xt75x63b2r6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b2r6t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1997 1997 1997-09-15 2020 true xt75x63b2r6t section xt75x63b2r6t  





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A BRUNEI [fl Ha! .I Ill/Illllt’

tI/Iz'tiyx Inlet." fault/Hg awn/d I’t' his
life} Eur/t. .St't' Sporty. [mgr 6.


today. lug/.7 (also. (foul

tumor/‘02:“. lug/I mwr .WI.


mm Part/y run/It

tonight. 10:." Ht'tll‘ )7). Sunny



l (LIN/inn“ 9 Spirit 4

(Mtg. “I 9 Inf/MIL" 8



lllt enrollment on ion 1997-98 year




(MOI-clad flew}




t ’ I i x
3. ‘63 3. 3 3; § 3.3
a e e at e . .. a

Source Counol en Postseconaan EdUcBIIOii


By Karrie Ralston

(.hIII/l/‘HIIIIQ ll 'nrt‘r

l‘iiirollntent for the

L'niversity System.


for the fall 1‘”).


CHRIS HOSENTHAL Kt r‘m/ iii/ti

semester on the l.e\ington (3am,
pus is tip slightly. according to
early enrollment figures from the

Between the (Ihantllci' \ledical
(lentcr and the Levington (Lun—
pus. 14,100 students are enrolled


sclticstct‘. as

opposed to List year‘s lull enroll-
ment offlllol.

“\\'c nork very hard to recruit
students." said David \Vatts. \ice
chancellor lor academic affairs.

”The goal of the .tdministtxi»
tion is to keep enrollment steady.
and to keep serving the students
already enrolled." he said. \cvt
year's enrollment should he cone
parable, \\ .itts said.

The largest enrollment gain
\\ as in black freshmen \\ ho con-
sist of 7.6 percent of the entire
freshman class. ()verall black
enrollment increased i percent
thanks to the large numbers in
the freshmen class. Blacks repru
sent I340 students on the Le\~
ington Campus.

Lauretta Byai's. vice chancellor
for Minority \flairs. said these

iunnbcrs are up lietause oi "all the
hard work that has been going on
in all the colleges. 'l he L HI\CI'\!I\
is committed to prmiding an .ill
inclusnc learning’ community "

lo keep these minority num
bers up. IL‘lt‘HsiHl‘. toininei'tials
are in the planning stages for the
l.ou|s\illc area that “I” tater pm
until) to minority students. liyai's
said 'I he Louisnlle has the
largest numbers and ranks among
the highest in percentage of black
students at k K.

In the last 10 years. minority
enrollment at his has tripled
from ()0 in the ["87 freshman
class to I” in this year's fresh,
man class. The number of appli—
cations from minority students
ltas also increased. liyars said.
\frican- \nicrican students are

seeing I Is. .is a "\iahle option."
slit‘ saltl.

“(spite [licsc liit't‘cascs.
accounting Ii'eshinan l)‘\ndrc
\ntlei'son said I l\ still does not
li.t\c as mam lilatk students .1\ II
should. i

"\ly lIILIItl\ uotildna
hci'c luctausc oi the primarily
(aucasian cn\ii'oninent."
\ndcrson. who is lilatk.

l’nology junior \lithcllt- Hall
said taking minorities on H'L‘rull'
ment trips may boost the number
of minority students.

"You toulil walk across cainpth
and not see any (other litinut'b
tiesi." I lall said.

(In the number of black stu
dents at Lilx'. liyais said. "You‘re





Senate passes
aid amendment

By Joe Dobner
Stuff. ll ’rim'

By a vote of 84—4. the LIS.
Senate voted to approve an
amendment to the Departments
of Labor. Health and Human
Services and Education. and
Related Agencies Appropriations
Act of l‘NX.

The amendment in question.
S. I006. includes 53“ million in
funding for State Student Incen—
tive Grants (SSlG) for fiscal year
1998. It was sponsored by sena-
tors jack Reed (D—R.I.) and
Susan Collins (R-i\ld.).

This is good news for college
and graduate students.

“Considering that TAs and
RAs at UK make 10 to 11 thou—
sand a year and don't have health
insurance. anything that the fed—
eral government is willing to do
we're thankful for," said graduate
student Sen. Mike 'l‘omblyn.

“The State Student incentive
Grant program assists states in
providing grants to eligible stu—
dents who attend institutions of
higher learning and have sub—
stantial financial need." accord—
ing to the Department of l‘iduca-
tion’s web site.

