xt76125q961q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125q961q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1986-09-05 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 5, 1986, no. 486 text The Green Bean, September 5, 1986, no. 486 1986 1986-09-05 2014 true xt76125q961q section xt76125q961q ""'A ., `,»4;_ A, N, A_,_ ._.m ,_L_
I H                EN BE AN
No. 486 September 5, 1986
September 5 First Continental Congress Assembly,
in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774.
September 7 National Grandparents Day. r ·
September 11 ~ 0 Henry, 1862-1910. Pen name of
, william Sydney Porter, American
September 12 SLA Meeting, Kentucky Horse Park.
` September 12 b H.L. Mencken, 1880-1956. American
humorist, lexicographer and
_ September 14-20 l National Courtesy week.
September 15 Battle of Britain, 1940. End of the
biggest daylight bombing raid of
·Br1ta1n, a turning point in ww II. ‘
September 16 4 Departure of the Mayflower from
Plymouth, England in 1620.
September 16 Anthony Panizzi, 1797-1879 "Prince of
L1brar1ans." "
Next Green Bean: Friday, September 19. 1986
_ Deadline for Inclusion: Friday, September 12, 1986
4 Production Staff: Editor - Kerry Kresse; Typist - Scott
Lutz; Printer - Cecil Madison.

 ... ]_ ..
Yes, it's true. I‘ll be staying on another year as editor of
the Sgffiill Ease ·
As you may have noticed on the calendar, September 16 is the
birthdate of Anthony Panizzi, the “Prince of Librarians " The
seems that, according to Chase's Calendar of Annual Events (where
I get all this neat stuff), Mr. Panizzi has the dubious honor of
being the only librarian to be hanged in effigyl Panizzi’s
checkered career began in 1820 when he was tried in absentia and
hanged in effigy for belonging to a forbidden Italian political
party that called for the ouster of Austrians from Northern
Italy. He fled to England in 1823, learned English, and became
employed by the British Museum in l83l. Still outspoken on the
subject of Italian politics, he was named Principal Librarian of
the British Museum in 1856. He was later described as the .
"Prince of Librariansr" And who said that librarians aren't
On a more serious note: The Director's Office is trying to
obtain a list of people interested in taking the van to KLA in
early Octoberu Later on in this issue is a form to fill out and
send to the DuO. by September 12.
Happy reading! -KK
P.S. Welcome back Scott Lutz, Ace Typist!
Please note théwfollowing change in the Music Library“s Fall
1986 hours. Fhey will be gpen on_§aturdays~§rom l~5 pm;
John Bryant* Kerry Kresse Paula Pope
Anne Campbell Sandra McAninch Judy Sackett
Cathy Hunt Bill Marshall Terry Warth
Gail Kennedy Sharon Neikirk
Bonnie Cord- —- Evelyn Evans Dorothy Tronneath
Bill Cooper Harriett Ford
Kerry Kresse ‘
A Jim Birchfield* charles Czarski Meg Shaw
Rob Aken Brad Grissom Julie Stone
p Bill Cooper Dan Hodge Mary Vase
Bonnie Cox Claire McCann

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 ..3- I
Kate Black ................. Special Collections
Calvin Gross ............... GPD
1 Kim McIntosh ............... Director's Office
Adil Razeeq ................ Reference
It's Been a Busy summer, and a number of the staff did
such a good job that the Director's Office received the following
thank you letters: '
Dear Paul Willis: August 24, 1986
I wish to thank you, the University of Kentucky, and
particularly Cathy Hunt, Music Librarian, for the very fine _
research that went in to the paper which was delivered by Dr. Ron
Monsen at the 1986 International Clarinet Society Congress
Friday, August 1st at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Titled "Library Holdings (United States) of Published .
Editions of the Music of Robert Stark, Com iled from OCLC Online
Catalog and National Union Catalog Pre-195§`Imprints", this
undertaking did much to show the audience just how vital these
library research tools have become.
The ICS owes Cathy Hunt and Dr. Monsen a debt of gratitude
for sharing with us their work.
I Sincerely,
Jerry Pierce
’ President, International
Clarinet Society
Dear Bill Marshall: August 12, 1986
Just a note to thank you for all the help during our stay
in Lexington. You and Ms. McCann and all of the staff were most
gracious. I was most impressed by the efficiency and hospitality
of your facilities. We have a ton of material to keep us busy
this year and will probably need your help again. The Gibsons
are a fascinating family. ·
Thanks again for the assistance.
` Sincerely,
Mary G. McBride
— Dean
` College of Liberal Arts
Louisiana State Univ. in

