xt76125q8g8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt76125q8g8q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1955 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 26, 1955 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 26, 1955 1955 1955 2012 true xt76125q8g8q section xt76125q8g8q V  
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William H. Townsend, past president of the UK Alumni g I
return Association and distinguished member of the Fayette Coun-   T
ty Bar, receives "Alumnus of the Year" award between   V
halves of the Homecoming Game. (Story on Page 5.) li  ‘
I 2  ·
. _   __   _ ;,;____;;V._;;,;;___;;g;;;—_g     _.       '
V i Z
Glu e XXVI February, @55 Nu ber 1 I it V e
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  Th H E dTh ° "L"F L lt
1 1 Alumni of the University ot Kentucky are URGBD to read the story 111 the
, curre11t issue of the ALUMNUS, describing proposals which will be p11t before The
i the annual membership meeting on May 28th., relative to an enlarged and more Publi,
  A tt(1€qllHt€ 1:ttl1(1-l'tl1S1l1g p1'0g1't1111. 0116 of 11118 lhzllly C0llC1`€tG 1`<3t1SOl1S \V111C11 11zlS ilienilgls
  inspired these proposals is the fact that this year`s Loyalty Fund campaign to ifggghti
j raise money for scholarships, has been more successful than any since tl1e initial " rfember
Z -' A tucky
. di 1V€. V p com
t An eltort will be made to acquaint alu1n111 with the purposes ot the plan in Emp
. this and the May issue of the ALUMNUS, in the hope that the voting member- ggigitj
_ ship will see its wisdom and ratify its execution. A$*°°i°*¤
j In the meantime, each of you who have participated this year may take great g°li’_;c€
·· · ·' ' t lis con ributors. ‘ llafgm
_ personal piide in he t of t Am W
, Mrs. Marshall Chilton, Burgin, Ky. E. D. Armstrong, Box 708, Beckley, \V. Va. fice, 1*
Conrad M. Willis, 59-C Elizabeth Rd., Hampton, Va. Dr. \Villiam T. Maxson, 1636 Ashland Dr., Lexington, Ky. Homer 1
z Howard F. Brown, 921 Rogers Ct., VVaukegan, 111. McClellan Galbraith, 630 \Vashington St., Henderson, Ky. f0rdA
Raymond E. Clark, 956 Nela View Rd., Cleveland 12, Ohio Bernard VV. Southgate, jr., 116 E. 19th St., Covington, Ky, Helen G
Arthur H. Reeb, 941 E. Main St., Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Stephen McCrea m me Alum nm county-cmg. com, owingsvme Ns=*¤¤¤ C¤¤¤*v—B¢¤z¤·= S¤·n¤¤·=*S- B¤d¤*¤w¤
_ Association includes subscription to the Alumnus- Bell County—R. H. Bm-ker, Pineville N‘°h°las C°““tY‘"M'ss Mme FI°“‘· C“'lm° -
-   Bourbon C0,mty_BasilH8ydeu’Puis Northeastem Kentucky—]ames D. Nrckell, Box
Member of Natwnal Edrtcrml Ass¤p¤¤¤¤¤. Ken- Boyd County-Francis Martin Cute, The Mum $6** Ashland- KY- . »  
lucky Press Assocmtron, Amerxcnn Alumnr A“·m]c_ Ashkmd ’ Ohm Cou11ty—Whayne Priest, Hartford V x
Council Boyge C%untI>é—]ames M. Norvell, Green Acres, gg  's'g:§Hr' (ljzw   Cn"   Y
» Entered ¤¤_$¢¤0¤d Cl¤$$ Mlmee at the Post Bracl\<:r\l1C%un¥y—Miss Lillian Hixson, Brooksville .O°"'“t°"S'A$s°°iatl°“· Hézard . .‘ 1 ‘ *
Office at Lexmgtcn, KY-. Mn? 1. 1952. ¤¤d¢{ Breckinridgc County-Fred Peters, Hardinsburg P’k° C°““tY']““"°‘ W· Wm°· mkevlue ` ”
the aqt qf A¤z· 24- 1912- Edlted by the Alumni Caldwell Cooney-wi11iam Mcconnou, Princeton P°“’e“. C°““tY”R“lph B- C°“lee· S“*“*°“ ’
Association. guys? €0unty_H8]ph Edxingwni Arlington Pug?gru¤ty—R¤y N. Dryden. Mt. Olivet j `
- G_ Ls., Mccmn ........ , ............. Managing Editor Clinic., C0.,,,,,._Ci,,,,1e, L.,,,,,n_ Albany Rvckcastie €¤¤¤tv—R¤d¤k>b Burden- F¤¤f¤<> . »
MArK¤€1’1}¢ McLaughlin ·····~···· Assofmte Ed¤t¤r Christian C0unty—]ohn Trice Hopkinsville Ky. valley . .
