xt76125qbx4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qbx4k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1983 1983 1983-03-07 2020 true xt76125qbx4k section xt76125qbx4k l I ‘ "
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h 1 ‘ ‘1 - Lord l Father " a documentary re-
1 - r - leased b A i h ’
,. .‘ ‘ y ppas op, examines a son's
f" - , relationship with his lather. a tobacco 1
. :~ 1 larmer For a review, see "an-
" ' limos-3 "’“"_"""‘""
Yol. LXXXV, No. we Monday, March 7, 1983 A ' d “1 1 11 1111* w 1—
1—7—1" __.. ,. 1 . 7 , , , ,,_, 1 n in ependent student newspaper ~
_W¥.WW__,¥,fiW Wm 1 117 g A_fi_~,_ _ 1 ____> UniverSity of Kentucky. Lextngton Kentucky
. f. . i») 'r ~ '
FimnApmdsmnporrs . a : .2 . , - . ;; '
1 . 1 . . , . 7, . ”.41 1.1» ”a". #11
. ‘ 1 1 . 3 1 :1 , 1: 1'9‘523 ‘1'1 ‘1 L ‘- , 1' 1'1‘
1.; 1 . . 1‘ '. 3; 1- ‘ sift; , 33"?” @13353‘ ’
‘. ~, . . 3 :11: 2‘ 1V’iefi.°‘t.~-é "at: A .1;”‘ 1 1 3- $31}
. t . 1 '.1 s :3. fiz‘-g-’4'4‘~'1 . . man .11 "“‘1‘ "
BUNCH PM from hospital 1; .1 .' fl T: ”$511531”! é 1- .
.1 ,. , , 1 ,t s¢,$t~m;»§s‘s%*”¢a1_ :, ”9:“ 1 ’ '
JOCk Blonton Vic h ‘ ‘_‘1,‘*11:,..F “"1 .1 1 .1 __ 1%{2‘1 1.3.x), s: - ‘gfflfit . "3a
.m .d f I O C one."°r for administration, wa‘ re- 11113311 1;? 1‘ - , 1 *1 555:1.» My?» . 1 - #351}; ,1'- ,1 ‘_
1 1 :1 1 mm the UK Media. cm" Friday. bu, in W b. . .1 r _
”armed Wednesday tor further tests. 1111 1111 1 111111 1 1 111111 1
i » emf»: '- - "
pair‘sisriton was admitted last Tuesday complaining of chest ‘» 1 1 11111111111111 1 111} 1 1
. - ast night, he said the results at test conducted dur- 11131 1111111111 11111 11 1
m9 his stay were inconclusive. -. .;:-f§:j:';‘g'1 1 " 17%.. '- ‘ 1
"What they are trying to do is see if l he h " 1111 1 1:1: 1 11 11
said. ve a cart, he , £3311”: 1 ‘ 1'1?
St 3,, I, 1 11 _ . {323? Aces-.:z-ii" ».
_1 , t A ~ ‘ is '1-1::1i‘~it;.:;’:-’ :37“ f1“ 1
i "m8 sweep West, South xiii; . 1 . meet a
1 : a: blizzard bombarding Colorado and Wyoming with more 1111 1111 “11111111 1 1 1111111 {1
1 .on 2 feet of snow in places blocked highways and closed 111 11 11 11% 1111
‘ ' . It$:.- 1 Q _3\’;(,: ,1‘. ,1 .. . $3.“
I 313:]er fyAeAstei'day. stranding thousands of travelers while 5V1§1 1 3 1111
t 1 o exnco storm swamped the Southeast with up to 4 111* (121 1 1 111 111
inches of rain. “‘5'? E11 11 1 11 1 11111111
The western st :Ws‘935' 111 1 1
orm. br :1 1 .. “
$203 minion d . evoed by the some system that left 1f$§2§3 if“ 1%», at;
f amuse 'n Cohfornia '05, week, 0.30 whipped :ggwg‘i‘; («é-14%;. \: 11y :. 23.; y; 1112’; s
U - .. . ,. regs} ;- :1 «.11- . .._ . 1-11., " .» "“
vii :l reakish tumbleweed blizzard near Rankin Texas :sii; $33; ‘,;:+‘::s,_’szt. mi "1’ 255:1, 1K
. . . . .mr, 113.2139.‘ . "1..., .11.},1-1; aims ’- .‘Ns‘
. . ; «113 H 5‘, “r ’"sr' ” ‘1“
eet deep. blocking traffic on state Highway 349. At least 1,1; we; . vtxx‘c’»”s€ -, fix
I 11 w. Lfi; 1 1.1» 1;.“ . .2?” “1.1% ,W _ '1"::'1‘3~:’;'1.11:‘>‘1:113"'-"1"1=‘11'1‘1"1;'1‘11‘:111. 31 - .1 as»
one car was completely buried. 8%, 93% §C~S€ 31‘“ 19.3% J "s-
' The Florida Panhandle was hit Saturday night with 11:15:21.3”, ,1 3 gfl1fifl‘g"ucx 7. 1,. - “ :"i
s r - , .. 152:: 1...???“ .J- a ~ *' 5
hang .Wmds. heavy rain, and small hail. In Macon Ga “$11k it‘svsxtgtfigsivvlfiu ‘21; .~ r,‘ 1.4;
. _ i ., .. Ht“ :5 1. ;. =e3:.::3t"’1r£:11_'131_." 191;" i’..""“= " ,. .:": 1 "1
:10 Ore cost over 4 inches of rain fell, the National Weather 3%” s§§itww .12»: ;
to said the water was deep enough to completely sub~ : 3“?“ s311‘::"’1 1
merge severalcars. Eiiugxgi. of??? 111.11 513' .1- ’13:} 1
m h :re’ thunderstorms also dumped heavy rains across L‘:;V;rf‘x _ e§§§3§~11:‘«\" «$.31 1:; t 1‘, . ‘g 9
. 1“ ,uf‘e. . 4:. 91%,! 1‘ gym“: ;"E'..'..'?". "vi-“Fri? 4:11-11: ' ‘31: 111.11 34’1“
uc o A abama and the Carolinas. 1 - “timifiww.\:‘1 5
l I . J10. VANW " '
Clerk recovering from pnuemonie ea '1 relief 1 1 1111
These students ' t
SALT L‘K! ' — 1 1 . . 1 , usmg a unnel to gulp cold beer, beat the '
op eared t ELY, _Artll_ICial heart recvpient Barney Clark heat recenfly Wh11e sunning themselves near me K1rw°n1 810111111119 comp1eX1 The worm ’emperomres are expeaed 10
h. p39 h o . wmning his bout with pneumonia yesterday commue as sprmg break opprOOCheS1
is t 1 wedding anniversary. but remained on a respirator
and regimen of antibiotics. I, . 1
Clark was in fair condition yesterday. but still too weak rabes Into co . I
N; continue his full routine of mild exercise, said University n Inue thls we
. a lioh Al'l‘edical Center nursing supervisor Lisa Anderson
a , in ' ' 1
1 .x “d is 95th day on the plastic Utah Heart, was not Agency head Burford SChedUIed 11
_ d pecd to resume exerCises until otter his pneumonia ._____. ___.__ 0 appear before Schommittee
eare .
