xt76125qc110 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qc110/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 2007 2007 2007-12-03 2020 true xt76125qc110 section xt76125qc110 \\’\A’\\. I\\ lsERNII (()M

M( —NI)








Brit Fuller status In the doorway of his IeXIngton apartment as Moveable Feast volunteers deliver a meal on Nov 20 Fuller tested positive for HIV in 1986 and now relies on the servrm for most of his diet.



Stories In Sean Rose ’ Photos l)\’ Ed Matthews

Since I IIV and .\II)S were Iirstdiagg-
nosed in 19M. more than 550.000 people
in the I'nited States hate died because
of the disease. .\'cw medications and
treatments mean more people are lii'ing,r
with I [IV and .\I I )8 now than CVCI'. and
awareness efforts like Saturdais \Vorld
.\II)S ”at are reaching out to educate

But 40. 000 \nierieans are still diam
nosed with III\ exert tear. a number
that has stated constant since the earh
logos \Iam doctors and activists worn
tliatioung people —-~ the first gcnciation
to lite their entiic liies in a woild with
.\II)S are too optimistic about med-
ical adtaiicenieiits. 'I‘hct’rc afraid this
optimism will turn into complacency
and apatlw toward the disease. But
blindness to the threat of I II\T \II)S is
just as dangerous as it w as in the ioh‘os
w hen Bill I ullei. then -1. contracted the
Virus. I‘or I‘ullcr I liat‘s when the


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'I'I'Ie DiSl-l

Contra Costa Times

There's something about
Christina Applcgatc.

Thc luminous actress who
first scizcd our attention as ditzy
Kelly Bundy in "Married
With Children." is once again on
a TV high. Hcr ABC comcdy.
"Samantha Who?" (9 pm. EST
Mondays) has established itself
as prime timc‘s top—rated ncw
sitcom and one of the few bright
spots in a dismal. strikc-marrcd

Applcgatc plays a sweet—
faccd woman who has awak-
cncd from a coma with no mem—
ory and learns shc was a truly
wretched person. Now. she‘s at-
tempting to start fresh and fix
the damage this other part of hcr

We rcccntly caught up with
Applcgatc. who. along with the
rest of her cast. has bccn sidc-
lincd by the w ritcrs' strike and is
antsy to rctum to work.

Q: How have you handled
the layoff so far?

A: l 1ch likc I‘m going to
losc my mind if this keeps up!
I‘m somconc who can‘t sit
around a lot. l'yc got to work.
Acting is likc a muscle: You
need to use it or it will atrophy.

Q: Are you worried the
work stoppage might cause
the show to lose momentum?

A: ()f coursc. it‘s like hav»
ing thc rug pullcd out from un-
der you. Wc had just gotten our
(fullescason) pickup and four
days latcr the strike hits. It‘s
hard to takc. You feel likc

you‘re doing something good
and you‘ve got a placc in thc
pecking order and then _ boom
_ it all comes to a stop.

Q: On your show. old Sam.
or “bad" Sam is routinely res-
urrected through flashbacks.
How fun is it to play her?

A: It’s a blast. l‘vc ncvcr
gotten to play a character with
no self-editing systcrn whatso-
cvcr —4 a woman who is so in-
credibly self—involved. I noticed
rcccntly on the set that. when I
slipped into her wig and took on
her personality. I was extremely
relaxed. She‘s not a tcnsc per-
son. She isn‘t dealing with any
inncr struggle.

Q: Is it an acting challenge
to swivel between the two?

A: It‘s a lot of fun. When
you play one charactcr wcck af—
ter week. you can get bored.
But not with this. especially
sincc the new Sam has becn
through so many changes and
cvolvcd so much in just a few

Q: Bad Sam has done
some very nasty things. She
even had a restraining order
against her. Just how vicious
can this woman get?

A: The restraining order is
tamc compared to some of the
stuff coming up. Thcrc‘s a story—
line whcrc she's very manipula-
tive and dcccptivc with Andrea
(Jennifer Esposito). Shc influ-
ences her to do something really.
really awful to somconc. Over
time shc will come to undcr—
stand why she is the way shc is.
We'll never see her break. but l
think we'll begin to havc somc
rcal sympathy for her.