Aims Wiommn .............. Vital Statistics Editor (gmk (;m,.,,y-w_ S_ Dm,} ],_ 327 Maple gusseléC¤untyfOéb¢;l}aKGaslgnnsbkusscll Sprmgs
  A`.&__, Winchester ’ ’ cott 0unty— . . c nig t, eorgetown
Cl __ · Shelby County—French Smoot, Sbelbyv'll _
1954-55 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CI?,¥;0$,°`érQtgnt$iréh§,w;°!fu1é;%°b§{,°;ny gimpson (§I¤unty—I}Nor1%r<‘i'w C0<_¥s, ]FrarllS‘ln
· _ · ¥ - pencer ounty— aro ove, ay orsvi
Newton W. Neel, President—City Engineefs Of- gggltglgggzdcgggtgwgglgiig  Marlon Taylor County—Harry R. Smith, Campbilsville
lice, Henderson, Ky. Bmkesvme ’ Todd County—Logan Webb, Guthrie
>._ Homer L. Baker, Vice President—2242 Ruther- Daviess C0umy_]m“€S »1·apsC0tt’ P_ O_ BOX 782, Trigg County—Tom Mayzraw, Cadiz E _
ford Ave., Lounsvxlle, Ky. Owensboro Ky_ Trimble County-]. G. Dye. Bedford
  Heyn Cid King, Exfisuiive $€¤1‘ei¤1”Y—522 Sayre Em;] C0untyLst€ph,-m Rice Irvine Union C0unty—VVill Tom Wathen, Morgnnflvld. ~
' . ve., exington, 'y. ‘ ._ ' ·· K_ . `
B. A. Shively, Treasurer—Department of Ath- F1i§;§m%ggn%0,l§   HL 1410 \Var\ren Cmmty—N<>rmnn Lewis. Royal Music
letics, University of Kentucky _ Fleming C0,_mty_]jr_ C_ D mai,. Flcmingsbmg Store, 10th St., Bowlim; Green
_ \\'ill Ed Covington, 2655 Virginia Ave., Ash- plnvd C(,,mh._R,,h(,,.t _.\]],,},_ “r};u,]“.m1ht Washington County—Char]es ]. Haydon,
land, KY- (Term €xPU`e§ l955) _ Fryinklin County—August Luscher, ]r., C/0 Springfield . ‘
]ohnL   Bullock, 603 IDIXIE Terminal Bldg., Schenley Distmersa ]nc_, Fmnkfmlt Webster County—Harold Trader. Prqvndence . ‘
_ ~ Cmcmnatil(Term_exp1res 1955) _ Irulum (jmmt)-_D,._ gvmd B“Shmt_ Bushmt Whitley County—Sam Cannon, Corbin A
Douglas Parrish, Pans, Ky. (Term BXDIXES 1955) (j];,,iL»_ Fultm, Wolfe C0unty—Everett Mrller. Camptnn
nm". lin; T· Im Beam 69 _WiU¤W T¢¤=¤¤¢· L<>¤iS- camud coumyntnss Iona Montgomery, Lan- Woodford C¤¤¤ty—J¤hn W. Wilmvtt. Ir-. · 1
vrlle, Ky. (Term expires 1956) caster Versailles
llilbeft H- Hlll€¤m€Y€¥» Hillenmeyer NUY$eYle$» Graves C0untv—Ge0rge Covington, 632 S. 8th
·I·l.,,,,_ Lexington, Ky_ (Term expi,-es 1956) St__ Mmgelg   ·
’ ]. Carlisle Myers, ]r.-, 1211 RlCl`I|Tl0X`|(l Rd., LPN- Hancock County-Harry Black, Hawesville
_mElU“ (Term expires 1956) _ Hardin County—Robert McNamara, Atlanta, Ca.—'I`0m Downing, 687 Spring St. _
ll1ilgg;l)E. Cooper, Somerset, Ky. (Term expires Euzabethmw,. N_w_
H. l. C t_—]l C rh.}, .,B 589 _
Heigggr; ]. Evans, Pineville, Ky. (Term expires Hlgrlgyn (glsuxtygoolilligrtx Illeinlaltier-lr Rouge N0. Chg-1;§$;{g;},,.,“7` Va` C` E` Whcclen Box 1153` ·
