xt76125qbw0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qbw0p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-11-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1972 1972 1972-11-01 2020 true xt76125qbw0p section xt76125qbw0p y Vol. LXIV No. 45 an independent student newspaper
ernel Wedresday, November 1, 1972 UniverSIty of Kentucky
Twe V9 pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506
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43:? N ‘ extra mile, in fact tens of all other Americans no matter .i_'~‘;":-,.A.

"4» thousands of miles, to seek peace the political impactTWABf‘ . 1‘33 .K -
t on the negotiating front. We have television interview. Oct. 22. 1972. '7 —~
G V at. . . offered a cease fire, a total with- “I submit to you that for the g g {Q} 71’! . _

Wt 7/) ." drawalof all American forces, an last few weeks Mr. Kissinger and "i 2 _ "i'
illtl "It" ‘ exchange of all prisoners of war; Mr. Nixon have literally been A. f'*fii\ QC: 3
"t l.;§?‘§i§ii'l'ifi‘ internationally supervised free begging for a settlement of the ,‘ egg};
,pi' "fiat-i3” iltiift elections with participation by war. and I‘m glad they havef> '” ”1, .
i‘ L" the Communists both in the New England regional telecast. "’ 7
hum-5; a elections and in their super- Oct. 29. 1972. \ «2 ’}_.
v1510n."—Acceptance speech. “I THINK the aerial bom- £112, 4 .gz’jiiéfii'iffibw 5?
Miami Beach. Aug. 23. 1972. bardment of Southeast Asia by . ' l ' h. — _..
. By DONALD SANDERS “ll“ WE (‘AN make the right R‘Chard Nixon is ”‘9 mos‘ 9"” “'"d *abmt’u” “‘S‘d" the -
Associated Press Writer kind of settlement before the thingdever done by an American Democratic ranks to try to
election we will ' . ' presi ent. . - S [)0 ' ‘ i ' ’ '

WASHINGTON —President make it If we “I think that the ending of the Zrt:vdfhatirtthmrk‘mduol‘r political _ ‘7
mm" and Sen. George cannot,we 3’? "Qt gomg to make war in the closing hours of the R I‘ u L 9 m ~0 manwho ~
McGovern have described next the wrong kind of a settlement cam i n will not be 3 ~ olitica] wont hesitate to Wiretap your _
Tuesday‘s election as the most before the election. ' .The elecs luspt‘gr Mr Nixon in pthat it union hall. .or‘even your home H I ;
important one of the century. tion, I repeat, Will not in any way reaves unanswered the ' Emu-h at Philadelphia. on 19‘

. . influence what we do at the question 19'2‘
Here are the stated Views of the _ , H of why that couldn't have been "THF \IFV 'h h' ., . ”,. ,
Republican and Democratic negotiating table. ~—News done four vears a “VA _ . ... ._ w 0 an (0 and
. ' . conference Oct. 5 1972 . . 80‘ ~ . millions in secret money. who
nominees on some of the major ‘ ‘ ‘ Interview with The Associated have passed out special tam”
campaign Issues: McGovern: “If Mr. Nixon can Press. Oct. 27. 1972. who have ordered oliti al
. ”VIETNAM end this war on the night before WATERGATE CORRl'PTlON sabotage. who have mvgapd our
Nixon: We have gone the the election I’ll rejoice along with McGovern:“A president who ”mt-9S m the dead of nightwall
, . “”— will send his agents over to these men work for Mr, Nixon.
, '- _ W M wiretap the Democratic National Most of them he hired himself. 7
' . . . Committee. a president who will (‘ontinued on page I2. (M. I
’ /.- minorities as applican is
v t
‘_ 1‘s. @ By LINDA (““ij minority applicants must then be sought
' I I" ....'ja2:~z Kernel Staff Writer “’1' POSlllOHS In these areas 7
_ ‘ .. g The [T_ S, Department of Health. “No new jobs will be created. We are not
. . "‘ *2; . :‘ Education and Welfare 1H Evy. has seeking proportional representation." Ray
1‘ a,» {it . . demanded universities obey a government “Wt ”“0 “l“ .lU-‘l Wilt“? 501W”? ("3"
? 5‘73»...- up .. .. _ anti-discrimination order? In compliance (“dates “‘ ll” ”mm” "“03““ and
VI . g t: with this order. the l'niversity will begin to necessary additions . H _
.. . ., :1 $6 " ”*vgigs§ actively seek applications from women The purpose is not to hire women and ' ‘7
: , _ e . .3. ‘ {g}?- and minorities. said Nancy Ray. coor- minorities as tokens. Ray said. but to give ——
. . ' dinator 0f the affirmative action 1-0 'm them an (-(ual chance in the osition
Pleln her teeth for t'K. p gm .\SKF.|) liiv “(HIEN andpminorities
Joanne l’eisel knifes a pumpkin in Blazer Hall cafeteria‘s jack-o- ”UK probably hasn‘t done as much 35 it would haw a better bargaining power.