lh \\'Il.l.l \1\l hl{1i\lltil \l ' ' '
c. r 1 _ 1 1 . poi nacd Buitord. saii h s ii" ' ~' “ ‘
. {a k, 62, was diagnosed as havmg aspiration pneumo- Assix'iatcdi’i‘css “1i’2lt‘i‘ tioii has \icldcd 1 c\11id1=\f1\11g11 1\11111111n1111 1111111 111111111 1111111111 11111 \ 1111111111 1111111111111“ 1 11
lilo,“ F’I' :9 became nauseous Thursday and vomited some \‘i‘iitlfllllllnuWithinth(*‘ig(-ii(-(\nu 111 (“11111111 1111\11111111111111111 111111111111111111‘1‘1 11‘1111‘1111‘1 ‘1’11111‘1’1‘1 1111 1‘11‘11E'1‘11‘111111?
a . < 1 'o mun - - 1 ~1. r 11 ’ 11 1111
eno ' a, had emered h'swngs‘ docmrs said. In [th d1,“- “0“,“. “In-mm‘\ .11, w.“ “1,: t (ht: dooi issions to .t- docntncnis troni l tiltfll‘txss s‘hc 1‘.”
\\1\\'Hl\(~]~()\1 ii i ix-arunco howM'H‘. olhci‘ congros liliit‘tl |ii111\1 i111 \t11‘t111111110111i 11 1111 11111111 11111 111111111111111 1111 11 11111111 111111
‘. ‘ 3 > - l t rt) “‘5 ill ”MI 51011;” ”HOS“ ’illtn‘ - . . 1t l i , ‘1 ‘11:” 11‘ H1 “1111 (111111111 ili'llt'f\ 111N111 1111 1 1 11 1 1 11
‘ O" produce" reported|y reduci pfi 8 htii‘ironmcnlal Protection .\l1(‘ll('\ “W L s also nil] in at \iitti thc “lilltx Honsc .iiantlcd ‘ 1 [iii \lilt ii. nan not
I '19 Ge dominatc (‘oiigrcs‘s again ”“5 “Wk: But l)”]g(1”\ ”MN. H‘crgx mi 11\1111 tht; Housc N'itiiicc .iiid li-ch lioiisc \Iiiiiiiwli lt‘tlltt i‘omr
'. mlw’I . ~ 1 r I -, . . 1 ‘ t . _ l ( litll)‘\ ,1 ‘ - t i - 1 "11 1 1 1 1 1 \ 11
l l ed _ Arab 0" Producers were reported to have :hlli1i1ni1i1t1t1mllidm (\(lil 111i>ihwtulod (omincrcc tincstigations suhcoin intuit-1li;1i1k:(1i1i1i1t1111'11i1]H 11111111 1t111111111 11111111111 11 111 111111N111 11111111111 511111
ogre esterd . . ‘ .iiiiwarancc ini‘s‘day h) mittcc is llh'tih 1 , " ' - " J i'tltitions liti‘ st't out it \‘i it; - . ~ t r -
1 $28 50 t: co a: '0 .Cut OPECs base price to as low as itschit-t Aniit’MCtiill Burioni plans to cwml‘nllt: 1111111" "“5"“! '11" ”"1“" <*“\1N‘I'> in thc .tigom-t tun-l. Hunmm 1, “111111;”; "1 r" NM!“
- ~ 1 . x - i I ‘ .1 1 1 ‘1 1111 ‘ 111111111 1 1 1
I Bu, mm min: wnh A‘ncan and North sea expormrs. Rummy under some and hanging ”uplmvfi mdmm (”hygsllirnlmhl .\ stttxtiiiod through .i int its! vhai ctiiit‘tlrl'l1lit'i‘nicmn“1 I" " ”an
1i k romaine adamant on maintaining the $34 bench. onto he. too is suhpm-nacd to up Dingcti said latc last \wok thin on. 11111111111111 11 111111111111 1111111111111 "1111 M ”“1 '“N‘W ["1"“‘11‘"‘1“1111 “1" ‘1
mar on the eve of a summit aimed at saving the cartel 9“" iwtorc onc ot the six coiigi‘cs pancls list ot proposcd uttiicsscs 11'i1l11i11111‘1 ‘ 11111111 1111 11111111111 111111111111 11111 1111111111141
. from collapse. - slim“?I ham-ls investigating lit'r (nit-n started at 44 but --th'it numlx-r1hi1 t uR1111111i111‘111 111 11111 11111111111111” 11111 1111111111 11111111111 1111111 11 111111
. . . . , (1V Sic has liccn ordi-rod to )r -1 .- 1 .. , ‘ Ls cc. 0p .anit-s sthcncr. ii \ \ ‘ ~ ‘ 1 1 1 1 1A 1 11
l N, K“"waiti Oil Minister Sheik Ali Khalita Al-Sabah said it sensitiveHi’Mim-uincnts 1 11111111 :ttxiirlglhhlhit1l1)1(1p1l1l1111111111\1 11111111111 11” h‘” *lll‘ii’tt‘iiiim N” “WW" l'1l‘\ E14231: 111 1l111\ 11111111111111 1W1 111111111
, . . 1 - ~ . t in . .4 . ' .7 " 1 1111111111 11 1 11 111 1‘
i ,h199ria kept its price at $30. Arab Gulf nations would drop his pancls art- investigating tltc (‘t‘l‘liiin how ”11:: 1:111:11 :11 11111 1111 1111;1111'111111 111 “Mm ”mm“ “""m ““‘W ”“i‘ i“‘i” “111;“i11'111i1‘1’l1‘11 111’
. , . t '.1.\1'_ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 1 1 11111111 111 1
l1 he base to $28.50 to give them a $1.50 edge Previously agency s handling (it thc sit; minim lX‘callcd ‘ “ “W ‘l 111511111111 ”t iMilo! ltl(‘.'iti[\ mom 1% 11 p111
' 1 1 . ”1-“ x .. 1 .. . .1 . c critic'il hi; - -‘ ‘
. eLGWt states had been demanding the Price for higher 'ihqiiiiiler‘ddCh 111011.111”? 1‘” “N“ “l’ Dingcii 5 Panel also plans a pulilli' [)mgcll‘c “NZ“,n1'iiir11111‘11111111111111 11 “mm“ ”111‘ "‘1 ”1‘1“”“3 ‘1‘" satur
ciua ity Nigerian crude be kept as high as 33 b h 1 < 1 , 1 lltittti “.isiwtuinps session Honda). Willi i~31‘;\ minaret n t’ ~11 1 .11 . ~ 11 11‘1 11111111111111 1111F1111111111111 111111 11111111111111111111111111
Price 0 0V9 l 9 Gulf Rip .lohii liliitlcll. lirMich . chair ('oiitisul Hohom Porn 1 top ' i t l“r 1111 111 11111111111 11111111 11111 1111111111111 1119111111 11 111111111111 11111 1111 11
. man of thc slilX'mnliillIH- itut - . . ._ 1 ~ « dl(t' o tocumcnts " ‘ ‘1 ' 1 1‘ 11 1 11 ”1111111111
He (“’0 “aid the... was general agreement on a prOduc t 1 sub liiiitoid.sc hmiulcdtotcstih Burtord. k'lllliL‘ l'rcsidcnt lit-i $111111 511111 11111 111111 11111 11111111111111 111
. . - . t {\iL‘ ‘.lli '
1 tion ceiling for the Organization of Petroleum Exportin t 11