·. 1, C rh'. . ‘ . ' . . 3
M" Gerald Crflin, Pikeville, Ky. (Term expires Hart C¥;nt;l;.i‘{_ W_ Poynter, Hm-Se Cave Greater C1nc1nnat1jAl]:m R. Yogeler. 3700 ¤
1957) Henderson C0lmty_]am€s EWjng_ gleaner and Czmter Ave., Manemont, Cincinnati 27 Q
Dr. Ralph Angelucci, 109 Esplanade, Lexington journal, Henderson Chicago. Ill.-William L. Lowry, 640 N. Grove. i
<_B¤=¤rd of T¤1St€eS) Henry C0unty—O. L. McElroy, Eminence Oak Park, Ill. J ·
li·o_ Kr. l· 5; Watkins, 251 E- High. Lexinl-!l0n (Board llickmrm Cuunty—]z1cl< Newton, Clinton Cleveland Ohi0_R0b€rt McDowell 3203 W
` nl TFUSXGGS) Hopkins C0unty—Bill Corum, Mudisunville. Ky. 71st st, ° ° 4 .
KR Guy A. Huguelet, Barrow Road, Lexington joflferson Connty——Claudc Sprowls, 229 Cum- _ ` _ _ _ , 0 _ F. [ .
· · (Board of Trustees) P · berkmd Av€__ Louisville ]4_ Dzullux, Tcxus—Cl1ester C. Xmur, ..921 zur- J >
ll. Fl. Dawson, Bloomfield, Ky. (lmmednate past jossnmine County—Wilson Routt, Nicholasville ‘“““t
president) Iohnson C0unty—Mrs. Alpharetta Archer. Dayton, Ohio—Riclmrd B. Erd, 1502 Neva
llqf%t1erit$Ll\·¥cLaughgin, %26 E. l‘;laxwell, Lex- Painésville B d M K h B b H Drive (4)
, ·A y_ in on ie mem ci-, onorary K t — c ec an, ar ourvi e . · .- __ , ,_ .. __
" 3 H»hD. Pahnore, Frankfort, Ky. (Life member, Kggltt C%‘l1rnt?;¤§(}]il;xli£ll'e Frady, Principal, Hind- DLg3gf1])£flclB9t¥,;l‘l§(; ` Maschl eye}-° 4309
-· vrwrary H` h oo . ’
` N` D'- Q€0l‘§€ Wilson, 200 N. Upper St., Lexington Lnl·T:izenCol§1ty—%tanlcy A. Hager, Hodgenville Mlglamt T€"as`H· ]· R“°k“· 207 E· Maple i
- (Life member, honorary) Laurel County—G. W. GriEin, London "°· _ . V
Seruor Class Rcprescntative—Fred Silhsmek, 418 Lawrence C0unty—George R. Burgess, Louisa Middle 'I`ennessee—Robert T. Hanna, Trimble »
Culpepper, Lexington Lge County-Dr. Clarence Combs, Benttyville Road, Nashville, Tenn. ,
Leslie C°m'*tY‘Dem’e‘ Ad¤mS» Hlfden New Orleans, Lz1.—George E. Iones, 4969
Letcher County-]. L. Hays, Whrtesburg Metropolitan Drive
APPOINTIVE MEMBERS Lewis County-Charles Staggs, Vanceburg N Y k Ct W It N FH .n Jr /
Lincoln County——Truman Taylor, Waynesburg eg l.f°' . ,11 Y` 6*.1**6 Ltd gga ·F_Hi; is ° _
Mm Hnmptcn C. Adams, Old Koen Plncc, Logan County—Granville Clark, Russellville _a‘°mla exas _‘_ °‘ ‘* I Ye'
K`, Lexington, Ky. Lyon County-], Phillip Glenn, Kuttawa _ Phrladelphm, P8.—Wllll8m A. Lurtey, 312 ]`cr1c0
TJI, Ed“’“'d Bennett, Schenley Distilleries, Frank- McCi-ocken County—]ol·m Blackburn, Citrzens Road, Abmgton, Pa.
