xt76125q957p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125q957p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-08-10 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, August 10, 1973, no. 12 text Bulletin, August 10, 1973, no. 12 1973 1973-08-10 2014 true xt76125q957p section xt76125q957p ‘”i_-T"`   il: _` }‘ rr-ni-.-,5 tg   { 9 Q.'}.\L¤s2§ 1..N‘%J-73     rc
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PERSONNEL CHRNGFSr Terminatiwns: Linda _ _ _ V
  1. aa , ;rr¤;at1.;; wary 1. oan U 9* 1 V i¤ ii 5   T YD  7   ’·?  U   KY
(MIK,; Janet Ehrmantraut. classified, L¥E¤~~$~~
Geology Lihraryymhghette Qiight, classified,
Reserve Rm. (MIK); Paula Qf§h§§, olassifiee, Auqugk lg, 3972 NG_ 12
Acquisitions (MIK). Transiers: Marie Cope- ——»~i-——~»~»»»-»-»~~
lang, professional from Agriculture Library -~~»-WMW~-—~»—~»-»~~W-
to Math Library; Beryl Gaither, unclassified
from Math Library to Biological Science Library; John watson, classified,
from Circulation to Reserve Room (MIK); Gwen_£§r;isj classified, from CSR
to Map Department; Marcia goggle;] classified, from Circulation~Copy Service
(MIK) to Geology Library; Bonnie Sue Reed, classified from Referenoe—Inter—
library Loan to Interlibrary Loan (MIFTT* Appointments: Katherine Alien,
classified, Cataloging (MIK). www-*m
QQQEQRQN OP§yl§§§: Acquisitions (MIK), 2 classified V, open 8/ll/73 and
8/18/73; Central Serials Record (MIK), 2 classified V, open S/la/73 and
8/25/73; Circulation-Copy Service, classified IV, open $/18/73; @dministra~
tive Services, classified V, open now; Reference (MIK), classified V, open
8/2C/73; Agriculture Library, professional, open now.
ONE MORE CHANGE: Ms. Mary Ruth Brown, Agriculture Librarian, has agreed to
tEke“on*the"task of Acting Assistant Director for Public Services. Mr. Bill
Lee is leaving us for the University of Cincinnati where he will be the
Kssooiate Director of Libraries. Ms. Brown began working with the Universitj
Library system in the Cataloging Department of MIK in l96G. In l966 she took
over the position vacated by Mr. Bill Gardner of Agriculture Librarian. Afte=
receiving an AH degree from UK, Ms. Bro§n_tEught mathematics and spanish for
several years in Nevada and Oregon then returned to UK to take her MSLS work.
Since l969 she has published several items, among them a monograph which was
reported in the No.2 issue of the gulletin, Ms. Brown has also been active
in professional organizations and consulting. She is currently an officer
of the Associates of the National Agriculture Library and in l972 worked with
the librarians of Venezuela in developing their library system. Mon Brown
and her husband George have a daughter.
  Dr. Thomas J. yalghart is our new Biol.Soi. librarian.
He has a joint appointment between the Library and the College of Library
Science. Dr, Waldhart received his Ph.D. from Indiana University with a BS
in Zoology and MS in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin. He
has had several publications dating back to 1969. Dr. Waldhart and his wife
Enid, have two children of preschool age.
KCLIS: From the memo date 8/6/73 from Mr. Gordon: "Mr. William P. Qhurgan
EEIEE6 the staff of the (Kentucky) Criminal Law Information Servicewbnioemm
operates out ot the Law Library, on August l, 1973. Mr. Thurman is no
stranger in the Law Library since he has been employed both as a student
assistant and in a part—time capacity while attending Law School. Mr.
Thurman is a graduate of Georgetown College and received his law degree from
UK this past May."
CATALCQlNG: From Dorothy Green, Cataloging Department (MIK): "As suhjeot
ooorginetor, I will he re§§EE§ible for maintaining our subject heading
authority file (the LC list); seeing that adequate oross~reEerenoes for
subject headings were made: compiling the weekly list of new subject headings
and dealing with other subject heading problems as they come up. The weenly
Eeg_§u§jeEt_§eaging list is available upon request from me." ` ‘

 ,e 2 August 10, 1973
ALLEY: Ms. Kay Alley, Director of the Kentucky Criminal Law Information
Service, has published "Criminal Law Information Service Begins Second Year"
, in the Kentucky Bar Journal 37:50, July 1973.
SUBJECT HEADINGS OF THE WEEK: Common Cause (U.S.); Dissonance; Inefficiency,
Intellectual — Dictionaries - Polyglot; Immunocompetent cells.
MAP DEPARTMENT: "Currently, there are three map collections within the MIK
library system (plus GPD); l) Geology Library, 2) Special Collections,
and 3) MIK—Map Dept. The Geology Library collects and houses maps dealing
with geology and houses the depository maps received from the U.S. Geological
Survey (topographic maps). Special Collections maintains a collection of rar= .
and historical maps dealing with Kentucky, the Ohio Valley, and surrounding
areas. There are a few maps in GPD which have been received sporadically
on the Documents depository program.
The MIK-Map Dept. will collect, house and service a map collection to
support most of the academic programs on campus. The primary users will be
Geography, History, Sociology and Political Science. It is hoped that with
contact with other departments on campus that the use of the map collection
can be extended to a wider audience. The map collection will not be class-
room oriented (i.e., it will not collect multiple copies of maps to be used
for classroom assignments). Although the department has purchased a few
raised relief maps to be circulated for classroom use, it will not develop
a large wall map collection.
·` The present ... collection consists of about 35,000 maps, most of which
were transfered from the stack area of Special Collections. A budget and a 
acquisitions policy have now been developed ... However, even with a budget,
every attempt is made to acquire free as many maps as possible. Since the
dept. has been established, we have developed many (gratis) depository
agreements with both commercial and governmental agencies. Today we have
added the following: The National Ocean Survey, Rand McNally (road maps),
Defense Mapping Agency (topographic center), Ky. Dept. of Highways, Ky. Dept.
of Commerce, Ky. Geological Survey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the
National Forest Service.
Although the primary responsibility of the Map Dept. is to provide map ‘
reference service to its users, it cannot do so effectively without organizing
the co1lection_in some fashion. Therefore, the dept. has an added responsi-
bility of classifying and cataloging ... After careful consideration, it was
decided to utilize the 'G' schedule of the Library of Congress for the clas-
sification ... and to use the AA Cat. Rules for (descriptive)cataloging,
thus being entirely compatible with LC which should save much time and effort
after the MARC tapes are available from the Southeastern network ... Atlases
will be transferred from the MIK stacks at a future date. The atlases within
the collection will continue to be classified and cataloged by the Cataloging
Due to a small staff, hours for the Map Dept. will be 8:00-5:00 Monday-
Friday. It is hoped that after the dept. becomes more established that the
Reference Dept. can offer some service when the Map Dept. is closed. Maybe
sometime early this fall we will have an open house.”
126 days to the BIG MOVE