l Countries. which several sources said would be around 17: fl 1” 11 .9“ e, ,a’ I a v e I ,0
million barrels a day — 2 million barrels below the current a 4" I t t r
level. However, lran wants its quota increased at the ex~ 1 ”41' r
pense of Saudi Arabia, and there was no indication that the n 1 1;
l Saudis, the world’s blosest exporter, would agree. ; 3 ye ts home 90 award
But the Kuwaiti minister said he rated the chances of 1‘ 1 11‘
success at tomorrow's meeting of the full iii-member cartel “‘ ' ' . 1 1 1 1111 1 1 11 1 \1 11
u . . » ,1; 1 i 1 1, 1‘11 ‘ ‘ 1 1 ‘\ 111111 1
1 int..." 75 and 80 ”Kent which is high by any account | » it is 5 l)t‘lii
. " Mai‘ioricStmuirt u ’ * 1 ' 1 1 1 111 11111111 1111
SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador — Pope John Paul ii t . k i020 oi ii tn . r» 1 111 111 111 1111 1 1." ”"11”” I "1'11 1“} 1‘1‘1"1hmg "1111”:
do '.d h d .d yes er- ‘. t it .tonoinics commit} ('.ll(' i illlt'i\ id \ ' ' ‘
d On r s of thousands of people in war-torn El Sal- . ”n “"1““ "‘d‘tfi iircsc'im‘ 'ht- out Hit in11 ‘11 1 1 11 1111111101 1
- u ,1 1 .1 ~ 1.. t i 1 t ‘ ilil‘dli" ‘ "i“
iii° °"1 in the chant. We want peace!" and mode an emo- 3 :1? m1“ “mp 1‘” ‘ ““"it Mow-"l W” and Pitl‘m‘j w ill 1:: t1:11111111‘11t111
1- 1 1‘ t.. ..i ._sof tic
.,°"a appeal for an end to Central American warfare that . 1‘ I k ”MW” “1‘ H“ 1 WIN? "ml llM' \ “hm l llt‘wlt'ii i" L‘i"
ha‘ “mm m. land wnh graves ” ‘ (Ttlit 'lhtlti;ltiilt'tl ( ollins tor honorazw mluid
‘ . nctn wrsn » hc- - t - ~‘ ~ 1
A: h. s . l 1 (JUN \it \( i\t.\ .IE‘ 1
with -f| ‘ . somfi 2,000 troopers and policemen armed men Stivln’xemgus.au 4i rolcmodci ioi'iis.iii “Hm” ‘l‘flmm “' ‘l"‘1“-\‘ ““1““
. i n as and machine guns and stationed every 10 yard; OTIS smournv and MARTHA lAYNE coums m... m. . ‘" "“1 “‘"wmamm‘l "“1" "m" ”m
in some Places stood guard. Overhead, military helicopters (1iiliilis 'i( 1151-1tl1111111t111111 1111111111111“ 111 111111 111111 1111 11 1111111111111 111111 11111
moinminwcons‘am r0“ .. 1 ..i. ui‘mnati- troin Thi- campaiutiatpi‘cscnf
There were no reports of battlefield action in the coun- '
try, locked for the pasth months in civil war. Leftist guer- Involved In NATO dlSCUSSlonS AWACS d b t
rillas had called a one-day truce tor the pope's visit and 1 e a e
the :tense Ministry said its forces would not initiate any D .
.0... .. emocratic senator to speak on f0 9' l 1
\ Son .loscph R Btdcn l) l) '
. . cl . con iccon \iiclcar \\ '1 ‘ ‘ ‘ -
Sldorvd 0m. M ”w 80mm“ loading Tm. “comm; 1:101:11” 1111111111“ dcitt, said 'In tho has! t'iillplt‘ ot »» t
. . . , _ . .1 _ - ' ' iamv ‘; .‘ ‘ i i . ’ 11 1
tortign Pol“) (xpt‘rts. \H” discuss tan arm of thc \‘orth -\tl'1int 'T "11 1"" 1N1 1111111111 “1111111111111” 1111‘ 1
_-_ the direction of America's foreign I“ 1‘ lt‘gzinization 1nd .1: hit rm tailed to bring a six-.ikm. in “hit is 1 ‘5‘
i pom). iii it lt‘Cllil‘t' til 7 3“ “Hit ‘l‘ll - ‘ . n . ‘1 1 ‘ ~ ( dit‘mdii as “-011 \‘vrs‘od on hint, in xihm \ .
g, in Ridin his hl 111 1 1
gamudcm (11mm- .. (n imohcd in thc cur .iorscph Bidcnis 1 11 1 11111 1
c rent discussions of Euroil‘an lht'illl‘l‘ 1 $111 11111
Bidcn is the second ranking liomi, "llt‘lcar torcc modernization “mm“ "m1 m1 ”11"“1“ “mm “ 1* 11
(fat on the Senate Foreign Relations “ldt‘ll “us a lcadcr on thc i‘i't’ort to 10‘1“”? “I” ”1 “mph ”1‘1””“1 "l ”“1 1
i (ommittm and the onlx itcmoorm “in N‘natc ratification of tho SALT scnator ’1 5”"er "' ””1 ””‘1I‘1‘1u1
on the wmmmm “h" HMS 1., “,1.“ ll ”14quan Hc played a loading trmlc issni‘ and his \lurklii}: in arms ‘ ii"
l, m filth I ‘0 W0 chem .' 0n thc intelligence (‘oiitmittu- m'" m “l‘P‘Nliii lhv salc ot’ AWM‘S negotiations m Hump“ 1
M My“ M. which 1“.”st m1, , ., ‘ .iircratt and other so h sl " 111111
. h n ‘ nation is foreign p i. lidlt‘d mil itidcn is a L'l‘ddli'ilt‘ oi th‘ I ‘
."n‘ " .... w. n“ “".'.o. mmhgmwmehm liar) ivchnolog) to Saudi Arabia sit\ ot licl- ' ~ 1' 1‘ ”1‘01 1 1
M My 900..." and 9m WI"! I u ”to , Ride-n “as o‘lccti‘d to thc Sott'itc in in \ ~ 11‘1-1m 111111 11111 51‘ 131111111 1
”I" m 0' m. I.” 900“." In "I. I 50. ‘ll(' is the ranking Democrat on tho 1972 and \i as rooiocted ‘1 1 1111111 1‘11”” 111 1““ 111111111 111 1111
.I In low 0' . I-orcign liclations ('ommittis‘ s i-In is L'ith in soniorm km 19111 ”11 1111‘ 1111111111111 111 11111501111111 11.1 “m d / ‘1
MW 9“. O“. ropcan Affairs Suhi-ommitlw and thc nation s1iiiiisitiiaiorr1111 In“ ("WWI lrldl “NF” ”1 “iliiilntllmi lit" 11 1' 11
serves as chairman oi the North M "We {act m“ is ‘- \ r t | Emd q‘n-(‘il tor mo tears as a mom ‘ s
I .1... .1 1 .. 1 , . . c) init‘\ \c . ~ " i‘ 1 1
linti( .\.\\(mhi) s hpcual (otnmit spi‘akcr.” .lim [)inklc \'\;-\ pi‘csi \\'lrl‘ln1lt11i‘:lii1\'|“ “N11 1111111111 1111111 ‘11 11 1
. . . . . ‘ t‘i
v, 1 . . . .. . .~.L—.a~ 1‘ J