LM, fmv KY- Sm/l¤ES Bunk Bldgq Paducah \V;1slriugt0n, D.C.—M:1dileen Small, 2517 39th
Ohm Pew G Blazer, jr., 27l7 Cumberland, Ashland, McCreary Countyég. ;lV.é*lume, gte¤l'¤S t SL N_VV_, App 201 2 ‘
B'- M L nn County- ar es atton, acrarnen o . . _ .
M"} Cnsner, c/0 Ruby Lumber C0., Madison- Mgggffin County—Luther Rice, Salyersvrlle W¥ggzm;°xkVeW' va' C` R' Wilson' ]r" 109
vllle, Ky. Marion County—Paul Owens, Lebanon P ‘
V l·   Dishman, 2314 Bonnycnstlc Avc., Louis- Marshall County-]. Horner Mlllef. Benton  _ .
·' ,}’llle 5 Martin County—'I`roy M1lls, Inez _ 1
. ¥1ll¤am Cnnt, Masonic Bldg., Owensboro, Ky. Mason C0unty—Willi}¤¥n D- C¤lVe¤’Y· MeY$"*ue . C .t t d M d
D- H· Hardwick, Kentuckian Hotel, Lexington Meade County—W1ll¤am Henry Allen. Exeeuglve { 0****1*;* tee {gee; Seeell; °¤ eil; A
“F:]lY· A-Jackson, Clinton, Ky. Bigndigiburg F _ 1 C B _] F hb g git 6030 ezcm mgrglohialexgganmer Lnfnynége I Y,
Nam . T d, F' N.' .1B. k M ` my- BHG · ¤¤eY· rene '·“ ’ . · · · .
BME-. Lexinglolnnsen ust whom W Mgllwiecoiziy-Robert Mayes, Harrodsburg Hotel. Lcvnugton 2
` ` €
T H 3 . I
.  g e ·  

    AI m ' T V O N F` ` I Fm
-  U T11 O ote I'] GW |I'l8I'1C|8
Q   1
t     Progra Af Annual Meehng, May 28 Mr,
{ t . . . . M
g Plans for a more comprehensive fund—ra1s1ng 2. Employ an assistant to the executive secre- AIU
  program, involving an enlarged staff and an an- tary, preferably a male graduate of the Uni- will
  nual drive designed to raise funds for specific versity, at a salary to be established by the amt (1
§ projects as well as for the operation of the Alum- steering committee after interviews with the nwml><
i ni Association, have been envisioned and out- person selected. This person to be employed "“‘lll$l
2 · . . . . · . . ~ . \`C111)*
z lined by the alumni executive committee, to be as soon after ]une 1, 1955 as it is feasible. \.(_,u_,,
  brought to a vote of the general Alumni Associa- 3. Recommend to the membership at the annual _ . bm 0
. ji tion at its annual meeting on May 28. meeting on May 28th that the Executive lnlvcs
§ Alumni Association President Newton \V. Neel Committee be authorized to borrow sufficient g¢·¤1€ <
’ appointed a steering committee last fall from funds from our life membership cumulative ··§l¤¤
< the membership of the executive committee to fund to finance the campaign and reorgani- “";“g
. . . . . . · Cll S. fl
. study the needs of the Association m its rela- zation for the first three years. [mmm
Q tionship to financial support and the monetary -1. Recommend to the general membership that Kcnlut
- potential of the alumni, in order to make plans as of 1956—’57 the annual dues be changed tion tl
if for a more adequate fund-raising program. from the current two and three dollar mem- *'““’“_$
1 This committee worked with the executive berships to one classification of five dollars isinglltli
  secretary in a comprehensive study, which in- per membership, which will include subscrip- {I
p cluded a survey of physical facilities, mechanical trons to the KEBNEL and ALUMNUS, and lmug
equipment, personnel and fund-raising in insti— all other privileges of membership. amd l’
tutions of similar size and sco e in the south . . . 1o11's (,
· 1 1 ° _ 1 'P ,_ 4 _ _ _ _’ The other two points of the outlined program umu y
ant broug it to Lexington tie assistant secretary . .
