xt76125qbz44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qbz44/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1993 1993 1993-11-04 2020 true xt76125qbz44 section xt76125qbz44  







Officials say
rally a success
despite turnout


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer


Hundreds of students gathered at
UK and across the Commonwealth
yesterday to protest tuition increas-
es proposed by the state Council on
Higher Education.

At UK. about 250 students at-
tended a rally in front of the Ad-
ministration Building to show their
disapproval of any rate hikes and
listen to speeches by Secretary of
State Bob Babbage and state Sen.
Tom Buford.

But attendance at the rally, spon-
sored by the Student Government
Association. was far lower than of—
ficials expected.

SGA College of Business and Ec-
onomics Senator Greg T. Watkins
said Tuesday that he expected about
1.000 students to show up.

During last night's student senate
meeting. SGA President Lance
Dowdy said he was “disappointed
with the low student turnout“ but
added that he thought the rally suc-
ceeded in its purpose — to let stu-
dents know about the possibility of
a tuition increase.




State Sen. Tom Buford (above) and Secretary of State Bob
Babbage (right) address students at yesterday’s tuition rally.

In the first speech at the rally.
Dowdy said the cost of education
rests too much on the backs of stu-

lle also said students have ful-
filled their obligations in the past
few of years by paying repeated tui«
tion increases. but the state has not
fulfilled its obligation of continuing
to upgrade the quality of education.

Babbage. who is a UK graduate.
said in his speech that he has a
“wish list" for University: “We
need resources. We need them here.

and we need them urgently."

The secretary also said he hopes
the people of Kentucky will value
what they have at UK and make a
commitment to education.

Buford. R-Nicholasville. agreed
in his speech that few things are as
important as education.

He said the General Assembly
should focus on higher education
rather than casino gambling.

Buford said before the rally start-
ed that other areas of the state‘s
budget should be cut before educa-

New exchange program
links UK with Indonesia


By Jennifer Wleher
Contributing Writer

About 15 graduate students will
be exchanged each semester be-
tween UK and an Indonesian uni-
versity. as a result of an agreement
signed yesterday.

An agreement to begin a new
teacher and student exchange pro-
gram between UK and an Indone-
sian university was signed by offi-
cials of both schools.

Mocharnad Adrian. rector of Gad-
jah Mada University. and UK
Chancellor for Lexington Campus
Robert Hemenway met to sign the
agreement between the two schools
at the Hilary J. Boone Faculty Club.

The agreement includes the ex-
change of business and economics
students between the two schools
for one semester.

Zaki Baridwan. a UK graduate
and a representative of Gadjah
Mada University. said it has not
been determined whether faculty
members will be exchanged be-
tween the two schools.

However. the agreement states
that the schools will exchange
teaching and research materials.

According to the agreement. the
schools also will participate in joint
activities in training. education. re-




Mochamad Adnan, rector of Gadjah Mada University. and
Chancellor Robert Hemenway sign the agreement yesterday.

search and related activities.

Hemenway said the exchange
will benefit both schools.

“1 think this is a very exciting
event for UK.“ he said.

“It enables us to have a great rela—
tionship with Indonesia."

Adnan. a chemistry and food
technology professor at Gadjah
Mada University. agreed with He-
menway‘s sentiments.

“We are very happy to sign (an

agreement) with the University of
Kentucky." he said. “Indonesia
needs more educated people in or-
der to grow."

The cooperation of universities
like UK. he said. will help make
that happen.

Sixty other universities have
agreements with (iadjah Mada Uni—

See TALK, Page 2

Senate wants evaluations open


By Melissa Rosenthal
Staff Writer

The Student Government Associ-
ation Senate passed a resolution last
night supporting student access to
teacher evaluations.

“(The evaluations) hold teachers
accountable for their actions and
work just as students are held ac-
countable." said Senator At Large
Quinton Dickerson. who was one of
three oo-sponsors of the bill.

After a brief discussion. the reso-
lution was passed unanimously.