lantern contest. (Kernel photo by Phil Groshong) COUId do to hire women and minorities in Ray 53”! “they will have the same power ' '

the past." Ray said. as other well qualified persons that are

. . sought after in their held "

TrIVIa tea ms advance BE(‘.-\l'SE (n: THREE anti- l)iscrii'nination willnottake a turn about
discrimination and employment acts. in a different direction. Ray said The

By LINDA (‘ARNES were asked as: “Who was the which include the Executive Order of 1968. ”E“ requirement '5 C0”("’r”“d “"th the

Kernel Staff Writer girlfriend of Mickey Mouse?" or the (‘ivil Rights Act of 1964. and the Higher St't’kms 0f applicants and making Pvt-“0m

After 90minutes of hard fought course. it was Minnie. everyone Education Act of 1972. universities across i‘ lt‘ti‘llmitlt‘ 0”” The ”195‘ (lUlitlflt’d '
trivia. 10 teams were declared knows that. Get this one. “Who the country are being forced to seek ap- Pt‘rf‘tm “I“ ht‘ hlrf‘d for ”19 l0h
victors of the totally useless bits Porffirmw Mr :I‘amborine plications from women and minorities or All" NEWS ("Wight ”WWW "Wit-“”95 L
of information that were termed Man in 1965‘? ‘ Whispers from be faced with debarrment. Debarrment is “I“ ”9 li‘kt‘n ‘0 t‘m'OW‘éiR“ qualillt‘d
answers ‘ in the second annual the audience said, “I know that ineligibility for federal contracts ”TWIN ‘0 “PM" “1 “PMS where «'I
Trivia Bowl sponsored by the one. it was Dylan.” Sorry but The HEW will come to the campus soon (it‘llt'lt‘n‘lV ”l WWW” ”ml "“"t’rlllt‘s 0"

Student Center Board. you re wrong. The Byrds did that for an onsight review. and determine the ("l“‘fi- RH} hitld- students “1” ht‘ t‘”
Such memorable questions (“ontinued on page t. (‘ol. 3 ”was "I dom'imc} Qualmpd “40mm and (“Imam m 0m” mow areas 7
Tired of listening to Three Dog Night over and f: Rum." (11*)? ”Foam away. "0! "HK‘h (‘lst‘
over again on your transistor radio'.’ Well _ you can do about the weather today. There
'NSIDE Nicholas Von Hoffman has found a topless 3““- 7 ! OUTSIDE is a ho percent chance of rain through
alternative on page 3. -:, fl ’2, tonight. with a possibility of thun.
§§§ .. ._ dershowers The high today will be near Te
'\ amine-t with a low in the mid 60's