 ...-.. . .. . . . ,. . . . .. _.-. . -b. __._.,.,,v ‘ ,,,
7 t o
see Be I
II" Moldov- Andnu Ofim John 0:an “or ”Non-n Llnl I. I“... 1.0. VIM Ion ("Mord
[dam t" (that Nuws (diioi An. Ediioi Spam (diiov Spuiovaoiocu Editor Photo Editor Grovhtu id-tov
P B RSUA s ION Jam lduIn Monk .0er- 'rico kilo. II" I. WHOM! It. Ola Mo"... (and. Mllllovl Ion VII Nod (Ml. Alh :
Maiiogingtiiaui t-ti'wo'htitw Ann-vantAmEd'tm Alli-tontSoovtIEditov swinirmmuAumom ChiOchonophcl tnpyDule'w-t 2
WW ,
_..___-........._ - f
Change in visitation policy 1
I t f I. ' :
ShOU d I10 OGUS on Image a:~
_ ‘Y
“ ‘
’DI‘I - ~ -v V'~ _—" "‘_ .7 -"
In early February. a special t'niversity broader issues . . . such as public relations." '
committee endorsed a package of compro- Zumwinkle said. __
mise proposals on changing, the visitation Rosemary Pond. associate dean of stu- ‘ | ~‘”"‘"““ "‘ " ’ ' " -- .
policies in the L'niversity's residence halls. dents for residence hall life, said in an arti- I P I t 5‘ l
After weeks of debate. speculation and de- cle published last November that if the stu- / .1-
liberation. the final report of the committee dents living in the residence hall truly want ORG . i ‘ ‘7
. . . - > i 4 I .
was delivered to the desk of President ()tlS pohcychangeschanges will be made. “1 l t" l . #3-.
Singletary by Main (‘ampus t‘hancellor Art Students have been calling for a liberal __ _ .. i l .-
Gallaher visitation policy. especially a 24-hour visita- A“ $ E '