The resolution called for full ac-
cess to the teacher evaluations to
begin next semester.

“This resolution will have a di-
rect effect on all students.“ Dicker—
son said.

“This is not an anti-teacher reso-
lution; it is pro-student."

Dickerson made it clear that

some teachers also are in support
of the resolution.

“There are teachers who want
their hard work noticed.“ he said.

“If they are a good teacher. then
students should know it."

Senator at Large LeAnn Norton
said UK should follow the example
other schools have set.

“Other universities have already
put into effect the student access
program. We. as students. deserve
to know what to expect from our
teachers when entering a class."

A bill allocating $1,300 to the
UK hockey club also was passed
last night.

The money will go to pay for ti -
rental of the Lexington lee Center
during the time the team has re-
served for practice.

Pat Fortier. a member of the
team and a sponsor of the bill. was
very pleased with SGA‘s decision.

”We need this money badly. We

would have no hockey team with-
out the help of SGA." he said.

Although the bill was passed. it
was not without controversy.

”They asked for the same amount
of money last year.“ College of
Ans and Sciences Senator Rick Bo-
land said.

"Who is to say that they won't
ask for the money year after year?
SGA can‘t support the team forev-
er. Thcy need to reorganize and
find a way to finance themselves."

Senator at Large Jennifer
Schwartz said SGA should support
the club team.

"This is a worthwhile endeavor.
and the hockey team is the third
most attended sport among students
on campus."

Schwartl also pointed out that
the hockey team is not provided a
place to practice like most other

See 56A. Page 2




“(Students) are sick and tired of
being called to pay the balance of
inisappropriations out of Frank-
fort." he said.


Free concert
costs 5A3
over $27,000

ByLenee .. .
News Editor

ticket sales were the reason
behind the docisim to m

This decision, howeva.
andalectttre givenbyKRS.

David Craycmft, SAB's
public relations committee
chairman, saidtheconeertwas
“certainly" will have staffed
get its my timing the re-


"this is an exception,”
an event free -— you simply
don‘t. We willhave tobecare-

“We don‘t want enema
just havctottsealitdeme
minim.” '

ancntt sa'tl thedoctsioe
pose! to m Kits-0e: to
my: a the team so
mm. cod-hm
NW0.“ .;
"It s- m h we-






“1 think it is time we do some-
thing about it."

Dan Fulks. chairman of the Uni-

See TUITION. Page 2

UK gathering
a sign of hope

for students


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer


Yesterday's tuition rally was
more than just a protest to some
students. It also was a sign of hope
that they can continue their educa-
tions next year.

BJ. Jackson. a philosophy sen-
ior. said she already is working
four part-time jobs to pay her full-
time tuition.

“l can't afford (an increase)."
Jackson said. “There is no way."

The staff of the Council on High-
er Education announced last week
that it will recommend to the full
council an increase of 11.2 percent
on in-state tuition for undergradu-

The CHE will meet Monday to
discuss the increase. which would
result in tuition increasing from
$980 to $1090 per semester. The
council staff also is expected to rec-
ommend Monday tuition hikes for
out-of-state students.

Tami Zgoda. a social work jun-

See STUDENTS, Page 2

Hemenway Visits
F SU for interview

Committee pleased with chancellor


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer

Perhaps it‘s still a little early for
Robert Hemenway to practice the
tomahawk chop. but the chancellor
for the Lexington Campus appar-
ently has impressed the Florida
State University presiden-
tial search committee.

Hemenway visited the
Tallahassee campus Tues-
day to interview for the
school‘s top job.

“The interview went ‘
very. very well." said Law-
rence Abele. head of the
FSU advisory committee.
“’I‘here was an extremely
positive response to his

"He left the students with
the impression that he would be a
very good leader of this campus.“
said Tracy Newman. student mem-
ber of the committee.

Hemenway. who submitted his
application Oct. 15. is one of nine
finalists for the position.

The nine were paired down from
an original list of 29 candidates.

