xt75x63b2t0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b2t0d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 2008 2008 2008-10-02 2020 true xt75x63b2t0d section xt75x63b2t0d 'BAMA

Cats prepared to get
physical in the trenches


Page 6


I McCain, McConnell win
UK mock election
I Lexington shoe drive








UK student's condition improves, new details surface

By Jennifer Graham
igra am kykernel.com

New information continues to
surface five days after an incident
that put UK sophomore Blair Smith
in the hospital with head injuries.

The incident. which occurred
early Saturday morning. was said to
have started with someone using a
racial slur and ended with a blow to
Smith‘s head with a bottle. said
Smith’s roommate Will Grubbs.

Smith’s condition improved
from critical to serious on Tuesday.

according to UK Hospital.

Grubbs. a communications
sophomore, was present when
Smith was hit in the head, though he
said he did not see the blow that
caused Smith's injuries. The inci-
dent involved Smith and his friends,
and unknown people from the house
next door to where they were early
Saturday moming on Aylseford
Place. Grubbs said.

The unknown people from the
house next door provoked the fight

. by calling Smith's black friend the

N—word. Grubbs said. and drinking

probably played a role in the rapid
escalation of the altercation.

"I remember the people from
next door yelling and screaming at
us." Grubbs said. “They started
throwing beer bottles and cans at us.
They called my friend the N-word.
he got mad. and it escalated really
quick. Everyone involved was ham-
mered. That‘s what it comes down

Averi Curnmins. an integrated
strategic communications sopho-
more and friend of Smith‘s. was at a
nearby house when she heard com-

motion and went outside.

“The fight was already in
progress by the time I got outside."
Cummins said. “It was definitely a
fight. Some people were trying to
break it up. other people were trying
to fight."

According to Cummins. there
were around 15 people involved in
the incident.

“As soon as the cops got there.

everyone left.” Grubbs said.

Smith left the incident before his
roommates did and when they re-
turned to their home on Euclid Av-

enue. Smith was already there. That
is when his roommate discovered
Smith was injured.

“We think he panicked and left."
Grubbs said. “When we got back.
he was already there. and one of my
roommates called 91 l

Grubbs said Smith walked back
from Aylseford Place to Euclid Av-
enue. and friends at the nearby
Speedway on Euclid Avenue helped
Smith get inside his house.

No arrests have been made as of
Wednesday evening.


Library extends
weekday hours




By Kelli Long and Travis Walker

Beginning Oct. 19. WT.
Young Library will extend its
hours to be open 24 hours
Sunday through Thursday.
closing at 8 pm. Friday and
open Saturday from 8 am. to
8 pm.

The revised hours come
in response to an outcry from
students after state budget
cuts forced the library to cut
back on its hours.

The deal was reached af—
ter Student Govemment Pres-
ident Tyler Montell met with
Provost Kumble Sub-
aswammy on Sept. 25 and
then again on Tuesday to fiA
nalize plans for the new

Montell and the provost
decided to hold a forum about
the library‘s hours Monday.
“before it got too far into the
semester." Montell said.

Student Govemment Vice
President Grant Mills also
met with Dean of Libraries
Carol Diedrichs to help come

up with the revised plan.

80 is giving the library
$10000 to help with the
funding problem. Part of that
money will come from the
executive cabinet and the rest
will hopefully come from the
Senate. Montell said. The ex—
act deductions from each cab-
inet are not finalized. The
only problem they are now
facing is staffing the extra
hours. he said.

Students United for Cam-
pus Climate Enrichment and
Student Success. a group
formed on the recommenda-
tion of the provost. an—
nounced in an e-mail sent on
Monday that it would host a
forum Wednesday night for
students to voice their opin-
ions on the library hours. but
the new hours had already of-
ficially been determined be-
fore the forum.