Singletary and Gallaher will be making a tion policy. since 1970. when a student goV- , l A . . ”D i
dec1sion within the next few days on the ernment survey showed 40.5 percent of stu— " ll ‘0 ii . F I
whether the new recommendations will be dents surveyed favoredthe idea. I co ' ‘0” l I
accepted or rejected as l'niversity policy for Since then. student government referen- . .1 n ‘. 3' j l: I
the 1983 Fall semester in order to allow dums. surveys authorized by the Dean of i _ \ { ”,4-" ‘ :
housing information to be sent to incoming Students office and the formal endorsement ' ‘ ’ ~ " " ' ‘i M755] 1
students of the Advisory Committee on Residence 1 “I .i' .l. ' t a: ‘

“Whatever changes are made will go into “all Visitation Polices have supported a Q :1 m Md‘v/p ' 9.39 -— l
effect next semester." Robert Zumwinkle. change. ‘6; fig 9"!“ x ”I- {2"\/";:\“' (- :“}?., y
. .. . . . . -—- ‘ _ . \ _ .

Hoe chancellor for student affairs. said. The issue of public relations. although xii/Witt? u ‘Itd . .. . . < _.‘\\\\\\ mg- , 1
"The question is what changes will be ac- helpful when creating a shiny image on the ‘ \ -/1
cepted " ['niversity‘s armor. should not be the prima— .i 0‘; ‘ Ml! “I ‘ i . . — l