Q: Much like “My Name
Is Earl.“ your show is pegged
to a character trying to atone
for past sins. How do you
think this resonates with view-

A: Wc‘rc both. in a way. try
ing to show that you can start
ovcr. that it‘s ncycr too late. To»
day is a new day. 1 think wc all
wish we could takc back somc
of thc things w‘c‘vc donc in our
liycs. That dynamic is \cry rc»

Q: So what would you like
to take back?

A: l‘m surc thcrc arc somc
relationships I’d like to cltmi»
natc or change. And probably
some hairstyles, Along thosc
lines. I wish the ‘sos would JUSI
go away. For most pcoplc. they
did go away. but my hairstylcs
w'crc dtx‘umcntcd and arc shown
on TV (in "Marricd" rcruns)
fiyc times .1 day.

Q: What about your hair-
style now? Good Sam has all
those curls.

A: Yeah. in thc past l‘vc
hccn cnvroUs of girls with curly
hair. so I wanted to try ll. It just
sccmcd appropriatc for thc char»
actcr. Thcrc‘s a childlikc inno-
ccncc to it.

Q: How do you think Kelly
Bundy and the former Sam
would get along?

A: ()h. the old Sam would
chcw‘ Kelly up and spit her out.
She‘s a very smart and \cry citri-
ning woman. Shc doesn‘t want
to bc around anyonc who can
compctc with hcr or sharc thc
spotlight. So l think shc‘d out-
smart Kclly and outdo hcr .md
ultimatcly squash hcr.


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L, Review

1' w w w. P! inu-lrmRm icwaum





Dec ember i, 2007
Page 3

Matthew George
Asst Sports Editor
Phone 25.7 ‘915
tngeorgetfitkykernel LUI':


Patterson shines; Cats fall short to Heels

By Travis Waldron

Patrick Patterson said UK
could prove it could be a nation-
al contender if the Cats beat No.
1 North Carolina. in the end. the
freshman forward proved he
could play with any big man in
the country. but UK fell short.
losing to North Carolina 86-77
on Saturday at Rupp Arena.

Patterson scored 19 points
and grabbed nine rebounds in
his first test against a ranked op—
ponent. but the Cats (4-2) could—
n‘t make enough plays to hang
with the undefeated and top-
ranked Tar Heels (7-0).

“l thought (Patterson)
played great." head coach Billy
Gillispie said. "He learned a
great lesson today. You can tell
him all you want. but sometimes
you have to learn lessons in
games. But I thought he played

Senior guard Ramel Bradley
agreed With Gillispie's assess-
ment of Patterson.

“I think Patrick showed a lot


the first half. UK likely would
have taken the lead into the
break. Green was 5-for-7 in the
first half while the rest of the Tar
Heels made just six field goals.
Green finished with 20 points to
lead North Carolina.

Though the Tar Heels didn‘t
shoot well early. they still con—
trolled the lane. North Carolina
forced the Cats‘ big men into
foul trouble early by banging the
ball inside to junior center Tyler
Hansbrough. who finished with
14 points and 11 rebounds.
Sophomore forward Perry
Stevenson picked up his fourth
foul before halftime. and fouled
out with 15:56 to go.

The Cats turned the ball
over 19 times and missed too
many defensive assignments ~-
problems Gillispie said the Tar
Heels didn’t have. And in the
end. Gillispie said. North Caroli—
na‘s discipline was too much for
his young team.

“Discipline is doing some-
thing and doing it every single
time." Gillispie said. “INorth
Carolina‘s players) carry out re-


of toughness." Bradley said.
“He‘s not going to back down
no matter who he‘s going up
against. 1 think (all the fresh—

UK freshman forward Patrick Patterson glances at North Carolina guard
Wayne Ellington before taking a shot during Saturday's game

sponsibility very well. They’re
fairly simple in what they do.
but they do it better than anyone
in the country. Hopefully we



‘Dertiy' races
out of the gate



tiers: Asthma Patients
til” ntroitea symptoms

men) learned from this game
and can continue to mature and

Senior guard .loe Crawford
aided Patterson. scoring a game-
high 21 points. but the Cats did-
n‘t have enough to keep pace
with the Tar Heels. .

