xt76125qbx8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qbx8x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-04-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1987 1987 1987-04-30 2020 true xt76125qbx8x section xt76125qbx8x  

Vol. XCl. No. 146

Independent since 1 971

M. Ml 30.1987


Call leads police to key
used to take stats exam

1'. II \\ Ii \ss‘EltT
,1 siatt Writer

he} apparently used to steal a

i‘\.tlll out of Patterson Office

.. inst semester was turned in

'ii i K Police Department Tues-
.iii' policesaid.

s i‘K Police Chief Walter

and an anonymous caller told

:" ..ii \li.‘i.l(llLlICI tilt: hcy L'UulLl

. it iiiider a mailbox at the cor-

..; i-Ziiclid Avenue and Linden

.1 picked up the key there,

- iioiit e report said the call was
.11 about 10:45 pm. by what
iv‘il 'o bi that of a young white

sttl‘l the description was
based on the informa-

. '11 person listening to the

~.iii and trying to figure


"iilli of the key is “a big
...-11‘ in the investigation
iiii ted by the UK dean of

students office to find the culprits.
said Dean of Students J0seph Burch.

The investigation had begun when
rumors said StudenttSi had obtained
a key that allowed access to an of-
fice in the Office Tower. where they
had stolen a copy of a statistics final
exam. At least twenty students have
been charged with cheating in that

l‘qt‘llfler tsurcn nor Skiba knew
what door or doors the key fits.

However. Burch said the key
could have been duplicated before
being returned. “If it was. it doesn‘t
mean a whole lot to get the key

“Generally. most places won‘t du-
plicate keys like that. not to say that
some places won‘t." Burch said.

Skiba said he didn‘t think the po-
lice would catch Tuesday night‘s

“There's really nothing that we
can do. We've been involved in talk»
ing with the dean of students office
and talking with some of the people

involved." but as far as tracking
down who turned this key in. there's
really nothing the police can do
right now. Skiba said.

Burch said criminal charges
would probably be filed in the case.
along with charges of violating the
student code.

There is “no way of knowing" how
the culprittsi obtained the kev. or
why they suddenly decided to turn it
in. Burch said. But it‘s “possible
that people were aware of the fact
that if they were caught with a key
like that. they could be prosecuted."

Burch said the investigation into
the affair would continue. “We have
suspicions. we have suspects, we
have leads." he said.

The academic investigation into
charges of cheating on last semes-
ter‘s final exam in STA 291. Statisti-
cal Methods. is also continuing,

Nancy Bay. the appeals hearing
()lllt‘er. said she is hearing cases of
some of the 17 students who have
appealed the cheating charges.

Many positions at UK frozen
due to potential budget cuts

. ; iiinl \s J. Sl'l.l.l\'A.\'
' “Hill Writer

vi..i legislative budgets cuts
- ext tiscal year have left half
ii3ii'l‘. iaculty and staff posi-

iiiisilltills include vacancies
. ti‘tll‘t‘nlClltS and resigna-

tou could say we‘re in a
paiiei‘ii.” said Art Gallaher.
w 101' the Lexington cam-

.- :ii ipation of a possible bud-

(lzillaheri is holding back

only 30 percent of the va-

said James Chap

.- «staiit vice chancellor for re
'. ..i..igement.

. titlllplalntS from depart-
wiied. (‘hapman said the
. :iiwes are necessary evils.