The f 'I! tin an As .rsmnt Managing ( oitoi Kain Mummy I I
t«tt . . t in... IV .. m . A mm MJIidqmq (dim: NH“ Mew-I"
K¢ntucky '~' " Mi ' it fit TO! i.'\'\ V " '\ ‘1‘ “Mil” M-Hmavnu t U'N” ”I‘d" k'dw'tl'“ Ed I forlo '8
t.:' .. Lin”. ..q Hn-' nap. a «mm Managua; imnu Moi. than!
Kernel ‘ "" "' '0' " "" ' “ tit imam Hpii‘silli m. up in. i. .v m. tatim. mi in. HIM-v! .i.
. . d O O C t 0
UK women make slow gains against iscrimina ion w
The situation for women at [K is no problems in other areas. we feel the about now for the coming year In his This is a commendable effort at b.
bed of roses. as a number of Kernel t‘niversity is making a conscientious letterSingietary reminds the deans of lil'illtllhtl ”WW h'fl'hf‘ll ”h” 1h“ ”Milt“ p1
stories this semester have shown. effort to eliminate or at least the l'niversity‘s commitment to (ltillllllilh‘d llleW'S'U- SlK'll moves r;
Female janitorial workers are paid reduce discrimination against "equal employment opportunity." iii‘t‘ ”(it ”Willilnt-{lt‘sfi gt‘Sturt‘S. as it
less than males doing the same jobs. women. A good example of this is the "We evidently have not done SHOW“ h". 1h“ upswing ”1 female 3‘
(if 3300.000 alloted for athletic letter President (itis Singletary has enough to appoint the qualified l’t‘l'SUHW‘l ”1 th“ faculty. 0
scholarships. none went to women. just sent to all deans. directors and women or minority persons that the According to the 1969-70 UK Self- at
Enrollment of women in the graduate department heads. statistics tell us are available.” the Study report. women comprise only m
school rose only slightly. staying near , letter said. He calls upon all departs 0.4 percent of the (‘ollege of Arts and F1
last year‘s 37 percent. and in the Equal opportunity ments to "review your hiring prac~ Sciences‘ faculty. The breakdown Sr
professional schools it‘s even lower. The letter refers to hiring new tices and to take steps to redress any showed additional discrimination. co
In spite of these and similar personnel. which usually begins imbalance which may exist.“ with Hit pt‘i'Cf‘ht 0f the women to
holding instructorships and only 2.1 as st;
._ full professors. eii
W" .._. 7 ”n+"{“"'" By 1970-71. however, according to s
_ /, i i ’ figures compiled by a women's
I ', 9” . L/‘V studies class. the percentage of
' ",5 / Pr 4i?“ women holding instructorships had Ft
; “I i] risen to 33 percent. Also. there were 0“
. ‘ then some 3.3 percent as full pa
‘ professors in the ('ollege of Arts and :6
\ Sciences. 1“:
SI Cit
. . O OW progress thi
_ . _ So it appears L'K is making st:
l’ VNl / ‘ A progress. although obviously it still thj
. 1’ ,9] ‘ N has a long way to go. Aside from the D‘
. i \. v ‘ / low total percentages. the job "‘1
S.“ 3‘ \\ 9 \ l ‘ distribution shows that women aren‘t
1‘.» t“ . 3/ , r ‘ ”M . .r promoted as much as men. Also, as in :2
~ ’;-=:;;. f, .4‘ (. -.. “B“ riff/I ‘ the case of the female Janitors Cited pr
’2’ ‘gg’zs-E‘Mi \ ‘ . ' earlier. equal job titles do not mean de
. ‘ I; ‘7‘." 9.13.3 equal pay in every case. on
’ 1' -. - ’i w \I/ We hope UK won‘t slack off its an
\if :"i — 91‘ efforts to recruit more women while it Be
, Z ff .. . waits for the HEW teams to arrive to ca
V r ‘ study the sex discrimination com— ph
. 5 ' " 5‘ palint. And we also hope that within a . N‘
" few years all the high-pitched voices ’
of high administration phones won't
, be those of secretaries.
Claims elecforafe Perhaps the expression 'the lesser of two athletic teams is long overdue at this about the commercial business and not
. ' . ' evils' is becoming an accepted standard? school. from one about the University‘s own club. 1‘
making unChO'Ce At all events. I will wager that the Diane button The Kernel really went off the deep end Ke
[have read with great interest and 3 average "0“” is having a hard time (‘o-captain this time by publishing its misleadng. p01