“We decided to hold the
forum last week when we
heard that students were plan—
ning a sit-in." said Patrick
Nally. one of the SUCCESS
representatives and

See Library on page 5


Cobb pleads not
guilty to charges

By Kenny Colston
kcolston@kykernel corn

Junior strong safety Ashton
Cobb pleaded not guilty to
charges of stalking. terroristic
threatening and ha~
rassing communica-
tions through his at—
torney James lowery
Wednesday aftemoon
in Fayette County
District Court.

after sending approximately
IS text messages and making
I9 phone calls to his ex-girlv
friend last Thursday after-
noon. according to Lexington
Police. In one voice—
mill]. Cobb threat-
ened to kill and rape
the woman. Cobb
made bail and was
released on Friday.

police said.
Cobb was sus»

By Laura Clark

When Cecil Shelton visited the Repub—
Iic of Georgia for an agricultural intem—

PHOTO PROVIED BY cronciua mornsou

Members from the Village of Kachreti Georgia spread out wheat in order to dry ll It took the Villagers and
students twenty minutes to pack up a majority of the wheat so they 1 cold told tarps over the remaining
amount, Soon after finishing, ll began it rain

Growing on foreign soil

interact with a number of students in the
agricultural colleges around Georgia.

The group left the country at the end

of July. about two weeks before Georgia
and Russia began lighting. However. Shel»

ton was concerned about the people he
me: back in the Republic.

"I was worried about the contacts we
had made there. especially my host fami-
Shclton said. “Since the fighting

ship. he could feel the tension.

“In the media. and in thc newspapers I
read. Russia was invading Georgia‘s air»
space and peaccniukcrs weren‘t happy
about it." Shelton said. ly."

Beforc Judge
Julie Goodman.
Lowery entered a
not guilty plea on

pended from the uni—
versity. UK head
coach Rich Brooks
said after Saturday‘s


all three charges.
setting a pretrial hearing for
Oct. 24 at 10 am. Goodman
insisted on a continuance of
the no contact order between
Cobb and his ex-girlfricnd
during the arraignment.
Lowery declined to coin—
ment about Cobb‘s charges.
Cobb was arrested Friday

41-3 win over Western Keri—
tucky. Cobb was not in uni—
form for that game. During
his weekly news conference
on Monday. Brooks said that
Cobb was appealing his sus-
pension. Due to federal priva-
cy laws. UK could not com—
ment on the situation.


Shelton. a community leadership and
development junior. was one of five UK
students and alumni w ho traveled to Geor»
gia in May to take part in a LES. Depart
ment of Agriculture project called “Im-
proving Agricultural Education in the Re-
public of Geor ' "

UK offerc this as an intemship to stu-
dents. which allowed them to work with
the Georgia Institute of Public Affairs to

we met are safe.“

conflict was difficult.

stopped. we found that all of the people

I'K graduate student Georgina Ander-
son. who also spent the summer in Geor-
gia. said watching news coverage of the

“It was weird seeing places we had ac-
tually visited are now destroyed or dam~

See Georgia on page 5


Deadline approaches
for voter registration

By Ali Cicerchi

With Election Day just
over a month away. various
groups on campus have been
trying to get students regis~
tered to vote in Lexington be—
fore the Oct. 6 deadline.

“Lthink students are a lot
more inspired this year.” said
Joe Gallenstein. president of
College Democrats. “It's part-
ly because of the presidential
election but I also think it‘s
partly because of who
is in this election.

College Republicans, Col—
lege Democrats. Kentuckians

for the Commonwealth and
Student Govemment have all
taken part in getting students
registered and informed on

Les Fugate. deputy assis—
tant to the secretary of state.
said young adult voter regis-
tration is not as high in Ken—
tucky as it is in other states.

“We have not seen a huge
increase in registration." said
Fugate. “There are always
lots of voter registration
drives aimed at young people
but year after year young
people disappoint."

Leaders from College Re-
publicans and Democrats said

i e

the groups have not kept
track of the number of stu-
dents that have been rcgis»
tered but registration has been
steady up until this point.

Gallenstein said he has
helped out in drives in past
years and thinks this year is
an improvement.

“We did a successful job
in 2007 with the govemor‘s
race but that pales in compar-
ison to this year." Gallenstein

In 2004 with the last presi-
dential election took place. over
50 percent of Kentucky regis-
tered voters ages 18-24 voted.

See Votes on page 5


Senate passes historic

$810 billion

By Kevin G. Hall and Dave Montgomery
McClatc hy Newspapers



Ben Bemanke have warned repeatedly that
failure to pass the legislation would lead vi-

tal credit markets to seize up. forcing em»

WASHINGTON — In a historic vote.
the Senate approved a massive $700 billion
rescue plan for the nation’s finance system
Wednesday night. but only after tacking on
another Silt) billion in tax breaks to lure
votes from both parties.

A strong bipartisan majority rallied be-
hind the controversial Wall Street bailout
package. passing it by 74—25.

