xt76125qbx30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qbx30/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1982 1982 1982-10-22 2020 true xt76125qbx30 section xt76125qbx30 KEN I UCKY I l ., Robinson Forest revisited
, \ Ann Phillippi organixed Students to Save
$ - Robinson Forest last semester when the
. " Board of Trustees began studying the
“- possibility of mining the l5,“ acre
. area, which was donated to UK for ede
in ' planned at this time, Phillippi is con-
1" ' cerned that similar administration at-
‘ ,’ “ tempts will be made if students do not
4 .. , remain involved. See page 3.
Vol. LXXXV, No. 53 Friday, October 22, 1982 An independent "UdOIH newspaper University of Kentuck‘y, Lexington, Kentucky
‘W “h __h ,
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PRIDE Sources are numerous Violations
Y . . .
WWW” Human rights Ignored in El Salvador
K But while there is a eneral con- “You 0 back to the '79-80 time theintelligence community.“
Brown to get deficit "Pom By ROBERTPARRY sensus on the lack of information, frame, thge answer is that there were The documents. including arms
Associated Press Writer the reasons suggested forit vary, almost no assets. and then as the as- lists and a log 0t meetings, were
FRANKFOR‘I’ — Gov. John Y. Brown's cabinet secretaries Some say scarce intelligence re- sets were built up. they were con- seized when D‘Aubuisson and other
, r, ,0 him ,odo Wm, comm em ,ans ,0, mm, W sources had to be devoted to study- centrated on What was judged to be rightists were arrested and charged
°re ° ”9° . y , 9 y p . _ ing the leftist insurgency. Others the highest priority problem,“ the With plotting a coup. The House re-
ing state spendtng to cope With an expected budget detlc" WASHINGTON - Despite twice cite the ban on us, military advis- guerrilla threat. Inman said in an port said that after the documents
this fiscal year. certifying human rights progress in erg going with troops into combat interview. were turned over to the CIA, “their
. The governor has asked the officials to assume for plan- El Salvador, the Reagan administra- areas and the difficulty of assessing However, a House intelligence whereabouts is unknown."
nin9 purposes that a 5 percent cut might be neededdin the legtmdgnhztllgdsdhifithfli; crlsltfilll‘adtlciaesr? ls’iliZgnggtlelt‘hcgugdlr-hinis- gomngnstzfd Sttlfeff“;mll ffsgffmlfizf The CIA has refused comment on
General Fund, which finances most state servtces an oper- forces have killed thomands of un- tration does not want information formation" on El Salvador‘s right- the gouge (1.30;; ILAubUéssonV ls
l o"°"5- armed civilians. according to US. that Could embarrass the us, wing death squads stems from an ”0w ea :1 va or s onstitu-
i The actual projected shortage, announced yesterday by officialsandaflousereport. backedgovernment. apparent lack of interest among entAssem y.
Secretary of the Cabinet George Fischer, is 3 percent, or up These sources say U.S. intelli- Retired Adm. Bobby R. Inman, U.S. policymakers and intelligence About 38,000 people — mostly un-
to $80 million for the year. gence . agencies have developed who stepped down as deputy CIA di- analysts. armed civilians — have died in the
Fischer said the state has enough fiscal reserves, in the scant, information on the .govern- rector in June, said the absence Of The "9°.” "9‘“ that when docu- political Violence that has wracked
. _ _ ments alleged involvement in right- intelligence on the right resulted ments on rightist actiVlty were cap- El Salvador the past three years.
to“ °l ° 54° m'll'o" surplus l"°m "‘9 P'°‘"°"5 Ye“ '° ist death squads and charges that from a decision to concentrate the tured from former Maj. Roberto Some human rights groups have
