xt75x63b2q3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b2q3h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1985 1985 1985-10-04 2020 true xt75x63b2q3h section xt75x63b2q3h ‘ c a
' 1
______________—-——-________ ______________________________—__—______________
Vol. LXXXIX. No. 200 ambushed IIOC University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent elm 1011 Friday, October 4' I985 ' ' ,
Paper says T l . ; -
. ax p an Will help 1
4 . ._i
kidnapped _ , ,.
‘ l?! .7 ‘. “I; ‘
man killed economy, eaga“ " " "
7 . ’ ; I;
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o o . . . " -. ‘1 .l’.‘ '17,
Beirut paper prints tells ClnClnnatlanS y. 1.311.31-
:3 ' 7": "-I f; :"
l I . , . d.‘
c terI‘OI‘lStS Clalms ByFRAN STEWART crease in the standard deduction ”I k . .5; f1:
* ‘ News Editor for married couples filing Jointii 4' 1 ‘1. iI'.
. BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) — Wil- and (‘YNTHIAA.PA1.()R1\IO andinpersonnlexemii' or» y; .- -_" ; " ,‘T-L
llfim Buckley. 3 political officer at Senior Staff Writer "History is clear Lower tax '5‘; ‘_ );.' ,1;
t e LYS. Embassy kidnapped 18 rates mean greater freedom and f.‘ 5' ‘3
months ago. has been killed, the CINCINNATI —» “Who the heck whenever we lower tax rates our "7, .1 .3,'t"7."-;
newspaper An-Nahar reported wants to hear actors talk?" entire nation is better off ’ r. i'- j‘l: L f'fi'.
today. Harry Wamer of Warner Broth- said ,; ‘ r.;.' .‘1'
, — l . . - .i 'f ers once commented on the ad- The president Cited (‘incmnati *i
isBr£:1?ot:oewh?::dg?: March ‘ r ~=. vent of sound tracks for the mo- as an example In 1984 about t. ‘ k :-',
‘ ' ‘ ; . tion picture industry 20000 new Jobs were created in ' "‘ _ .‘i,’ . "a
. He is one of six Americans that ' ‘ ‘ 3 9 But yesterday afternoon about the city after the administration's _‘ 3 5 '. ,'
V the underground terrorist group, 15- ‘1; S ,_.t' «.1 1.300 Greater Cincmnati busmess first-term tax cuts began to take ‘_-' - 1 ‘ ;
lamic Jihad claimed to be holding A a 5‘": .. ' leaders turned out to hear an effecting said _-_ ' ' , ‘7‘.
motif; The terrorists have de- a so} . . . :éoIZ-turned‘president talk about And during the last lh month}: ._ f.
man that 17 of their comrades . “I; . mlCS. Greater (‘incmnati has seen t e p ; ' H; y: ‘
convicted and imprisoned in Kuwait . E : ~ ,2 ‘ As part of a Midwestern pro— creation of more than lion new i ‘ ,, -'»
for bombings be released in ex- ; ’ ~ ': "who“ for his ‘43" reform PFOW busmesbeo‘,” he said "T‘Xini [he - '. 1‘ ‘ ”a:
change for the Americans ,3» '5 3:; ‘7‘. . sal. President Reagan stopped American expansion is in :Ls .l-lth '; _ 3 l. [:13 a
j,‘ ,u 4‘ . ' o‘er '3? n he here long enough to tour Procter consecutive month and across -* ‘;. 7 . ; 7 ' -
Buckley. a bachelor. is from Med- . . f‘ . ‘ ,3 ’ ti! hit! & Gamble's soap-making plant at the country we've seer. 'hi- i-re- E. '-
ford.‘ Mass He became a Foreign {a _" 39 « ‘ 7.. 1‘ if” W lvorydale and address members .ition of more than eight million _ ~'_ ‘-
SerVice officer in [$3. after 18 years a ‘t ' ;»-~ (1 7 f: ’2 ' 0f the Cincinnati Busmess (‘om- Job: ' \' - ‘ ' ‘ T
as a cmlian emploxee of the US. giro?- 5 . a t ‘ " If. ”‘2 V” iiiittee and (‘incinnati Institute Reagan said his proposai will ' . > ._ 'T
Army, serving in Washington and '9'? _ ‘ e, - . , . ‘ for SmallI-interprise simplify the income tax >)>IQHX . ‘ . “ -'
