xt76125q8v9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125q8v9c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1936-11-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1936 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1936 1936 1936-11-20 2013 true xt76125q8v9c section xt76125q8v9c Best Copy Available








Beauty Queen Candidates
Are Submitted to Kyian
As Sales Contest Closes
At Kentucklan Dance

Saturday Night

Candidates for the 1937 Kentucklan Beauty Queen and Most
Popular Man, chosen on the basis
of Kentucstan sales, were announced late yesterday by James
of the
Kentucklan. Thirty-fo- ur
for beauty queen and seven for
most popular man were submitted.
The winners will be chosen and
presented during the Intermission
of the Kentucklan formal dance to
be held tomorrow night from 9 'til
12 o'clock in the Alumni gymnasium.
Candidates selected, and their
respective organizations are as follows:
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Frances
Pasadena, Calif.; Lois
King, Louisville; Leigh Brown, Lexington; Mary Eleanor Clay, Winchester; Jean Pat Belt, Midway.
Betty Bosworth,
Chi Omega:
Emily Qulgley, New
Orleans, La.; Dorothy Ann Young,
Chicago; Elizabeth Rogers, Shelby-vill- e.







Latest 'Sour Mash'
To Be Off Press
During Next Week

(Germany Discussed
By Professor Bigge



New Sorority Pledges To Be

Presented; Prneram Starts
At fi:30 o'Clock In Lafayette Ballroom


O'lie May Rnyers Receives
Crown At Annual Fall Fete
Held Last Night At Slock
Judging Pavilion


Reported As 'Fair'



The annual ceremony for the
crowning of the fall festival queen
was conducted last night In the
Judging pavilion of the Experiment
Station farm by members of the
Block and Bridle club.



P. M. Sunday
In Memorial Hall



Famous Pianist PAN -- HELLENIC'S
To Be Featured
On Vesper Hour
Arthur Loesser To Give
cert At