. .i.‘l:t‘i' did not freeze the posi-
tlic l'iiiversity was faced
minicei cut. "there's no way

cope with a significant


i iiitget is tt‘i percent person<

. .oii're going to cut the bud-

got to do it in person-

'.«.i‘;.iticr said
1its! good business manage—
." is better to leave the posi-
..it‘.il|t in anticipation of bud-
ihan to fill them and
g ll.l\t‘ to lay personnel off.
:w! s.iid
‘ K were to fill all the vacant
.~ - and face a budget cut
.ii‘t‘ several ways you could

; vwh something like that."
.. not; said
‘.i\tl could freeze all vacan-

ziiai woiiid occur. faculty and

- ~ ii‘illi} and hope that you would

i‘iltitlflll money by the end of
tie said

. 'lli'll you‘d have to go to lay-

121' since the bulk of our budget

to taculty salaries tcon«
. there‘s nothing you can
that chunk of money. You

'7it\t‘ to pay off; you would

do itli ir all contracts.”

employees could be laid

- 'i.il'til.lll\'£ll(l

'tiii\t part. the only posi—
- Fill); trozen are those that are


I" ‘.Q.t‘ill.\.


‘ iit‘

.i ..;‘


_, w
,‘ '



going to be left vacant this year.
Chapman said. But in one case. a
position up for renewal was frozen.

Dale Warren. assistant band di-
rector. was facing an unrenewed
contract for the next academic year
because of budget cuts before alter-
nate funding was allotted. “I would
say that (not renewing a contract
with someone who would normally
be returningi is a rare case.” (‘haps
man said.

“Anybody that would be in a ten-
ure track position. we are not re-
leasing.“ he said.

Warren was not in a tenure track
position. but his position was
deemed a necessity by members of
the UK Marching Band at a forum
held in March by Alan Hersch. di-
rector of the School of Music,

Cyndi Weaver. newly elected Stu.
dent Government Association. and
John Menkhaus. former fine arts
senator. took the case to President
Otis A. Singletary. who allotted $10..
000 from his discretionary fund. Sin-
gletary and Athletics Director Cliff
Hagan arranged for another 310.000
to fund the position from UK athletr
ics. Weaver said.

Gallaher understands the need the
marching band has for an aSSlStant

director. but said other departments
are in need. too.

“Any unit on campus can make
the same argument the School of
Music made over the assistant band
director position." he said.

Gallaher also said he realizes that
the quality of UK departments are
suffering because of budget short~
falls in the past and those predicted
for the future.

"The only way ta budget cuti
doesn't hurt your quality is if you're
overstaffed. We are not over-
staffed." Gallaher said.

The only way the situation can be
improved is for the state to increase
its economic growth. he said, “We
get 42 percent of our budget from
the state that's the problem
part “

With a $420 million budget. that‘s
$176.4(X).()00 from the state.

“Given the fact that the (state)
constitution calls for a balanced
budget at the end of the fiscal year.
the governor has no choice but to
cut back.“ Gallaher said.

Edward Carter. acting vice presi-
dent for administration. said there
are three ways the state can avoid a
revenue shortfall.

The first solution is “normal eco-
nomic growth." Carter said. The
second would be to increase the rev-
enue base. which would mean higher
taxes. And the third way would be to
reallocate existing funds, “for ex-
ample. giving more money to
schools and less to state prisons."

But, he said. more money could be
generated for the upcoming year
through the adoption of federal tax

"The state has not adopted the
new federal tax code. so if the state
adopts the tax provisions that the
federal government has set down.
there would be an increase in state
revenue." he said. About $110 mil-
lion to $160 million would be gener-

"You‘re then faced with another
problem and that's what they'll do
with the new revenue." Carter said.

“The i'niversity competes with
other needs in this state.“ Gallaher

Student group created to promote
crowd spirit at UK athletic events

1'. I \ \\ \‘ll \ l‘IRSTHIN


. i... iii.ition of a student pep or-
. [ailiill will create a different ap-
i. i. in ("K sporting events begin-
‘it‘\i lttll
stiideiit Athletic Council. now
‘M Dimming stages. will recruit
w ‘-‘s ‘o attend all UK sporting
iih special emphasis placed
~ .iii-i' sports. said Rod Stiles.
iii'ei-toi of student athletic
‘. u ' .»~ times students are going
itaie many isporting) events
one on We want to get stu-
n. tin-u- events." Stiles said.
., iiiiiklldlll would be similar to
‘ \.tl'tllll.\ other universities.
.i it

‘!.m «it these programs. such as
iviiiersiiy of lllinois' “Orange
..-l. organization. promote the
. iiopiilar sporting events in an Ctr

fort to increase student partici


The UK pep group idea would seek
to attract students to events such as
baseball games. tennis matches and
track meets. The organization will
use prizes and promotional gim-
micks to lure students to these
events. hesaid.

