xt76125qbx2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qbx2d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1982 1982 1982-04-13 2020 true xt76125qbx2d section xt76125qbx2d Tuesday _ . ,

I You oronvysunshlno ' ' '
Tho sunshino will be yours today with ’ , '
only a small chance of early morning l; larnln. hlolloop .
thunderstorms. The highs will be from - 7 l . ' trainer Mike Boll quit UK alter lust .
the mid 60s to near 70. Tonight is going ‘7- ‘ ‘ three semesters so he could go on to M '
to be mostly clear with laws in the low ‘. " b'OQIflI onddhottor F”? Non CFO": ‘

' ' C.$$ U (on I toner Or onomire r
'0 ""d fi-htorrrovh ”0'35? to b. . ‘19; tho 23-year-old Ball is domg alright
2:,” WI ‘9 ‘ m . mi 0 uppor ‘ 7 working with the ponies Story and phi) .
. . ,1 tos. page 4 I

_____.. __ ‘_ _,_ ._.sa.._fi.._...,_. __ ,. vaIIIIMVN‘ ,. f s l .

Vol-LXXX'VNo I42 YoudoyAprillJ. Im Un-vovsrvyolxemuchy ie-mqion “mm, a... Mehmm.hwhhhhwwuw W, "W ' m . ‘ ' I (7 II I : ., . ' , I'
Grad students seeking salary sat' f t' "

'—_———— 'here in the CHE where a uni- ' d t t d tr ,.d h ' f' . h .. - - ,. ~ - 7

By JOHN LITTLE 50m?“ _ . I .. .128 gra ua e s u en s, sai e is inanCial aid, wtuc could worsen I think it was a good or anization . n . hl - . i l i. .
Assistant Managing Editor VCTSlly should hf” waive tuition, optimistic TAs Will receive an in- their financial situation. before,“ Royster said "Tie people :gimpro ems “uh 5” mg l W I;
Gonzales said: INobody seems to crease in salary. Jerry Webster, 8 geography TA lost interest in it But i don‘t have
____._,___W__i know how Lou‘SIV‘lle gets away With He said his conversations with involved in the effort to found the or- I-. 1:
A group of graduate students with itand UK can‘t.‘ Gallaher left him with a “very posi- ganization, said salary disputes are '7. ..
some serious questions and com~ X.J. Musacchia, Graduate School tive"imprrssion. not the only reason for forming 8 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY FEES‘ 1,5.“
plaints are organizing to find some dean at UL, said hIeIis unawareIof “I think we have a good opportuni- professional organization of grad- ' ., (1 '
answers. any rule that prohibits universmes ty . . . for some money to be added uate students. “This organization is Fall ’79 ’80 ‘81 '82 -I.IIIX,.
Gail Gonzalez, a Spanish depart- from waivmg tuition for TAs. “Gen- to TA salaries." he said. "We are not a one-issue organization. There .7;
ment teaching assistant, said grad- eraIlly speaking, if the TA 15 partlcr letting them know we are con- is a need among graduate students Graduate $160 185 195lesu
uate students __ and TAs in partic— patlng this or her training, we can cerned. The ball is in their court. I to have an idea of what is going on Housmg .' : -'
ular _ are facing problems that can havea tuition remission.“ think they are going to go for it.“ in other departments." '
be dealt with through an organiza- .He said “0‘ all TAS get this remis- Gallaher said the administration Gonzalez said among the major [increase-9| 12 2 .3 7 ' '
tion of professional students. Sloh — Ohl)’ those {01‘ whomIteachlng is sensitive to the problem TAs are goals of the organization will be the ° ' 5’5 5" .‘5' .~

As one of the prime movers in an asmstanceships are a required part having. “We know there is a need to promotion of better communications Blue Cross $57-36 80.04 ,7 7_' :-

I ongoing effort to set up such an or- of their training. Also. he said TAS increase stipends if we can. The between graduate students and ad Blue Shield no i . 40 r 2'
ganization, Gonzalez said one of the receiving remissions must maintain question is how.“ ministrators, as well as between data -, 90 36 128 10
chief complaints to be dealth with is 3. deSIgnated class load to remain el- ButGonzalez said the scope of the themselves. 90 f I.“
low salaries for T As pointing out ligible for the stipend. I problem is greater than administra- In an effort to promote the organi- “L f
there has been no increase in sala- ”AS I understand It. there isn't tors may realize. “(TAs) are the zation. Gonzalez said she and a StUdent $18 25 Solestl ‘,
fies for TAs since the 19304” school SUCh a mleIlPFOhlhlIlmS a university real core of the undergraduate pro— group of TAs have run off memos Health -' , ‘ ~
year from waiving tuitioni," said Art gram.“ she said. noting one-third to and spread the word throughout all

a" is real upsetting“ she said. Gallaher, Vice president for academ— two-thirds of all undergraduate University departments. OI. V W‘s;
“In 1930 to '31, salaries ‘were getting 1? afIfIalrs. “It '5 lUSl part 0‘ tradi- courses are taught by TAs. So far, she said, there has been I ° 19 20 .: '2‘
just barely competitive (with bench- lth- . She said if TA salaries are not in- general support for the idea of an Parking 48 . ..
mark institutionsi." Gallaher said UK does not waive creased. some may have to drop out organization. "Everybody I've : 33 . '