make Up the fund Shor'OQQ In" ”‘0' Spending reduc'lons Salvadoran [1‘00“ fire on non-com- few US. intelligence “asgets” in E] D'AUbUlSSOfl in 1980, they were “Vir- blamed goyernment {OFC&6 and
would be the preferred solution. batants during sweeps through the Salvador on the actions of leftist tually ignored "0t only by policy- right-wing paramilitary groups for
Bum W!!!“ [(30 president count: ySide. guerrillas. makers . . . but more importantly by up toBOpei-cent of the killings.
FRANKFORT — Raymond Burse was appointed yesterday as 2'
the ninth president of Kentucky State University after serv- ’0’,
ing almost four months as the school's interim president. ‘ s
The university's Board of Regents took less than five ,.
minutes to give its unanimous approval to the permanent ?'
appointment of Burse, a Harvard Law School graduate and ‘ V. . W . .h a, .
Rhodes Scholar. " w «7 @‘ejwa «filth g $33 g
Burse, 31, left a prestigious Louisville law firm to accept "
the interim presidency July l after W.A. Butts resigned lost . ”a
spring. He had been recommended by a search committee " > .
that screened 181 applications. f‘. ‘ v '3 _ . ‘-
Kentucky State is in the midst of implementing a plan ~. " ~ ' . _ V”... - ~ . . '
that will make it a smaller, liberal arts oriented college 4 \ ' p ' V _‘~',. "
with programs tailored for state employees. .\ ~ 6 , l. i». ‘2. ’ _ . "~ ‘ ,
The program is part of a federally ordered desegrega- ..' a r “v Ii “-2 ' ,v
tion plan for Kentucky's public universities. Part of the pro- /' s K « . « \ 1'
gram also requires Kentucky State to attract more white ~ .\ . “ fl ' V ‘
students. A33“ 'V';M;{"- ., . -. t
Authorities find contaminated Tylenol 2’ A “ p \ » ' _,
CHICAGO — Another bottle of Tylenol containing cyanide- \ is“ (f, I; ___,-V;
laden capsules was found yesterday by authorities checking \ k / . ' \: I ». / $312-
bottles ordered pulled from store shelves Oct. 2, folice Su- f ”KM .’ ,, g l \‘V ' '/,4g§§£i
perintendent Richard Brzeczek said. ‘ N ‘ . _V ‘ -.\ . M " V_ .. ;
The bottle found at Dominick’s Finer Foods in Chicago ‘ "' “‘ ~ A ‘ , \ wv ”‘lM 9‘ 75;!
”had a substantially larger number of contaminated cap. mm" §K ,1 * ‘ ’1 gin—II M “ ._; "‘ "~ WK
‘ sules" —— or more than 13 — than did other adulterated ', f“ m :3; M ‘ ' x ' .. xx \ V
Tylenol bottles, he said. it was the second unsold poisoned 1.. , " ‘ . .KMA?‘ / ~ ‘ ,\“V‘ w ‘ 4' S»
bottle to be found. ,. _ ‘ ' If ; :1 \ vie ‘1? 7."
Dominick’s is a half block from the Walgreen's Drug . v A: ,, \ . “i '3:
Store where the seventh reported victim, Paula Prince, pur- ,5 “e _ , >j’-"' ' 3,. w ,w} \ l , .. s3. ' .3“ ‘
chased her 24-capsule bottle of the best-selling over-the- ' V M )3 5,3 35‘ ‘V 5*“ \,‘ ‘ gr,"
counter pain remedy. ’ kw? . l \ ’ .3 x "t h:
Brzeczek said the new bottle would be tested for finger- ‘ . . . alarmed/Km“. V.
prints. He said he was unsure whether Dominick's had sur- _ e °
.e..................,... Post practice satisfaction
' ' ' ' Heidi Post smiles at the end of UK's soccer ractice. Post was The UK soccer team 5 arts 0 9-4 record this ear and will
Advocates fOI' d'sabled flmze Reagan waiting for her boyfriend, team co-coptair:> Todd Whittman. play Louisville tomorravfat Lafayette High School.y
WASHINGTON — Advocates for the disabled accused Pres-
ident Reagan yesterday of trying to gut programs for the l l l
handicapped in a report that accused Reagan's administra- Regalatlons Ilm’t beer blast to Greeks
tion of launching "an unprecedented attack on the rights of
disabled persons in the United States." 5—— .
They cited the cutoff of Social Security disability benefits By MARIA JOHSSON Burch, dean of students. . nizations sponsoring activities had {Student organizations sponsorng