quiet despair the many comments 3p- making his thChOlCQ} M33439 our people l'K Field Hockey(‘lub erroneous and biased article. The other ele
pearing in the Kernel regarding the up» will feel a collective anguish at having to thitor‘s note' \n editorial on dive shopowners.professional instructors. ele
coming presidential election. The sum "lake. an ‘unchoice‘ at all. Wouldn't it be discrimination against women and what and certified divers in the area have been e,“
total of these remarks seems to leave an nice. ifin the near future. Americans could [K is doing about it‘appears above ) extremely misrepresented and abused. shc
oversized Question. This Question strikes really be for a man running in a I i ‘ Elaine [)uncan boz
me as: can the American people really presidential race‘.’ ('N'til'ifd SCUba 9”” w:
. ‘ . u . , ' , ('arl Post 0 Junior. En ineering
ia;::ymtht:(y igltscrryiozf‘Teither McGov em or History Graduate Student D'ver Charges g 53h
,. r . .‘ . , . - . . o o e L
lioT:t()::::t:i;Ct:gzcgegpqseztlfinlieiaseogi , Ke rne’ preIUd'ce (Editor‘s note: The Kernel's advertising in f
how many citizens are thrilled with having women s sport‘s The Kernel scored another point for and "m” departments are .Sm up sm'
to make this particular choice? There d prejudiced journalism with its invalid and separately. and no articles 3.“) printed for dov
seems to be a whole host of flaws at- Share Short fun 5 misguided article. Oct. 24‘ about scuba "‘"hhH‘i'Clfllgaln-Tht‘t‘rlfl‘l‘la for running
tributed to each candidate and a (‘ongratulationsto The Kernel for finally diving. divers and dive shops in the a story are-newsworthiness and generi: A
corresponding minimum of strong points bringing to attention the gross Bluegrass area. Scuba has been in Ken- Lntu'est: A storv has written on ”.m l,
for each. discrimination that exists at this tucky many years as shown by the large .(uha (luh but was killed because‘it was
tine student votes ‘for' McGovern l'niversity regarding women‘s athletics membershipofthe Bluegrass Scuba (Tlub. :0} up to standards. not because TE“
meaning against Nixon while another andthelackoffinanci‘alaidtoitsclubs and nearly 100 members, Another dive shop (”IMFOPM to gain from plugging t 0
votes 'for‘ Nixon meaning against participants. has been in operation over seven years. Am.” Mm”. Another reporter has been
McGovern. How many peopie are really It is true that we “play for thesake of the But minor details of poor reporting and "filmed a story on the l k Scuba (luh.)
for either candidate" Do some right game" but a few of those “benefits" that follow up work by the staff writer are ohly i
wingers secretly fear Nixon" Do some left Ms Feamster alluded to would be most to be expected from a paper which caters mrfomr
wingerslind McGovern a bit illiberal'.’And welcome. We would Inve to carry our to its own self interests. The worst in-
ai‘e the rest of us relegated to an inor- winning records to distant schools. but we justice lies with the fact that when two m :)V
dinately distasteful middle ground of rarely canaffordto.Too.willwe ever have weeks ago another Kernel reporter (if:
confusion‘.’ enough uniforms to go around'.’ covered the second meeting of the new UK
I would like to suggest that there is a lfind it sad that the women’s nine sports Scuba ('lub he was told his material was an(
tragic dimension in this particular clubs must share $4.000 while the rifle not newsworthy. set
presidential race. Many Americans are at team alone gets $4.500 which Harry I contend .the Kernel printed the ' (:dl
pr: :st of trying to decide which man to vote Lancaster “supposes" is used up in ex- misinforming article about the Aqua Shop La;
against. The loser of this election might penses, and not the report on the ['K Scuba (‘lub for
iiiitl) lif‘ termed ‘thf‘ i)t‘0i)l("5 lim‘hOin“ A little fair play in allotment of funds to because the Kernelgained from the article