“We have so many areas to
get better in. bui I thought they
gave a real good effort today."
Gillispie said. "Just not good
enough to win against that

North Carolina couldn't find
the hoop for much of the first

half. leaving the door open for
the Cats to take control of the
game. The Tar Heels made just
four of their first 2-1 field goals.
but they made all 12 of their
free throws and scored 13 points
off turnovers to keep the lead
throughout much of the first
half. North Carolina was 27-for-
34 for the game from the free—
throw line and scored 33 points
off UK tumovers.

North Carolina came alive
near the end of the first half. Af-
ter the ctild start. the Tar Heels
made 13 of their next 17 field

goals. including the 9-for-1]
start to the second half that
sparked a 134) run. The North
Carolina lcad eventually
stretched to 7051) with less than
nine minutes to play.

"We were really good (dur-
ing that stretch)." North Caroli—
na coach Roy Williams said.
"We were moving the ball. we
were passing. we were doing a
real good job defensively. and
we were making a lot of shots."

Junior forward Danny Green
was the unsuspecting hero for
the Tar Heels. If not for Green in


North Carolina extended its
winning streak over the Cats to
four games the Tar Heels are
now 20-10 against UK overall
~ meaning Crawford and fel-
low senior Bradley will most
likely leave UK without defeat—
ing the Tar Heels.

But Crawford said he hopes
the Cats and Tar Heels will meet

"Hopefully we get to see
them again." Crawford said. "1
think we showed we‘re a tough


UKlong way from being like North Carolina

Kentucky and North Carolina are the
two winningest programs in college basket—
ball history. UK is No. l with 1.952 wins.
North Carolina has
1.920 victories.

The Tar Heels
don’t have a long way
to go to catch up to the
Cats. But. in a different
way. UK has a long
way to go to catch up
to North Carolina.

The evidence was
on display Saturday at
Rupp Arena. North
Carolina was deeper
and more talented than
the Cats. The 86‘77 fi-
nal score was a reflection of the despairing

North Carolina has stacked talent on top
of more talent on its roster. That's the begin—
ning of UK‘s problems. The Cats don't have
the talent that the nation's elite teams have.

The Tar Heels have NBA talent all over
their roster. Ty Lawson and Tyler Hans-
brough will be in the Association one day.
Wayne Ellington and Deon Thompson also
have star talent.

UK has only one no—doubt professional
— Patrick Patterson.

In addition to the superstars. North (‘ar-
olina also has a solid bench.

Danny Green and Bobby Frasor are
tremendous role players. Actually. take that
back. They‘re more than just role players.
They have the ability to take over and




The (amour (alenoar ri produred hi the O“ re n‘ Same" A(' y no: tear/(”V r s

change games with their ability.

Late in the first half. with his team up
just 4 points. Green scored 8 straight points.
forcing UK to call a timeout. in the sc—
quence. he hit two 3—pointcrs. both from just
about the same spot on the floor and with
about the same slacking defensiye pressure.
and a layup.

Greens 2() points were big. l‘TtlSOl‘ls 9
points were bigger.

Frasor hit three 3Apointcrs in the sec—
ond half that really put the game out of
reach. [it his highlight sequence. he had a
steal. hit a 3—pointer. got the defensiyc ref
bound on L'K‘s next possession and hit an-
other 3-pointer to giye North Carolina an
18-point lead just for: minutes into the sec~
ond half.

UK doesn‘t haye those types of rcscr'y es.
The freshmen have the capability to perform
in those roles for UK. but they shouldn't be
relied on. because they‘re just freshmen.

Depth like that is the reason the (‘ats
tried to slow down the game and foul their
way to a \‘lL‘IOry‘.

“(‘oach wanted a nasty game instead of
a pretty game." Patterson said.

“I think North Carolina is more talented
than we are." Patterson said a few moments

That‘s the way UK can be one of the na-
tion‘s elite teams again: Recruit better ath~
letes and accumulate depth. That should be
obvious, but obviously it‘s not.

As for the contemporary. L'K can still be
successful this season if it improy es in a few

North Carolina crushed UK on the
boards Saturday. grabbing 42 rebounds to
the Cats' 3]. Sure. the Tar Heels have a
taunted front line in Hansbrough. Thomp—
son and Alex Stepheson. but UK has to get
those numbers closer to even.