for more than 150 000 People in one Year alone: efforts to Senior Staff Writer “A [0‘ 0‘ things stated m that lad- [9 follow ”8“”th set by various acthitles are responSIble for control
' . dendum) are things we have dealt LniverSlty authorities The adden- of admisswn. They are also respon-
5'05h 25 percent °l the federal funds f°r educating and re- mm with for years and years." Burch dum sets standards consistent for all sible for the conduct of persons at-
habilitating the handicapped: attempts to relax rules that said. “It‘s mostly old rules that have registeredstudentorganizations. tending those activities. It is sug-
protect the disabled, and other policy changes. Regulations that prompted Sigma been codified." The rules change states the follow- gested that events be limited to
They charged the administration indirectly with abetting N“ fraternity to tighten control of to- Previously. he said. student orga- mg; University students. staff and fac-
. . - - - b day s All-Greek Beer Blast are part . . . ulty and that identification be pre-
the creation of a new generation 0'. handicapped Citizens y of a recent addendum to the Code of New dfunk-d"V|n blll r d sented to gain admission.
seeking to ease auto safety and emissmn standards, as well Student Conduct _ a supplement 9 ea y , Activities shall not begin before
as federal safety rules in the workplace. thaédagplies it: a; affinities spon~ - . . . 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
sor_ y reglsVer s eh orgam- f I I t ll d No event shal last longer than 4
. . . . . r to nlverSlt ad-
Colombian wms Nobel Prize in literature $211552? dmg U y I eg'8 a Ive SESSIOII ca 8 hi“: . [r n shal. be res "st.
AS a 1'6“" Of the addendum, any- By SY RAMSEY the issue would not surface for any ble f0:g3|r:z§0::eslevel of their :tiv-
STOCKHOLM. Sweden - Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Colom- one who wants to participate in the Associated Press Writer special session. ities V0 outdoor music will be per-
bian author of the novel Um- Hiiiidri-d trim. of Solitude- and Sigma Nu beer blast must ”a?!“ "I would hopthhat nobody tries to mitted after7:30p.m.
the world's best-selling writer in the Spanish language, was mioli'fitfitfghithod‘mltlgda fratermty ~-fi——- m—h— 5:133 1332:; “nth that issue. he . Activities on University property
awarded the I98? Nobel Prize in literature yesterday. The grounds of the beer blast, the FRANKFORT _ The legislator Williams could not be reached yes- tbhlflligherl‘hurgda (Eggngghlt a lSnungiy
it was the first Nobel award to a Colombian in the 79 backyard of the Sigma Nu fraternity who blocked passage of a bill in the terday to explain why he reversed davqand Saturda ynights ' '
years the prestigious prizes have been given and the sec- house on Rose Lane. will be rimmed 1982 session to jail drunk drivers course in the note to Brown. .’ Alcoholic bell/wages. shall not be
and for a Latin American this year. Former Foreign Minister by parked cars as 3 further attempt now has called for inclusion of a new In the letter, Williams said he and rmitted in their original con-
- - - to prevent non-Cree“ from enter- drunk drivi measure in an s the islative Research Commis- pe. .
Alfonso Garcia Robles of Mexaco, ca-winner of the peace ing cialsessionng y pe- sion if?“ have been worki on the talners.
Prize, was his countrysfirstwmner. “If you have Greek letters on. Rep. Aubrey Williams. a Louis- drunk driving problem sllrgce last a 0 Alternatives to alcoholic bever-
. . . . . . . . .. - . . . , , , ges mustbemade available.
A leftist and active political iournalist, GarCia Marquez you ll be allowed '."l said Steve Ville Democrat. has asked Gov. John spring. compiling satistics from . Organizations shall not sell alco-