Miss OIlie May Boycrs, California,
Ky., was chosen queen of the festival by men students of the College of Agriculture, was crowned by
Prof. George Roberts, assistant
dean of the College of Agriculture,
amidst the festivities appropriate
for the occasion.
The address of welcome at the
festival was made by Prof. E. S.
Good, head of the department of
George Kurtz,
animal Industry.
president of Block and Bridle, served
as ringmaster, assisted by Paul Car-raand Gaven McMurtry. Booths
were abundant displaying the work
Delta Delta: Evelyn of the College of Agriculture and a
Flowers, College Park, Ga.; June trophy was given for the best booth
Las sing, St. Petersburg, Fla ; Bet- by Alpha Zeta, honorary agriculElizabeth tural fraternity.
ty Bakaus, Covington;
Branch, Sales City, Ga.; Elizabeth
The Poultry club of the UniverBlack, Corning, Ark.
sity presented a turkey to the womFerguson, an who won the contest conducted
Alpha XI: Virginia
by the organization. More than 150
Kappa Delta: Irene Sparks, Ash- live and dressed turkeys were disland; Frances Sledd, Lexington; played in the pavilion, the display
Charlotte Sanders, Lancaster; Ruth being held In conjunction with the
Johnson, Cincinnati.
annual state turkey show featured
Alpha Gamma Delta: Roberta this week. Other features of the
Payne, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; Ann entertainment prepared for the ocRobinson, Lexington; Jean Barker, casion consisted of a milking cona short discusLouisville; Evelyn McAllister, Cliftest for the s,
charton, N. J.; Kathryn Flannery, San sion on the distinguishing
Antonio, Texas; Velma Hardesty, acteristics of the different breeds of
livestock, and a parade of the
Delta Zeta: Charlotte Perclval, pledges.
Covington; Maxine Mays, Lexington.
Zeta Tau Alpha: Marjorie Gallagher, Lakewood, Ohio.
Alpha Delta Theta: Emily Smttlx,
Fort Knox, Ky.
Independent: Marcella Martin,
Lexington; Charlotte Wlble, Lexington; Louise Nichols, Lexington;
Jessie Roby, Lexington; Nell Nevlns, Plans Formulated To EstabLexington.
lish Chapter Of Phi Alpha
Nominees for Most Popular Man
Theta, National History
are: Eugene Warren, Alpha Gamma Rho, Henderson; Bob Forsythe,
Honorary, On Campus
Sigma Chi, Lexington; Fred Fugaz-z- l.
Alpha Tau Omega,
A chapter of Phi Alpha Theta,
Bob Davis, PI Kappa Alpha, Daynational history honorary, will be
ton; Ben Fowler, Delta Tau Delta, established at the University this
Henry "Blng" Miller, semester should enough Interest be
Triangle, Savannah, Ga,; Bob
aroused among students majoring
Phi Kappa Tau, Covington. in the department or specializing in
The ceremony of choosing and that field.
presenting the queen will
An organization meeting to debogin at 10:15 o'clock. Five Judges, termine the procedure of estabselected by the Kentucklan editor lishing a chapter here has been set
end business manager, will select at 4 p. m. Monday, Nov. 23, In the
the winner. Five girls will be Woman's building by Murlln Day,
chosen and rated, the first becom- Wllmore, who Is sponsoring the
ing the queen and the other four project.
Students interested In a
ri.r.klng girls her attendants.
history honorary are urged to atpopular man will be tend the meeting.
The most
selected by ballot by all men stuSince there is no group or club on
dents attending the dance. Voting the campus for students interested
will end at 10 o'clock so the votes In history, the committee has atn.ay be counted and the winner tempted to solve this by organizing
presented along with the queen.
a history honorary which will give
those students an opportunity to
meet and discuss Interesting topics
In that field, and recognize their
more outstanding students.
Phi Alpha Theta Is the only national history honorary In the United States and has chapters at Ohio
humor State, the University of Southern
Sour Mash, University
publication, will be off the press California, Florida 6tate College for
and ready for distribution the mid- Women, Southern Methodist, and
dle of next week, according to an- others. It was founded in 1921 at
Renouncements yesterday by editors the University of Arkansas.
quirements for entrance Into the
of the magazine.
This month's Issue, the second honorary are a two standing In hisone since the magazine became a tory courses, and at least 12 hours
monthly, will feature the regular of history. It will be open for both
columns as well as original Jokes, graduates and undergraduates, with
cartoons, and other stories, and In different requirements for each
addition a special section devoted class.
to pictures
of the outstanding
pledges of sororities.
Next month's 'ssue, the December
number, will feature the winner of
a pledge queen contest to be conducted by the magazine and picGerProf. Adolph E. Blgge
tures of the Kentucklan beauty man department, spoke of the
on "Front
queen and her attendants.
Page Events in Qermany Today" at
Sour Mash, started last year to
replace the Kampus Kat, Is pub- the Lexington
meeting held at noon Monday in
lished by Delta Sigma Chi, JournaLafayette hotel.
listic honorary for men. Ross J. the
According to
ChepeltS is editor; George Spencer, two outstanding Professorin Blgge, the
associate editor; and James Hag-le- r, recently were
Dictator Hitler's asbusiness manager of the pubsertion that the nation's economic
future was safe, and the contradictory action of the floating of
large loans which followed. Professor Bigge called the November
victory of President Roosevelt an
"election" but termed the recent
The condition of Miss Elizabeth vote for Hitler a "vote of approval. '
Llgon, sophomore at the University, The speaker was introduced by
and Charles Moler, freshman, who Lawton Stokely, member of the
were Injured Sunday night In an program committee.
automobile accident on the Tate's
Creek pike, ww reported as fair
yetierday at the Good Samaritan
A Thanksgiving
sunrise service
A nu mber of Kappa Delta sororiwill be held In Memorial hall at
ty. Miss Llgon u a member of 6:30 o'clock Thursday, Nov. 20. The
SirulU'rs. the Kernel staff, and Is speaker will be Leo Oreen who
Pun Hellenic- representative for her spoke at the Thanksgiving service
Mr. Moler, a pledge to last year. The program will be In
tui- 'ilty.
A'.p a Tau Omega fraternity, is a charge of the B. S. U. Council of
am .ml in Uie College of
the University. All students are
urged to come.

Injured Students



Most Popular Man Nominees
Chosen; Judging To Be


Susan Price and Ruth





20. 1936

Warren, Penn, Mills Swept
Into Junior Class Offices
By Prat Clique Comeback






Present Selections On Program

Annual Fall Meeting To Be
Held December 4 and 5;
annual banquet, at
Session To Feature Banwhich all members of the nine
quet And Speeches
national sororities on the Univer-





Pan-Helel- nic



Opinions Discussed

Italo-Ethlopi- an

The traditional fear of Russia,
the effect on England of the revolution In Spain, the lack of confidence In the League, and the light
armaments In England today were

also discussed by Major Booth.
Major Booth was introduced by
John Breckinridge,
the International Relations club.