Gonzalez said the cost of being a tuition for ’I‘As because the Umversi— for financial reasons, further exac- talked to has shown aninterest.“ "
graduate student increased signifi~ tyI needs the revenue generated by erbating the University's current Wimberly Royster, Graduate o m.“_ " '-
cantly during the same period _ tu- UNIONS . shortage of faculty members. School dean. said he favors the for- . _ /° 40 CI, 1 I
ition increased 26.3 percent and Gonzales said one of the profes- And even if graduate students get mation of a professional students or- TUIthn 42 46 52 r‘
medical insurance premiums have Sional student organizations main the salary increases they are seek- ganization. He said a similiar orga» lper credit
increased 41 percent. goals Wlll be lobbying for salary in- mg. Gonzalez said there is still the nization was formed in 1969 but hour] "

She said she is particulalry dis- ereéliseS. I 't I th I problem of proposed cuts in federal broke up around 1975-76. 9'6 17 1O 14 -I
turbed by the fact Ithat,Iduring a pe— isalalilré llfizreaéis ehTIAs 0‘1" {bite}! '-:
riod when the UniverSity has been granteyd in the pastel»? “Gonzale;

romiseda lar h . r
Silage inmagflesciflfigmefifi iii'dii ”We haIvIen'i been vocal ENGLISH DEPARTMENTS OF BENCHMARK INSTITUTIONS -
er Education’s miss'on m l e aven tma eourselves heard. I .' ,.
TAsarenoIsharIngIIIme beoggmglan. ..We are hoping that people who UVA VPI Ind. UNC Purdue Ill. (3th St. Mo. Tenn. WVa. UL UK 3

.iTAS have gone largely unno- make these decisions (about how STlPEND $2763- 5500 4165 2100 4770 3400 5121 800 3474_ 5435 1102 ,~
ticed .. Gonzalez 5 . .. money is appropriated) . . . will do 3358 , :

’ and We are won- something about TA stipends " she /sem. MA / yr 1 '
dering if the Universit is ettin an . ,, . ‘ . - ' crs.,d' T '.
increase in money whi: TAgs aregnot sald' We had to or gamze and get m 16” 'T 2 CI’SJ 20f8./ /sem 20f8./ /yr / r no “”383 33:3 2 . sem . - i
cut th touch with administrators in charge 53m. qrt, gem, ‘\. sem. ' Y ' data t l ' _ chor' ' ' .' >5

“UK is not competitive with of money allotments." I 1crs./ 4900 2crs./ 50m. 1202 =37.
benchmark institutions in attracting GItIinzalesIsahd the group has gen- qtr- sem. there »
grdgdrd m w. :5: 3:35.“: .3:‘:fi?:.‘.:.’;?:i{“£§; after
make $700 to $2,000 a year less (than .. . ' '1'
otherinstitutionsi." approaéhed- _ bUl nobody has said TUITION '" WVd-+ WVd- WVd-d.‘ WVd. wvd. wvd.+ 7'. _,

She also said there is a discrepan- there WI” be '"Crt‘r‘dtsed ".‘mey m TA 4- except expt. ; r
cy between UK and University of stipgnds. The deCismn still has to be out of $100 $36 a.»-
Louisville policies concerning bene- mfiAEll these people realize the situa~ State no fI ,
fits for TAS-— tum-on for UL TAS IS 'ion is becomin critical " Gonz lez only data will? “I-
waived, while tuition for UK stu- . g r a .-
dents is not. ”fill g TA K ‘th D th

"Su ed] . there ‘5 - 100 y ei upre. ano er . f .

ppos y I a ruling student active in the effort to orga~ ‘f '

one currooo .,. '8 \row i’ItI; ,
‘ SA elects Wolbert Brockman receive Sin I t d

ositions I g e aryawar s

p m Sara Wolbert. marketing senior. more award and lances All Campus penny HMO. business 4.,“ ,r .nd (- . . .. , . .I 7