has lived in Mexico for 20 years and has received death Rauh.VSlgrna Nupresldent. . l ‘ Brown in a letter to add the SUb' “”355, thenation. . . holic beverages.
threats from ultra-rightists in his native country. But Colom- D-aVId Sumner. Slgma Nu seeia Ject should the governor call web a Williams said his committe hopes ° Groups shall be responsible for
. . . . . , chairman, conceded that although session. to complete its hearings by mid-De— ro idin a ro riate securitv
bian President Belisario Betancur said he telephoned him previom beer blasts have been Williams is chairman of the inter- cember. P V 8 PP P .-
after the award was announced "to tell him that i put Co- billed as all-Greek. non-Greeks have im Judiciary~Criminal Committee. “As you showed a great deal of in- . orgamzations shall be responsi-
lombia's heart in his hands," and Garcia Marquez told him been welcomed. , which has started public hearings on tercst in the problem during the reg- ble for cleaning and. restoring the
he would come home "very soon." "To be honest With you. mOSt pee ways of toughening drunk driving ular session. I am sure you are anx- premises Otthelracthities .
ple here (Sigma Nu) would rather laws. ious for the legislature to toughen Burch said various Influences 1n-
have it the Old way - - - because “'5 The legislator. who headed the our laws on the subject." the legls- cluding the city ‘5 new noise ordi-
\ more ofaparty if everyone’s here." committee last winter. blocked pas- lator wrote. nance. affected the regulations.
/ “The regulations were "0‘ devised sage of a measure that would have ”This is to advise you that in the The regulation providing for alter '
\ strictly for Greek or garlizations." required a two-day jail sentence for event you decide to call us into spe- natives t0 alcoholic beverages was
Margaret Mcouilkin. assistant dean first offenders. Williams acknowl- cial session. we will be prepared to influenced by BACCHUS‘ advocation
WEAT — 0f students. said yesterday. edged that he has “taken a lot of produce sound. rational and respon- “t such a POllCY- he said. 3005th
The addendum. pursuant to Arti- heat"becauseofhisstand. Slble legislation that would make Alt-'0h0l Consciotsness Concerning
/ \ cle 3. Section 3 of the code. contains Williams said the original version Kentucky the envy of the nation. the Health of University Students is
regulations on activities, including was not studied logically and would "Therefore, please consider this a student organization that adovo-
admissm_ 'fimlbgfiytlor can have had effects not anticipated ~ as a formal request to include the cages drinlgrtllg in (tiniodedratio’r‘l. bee
uc . 8 1n8 "hes a ion. nelse suchas overcrowdi 'ails, sub'ect of drivi under the influ- ‘oples 0 ea en um ave n
.orz'd:;o:'" b. 'unfly .n‘ ‘00. wnh . “I... 'n 'h. '0" level, Semce of 81m], security “3', gummeri‘ hengog-dered a series encéln your smra‘] calL” V distributed fairly widely. Burch
- "" ' andproperty maintenance. of public hearings — one ln each So far. Williams‘ committee has sald- and are available in the Stu-
Tonloht will In clear and chilly with I low In the nieaddltion was written this sum. congressional district — on a drunk held a hearing at Northern Ken. dent Center director's office.
low 30:. mer by the dean of studeom’ staff driving measure. He said at the tucky University. where he said a The beer blast is financed by each
Tomorrow will beeunny with a high in the rnid $03. and representatlvea 0‘ various 3““ time that he did not expect concrete new bill would satisfy relatives of Greek organization that partici-
dent orsanmnom. said Joseph recommendations soon and hoped drunk driving victims. pales.