= Dear Mr. Willis: August 21, 1986
I often fail to take the time to express more fully my
appreciation to those who have contributed in my efforts here at
the University. ·
In light of that I would like to compliment the business
library and Judy wiza in particular for a job well done. Judy
has in my opinion gone the extra mile in helping me as well as my
students in making their educational experiences more productive.
when I asked for a "tour" of the business library Judy organized
a very thorough presentation geared specifically to my students.
She provided detailed lists of materials available and
demonstrated how others had used them in research. Several
students commented how they regretted not having the presentation
before other classes they had taken. In addition, Judy not only _
assisted the students, myself included, find "where" the various
research materials are but can and does show them how they are
useful in their study. Students have found her to be very ~
approachable and helpful_which in turn has encouraged them to do
better and more extended work. , ,
It would be hard to overstate how’valuable a good and
productive library experience is in the development of good
investment skills. I appreciate those who have been responsible
for providing just such an experience for my students.
Respectfully yours, ‘
Kyle Mattson
Instructor ‘
College of Business and Economics, UK
Rob Aken and Laura Olson Rein have published an article entitled
"App[ication Report; Computer—Assisted Instruction in
Academic Libraries," Journal of Computer—Based
Instruction, 13 (Summer 1986), 94-97. This article
describes the four CAI packages (computer~assisted
instruction) that are used to supplement the 175 library
instruction presentations given every year by the
Reference Department Staff. These classes are given to
students enrolled in freshman English, business English,
scientific and tedhnical writing, and expé!Hmental
psychology. Rob and Laura will also present this paper at
the upcoming KLA conference in October, including the new
packages that include LS/2000.
Lillian Mesner, Agriculture Library, is the new Bulletin Editor
for the Kentucky Chapter of the Special Libraries Association.
The Bulletin, published quarterly; features SLA news, committee y
reports, a jobline, and usually at least one article. Lillian,
an active member of SLA, took over her editorial position from
Toni Powell, another very active member of SLA.

 ...   _.
= LS/2000 SUPPLIES '
Bar codes, printer paper and ribbons have been purchased
for the Lexington Campus LS/2000 installations for 1986/87. When
you need supplies, please submit the usual supply order form to
Administrative Serviuesr Please try to watch your LS/2000
supplies and send your order to Pat Lloyd by the end of the month
along with your other supply ordersg
Be speeifio. if you need Patron Bar oodes, request bar ,
codes that begin with the numberi. If you need book/material bar
codes, request bar nodes that begin with the number 3. The bar
codes come in packages or isoul lf you need printer ribbons,
please specify for whioh model you need the ribbon. We have
three models or Epson printers; Hx—80, LX~80, and FX—85.
All of the models or Epson printers we have use the same
80 column white paper, when yon are ordering paper for the _ .
month, remember to check all your printers for need. If you run
out of a box on one printer in the middle of the month, you can
borrow paper from another printer in your library until we can `
get more paper to you. if you have to submit an order in the
middle of the month, mark it “LS/2000 SUPPLiES——URGENT". We will
deliver it as soon as passibler But let's try not to make a
habit of this, Administrative services plans to deliver supplies
at the bédinnlng of sash month; They have plenty of work
scheduled the rest or the month without special deliveries. Your
cooperation will be appreciated greatlyl (Submitted by Tari
Thewdareer'?lannlngwaMFlaEemeHtMEenter has announced its
Fall '86 senednle for norkshopsr The workshops are:
ndob Searoh strategies ‘
.Resume writing
.Interviewing Skills
.Alternative Uareers for Teawhers
.Business Tareers
oFinding Government Employment
cmarketing Your Liberal Arts Degree
Sessions are free and available to or students, faculty and
staff.l For more into and a schedule, please content the Center
at 257-2745, or write to the Center at Room 103 Meyhews Building,
Lexington, KY 40506—OU4/i
k * k *k k >‘< rk uk V: Q; i; Q: 5:   J;   fs 1.*: ‘,‘¢ tf: tk iu X :?< zi: i: A ic   fr .2 J: t<     ra ;: ii; *’:   >‘v       *2: is ic ic 9: tic i. #2 A ix Y: it   zk nk 7; :5::1: $< X ic A
M - I · K. I. NQLQJQQ E>¥€—*%.?l§%@Q.     an r  ll jéiiflé ,_.` { !iilL£§€
A MEET THE EDUCATLON Linden? (by Mary Vass)
__*___"THe_EduEation lallll Eibrary serves a diverse group or patrons
» from six of the departments in the Qellege of Education and has
materials covering the oide speotrnm of their interestsu In
addition to our collection of professi na? literature, the
library also ooniains :n ertensiwn collection of textbooks in all