Along with l’ell


[’erkins Loans. Supplemental
Educational Opportunity (irzmts.
federal \Vork—Study and federal
student loans. SSIC is one of the
six largest federal aid programs.
according to the National :\ssoci—
ation of (iraduate and Profes-
sional Students.

Congress has allocated a total
of $8.6 billion for student loans
this year. _

L'nlike other programs such as
Fe“ (irants and Perkins Loans,
SSK} does not go directly to stu-
dents from the federal govern-
ment, so many students have
never heard of it. SSKS funds all
go toward student financial aid.

“SSIC is critical to higher
education, critical to the dreams
of more than 700,000 students
across the nation and 13.000 stu—
dents just in my home state of
Rhode Island." Reed said.

SSIU monies are distributed
as matching funds to each state.
That is. the department of l‘idu-
cation distributes the funds to the
states according to the ratio of
students eligible to participate in
state SSl(i programs to the stu—
dents eligible to participate in the
liederal SSKi progratn. The fed—
eral government then matches



Study abroad
site otters prize

By Nicole Yoono Yoke Mun

Contributing M 'nrer

Studyabroadcom and grad-
schools.com — now online and
fully functional — are offering an
on—line sweepstakes before the
end of November.

Studyabroadcom, an online
source for study abroad program
information, is ready for its third
annual sweepstakes. This year's
grand prize promises round-trip
airfare to any study abroad desti-

Students can get detailed
information about a specific pro-
gram by searching directories
systematized by the host country,
which includes the study abroad
and intensive language programs.


semis a web-site






The site offers information on
internship and volunteer abroad
programs as well.

“This will be a helpful pro—
gram." said Martin Verger, 25.
who is on a holiday vacation in

Verger, who will study in
Scotland for his graduate studies
in japanese and l’nglish studies.
said he didn't know about the
site, but will Visit it soon.

Since September 1995, more
than 525,000 users have turned
to this site. which contains more
than 5,000 listings online.

About 25 percent of the pro-
grams provide links to their own
web sites. and listings that don't
include links have plenty of
information on subjects and
terms offered, program descrip-
tions, host cities and people to

“l'm happy to hear about the
pro ram," said Mary Ann Coop-
er, director of the Office of Inter-
national Affairs at UK.

The program will make things
easier for the students and
encourage more student partici—
pation, Cooper said.

Students in graduate school


See ABROAD 0n 7


.. 4L...

It’s down, dirty at

I/Vatermelon Bust

By Kristin Hall

(,‘omrlltlltmg I I 'rm'r

\\'hen attending the \Vater—
melon Bust, local sororities give
you a small but crucial piece of

“Just don‘t wear any clothes
that you like!"

At the annual \Vatermelon
Bust at ELF. (ioodbarn Field on
Friday, sorority members and
their fraternity coaches got a little
muddy during a few relay races

-_ .0...“ .._ -







and a tug-of—war.‘

Once the competitions began,
students quickly discovered the
reason for the warning.

Students were already covered
frotn head to toe in mud because
of many visits to “The Pit." a
slo py mixture of watermelon
ant mud in the middle of the

“The pit" could easily be called
the focal point ofthe “'atermelon
Bust. for if a person didn‘t willing-
ly jump into it. one of his or her



sorority sisters or the fraternity
members eventually threw them

Behind the pit. tables were set
out in a Circle and loaded in slices
of watermelon for the relay.

Despite these new mud
makeovers. the girls who attended
seemed to show a lot of spirit.

As the number of people
increased. so did the noise level.
Sororities held banners with
messages such as “Kappa‘s (iot
Melons" and “juicy. \Vet and




'I‘r/ I)t'/f II 'lv/mt'y
.Smn/y (tn/7) gelx .I
filrr fit/l nfmm/
:fi‘nnl her mrm‘ltt'
mm [\ilpptl . lip/w
.I‘l’t'fi/ HIt'NI/H'I'.\
(/cfi) t’tll Mtge
twin/mm garner—
melon till/mg the
II uterine/rm Relay.


The girls screamed call—and-
response cheers of “\Vho rocks
the house? The Chi—()s rock the
house!" for their houses.

The competition turned into
who was the loudest. rather than
who actually won the relay races.

l'iventually. the members of the
Lambda Chi Alpha social fraterni~
tv. who organized the bust, got
the games underway.


) _ . .__...,.. '__._


~31:er ~19, "1‘. .."“!‘?.,.~; ..;W; W , . ‘ 7
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Thin/111. Sepia/lilo Ii. IV‘I


H. Air/Huh Acme]




at€ .;;




t s not the size of the ship..
i't s the motion of the ocean.
Whenever you go to see a
concert there are basically two
types: the stnall intimate club
show and the large sprawling sta-
diuln show.