On Monday. the committee wrll
reduce the list once again. probably
to between four and six names. The
winner will be chosen by early De-

Hemenway said it‘s still too “-pre
mature“ to say whether he‘s even
interested in the job.

"1 think at this point. they're still
trying to determine whether they're


really interested in me." he said.
“and it‘s the same situation vice

But Abele said FSU is interested
in Hemenway.

“We're looking for someone like
him. “ said Abele. dean of FSU‘s
College of Arts and Sciences.

“We want someone with a strong
scholarly background and
extensive administrative
experience and who has
demonstrated leadership
during tough times."

Three internal candi-
dates are also finalists —
the provost. the dean of
the College of Business
and a College of Law pro-
fessor are all in the run-

» ning.
HEMENWAY This is the third search

since 1990 for Hemenway.
a UK chancellor since 1990.

He withdrew from two previous
searches for university top jobs —
from the University of Missoun in
1992 and the l'niversity of Nebras—
ka in 1990.

Hemenway came to UK as an as-
sociate [English professor and later
became chairman of the department
from 1981 to 1986.

He then left the school to become
dean of arts and sciences at the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma but returned to
UK in 1989 to replace Art Gallaher
as chancellor.

He is in charge of operations for
all academic programs on the Lex-
ington Campus. His salary is
$132,000 a year.





oPertty sunny and mild today; high between 80 and 65.
Mostly cloudy tonight with thunderstorms likely; low in the

oPertty cloudy tomorrow. high between 50 and 55.




I a . ‘. .
1.. :3 13,; (w - . ..

‘“ llgifl’?‘





Continued from Page 1

versity Senate. said the future of
the state depends on higher educa-

“’lhere must be an increase in
quality with an increase in cost." he
said. “There must be a new and im-
proved product here."

Watkins insisted at the rally that
all students must attend the next
meeting of the Council on Higher
Education. scheduled for Monday
at the Holiday Inn North on New-
town Pike.

“Your attendance is mandatory."
he said.

The CHE is expected at the
meeting to discuss an 11.2 percent
tuition increase proposed for in-
state undergraduates.

The council‘s finance committee
will begin meeting at 9:30 am.
and the full council will convene at

2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thundey. November 4. 1993

12:30 pm.

Babbage said students' protests
could affect what the council de-
cides Monday,

"The important thing that bap-
pens here is students demonstrate
their support for the University."
he said.

Although Babbage said the tum-
out at yesterday‘s UK rally was ——
a fact he blamed on the bad weath-
er — he said the 30-minute protest
still was important because it
showed students. faculty and ad-
ministration working together to
express their opposition to tuition

Protests rallies also were held at
each of the seven other state-
supponed universities.

Eastern Kentucky University‘s
student government president.
Donald Pace. said between 700 and
1.000 students attended the
school's three-hour rally yesterday.

EKU's rally was held indoors.



Continued from Page 1

sports on campus.
“We need to support the team.
It's as simple as that" she said.
SGA gave 51.389 to the Home
Economics in Education group to
help pay for its attendance at the

1993 National Future Homemakers
of America Cluster Meeting.

SGA allocated $270.59 to cover
the costs of the reorganization and
re-establishment of UK Sierra Club.

Also last night. SGA President
Lance Dowdy said the Senate is ex-
pected to be reimbursed $4.500
from the money collected on the
Jesse Jackson speech in late Sep-



Continued from Page 1

Currentlv. the school has about
30 American students,

whom are from UK.

Two graduate students from (iad«
jah Mada l'niversity currently are
attending 17K to get their doctorates
in accounting.

none of

Masud Machfoedz. one of the
doctoral candidates. said that by re-
ceiving a degree in the United
States. he will be in a better posi-
tion to teach when he returns to In-

Gadjah Mada University. located
in Yogyalouta. is the oldest univer-
sity in the country.

About 32.000 students attend the
university. which features a variety
of programs.