! 1   3
g major suhgee. ¤,aa; j~r .»e elementary and secondary levels. The
! total men.g1e,. ~ ‘@.. . » ;z $5,937 (approximately 14,000 of
L these are ,-e‘ .,·V ;n14 p .» vs textbooks), and there are 8,415
bound j;~ 1;1—. 4;1 1 1e;usn -·t. ls supplemented by 351,176 pieces
l of micra,,.~1. 1, . ¤·$ I ..-» ;ra in the ERIC document collection
or the $1*; 1M ; ~; ,»J»;;ch uallection in Reading.
1H1 .».· 1i. rpt,} .q1~-tiun Library currently includes Mary
Vass, the }".r:11=, 1,* =QcJn Raines and Betty Sutton, Library
Techniclen» »1; »{¤11 1;-» mprmally includes anywhere from 6 to
l0 studera .._lo_». » ;1rT neiween IG and 20 hours a week each.
These stld,1 1,?»11 n.1 x eu ~~.[ aluable resource, keeping the
1 library wee. ». 1U; 1 1 11ekends. Qur small staff performs
l most of tL» ;1.1.a.» ;- 1we more specialized staffs of larger
librarse< ·_=. W.111 v_ 1.1 »y collection development, cataloging
(of our .€‘51 ~. 1 .“1 1 1a; circulation, accounting, online
seargi;h_i,g;__.l · 1. y 11 -11.1: 1   F   1»·tet ;.,1;;§_s;i1 l_i"1S`tll`llCSlZ?L¤3if?., and 5 Véfléty of 1 _
other Aut ri §
w ·;·_ x»¥fr~-1 » .1 1 was an l985/86 circulation of 20,868 §
with an lia1; I 1i 4n1». 1 i1;wlat1on of 8,JQé and 2,383 5
micrcflwha 1»; 1»-~1 *1 ;— »@&%n a Busy schedule YGBK round l
since wmv ,r ».,~ 1. 1 1 ».1 ,TmenL ls quite large because of the S
number rr` 11 11 ~ rl 1+ who 1‘#,¤. rroll in the summer to take 1
classes 11* -1 ·; 1M n in fairly small, we get to know i
1 most ni 1. 1 ,_ - 114.%: etudents. Our primary goal is g
to hell M .~ » - a%1aio the materials which they need Q
for re»»11 -1 .,=- 1 ,h»;1 preparation for end practice of Q
teamnl~. .‘ 1 ~= · ”Q»¤ and other professions in th€ §
field u. ...1 . .1. i
  .1»L     ·»r1 1 1 3111  1g rr;   &S12¤¤..>ke1t1%;:}  
3/ntl 1 . ~= 1111 .»mated on the second iloor of King Q
South. l 1 - be 1 ~.L€e mf the PeriedicalsiNewspapers/ §
Microta1I- 1 . — 1t;yed by Lil Blackburn, the Center's l
staff i»11 . 1 1 I ~ 1i;iants and hih;ary Technicians and g
numeroae 1 1 = 1 1.1 §
rin Q >·1·;· 11»¤ in 1355, the main km rwaé of thé §
Microf1Qn11, 11-11..;“*» 111o 1 1 preserve Kentucky ¤»1;papers on 35mm g
silver hal: -11 1.·1 1¢m 1V 1»1-. vanter attemyta iu whtein COp1@S of §
all CLM1.C..€_[1;_ g , .   _ ,_   1 »_ ‘   y_.,·gy;;;};;ggp5;31‘,i5 nngl. affC>ii`uz`=€3TClE1l].Y  
available ¤ »i..1’> ,1 .~» ~e»vently films, develops, and §
duplicates 11 + 1»1.— 1 w _p.. apers on a regular basis. The §
Center’s »,111 ' I - 11l F 1=.»1 n mlcrofilm cameras, a microfilm ?
procespa. _ 1 1; .,1 » 1,~film duplicator, and in the 2
l985~]£$€ ; * ;»· · . »* ,e 11p_ .iiwe end 38,795 feet of positive E
film we 11 * 1 1m Q
1 °;e .1 [.¤1 #1 1 p¤.4r,11an of newepapers on microfilm, ?
itg W5] » · 1 1 1 d+ Microfilm Center also films ’
bggkgi .1 1.1~ . _ . ~,J other pyinted mate; als. l