The vote sends the measure to an uncertain
fate in the House ofRepmscntatives. where law-
makers rejected the u‘iginal version on Monday.
228-115. A new House vote is expected on Fri-
day. and many lawmakers in both parties there
remain (praised to it.

President Bush. Treasury Secretary Hen—
ry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman

ployers to lay off employees. plunging the
economy into recession and perhaps even
another Great Depression.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch Mc-
C onnell of Kentucky voted for the bailout.

“The question is not how we got here.
but how we get out

Senators of both parties. including Dem—
ocratic presidential nominee Barack Obama
of Illinois and Republican presidential nom-
inee John McCain of Arizona. said that
threat made it imperative for Congress to
pass the financial—rescue package.

“lnaction is not an option." said Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

McConnell said.

See Bailout on page 5

Iewereen: 257-1915; mam




 .EAQLZJ [INLSEIQI Weber 2. 2.008 .


























By Linda c. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating .70 is the easrest
day, [7 the most challenging

Aries (March 21-April 19) ,_
Today IS a 7 ~— Be slow to act
on the adVice of well~meanrng
friends Even your own partner
or mate could steer you wrong.
without meaning to, of course
Taurus (April 20-May 20) #»
Today IS a 7 - You'd like to
believe a person who's promis-
ing you everything Someone
who can give it all, however,
can take it all away.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) —
Today Is a 7 ,__ You and your
friends have grandiose
schemes You need to be practi-
cal If you don't keep track of
your costs as you go along.

nobody will

Cancer (June 22-July 22) ——-
Today is a 7 —— You may be
feeling passionate, but don't be
impractical. If you have to
choose between love and
money, choose love

too (July 23-Aug. 22) -—
Today is a 7 A There's plenty of
work, but the pay's not exactly
generous You’ll have to shop
carefully to cover your expens-

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) .7
Today is an 8 m It's great to be
uninhibited and have glorious
dreams, of course. You want to
accomplish something substan—
tial now, however.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ——
Today is a 7 ~ Be careful. You
might blurt out the unvarnished
truth in a situation where tact 18

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —
Today is an 8 —— You're even
more attractive than usual now.
People are drawn to your side




You don't even have to talk to

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
— Today is a 7 — Sometimes,
you just have to sit back and
think things over. Work up a
plan, think about consequences,
figure out what to do l
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19).}
— Today is a 7 w Somebody
wants you to take on more
responsibility You're good at;
ordering people around so this)
IS to be expected.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb. 18) —I
Today is a 5 ,_ Anticipate a!
potential confrontation and be
well prepared. You don't have to.
compromise your standards to;
keep your job.

Pisces (Fab. 19-March 20) —~
Today is a 7 —— It's OK if you
avoid taking on a difficult task
just yet. You can afford to think
about it a while longer. There’s
no point in rushing.




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Holly and Hcf
in transition
Playboy's Hugh Hefner main

Dis... girlfriend are still together

b—ut for how long?


They may not be broken
up. but they seem close to
it. After Hugh Hefner‘s No.
1 girl. Holly Madison, was
spotted kissing iIIusionist
Criss Angel at Blush Bou-
tique nightclub inside Wynn
Las Vegas Sept. 20. both
she and Hefner were eager
to tell Us their relationship
was still on. "We're togeth-
er," the Girls Next Door
star, 28. tells Us of Hefner.
whom she's dated for seven
years. But her rebuttal
seems carefully worded. “If
I‘m ever not his girlfriend.
he’ll be the first to tell
you." she says. Sure
enough, hours later. Hefner
weighed in, asserting to Us.
“She’s still my girlfriend."
However, he admits. the re-
lationship is “in transition."

The denials cap months
of speculation that Madison
and her octogenarian beau
are on the rocks. “They are
over." a close source tells
Us. revealing that Madison
bought a $749000 two-bed-
room loft in Santa Monica.
California. in August and
has moved out of the home
she shared with Hef girl—
friends Kendra Wilkinson.
23. and Bridget Marquardt.
35. Though Madison insists.
“I still live in the house:
we’re not broken up." on
the eve of season five of
Girls (on B! Oct. 5). Hefner
tells Us. “I don't think any-
thing lasts forever."