 l t - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Wednesday. November I. 1972—3
. ‘K ' o I .
o o o o o
4 NIChO CIS Topless radio, saaal significance .
.- VonHoff n of fhe vagina challenge rock 'n roll ‘
I WASHINGTON—Having worked our Swapping,“ but there‘ll be enough shameful as it is to report. A1 Lurie, road). But as the programming spreads
way through top 40, allttalk, all-news and sociology in it to fend off the prudes. KLIF'S general manager, says that sex is Wt t“ variety and specialization, its
underground, the American ear is now “It was a culture shock for San Diego," drawing like crazy in the very capital of content offends more and more people.
being visited with topless radio. The says Willis Duff, KSDO’s program the Bible Belt. The Bible readers are offended by topless, _
people putting out the new vogue sexy director.“We got lots of lettersfrom the El M 'h r l r" d on but us sex fiends are offended by the
radio programs don’t call it that. They’d Cajon district, which is sort of Dallas 0 e U a church affiliated stations; right-wing
just as soon not have the sex shows called West, but really the negative response has Before Lurie PUt the Dave Ambrose propaganda. The result is everybody runs
anything for fear of rousing the Federal been mild and has come primarily from Show on the air. KLIF was already t0 the FCC screaming. “Regulate the other
Communications Commission. elderly women who tell me I’m con- number one in the Dallas radio market. guy?"
Topless radio began about 18 months ago tributing to the moral destruction of the but a top-40 station has audience problems But there are now more than 7,000 radio
at KGBS, Los Angeles. When Bill Ballance society. They’re a pain in the butt, but the during housewife time—between 10 and 3. stations in America. Close supervision of T’
first went on the air with his Feminine indications are that everybody in town is when the kids are in school; but sex gets them would need a censorhsip system
Forum, a sex-centered call-in show, the listening. , _1 have a locally originated sex mother turned on enough to tune in. and outdoing what they have in Russia. and
station was number 22 in that harshly program, too. On that one we have that solves the problem. then they'd be so timidly dull we‘d all be
competitive radio market. Now, according Planned Parenthood ladies, ministers and It also illustrates what a murderously listening to Radio Free Cuba. Nor is there
to program director Ron Martin, the endless gynecologists talking about the competitive game the contemporary radio any need.There are enough radio stations 7
station has moved up to number seven or social significance of the vagina.” business is in the big metropolitan areas for every taste. opinion and belief. We are
eight "1 the overall ratings. The arrival of topless radio in Dallas has where most of America lives. It must ripe for the FCC to completely de—regulate
. . . caused KLIF's com titors to call the forever keep looking for new kinds of program content and give radio the same
Swmgmg and swapping programming “audifepomogmphyi- and audience appeal. In a 30-, 40- or 50-station First Amendment protection as the '
This format has been so successful that to get them to stir up the Baptists to write market nobody's going to make money if printed word.
Feminine Forum is now syndicated to 16 the FCC letters of complaint. But everybody’s top-40 or MOR (middle of the (c) 1972. The Washington POSt
other stations in a ( it-down edited
package with no callins. That may soon
be remedied with the inauguration of a —
Topless Radio Network whereby Feminine cm me n t »
Forum is being broadcast live to other
cities where listeners can call in toll free
through an 800 area-code number. One 0 0
station has already signed up and gone on EconomISt compares leon' MCGovern on taxes ~‘
the air with the network—KSDO, San
Diego, a property of Firestone Com- By GREEN RUSSELL MILLER '0“ “"0"” gmt’s' . . “and“ “mum“ sue“ as banks' in‘
munications. Some comments concerning tax policy NOW in limited detail. we examine curance companies. and mortgage -.
The topless radio package is dangerous and campaign promises follow. For this some of the major tax proposals 0‘ the companies. Another 20 percent are owned
enough so that the management takes analysis some economic definitions were leading candidates for PreSident. George by the 3501argest corporations
certain precautions. Although the used. These are: A regressive tax is one McGovern and R‘Cha'd Nixon. The tax savings for such owners is ap-
program airs live, there is a 10-second which taxes increases in income at lower McGovern has Pledeedv ‘f elected, to proximately 50 percent of the income
delay.For very hot topicsthey puta shrink percentage rates than the previous in- ”09058 a minimum. income. tax to be received from these investments since
on the air with the mike man to give the come. A proportional tax is one which applied to those thh incomes m excess 0f they are in the higher corporate income
thing the odor of medicine. Last week taxes all income at the same percentage 350300.99." year, to eliminate accelerated brackets. Such bonds pay approximately
Ballance (the shrink) and the women rate. A progressive tax is one which taxes depreciation rates and the investment tax 25 percent less interest than non-tax
calling in discussed “Have you ever had a increases in income at higher percentage credits, and to oppose any attempt to exempt bonds. This policy then subsidizes
physical attraction to another woman?” rates than the previous income. In general ::$t:;:t:;y5::‘:ij:seral sales tax for both the bond owners and the
v u - ~ ' - munici lities.