By (‘lNIZY DECKER and Britt Brockman, fifth-year phar- Scholarship award Lin west. business adihtntlslhallon Slilllllii 3:217 f:lhllil‘il ll lusllllilncilr’ ”llll; .’ '.
for next ear SeniorStaff Writer macy. received the ("IS A. Sin- Six professors were given Great senior, won the Outstanding Greek economicsjuniorMark\ Mullin H I
gletary awards given to the out» Teacher Awards, . Manand Womanawards .v'IrI
Students and parents alikehwere :tarzjdlntgng Thiale and female t Irrgmk UK s maihn Icampus. fRobert The Patty Lebus Herrymiiii award I \tIinnIcrs ol the l'iiiitril \tay Stii
—————,-—— ra ual Ise lors. r . a er. psyc oogy pro essor; was received bv Sheila Nunley, _ «on ‘ampaign l)l\l.\lt)ll .l\\.’ll‘tl_\
By DSAtglflflth'flbLEY congratulated by featured speaker Outstanding underclassmen Loys L. Mather, agriculture eco- litical science game while 'tralillr “"0 ““3“ ”U“- "hl l’lllt‘tlr'l. STlHY
1‘1 er Tom VtickIer at last nights “Stars of awards were received by agricul— nomics professor; Lee T. Todd Jr, star Bernadette Ann Madigan edu- VATS and ‘hf‘ \l’lllnlwr \llHM’I‘ * 'ii
the Night honors and recognition ture economics freshman David electrical engineering proftssor; cation sophomore the Outstanding (‘ouncii 7; '
, VA’Ehl-_St—d~_tww_ —-Iv.—_—.-..Be7.g~. program held at the Center for the Glimp, accounting sophomore Mel- and Harold H. Traurig, anatomy Woman Athlete award .779,
le U en thssoglatlfg: 88" Arts main auditorium. anie Anne Lyons and agronomy ju» professor in the College of Medicine The tapping i-i-i-ciiioiiy ltll‘ no“ “fa
eahyl preparaI lI‘I’hI 0': e nexIt “Honors are good to have. They nior Reed White, received the awards Robert Reid Th" ”9““ Delta “Phi! St‘holarship members of Mortar lltlgll‘tl, no two -"..."i
SCt-00 Iyearhwt 1 It: hrs: organ]. "1985‘"? milestones in your lives.“ The J. Farrah Van Meter Oul- Lawrence from Jefferson Commu» “'35 receh'ed by lllsmr)‘ sophomore orury. was held for lllll‘l\ ll\t' slit 7
”1:31 megeingt astzdimtgehdh l Said Wicker.Iwho is a columnist and standing Freshman Award was also nity College and Nancy T- McClellan ““9"“ Pellegrini. dents, Remgmlm" “in also EIH‘H 1” '7
ting apgdinterel: efosr genatey eeCI: assoc1ate editor for the New York received by Glimp. while Lyons also from AsIhland Community College Thirteen Oswald Research and Ac» the more than “M, students “h” “I _I'
tions Chosen were John D3525“ T'mes- received Links Outstanding Sopho alsorecelved the awartb. “Vale: aw:rds.Ifor koutstanding re- madethel)ean‘sl.istlasttail ., '4

~ . scarc an ar wor . were given. ' .0
E0” SChairman Pro Tempore; Is. I Winners include: John Hedger. fine A Maurice .-\ l'liiy mum! \\.l.\ r',' ‘7

YIth Poghslmoregtsyegzle floor-:1- arts senior; Emily Shinn. fine arts given to a student lroiii t‘dt‘ll under 7.1%"
"Mall” 3'2: "ES" an J°Ih 7‘ sophomore; Patrick McNeese. fine graduate collcgc \tinnt-rs lllt‘llltlt‘
teclrser‘ ommi ee 0" Commlt- . I arts senior; Christa llarlmann. arts Edwin ('artcr. agriculture M'Illlll‘ '. r17;

N. . t' f the C I t ‘h I and selenccs senior. I)av1d Hardin. (‘hcryi llufflncs .igl‘ii-uiliiri- \t'lllttl‘ l3.

gmllhadfhs or def Ogldmltefi . «I... engineering senior; Vida Sheen. Laura Neat-k. Arts \t‘lllltl‘ Emily .23
3': Aa (T26 gewetre f” untl ‘. I A815 sophomore. and Celeste Shinn. Fine Arts senior Kill't‘ll Milli 7.
Emil: electihanse [liti‘luldlgd those ‘. Thompsonanlmalscience senior. ion. Allied ilcalth [’irolcwom V. .'
for the Senate Review Commit- I. , Also, Shaunna Scott. Mrs senior; Shhr‘filmhvnfw 7”Him;I“”"'.”“‘“