Programs similar to the one at ll-
linois have been “very successful“
and other schools such as lndiana
University have had long-standing
student pep programs. he said

“A lot of schools are going to»
wards this . , . (and) we want anoth-
er organization on campus related to
athletics." Stiles said.

The council is being started with
funds from the athletic department.
said Stiles. and Will make students
aware of the sporting events going

He said the program will start off
as a “a small pep organization. to
begin with. that can pr0vide a few
things for students to get involved

Although the organization has not
yet selected board members. Stiles
said ideas from other schools are
being expanded for UK's use and
sponsors are being sought to support

One idea is to implement the use
of a card. "similar to an activities
card." that Will be punched at the
smaller events.

At the end of the year students
Will be eligible to receive prizes
ranging from airline tickets to Walk-
man radios

The quality of the prize will be de-
termined by the number of events a
student attended. Stiles said.


Hat’s off

ee of Pieratt‘s.


Ricci Boschore from Lexmgton and an employ-
tiies a kite in the field near


Alumri' D'i‘vC’ behind the water tower yesterday

.. N .g .




21-year-old drinking in dorm
put on hold; UK remains dry

Assistant News Editor

UK stepped closer to implement-
ing a campuswide drug and alcohol
policy Monday as the chancellor for
the Lexington campus approved five
of six recommendations made by a
committee iii February

In a three-page memorandum re-
sponding to the alcohol policy com-
mittee's recommendations. Art (lat
laher agreed to begin pursuing a
drug and alcohol education program
that would be run by the \'l(‘(’ chan-
cellor for student affairs‘ office.

Gallaher also agreed to appoint a
drug and alcohol task force and
commit the t'iiiversity to finding
ways to promote activities that
would draw students away from

The only exception came with al
lowing 2iycarold students to drink
in their dormitory rooms

[n the memorandum Gallaher said
the issue “had not been explored

Gallaher declined to elaborate
about what "explored sufficiently”



Wind and water -- it you like
them. you’ll also like wind-
surfing. For some pointers.
see DIVERSIONS. Page 2.

UK'I CATS raises questions
from students and faculty
about academic assistance.
See SPORTS. Page 4.



Today witt be partly sunny
with a high of 65 to 70.
Cooler tonight with a low
around 40.





iiieatis. saying there lllil) be other
issues the COmlllltll‘t‘ lllll iiot cons”:

“Does the legal right ot 31-year
olds to drink put t'\t‘i')’llill}.‘, else iii
the shadows or are lllt re other iilt~
plications which need to be coiisid»

ered‘.‘ l think the memorandum
makes that clear." Gallaher said.

Michael Nichols. chairman of the
alcohol policy committee. declined
comment on Gallaher‘s recommen-
dations. saying he has not yet re-
viewed them.

The committee recommended that
residence halls. fraternities and so-
rorities be judged in accordance
with the Kentucky Revised Statutes.

The statutes say students must be
at least 21 years old to buy or con-
sume alcoholic beverages.

This recommendation. the mem-
orandum said. "needs further study
before we Ithe administrationi feel
comfortable” recommending a poli<
cy to the president and the Board of

The suggestion to allow 21-year
old students to drlt‘k in their dormiv
'ory rooms. which was one of six
made by the C')lll.lllllt‘(‘. was the
only recommendation Gallaher (i;:'
not approve.

Que: tions not addressed by the al»
cohol committee will now he hair
dled by a task force on alcohol and

See I)!“ . Page 5

Clay to fill in for Pond
as UK dormitory head

Staff reports

Bob (‘lay was appointed )t-stei‘tla)
as acting associate dean of students

Clay. who has served tor the last 3
years as assistant dean of students.
will assume his new role as :lthlSt‘l"
for the dormitory system at l'K on
July lst.