Baby Drama

The couple are candid
about one stumbling block:
kids. "We tried through a for
tility clinic. but it just wasn‘t
going to work with him.“
Madison tells Us. "You get to
a certain age as a guy, and it
just doesn‘t work." She admits
that inevitably. the relationship
will end. “I want to be with
somebody who I can be mar—
ried to. and have kids." she
says. noting the twice-wed
Hefner. 82 — who 'is still
legally married to Kimberley

Conrad. 45. mother of two of

his four children — nixed
nuptials. Indeed. he tells Us.
“That’s not much in the cards
for me."

“Holly is really sad about
this," the source says, dismiss-
ing speculation that Madison.
who also works as a Playboy
photo editor. was a gold digger
after Hefner‘s estimated $140
million. “She really did love
him." For his part. Hefner
calls Madison “the love of my
life." Hefner. who has dated
up to a dozen other women
while he‘s been with Madison.
is “devastated.“ says the insid-
er. “His harem is falling
apart." A harem. says a source
close to the show, under strict
rule. “The girls have free room
and board in the mansion,"
says the source. “They have to
be in by 9 pm." Hefner is un-
apologetic about his non-
monogamy: “My experience
was. I can’t handle one! I can
handle three or four or five.
but I can't handle one."

What's Next?

As for Madison‘s hot Ve—
gas evening with Criss An-
gel, Hefner isn’t fazed.
“Well, one hopes. among
other things. that when she
starts dating. she'll have bet-
ter taste." he smirks. (Madi—
son says the two are “just
friends“) Meanwhile. Hefn—
er and Madison say they are
gearing up for season six.
While E! will not confirm
another season; Hefner hints
“at least one of the, girls will
be moving out. and there
will be a spinoff." Wonder

Celeb feud of the week

Hulk Hogan declares the
victors in Hollywood‘s latest
round of scraps

The New York Times
was harsh in its review of
stylist Rachel Zoe‘s Bravo
show. The Rachel Zoe Proj-
ect: “(Zoe] is known . . for
forging a look of girlish va—
cancy. one that says: ‘1 get
up at noon. And then I spend
my day refusing solid
foods.‘ “ It also called Zoe.
37. “a pox on humanity."

WINNER IS The Times.
“The paper has been around
a long time.“ says Hogan.
“They know their stuff.“

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly



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October 2.

:3“: ed

Whitney Waters
Features Editor

Phone: 257-1915
wwaters®kykernelcom ’

C ontroversy between the covers

Books won’t stay banned. They
won’t burn. Ideas won’t go to

jail. In' the long run of history, the
censor and the inquisitor have al-



ways lost. The only sure weapon

against bad ideas is better ideas.”

—— Alfred Whitney Griswold

Banned Books Week celebrates the most challenged literature in history

2!, W Hint
mhu orno .com

In the Ray Bradbury novel “Fahren-
heit 451 firefighters don’t put out fu'es,
but instead start fires to burn books,
which are banned in Bradbury’s world.

While it’s extreme to imagine a time
in our lives where we are banned from
reading or owning a book, we are in a
time where some books are banned from
school and sometimes even public li-

This week is Banned Books Week:
Celebrating the Freedom to Read, which
has been sponsored by the American Li-
brary Association since 1982, according
to the ALA official Web site.

Banned Books Week is important in
“ensuring the availability of those un-
orthodox or unpopular viewpoints to all
who wish to read them." the Web site

Today most of the books that are fea-
tured during Banned Books Week and
are thought of as being banned from li-
braries were not ever prohibited, but chal-
lenged by different groups. It is with the
effort of librarians, teachers and book-
sellers that many challenged books are
never removed from the libraries, accord—
ing to ALA.

Books are challenged for numerous
reasons. most often to protect children
from sexual or offensive content. The
ALA Web site said that although they re-
spect the motivation, “librarians and gov-
erning bodies should maintain that par—
ents—and only parentsahave the right


'Dear Science' a positive
result for TV On The Radio



If you have never heard of the Brooklyn group’s album. “Return to Cookie Mountain
band. TV On The Radio, then you should the honor of Album of the Year. TV On The
probably take the time to listen to a few of Radio has also remixed songs from such no-

their tunes because you table artists as Beck and Nine Inch Nails.
will not be disappornted. while founding member David Andrew Sitek
The band mixes many el- has produced albums for the Yeah Yeah
ements to create their Yeahs and the Liars.