Sixteen of those rebounds came on the
offensive end. And they played a significant
role in the Heels‘ scoring 2% points. That's
another problem for the Cats.

They couldn‘t defend outside. North
Carolina shot 50 percent from 3-point range.

They couldn't defend the gaps and
lanes. lillington and Lawson spent a lot of
the day there making shots and creating
shots for others.

They couldn‘t dcfcnd the post. North
Carolina was tougher than l'K down low.
getting to the free throw line 12 more times
than UK. and forcing Patterson and Perry
Stcycnson to foul out.

“For you to beat them." said L'K head
coach Billy Gillispie. “you ha\c to be really
good in a lot of different areas."

LTK certainly was not.

After the garlic. North Carolina coach
Roy Williams was asked about the l'K~
North Carolina series.

"I think it‘s great for college basketball."
Williams said.

It is. Well. it used to be. but the Tar
Heels hayc won four straight in the series.

Now"s the time to change that. catch up
to North Carolina and make it great for col:
legc basketball again.

Jonathan Smith is (I ‘]Illl"HHI’l.\IH w'rirur'.
I:'»mui'l [Anni/it?! [\\I\(’I‘Il('/,('I'Hl.

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._ I

f. 54.41%! I“

”1!) J m‘,“ p,,,7 warms


0Vo|unteering at Landsowne
Elementary, Landsdown

-Volunteering at the
Carnegie Center, 3:00PM,


I ' x
’4: (uteru-

c‘i’ineus I;

r' ‘ ’)rqy a'rrf U1 Corr" .


3 ii


t.) “‘a‘ on ‘rr' FREE on r‘e O’V.‘

at the Carnegie
, Came ie Center

Center, 3:00P
-Art@Noon Lecture, 1

OYates Elementary, 2:45PM,
Singletary Center ,
-SIng-a-lo(r)ioqpat Mayfair
Manor, 6: M, Mayfair
08m 0 at Ma lair Manor,
3:00 M, Ma air Manor
0LTMS, St Augustine's
11:00AM Cassrdg Elementary
0Food 4 Body 8. oul, St.
SAtugustine's hapel, 472 Rose
OCassidy Elementary, 8:00AM,
Cassidy Elementa
-Vo|unteerin at t e
Carnegie Cen er, 3:00PM,
Carnegie Center
-Stude_nt Health AdvisoRr
Committee Meeting-SH C,
5:00PM, Student Health
Wartin Area
OUK A Faculty Exhibition,
12:00PM UK Art Museum in
2}: Singletary Center for the


Carnegie Center

7 0V0lunteering at the Hope
Lodge, 6:00PM, The Hope
Lodge (right next to
Commonwealth Stadium),
OYates Elementary,

. 2:45PM, Cassidy

gTION, 12:00PM, Singletary

{ Center

2 'STAG, 5:00PM, SC 211

. OUK Art Faculty Exhibition,

Q 12:00PM, Singletary

. Center

OCassi'd/y Elementary,

1' 8:00A , Cassidy

i - LTMS, 11:00AM, Cassidy
i Elementary

g 0Volunteering at

': Landsdowne Elementary,

Ji Landsdowne Elementary

Singletary Center
0LTMS, 11:00AM, Cassidy
°Volunteering at
Landsdowne Elementary,
Landsdowne Elementary
~Volunteer w/ Beaumont
Buddies, 4:00PM, Beaumont
Middle School
-Volunteering at the

. Carnegie Center, 3:00 PM,
Carnegie Center

, 08ingo at Mayfair Manor,
3:00PM, Mayfair Manor

‘ OYates Elementary, 2:45PM,

' Cassidy Elementary

' OCassidy Elementary, 8:00AM,

, Cassidy Elementary

; -Student Employee of the

; Year Banquet, 6:00PM,

2 Student Center Rm. 359

i OUK Art Faculty Exhibition,

l 12:00PM, Singletary

E Center

_‘ 12.00PM, Sin
_ ~The Naked

Singletary Center
~The Naked Truth, 7:00PM,
Worsham Theater in the Student
-Volunteering at Landsdowne
Elementary, Landsdowne