The committee‘s proposal contains some ry concern of the administration before mak- . '“ i l .1?‘ l l - I
ideas that used to be considered taboo by the ing a final decision on the issue. ' ' I
L'niversity administration: twice-weekly The students want a change. The commit- l
freshman visitation and the implementation tee 7 consisting of administrators. residence W I
of an internal 24-hour visitation policy on hall staff members and selected students ~
Fridays and Saturdays in upperclass co~ed hammered out a reasonable compromise. tr
Blandingl It is hoped Singletary and Gallaher will IMAGINE ...THE GOVERNMENT WYIBGA WlbLE TONN

l'nfortunatelv there is art indication that base their decision on meeting the needs of BEflll
\' A . V — ' ‘ > ”
bmgletary and (iallahei' will be considering the residence hall students and accept the SE quCXlN lOlSON‘NG‘M
more than simple logistics before issuing the proposals brought forth by the committee.
final decision (‘oncern over the image of the t'niversity

"Dr Gallaher ~~ and potentially I)r. Sin- should not take precedent over the opinions _
gletary — have to be concerned about some ofthe students in the residence halls.

W1, b3 - I bl I h I I I h 7

I nnlng ca GPO," protect or arm we WGIS I'Ig t8.
since January. Miami lawyer my bedroom and tiirh off my set. ' of the 4.792 cable outfits iii tfie l' S Ferre pushed through the antir IS indecent. regardless of less Many Americans already take ex.
Ellis ltubin has expanded his tete ltubii‘. said recently .\ federal iiidge are closely watching the Miami case porn referendum. in his words. to sweeping Supremet'ourt standards ception to the mane and violent fare
vision menu by subscribing to that field The first hearing on the case on for hints about whether to regulate help "reinforce a community's Rubin says that the responsibility currently available on the networks.
city ’s new cableteleyision sery ice March 1 and what to broadcast Ironically. moral standard “ lies with subscribers themselves others are as insulted by 24-hour re

Like others in Miami Rubin iaii w. t neither I’layboy nor lll’itt. which In its preliminary brief prepared "Rather than government requirr ligious crusadesas bycablepornmw
now watch. iii addition to the lit" m _ GLEN stand to win or lose the most in this for Judge William lloey'eler. the cit)‘ mg cable operators [0 take Prellml' Whether societ.v can settle” on
works. moyies on Home Box tiffitc case. are risking their reputations argues that it has a right to govern nary steps to protect children and what‘s good and Ind-isdoubtfuf
endless religious programs Latin " . l and ti}tlllngll'lt’lldfltAllie-(1)11”l)I‘I(‘l.\i cable content. particularly when mi~ unwilling adults." Rubin wrote in That's why they invented chaii
s-oapoperas and gameshows . SHEARER Ht‘t'ittlht‘ cable 'I‘\‘ offers so many nors may be exposed to "obscene“ his brief. "the appropriate remedy nels As Ted Koppel of Altt‘ News

But, unlike tooooo cable subscrib g .. more channels than its network and “indecent" programming lies in the viewer‘s ability to switch told Miami residents last week dur
ers‘ else“ here in :\Iil(‘rl('.’l. Rubin counterparts. and because it arrives As Assistant t'ity Attorney John .1 channels or turn the set off or ing a televised forum on how the
can tgetthe Playboy t‘hannel Perhaps to the dismay of those \ia wire not antenna the two (‘npelan wrote. “(‘able operators. not to subscribe to cable television media contribute to violence "'l‘ele

The popular softcore cable seryice who document ix-rmissiveness. the forms of the same medium have like publishers and wireless broad inthefirstplace.” vision is the ultimate form of de
has been banned in Miami by an or issue is not whether the antics of neverbeen regulated identically casters. are entitled to First Amend As for minors. Rubin told our as» mocracy We respond to what the
dinance passed by referendum last I-immanuelle‘ "The stud" and Intact. federal and local officials ment protection. btit it is inappror sociates. Michael Duffy. that lock public wants If you feel there is too
tall I’laylioi's Playmate Sweepstakes hate generally stayed away from priate to apply to cable operators boxes and scrambling devices can much violence. change the dial If

Frustrated, Rubin has filed suit ii: are appropriate programming for cable regulation the First Amendment principles be attached to most sets to keep ca- enough of you do that. 'I‘\‘ will
federal court seeking an iniunction ionimercial teleyision At the heart But after Miami mayor Maurice governing newspapers " bleporn out of the reach of children change"
on grounds that cable television oi the matter is whether local goy Ferre saw "naked bodies" on cable l'nfortunately. the Miami tlrdl' toranyoneelsei
broadcasters and \iewers iii-serye ernments tan tell cable operators (Iiiring a trip to New York. he vowed nance is. in places. tortured law It As for public fears about the prolir Max-well Glen and (‘odv Shearer
constitutional protections w fiat they canandcaiinoi broadcast to keep the stuff out of ltade ('oiiiity gives the city itself the right to quesr feration of trash. that's clearly a are Pulitzer Prize winning national