Many Organizations To Aid
By Donating For Thanksgiving Day Baskets

Debut To Be Made
By Guignol Actors
"Twelfth Night" Opens
7, Featuring Newcomers

Little Theatre

William Tudor, Lee Heine, Mason
John McFarland and
Ruth Williams are among the University students who will make
their debut to Guignol audiences In
"Twelfth Night," which opens at
the Gnlgnol theatre Dec. 7, for a
week's run.
Bill Tudor comes from Henry
Clay where he was prominent In
dramatics. He was in the senior
play last June, "The Goose Hangs
High" and In the Henry Clay minstrels. He was also a winner in the
state dramatic contest in "The Enemy."
He appears In "Twelfth
Night" in a double role; first as
Valentine and later as Fabian. Mason Mcintosh, Hargett, formerly a
student of the University of Louisville, portrays Antonio, that rather necessary person who rescues Sebastian from the sea and follows
his adventures to Illyria. Lee Heine
Is from Louisville.
Heine, a Delt
pledge and a member of the business staff on both the Kernel and
Sour Mash, will be seen In "Twelfth
Night" as the priest and alternate
prompter with Ruth Williams, a
senior from Cor bin. whose part Is
"Johnthat of the
ny Mac" McFarland, PI Kap pledge,
Lexington, and who is a member of
the band, orchestra and Olee club,
portrays the officer.

A series of Spanish lessons under
the direction of J. E. Hernandez,
Spanish Instructor In the department f w romance languages, will be
broadcast from radio station WLAP

Baskets For Needy

for Thanksgiving
baskets for needy families In Lexington are being asked for by the
Social Service group of the Y. W. C.
A., which donates baskets every year
at this time to people recommended
by the Family Welfare society.
Patterson hall, Boyd hall, and ev
ery sorority house will contribute
Town people and com
muters can give money or food for
the baskets to Virginia Richardson,
Ann Lang, or Elizabeth Cowan at
the "Y" office In the Woman's build
This year both men and women
are being asked to cooperate with
the Social Service group. The bas
kets will be brought to the families
Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 25,
Dec. on
starting at 1 o'clock.

Current English

Main currents of opinion In England today, and the attitude of the
English people towards foreign influences and events were discussed
by Maj. C. Douglas Booth, of London, British officer, author and authority on British foreign policy, In
an address at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon at McVey hall to students,
faculty and guests of the University.
The Influences of imperial and
reactionary leaders, such as Winston Churchill, who believes in territorial expansion, and Lord
the Hearst of England,
were presented as opposing the liberal and labor parties which are
paciflstic and idealistic. "Between
these two extremes stand the great
mass of the British people," said
Major Booth. "This group was not
conscious until recently of Britain's
tremendous loss of prestige In the
affair. They are
being brought around to Imperial
consciousness, and if successfully
aroused will be ready to protect
England and all her lines of com-

YW Group Sponsors

from 1:30 to 1:45 p. m. beginning WPA CONSTRUCTING
today with a brief resume of the
course. The first lessons, beginning
with pronunciation, will start next
Friday. The text used In these
The basement of Neville hull is in
lessons will be "Elementary Spanthe process of complete renovation
ish," by W. 8. Hendrlx, published nnd five new psychological laboraby Heath Si company, Chicago.
tories are being constructed there,
Is was revealed Thursday.
new laboratories will contain equipDUTCH CLUB MEETS TODAY
ment for experiments that heretoThe Dutch Lunch club of the Y. fore have been Impossible, due to
W. C. A. will meet at noon today at the scarcity of equipment available.
will contain,
the Maxwell Presbyterian church.
The laboratories
a rat
An "Amateur Hour" has been ar- among other equipment,
ranged for the program. In which colony, which was transported from
various members of the club will the old animal house on the west
participate. Town girls and com- side of the caitipiu. The rats and
muters only are Invited to the other sn all animals will be subjects
meeting, which will be the last one for psyc'io ogical experiment. The
before the Thanksgiving holiday.
work is bring clone by WPA labor.

