33  $ 9,334,46   $   36,711p,07
  1, 873, 004n 01  t.6755 28.,81  38,119o12     159,256,08
    251,731i28    224,486,71      1, i57,20      26,087,37
    443x,081,99    361,605,87    10,738,30       70,737.82
    470y816, 668   392,938,03    12 '942, 63     64, 936, 02
    98,254.06      85,894,74     3y696,15        8,663,17  
    i03,300,00     77,755,.77    9,360. 97      16,183,26
    308,300,00     76 L 995, 01  19,015.,46      12,289,53
    15,692,93     14,A 39,,22      222.,. 85     1,330,86
    35,224n00      27.264,20     3,i5l,19        4,808,61
    20 y00000      8,404,78      2 , 161- 09     9,434,13
    326,606,26    295, 180,72     4,445 f69      26,979,85
    258,933,34    256,779-14      7,834, 93       5,7680,73*

$ 4,348R458,41  $3, 794, 541 .33  $122,180,04  $  431,737, 04

$ i,03i,542,00  $  780 n843,79  $108,555o38  $  142,142o83
   379,045,99     309,458.78    32,50'?,80      37,079,414
   75,000,00 Zn,441i78*       109, 087 , 79     7,646,01*
                    _  ,0. 706, 10  131,81.6,22  1 42,522,3*

$ 1,485,587,99  $1,074,566.89  $381,9-7, 19  $   29,053,91

$ 6,442.879,97  $ 5, 403, 5 T ' $531 046.80  $  5.O8.309.21
 2,1337675,25   1 i 9,89 848 4  317,441,l34.    196,385, 45
                        9 0. 8%
  2,625,888,80  2 , 2l 5,3 3 t   O0, 76, 5      350,39?243

$1i,202,444.02  $9,238,69-2TTY  $908,t1664 81  $ 1, 055, 087. 09
                       9J07 .T-

* Negative Figure



             LUniversity of Kentucky
    For the Current Fiscal Period which began
      July 1, 1956 and ended May 31, 1957

Division of Colleges
   Holmes HU-Univ. Ap .$
   Holmes Hall & Pharm,
     Bldg. Stm . Lines
   Phi Delta Theta Frat.
   Shawneetown Apts.
   Six Sor,, Dormitories
   Medical School
   Holmes Hall-Bond Pro-

Approp ra tion


2,031,49   $

  46, 600 00
  145, 183.9 7
2, 156,000.00


24, 038 01
  6, 235. 27
392, 839,. 58
192, 618,23
306, 153. 73


Enc um -
brance s


1,652, 586.36
665 671.49
      300, 00


$ 2,031. 49

6,299. 00*
136,654. 9 7
110,574. 06
25, 330, 76
133,546. 27

503,346., 19  132,968., 45

Total Construction $4,804,435.94

$1,416, 570, 18
         _8 _9 __

$2,853,058.76 $534,807,00

Retirement  of indebtedness
l-stW,.P. A., Bond Issue $
2nd W. P.A. Bond Issue
Dorm, Rev, Bond issue
Audit-Field H, Issue
Libo & Serv. Bldg. Issue
Stad. Add, Issue
DormRev Issue (456 Rosel
Jour. Bldg. Bond Issue
Dorm. Rev.. Issue f476 Rose)
Stud. Dorms. U.OK,
Stud, Dorm, -Kappa Sigma
Stud, Dorm .- Lambda Chi
Stud, Dormm. -Phi Sigma K.
S tud, Dorm. - Pi Kappa A.
DormRevBond 1952
Dorm,Rev. Bond 1954
Dorm, Rev, Bond 1955
   Cooperstown Apts,
 Lib, & Serv ,Bldg. Res,
 DormRevBond 1956 (Six
   Sorority Dorms. )
 Dorm, Rev. Bond 1956 336
   Clifton Ave.)