The Kentucky Kernel: Read it and weep





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By Allan G. Breed
Associated Press

l’lKl{Vll.i.l€. Ky. — With the
first women elected to the state Su-
preme Court and the common-
wealth's attorney ranks. the “evolu‘
tion" of females from minority to
equal status is coming along. an ob-
server said yesterday.

“For many. many years in the his-
tory of this country, women didn't
even have the right to vote." said
Fayette Circuit Judge Mary C. No-
ble. chairwoman of the state's
Standing Committee on Gender
Fairness in the Courts. “We got a
late start in that."

Before Tuesday‘s election. there
were no female commonwealth's
attomeys. but now there are three.
The number of women district judg-

es climbed from 15 to 16 in the
election. said Beth Lucas. a spokes-
woman for the Administrative Of-
fice of the Couns.

And Court of Appeals Judge Jain.
et Stumbo, the only woman on that
panel. was elected to fill the three
years remaining on the term of re-
tired Supreme Court Justice Dan
Jack Combs. She replaces appoint-
ee Sara Walter Combs. the first
woman ever to serve on the state's
highest court.

Noble, who has served on the
bench two years. said the lack of
women in judicial positions is “not
really because of prejudice."

She noted that to run for circuit
judge. a candidate must have eight
years of experience. Women repre-
sent about 44 percent of the stu-
dents in Kentucky law schools. but
they still only account for about 20

percent of practicing lawyers in
Kentucky. she said.

"What we are now getting is a
good number of well qualified
women in that pipeline who simply
weren't there before." said Noble,
who is one of only four women
among the state's 93 circuit judges.
“1 think it's a natural evolution."

But while there were some gains.
there were also some losses.

The Secretary of State's office
said three women were up for elec-
tion or re-election as county attor-
neys across the state. and one was

And she pointed out that Stum-
bo's victory represents a net loss of
one powerful judicial position held
by a woman.

Noble said someone suggested
that Combs seek appointment to
Stumbo‘s seat. But Combs indicat-




College newspaper editor fired after spoof


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“ms rm?“ mmmnmuw- Myanmumasoo
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7:00 AM -10:00 PM
7:00 AM -10:00 PM

7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

8:00 AM - Midnight
800 AM - Midnight
8:00 AM - Midnight

8:00 AM - Midnight
8:00 AM - Midnight
8:00 AM - Midnight






‘ ' ‘ .mm-marir‘cw'“ .. prne,.


Women evolving in politics, judge says

ed Tuesday that she would retum to
private practice when her term is up
in January.

Gender should not be the only
factor in elections or appointments.
Noble said.

“I think the important thing about
women running for office is that
you have representation from all
levels of society." she said.

Electing or appointing women
should be a sign that “competency
is not a matter of gender. and that
people should not be precluded
from offices . . because of their

Noble said qualifications should
be the ultimate criterion in deter-
mining who gets what jobs.

But she hopes people will consid-
er a woman‘s sex “an additional
qualification that brings variety
and quality to the task"


Continued from Page 1

ior. said yesterday that she is wor-
ried her scholarships will no longer
be enough to pay for school.

Zgoda also said she is angry that
the quality of her education hasn't
kept pace with its cost.

“We need to put a stop on these
tuition increases." Zgoda said.
“The quality of our education is not
getting better, but tuition keeps go-
ing up." Psychology junior Antho-
ny Robinson said he thinks the tui-
tion increases are “outrageous."

“The state needs to step in and
say we need to quit this. and they
need to give us the money we de-
serve in order to make this Univer-
sity better." he said. Student Gov-
ernment Association Senator at
Large Heather Hennel said that
even though the rally produced a
low turnout because of the weather.
she believed it still had an impact
because of the students who attend-
ed and the event's speakers. like
Secretary of State Bob Babbage
and state Sen. Tom Buford.

“The state is listening. and the
Council on Higher Education is lis-
tening." Hennel said. “The whole
point is that we were heard. and
that is what matters." SGA Senator
at Large Scott Blair said he be-
lieves the rally will have an impact
on any decision made Monday by
the Council on Higher Education.