I . I .. . . , I . I (()n()llll(.\ M‘llllll, hilc \asli.
tee. Vincent Yeh, Jeff Dwelhn' ‘ Tom Kruse. A86 senior. (.harles (‘ommunlc'lllons tumor [)0 i1
Katy Banahan, Peri Jean Kenne- Watson, A&S freshman, Judy Rus- Stevens 'iiitir‘llgiiicirriii r siriiioirUL “\ .
dy, Kathy Van Hook, John Da- . . sell. A&S senior. James Ritchart, ' 3" iI i
venport, Lynn Spoonamore, II.‘ A&S junior. and llini Kadaba, [in Also. Revel llllt'kunl‘lll. llltlllt‘ l":(‘tt . ,fi
Nancy Kelly, Ann Wessels. and 5 . _ sync glish andjournalism sophomore. nomlcs scnlor. l’i'lll'H‘d ir'liiii-liinnI i'-.'.
LouisStraub. ‘ffl'. 7; ‘s-C ., o Nursmg senior Hurry \liiril iiltli i I‘

The Interim Senate includes: . II.I .I‘ . 4 Four students won Little Kentucky year Pharmacy. .lllllt‘ lr‘iigitt Social ',',
John Cain, Vincent Yeh, Katy Ba- 3 g, ’ I Derby scholarships. including eco- Work Junior. 'l'iiii (iiilmi. llllll yi-.ii ‘;: ‘II .
nahan. Jack Dulworth, Wesley [*1 _ . nomics Junior Emily Jane Monroe. Architecture. and Humor l)tl_\lt'_ [djil {1 I
Holbrook, Dan CliffordI Kathy \ . . veterinary SClt‘nt't' Junior Denise uciition senior I'I"-I..
Van Hook. John Davenport, 'I‘im r; - . . ,t _~
Freudenberg, Krista McBride, \2 r .. ’ ‘ f" I; I..I.
John Burress. Peri Jean Kenne- -' _ a; e; _
dy, John Miller, Glenn Terndrup. . , . . fifI . . I r; ‘ , B l ,‘n”, 'r' I, '- .
Lynn Spoonamore. Joseph How- .. ,,'_ tr" ft”: If ‘ V' r a ca I r;
ard and Innis Straub. ~ ' r; i E . 5 l . i ‘

In an effort to bring Senators r“ 1’ I GA ' ,
closer together. Vice President- a' , 7 SPGCIa SBSSIO” .'
elect David Bradford said, “You ‘ A rife , -
can‘t blame the students for , 7, i 7 FRANKFURT lAPl .. Go . . . . . , ,
being apathetic (refering to the I Y I v. John granted coal trucks an thtImption \_
voter turn ti l bel' th e. . I I . Brown Isaid yesterday he would from the administrations no“.
starts ttheml - nd 393;” y 5 II call a special sessmn of the General weightdistance tax if they agree to .

“0n; you goats-sit. can mi“ II I . Assembly if the lawmakers fail to payalevy on thecoalthey haul
SA work. You can work or play V '7‘ 'i ; {$223.8 fuels ti" on C0,“ trucks be- While some legislators have con ., ‘

, . g . » Joummgt e 1982 sessmn. . . . -
but I believe that we have a lot of r, I... . A three-day veto session that will tended the taxes were rcmmcd dc :
potential (with a $50.” bud- 3.. 2r . . conclude the b' . . liherately as a tradcoff to pass the '

,, . .- 6(Hiay lenmal sessmn . . _ .
get). . 74;. I begim today weightdistance tax. Brown denim ‘

Presidentelect Jim Dinkle en- 1 ."‘ , '7 While the three days have been set Sunday lhal there “85 rm) such ' ~
couraged “Ch Senator to “s“ ’ aside to consider Brown‘ deal

. s vetoes,
him. Bradford, sailor members, the legislators could take Other Brown said the taxes were remov
or Chairman Pro Tempore Da- 3 I ‘ I . r}. I I issues if enough of them :21.” to ed inadvertently in a IlouseSenatc
venport should they have prob- ’o Suspend themles conference committee that drafted
lems, mum/xuwcimmoum The - ' the final versmn ofthe bill
I t is what Brown wants them to
Dinkle also presented the pre Fifth . .
- - '7." PM'MOCY student Britt Brockmon receives this oor’s most outstandln s ' do to correct what he termed a "“5' Senate Major”) Load" J09 -
hmmtaoz 1:2” “figmfgtioru: from President Otis Singlotary. He was given the awardylast night at the "Stores :fnlh: “$3312: take in their removal 0‘ a 9-cent per Wright. [)~llarned. “h" met ”"1 7
cseoulmd be me kl?!" the A ll x gum. This awards night was presided over by Tom Wicker, associate editor of The New York Times gallon motor fuels tax “a a 2‘9” Brown, “"1 the “sue ”l ”“7 truck
neeti or m IWOlbOI’t, marketing senior, was Presented with the Otis A. Slnglotary Award for most out: per gallon surcharge forcoal trucks. taxes would "mam-V mm“ "‘7 today
"8- standing female graduating senior. The taxes were removed in the and could be resolved it the mem-
final form of Senate Bill 144, which hers agree tosuspend the rules
‘ t