Vietnam. Ile was aSsigned to Beirut. 42* h" 7 - 9' .-_ Reagans reference to the “The corporate tax >tructure ‘ 1. ' ‘-
his first State Department post, in if" few ‘ g " Warner quote attempted to illus- toda,v represents d Jungle “t d“ r- '. I ' '»
September 1983 v a ~ ‘ irate the uncertainty of predic- ductions. credits and allowances ~ 7. :~ ' " .;
There are 11 other foreigners — 1, v’ r 1:.‘3 ' " hOhS Reagan said he hopes ‘0 The only Oheb who Cah hhhh me” “ _' i ‘ " ‘i. 7
French. British and SOViet citizens 3. ~ I. ”1 ‘ ~ PFOV“ his OPPOSIUOY‘ wrong In “'3." through h “hh 93“" are . * _' . .:
__ “'hO have been kidnapped and are 4g" ‘ . 4 ) .4 , predicting that lht' tax plan Could those \A'lm friendly guldt'h ()R ('d' f .1 :1, I .‘ ~ . .'.' ‘
believed being held in Lebanon. A 5' . . “i _ as? "_ not become law before the end of p110] Hill." he said 1' . » :- ‘ 1|
Soviet Embassy official who had .,.. ‘ : theyear "The whole weed-ridden o\er i ' ' '; . 1
been kidnapped. Arkady Katkov. 33;.“ n '33,. -. y. In his speech at me (‘Iarion grown arrangement encourages 5 _ 4 > .,
was {Ound dead Wednesday. ,1; " v-s , Hotel. Reagan reiterated a cam- competition 0f the WOT“ k‘hd . . ‘ i .'
_ . ‘3 paign promise he made during not to produce better products at - _ 'V: _
VO‘h‘?’ En? “mm"? [iffy 315° his last \‘lslt to the Cit) in August lower prices but to hire bigger ‘. . »
3(9)” ‘hvol he $50:er 2d gabduc- \\A. . , 198-1 and bigger teams of lobbyists and ,I . . 7; ~ '
Refili‘irt‘icoLrv Faction? ndbthe ii?“ \Q ,o""~-. // "We're gomg to Slmpllf} the lawyers ever-more Skhh‘d 1“ “Ah ' i . 7 "
olutionarv or anizationaof Soc' l“t “.7 A .911 ' tax system. actually make it un- mg advantage of the tax code = - y -.
Moslems' g iais .- -. // * derstandable and clear and fair." Reagan 531d hlS dream 1> ‘0 .‘ i ’ g -'
A The 17 conVicts whose release I ‘7‘. ? 7‘ f ' 7‘ he 531d gradually reduce dehc“ spending 7. ‘ -' , '
lamic Jihad is demand‘ '5- ;' 7 l 1': [pm arrival at the tireater [0 balance the budget Then a .‘ ~w
. "‘3‘ were ‘h' r, 9 ‘ ' .‘ (v t l t t ,1 A { Constitutional amendment could -« e . . '~
volved in the December 1983 terror- ' ~ . incmnai n erna 'Oh" ’ irpor ' be .1 , . h . .‘ . , ~
isz bombings of the us and French '. U ‘ 3‘ Reagan was sreeten hr» Gov ‘mplememe" ‘hd‘ deme’ ‘ e i -' ‘ -‘.' Y
embassies in Kuwait . . /l"'-...-"' \"t' Martha Layne Collins federal government the right to ’_ .- .v ‘
Three of the 17 have been sen- ' ”/c . <35» . "l asked for the opportunity to borrow money . ' 7 ‘ ‘
tenced to death by hanging Kuwait ' ' meet with him to talk about some ”“9 know [hill Inter?“ 18105 7 ; » . .- ‘ . "
has refused toreleasean ofthem. Comer” I have for ““hllleY-H are coming down we km“ about i. ‘ " V
In Washington Statey rtrhent J~°~V‘m "WW'WW thi- nm the Elghl million jobs Vie diilnt . '; .
spokesman J08 Reap said hel had no . ‘ . Heagdhs proposed tax refoy-m do all that. America dld all , ., " I .
information on the report “l've PreSIdent Reogan gestures during a speech to the Clarion Hotel. The president‘s stop come calls for a substantial tax break that." he said “We tried to get .. [I . . .
checked We have nothing on it We Greater Cincmnoti busmessmen yesterday at in a Midwestern promotion 0' hi5 'OX Plan. for businesses. a cut in the t0p government oii' of your Via} and : . ' '- ' ’5.