K??? be I
IIIIW Ammo m... OrIMn so"... mum»: Llnl sit-e». i.n.v..u.... memo.“ ‘
Editor-in~ChM NoweEdltov Avisidnor SportIEdiior Speciolholetuidiior Phoioidiior Graphiceidito' 3. 3,?
PE Rs l 'ASION Jmldwln Menu cum cod-u we." tulle. valet-01'0”” Kati-Iofllllloa “av-afloat cm. no :
Managingidiior (diiovialiduor Illll.Wldonoer. AuinaniSpomEditor SpuiolholecuAm-tom ChielPhotoompher Copy Desk Chmt ‘
AwnaniAm Editors 3‘ .
Human beings are social animals. They tor, said in an interview with the Kernel
thrive on shared experiences. Monday that the station got its information
Anyone who has been to a major athletic from the manager of Lexington Center, Bill Y -

event, a concert — even the Sigma Nu Beer Humphrey. Ala/WM A LlTTLE mam Aslguq‘S’ NO.’

Blast — knows this. Crowding together to Humphrey, also interviewed Monday a few NEVER H‘ Rf ANYBOD H ARM AT

share good times isanatural urge. hours before the ticket sale, estimated that T, ALL---

Unfortunately, bad feelings can travel the tickets would not go on sale for a week to RIG” I .3

through a crowd just as quickly as good. And 10 days.

when a crowd grows ugly, it can also be It took a call to the promoters in Cleveland 3 7i- 3

awesomely destructive both to life and prop- to get the straight story: tickets would go on /,3 . 7-\ 3‘ '

erty. That IS why thousands of dollars and sale that day. 3 _. / ’ , i ’ ~ ,

hours have been invested in studies on crowd The net effect is that Humphrey and 3 2’ 5 c ‘g ' 1" / I \ 3 ~ \

control. WKQQ have, in a word, blown their credibili- é : \.\—- , 3 1‘3 fl ‘

Apparently the lessons those studies and ty. Future crowds, whether justified or not, 35 O ' ’4’ / ~

some actual experiences impart haven’t won’t believe a word they say. And that puts 4 ,33 (ll ” .

reached the operators of Lexington Center them in a very dangerous position, because E *9} ', / t . .33 l , 3%

and WKQQ. Or perhaps they are unfamiliar they are the only real sources of information \ ///’\. V’ D ‘ . g

with the cumulative effects of anger over about these events. (i / "d w w ‘ 2

time. Picture this scenario: a large crowd is V II A“. 3, . ,3 33 ,, g

Sunday night hundreds of people gathered gathered at Lexington Center, awaiting ad- 53/ I/,‘,/ 1, /

on the plaza in front of the Lexington Center mission to a concert. But the show has been -4 33/ ‘b ' 3 j, ‘

ticket office in anticipation of a rumored delayed. Impatience gives way to pushing . /» ' ‘ ‘ ‘5” ,

sale of The Who tickets. Some had even been and shoving, and people are injured, al- 3 \\ 0;, 3“ 3.1 ,/;' a .

there since Saturday. though most of the crowd doesn’t know it. - / ,. i .3 V - ‘

After they had waited all night, cold, tired Paramedics have trouble getting to people i 33 3 . Iv}. ‘W ’ /// _3 “W"

and their patience wearing thin, WKQQ an- needing attention, and it is decided to cancel .j) _- ,3. :3; ; - ’ -_ ’ 33

nounced early Monday that tickets would not the show and ask the crowd to depart before 3 :V‘ifi‘h’; 33:33-33:33, '33:, __ \‘

go on sale that morning. Although many in things takeatum fortheworse. '1. -‘h;llmi _ ..;3§3§;§3;3;3;;3,,, , r33; ,3

the crowd chose to disregard the announce- An announcement is made on the public {€333 fort/3.3

ment, recalling what reportedly were pre- address system and the radio. But nobody ; 51$ :3;3 2333353333: " 31.43 -.. 3 _~ I '

vious attempts to clear crowds by telling believes it. 3 ‘» a 3.333;§3§:3:3:§;;3,,_ ”:23; ' «Sigmpi- ‘3' - “,3- I; 6 ‘

them tickets were not to go on sale when in Police move in to disperse the crowd. 3:33333333333'33333'33 -- ‘ "“thhwhhhfl’l’piv, 3 3.

fact they were, tempers flared and things al- Fights break out. Ariot ensues. 35333533353; "1:5;333333‘3333 £76" '3}

most turned ugly. Almost. It’s a scene not beyond the bounds of pass:- \.3 ~21 - a “"1553” “3233335353.,1- Wéfii’ifi

WKQQ, which is directly involved in the bility, as anybody familiar with the situation ,_ __ , fi «3"». fixf‘“-.-§§§3§3§3§3§§;§gigfgz;.;cfiigizij 3? .i‘ ‘IE I) 3
promotion of the concert, wasn’t exactly at Cincinnati’s Riverfront Coliseum knows. 3:: _____.‘.,-— 3- _ ,- *3: --"'..'-13555253333933:“or/5,3,3“ _

lying. Tickets were not planned to go on sale Dozens were injured in battles With police P’i—ZfiZ—r—M—H . 7:? ' » ‘ , ——~ » . .3 ' . -

that morning, although they would that eve- before and during a Led Zeppelin concert in

ning. the late 19705, one incident in a string of vio- ‘

Of course, to imply that WKQQ was trying lence topped only when 11 people were killed

to put up a smokescreen is not entirely fair. therein December 1979.