Singletary Center

~The Naked Truth, 7:00PM,
Worsham Theater in the Student
OYates Elementary, 2:45PM,
Cassidy Elementary
'UK Art Facult Exhibition,

etary Center
ruth, 7:00PM,

‘ Worsham Theater in the Student
’ Center

OCCO Board of Directors

' Meeting, 5:00PM, 106 Student




0LTMS, 11:00AM, Cassidy

oThe Naked Truth, 7:00PM,
Worsham Theater in the Student

OCassidy Elementary, 8:00AM,
Cassidy Elementary

)1fo or: ‘fr .,

'Cassrdy Elementary; 8 00AM
Cassidy Elementary
OCrafts at Ashland Terraro
1 309M, Ashland Terrace
'UK Art iacultv EKth‘TICH)‘
1) 00PM, Singletary Center
oYates Uementary, 2:15PM,
Cassidy Elementary
~8mgo at Mayfair Manor,
3'OOPM, Mayfair Manor
j-Volunteering at the Carnegie
Center, ? 00PM, Carnegie Center
'Volunteering at Landsdowne
, Elementary, Landsdowne
‘ 05inq~A-Long at Ashland Terrace,
11.15AM, Ashland Terrace
OUK Timmy Foundation Meeting,
16 30 PM, Nursing Building, Room
‘ 213
- oltalian Conversation Practice,
: 5:00PM, Coffee Island
f-LTMS, 11:00 AM, CaSSldy
. Elementary
r COLLECTION, 12.00PM, Singletary
g OManicure Magic at Mayfair
i Manor. 1.30PM, Mayfair Manor


257 8867‘

-~ “I, s1 \rii »
‘1 {HAM ‘s
'l.\ {rt 1.i».. iv finish-tron ‘1 ‘

“Wrap. . m m,

.1 ' it" it Ash‘or‘ l 'rrrrmoI 109V. A’syt‘lar‘d
7W. ,,..

“w o’ Hultl'w‘rs Rod R vor (30'qu < low" I (i
”v i R cor turrqr‘

2"” ‘y‘ ._ ,. .9,

0Compline Service, 9:00PM,

' Maxwell Street Presbyterian
_ Church

" 12'OOPM, Sin Ieta




-UK Art Facu ty Ex ibition,

12 00PM, Singletary Center




 thing " he SEW" 'll‘e

PAGE 4 I Monday, December 3, 2

8111 Fuller wazglmg “111“131111111111'111‘111'1111119 apartrrtent on Nov 30 Fuller. whnl 1
.111111‘11’111v121111'1111 1T and 111111 penple that they're HIV-1103111111 11111aredealrngwrm19191711111101 theyhaven'ttoldanybtn



Miller 1\ legally bhnd 111 III\ let‘t eye at?
ter a bout \\|III \hitp ex a couple 111 year\
ago that .1l\o Ielt nerye damage. Bexides
dealing \y1th a low 111' \trength. da1|y achex.
pa1n~ and 1:111g11e. and nauxea and diarrhea
on .1 \ycekh IW1I\I\. I'uller ha\ 11‘1'e\e1\1h|e
11e1'\c11.1111.1ge.1\.1\1dec11e1to1 \ome ol I11~

I‘UI l-1ille1'_\\alk1ng Ieelx more like \lepv
pm: on broken glaxx. .\tabbtng paim aI\o
~11oot through III\ 11nge1't1px Ilc take~ medi-
1 1111; to help 11.111‘1pe11 the pam. but 11 1'» \11111
ply \Htllellllllj.‘ 111."IlthlmtIcaI\\I'.I1.Ill\ doc
1111~ '1 ‘11 111111

II; 1.1oc~11‘1 go out 111111h Ior tear oI get-
1mg \tek.c\e11.11’111111110111‘11111cattlakcI‘llm
month to get oycr He cannot dt’tye be
1.11m he Il.1\ 11.111 iolent \ei/urex 1.1uxed by
III\ 111.11111ulatingonI‘uxbt‘;1111.\\hichalso
111ml \1g111111at11

11.11 1.111\1‘1I .icmci
1111' luller

' He “11‘ tIlaL‘lltWeyI Ilax IWL‘L‘II

\a\ ~ the

‘1\t HIK‘IIUI III\ 1‘_“1e‘\
'11‘1e1111111'.1\\.111-11! ho'u 11111:
11111. .. ‘ .-1..111b1-.'lull1~1 \11yx 'II.ile1\