_ { th VPI A1 . A O . tbl who h 1 ‘1 have already been carried out, as they did not on Mn
. o e . .. umm ss ciai 1 ·1s ru . . . . . ·
_ _ _,d lll __ _. _ . _ _ { 1 f °l __  need the vote of the general association for rati- lm mi
y consi era) e cxpeiience in success u unc 1.us- . . . . ,
t _ , . _ _ _ fication. They were to start an information pro- m,.,.ui§l
. mg, for the purpose of obtauung advice and ’ . , s —
· l gram on the proposal in the current (f·ebruary) B mil
. eounsc. . . . . · ·
` issue of the ALUMNUS so that alumni return- .  
Proposed Program Is Result. _ _ `_ _ ‘€l¤1l)’
The __ l_ 1 _H l ` _ __l I \ mg for the annual meeting in _|une would he [Um hl
l”"’g"““ W“°‘ `" ’“ l”"l°"““ f" f" wtll icqinmttt1 with tht >1 ms ma to >uit1nst
general association in May is the result of this .(. e ( . L L. ’ L. `°'”"l
t 1 Tl t . Y ,tt l I I additional and improved Elliott Addressing Bla-
s ut . ie s eerm commi ee ris mite ·1 tc- . . . . .
te   1 H t t Pl t t tl ISK   °, A clnnc equipment necessary for enlarging office
rminec e or o at ap o ie umm r s- · .' » .
· , _ , . . , nrocedures for the alumni fund c·nn ru rn. The
. sociations needs the best features of other uni- 1 sc . . ( f( E J
, , _ _ money expended for this equipment was taken .
A i wrslty fund duV€S’ at the same tune trymg to from ·1 savin s fund accumulated over ·1 neriod
P hold dm Mal     of   afaii.     of 1iut1¤et T
At the lanuary meeting of the Alumni Execu- HGH; ( 5 U  
y tive Committee the steering committee outlined ' Reasons for Plan Outlined I I
· * 11111
a proposal, to be brought before the general . . . . · j
- . , , , , The executive secretary, 111 a preliminary state- "tm M
association at its annual m€€tmg’ Whlch Proposal ment made in connection with the steering com- [W "[ ‘
was approved by the executive group subject to . ' T ( . . “ _ the pas
. . mittees recommendations, said that the report Ul- 1)
. the vote of the general membership, as follows: . ~ . . V [lt
1S the result of a long period of study by the sec- . ..[ mm
F°“*"P°i“t P*'°gmm retary and the members of the committee, rc- lark (;
1. To inaugurate the fund drive in the spring of sulting from the general concensus of opinion Prcsir
1956, at which time the Association ex yects that the Alumni Association is not realizing NS l""‘l' ll
· - I ~ L 1lso ·
to have a ruling from the Director of Internal potential in the annual collection of dues uml mm if lv
. . . . · Xl ‘
lievenue giving all contributors to the Alumni funds. M
. . · - {lll
_ Fund deductions on then tax returns. (Continued on Page 8) M, EW
the Imsl
1 4 THs1<>lll Ol. N€\\' YOTK Cliy and i  