“I think this (rally) will have a
significant impact in that the stu-
dent‘s voice is what the Council on
Higher Education should have to
listen to." he said. “We should be
the deciding factor on issues that
have to deal with us."

Social work junior Christi Smart
said students must protest the in-
creases together, and if they do.
they will have an impact. "We have
to have a group effort." Smart said.
“Everyone needs to tell the legisla-
ture how they feel about the tui-


Continued from Page 1

possibility of 100 to 200 more tick-
ets being sold during the lat three
days before the show.

“Rap shows are somewhat unor-
thodox in their sales." Craycraft
said. “Traditionally. most of (the
ticket sales) come at the last min-

However. SAB went ahead and
made the show free three days be-
fore the event. Because the board
made the decision on Tuesday and
then had to receive permission
from KRS—One‘s management to
do so. Crayeraft said getting word
out about the change was difficult.

“There would have been more
people there if we could have dis-
seminated the info more quickly."
Craycraft said.

More than 1.000 people attended
KRS-One's lecture. but only about
450 attended the concert.

“We are not trying to be fiscally
irresponsible; we are just trying to
reach students." Craycrat‘t said.

Front Page Entertainment Group.
Parker's management. declined to
comment on the situation.

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Auburn punter
takes attention



By Paul Newborry
Associated Press

AUBURN, Ala — Despite
leading the nation. Aubum‘s
Terry Daniel was as obscure as
most punters. Then along came
Jackie Sherrill.

“Everywhere 1 go, they say.
‘Hey Helium, how you doing‘?’
and ‘What's up Helium?” Dan-
iel said with a grin. “Even at our
last game against Arkansas
coach (Danny) Ford came up
and said. ‘Let me see that ball.
Let me check it out.‘ "

Daniel. who grew up in the
small east Alabama town of
Valley, is reveling in all the at-
tention he has received since
word broke last week that Sher-
rill, the Mississippi State coach,
accused Auburn of pumping he-
lium into its footballs.

Later. Sherrill denied that he
thought Daniel was using the
lighter-than-air gas when he
punted twice for a 56.5-yard av-
erage in State's Oct. 9 loss to
the No. 8 Tigers. Sherrill did
concede that he asked for an in-

The balls were confiscated
and sent to the Southeastem
(‘onference office. The verdict:
Daniel has used nothing but air
to lead the nation with a 48.3~
yard average.

“it was kind of a compli-
ment." he said. “it was like.
‘lle‘s got to be doing something
with those balls to kick like
that.‘ “

Since then. newspapers
around the country have con-
ducted their own tests to deter-
mine if helium balls travel far-
ther than those filled with just
plain old air. Sports Illustrated
even came to campus to con-
duct its own tongue-in-cheek
experiment with Daniel and an
Auburn physicist.

“I've enjoyed it." Daniel said.
“i would like to thank Jackie
Sherrill for making the accusa-
tion. He‘s kind of made me real
popular overnight.“

For SI, Daniel punted two
balls — one filled with helium,
the other loaded with air —- 10
times each. The helium ball had
an average distance of 57.7
yards with a hang time of 4.66
seconds; the air ball went an av-
erage of 59.8 yards with a hang
time of 4.93 seconds.

“Giving Jackie his best case
—— that the initial velocity of the
ball is inversely proportional to
its weight — helium would still
be detrimental to the trajectory.
because lighter objects. even
traveling at the same speed as
heavier objects. are more sus-
ceptible to the opposing forces
of wind resistance." physicist
Stephen Knowlton told the

”Ihe helium was heavier than
air." Daniel said. "That ball felt
like it had water in it. it would
go up in the air andjust die."







- . .. .. _..,...._.,. - _.