Each one has its own unique
advantages and disadvantages.
The stadium show allows
many more people to get
111 11nd see the more popu~
l1r acts. while club shows
allow for the audience to
much closer to the
action on stage.




THAI SHOULD HAVE BEEN (inIII/iuqu \IJOIlItI Iii/:1 I'tlIiI/lllt 1I 111111.11! 11/ a II:

w‘aIII I111: I’mI m Aunt“. 1111 111111.. null/(1m mq/tr.


I'I'lilm Iur‘niiheu’

I saw each type of show
on consecutive nights and l

(lowll Posse put 11.. their tlll‘HLt—
ring tirt 11s of 1n.l\hem at the

Then on l’ritlay l headed south
to Knoxvtlle to see il l. with
opening act (ioldfingcr at the
\\‘orld‘s l-‘air Park.

This was my first little seeing 11
show at either one of these venues
so l had no preconceptions as to
what either one of them had to

The (i111r10e is a put of the
( Itltl\ s cotnplc\ on the ( 111cm—
11 ati side of the Ohio l\I\ er l here

the building proclaiming that this
was the actual place l was looking
for. If it hadn't been for really
good directions l could have easily


were no signs on the outside of


missed it altogether.

Only a complete and total idiot
would miss the \\ orld 5 Fair Park
however. Anyone who knows any—
thing about Knoxville would
know iust to look for the big gold-
en hall thing downtown and drive
toward it.

This grand demarcation tnakes
it easy to ensure you don’t
lose any valuable time get—
ting to the show on time.
This is one advantage sta~
diutn shows have over club
shows, and while it may
seem inconsequential, it is
very important.

never really rea ized just [LJ'flm the concert is only 11
how totally different the stlnlfltflll minute detail when you
two tvpcs of concerts really . consider what actually goes
' ' knienummem . - '

are. mm” on inside.

()n lhursday night l V The (iarage is a small
made the drive up to cltib with 11 ton of atmo—
(Iinc1inniti to see the insane sphere; firgs hing from the rafters

throughout and 11111111 fish stares
1t you frolli the back of the club

The stag; is set in the middle of

the rootn and iuts out frotn the
front wall making for a pretty nar-
row field of view.

\\'hen the lCl’ took the stage.
the audience immediately crowds
ed up against the stage 11nd pre-
pared for one of the best spectacle
shows on the face ofthe planet.

The small venue was perfect
for the two rappers from South—
west Detroit There w as no barri~
c 1de to keep the rabid fans away
from the stage so they would
often climb up onto the stage and

dive off. into the waiting arms of

the audience.

\\'henever .1 fan would upstage
the (lowns they would quickb
get bitchslapped or suplmed off
the stage. L nless of c.oursc it w as
a good— looking female that graced
the stage. Se\er1| times through-
out the evening the l( P would lift
up the shirts of the nubile girls
giving the crowd a generous saili—
pling of bare breasts.

The small confines of the
(iarage were also perfect for the
(Ilowns‘ standard fare ofdousing
gallons of liaygo soda.

311 and (ioldfinger at the
\Vorld‘s Fair Park was totally dif—

(ietting to the site of

audience with hundreds of

Club shows are the way to go


would not let the fans anywhere
near the stage. and if there were
500 people to see the ICP then
there were easily 5.000 to sec 3! l.

l was lnaybe l0 feet from the
stage in Knouille 11nd l paid for it

dearly. lhe moshing was abso»
lutely cralv as thousinds of fans
tried to push and shove their way
to the stage.

\\'hile stage diving was the
norm at the (iaragc. crowd surfing
was the preferred activity at 3i 1.
There were several times that
unsuspecting fans found someone
crashing down on their head.

There w as also .1 lot more pot
smoking going on at the large out—
door venue despite the fact that
there was .1 large. visible police

The actual performance by i] 1
left something to be desired I
thought though. They are amuch
better studio hand than they are 1
li\e band.

The opposite can be said for
(ioldtinger though. They gave the
tnost intense hour ofmusic l have
ever witnessed. lt really is too bad
that they were only the opening

So the two shows were vastly
different and tailored perfectly for
their venues. Seeing a show In .1
small venue is best because of the
much reduced health risks.