the dem Oi uic uic .-\lunmi Aiiariiiiiiiii, ii   """‘ '."““" ’“"l°'"S "E lh': Univer` i
the ¤·¤m'>€¤‘ of is °*°<*“**"° °°m·¤i¤¤¤   “"*' ".‘ K“""“k" "l‘° hm "mdc im- l
i mil legal counsel. was chosen last No-   ;,_;   '_'''’°   #¤·¤¤¤~’¢¢¤       [hc SMC and °°¤¤“l’· ***1* be [hc , ,
iive lialvvi of the h<>¤¤¢<‘¤¤¤i¤s f<><>tl>¤l1   '`;.;. , . r’··     i°"“"`°‘l ""“"‘ "`l"’ "'l“."€ l‘°l‘°"“l · \·
Ent game on Stoll held. ·` I   i'‘"   T-._’.ji:g@ m :1 program at Memorial Coliseum ‘ i
ive —·**¤~¤ M=·s¤i· Mm     g¤`<¤·t> Ol   llll   ii Sim Fini Y". me iiigiu °f E?"“¥“¥’I ; ~  
' _ iinilergracluates whose parent or par- % _ ; ;z ¤ `§€`   ”“"i*‘   ` ’ m (C Cndtmu 0 me Umlermys ‘
lm` nits, and. in some instances, grand-   ;_l `V _i    ~;:;_;   _v__   mmlmlFOu"d€1`s Dal" . i
imaiis, aaeuitea are University or    Z    All ”l“““?l ?“‘l f"€"‘“ Of ‘l‘? U“i‘ ` ’
list iicmiiaty, ima eiiui year this organiza-   `°""" mc "`lmd- [O mend this Pm-
sel ttm <*€Sis‘·1=·ta me mn at vo ¤11=· ¤   . g*‘¥*“i i** ‘>‘*"°’2 me ML Sm and i ·
Bm wmiig the iiluuuii as the one who has "  :"  i A ` Mm P`—i[di1€ will be lmscmcd- awards
i __ tontributed the most unselhsh service   `’‘‘   ‘ l)Y Fhelr Alma Mater for their werli i
ats io Alma Mami:  _i_iii iii,ii;iiii;:4:;: »-i·   _ inithe development and knowledge ol
"‘P` ui-. Tcuniseiitt is it ineniliei of the __ .l-- z *·-    .;%:2-Q;-;_jI »‘.`i I _ , the “““l“C l""‘“"kl' “‘l“‘F°· t .
[md Lexington law firm of Stoll, Keenan   .l¤i   _Y   i_ . ” Dr. Wm. Hugh jansen, assistant pro- i ;
imtl Pgtrki is pyggjdgnr 0[ Lcxing.  vi-ir _‘i_' ff     [9559]* ()-[ English -;i[ Uk and well. `
mm Civil WM Round Table, zi hiS_ ,- _- -Vii i;_;.;_i 4 _,-. .-;iiii;i—i;¤,i.  :»__     , z kmmii lolklorist will narrate the pro-
mm torian of note and a special authority Dr. Frank J. Welch, dean of the $*`*‘_’“~ jthiih "'miil°_l";`t1_ ll?";?‘;gi:;l Ti;
HOF on Abraham Lincoln about whom he University’s College of Agriculture limlm (ml muiml _m gpm il I ,_ _ i
.uti_ im written imokq 'md N __ i` i_ _ and Home Economics has been s€_ lolk culture pecultatly lxentuckys and
" ‘ ‘ l‘l)ClS‘ · Us lected ·-Man of the Year in Sel-vice the relation to that culture oi the · _
DNV tiuguished jurist, his legal knowledge to Agrieultui-e" in Kentucky. The University ol` lientucky. The narration `
[YY) is available at all times to the Uni- s?l°°tl°“ was m”·d°_by the P'°g"°$' by ])r. jansen will outline the story j i
sive Farmer magazine on the basis . . _   . _ _ _ _ ,
nu- i-C,-my fiuiiilyx ima his time ima er. gf nr, warms work in 1954. Dr. "l lim? "i¥‘“’°i *3 ":i¥“ "i;‘}iil'?;"l;i;i
i . ' ` '- IHC!] lll \€]l lI("V. l ISS (`ll Z ‘