Sophomore Y' Group
To Hold Discussion
The Sophomore Commission of
the Y. W. C. A. will hold a supper



6:15 o'clock on Monday,

Third Party Entrance Weakened Independent Combine, Is Opinion


Kernel Political Writer


In what was perhaps the
closest election ever held on
the campus, Eugene Warren
was elected president of the
junior class by a plurality of
eight votes; Edgar Penn,
and Robert
vice-preside- nt





making a complete victory
for the Fraternity combine
in yesterday's election held in
the Administration building.

Polling between 57 and 60 votes,
tithe candidates of the
san league, In their first election,
drew most of their support from the
normally strong Independent combine, enabling the Fraternity clique
to eke out the victory.
Warren polled 141 votes to his
opponents' 133 and 57. cast for
Terry and Evans, respectively.
In the


Turkey Display
Gets Under Way
At Ag Pavilion





Steck-me- st,

and Wunderllch, 58. The
contest resulted
151 votes being cast for Mills,
who received the largest number of
votes of any candidate In the election: 128 votes for Abram, and CO



for Leet.

Exhibitions Show Prize Birds; Evidence of the trend of the voting was shown during the late afPhases of Turkey Raisternoon when Reynolds Watkins
ing Are Discussed
stated that he ielt that the contest
One hundred and twenty-fi-ve
turkeys and 60 carcasses were put
on display Wednesday In the livestock Judging pavilion as turkey
raisers from Kentucky and several
other 6tates and Ontario, Canada,
exhibited their prize birds as the
annual fall turkey show, sponsored
by the University Poultry club, the
Kentucky Poultry Improvement association and the College of Agriculture, got under way.
Judging of the live birds was held
yesterday and will continue today,
with the birds on exhibit until noon.
Prof. Wade H. Rice of the University of Maryland and S. J. Marsden
of the United States Department of
Agriculture are Judging the exhibits.
Speeches and demonstrations Indicating how more money can be
made from turkeys were given yesterday under the direction of the
Kentucky Poultry Improvement association. H. L, Shrader, Washington, turkey expert, discussed phases
of the poultry show at the morning
session which began at 10 o'clock.
He was followed by Prof. Dana
Card of the department of markets
of the College of Agriculture, who
spoke on "When Shall I Sell My
Turkeys?" "Increasing the Income
from Turkeys" was the subject discussed by Professor Rice In the
closing morning talk. A box lunch
was served at noon.
Features of the afternoon program Included a discussion by Mr.
Marsden of feeding problems, a
talk on breeding problems by Prof.
J. Holmes Martin, a demonstration
by Mr. Rice of turkey Judging and
one by Mr. Shrader and James B.
Cooper on how to dry pick and dress

Nov. 23, In the Woman's building.
The discussion will be on "What
Vocation Shall I Follow?" and will
be led by Carolyn Sigler, Gypso Jo
Davis, Grace Silverman, Mary Jane
Roby and Mary Jane Braly.
Plans for the knitting, handcraft,
and swimming groups of the Y. W.
O. A. Hobby group will be made at
at meeting at 4 p. m. Monday In
the Woman's building, under the
direction of Mary Edith Bach, Catholic
chairman of the Hobby group. MemTo Sponsor Dance
bers who have signed up for the
above activities are requested to atA dance given by the Baden club
tend the meeting to get data on
for the University Catholic club
meeting time and instruction.
will be held tomorrow night from
9 to 12 o'clock at the Lafayette hoINTER-FRACOUNCIL
tel. All Catholic students of the
SENDS TWO TO MEET University are invited.
The Baden club is a Catholic orKenneth C. Raynor nd Ray- ganization composed of Lexington
mond T. Lathrem will represent men. The dance Saturday night is
council at the an annual event sponsored for the
council Catholic club of the University by
convention in New York City next the Lexington organization.