   Total Retirement of
      Indebtedness       $

36, 711 67
24,449. 25
61,910 63
21,084. 71
4, 301 65
15,355, 75
4,029, 43
9,359, 51
11,431 28
9,359, 50
11,050 . 03
99, 051,00
58,764, 50

119 ,638. 00
34,007, 54

20;9 10. 00

$  36,711.67
19 , 156 , 57
20, 485 00
60, 568, 60
37, 572, 00
21, 037., 50
4, Z53, 13
15, 221, 25
3, 927, 50
13, 040, 82
6, 520, 42
6, 520, 42
6, 520. 42
6 520. 42
18. 285. 75
3 1, 352. 50



119, 472, 50

   97, 38
3,964, 25
1, 342. 03
7,497, 42
   47, 21
   48, 52
   134. 50
   1 0 1 93
6,622. 12
2, 839, 09
4,9 10. 86
2 839 08
4,529, 61
80, 765, 25
27,412, 00

34, 007. 54

z0, 910 00

3,215, 00        3, 215, 00

628,615,76    $ 451,291,47     $             $177,3?4.29

Total.-Div. of Col]eges $5,433,051, 70

Agr. Experiment Station
(;ons tr uc tion

      Combined Totals  $5

223 , 647, 27

9656 ).698.97

          7 1, 8U/
$1,867, 86 1l
          86. 9%

    51, 113, 01
          49. 9 8 97
$ 1 ,918,~ 9 74'TF-

$2,853,058, 76 $712, 131 29

    60,424 83 112, 109,43

$2,9 13, 483. 59 $824, 240, 72


*Negative Figure,



           University of Kentucky
  For the Current Fiscal Period which began
     July 1, 1956 and ended May 31, 1957

Restricted Funds:
Division of Colleges
Agr . Exp. Station
Agr. Exten. Div.


Loan Fund:
P rinc ipal


Endowment Funds.


 Agency Funds:

      Combined Totals




July 1, 1956     Receipts       ments            May 31, 1957

$1,429,830.77   $4,212,977.57 $3,801,130,68 $1,841,677.66
   164,146,78      281,955.14     266,538.87     179,563,05
   136,305Q48      188,626. 33   161,104),83   163,826.98

$1,730,283.03   $4,683,559.04 $4,228,774.38 $2, 185,067.69

$   73,399.81   $              $              $   73,399,81
    34,912,99        2, 5 78 49         10.53     37,480e95

$  108,312,80   $    2,p578r49 $        1 0.53 $ 110,8M8076

$ 202,724,05    $              $              $  202,724.05
     4,214.76           145,141        345.00      3,724 62

$ 206,938,81    $       145, 141 $     345,00 $  206,448,67

$   92,840,93   $  843,513.87 $   821,285,40 $  115,069o40

$2,138,375.57   $5,529,506.26 $5,050,415.31 $2,617,466.52

1. Negative Figure,

Accrued Interest purchased on investment exceeded income for the period.



       D. Agreement with American Cyanarnid Company Approved.

       Mr. Peterson submitted contract between the American Cyanamid
Company and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University. The
contract is for a period of one year, beginning April 1, 1957, for a total
cost of $2, 500. 007 This contract is similar to several Agreements with
the University during the past years. It concerns research in ieeding,
testing the growing and fattening rate under different conditions. The
contract has been recommended by Professor Insko, in charge of Poultry
Husbandry, and Dean Welch. Mr. Peterson recommended that the con-
tract be approved.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was
approved and authorized executed on behalf of the tJniversity.

       E. Resolution on Election of Alumni Member of the Board of
Trustees i

       Mr. Peterson and Board member, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, present-
ed a resolution concerning election of an alumni member to the Board of
Trustees, Dr. Angelucci stated that the present method was somewhat
cumbersome, involved and expensive. He submitted a sample official
ballot for use. The Board was advised that a committee had studied the
problem and the following resolution was recommended.


      WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes Section 164. 140 authorized
      the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky to prescribe
      rules and regulations for the nomination of alumni members to
      be appointed to the Board of Trustees, and

      WHEREAS, the use of a simplified ballot with which the biograph-
      ical sketches of nominees can be consolidated, will reduce the
      expense and difficulty in mailing ballots, and

      WHEREAS, it is desirable for these rules to be revised to per-
      mit the simplified balloting,

      Now, therefore, be it resolved that the following rules and regu-
      lations, as revised, shall govern the nomination of alumni
      members to be appointed to the Board of Trustees:

            1 At a regular called meeting held not later than
               September 20, the Executive Committee of the Uni-
               versity of Kentucky Alumni Association shall nom-
               inate, from the alumni of the University, six persons
               who are qualified under the law for appointment to
               the University Board of Trustees,



2. When the names of these six nominees have been cer-
   tified by the Secretary of the Association to the Secre-
   tary of the University Board of Trustees, they shall
   be arranged alphabetically and placed upon a ballot.
   Following the names there shall be three blank lines,
   and opposite each name and blank there shall be a

3. The ballots, so prepared, shall be mailed not later
   than November 1 to those entitled to vote as their
   addresses shall appear in the files of the Alumni
   Office. With each ballot there shall be sent:

     (a) A short biography of each candidate, which
         may contain, among other things, the date
         of the candidate' s birth, his present and past
         occupations, and any public service which he
         has rendered.