l)< forts have been devoted to the U¤¤· ggxhéiaiiigg d;;i?t($rg;;§l;c0i:x;);;i- Air, St·ott’s contributions in th€ (U5- l
IHSC \`€l`$l[y' ()\'(‘l` (l l()l]g l)(fI`lO(l ()l` }’(‘ill`S. cultural €Xt€n$i0n at the UnivcrSity• 5(j]]]l]];l[l()ll (ll [ll1l[ (`Ul[U]`€, 1lll(l. (`Olh `
Mw versely. that culture’s contribution to i
iliee Miss Ritchie and Mr. Scott. Prot`. f i
The , .\imo liiviniemi, in cooperation with _
ikeii .l_ C-       other members ol the Uliimttsic cle- Q j
riod i l)(ll`[ill(‘lll. IS l)I`Cl)2ll`lIlg [llC lllllS[I`2l[l\'C l
• llIllSl(`.
llget           ,—\ portion ol the Founders Day pro-
gram will be broadcast over Louisville
_ lolm Chenoweth Everett, 55, promi- Sigma Alpha Epsilon SOCiill [1`i1l€l`11ilY· radio station \’\’l—l.—\S on Sunday, Feb.
lite- [Will Maysville, Ky., businessman, trus- His son, _]olm (lhenoweth Everett, lll 27, [rom 3;0§ to ?l;3(l p,ni, ·
_0m_ W6 of the University ol Kentucky for was graduated lrom the University m ~
I _ lllc PUSK ll )'€Zll`S. and a lile member l95(l. lk ll li
pmt 'lllhe UK Alumni Association, died 5m·v·ivOi~$ inelutle his wife, Mrs, The November issue of "M0deru
SFC' "l <`i¤¤¤‘er in Doctors Hospital. New 'l`lielm;i _\_ l;vei~t·n, it (laughter, Mrs. Pharinat:y," published by Park. Davis
, 1'€· li"l`l€ (lily, _]anuary S. \~\’i[|i;im (j_ 'frnelieart, Paris; two sons. and Company. Carried ll feature story
1ll0lI l)¤`€Sitle1tt ol` the   C], Everett (Linn- john (2.. and Leslie: his mother, l\lrs. on james H: Gentry, 541, of Knoxville, ·
Li its Ilillll in Maysville, Mr, liverert was _]olm (1. Fverett. and three brothers, Tenn; entttled "The Dream (lame
land also ;i director ol` the Maysville Na- joshua li. Everett; Louisville. r\`(l(llS()ll True.
lmllitl Bank, ll, Lverett, Maysville, and \Vill`llCl(l li. (hmcy of the Cgutry Aiinilieeiiry in l
i ·’\$ illl undergraduate student at lll; li"°*`€U· M¥')'il*’l‘l· Knoxville, Mr. Gentry. accorclingi to i
lh`. Everett had served as captain ol` Ftmeral services and burial were the story. has earned the icoveted title l J
__-'____ the basketball team and a member ol` held _]anuarv lll in Maysville. ol` the "doctor‘s pl1armac1st."  
ff"! ` l
M ~ U5 . i i) e K v`Ti`iJW N u s 5 i . ‘ 
i ` , — 2

—i f *2   
{ • ) ._ _,   ly
  Z he Preszdmt s Pa e   M°
l g l   j  . *    N¤m·
l .3, ~ is
{    ’’%r   Pron
i   Schc
E . Ste
Q Thoughts For The New Yeur mylmm
5 ' i.
a . verviug
. President Donovan
g . l»entucl·
  ils incr
j was ele·
uroup l`
In this article I wish to present a \'€l`Sl[l€S each graduating class IS or- gtonal and national honors during the llly.`llCl(
. number ol unrelated thoughts which ganized and makes an annual class last two years. llniel.