(‘lay has been associated with the
L'niversny for 27 years.

In 1969. he attended the l'niversity
as a student living in llaggiii Hall
and by the next semester became
the coordinate adViser. the torerun
nor of the resident aSSistant

By 1971. Clay was the assistant
head resident of Haggin Hall. and by
1973. he became the head resident. a

position that was the predecessor of
the hall director.

After graduation. Clay became a
full-time University employee and
was appointed area coordinator of
south campus in 1977.

In 1979 he become area coordina-
tor of north campus.

From this point Clay was appoint-
ed asststant dean of students in 1933.

"If experience means anythim. he
ought to do well,“ said Rosemary
Pond. current associate dean of stu-
dents, "They don‘t appoint mean
who they don't think will do a good

(‘lay will be filling the position
that Pond has held for the last In





.- ' u ' o . r .
_‘ ‘. . hiNiUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, April 30, 1987
'l i . . Erik Rocco
‘7‘ ‘ 7 ArtsEditor
; Wufllltor
n ' K‘ , , . ,_


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' Rita‘s vzt'

. ' vjt ads as! enough
.t-.. . ,. ' .\_ 7".t Uri-2v s
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.‘mi gm; “Hit". 1
:mi i it.» in l't)”
.. :l‘ilullifl, lll popular
ml 'lutriu ammo and as a
4 -;-. :' Three years ago.
~ willed to (ll}lliplt‘
‘m l‘ttH Summer

‘1" '-..' L‘t it‘.\
quir' also l\ t‘ll]()}(‘(l
H: \tvllcr n L't’l‘ll'
; :rislructor at The
VH1) on East High
».rial-iluh windsurfing de-
;l \n‘al .ictnit}, it is
. to a Mr or Ms

-.~.llall>lirtei‘s of all
E shapes." Weller

w indsurfing. It's im-
.» Ilse right attitude
' zion'ltightit “
~l;:,lt’lll at Lexington
also (’ll_|()}'S
\;\iili_’til‘l first tackled
~unimcr of '86 in

about 4o miles

1. if. all
t “n"L‘t'

.. a .
a, » llK


'l".~' got out on the
._ . ' cor". \(ild. “a sea gull
“.l mast. anti so i
'l..:ig except keep a
:. ruse it (ltK'ldt‘d to
:‘Tirt' Lilli
llittlcult and took
(I sin} up and actu-
lilt‘ lliltlt'nlt} didn't

.ocal windsurfers
' i'i‘thh waves, wind
i growing interest

“1 was so excited when 1 got a
good wind and started going along
pretty good. Then a jet skier zoomed
by," Nishigori said with a laugh.
"and created a big wave, knocking
me over I didn't get hurt, but i did
have a generous drink of water.“

Nishigori is not alone in finding
it indsurfing difficult to master.

Certified six years ago, Weller
teaches windsurfing classes for be-

“For a beginning windsurfer.”
Weller said ”the hast wind is a
talm. gentle. constant breeze." With
these conditions, the beginner can
concentrate on the basics of the
sport without exerting extra energy
to light a high wind and rough

The equipment for beginners also
differs in size from that used by ex
perienced windsurfers. Weller sug—
gests the beginner start out on a
longer. bigger board with a smaller

Weller begins the $65. two—hour
Windsurfing Orientation Program
lthe Full Certification Program is
$95; with the theory behind wind-

“The main thing to keep in mind.”
he said. “is the wind direction.
That's what windsurfing is — the
study of wind." He said the wind
should be at the student's back in
order to hit the sail at the correct
angle and thereby propel the wind»
surfer along the water.

Next Weller explains the student's
position on the board, and how to
control sailing the windsurfer.

"The person should stand side«
ways on the board's center. always
keeping the shoulders parallel to the
board with feet slightly more than
shoulder-width apart.“ The hands
should hold the boom about two feet
apart from each other.