are ofcoursechecking "hesaid 7 rate 0“ capital gains and an m- we re gomgto keeptmhh’ ' " . ,' ~ ‘_ 1_'
Professor lectures Track Opens with ne nd old
. ‘ a . ‘ ' , . 1'5
0“ coasta confllct - Keeneland 5 fall meet features turf racmg, exacta betting '. _ -_,:
. . . t l B\ (‘ATHY WILLIAMS some new racmg stvles to its tradi- t l d . b - ' ' ’ :7
Kym-A GL LSS .. . - f l . . _ . ~ . iona imenSion to racing _\ going ' .3 .. ‘ 3
Staff Writer :ghlmihnfh‘e pigggcregofallggge [ch09 a I Contributinngriter tiofns h f the turf horses an opportunity to V , .-' .' ‘i ' ‘ 3
. ‘or t e irst time Keeneland will race ‘ i1. .3 ~ '1'. "' .
com" mes and beaumu‘ women‘ a The bell rm ~ Th . H be fe't “t f . ~~ . 1 . 1' .- 1-. a 1 .. i
The seacoast has manv as ‘5‘ ' , gs. egate opens A during ur course racing. some horses are equally priif: . .. . ’1
including continuous cohflictpegnd 3:? Ithfhmge; 0f adFrench battle- that horsepower surges forward WhK‘h takes place onagrass track Cient on the grass and turf tracks 3 ‘ . .~_ . .,".l
natural beauty Raymond Betts said S pin e] c ggoun ' I . under jockeys dressed in bright (‘01- The new track. “'thh 15 7‘: fur- Williams said “However, some are . ' ‘3? -
last night during the distinguished “$255115: {1‘93 WOW—8 *5)! autngrs ored silks , the image of Thorough- longs long. 15 oneeighth Of a mile more proficient on the grass be- ,' y- .. “y ‘3' ".
professor lecture at the Center for Greene b; notfgfigh fiewcsirgf m"; bred racing. shorter dthap tilt; dirt track which cause they don‘t like the 5and and ’.._;.- ‘-. , : ~
' SUFFOUh ‘ 1 e turf course race dirt from dirt tracks kicked iii on . " ‘. i .
them“ sea as a lace of not only conflict - - , . ‘ . ' ' w , .‘
..The phrase ‘coast-tocoast‘ may but also bgauty. But Betts‘developed The experience m” again be will runinthesixth race tomorrow themnand the gzdss tuii is more . .- .‘
describe the continental history of his own theories about modern-day ' available to Lexmgtonians when J1". Williams. Keeneland's direc- even ‘ 't . "
our nation. but it 3150 describes the tourism in coastlinedominated ’ Keeneland 5 fall meet opens tomor- tor of publicity. said the :rack's new Williams said the :rack time on ' ‘ . ' 1 "g .' ’_ .‘
forced migration 0f "11111005 0f de- areas such as the Carribean, and row. Thls year. the "39“ W1“ add turf course would provide an addi- \cc in“ h -~._c< . -' ' g e. .fi
spaitring yd?“ agfdhtyhe {30% mi- modern day sea transportation as it - ' ‘ ' - y- 1 1 i, .
8T3 '0" 0 ml 1005 P9 uro is affected by the presence of air RAYMOVDBFT’ ‘ ' O .‘ ‘.'.'
peans." said Betts. director of the travel. ‘ ‘ TS W t N ‘ t ‘1 3 . .. -‘ i. ' i
Honors Program and professor of Bettsseosthecoastasa stage for r1 er 0 ens ewman en er serles . .. ‘i J. , r.
NStOFY- historical occurrences “Drama is ing and active scholar. and one who . ' . i- I
But his application of events to the what is witnessed." he said. “The has offered‘distinguished service to By(‘ATHY MEDLEY Novak will discuss the American to the L'nited Nations Human Rights . .i "'
seacoast went much further than coast provided much." the University in his profesSion." he Contributing Writer experiment in political economy. in- (‘ommisswn in Geneva His . ' . .
history Betts' lecture, titled “Con- Betts was the 40th recipient of the said. cluding its biblical roots. notions of speeches from the 37th and 38th ses ' '
founding the Line of Separation: The Distinguished Professor Award, Michael Novak opens the Newman sin, creativity and community. SionS. “Rethinking Human RIEhIS ‘ - ' I '
Culture _of the Coast," also included which is voted on by faculty mem- gens thanked the college's faculty Center‘s Distinguished Speaker‘s Se "He is a good speaker and I have Vols I and II.“ were published Ill ; . -. i, ~ . ‘ .‘ .
personification of the coast as if it bers of the College of Arts & Sci- members for the Opportunity the ries Monday with a speech titled heard many good things" said the 1982 and 1983 ' A. " { . g "
had seen the confrontation of coun- ences and is the colle e‘s hi not award allows. "To do conSIderable "The New Order of the World.” Rev Walter Bado. coordinator of Novak is the author of two nou‘ls ' , - .