unique sound including Last week TV On The Radio released
aspects of rock. punk. free their latest studio album. "Dear Science."
jazz. and soul utilizing which has been received rather well by fans.
rocking guitars. synthesiz- Personally. I have been rocking to the album

, ,. ers and occasionally even all week via my iPod and have not yet dis—

NICK horns. The band has the covered a disappointing momentzl especially
sound ot a musical cxpcr- enjoyed the cuts "Shout me ()ut.' “Stork and

WALTERS iment that has yielded Owl." and “Dancing Choose." The band has

Kernel very positive results. completed a Video for the latter and has re—
columnist TV On The Radio has cently performed the song on the “Late Show
recorded a decent amount with David Letterman." The perfomiancc
of material since their inception in 200i. was particularly interesting because it was
They have released numerous EPs and have performed on the fire escape outside of the
recorded three critically acclaimed studio al-
bums. In 2006. “Spin Magazine" gave the See Waiters on page 4

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Same As It Ever Was. A Ben Folds w/ The p

and the responsibility to restrict the ac-
cess of their children—and only their
children—to library resources.”

“It’s my personal opinion that censor~
ship is always bad," said Susan Owens,
head of the Library Committee with Uni-
tarian Universalist Church of Lexington.
“There are books I might not want to
read. but it’s my choice, not someone
else‘s. We should teach people to make
good judgments, but we should not make
those judgments for them.”

Last year, out of 420 challenges to
potentially controversial books, ALA
complied a list of the top ten most fre-
quently challenged books. Topping the
list for the second year in a row is the
children’s book. “And Tango Makes
Three.“ which has won several national
book awards.

“And Tango Makes Three," is based
on a true story about two male penguins
in New York City's Central Park Zoo
who tried to hatch an egg-shape rock to—
gether. After zookeepers noticed the two
penguins’ attempts. they replaced the
rock with a real orphaned egg. The tw0
penguins hatched and raised the baby
penguin. named Tango.

The story. written by Peter Parnell
and Justin Richardson and illustrated by
Henry Cole. lets children know it’s okay
to have a non-traditional family. The
ALA Web site lists the reasons given for
challenging the book as “anti-Ethnic, sex-
ism. homosexuality, anti-family, religious
viewpoint and unsuited to age group."

See Books on page 4


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 PAGE4 | tetra. ‘lli't.lit*t ;‘ YUUB

‘Way to Normal' leads to a d

By Brad Luflrell

imittrell =kaketiiel r out

In his new album. released
lucsday Bt'll IlelN is thrashing on
his piano and cursing a lot. inst like
old tiiiies Hut somewhere along the
way. the black and white keys _|Ll\l
stopped sy nciitg

"Way to Normal" l‘alls jllhl
slioi'r'ol what .i l~olds tan might ex-
pect billowing .ilbtiiris siich as
"Songs tot \ilteiiiiaii" and
"Rockiii' the Suburbs” which had
more songs. such as
"l .itidctlf that were roiiiatitlc and
liuriioious tales sane o\ci' a more
mature piano slylt' than lli his early
"('ologiic" is as close as

suct csstul

day s
lUl\l\ t‘\L't entries 10 i'cciettllltg [hax
success ol the later melancholic

l'he taiiiiliar‘ilics l'oltls loyers
find in all ot his albums, including
his piano rock group lien Folds
l‘l\t'. are all still there storytelling
lyrics. distorted bass and tour-letter
words. But sometimes ll seems like

he missed the right combinations ol
l~bonibs and crunchy bass rifts.
"Bi‘airiwascliV falls short with
its \ague. high—school-garage-ban»
desque—lyrics. and the level ol
crunch and curse words. The track
never giy es any satisfaction. lt


Ben Folds did a phone interview
with the Kernel in which he talked
about being reunited with Ben
Folds Five, his new album and mak-
ing fans angry.

RudthouliAonpooo 10

seems to be a combination of the
riiost aggressiye Bert Folds Five
songs with the same depressing
message from "Silierriiari."

A few times l‘olds comes close to
recreating the picturesque tales from
the songs on “Supersunnyspeed-
graphic." such as in “Kylie from

Connecticut." But there are too many
songs like "l'ree Coffee," that are
about as successtul at being tolerable
as Michael Phelps run at Saturday
Night Live. let alone a good listen.