I -
' ‘ It" 500“.“ Ian Altlne “.,.‘, I. MI. Movty Inga” Ale: (touch 9.0"“ M. MO! “In
tdilm ll‘(hll" ouy Edam “gumbo-"p. “with“... All, Ediloi Qiophuutdito: Pholo Ediloi
' - -_ launch-rial Unix-data Am-J.MM IOhN'KCi'“ losiloMlchal-on My“ LEV“
- e E “as '0 n Manuomq NIH” i any iii-mi A""'°"' ”Wm“ Ed'm" A\\Is'anl son. u in...” Anniuni Am (dun! Layout 5“")! kin-v runway...
9 ,. I n a a - U l
. Double talk. Fmanaal aid statement skirts primary student concerns
6 President Reagan, speaking from his va~ est while the government pays the interest Wlkglcht WGUSSSWINGINGIWS-"’
. I cation spot in the Barbados Sunday, decided above that point and require them to pay 14 ' ' --.;....~~~ ' “ " ~»-----~9~-~-~-.;.....;;.;.;;.... ,
“: '7' 1._ to rebut criticisms of his pr0posed student intereston loans. A LOT OF: PEOPLE SlMFlY HAVE BEEN Af/JLED
' 5‘ financial aid cutbacks by devoting his With these intentions on the record, Rea- GlGCl E Cl pr 04 77 E
planned radio broadcast to the predictiment gan has accused students of being deliber— (SN‘CK‘R) ”’W ”W ( 3 L N5€CHDR D
instead of taking about the problems of the ately misled in thinking the government is r--WEVE- CUT THE COWTO WAYERS (TW'TTERD 0F
._ ’. Western Hemisphere. “snatching away" their financial assistance , -..
But, from the reassurance his broadcast and have been ”incited to stage protest dem- MKLNG THOSE LOKNS AVAtEé_B_L_-E£Cmi W25)
. provided for students who will be losing fi- onstrations against what have been called / , , ’33};me MTO’Végg-Zg.‘ v y
'1 nancial assistance to attend college, it would ‘Draconian cuts‘ in student aid." 4/ // I ”wrlfil‘ [057—79 mg" ’CHOFJ'LEi ’ ') ”“59”"
‘" have been better if he tried to stick to the These students to whom Reagan refers are W" ,1. , / 1 fAW ' “”HEEHEé (“UP/(>017, (\hfifijngIgM/hm
g topic he originally planned to talk about. protesting these proposed actions are l; ' ’ y \ mgfimfifi ) ”£3 k/QW’ Twit! SWW
1.'_3 5;), In his address. he conceded that his budget not simply “shooting from the hip" — they I‘ my". , ' l ”qufiwfiHny (NEIJI/OQK’, ultra-"-
: would reduce federal money earmarked to are fighting for their college careers. \/,, 1 4 “$5" eager—W5 Ufl i ~~ *"c ’
. help student repay their guaranteed loans — Sen. Carl Levin, in the official Democratic I“ like: ,1 //I 'i 6*; IJOUJ/fi/ 117 j ,,.\_ ,
from $2.7 billion in fiscal 1982 to $2.4 billion party response to the President’s message, 4 in A4 \\ \(30 ”M ';',I ,1 / / 3.333; .
:_ in 1983. said the administration’s proposals would ¢ a (“J \5 B 7 "’ " (gt; ‘,'?lji'i'flo’
~‘ " '1 But Reagan‘s broadcast lacked a defense “aid 1.9 million students less in academic [ lh ‘4 y C\ -‘ I - .7: £31???
« I of his other proposed revisions in the student year 1983-84 than are being helped now." M . .)~.\i ( \ /{ f ,N r, 3 51:? y r- ' as! . '
aid program. Democratic National Chairman Charles "I a ‘91 \\'\ , .1 f- (6,53; '53} ' )1” , ‘
" .‘ The Reagan administration wants to in- Manatt said the numbers recited by Reagan i /i ‘\‘ , , -, . V”: l/y'ib “M5, ’ ’ \f
" . crease the fee charged for guaranteed loans in his Barbados broadcast bear little relation W " ' , l E ' 3‘ ‘ _ fl," {fl/n well“! ,I \
‘ .' from 5 to 10 percent and he wants applicants to the “troubling impact of his policies on 0‘) g. )_ , “oi l ' . \ ~.\\_/ . Rm” 1 -
g '< " to show more proof of financial need before our educationalsystem." @ ' ”55$ l \\ " l V i'"\
. . 1. .. .. . , . . _ sh: . x. _ , \
, , , aid will be administered. The administration 5 policy toward finan _ sh) . 0 [an /1 s j
'. Also. the administration wants to reduce cial assistance has already acted as a roadb- 9 51' _' 17.71"" \ 91/9 V» ~ I// s [fl 5 ,. /< If
. the maximum allowable direct grant to a lock to some college students —— several col- 0h' ,r 111-,.--'"" f” M ’ , /' 1 1.4;: "WM“ \3 ' t
student. to eliminate a program of supple— leges have stopped processing loans until the fi%, ' ‘ Kc ’2 711‘ " ’ .f:.:-"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W1
,3 l, i mental grants now being received by 440000 issue is settled. [(‘JQ' . " ’,‘: :17” \‘ Viih\\ \\\\\\:--; . , fig
9 ". students and to cutback the work/study pro- Levin sumed up the situation well by say— [#10 . . ‘ , _ 1K; " . ’ c. g