 ..7- '  
Negative microfilm masters are stored under temperature and Y
humidity—controlled conditions and positive copies are sold to A
the UK Libraries, to neaepaper publishers, to other academic and Q
public libraries, includ ng the Library of Congress and Yale 5
University, and to indi ·.V» idual researchers. Proceeds from the 5
sale of its products pays for the Center's supplies, equipment, ;
general expenses, and student wages. I
#<7<#<·k>k>k#<>2>¥<*i‘<$cvk:k>k#;*<;t’.*,nk ;t:%1·J=::i;w:‘i;£*<1*<#<*‘}<>k9<‘}<*>*<$<*>*<*$<#<>k$l?»fQEi  
The 3rd Library Start open Forum will be held wednesday September
24, at 10:00 a.m. in the gallery — King North. Sponsored by the
OPAC Training Suboommitaee, the forum will feature a brief system _ _
update (Tari Killer; and searching tips (Rob Aken). A question L
and answer period will r»llow. ‘¢·a Please plan to attend and bring 1 .
you questions an ooneezns. (Submitted by Laura Rein) }
SPEC KIT §l25, "mu hnical Services Cost Studies in ARL 3
Libraries," updates a .;mélar 1982 study. while most libraries {
agree that comparative ¤n a——· W studies would be useful, only 24% j
have conducted a stun; 1. Vne past 3 years. The kit presents the i
survey results of 21 libraries, highlighting procedures,
rationale, utility, issuer, .\.— needs, and staffing concerns.
SPSQ KIT {Aid ’»»;»mated Library Systems in ARL
Libraries," reports Qwe experiences of 12 ARL libraries with
mainframes and mlniuomante s, administrative arrangements, etc.
The data is taken from x hour interviews with representatives of
12 libraries.
`___——"PlEa§emHEt§ that VMVC ivki ?Ie complete descriptions of these
positions are kept ix o;.p tos weference Department.
Head, Architecture and environmental Design Library. Arizona
State Universityr Salary. $23,000 and up. Dédillhet October
31, 1986. _ _
Section Head, copy @a;m»oqing Section. The Stanford wniversity
Libraries. Salary; #xz,G00 -··~ $38,300 ~ $3l,300~$46.3MO-
Deadline: October il, Jess.
Humanities Librarian. University of California ~ Ir ine Library.
Salary: $24,012. Sen l;¤$Z October 15, 1986.

E ·8· .
! Romance Languages Librarian. University of California — Irvine
g Library. Salary: $24,012. Deadline: October 15, 1986.
Q Biological Sciences Reference Librarian, Biomedical Library.
§ University of California - Irvine Library. Salary: $24,012.
§ Deadline: October 1, 1986.
Assistant Director of Libraries for Public Services. University
of Delaware. Salary: $35,000 minimum. Deadline: October 31,
Librarian of Africana. Northwestern University Library. Salary:
$24,000—$28,000. Deadline: October 15, 1986.
Management Reference Librarian. Northwestern University Library. `
Salary: $21,000—$24,000. Deadline: September 30, 1986.
Preservation Officer. The University of Michigan. Salary:
$30,000—$40 OOO. Deadline: September 15, 1986.
Serials Cataloger. The University of Michigan. Salary: $18,500 ?
minimum. Deadline: September 30, 1986. {
Head, Slavic Division. The University of Michigan. Salary: ‘ E
$28,000~$40,000. Deadline: September 20, 1986.
Head, Near East Division. The University of Michigan. Salary:  
$28,000—$40,000. Deadline: September 20, 1986. j
Head, Undergraduate Library. The University of Michigan. .
Salary: $35,000 minimum. Deadline: October 15, 1986. Q
Coordinator, Collection Development, Undergraduate Library. The i
University of Michigan. Salary: $20,500. Deadline: September i
30, 1986. \ g
Collection Development Librarian, North Carolina Collection. The g
University of North Carolina. Salary: commensurate with g
qualifications. Deadline: October 1, 1986. i

 2 —9— . i
i oH1o ?
y Dean and University Librarian. University of Cincinnati. Q
1 Salary: $60,000 minimum. Deadline: October 30, 1986. r
1 Social Sciences Librarian. whittenburg University. Salary: not  
specified. Deadline: September 22, 1986.
Humanities Librarian. Whittenburg University. Salary: not .
specified. Deadline: September 22, 1986. §
Business/Economics Reference Librarian. The University of
Oklahoma. Salary: $17,000 minimum. Deadline: October 1, 1986. f
s .

The Director's Office is trying to schedule a van to
attend KLA in October. If you wish to take the van, please fill
out the form below and return to Paul Willis no later than
September 12. Keep in mind that, in order to accomodate the most
people, the van will probably leave early and return late. See
the last QE or call Kerry Kresse, 257-5954 for a copy of the
program. Please send in a form even if you have already
contacted the Director's Office. THANKS!
Yes! I am interested in taking the van to KLA on: i
(check all applicable)
Wednesday, October 1
Thursday, October 2
Friday, October 3
(Check one) I am am not interested in staying
overnight in Louisville.