Gary Dickson, the station’s program direc- They were waiting to see The Who.

Smudgefelter awards honor those deser ing on campus '

The motion picture industry has streets, put the cat out for the night honor those memorable people who, even be a Smudgefelter’s Hall of than one person — along with a 12- lem on their hands like what should Q1}:
its Oscars. The music world has its and gather around as the First An- over the past year, have made UK Fame and an old folks’ home for re- pack, chips and stale pretzels — they do with $4.3 million that was

Grammys. Television has its nual Fritz Smudgefelter Awards are what it is today. The time has ar- tired winners of Smudgefelters. convenes to narrow this data to only sitting around? Their solution: Why ,:'§1

Emmys and the University of Ken— presented. rived to recognize those magnificent But for now. the winners will have the most qualified. The actions of not build an addition to the Student : .131

tucky has its . . . Wait! You mean a architects and designers who have to be content with just the sense of the winners must have occurred or Center.

there are no awards for this institu- really made this imtitution what it pride and accomplishment that ac- originated on campus. Congratulations, fellows! It‘s so

tion of higher learning? Scott is today. companies these awards. The first Smudge goes to the ar- nice to spend all that money and ‘j;

Injustice! Injustice. Icry! 3" WILI'IOIT Now, not let anyone can receive Before we get started, however, chitects and designers of the Class- give us a new bookstore with higher it?

If the writers can have their Pulit- ~' a Smudge. The Smudges are very let me explain the rules. Over the room Building's doors. prices and lots of pretty chairs next “h,
zers and the scientists and peace- 1 ‘3 prestigious, and only the most de- past year, observations and data The architects must have had our to wonderful windows. ”E3
makers their Nobels. the UK de- ‘ servingareeligible. have been collected to determine the physical state in mind when they de- A special award is given to last 3; 3
serves a forum to honor the truly In fact, I can easily see that, in most absurd, ridiculous, cumber- signed these doors. No longer is years state Legislature For their a”
honorable. When the cool autumn breeze be- the future, to receive a Smudge may some and really obnoxious things on there a need to pay expensive mem- hard work in revising the procedure 31%:

Yes. readers, the d3t3’g'ne has come gins to blow and the leaves turn red mean the crowning achievement in this campus.3 bership dues to local spas. These for the billings and collections of as
to bring your chil n in off the and gold. you know it‘s time to one’s life. Maybe someday there will A nominating committee of no less doors allow you all the exercise and fees, a Smudge is hereby presented. ‘
IN“. workout you could possibly desire Because of their efforts3 Students #1.

just by opening and closing them. were treated to even longer lines f
In fact, rumor has it that Arnold and more red tape last August in the
Schwarzenegger trained vigorously Student Center Grand Ballroom.
by opening and closing these doors. Hey, where else can you go but
However, a word of caution must Kentucky to spend four hours in a f
*____ _. _ _ _———_—___* be given. As with any type of ph3ysi- line only to be told, “Oh, I'm sorry
. boosting. The state could use the growinghotel industry, wemust. guy, snubs the people who really cal exerCise, there are .3 few r ‘Sks Sh" bht you are i" the wrong hh?‘
For Sunday llquor extra taxes _ taxes collected from It seems to me that the benefits of need the “econonomic progress" involved. When attempting to open Please come back tomorrow. Next!
those outside the state! If you do not limited Sunday liquor sales are di- and just plain discourages creativ- the d°°TSv make sure you have a A Smudgegoes to the planners of