Steering is simple. “Move the sail
and mast with the boom either for»
ward or backward, depending on the
desired direction." Weller said. To
increase speed. he said to pull the
sail in toward the board, and to slow
down. extend the sail away from the

After this explanation, Weller as-
sembles a windsurfing simulator
outdoors. It is a metal base with a
swivel plate to which the board with








I ’ MICHAEL BRENNAN Kerrie Graphics



“When I first got out on the water, a sea gull
landed on the mast, and so I couldn’t do
anything except keep a close eye on it in case

it decided to leave behind a little ‘gift.

Mie Nishigcri.
LCC student

the mast and sail are attached. “It
gives some. resistance to the turning
of the board,” Weller said, “acting
like shock absorbers.“

Practicing with the simulator al-
lows the student to learn how to turn
the board with the sail lying down in
the water, with it up in the air and
how to control it to sail.

“The simulator does the same as
a regular windsurfer in the water,"
Weller said. “and is..a much easier
way to learn to sail the board."

Weller usually takes his students
to the reservoir or another lake in
town. Depending on the time sched-
ule. he'll go to Dale Hollow Lake,

. its/1t cor/mrations are increasingly drawn to University
4mm who lzure gained hands on experience using personal

sin/yrs on campus.


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three hours south of Lexington on
the Tennessee border.

The student isn‘t the only wind-
surfer out on the water when learn-
ing; Weller also rides his own wind-
surfer to better observe and instruct
the student.

He said that once a beginner is
qualified in windsurfing skills, he
then may rent a windsurfer from
The Dive Shop at $10 an hour. If the
person seriously considers taking up
the sport, then he may purchase a
windsurfer, with sail and mast in-
cluded, for $595 (priced at The Lex-
ington Dive Shop). A wet suit can
also be purchased for $398.

Due to the community‘s growing
interest in windsurfing, Weller hopes
to organize a windsurfing club.


ment tapes capture


lighter side of R.E.M.

Arts Editor

Dead Letter Office/B-Sides Com‘
piled R.E.M./I.R.S. Records

For every R.E.M. fan who hangs
on every apocalyptic word uttered
by Michael Stipe, there comes a col-
lection of outtakes and covers that
no one could possibly mistake for di-
vine inspiration, much less serious-

Instead, Dead Letter Office sports
fifteen experimental session tracks
that are as fun (if not as skillful) as
anything R.E.M. has issued.

Rather than having bootleggers
score big with these session tapes at
a 300 percent markup, I.R.S. has re-
leased it nationally at a nominal
cost. Thus the fan gets the inside
track at the outside price.

The material varies about as
much as the styles of the original
artists. To keep you on track, guitar-
ist Peter Buck gives a running com-
mentary on the record sleeve of why
each song has been buried until now.
His remarks are almost as fun as
the album itself .

He divides the album into three
categories: badly written songs,
drunken jokes and occasional worth-
while songs that didn’t fit the feel of
previous album concepts. The prod-
uct is a collection of singles which
Buck praises for their “ultimate
shoddiness . ’ ‘

Three Velvet Undergound covers
(“There She Goes Again,” “Pale
Blue Eyes" and “Femme Fatale")
surface here, recorded on a two
track with heavy acoustic strum-
ming. Paying homage to the VU
isn’t easy, and Stipe pulls it off with
cool vocals backed by Buck’s and
Mike Mill’s tight playing.

Compare this to their rendering of
Aerosmith‘s “Toys In the Attic."
Buck’s liner note justifies the song
with, “If you grew up in the seven-
ties you liked Aerosmith." Be that
as it may, the effect is about the
same as it was the first time
around. Take that anyway you want.

“Burning Hell“ and “Windout”
are decidedly post-punk stomps that
find Buck bleeding his guitar for all
the savagery it can produce. “Wind-
out“ appeared last year on the
Fleshtone‘s “Speed Connection II”
with Buck accompanying on guitar.
Now that was drunken.

