xt76125qc68v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qc68v/data/mets.xml  France  1799-10-07 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie de Meymat, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Quintidi 15 Vendémiaire, an VIII, [7 October 1799] text Le Publiciste, Quintidi 15 Vendémiaire, an VIII, [7 October 1799] 1799 1799-10-07 2023 true xt76125qc68v section xt76125qc68v  

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new! U11: 111113, (111i :Ipt‘i'si :1 pris." 110 V» anuonhuysvn m'0it
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nif'lh‘f’ , eHIr (‘Inpm‘ia Ii'nsizml posic principai Ii'Ouds—
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'I‘Imlc l'armi'o a (10110 rcpris sos ancimmr‘s pnsifions.
[Hosimir Iii-en foudé ([111: j. mis 00110-1 du 5'1 1001's I‘Imigh‘t
dc colic 011 ‘mli 011, 03} :iii‘ si biI‘n jiistii‘u.‘ par 1-.‘. 103111101. do.
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51011 : j' :uzruis, 01110310

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111111115 , 50:13 1111 point 1(1'1‘C V110 grina'ral . 11‘s (tii'I‘IinsatuncI‘s 1111f
ViI‘u: 1011!. d aVoil lieu, 3i i1: I:':‘.V1)i5 1‘. rogrclh‘r 1:1 port." de-
licaucoup dc braves ofliciIaI's ‘0: 5111111115, taut 111‘s [10111103 dc,
5:1 majosté (1110 (iii (30105 Il'armée 1'11531‘.

La 111711101111: 110111 (miles 105 1101:1101; out I'IIit prcnvcw
l’IinI‘rgic avec 1:11,:11‘110 01105 0111 snrmonlé 10115 105 0115;111:1123
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11111110110 ("'03 0111 5011101111 105 i'IIlitgnI‘s (i'un cmnl‘at qui a.
duré dcpuis 11‘01'5 1111102513: dvmic 'du mmin , jnsqu :'I cinq
du 5011‘, 12111111551111 10111 cc 11110 jI‘. ‘murrois e11 dirt‘, 8:165
clnp'rx (11.0 jc pour'im:111010011012 Lems ofl'orls lour
11011110111 .ons 11‘s dmits :1 l' 1111i1.1'.i011 é. a la recounoissauce‘
do, [0111‘ mi CK Ih‘. 10111‘ 11111130.

Ayaiit ainsi fidC‘uCUlCHL de'iaillé k6 éw'nomcns dc

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1:11 p.111‘I11111Ii111‘111111III I.1 1‘111111).1;.111i11 11.111113i11.

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I‘IIII f".

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.515rmcc 1/11 1.} 116/11/111'711'u/1‘0.

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On (Iisculc 11111: ‘1‘511‘I11Ii1111 1III QIS
5111‘ 103 OPLII‘CIIIOI‘IS 1.10 I‘ziss i‘Ill 'II111‘ p1i1n11i1‘111I11b‘i11I-L‘i1-11111‘,
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l‘cj1‘llc III 1'0;;1)I1.1Ii011, {11(1‘11111111110
0P1EI'1.‘ COIIfoI‘Iu-Eman 1111.11 Iuix.

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Louise ([11 I12 1‘011111‘7121‘111‘1‘1}.

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11) IIIIoi. 111 1111‘ s 0111i1I111‘ 111.13 1)I)j1ls psxahlzzs 011I111n15111111‘ 1111‘:
tluit 1113 la I11I1II 17 I11 1‘...‘. :11; 7 ‘ 1 (1111‘s 1..i\11::1111‘i)
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1I‘1.Im.‘zné'-I‘Ix -I1.‘ 11:.31‘ I’i11u11I, ‘1‘111'11111‘ .“\' m11‘..II'I-I-
(I11 50.1%...11111, [1; . - 1: (I1: hoi- 11”. .51111-1‘; 1‘ I
l’ancicunu Iibmiin dc I) 1.1 mt Drue III: 111 Loi.

A. 1711.1 N 1,: 018.

Roz/111111 1111111111: (III/1‘111/1‘, g,


Wummmmmwm EKm'KEI-i'm‘i mam“!


De I’Imprimeria do MEYMAT, rue dcs Mo‘mcaux, 11". 4:13.


II..I 1111111
Les I’m