I don i want the t‘ll\ 'o come tnte \o' surprisingly. cities and many living rooms tioii and then determine what matter oftaste columnists
I oda '8 W0 Id f t- ' t d l'ttl h f h
V I' aces segrega IOI‘I, IVOI‘V OWBI’S an I e OPE 0 G ange
1.qu n '"e Suit vim a .‘m- new as iriyial topics are scooped up and waror massacre ing and cooperation high-priority only apply to blacks and whites. it change Wlll be put on the back burii~

5mm J» tin-aw ir-wi arm: bandwagons are filled before you Priorities are either non-existent items across the country; and since also applies to heterosexuals and ho- er until it‘s too late Or maybe. most .

up". can say Hide the children. there's orterrihly misplaced college campuses are not ivory towu mosexuals. and rich and poor likely. that change will bypass Lexi .
a hotiiosextialnearby ' Topics that concern siib_iects of ers. they reflect the national mood." I have a feeling these attitudes ingtonand l'Kcompletely

Lexington has to be one of the which we have little or no control ta the article reported. exist not only at [K or in lexington. Perhaps it‘s not just Lexington or
most picturesque charming cities in persons sexual prefernce or a wom- The article stressed that this seg- but throughout the country Blame the camplISL maybe this is the way
theworld Barbar an's decision to have an ill’)()rtl0nt regation between whites and ”non- cannot be thrown on one person or a the wOrld is changing. Maybe the di- .

-\t leastontht‘surtéil'i' ammo . v I a receivethe most response whites”wasindeed voluntary group. although it is often at‘ rectionisto the right ;

It you dig deeper the city sudden ‘ ‘ SALLEE Topics on w hicb people can have a This current form of segregation tempted. for this attitude Sorry to have gotten on a soapbox .
ly turns archaic ugly and yery con 3 direct posmi-e effect iiho (’(mimty may very well be voluntary. or It's up to people to realize the Please. go back to your sports pages ,
servatiye “‘ nity Kitchen. as an examplei go un- maybe by calling it "voluntary" ra~ world will keep on turning despite and ivory towers; sorry I interrupt

After spending the maiority of my Real concerns such as the city‘s noticed cial tensions are be eased. Either whatever anyone does or believes. It ed.
life here. i‘ s rather disconcerting lti homeless and destitute. do not touch Topics that a few years ago way. the idea of segregation is a should be a primary concern to .
realize that the ('Il_\ you call home is the daily liyes of area residents. caused national unrest. such as seg- scary one work with and attempt to under- Barbara Price Sallce is a jourmi l
no longer the perfect hayen you therefore those topics are ummpor- regation. are once again becoming Any gulf between people. volun» standallaspects ofsociety lism senior and Kernel editorial Pdl l
thought it was ’dtil commonplace tary or forced. grows as time goes (‘hange is the only constant in the for Occasionallv. she is dumb t

I’K is no exception either I' something as earthrshattering as Newsweek reported that segrega by and becomes increasingly hard to world. And through that change. enough to think She ("0" change the
seems to hate become a hater. for whether or not liquor can be sold by tion is once again becoming an a(‘- bridge pettple ShOtlld be able [0 Open up and “""ld With a simplistic. “CHOW “”l
the truly single minded and conser the glass in restaurants on Sunday cepted and voluntary trend on ml The segregation of an “us" and work with others to usher in that umn about real problems. while of ‘
vativeat heart gathers such steam and publicity as legecampuses. “them" can only lead to misunder- change. feri'ng absolutely no solutions what L?

Real concerns tall by the .Ktt\\ltlf' to overshadow any Middle Eastern "No longer are racial understand standing Sadly. this attitude doesn't As far as I can see. any kind of soccer.
“WM f

limit for student (internment Asso nuiiibei‘ot write iii \titt-si —"_——————'—————
' iiation presidential candidates from .
congratu'ahons Sloo to Sfiltt’. an increase of \'incenthh Letters pOhcy .
{xii iii l’hysics doctoral candidate

JEN ‘tiotigb' l I, drop .UH‘ V‘ Luv 3 The last llllll‘ the expense hm” tiradtiateschool senator Readers are encouraged to submit their letters and opin- dross-s. telephone numbers and major: classifications or .
ioiigra'iiia'iiig the mftoi's iiiif shit: .k‘ls .idiiistmf was in \[tl‘tltL‘ ioji. ionstothoKernel connection with UK. Individuals submitting comments in
members or. being the on". iini'versi From Monthly Labor Renew a piifi . . Persons submitting letters and Opinions should address person should bringoUKlD or driver'sliconu, .7
ty paper in tm- | 5 ti. win the most Iii-”imp of the Bureau of Labor Sta In appreCIatIOI" their comments to the editorial editor at tho Kernel, IN Lottors should be limitod to 350 words or loss. Opinions ”‘
prestigious award.the-(ioldl'row ii listics part of the l' 5 Department humomm Building.[NMQ'OWKYi‘m-oo‘l 5h°”'db°asow°'d’ °"'”- :

It is a 'thuH‘ to the hard work and of Labor» which an interested. read Feb til at noon. l was in a bike act All material 39m tor consideration must bu typowrmon Editors reserv- iho right to odit for correct spelling ..