The lnore people you have at .1
show. the cra/icr it can becotne.

while ha\ing a small number of

UM} people L an be lust good
clc an fun.
I,I/‘ft I Minn/1 m Iii/Irm- 0. 71111111 Strip/crux;

Ive/1 tItt‘ 17:11 [11111111 11/111111”) tItt'


ferent. Security


and I\ 11 Mlmm/Im/ ten/w-


The Campus Calendar is .1 free senice which appears iii the Monday edition of the Kentut Ivy Kernel.


All registered organizations wisllintl to publish rtit‘t‘linos, lcr lures, spet i.1l

events and sporting cycnts, must haw. all information to the. Student Activities room 203111111” 2578867, or c~11i.1il ukcycntwpopultycdu one neck prior to publit .1tion.


-UR Deadline for applying with college
deans for reinstatement after a sec-
ond academic suspension for the
1998 Spring Semester

University Artist Series
Subscription tickets on sale now at
the Singletary Ctr box office; 257-
-SAB Rasdail Galleryle THE PIT,
Daniel Boone Gt Sara Compton, 257
Student Ctr, M-I’ (thru 9/24)

'Study Abroad Services Information
Session 'Study Abroad Programs at
Scholarships,‘ I2:00 85:00pm, Rm.
207 Bradley Hall

-Carecr Ctr. Orientations: M,W,F
9:00am at 5:00pm, Tues 11:00am at
3:00pm, Thurs 12:00 51' 5:00pm (thru
l0/l0) CALL 257-2746 to sign up
-UR Career Ctr Workshop: ”Writing
Resumes and Cover Letters,‘ 4:30pm,
Rm. 208 Mathews Bldg; 257-2746

-Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every
weekday, 12:10pm, 520 Rose St;

-Alumni Gym is now open for
Basketball, M-I“, 7:00-10:00pm, Vhlld
UKID required, Located on Euclid
across from Jewell Hall
-UR Snowboard a: Sld Club Meeting.
7:00pm, Rm. 206 Student Ctr; 269.



-EXIIIBI1': The Art of the Sideshow.-
The Collection of J. Petra lll, UR Art
Museum (thru 10/12)
EXHIBIT: ma: Portraits in the
Collection, UR Art Mmum (thru
EXHIBIT: A fine Linc: Master
Etchings from the Collection, UR Art
Museum (thru Illa/98)

'Study Abroad Services Informmion
Session 'Mahyalun Semester: l2100

35:00pm, Rm. 207 Bradley Hall
-I‘Iatlonal Society of Black
Engineers Meeting, Commons 5rd
Floor, ALL Engineers a: Science
Majors Welcomel

-SAB Board Meeting, 5:00pm, 205
Student Ctr: 257-8867


Donovan Scholars Program Forum:
‘Journalistic Ethics,’ Maria Braden,
3:50pm, Lex. Senior Citizens Ctr
‘Latin American Studies Program.
Women's Studies, and Latino
Student Association presents '
Engendering Change in the Post-
Deveiopment Era: Globalization
Resistance, and the Struggle for
Democracy in Mexico,’ Dr. Gustavo
Esteva, 4:00s6:00pm, Singletary Ctr
President's Rm

-UK Wesley Foundation United
Methodist Student Center PHAT TUES-
DAY (Praise Honor And Thanks),
7:50pm. Rm. 250 Student Ctr; 254-

-Ul( Ballroom Dance Society
Lessons for Ballroom a: Latin Social
Dances, 7:00-8:00pm for
Intermediates, 8:00-9:00pm for
Beginners. Barker Hall Dance Studio,
CALL Jim Holmes 257-1947, Partner
helpful but not required
fencing Club, 8200-9250pm, Alumni
Gym Loft,- 257-5812
Men’s Volleyball Club Open Gym,
9:50-11:00pm, Alumni Gym; 271-

'Social Work Association Brown Bag
Lunch, Guest Speaker Dr. Lauretta
Byars will discuss Cultural Diversity,
Il:50am-i:00pm, Rm. 2:50 Student



41!! Last day to change grading option
(pass/fall to letter made or letter
grade to pass/fail, credit to audit or
audit to credit) In college dean' 5
-I.IR Lam day to drop a course without
It appearing on the student's Iran»

'Study Abroad Services Information
Session 'ISEP-Intemational Student
Exchange Program,’ 12:00 &5:00pm.
Rm. 207 Bradley Hall
American Civil Liberties Union
Organizational Meeting, 5:50pm, Rm
106 Student Ctr
—Golden Key National Honor
Society First General Meeting, 'Ice
Cream Social,‘ 7:30pm, Rm. 1 ll
Student Ctr
—UI£ Slerrano Meeting for New and
Old Members, 8:00pm, Rm. 106
Student Ctr; 269-7745