“Voice of Harold” is the backing
track to “Seven Chinese Brothers"

I. fight”


am»; -

It“ liilil littlit




Peter Buck divides the
album into three
categories: badly
written songs, drunken
jokes and occasional
worthwhile songs that
didn’t fit the feel of
previous album

with “extemporaneous lyrics added
by Michael in one take.“ The story
is a comic look at a gospel singing
group, the Reveleers, who long for a
recording contract. Make of it what
you will: “Montgomery gives a spe—
cial interpretation to the grand old
hymn, ‘The Old Rugged Cross'/Chill
bumps appear and I am frozen in
the web they weave as they reveal
their innermost selves with the out-
pouring of their hearts This
album can be the instrument to
mend a broken heart/Or to straight-
en out your life through the sincere
testimony in the songs of the Rev-
eleers/A must."

“Ages of You“ and “Burning
Down" have all of the gargled vo-
cals and jangling guitar solos that
are vintage Reckoning.

Dead Letter Office winds out with
a drunken cover-~-oD-“King of- (the
Road." Bucks comment: "Roger,
Miller should be able to sue for what
we did to this song." And it‘s true,
you can hear more background
stumbling and tripping over amps
than actual playing and singing.
But, hey,it‘sR.E.M.



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357 Duke Rd.

 U.S. suspects Libya of attempting
to build short-range guided missile

Associated Press

WASHINGTON .E. American intelv
ligence agencies believe Libya may
be attempting to build a short-range
guided missile to add to its military
arsenal, administration officials said

The officials. who agreed to dis-
cuss the matter only if not identi-
fied. said there was no reason to be»
lieve such a missile ever could be
equipped by Libya to carry a nucle-

But the sources added that the
United States was concerned none-
theless because intelligence officials
did not believe Libya could produce
such a weapon on its own.

ABC television. quoting unidenti-

fied officials. reported Tuesday that
Libya was ready to conduct its first
flight test of the new missile and
that it apparently had been built
with the assistance of unidentified
West German companies.

Meanwhile, NBC said evidence
that could link ! itya to several ter-
rorist attacks in Europe was found
when Chadian troops pushed back
Libyan forces in northern Chad last

NBC Nightly News. quoting U.S.
intelligence sources. said Soviet-
made hand grenades left behind by
the Libyan troops bore the same fac-
tory markings and lot numbers as
grenades recovered from five ter—
rorist incidents

The report identified those inci-
dents as the attacks on the Vienna

and Rome airports in December.
1985'. on a Paris cafe in September.
1985, and on an officers' club in Tur-
key last year; and the hijacking of
an Air Egypt plane to Malta in No
vember. 1985.

()n the Libyan missile effort. ad
ministration officials contacted
Tuesday acknowledged there was
some suspicion that at least one
West German firm might have been
involved. but they stressed there
was no conclusive proof of that

ABC quoted its sources as saying
the new missile was believed to
have a range of roughly 300 miles
and might be flight-tested soon at an
air base near the central Libyan
town of Sabhah.

Channel] claims North acted
as co-conspirator in Irangate

Associated Press

WASHINGTON Conservative
activist Carl R. “Spitz" Channell
pointed to former White House aide
Oliver North as a fellow conspirator
yesterday as he pleaded guilty to the
first criminal charge of the Iran»
contra affair.

Channell was formally accused of
defrauding the government by tellv
ing contributors to his National En-
dowment for the Preservation of
Liberty that their gifts would be tax
deductible even though the money
actually was used to provide mlll‘
tary aid to the U.S.—backed contra
rebels in Nicaragua.

Channell pleaded guilty to a Single
count and agreed to cooperate in in
dependent counsel Lawrence E.
Walsh's investigation.

Walsh‘s formal charge, known as
a criminal information. said Chan-
nell was involved with a government
official. but the charge did not iden-
tify that official.