1 want to convey to our alumni. These gilt to its Alma Mater. Such an in- 5_ Teams [mm the (gollege of Agri. A-hnog
j ideas are things I would like for you vestment in your University would mlm!-C and Home ];mm,mi(-S imc hials ol
  to know and to be thinking about: bring dlvldends ol mcalculable value wml regional {md mui(,,ml h(,m,l»$ in \l‘_ jgji
. to the University and the state. · [-· I ]·   — ·k ijte sre
» as as as l _]U( glllg l\L$lO(. . [
. . . . . — i- , . · .. . . ., .. . .. . l,exin¤‘t·
. For the mst time m the hlsmry Oi it it at o. l\me l)1()l€Sh()l"SlId\`L been ruianl- mm  
[hc Uuivcl-sity the Almmyi As$,,CiH[i(,n HWC you CYCY Su down with Il mn- ed Ford l‘()llIl(lil[1()Il l·ellowslnps to jH·  
i in 1954 had more than five thousand dl Qld listed the tllhws the Uni;,€l_Siw 8mdY mid do m$€*‘“`h “l“"”"l· iw EK
. . ‘ · K — ( , , . · · _ - ~ y.
A paid-up members. Permit me to con- IHS dom in which QOH hywc PI_idc_ lhe list ol aclnevements ol laculty uylylinlil
‘; z * .—     `   - ’ i ; J * 5 i t * l i  ‘; I · " J
gl lllll l[€ [llLr ` \SS()Ll¢l[l()·ll OI] . hlIlS [lungs that you Could boast about lll(l S[ll(l(,ll[S ('ll     lll\LISl   ( lll )L M_ In€(
achievement. lhe Alumni Association l_€l,lm,c to the _lc(_Oml)lishm€ms O[ stretched out indefinitely. Pwply
. . . . < < · — *
H l)€°m}lmg _‘l _(ll“‘lmll lollc Fm ylllc your Alma Mater? Try this some time. ss it   the pro]
l)I`()IIl()l.I()l] ol lllgllCI` €(lll(`2l[l()ll lll l\€l]· H€l_C _u_€ ,1 [C", to s[_u_t OH ‘Vith_     _ \ _ _ I   IWC _l[ I
~ ` tucky. More and more of our grad- 1 \l°1’ ulluw l‘ “°l;(l‘lmm IM WNW]
, uates are demonstrating a loyalty to l· The Um‘€Y5ilY h—l> had WO °°‘l {umm (lll)` lllEl_Tl_LLl Om (ly ymuiur
[heh- _.\]m;l MMU in the Support Rhode scholars, l·loyd Lammack and TON WH0 LM l_l;·‘V· U5 '” fm€`l" lHl_C(_Ui_(
` . Y . . . ' _) _ _' L ,4 , * _' >_'_'* ' ` J"; _` ‘ .
“·hl(;h they arc gwmg [hc Umvcrslty Dlogcnes Allen, during thc past couple [K NNN UEUQUA IR"}-il my lm L; ‘f mmm]
i . , , V r ·   ' ` >· i a rc C, )1`()l]I()[lf)Il () [TC \\'C 211`C (V) [lC lll· ‘ ·
. Let ns set another oliyeetive. In 19o5 "l l°‘""* 1l‘°*"* l"¥"}g ‘“°}‘ “'° S I .· . . .—..I \ lla i
_ _ _ _ 1 - 1 i · > v 1 ·   [1 VCYSIIY llldl. (()lll(l l)C (lC\ lS(,( . l 5 "·
T · the University will t~eleln·ne its Hun- “‘·‘€‘ ""’I “’“‘l’°"“"" ““‘ " ‘€ . . it
dmdth \I“;i\fcm,lr, “,h ( nm ism the colleges in Ohio, \Visconsin, Indiana, plcsldcnl l wh U) “l`g€ ll"' [U ""“‘ yllllcll
. rmi my {Cn Ll`y);Nll}ul ),Ed_u) Alumni