This is not an album you could
pop in and listen to while you study.
Actually. you might not even be able
to liSteii to all of it on a cross-country
car ride. Folds failed to create that
flow from his past solo albums.

in i990 when Ben Folds Five
broke up. the band released a state-
ment saying "nobody gives a shit
about piano rock anymore.“ That‘s
not true. But "Way to Noniial" is cer-
tainly not tor a t’irst-tiiiie-Folds listen—
er. liiiis who are hardcore enough
will appreciate l‘olds‘ oblique bril-
liance. which shines at moments.

But unless you‘ve already de»
cided you like piano rock. you
should start with a more stable al—
bum like "Whatever and Ever
Amen." Because if what Ben Folds
line said when they broke up is
true. you certainly wont start caring
now with this new album.


On Tuesday, Ben Folds released his third solo studio album, "Way to Normal." Folds
wrll perform With the Loursvrlle Orchestra on Saturday at 8 pm, in Whitney Hall in



l,(i|llll‘llt‘tl mi" pain .:

Other books on the list
include popular high school
linglisli class titles such as
"The .r\tl\cllllll‘t‘\ oi Huckle-
berry Finn." by .\l.ii'k Twain:
"I Know why the Caged Bird
Sings.” by Maya -\ngelou.
and “The Perks oI Being a
Wallflower." by Stephen (‘h-

It isn't rust literary clas-
sics and .|\\ttt‘clAW|lllillig chi|~
dreii‘s books that deal with
coiiti'mcrsial themes that are
challenged (inc oi the most
unusual b..iiiied books is the
children‘s seek and find pic»
ture book. "Where‘s Waldo."
which ranked 87th on the
.»\l ,-\‘s list of the 100 Most

Frequently Challenged Books
of 1990-99.

This edition of “Where's
Waldo" was challenged be-
cause of a beach scene where
a young boy is throwing wa—
ter on a topless sunbather.
For the I997 release of the
book. the woman was cov-
ered up.

in "Fahrenheit 451." Ray
Bradbury explained in the af—
terword. "how the books
were burned first by the mi—
norities. each ripping a page
or a paragraph from the
book... until the day came
when the books were empty
and the minds shut and the li--
brary closed forever.“

ALA encourages people
to celebrate Banned Books
Week by challenging the cen—
sors and help protect us from
the world Bradbury de-


A Banned Books event in
Lexington will be held at the
Unitarian Universalist
Church of Lexington Friday
from 7 to 9 pm.

In a coffeehouse atmos-
phere. folk singer Annie
MacFie will perform. a Les-
ington Public Library repre-
sentative will speak on the
history of banned books. and
three different authors. iii—
cluding the Kentucky Poet
Laureate and UK English
professor Jane Gentry Vance.
will read from various
banned books It is a free will
donation event. and all pro—
ceeds will help support the
UUCl. Library.

For more infomiation and
directions to the event visit
the UUCL Web site.




Continued from page 3

Ed Sullivan Theater. where the show
is taped.

While the new album is a great
piece of work. people who are look-
ing to check out the band for the first
time should definitely listen to tracks
front their previous works as well.
While TV On The Radio‘s sound is
recogni/able once you have experi—
enced it. their vibe does change a bit
with each new release. To get a good
taste of their work. i would recom—
mend the tracks "Starring At The
Sun." “Bomb Yourselt“ and “Wolf
Like Me Give these tracks and
"Dear Science" a listen and you will
be able to bask in the gloriousness
that is TV On The Radio.

Nick Walters is an English .ren»
tor. E~murl nii'(rllt'rs(tl'ky‘korm'lx'nm.


WRR- §¥§§.“§ FM
Top 10 albums of the week


2. Daedelus, "Love to Make Music to"

3. Witch, "Paralyzed”

4. Beck, "Modern Guilt"

5. Karl Blau, "Nature's Got Away"

6 Old Crow Medicine Show, Tennessee Pusher"
7. Walkmen, "You and Me"

8. Mugison, ”Mugiboogie"

9. Nightmares 0n Wax, “Thought So

10. Clinic, "Funf"

:3 r pronoun/We

(flip/i :iioiiday

lie-‘- 31W
8 o e



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Continued from page i

aged because of the fighting." Anderson

Other students and alumni who trav-
eled to Georgia were Keith Haag. Katie
Hesselbrock and Ardena Gojani. who all
took part iii the internship Professor
Michael Reed director of the lntem ma—
tional Programs lor Agriculture said
While some faculty members stayed