Latter-day Saint Student
Association Brown Bag Meeting, New
Testament Discussion Group, 12:00-
12:50pm, Rm. 231 Student Ctr

-Golf Singles Tournament , Tatcs
Creek Golf Course, First tee time at
noon (thru 9/I8): 257-2898

-UI( Volleyball @ Louisville, 7:00pm

College of B a: E and Career Ctr
Business Career Day, 10:50am-
2:50pm, Student Ctr Ballrooms
-Green Thumb Picnic at Woodlawn
Park, 6:50pm, Meet 0 Rm. 1 17
Student Ctr


‘Study Abroad Services Information
Session 'Study Abroad Programs
Requiring language Pmflclency,’
12:00 83:00pm, Rm. 207 Bradley
Hail ’

-Donovnn Scholars Frown-I Forum:
'A Day at the Races,’ Tricia Colt.
5: 50pm, Lex. Senior Citizens Ctr
-Ul£ Caner Ctr “Workshop ‘Prcparinn
for Interviews,” 4: 30pm, Rm. 208 ~~1
Mauicwhog 257-274a . - ,1.”

-UR Woolcy Pound-lio- 11mm
Night Dinner at Rhine. 0:00-7:15?
508 Columbia Ave. 32,- 254-025
Christian W Fellow
Thursday Milk. 7 :pm.00
Columbia Aye: 2330315




Campus Crusade for Christ Weekly
Meeting, 7:50pm, Student Ctr
Worsham Theater
Teuowsbip of Christian Athletes
Meeting, 9:00pm, CSF Bldg. (corner of
Woodland a: Columbia Ave)

fencing Club, 8:009:50pm, Alumni
Gym Loft,- 257-5812
Men's Volleyball Club Open Gym,
9:50-11:00pm, Alumni Gym: 271-

Jewish student Organization/Hillel
foundation Dinner at the Dorm.
6:00pm, Blazer Hall 'Courtyard'
Cafeteria; 255-8548. All are weicomel

FRIDAY 9/ | 9

-UR Last day for reimtatement of stu-
dents cancelled for nonpayment of
registration fees and/or housing and
dining fees. Requires payment of fees
and may require payment of $50 rein-
statement fee

'Study Abroad Services Information
Session 'Study Abroad Programs In
the United Kingdom at Australia,”
12:00 85:00pm, Rm. 207 Bradley

inaugural Event of the Robert C. May
Photography Endowment Lecture
Series prucnts Speaker Richard
Benson, dean of the Yale School of
Art, 10:00am, UR Art Museum (The
museum will display a selection-of the
photographer's work during the weeks
before and after the day of the loo

«UR cheer Ctr Workshop: 'flowTo
l'lnd Government MW"

l2: 0011mm Rm.208 wards,
257% 746

UK Yd] It‘ll “tram

. c,

drainage. m has vs.
Michigan St. 5: 20an UK vs. Butler








Mum: Center Catholic Mass,
6:00pm, 520 Rose Ln: 255-8566

«Men's Volleyball Club Try-Outs.
I2:00-5:00pm, Alumni Gym; 271-

-UR Volleyball: KY Conference
Challenge, Michigan St. vs. Butler
I0:503m, UR vs. Eastern Illinois
12:00pm, Butler vs. Eastern Illinois
5:50pm, UK vs. Michigan St. 7:50pm
«UK Football 0 Indiana, 2:00pm
-UR Men's Golf vs. University of Iowa;
Iowa City, IA (thru 9/21)

-LCC Women to Women Conference,
8:00am-noon, Oswald Bldg, $5; 257-
6527, Advance Registration
Recommended, Seminar Topics
include: Self-Esteem, Time
Management, Hon-Traditional Jobs 8
Roles, Health, Power Language.
Balancing Life Responsibilities


-SAB Spotlight Jazz presents Wayne
Shortner/Herbic Hancock 1+1.
8:00pm, Singletary Ctr


Minor- Center Catholic Mass. 9: 00

a: 11:50am, 5:00pm, 520 Rose Ln,

‘ 255-8566
, . Christian Student Mlourshlp
University Praise Service. I I:00am.

502 Columbia Ave; 255-0513

Men's Volleyball Club Try-Outs,
12:00-5:00pm, Alumni Gym.- 271-

-UR Women's Soccer vs. Evansville,
noon: Lexington. KY . .
-UR flcn'o ”new am 0
UHLV for the UI‘ILV Chute; 5: 00pm














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