H'tals that hay e been met and some er can find in the tioH-mmetit I’iibli cidcnt And I want to thank the fol °"d dOUblO 590604 Writer! must include their names. od‘ grammar, Clarity ondto Oliminotolibolous material
thlnE that you and our classmates cations lk‘partment in M I King l.i lowing people who were so kind to
hereai l'Kcan i,“ proiidof iii-.iry, the t'onsumer Price Index for me The man who phoned the ambu- BLmM COUNTY by Be 1 e Ind
A tip til the Hit: Blue hat for Will all items in April l‘JT‘this 3ft 3 lance. Laura Van Slyke. who con» the B at
guys and gals In tictober It!” the latest avail soled me and took care of my bike.
able published figure the t‘onsiim and the man who gave me his ban- ...AN050 THISL‘) “MOP
John Waynelawson or Price Index for all items was dana for my blew-ding mouth I'd mm. mm . WW” ,/ ”WIGHT ,,.(;(X)PNI6«I
Arts and sciences iiinior 21H 1 This is an increase of 39 per also like to thank the men in the amr WRBEE... NBC WIGHT. mp MD M

cent over threeand a half years bulance who were kind and caring. IR t1.K /1\ LR “

.t The 50A voter turnout in I979 too 3 zzlzm \ (fl
° was 1127: In two it was 2.3%.} In All of you people were great' I .y t
support'ng {OCts Ittttt it was 2.44.3 In liltz it was 2..th wish I could thank each of you per i Q“ l "’f ;.

however, only 2.l12 voted in the sonally / ’/ I‘ fi/

Here is some supporting informa presirk-ntialrace» I lost a tooth and got a scarred l I l 'l l( o / r > 1-,
tion for the March 3 editorial "'he Perhaps the most tragic figure is face and a black eye But other than a ’ . r‘ l c O ’b fl - (,
spite campaign increases. election that the current incumbent received that. I‘m fine t ‘5, fl " )
funds retain limits "i only 890 votes. beating his opponent. Thanks again I . , m > t r " '. 4! V 1 l

t. A 33 percent increase in camr who received 762 votes ia third can ‘1 _ , y; “a l; ‘1‘ ,~. “I” ; "h ;-. “is 3

. , _ v - . . v v v . - ,. .

NIB“ eXpendltures would raise the didate received 437 and there were a Name Withheld by requat m ’III m I]. “2'. ~ . IA W47.» = II ”C." IA m. ‘ l‘
"# ‘
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V “in — v , I J}

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Wm N __ __.._M____
F'l td' Ibo If h' tb f
» I m S u ISS a l‘ I‘S a IOI'IS, 0t SI‘ ISSllSS on O 8000 arm
Joe Gray‘s “Lord & Father" is an hazards posed by smoking stand in their oppressors there was power; The film‘s best moment comes
ambitious film — perhaps too ambi contrast to those of his father. and but they had no comforter," The over midway through. in a sequence
tious. both are juxtaposed against the guilt connotations here are ugly ones. and where the senior Gray and Martha - . '
With Gray as narrator. the film Gray feels for the standard of living a bit stronger than anything Gray are seated in a living room. talking I, 7
_ revolves around his 88year-old fa- he and his family have enjoyed at says or even implies elsewhere in to each other and to the film crew. (“-- a: ‘- , ‘ a ,
ther. Joe Gray Sr. and examines the expense of human health and the thefilm, Gray. in comments attributable, Wm” I t . . . ‘2 ' Av.
the relationships between the senior toilofhis father'stenants. It was never quite clear. at least perhaps. to his generation. says: " .M-‘t.’ . a“: v .' ~ ‘ AU‘
Gray and both his filmmaker son "Faith in God and generations of to me. exactly what Gray was trying “People ask me. ‘Why have these - ‘ 'xl :. g; ' ’ .‘9 L“? "”3““; .. I L» " "5‘ :\
l and the tenants who have worked sharecroppers have made his for- to do here. It seems as though he at: people stayed so long. why do you ~ 7 4‘3? ‘ ‘ :6 .. ‘ .5: #1. -. ' .. '5' 1’3" ‘ f7"
l his Barren (‘ounty tobacco fields for tune."Graytellsus tempts to make a statement about keep these people so long',“ And I n .— J ' w “k, f ‘ . o g _V"‘ ‘ "
, 40 years. While the film is reasonab- The father is presented as a deep- the hypocrisy of his father‘s beliefs say. ‘When l eat steak. they eat ' v “ W a i A u ' ‘ . ’
i ly successful in the latter, it is much ly religious man. and there are reli- when compared to the reality of his steak.‘ and I can prove it by Mar~ " P» ‘ .: : 1* ‘ .2 - 4' ’x \‘
l less so in theformer. gious connotations throughout the life as landlord to his tenants. but tha (‘an't l.Martha"" ffi-’ MA- /‘ x ‘ \ \ Q
l Interwoven throughout the film is film. We see him in church. before a again, that is an-assumption on my After a moment‘s pause. look