Inter-fraternl- ty

Inter-fratern- ity

Raynor and Lathrem wil leave
Tuesday via automobile and will
return the following Tuesday. Raynor is president of the local chapter of the Inter fraternity council
and represents Delta Chi fratenity.
Lathrem Is a member of Phi Sigma

Votes To


idential Choice


The Kentucky Kernel will be
hosts to college newspapermen from
all over Kentucky at the annual
tail meeting of the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association to be
held on the campus Dec. 4 and 5.
A tentative program
sessions in the morning and afternoon each day, a banquet, and talks
by prominent
newspapermen and
fducators, has been announced. Dr.
James H. Richmond, president of
Murray State Teachers
who has been associated with Ken
tucky newspaper work for many
years, has been invited as one of
the principal speakers. A representative of some Lexington daily
will also be invited to speak.
The dally sessions will feature
talks on various pha?s of college
newspaper work, such as editorial,
sports, features, news, and adver
tising by editors of the member
papers. Representatives of the Kernel will have for their topic "Pub
licity in the College Newspaper."
The contest conducted each year
for the best feature article, news
story, sports story, and editorial
will be another feature of the meet
ing. Each member paper submits
two successive issues of its publi
cation at the fall meeting. The pa
pers are Judged and the winners
announced at the spring meeting.
Keys are awarded these winners.


for Terry, Independent Combine's Pres-



sity campus are to be present, will
be held at 6:30 o'clock tonight In
the ballroom of the Lafayette hotel.
Mary Edith Bach, Alpha Delta
Theta, president of
will preside as toastmlstress
The primary purpose of this banArthur Loesser, pianist' of New quet is to present to the Deans of
arYork City, will be the featured
Women and the
tist at the second Sunday After- council, all the new pledges of the
noon Musicale of the season to be various sororities, and to acquaint
held at 4 p. m. Nov. 22, In Memorial all sorority
with the
pledges of other groups.
Mr. Loesser Is a scholarly muDuring the course of the meal,
sician who has won an enviable there will be short talks made by
record for himself In the realm of Miss Bach and by Dean Blanding.
He has appeared Miss Ruth Clopton, Alpha XI Delta,
serious music.
throughout the world in concert will give a reading and Miss Su.sar,
and as soloist with leading sym- Price, Delta Zeta, will render
phony orchestras.
feveral vocal selections.
Olln Downes, distinguished critic
After the dinner course will fola recent low
of the New York Times In
the main event of
review of one of Mr. Loesser s New program which consists the
of the pre
York recitals, said:
of the pledges to the
"Arthur Loesser, a pianist whose sentatlon of
The balldistinguished musicianship has oft- room
will be
en been displayed when he appeared formed from cleared and an aisle
the entrance of the
as recitalist and in ensemble groups, room to
returned last night before a large which will the seated Deantable at
audience. Mr. Loesser's playing of
Dean Holmes, Mrs. Frank L.
Bach was notable for Its brilliancy McVey, Mrs. Murylee Collins,
of tone, achieved without forcing, a A. R. Washington,
and the members
fine sense of proportion and a clar- of the
ity of outline which few specialists
pledges, in alphabetical ordin the classics could surpass. He er,The by sororities and by names,
Is a pianist of brilliant capacities."
walk, individually, the entire
Mr. Loesser's program is aa. fol- will
length of the ballroom and bow to
the head table rise and face the
Scarlatti other end of the room, give their
Five Sonatas
name, sorority, and home town.
They than walk back to
Mozart end of the room and the other
C Minor
take their
place with the otner members.
Prelude and Fuga, E minor
This procedure, which lasts about
Mendelssohn two hours, will conclude the banChopin quet program.
Nocturne, C minor
.- .- Chopin
Two Mazurkas
council is comChopin posed of two representatives from
Variations on a theme by Halevy
each of the nina sororities on the
Chopin campus.
The officers are: Mary
Edith Bach, Alpha Delta Theta,
bass)....Dohnanyl president; Marjorie Gallagher, Zeta
March (obstinate
Albeniz Tau Alpha, secretary; and Eleanor
Rondena (from Iberia).
Randolph, Kappa Delta, treasurer.
Other members of the council are:
Reva Sexton, Helen Farmer, Mary
Ann Stilz, Hazel Brown, Alice Bailey, Mary Todd, Jeanne Short,
Dixie Abram, Edith Woodburn,
Maj. Douglas Booth Speaks Elizabeth Llgon, Ann Law Lyons,
Betty Gilbert, Martha Lowe, and
To Group Monday In
Jean Allen.
McVey Hall