- .- gram. ing: “Overall, the president proposes we cut ”I 3., .— » -— i ) l ' 3 ' ‘ .i ' "’ ' Q
. .. . '- ~ - ~ ' ' <\ .l..’ l.
. . And. Reagan wants to eliminate a pro— federal aid to education by about 35 percent .1‘6/ 9 :ysg w“ ,. /._,,1 J \ k g
"_ gram of direct loans which presently assists lincluding proposed cut in student aid from ‘ ' "- 9 \ . K _ ")
" ‘ -' 800.000 students nationwide. He wants to pre- social security),“ Levin said. “And you can’t 9 .issssssssssil’sssssszsasssggsssssssszss. .11 ~ '. .' ‘ .H' E
, ~ - 9 "====s===:2= '====ts:2:2...zzzsssssassssss= ‘ - .‘ - . e
, ,1 ~ ,9 vent graduate students from a program that bu11d a strong country Without an educated ‘~ ~1s;5§55:5.-'-/P"S:::::::::::::::: , 1 " - ,-'. '1 . . .
-. allows students to borrow at 9 percent inter citizenry.“ 9 '3'". 55535355555555555523-” - “ ' ' *7
i‘. " ‘, l ' I I n I l I
_' Fair representation is a right, not a prIVIlege
s d ' ' d ' 7o " ' I h ' '
. tu en ts gains urmg s due to Irra tlona be awor
1’ "fl, lam an alumnus and former anti- rymandering of the student district. in the anti-war movement. need imagination, for this was the kill other human beings if they refuse to get an equal share of political
' war activist from [K I recently That is to say the gerrymandering And, fourth and finally, that move reality. to do what you want them to. But if power, and you will lack the wisdom
. j made a one-day visit to Lexington. wasaforegone conclusion. ment was dying or dead by 1973, Imagine that your national leaders each individual is given equal power of fearing yourself that will enable
. T»; and, being curious about what today‘s The "irrational" behavior of the anyway. “Civility" has returned to daily vomit slanders and hatred, and to do evil to all others, then each per- you to stop when you have achieved
_. 19 students were thinking, I picked up antiwar movement had absolutely the campus nearly two years before. stir up the most evil impulses of your son is mutually deterred, evil cancels political equality, and instead try to
‘ - -_ .j the Feb. 19th issue of the Kernel and nothing to do with this gerrymander- Mr. Sturgeon criticized the anti-war fellow citizens. Imagine that your na- itself out, and we are thereby both go on to getting a superior political
:3: '3 came upon Brad Sturgeon‘s article, ing, The fear thatstudents would ever movement for “irrational actions." tion is a lynch mob, with police and empowered and encouraged to power.
'3"; which discussed the division of the organize themselvesintoa bloc atany This is like criticizing people in a soldiers delegated for the lynching, cooperateforacommon good. You will likely be defeated in
" ‘: student neighborhood into three time tOF any purpose dld- lifeboat for committing cannibalism, and that you are the object of their Besides sin and evil (devotion to because you will be unwilling to use
: - districts and contained these F0? one thing —‘ and the most im- or callingasoldier suicidal for calling disaffection. satisfying egotistical demands). the brutality necessary to get the job
' paragraphs; portant that Mr, Sturgeon missed .1 an air strike on his own position dur- This was Spiro Agnew, Richard There are only two other deter- done, likea general who sendsa regi-
:5 "‘3": fa” representation is a Tight- “0‘ a ing an enemy attack. Nixon, Lyndon JOhhSOhy (390189 minants of human ehavior, habit and ment when a division is obviously
' -—__‘— privilege. This gerrymandering is It's not so much that his criticism is Wallace and hundredsoflesser politi- conscience (obedience to higher needed, Andeven if you win,your vic-
3‘s; ,9 Guest discrimination on the basis of occupa- untrue - it's not — but merely that ciansofmy YOUth- spiritual authority). tory will be more costly than
' f - tion.age.and regionalorigin it‘s irrelevant, There are situations so Imagine that thousands 0f people What of “reason“? It has no power necessary.
.3104)“. I I Second. this denial of political extreme and desparate that it is irra- send you hate mail, and that those except in partnerships with sin, habit, Without swallowing the knowledge