1 Next week we re gonna do Swmging and progresswe taxes place less of a burden on The President has pledged. if reelected, pa
to reatin the tax-exempt status of income Find new funds
received from minucipal bonds. to retain . . . . . ’
0 ant the accelerated depreciation rates and the El'm‘"a"_“g accelerated depreciation
I I II I I investment tax credits for business.and to rates and investment tax .Cred‘ts would
facilitate property tax reducation by require busmesses to raise more in-
replacing a part of the revenues received vestment funds throtigh borrowing and
. from property taxes by local governments throgh stock sales. This could divert funds
Sch 00' b0 ard can d'date spe aks with federal revenues to be received from from other investments-such as the ousmg —
a federal value-added (sales) tax. market and small busmesses. It would
By MARJORIE HERBERT system which reflected the black and ——:'—,— pmbamyresun'l‘ahan‘" 5"“ pr'ceiand - _
Many members of the University Of white racial proportions Within the local Green Mlller Is a fgmiiglngg:sa:;;: crgfli‘t 2hr; (lgitOSmZS at; ‘
Kentucky community will have an op- ulation. The board enacted a lan . . . .
portunity to vote in the school board 323m closed four inner-city “blapck” 'GOCh'ng OSSIS‘lOfl‘l Wlfh Swami? ththfidntiwwl issued aozporate
election on Nov. 7. Three districts will schools, The students who attended those a Masters in economics tardesncielss swltlhin ”fen (3:23;: a ionary .__.
elect SChOOl board members. In order t0 schools are now bused to “white” schools. Alternative] retention 0'! the in-
exercise that vote intelligently the public This plan is being appealed. The black from Morehead. vestment taxy‘credits and accelerated .
should know what issues are before the communities say that the major burden _———-—— de reciahon would he] continue the —
board at present and what tasks will be for integrating our schools is being borne , , p d d bp b , . d
waiting for the newly elected members. by them. They are not against integration The PreSident 5 tax proposals .would fhlrre?t:xcelss eman y tUSlfnesse: an
The most pressing issue before the or busing but they believe the respon- continue the current trend Of lessening the e e era'h' governmenf :r asic
school board is how to provide an equal sibility and adjustment should be shared degree of progresswity of the. federal tax resource: “hldh' I: one o f t. e major -,
educational opportunity for every student throughout the school system. structure. For example. during the 138‘ Fleasons ,1}: t e lg drates o t"??? m.
in the school system. It has been 17 years Where is the community discussion of ”"99 years there has been a greater ‘atton. is! excessb ermind IS, I e) to
since “separate but equal" was struck these issues? What preparation is being reliance "p0," regresswe taxes sum as the (on inue as ong 3.5 m t e g?‘"”,"“’."‘
down as a legal public education system. done? Where are the consultations with soc1al security taxes to finance new somal sector and the business sector are bidding
community leaders and civic groups” programs and less of a reliance upon for large quantities of these resources
. . b . Whatlong-range plans are there to develo. general revenues which in large part are A federal sales tax would. make the tax
Marlene Her e" '8 a real e ualit of o ortunit . bl‘p derived from progressive personal income structure more regresswe; it would cause
K I l d f schoolg" y PP y In our pu lC taxes. a general increase in prices at a time when
U CW 5 U en The ' stures of school board officials To the contrary. McGovern's proposals inflation is a major problem; and, if not
running for the have rfiged from reluctance to rebellion. would make the federal tax structure a applied to the production of all goods it ‘
We are in great need of positive voices little more progressive. Also his proposals would have ”allocatiye effects. that is. it
Faye He County 5"! saying we will obev the law; we will tackle would. to a small extent. place more of the would . favor nontaxed industries over
the difficulties and adjustments that face cost for goods and services provided by the taxed industries.
district school board. our community with careful planning and government on the business sector of the Economic pluses for a federal value- ,,
_____.___ preparation; and we are committed to economy and less on the household. added taxfare that ’1: [Wild rtaise’tlarg: _
Over a year ago the Fayette County school equal educational opportunities. The. c are SU b sidize cities $32,311:"shssehe‘lteanxuewéhichmisradeifsficlultls to
board was warned by HEW about the many sources of strength and _ . . . .dj ‘d .f used to offset reductions in
disparities in educational opportunities cooperation in our community. We must Tax free status for muniCipal bonds has “‘0' .an "I . _ . htl th 7
and last winter a group of citizens sued the legally integrate our schools; we can do it the effect 0t subsidizing governmental “imitate taxes It Ttlg ' 3""??? 1 et mt
school board for not providing equal with resentment and polarization. or we expenditures 0" the local 19"” as well “5 until? to deSthl otweyer. t e. as 0,
educational opportunities and won the can do it carefully and humanely. allowmg 50m” income-to be tax free. The ”105.0 IS un‘ estra' e a presen 5mg? ails] _
case. 1 am running for the school board extent of this subsidy is less than the tax ”1919359 ”t ”1‘ estment deman' “‘
The board was required to submit a plan because lwant to offer this kind of positive savings received by the owners of these (‘hfhathee the current tendency towards
for affirmative action to provideaschool leadt‘rShtP» bonds. ()ver 40 percent are owned by m a ion.