However. when Channell was
asked in court by CS District
Judge Stanley S. Harris to name the
persons with whom he conspired. he
replied simply. “Col. North. an offi~
cial of the National Security Coun-

When Walsh aide Michael Brom-
wich was asked later if a similar

charge could be expected soon
against North. he said. "We‘re not
prepared to do that at this time."

At the White House, presidential
spokesman Marlin Fitzwater de‘
clined to comment. “We‘re not in-
vestigating ourselves and I don‘t ex
pect to elaborate on these kind of
issues." Fitzwater said.

Cnder the agreement Channell en~
tered into with Walsh. the fundrais-
er and several of his employees said
they would cooperate with Walsh‘s
investigation into possible criminal
activity in the secret sale of weap-
ons to Iran and in the funding of the

The developments came less than
a week before congressional panels
are to open public hearings on the
lrancontra affair and just one day
after Walsh suggested prosecutions
would be endangered if Congress
granted immunity from prOSecution
to any more principal figures in the

()n Capitol Hill leaders of the con-
gressional panels said retired Air
Force Major Gen. Richard V. Se-
cord. a pivotal figure with key finan-
cial information on the affair. will
be the first public witness in the
hearings that begin on Tuesday. Se-
cord. who declined to testify before
the Senate Intelligence Committee
earlier. will appear without an im-
munity grant.

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Former National Security Adviser
Robert McFarlane will follow Se-
cord. the panels' leaders said.

Channell's guilty plea came as
McFarlane was testifying before the
grand jury empaneled by Walsh
McFarlane. who traveled to Iran Ill
1986 in an attempt to close an arms
for~hostages deal. declined to com-
ment as he left the grand jury room

Walsh had said Tuesday he hoped
the lrancontra committees wouldn‘t
grant immunity to North. even
though he had earlier agreed to that
prospect. which would have led to
public testimony by North no earlier

Yesterday‘s charge to which
Channell pleaded guilty carries a
maximum penalty of five years no
prisonment and a $250,000 fine. The
judge agreed to delay Channell's
sentencing until. in Bromwich's
words. “the completion of his coop
eration" with the investigation.

Channell. a short man with a pen-
cil-thin blond mustache. appeared
very subdued as he stood before
Harris in court

A Channell spokesman has said
the fund-raiser relied a dozen or
more times on North to brief poten-
tial contributors to the coiitras And
the formal charge against Channell.
while not naming North. said there
were numerous other meetings in
Washington and Dallas,

KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, April 30, 198/ - 3


FRANKFORT (AP) ~ Several
blind vendors who operate under
a state subsidy program picketed
offices in the capital yesterday to
protest what they say is state in»
terference with their businesses.

“They want to keep is in our
rightful place." said Dennis
Franklin. who operates a vending
stand at the post office in Louis-

The protest was sparked by a
decision from the Department for
the Blind to force the operator of
the stand at the Hall of Justice in
Louisville to take on a partner.

Russ Sanford. who operates the
stand at the courts building. said
he was forced to take on a part-
ner because he has made a suc-
cess of the business. As a result.
he has had to let go of a sighted


Blind vendors picket capital
to protest state’s interference

employee, who was valuable in
deterring theft.

Linda Horton. the assistant sec-
retary of the Education and Hu-
manities Cabinet. of which the
department is a part. said the
disagreement boils down to a dif-
ference in philosophy.

The department provides space
for the vending operation. buys
the initial stock and buys and
maintains the equipment. In re
turn. the vendors pay the state to
percent of their net profits.

Horton said it is understand-
able the vendors want to make as
much money as they can but they
forget they are operating under a
public subsidy

“Do we give them a business or
do we provide employment op-

portunities to blind people"" Hon
ton asked.

Franklin. who is chairman of
the vendors‘ committee. said the
group also had other complaints
about the department

Franklin said agency employ»
ees spend too much time bother-
ing vendors and not enough time
opemng other outlets so more
blind people can be hired

Sam Serraglio. the director of
support services for the depart
ment, acknowledged that only
two new