t :- i"? OpInlon power is part of an historical trend go? tional to expect rationality. poison pen letters are printed daily on or conscience. Sin, habit, and con- of your evil, you will try to persuade
i $1533.," ing back before the Vietnam war Imagine, if you can, a university the editorial page 0f your community science determine what we willtryto the powerful to give up some of their
years When I first attended UK in where the penalty for flunking a newspapers. Then, please, go to the accomplish. Reason merely affects power by arguing that you deserve
' " ,‘ ‘ _ 1 1967. students didn't even have the course is being sent into combat. Im- microfilm files in the library and how. power because you have been good
‘,lil’" 591; 1 ”Perhaps 1‘" 1973 't “'35 "’3‘ right to vote in their campus com- agine an America where the govem- check out the letters to the editor in What students past and present and are as moral as they are. Evenif
.;.: “OhahSt‘C ‘S‘C’ ‘0 waterdown 5‘? munities It took a Supreme (‘ourt ment hasablank check on the livesof the Lexingtonpapersonanydayfrom have been taught at UK in their the powerful believe it, and they ‘
9:21,» , dent influence and keep them 1“ the” decision in ‘70 or ‘71 to change that. its young men. Imaginea government ’69to ’71. psychology, sociology (which was, by won’t, they still won‘t give up power.
3‘. place. Lets face ll. some actions Asiege mentality,aviewpoint from the way, my major), and political Soyou will not avoid uncivil tactics,
$9.?": % $33: Ség‘mggghgss‘hesyalfid the gallows trapdoor. was the science classes is disasterous, for the but instead resort to them in the name
? . ‘ " l w 'r ’ H ' ' .' ' ' ' ' uintessential unifying cultural ex- secular teachers exalt reason, of some hi her moral force. It ou
.'"‘-..":".,1 T)" “(Thai . , . . . {Ann—war quthljgm) lS llhe CY'lt- gerience Of all Of US who were downplayhabit,anddenythatsinand fail, youwilglbeabuffoon;ifyousyuc-
.‘1‘ 3 * Bl" "“5 'S a different decade and 1012 mg people In a lifeboat for com- students b86k then. We were "0t the evil even exist as such euphemism as ceed, you will bea tyrant. People who
-. j' j SEUdem concerns have, changed. As - - - l- 11 . “free-love” generation, 01‘ the ”I‘OCk “economic determinisms” and turn the political arena into a church
..: LK preSIdent Otis Singletary has mittlng €071"le 18771, or CO tng Cl generation," or the “dope genera- “conspicuous consumption." They pulpit need a laugh in the face or a
1"": :fviilmyrhg camplLS has returned ‘0 soldier suicidal for calling an airs— hogs;bygggzigehgegergflhficim :ompletely tigxgeththe tic}; ofte the butuci in ththgiad. Cotnjccflce istuie .
'. .1 . . 1 _, - - - - ~ V umanspiri. isisa ' s ras su mission eego ;poiics
é,'~1","1"17.,"? J It 15 wsésatmg "0's:i)0th:txi‘ 1 m trlhe on his own pOSItlon dunng an the art and ideas 0t the.’605. What great asaschool or architecture that is the dominance of the ego over
9. anuary 1"? e neig Pix 5 “"7 enemy attack. they have entirely mlssedls that SUCh ignores the existence of human in- others. They are mutually imcom-
* rounding Lit~ were dnided or things are typical responses ofhmnan testines. patible.
"Lil", "9"“- splintered ' Because the preCIse _———_——_——— beings 5‘1”de by and threatened Not that the teaching is worthless In this case' I advise ya; to go '
5.5.3” '" If." term '5 gerrymandered. The met”) _ 1 With death, and that they are tributes Add bathrooms to the blueprints from straight to the tactics of a boycott of
lfl’fifi- "i government plan dldn thavea prayer .Thlrd'. and “Wm-V to ‘Mr. Wh‘Ch sends SW” and agents pro tothehumanspiritin general,and “0‘ the idiotic architectural school and downtown Lexington businesses and "
',.‘ ‘. .3 3,” of passing mthout the wholehearted Sturgeon s implications. what rights vacateur into your community to just toone cohortof students. you may yet get a good structure. periodic demonsn‘atiom and minor
- 5 1 and nearly unanimous support of the students now routinely en Joy at state report on and pmson and disrupt We learned our political science by Presuppose Original Sin as the basic disruptiom such as blocking traffic.