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I’ ~ ‘. .1‘1‘1’1.11'1llt\;‘1111'11111.1\\1.1|11*-\\It1tl
15111 when 1.1111 111.1'1111111‘11 \yith III\.
1.‘ 1‘. 1111- open. and you
1!.‘111.11l1c to ~.omebod\ \KI111 l\

.e \\11.ll YI111l l\ "

111.11 1



III\ 111;.11

Beginning of isolation

I ; 1'1'11111 1111.11\1'11-1111x't1c11111'I'ullet'
111111111 11:11 he \y.1\ III\ poxrluc. he 11e‘1c1'
tI11111gI11.11 v.1» 11114. ,\\.11.1\ 111.111. I ullei
\1..1~\ “111 1‘..1I1.'III1II III\ \\.1\ only LUII\I\I'
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lII‘xJ‘l' YII1 L..t~1 I11‘I1‘111‘ the
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11111111 1111‘1111c111\ 11111» aottte 1Io1’lor\ called
11 (ilx’III



[1'11111111 .1 :1

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But Fuller thought he \yas ate in Le\»
111gton becauxe IIIV “ax predominantly a
problem tor I1 ger citiex.

"A lot of I\ItI\ don‘t think that it \yould
ey er happen to them." hiller ~ays. “I d' ‘ .
Hell \\ hen I caught HIV. it \\21\ happening
at \ York and Los Angeles. I didn‘t
think it “as happening in little ‘hum—lln
Iigypt‘ here. \nd ~ure enough. that‘s \\ here
I caught it."

I‘uller ~ayx he doexn‘t need No hands
to count the number o1~ \ame-xex partners
he\ had. And tor nearly eyery one. he piae»
ticed \att \e\. I:\cept 1or a ten times.
When he contracted HIV. he “to out of

“I 11111111 catch IIIV because I “ax gay; I
caught 11 becauxc I \\.1\ xtupid." I‘uller \ayx.
taking a drag 1111 I11\ cigarette.

.\t 33.]1‘1ing and \\orking in Lexington.
Iiuller \\a\ checked into a I]()\plILII alter
coming doyyn \\1th pneumonia around
'l'hankxgomg 111 191%.

The young man \at \yaittng 111 a hoxpital
gou 11 alter doctorx ran a \L‘I‘IC\ ot' testx on
him I:\cntua|l_\. one doctor returned to III\
room and told him he had texted poxitiye
lor IIIV. though the doctor called it (iRII).

I111111edrately. I'ullei IMMPIIJI
4.111 \Inlly‘kI putting large yello“ .11111 purv
pic \tickcrx on I11\ door. He heard ratutorx
outxule 111 the hall arguing. \aymg they
didn‘t \\ .1111 to mop I5ulle1'x room becattxe
he \\.1~ III\rpoxitiye I:\e11 111 the early
"Nb. I‘uller‘x parent\ re111e111ber \eeing III\
1111111 Iett outxide hlx door at hospitalx be-
came \tatl didn‘t \\ ant to come into con—
tact \y1th him.

"It \\.1\ tenable." I‘uller \ayx. "When I
\y.1~ diagnmed. there wont groupx or any
IIIV 1unctronx or anything around here.
Moxt people 11111111 \\.1111 to touch you. did
111 \\.1111 to talk to you. didnt \\a11t you to
be 111 the \ame \1c1111ty ax they \\ ere. It you
didift die 11om III\ . they \yould haye killed
you .111y\\.1_\ "

.\t one point right alter III\ diagnoxix.
IulIer \yalked 11p to a nurxe to a~k her a
tlllt‘NllUII She ran trom him. I‘uller my.
and \youldn't \peak to him until \he \yax be-
hind .1 xhut door. talking through it like \he
\\.1\ ".111'1111I to breathe the ~ame air"

\1I\ \.

\Vhen I was diagnosed most people

didnt want to toueh you. didi
to you. didn‘t want you to he in the same

yieiniry as they were. Ifyou didn‘t die from
I II V. they would haye killed you anyway.”

’1 want to talk

Bill Fuller, AIDS patient