As election day draws near, the think Lexington’s economy needs a rect and certain. The negative ef- ity. Is this more “moral“ than all- firm gr 'p on the handle. Failure to Freshman Nights. Thls award needs
debate over limited Sunday liquor boost. you must be one of the ever- fects, if they occur at all, would be out Sunday liquor sales, which do so could result I“ fly mg back— no explanation. . . “i
sales intensifies. The emotional rhe- shrinking majority of those who indirect. would pump money into many sec- wards ""0 a horde 0f students ”Sh' For always givmg the students
toric from groups supporting each have jobs. Remember that this referendum is tors and levels of the community? ingtoclass. 3 something to read, the seventh
side fills the airwaves and the pa- The typical conventioneer either for limited Sunday liquor sales. Any Even if I could afford these large A150~ beware when opening the Smudge IS awarded t9 honor all
pers. drives into our city from 1-75 or I-64 future attempts to expand Sunday li- restaurants (and I bet many of you doors to pass through QUICHY- Many those people and organizations who

In order to reach a satisfactory or flies into Bluegrass Field. These quor sales are likely to be brought to can identify with that). I would feel students have been crushed 0" have littered their announcements
decision. all eligible voters must conventioneers typically spend their the ballot once again for the citizens too disgusted about my contribution maimed by 33¢“th caught "31 the and advertisements across the cam-
look at the referendum from an ob- days attending meetings or lun- to decide. to the coffers to enjoy my drink. path 0‘ a closmg Classroom Building W5 ,
jective point of view. One important cheons. Their evenings are most In light of the above reasons, I Jack Rossen door. , There iS "0 new to read a newspa-
fact to consider is that limited Sun- often passed with friends at the will be voting “yes" on Nov. 2. 1 Anthropology gradstudent One final "Ote Of these d00i‘53 The per or listen t0 the radio anymore. A
day liquor sales can translate direct- hotel. or they might take a cab to a urge you to express your opinion as 3 Surgeon General has determined student can 3learn about anything
1y into more business for the [fixing restaurant or nightclub. well. Ga'nes,Fue“ that people w1th coronary conditions and everything from these little A, ..
ton hotel and restaurant industry. In essence. the typical tourist or should "ht attempt to open the scraps 9t paper tacked to walls.

As an employee of a local resort conventioneer is invisible to the Douglas M. Kennedy Freshman, take note: 0“ OCt- 26. Classroom th‘hhg doors, as they trees,bu1]dings and garbage cans. '
hotel. I can appreciate the money local community. They represent Communications junior the election 0f tWO Student Govern- may behazardous to their health. , However, i think one group may “
conventions bring to Lexington. This proiit i0 our community through ment Association freshman senators The second award goes to the in- have gone a bit overboard 3m their
money puts food on my table and taxes and jobs. Anti-sunday sales will beheld. novator Who gave UK the “two-sheet ZCSt t0 be heard. While walkingpast
gas in my car. Without the hotel in- It is true that with passage of the To fill these POSitiOhS are tWO re- per pull tellet paper dispenser. the library I Saw a squirrel With a .
dustry, I might not have a job, or at referendum. liquor would be some- On Nov. 2, we vote on limited Sun- sponsible and enthusiastic people — This guy must be kin to David little but'nper Stihkei‘ attached to hi5 .;
leasta job of whichIcanbeproud. what more accessible to Lexington day liquorsales for Lexington. Drew Gaines and Grace Fuell. In Stockman! Iguess to conserve t011¢t furry tall. The Sign read, “1 m nuts “‘

As anyone in the hotel business residwts. I contend that it is al- of course, I expect the student the past. they have held high POSi- paper here on campus, the Uhlvers“ over “S‘s-H , :
knows. it is unquestionable that we ready available. Any regular drink- population to vote heavily in favor, tions in numerous organizations. ty installed dispensers that only The Eighth and final award goes to 1:
are at a disadvantage in booking er has th? habit of stocking up on But before you vote, think about who Grace was secretary/treasurer of allow a person two seCtiOhS 0t Whit the group 0f architects WhO created ; .
conventions because of the current their alcohol supplies on Friday or would actually benefit from the law. her high school's student council, paper Per pull. 3 3 3 3 3 the wmd tunnel by the fountain in 3
legal restrictions regarding alcohol Saturday nigh‘. Many people keep li- Because only restaurants that seat Drew was not only president of both It 5 mce to know this ihStitiitiOii i5 front 0f Patterson Office Tower . 39' 1
sales. With the recent moves by quor cabinets. i do not believe that a more than 100 people will be able to his senior class and the student trying to cut waste and the school is cause of all the windswept hmkeh c,
Louisville and Owensboro to legalize man would take the time. energy serve, only the richest enterpre- council, but he was also a student certainly working In the right place. umberellas, hats blown to the i .
Sunday liquor sales, we may be at and money to go to a restaurant just neurs in the city will reap the booty, representative for the Bowling Keep with? good work,guys!3 ground and Papers 3h|0Wh astray- ,‘,.,. .,
an even futher disadvantage. for a drink. It is simply too much ef- Aninteresting arrangement. Green City School Board. To one of the great negotiators of this last Smudge is hereby be-