A total of $60 has Just been contributed to the University departs
ment of publicity to use In establishing new radio listening centers
in the mountains of Kentucky.
Martin L. Schmidt, president of
Bottling company In
the Coca-Co- la
Louisville, contributed $50 for this
Miss Sara Moore, student in the purpose and Mrs. Laetitea M. Snow
department of home economics of of Wellesley, Mass., contributed $10
the College of Agriculture, has been to this fund after reading the aradjudged Kentucky's
ticle In the "Reader s Digest" about
pion in foods. As state champion the listening centers.
she receives an
educational trip to the fifteenth NaTEACHERS ATTEND MEET
tional club congress to be held In
Chicago Nov. 27 to Dec. 5. and will
Miss Nell Plerson and Miss Louise
compete with other stale chamWilson of the University elementary
pions for two refrigerators. She Is school faculty are attending
also contender for one of three cash teachers' conference
at Elkhorn,
college scholarships of $400. (300, Ky. They will give a Wachln
and $300.
demonstration today.

would be extremely close. In the
senior election, the Independent
combine's leader expressed confidence throughout the day.
Members of the Mens' Student
council, which conducted the election, stated after the vote count
that they regarded the election as
being one of the "cleanest" as well
as perhaps the closest in campus
politics history.
The tactics used by the various
parties during the day showed the
uneasiness under which the "bosses"
labored. The combine's leaders talked excitedly and ran up large telephone tolls, telephoning to fraternity and sorority houses. They received the votes from these organizations in almost solid blocks,
counting the persons as having
voted for their particular candidates as the voters marked their


All campus organizations who are
entitled to give formal dances this
year are requested by Dean T. T.
Jones to turn in their first and second choices for dates to the office
of the dean of men at once.

Sigma XI will meet


7 o'clock

tonight in Room 200 of the Civil
Engineering and Physics building.
All members are requested to be
present. Dr. J. Holmes Martin will
present a paper on "Nature of Experimental Evidence In the Study
of Oenes In Poultry."

There will be a meeting of Sigma
Pi Sigma at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Room 200 of the Physics
Several papers wUl be
read and refreshments will be
A general open house will be held
building this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Music will
be furnished by a student orchestra

at the Woman

and refreshments will be served.
All students are invited.

Ateneo Castellano, Spanish club
of the University, will meet at 7:30
o'clock Monday night In the Woman's building.

There will be an Important meeting of Lamp and Cross on Monday
night, Nov. 23, at the Phi Tau
house. Every member Is urged to
be there.
The S. C. F. will give it annual
Christmas dance from 10 to a
o'clock on Dec. 7, at the Lexington
Country club.


The Senior Cabinet of he Y. W.
C. A. will hold its lust meeting before the Thanksgiving holidays
m. today in Boyd hall.

4 p.


A meeting of the B. S. V. Council
will be held at 6:45 o'clock Monduy
in the Administration building. All

members please be present as there
(Continued on Page Four)

� Best Copy

Page Two



Pout Offlra at Lfilnfton, Kruturkj,
claaa matter undrr lh Act of March , l(7t.

Intrrrd at the





Lmnaion ttiiard ol Commerce
RentucKy lnlrrrollraialr rr.ua Auortatloo
A mmh.r of the Memr Colleire Publications, repreeented by
4 i. Nome BUI oo , lit t. 43 nil St., New York City; it B.
Warier Dnva, Cniraao; Call BuJdim. Kan Franriaco; Ml We4-oo- d
Bird., Lo. Angclea;


Second Are., BeaiUa.

ExtevTiva BoAta

George M. Spencer
iloss J. CntrELEEF
David II. Salvers


Business Manager

Ike M. Moore

.Betty Earl
...Theo Nadelsteln
..William B. Arthur
Oeorge Turner

Editorial Adviser
Associate Editor......
Assistant Managing Editor.
Assistant Editor

...Eleanor Randolph
..Odl Lee Harris
...Ralph E. Johnson


Feature Editor.
Special Editor.
Sports Editor.
Bobby Evanl


Managing Editor
News Editor

.Joe Qulnn
BUlf Evans
Robert Rankin

Raymond T. Lathrem
Cliff 8haw

Sidney Buckley
O. T. Heruacn
Tom Humble

Walter Mllero
Betty Murphy
Melcolm Patteraon
Marjorla Rieaar
Lillian Webb

A. J. Dotson

Hatel Doughltt
Mrlvln Forden
Audrey Forster
John Morgan

Mack Buihca

Orace Silverman
Bob Stone
Thomaa Watklni

Alice Bailey
Oeorge Jackaon

Al Vogel
Advertising Manager
Clifton Vogt
L. Allen Heine
Edgar Perm
Tom Rees
Neville Tatum
Circulation Manager
Circulation Stan
aienn can

News, S a. m. to 4 p. m, Univ.
Business, 6 a. m. to 4 p. m., Univ. 74. Sundays and after hours, city 2724 or 7542.