. S .
tries. professional recognition. traveling. to do reading that I would Novak. who holds the George the series. "He has taught at several and nearly 20 books on philoserh; ‘ ‘ . , ;'
He sees the coast as a place of not have done under other circum» Frederick Jewett (‘hair in Religion univerSIties includingSinnford Hell theology and culture. including ' . ",
conflict —a place of storms. battles ‘ Michael Baer. dean of the college. stances. and the opportunity to do and Public Policy at the American make people perk up Moral Clariti in the .\m :mir Agi '. ’ . .. _
and shipwrecks. but also as a place introduced Betts. “As in years past, some research as well. 1 thank you. Enterprise Institute in Washington. In 1981 and i982. Novak was ap- Confession of a Cathoin and 7m . ‘ ~
of beauty, noting a French manna the faculty has selected an unusual- the faculty, to have given me that DC. Wt“ Speak at 7:30 pm. at the pomted by Presmcnl R8388" as the Shi'i'ofDemoc'ahf cahmhw” ‘ " .
recruiting poster depicting “well- ly effective instructor, an outstand- opportunity.“ Newman (‘enter at 320 Rose Lane. chief of the United States Delegation Scc st Rlls. mu ' . .
o e - ~ . ‘ . ' . »
. - s. _ _ .
K Miss Teen leads bus life » ‘- - 1 'th i ~ - — ~-
. (. . ‘1 .. “ . t
c ‘ . s . . e i .
0 I . - ‘. ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ h o . - . ‘
M... "71' ”mom,” UK freshman competing for national title, $15,000 stipend . . . .
duction that as a at P o O ‘ '
marriage. willhelt thcoiiiaioi m. By smocoopan maintaining a 4.0 grade poml avere “1 was really, shy until about ninth i . ‘ ' .f o n 1 .
net for the next two weekends. For Staff Writer age. she amassed 20 awards and grade. She 531d ”1 89‘ emban'aSS- ._ ' * x
a minor «smug: pa'fil- was involved in more than 30 school 9d $130}?! hhh' Stu” “d 1"“ only Shy
nummuPAmii-cl. In hi school G'nn'S ks. d te and community related activities Wit t Ings ! don! feel comfortable i '
m it; in radii amnshermyemmscmoi mm when i am some ’ _ ¥ .. i
School stud 'ng work communit‘ “1 love to be involved." Speaks somewhere. I wonder whether I am ' ‘
I. v. u . “I“ h. M the activities angla hoyfrierid all took uh said. ”‘ hate to 5“ around and do gomgtofitin." - ‘ ’ — - -“ ~ 7* 7
Wildeaunkemthea-am alotoftime butshemanaged nothing. You need to get the most However, Speaks has not let this ‘ . ' ‘ .hi ‘ .m! y '. w
tomorrow at W M. For man‘ le such life might out of life. you need to really experi- inhibit her ability to make friends a , . J » - ., A " £- -1
ulll. Pu a preview of the an: and be chaoticy mar S is Mi enceitoryouwon‘tgrowl“ and accompliSh he? 80815. Jeff ‘ , 7 . O“;
this week’s [and Top no. no ‘ . pea Ma . .' However the bus hedul . Bengston. state director for the Miss r .. ‘
1183 law freshman, it was this disci- . ' y 5° e was - 4 \
mine“. med juggling act um successfully not without drawbacks. “Tl'iere real- Teen 0f Amfnca Paseant- described . ‘_ ~ _ '
film her win the Miss Ten of ly was no time to relax. People used Speaks 85 8 real SO‘SQtter. V 7 ~ ‘ “ \ ' ’ ’_-- ‘7 l‘.
Kentuck competition to tease me if I didn‘t 80 out They "If you throw a challenge at her . \ . 1 . -
Speaksyl'l ofHenderson K was wmlldsay.‘You‘reGinnywho?.‘” she W1“ do it and do it well." 9 , ‘ .. i
crowned ilmé Miss Teen of‘Keht‘uck Arriving at college has revealed a Bengston said. “She is really easy to '/l ‘ 12¢ .