4,. '12", Lexmgton Establishment line supported institutions were created social and political discussion and getting busted on Euclid Avenue; Mr. motivation of human existence, Forget about trying to persuade the
.33, ."‘ unspoken but completely understood and won mainly during the anti-war organization. Sturgeon has learned his on the rather than “Class Struggle," and politicians that UK students are good
‘Ji‘ ,‘~ condition of this support was the ger‘ years by agitation and action rooted The students of my time did not Sesame Street of polite classroom
1.3.3,. -'. discussion. He writes like a man who ————'___—__ -
", "" has been taught, and wants tobelieve, 1
'.'~ BLNM COUNTY by Berke Breathed that Politics is a rational and civil “Political power is nothing else
i 1 seeial process conducted between ra- b 15 th b.” t0 1 h." h
.1 WW1 W1 M pyggéym; % tionalandcivilpeople. nos beginning u e a _l I y . free y 1 0t er
, fiiélziW m If “new m m. m. n fill-1:0,... “balm-Y... out... human beings If they refuse to do '
""".',,"..'" 3 "IIWV' any. . 51:12:32: $23, 531113 H ”W 50” ggkpeurfi will never get your Wt?) district what you want them t0. But If each
. " 9 , lime/n. . ' without committing some oroughly ' - . ' - 3
6 I, ‘1 I, 3 V4 1 i, (C3331 , ,,_ nasty, immml‘ and “new“ am indiwdual lS given the power to do 3
, 1: i '" I , 6» L. l 1,\3- ‘ i. “s“ ‘ 113m "iiiili‘umiis filiegiralblfwsititist ewl to all others, then each person
~’ y. , 1. j ,. 1 - - ~._ .~‘ ore ' e i wi e co , - - '
, fi \ , ,. 1T1 ()3 t9 , ., m R, 1‘ . B 7? (j i 9,33 q}. demmmgmanddmpmg is mutually deterred, eVll cancels .
a: .3" 1. ‘35:} 1; . 1“ #3 fi 13?, 33-33%, 3,“ ('3: i; 3.6% My} ,..1 nepoumeqiiiaflmlgiiigéigiupgang Itself out, and we are thereby en-
l, w J H ',’l’- 1 1, w, b a It ,3, Ti 5”; ma Pf n. gttlif 79, andmpe'm' ”my. If am is an m couraged to cooperate for a com- .
.’,' . ._.. l? ‘— ‘ . T“? I _J,. ‘ it? t L~J< W i $13 balanceofpower, or if there isaway, mon good. H I
,- .' ‘4 ‘ ‘ "T ‘ -1 K or if the total social wealth is declin-
, ing.thenpoliticsisnecessarily and in- ———-————-———————-—-—
’ , TEN YéARS ATTHE .. evitably very, very brutal. ”
. ' 2 myog AND WANTED, For politics is the business of Marx will still provide some elegant PeOPtC- :
‘ ' Poor! tAlo 0W my; £3,3ng affix?“ my ”(555?“ managing human sin. ionce read that imights into human behavior. Only by a humble and homt con-
. ; THE Alwyn pig 0w Write mow? ’ mm a gym, “Mg were": life on earth depends on the simple We are all sinners. We are all evil frmtstionof theevil thlt you are, Ind L
" ' ' WM “UNIT 00‘). ,-\ m0? . , fact that water, unlike any other s.o.b.s. If you can accept the in- the 801””? that comes from thtl. .
’ . ’ \HDOEY/ /’ 1 i t substance, expands when it cools. 1n justices done to you in good con- Md the restnlnt thlt m from ;
1 , ., ' fig?» 11 ,~\ .\ 1 1,, like manner, human existence is science,thenitisbestthatyouaccept sele. can you win the fish! for .
' 'e‘ 1; 7" i‘,‘ , 4 ._ g ,5, J l ( ~$ i. 315,: possible became Evil canbemadeto them But if you cannot, then make 901th“! equality I! expeditioufly ‘8 l
, , . 1=' '. '\ \ : “f; _ p , - 1% i , ? :15" fight against itself, but Good always sure that you knaw and swallow this possible, and lay the foundation for a 5
, 'z - V‘g’ 1. to; fig 9 V, - l ’,‘“ e. 9, cooperateswlthltselt. knowledge of your evil and get it in ratioml and civil Politics for thou l
" ‘9 ‘l a 9 7- ‘ This is why democracy is the best your guts. whocuneafter your.
V 2/ . w ‘ ~ / form of government. Political power Without it, you will lack the John Juliet-graduated from UK In
. , y ,. 1 I l‘ / is nothingeliiebut theabllity tofreely shrewdness and conniving necessary I971.
l ‘ .

News l I; .
I —————— g '1
. ,_ y ‘ '
M ”WWW” " "““_fl"“””‘ __,.. Another day '
threat to blacks and promises new opposition 12 Soviet men and searched more than 50 '

State atthepolls. . . . homes in coordinated raicb on Moscow 5 dissi- Kernel handicapper Gus had was second to Distinctive Pro m the ,- ‘

a WN Dave] of K I by uMaybe themfl'aldelhl: is all right, but geonme- dent commumty, friends of those detained said another lock bite the Keeneland dust Flamingo Prep i