xt76125qbt63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125qbt63/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1958 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1958 Vol.24 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, June 1958 Vol.24 No.9 1958 1958 2019 true xt76125qbt63 section xt76125qbt63 "2‘ m an .. m m " ‘ W ',‘ I “-512:- , ",{m‘jfg’ “at” in: ‘u: _r :. tartaric; a ’ *e '.“~‘.t.’-”.‘Af&ifuhf r5: raj. ‘. feta; v.1-7.V1.53~.:..;.§...:.}Eyz~,”hey;”effing:" r ‘33:“ ay
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“res ‘0 the avg“ 77 , , , 7' , 77 7 7 . f
or additional First-place winners in the 1958 KPA newspaper production contests are pictured, left to right: Fred Luigart, In, Hazard Herald; John Harris, J l ‘I ‘7'}.
hwa 7 vi - . . , . c . . . _ ‘. , ‘7 7 i ' .7.:
’gN uyfifii :51 Cynthiana Democrat; Jim Crawford, Corbin Tribune; Dan Knott, Auburn News; Paul Daniel, Corbin Tribune; Miss Katherine Wilson, . l 1
(31 na _ ) 7 . i 7
. .y Cmthiana Lo Cabin; Ld B. Greenwald, Henderson Gleaner 8c ournal; N. A. Perr , r., Frankfort State ournal; Mrs. Francele Armstron “, l l i
of anti-sign ’ g y g .‘l .
. . . . . i 7
call. Henderson Gleaner Sc Journal; Amos Stone, Central City Times-Argus; George Joplin III, Somerset Commonwealth; W. E. Harrington and l ‘ i7 “777
‘ l‘ .. .'
ications: We Maurice K. Henr , Middlesboro Dail News; Ro Gardner, Hickman Courier; Stan Portmann, Franklin Favorite; Paul Crowdus, Lebanon jj
Y Y .. .
attempt may _ Enterprise; Lee Gardner, Hickman Courier; and Monte Tussey, Somerset Journal. i-
lation to in l: ._..)
n or throw- . . . _ _ . i' .277 .
(1 class mail The Lebanon Enterprise, the Cynthiana were Hancock Clarion, Hawesv111e, second, son, Anderson News, for her editorial, “He {7.1.
rate this pro Democrat, and the Auburn News were and Sturgis News, third. Arose.” Mrs. Francele Armstrong, Hender- 7
thout public named the best all-around weekly news- Second place in the daily competition for son Gleaner 8c Journal, received honorable i 97‘
Drum to slip papers of 1958, and the Middlesboro Daily the best all-around paper went to the Hen- mention. The prizes in this division were *5 .‘j.’
’10 last yearillews was named the best all-around com— derson Gleaner 8: Journal, third place to the presented by Salvation Army Captain Han- ’j
‘munity daily in the 1958 contests. First- Glasgow Daily Times, and honorable men~ son, Atlanta. 1‘7.
ases the rate place engraved plaques were presented at tion to the Frankfort State Journal and the Miss Katherine Wilson, Cynthiana Log ‘l 77’_
"ations from lhe banquet session by Maurice K, Henry, Maysville Public Ledger. Cabin, won first place in the weekly division, .‘f-
1 pound for publisher of the Middlesboro Daily News The Franklin Favorite won first place in Best Hometown Column contest, for her 7‘
Those overimd president of the Kentucky Chamber of the weekly division of the Best Front Page column, “Have You Heard?” Other winners 7.
)ound. The Commerce. contest with the Somerset Commonwealth and the” columns were: Larry Stone, Cen- [
emains atl The Lebanon paper won first place hon- second, the Central City Times-Argus third, tral City limes-Argus, Mulebergers, 50C“ . T737
tits in the Class III division composed of and the Kentucky Standard and the McLean 0nd; Stan Portmann, Franklin Favorite, ‘
. .. n - , ) ._.,
nbers of the Wefiklies of over 2,500 circulation. Second County News, Calhoun, honorable mentions. Sports SPOtSi thlrdi and Joye Stokes, Ful- .. f
ipating in 3 place certifiate went ‘0 the Kentucky Stand— The daily judged as having the best from ton '(iounnty NCWS’ Happy Hickman Hap- l 1 f.
ministration lard, Bardstown, and third place to the News page was the Frankfort State Journal. Sec- p‘enin'gs, “and Lee K. Gardner, Hickman 5
ng a public ‘Democrat, Russellville. The Campbellsville 0nd place went to the Middlesboro Daily Courier, Lady Of the House, honorable : .L'::.'
of “counter 'News—Journal and the Whitesburg Mountain News, third to the Glasgow Daily Times, “16mm“. ;
an 2.1, EElgle received honorable mention certifi- and honorable mention to the Maysville Pub- Winners, daily diViSion, were: Mrs. Fran- ‘ ..
owed to the mes. lic Ledger. cele Armstrong, Henderson Gleaner 8c 77 77':
7 This 1110117 The Cynthiana Democrat was fir“ in the Erl Sensing of the Hickman County Gaz— Journal, Gleanings, first; JOh‘If 1" Craw:
tates but is IClass 11 division of weeklies from 17500 to ette, Clinton, received a first prize of $50 in ford, Corbin Daily Tribune, Ravelmgs, . .
. This 15 ‘0 $500 circulation. Other winners in this class