 l—TIIF KlaIV’l‘l't'KY KI‘IRNFL, Wednesday. November I. 1972 . . . 1
Voluntary Health Fee response ‘
sur rises and leases officials 3'11 > J
p p . . - i t r the ~5 g: g: :1 '- I This“. _'
The percentage of FR students This evoked a heated con~ “10111? would halw‘h’h‘ "m“ . a 1 > .« = . 5'
who paid the Student Health Fee troversy that ended with the individual Sllldt‘h't- Sh“ Silld- 5:1 ' 35 i ‘ I. , -" *1
may come as a surprise to many Student Health Service deciding ( urrently. l h "5 [he only .. .. .V ‘ ~. ~ ‘ . l
health service officials on totry an all voluntary Health Fee campus 'h the [‘Illlt’d States to t I --w I 5': Nb .. 1 (
campuses throughout the nation. plan. it??? an all voluntarylltrahh 1799- ' . ‘ , {I z
- ‘ . A program of this sort had ( ‘3" campuses 93 servtces " ' ' ~ ‘ - .. a. , i:
About ’0 percent 0‘ the total never been tried and estimates of are funded by the administration h ' a a? 1 ; r
student bodv paid the Student _ ha ‘ d ‘ . H .. d t . . . .L, .‘a .~ . . .
h . ‘ , H . M‘ studentresponse ran as low as 30- 0' l ( 5‘“ 9h“ 41‘ “5‘9“”? 0 . . ‘3‘ . “3, W .. -'~ l . u
Health “’9‘ according to ‘ 5' 40 . a . pav a certain health fee. she "‘“ . - “‘H 5; » i .
‘ . .‘ percent. (ox said. . A ,- a .
Jean (ox. administrator of the . , said M. “_ ~., _ __ 1 .
. h S ,a . One reason for the big student - a ‘ ’ . . ;: \
Student Healt CHILE responseisthe fact the Health fee The fact the Uh student body F f - . S
Last year. payment 0f the isabargain Cox said last vear' has I‘GSPOhded 50 well to the ‘ .... l " , I c
Health P 99 was mandatory the Health Service paid out voluntary program may lead " ' .. ‘ l 1
unless the student had other 3140‘000 in health care expenses. other campuses to consider a , . l 1‘.
medical coverage. Without the Health Fee. this Slmllat‘ program. Cox said. M'nd'bogghng ? 3 0
The 70. Pgl‘heht figs"; ”1):: ..'I‘rivia Bowl teams listen intently as another mind-boggling l
n TURFLAND MALL pleased ‘." .1 suprise 'd (d question is fired at them.(Kernel photo by Basim Shamiyeh). ’ L
2W NOW Service officials. she sat . l a
' on m: MALL t
muons-mo ROAD l-lANE AtLEN SHOWING T O O b I t d }
rIVIa ow ge s on er way p.
5:50 » 7:55 » l.
(‘ontinued from page I s
» THE NEW m 1965. Questions had the teams who wrote the questions except the most avid of the Trivia Bowl 0
J“ and the audience sitting on the those concerning rock‘n roll contestants. “Who was Super it
~ cmumons edge of their seats. which were contributed by Ron boy's girlfriend?" No, not Lois a
& GEORGE c. Weinberg. l|.ane.‘th'at was Superman‘s. The S
' r " w SCOTT The contest began as mass The meaningless trivia con- correct answer is Lana Lang. -l
1. . l - confusion. with buzzers not tinued with questions about Teams that have advanced to
r ‘9' _ . STACY working and the moderator. Don movies (Old and new), television the second round which will be
i -.'-1.:{.:';‘ ’ , _ REACH Rosa. getting overly excited and programs. such as “How many held nextweek are: “As A Matter E
" f , answering the questions himself. years has (lunsmoke played?“ of Fact." “The Return of the Eric
1“” f i (By the way. Don was one of the 117 yt’ars. for all that are old (‘ampbell Memorial Trivia BOW]
0 55-1/ , 5;;_..-...-..~"' a-.. nun“ famous Trivia BOWI winners enough to remember), and the Team." “The Friends of Zelda l ‘