Adoption of limited Sunday liquor fort If you are new to the area, you Gaines and Fuell are willing to put our day, a Smudge lS hereby pre- stowed. 3 :3»:
sales would undoubtably bring an in» Lexington's geograhical location is may also be noticing the dearth of time and effort into representing sented to former head football coach Well, there you have it! l'm sure ;
crease in the hotel and restaurant a central point to the eastern United quality restaurants in Lexington. you. I believe that they are the most Fran CUTCI- Anyone who can be there are many more deservmg Win‘ g
market potential. An increase in States. Eight hours north, south, They simply lack the creativity qualified and the most experienced forced from his 10b 3‘ and receive ners who may someday be honored. i6»
business means an inrease in jobs east or west will take you to many and/or authenticity of restaurants in f0i’thep05iti0i13- tho‘fhahds 0‘ dOhars m the process Uhh’ that "me comes, 3” hf you ap’ Bf};

for our community. large metropolitan areas. For the other, comparably sized cities. The I encourage all freshmen to vote —rightfully earnsaSmudge. Phcahts Olit there. keep up thtj 800d _
In these times of record-setting sake of our economy. we should take few good ones we have are actually for Gaines and Fuell for your sen- The fourth Smudgefelter Award work! Wh03 kh03WS. maybe you ii 591’ -

unemployment and an unstable advantage of this asset. Indeed. if quitesmall. ators. K Fl 3 8005 61:28 (190;:03 ntiackerts “3:230 yogrnarslegiprintl 3 3_ 33
econom , Lexin ton could use some Lexin ton IS to com te in the ever- Th posed l . f t b' en eming gave e new li 6" ‘6" er - CO“ I 0|! is a 1014"“1 ism SOP ,

y g g pe e pro aw avors he 18 Busadminsenior dition. These guys had a real prob- omore andaKerneI columnist.
DRABBi-E "’ by Kevin Fagon
l 7 ‘ m out: i e l
HERE, 0A0... Moms OUT MEXICAN l CALL IT C ”‘2” '°°"' "m“ '"‘ Too ° 1‘ Mania me To 1am...i1 c051 0A9, maicx mo l mu AT tam N003 we «now '
WPING. 5? I MADE F000? 3 M4 3 MUCH 35mg 00% ”Momma? 25 bucks, out my To Aiotooize MAM FOR MM 100 cm T MAKE A -
YOUR LUNCH. BilRRlTo VIEJO. ,, fiasco? $7 _ amino W, me am»; To :7. Peanut when '
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 THE KENTUCK YKERNEL, -Fri¢by, Octobor22, 1902-3
A 1 t ’pol'cy concerns conservationist
‘f approach to protesting is more ef-
f: ——_‘__ o a o o f - .
agg‘fgggf Need for actiwst group like Students to Save Robinson Forest engine with fact not the emotion
4' " I o ' o o o o I .‘ . I
'. to continue despite current inaction, organization 5 founder says if; g?J3f.f’3‘32§§1tlswi§alli£ee3
__..___ h h “The answer to a future threat cultural shock. The term ‘Appalachi- time job. I couldn't justify risking thesteps of Memorial Hall. doesn‘t win people.
__ This is another in a series of student will have to come. from students on anpoverty.‘ took on a new meaning. Robinson Forest togetonePhD. Students to Save Robinson Forest “I really talk abou