     (b) Necessary instructions for voting, including
         the number of persons to be voted for, and the
         method of marking and mailing the ballot.

     (c) There also may be included other information
        or material of general interest to the alumni.

4. No person shall receive a duplicate ballot unless upon
  satisfactory representation to the Secretary of the Board
  that his ballot has been lost or otherwise destroyed. No
  person shall be permitted to vote otherwise than by

5. The vote shall be cast by making a cross in the square
  opposite the names of the persons to be voted for, and
  mailing or delivering to the Secretary of the Board of

6. Each graduate may vote for not more than three persons.
  He may vote for any of the persons listed on the ballot
  by making a cross in the square opposite the name, or
  for any other qualified graduate of the University of
  Kentucky by writing in the name and making a cross in
  the square opposite the written name. If more than
  three persons are voted for on any ballot, it shall not be

7. Any ballot, to be counted, must be in the office of the
  Secretary of the Board of Trustees not later than noon
  of the day preceding the December meeting of the Board,
  and no ballot received after that time shall be counted.



            8. The ballots shall be publicly assembled during a
               meeting of the Board of Trustees, or the Executive
               Committee of the Board, and counted by an election
               committee consisting of the Secretary of the Board,
               the Secretary of the Alumni Association (or their
               designated representatives) and one other person
               agreed upon by them, in the presence of such per-
               sons as may desire to be present.

            9, The Secretary of th.e Board shall certify to the
               Governor the names of three persons receiving the
               largest number of votes, from which the Governor
               may make appointment in accordance with the law.

            10. Any details of the election not covered in the Ken-
               tucky Statutes or in these regulations shall be
               decided upon by the Election Committee named

       Members being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, the Resolution was adopted and authorized spread upon the minutes,
to be made effective at once.

       F. University of Kentucky-Ashland Center Established.

       A delegation from the City of Ashland representing the Ashland
Junior College were invited to meet with the Board. They renewed their
request that the University of Kentucky lease the property from the Ash-
land Board of Education for the purpose of conducting a two-year college
program at Ashland,  They presented the lease-agreement which had
been prepared by the Ashland and University attorneys, with the approval
of President Dickey and Vice President Peterson.  The agreement was

OF KENTUCKY, a statutory corporation under the laws of Kentucky, herein
called UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, of Lexington, Kentucky, and the
district under the laws of Kentucky, of Ashland, Kentucky, herein called
the BOARD OF EDUCATION, witnesses:

      WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky and the Board of Education
have the following responsibilities.


      The University of Kentucky, under Kentucky Revised Statutes 164. 100
to 164. 286, has the duty of maintaining undergraduate and postgraduate work,
embracing instruction as well as research such as is done in other institu-
tions of corresponding rank,




       The Board of Education, under Kentucky Revised Statutes 165. 010,
and 165. 210 to 165. 250, has the duty to promote public education by main-
taining a junior college, as a part of the public school system, in which
principal work is the maintenance of courses affording instruction in such
arts, sciences, and professions and conferring such certificates of attain-
ment as are authorized by other similar institutions of learning above
high school grade; and which college is supported in part by funds raised
by municipal taxation levied for the purpose of establishing, acquiring,
and operating the college.


       Under the above legislative statutes, the University of Kentucky
and the Board of Education have mutual responsibilities to provide young
people of the Ashland area with two years of college opportunity.  The
University of Kentucky is now doing this by resident work at Lexington
and the Board of Education is doing it by resident work in Ashland.

       NOW, THEREFORE, in order to accomplish their mutual responsi-
bilities by a single program, the parties agree as follows:

       1. The Ashland Junior College is hereby recognized as the Ashland
center of the University of Kentucky.

       2. The University of Kentucky will provide a program, including
courses of study and administration, to meet the responsibilities of both
parties, The work shall include the same as at the University of Kentucky,
in Lexington, and the students shall be entitled to the same credits from
the University of Kentucky; and the courses and administration shall be
such as to meet the responsibilities of the Board of Education to maintain
a mntmicipal junior college, The parties may also agree from time to time
about special courses of local interest, including terminal courses.