Wildcats ready for life Without Mash

Expectations high for season

By Ty Halpin
Sports Editor


When the Dallas Mavericks se—
lected former UK All-American Ja-
mal Mashbum in the first round of
last year‘s NBA Draft. they offi-
cially ended an era of Wildcat bas-

liarly Saturday moming (12:01
to be exact). UK held Big Blue

As always. it was an opportunity
for Wildcat fans to meet new Cats
and rekindle their love for old

Those in the media had to wait
until yesterday aftemoon to meet
the new Wildcats as UK held its

following trip to Final Four

basketball media day at Memorial

Without Mashbum. this year's
team will have to compensate —
not an easy task if you're trying to
replace an All~American.

The overall theme of yesterday's
Media Day definitely was Mash-
bum’s departure.

The Wildcats made their first trip
to the Final Four since 1984 due
largely because of the New York
City native.

Most player‘s responses concem-
ing the loss of Mashbum were of
gratitude. not panic.

UK freshman guard Anthony
Epps arid the rest of the team
played with Mashbum over the
summer in Lexington.

“He told me that as long as we
were mentally tough. we‘d be all
right." lipps said yesterday.

One of the Wildcat seniors, cen-
ter Rodney Dent, knows Mash-
bum‘s early departure will force
the rest of the team to improve.

“You can‘t replace a guy like

hint," Dent said.

"The whole learn will have to
step it up.“

Mashbuni, who was last year‘s
top scorer. currently ranks fourth on
UK's all-time list.

He took a chance on UK. which
was still on probation for NCAA vi~
olations we he signed, and was


(A Final Four is) definitely
possible. We have a lot of

potential on the team. It

everybody lives up to their
potential, we can definitely

go all the way.



—Jared Prickett

UK sophomore forward


Richardson, Thompson
will benefit from NCAA

over academics
has no place


Brant Welch
Kernel Columnist




Excuse me for a second while 1

dry me eyes.
Those poor souls Nolan Richard-
son and John Thompson — you

have to feel for them. it seems they
are upset with a certain NCAA re-
form that in 1905 will raise academ-
ic eligibility standards for students
seeking athletic scholarships.

Under the new standard. a 2.0
high school grade-point average is
no longer good enough. Students
must attain at least a 2.5 GPA.

“l have a problem with that" was
the common utterance out of Rich-
ardson‘s mouth in reference to the
higher standards.

Well. i have a problem with cer—
tain coaches who are trying to keep
the standards so low they are detri-
mental to the school as well as the

We must remember that these are
the same coaches who screamed
bloody murder when the Proposi-
tion 48 guidelines were passed in
the l980s.

Is a 2.5 GPA too much to ask?

These guys just don‘t get it. The
stricter academic standards are
there to help the potential student-
athlete. not hurt him. If he can't
make a 2.5 GPA in a basic high
school cuniculum. he doesn‘t need
to be hitting three«poiniers or re-
ceivers downfield. he needs to be
hitting the books.


Arid he needs to hit them harder
than Riddick Bowe hits his oppo-

if a student can't obtain that mag-
ic number of 2.5 in high school.
how cart you possibly expect him to
succeed iii the post-high school

Now. there have been some ex—
ceptions. There always are. There
have been student-athletes who
didn't fare so well iii the high
school realm that went on to do
well in college and later in life. So.
it won‘t be fair to everybody when
these new guidelines go into place.

Or will it.

Those student-athletes who did
well in college eventually realized
that they had to get off their butts
and make the grades if they not
only were going be eligible to play
— but also to graduate.

i think these new rules will give
high school student-athletes an add-
ed incentive to compete iii the
classroom with the same vigor that
they compete on the playing fields.

They need to start as soon as pos-
sible to make the grades. not at the
last second in a quest to be eligible
for an athletic scholarship.

This will help student-athletes
put things in a broad perspective.

But again we hear the moans and
groans from Thompson and the
bunch. They say they just want to
help the kids.

But take into consideration that
by 1995, college basketball coaches
can only field 13 players on their
roster. That averages out to 3.25
students a year that they can
“help," Three and a quaner student-
athletes to whom they can award a
scholarship each year. Mother Te-
resa wouldn‘t exactly be bowled
over by that figure.

The one question i have always
had for guys like Thompson and
Richardson is: Who will help the




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