America has been a Rip Van Winkle, but now
her score or more years is over. She has been
awakened from her long sleep by a philanthropic Englishman and is ready to continue her
progress with open eyes and renewed energy.
David Low, famous British cartoonist, is the
Englishman to whom America owes this newly
acquired spirit. To him goes the credit for finding us in a rut and graciously helping us to see
the way out.
It is unbelievable that we did not realize our
symbol which
trouble was in the
stands for our United States Uncle Sam. For
years we have been struggling blindly along, says
Mr. Low, represented by a lanky,
Yankee from down East, whom we have long ago
It is readily seen, as our English friend points
out, that the people of our country have become
citified and sophisticated, and that although the
picture of Uncle Sam was appropriate when
Thomas Nast, the great American cartoonist,
first drew the gentleman, he is now
That is the rut which we were in handicapped by an out of date symbol. To aid us in
coming once again into our own, Mr. Low sugman with horn
gests that a brisk business-likshoes and sporting a
rimmed glasses, sharp-toetuxedo would better represent this growing, aggressive, young country.
An Englishman has taken the first step in
modernizing our national symbol, but the
American people are quick to learn. We will
not be caught asleep again. There are other
out of date symbols which we can be the first ti
out-mode- d



liberty of half a century ago must have been, and
how stupid we have been to permit such an oui
of date woman to symbolize the liberty of today.
We must at once inaugurate a campaign to have
her replaced by a modern girl. Possibly the
statue should now be that of an evening gowiu
butterfly with a cigarette held high in place
old Miss Liberty's torch, and a cocktail shaker
could be substituted for the book she clutches in
her left arm.
Styles change rapidly in America
could also. The Statue of Liberty might be
made to represent the prevailing mode of each
season. This fall she would have made her appearance in jodphurs with a whip in her upraised hand, and a saddle over her left arm. Or
this summer she would have best represented
the country by wearing shorts and holding a
tennis racket high above her head and several
tennis balls in her left arm.
Uncle Sam and our famous statue are not the
For example, on
only things to be changed.
our coins, buffaloes no longer represent our
hog should take
country. A fine
same is true of paper money. We
its place. The
hat on George
might either put a pork-piWashington on our dollar bills, or take him off
entirely in favor of the year's leading movie
football player.
queen or
Everyone knows that our national bird, the
eagle, is becoming very scarce. Yet we still find
him on our coins and various governmental
property. Thus it appears that for many years
we have been overlooking the fact that there arc
many more canaries or even buzzards in the
United States. A popular election must now be
held to determine if it will be canaries or buzzards on our coins in the future.
Our modernization program must begin at
once. America must not be caught asleep againl





The Campus

with Theo Nadelstein
The gal with the softest eyes is Dot McCam-mis... the heartiest laf f belongs to Tom Sprag-ens- .
. .the most colorful muffler is worn around
Mack Hughes' neck ... the lad with the nicest
sense of humor is Walter Riddell. . .the sickest
colors on the campus are the ones on the directory covers... the dryest classroom wit belongs
to Ed Muehsler. . .and the best thing about this
time of year is Thanksgiving.


only 35


party, because it is
1. To the
an attempt to better the politics on this
Non-Partisa- n

2. To Sag Kash, former Kernelite, because ne
sent this column its first real fan letter.
3. To stoogents who DON'T say, "I just know
I flunked that quiz!" after each exam.


The following people have asked to be mentioned in this column:
1. Bob Strohm.
2. Bernie Opper.
3. Dick Kronman.
Strohm, Bernie Opper, and Dick
also said they'd smack me down if I
put them in the Accommodation department.
Did it ever occur to you that the Statue of Come up and see me at the Good Samaritan
years old. How different sometime!)
Liberty is
A number of students at Kansas




University gave phony names and
phone numbers when filling out
church forms on registration day
last week.