       3. The Board of Education will provide the buildings, including
land, equipment, and other facilities to the extent of the present junior
college property and such additional, as may be needed, as it can procure
from the proceeds of the junior college tax, In planning and providing
such buildings, land, equipment, and facilities, the Board of Education
will request the University of Kentucky to make recommendations, pursuant
to its standards, and the Board of Education will not unreasonably withhold
its agreement with such recommendations.  All other expenses, including
teacher salaries, will be paid by the University of Kentucky, for which
purpose it may use the tuition and other fees.

       4. The Board of Education may terminate this Agreement at any
time, upon written notice, in the event there is a failure to accomplish
its responsibilities, for r.nainta.ning a junior college under the above
statutes; it being understood, however, that nothing herein shall be con-
strued as an agreement: upon the part of either party to any act or omission
which would unlawfully limit said party s power to perform its legal



      5. This Agreement shall become effective July 1, 1957, and shall
continue until terminated by the parties. Subject to the provisions of
paragraph 4, the Agreement may be terminated, or amended and changed
in whole or in part, by mutual agreement of both parties; provided
written notice is given at least one year prior to the beginning date of any
fiscal year.

      IN WITNESS OF WHICH, the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky and the Board of Education of the City of Ashland have caused
their names to be subscribed and their seals to be affixed hereto, this
the     11      day of June, 1957.


ON JUNE 11, 1957.



      Frank D. Peterson, Secretary


ON JUNE 11, 1957.



Frank G. Dickey, President




Sec retary


      The Board being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried
the agreement was authorized executed on behalf of the University of Kentucky,
and the University of Kentucky-Ashland Center was established as of July 1,
1957, with the understanding that the University would pick up the program as
speedily as possible, and that the Ashland Junior College board would continue
such programs as are now in existence so as to make an orderly transfer
of programs.

      Members of the delegation were invited to have luncheon with the
Board of Trustees,

      G. Harlan County Center Established at Cumberland, KL.

      President Dickey had previously appointed a University committee
to study the sites available for the University Center in Southeastern



Kentucky. He stated that the committee had made a report of their visits
to all sites offered. President Dickey read the report.

                                         June 11, 1957

      Dear President Dickey.

      The University Committee on the Site for the University Center in
      Southeastern Kentucky desires to report on its work.

      Some twelve sites in or near Harlan and in or near Cumberland
      have been inspected and written information from responsible groups
      in these two communities has been gathered. In examining these
      sites the committee used certain criteria including the following:

            1o Site Ad adequacy for present plant and program and for
               ArTe development

            2. Accessibility Ad easily reached, absence of hazardous
               approaches, proximity to main arterial roads

            3. Physical features -- terrain, drainage, surroundings
               such as adjoining land and buildings, natural beauty
               and appeal

            4. Population -- total resident population and high school
               enrollments within 15-25-35 mile road distances

            5. Proximity to and availability of public services -- water,
               sewage disposal, electricity, health, law enforcement,
               and others

            6. Community support -- active interest of public and civic
               agencies, financial provisions, faculty housing, industri-
               al and professional support, newspaper and radio facil-

      After the inspection visits to available sites the Committee made
      "bird? s eye" photographs, prepared written descriptions of the main
      site characteristics, drew maps of surrounding areas with the loca-
      tion of communities and high schools with road distances, and com-
      piled high school statistics and population figures. (See attached

      The Committee then narrowed the selection to two sites: one known
      as the Skidmore Site at Grays s Knob located three miles from the
      city of Harlan and the other known as the Cloverlick Site near the
      City of Cumberland.



At this point the Committee prepared, with legal advice, a data
form calling for written information from the Harlan Committee
formed by order of the Harlan County Fiscal Court and from the
Trin-City Improvement Association at Cumberland. These two
local groups submitted the requested information to the Site

Upon careful review and study of the data and in light of the cri-
teria the Committee made the following analysis:

     1 The size of the site should be a minimum of thirty-
        five to forty acres. Both sites qualify in this re-
        spect,  The Skidmore Site has thirty.five acres
        available at present, At Cumberland 250 acres
        are reported to be available to the University.

     20 The Harlan Committee proposes to purchase the thirty-
        five acres at Gray, s Knob for $115