”V" , _ "' l’ i mum-convolution from last year.) He should know (lilroy." "Quiz Kids," “Phi \.
nummuflmn I N “ . . old faithful. the comics. Kappa Tau.“ “Gorilla Spit."
Cm the answers Since he is the one This question stumped many of ”Tidwell.“ and “F Troop." c
O O I n;
nnouncement egis ra ion race are ..
. ()l
For 1973 Spring Semester
DATES: where of filling out college IBM schedule cards should be included in the Pt
individual Dean's instructions. In putting your course request in- . A1
November 6—Advising Conference for New Students formano" 0" your SChedUIe cards.‘ USE ONLY STANDARD DEPABT‘ (I
N b . _ MENTAL ABBREVIATIONS which appear in the offICial 1973 Spring U
ovem er 8‘14 A_+ L—Continumg StUdehls Semester Schedule book. When your requests for courses are being ‘9
November 15-21 M-Z—Continumg Students processed,0nlvthe standard departmentalabbreviations can be
recognized If any other abbreviations are used. it Will ( (
' ' nz
REGISTRATION FOR I973 SPRING SEMESTER: resultin your notgetting theclasses yourequested. ag
All currently enrolled students must register during this Schedules are processed and requests honored on the basis of cumulative na
. . . . . . . . . Sf
registration period ” they plan to attend the 1973 Spring fgrattie pomt averages, thos With the highest averages being processed \t'
- . . irs . i .
Semester. There Will be no other opportunity to register.
WHO SHOULD REGISTER. Any student who is delinquent to any unit of the University will not be H‘
permitted to register until the delinquency is resolved. This must be done (‘0
All currently enrolled students, including part-time and non-degree, with during the November 8‘21 registration period if the delinquent student m
the following exceptions: plans to attend the 1973 Spring Semester. w;
a. transientstudents: Students may register for Evening School courses during Advance 5"
b. students in Medicme and Dentistry. Registration. The Evening School courses are listed in the official Class 5k
c. students who “"11 enter Pharmacy for the first time in 1973 Spring Schedule and may he requested on the student‘s regular IBM schedule se
Semester. _ card along with his day-time courses. “f
d. students who will enter Graduate School for the first time in 1973 5“
Spring Semester. Check your schedule for any time conflicts between classes. If you 9"
request two classes at the same hour. you will be scheduled into them if M
MISCELLANEOUS REGISTRAIION mron MATION; caccp is availablc- ' r
If a student wishes to change colleges. he should go to the Dean of the CONFIRMATION OF REGIS‘IRATION: h:
(‘ollege of his current enrollment before reporting to the prospective Confirmation instructions will be mailed to each student‘s home address. F1
Dean. Instructions should be provided in the Dean‘s office as to the A copy 0f the official schedule or classes in WhiCh the student is enrolled set
procedure for making the college change. will also be enclosed in this mailing. This mailing should arrive at each :u't
student‘s home no later than December 22. 1972'. ‘
Advisers should be available to assist their advisees durin ‘
. . . . ~ K ‘ ‘ g the o “
registration period. If students have difficulty contacting their adviser, PAYMENT OF FEES. still
they should go t