. y new ide of kv . -- get along With and she doesn‘t let . _ -‘ - ” '
last July and win leave Sunday to , 3 SP" 5 350mm! ‘" n ° .
rod-y win u m can compete nationally in the weeklong “8" ”W "9"“th was a 59‘ h" “9mm” 3° ‘° he” he“ ' . .
vim-Jomundm. Miss Teen of America pageant in pattern," she said “Here there is“ She. w‘" "0‘ tell you about her 7 " 7 7° .
m Nth '- he he. a . 1°. To- Deluth Minn mach going on that it is hard to dis- achievements unless you ask. .
' ‘ ci ine yourself. It is harder to get 7
m M VI h a I ” Graduating valedictorian in her into m . ‘ the ' canon-luminou- Item-Uta”
, use college .3 so large. In Karen Mlle: 1% Miss Teen of
3.111.: of m: ”fl high school class, Spooks was able high school wrtunjties always Kentucky. said Speak's ability to _ . _
low “"th do: each to combine extracumcular activ- came to my mum here it is dif- make friends Will play a role in how Miss Teen of Kentucky Ginny Speaks. a business law freshman,
‘ “- ities with academic success. While ferent. SchISS TEI'ZN_page2 leaves Sunday to compete in the national Miss Teen pageant.

' ) § 0 \
L ° ° h ' l' t '
awyer praises Swedis soota ism . , “MISS ' | 'een
:. I Continued from page one
By Ll'fA DAL “0511.; ”The average person lives well and to stay out of World War ll while . . I 2.
Contributing Writer [have not seen any street people," surrounding nations were becoming z . . well she performs at the national Bengston said her high scholastic
involved, Sweden has always min i P fl ct. pageant. achievement and “solid" service to
Thanks to heavy taxation. the The welfare programs are paid for tainedastrong military I I . 2 her school and community should
Swedish SOClal welfare program is through a heavy taxation system. “Every young man goes into the ‘ ‘ “One thing that will help her out 3 enable her to place in the top 15.
strong and Swedes are benefiting. Doyle said. In some instances the service at the age of 18 to 20 and a"; '2 lot at the national pageant is her “She has a well-rounded personality
said Richard Doyle. a Lexmgton at- tax rate goes up to 68 percent and a stays a member of the army until .3 ' outgoing personality. Making friends that will help her do well in all cat-
torney value added tax of 23.67 percent is the age of 47.“ Doyle said, ‘I‘A man '1. I is a really big deal there, and be- egories."hesaid.
. Doyle. who spent the weeks in added to everything people buy. is not in the service all the time but ‘ . ‘ cause of the type of person she is 1 Speaks, who took home a 81.000
~ Sweden as a Rotary Club exchange trams every so often for a few » know she will soak it all in." Mize SQMPTSNP “‘0'“ the State ”Rant
2' student. yesterday talked of his ex The people of this Scandinavian weeksatonetime " "s. said. Wlll be vying for a $15,000 schol-
> I periences to about 60 people at a L'K constitutional monarchy hold a arship plus $10.000in prizes.
. t‘ouncilon Aging forum strong sense of loyalty to the crown Doyle said he was impressed by The competition stresses scholas- For Speaks the national pageant lS
. - ~‘ Doyle said the welfare system in and. at the same time. a pronounced the Swedes because of their family- '_ ,3 tie achievement and personal recog- a “dream come true."
_. , Sweden covers everything from socialist feeling, Doyle said orientation and their apparently . s nition in six categories. The judging "I'm so proud to go and represent
‘ birth to death "When a person .. happy. peaceful lives. This impres- I "- ' is based on scholastic achievement the rtate. I just want to have fun
' ‘ . ‘ needs particularly expensive care. The tWOIIcomeptS {99m ‘0 felt“ sion would not follow “the idea we ‘ in high school. service achievement and compete.“ she said. “It is such
' 2. - he is required to pay something like 93C“ other. he said, bl" that 5 "0t would have after reading that the '\ to 5(3le and community, personal 3. busy week that you don‘t have
. . , . 3 $5 ~ he said the case in Sweden. All over the suicide rate in Sweden is one of the RICHARD DOYLE development in talents and hobbies. time to ' Jrry about the competition.
. . ' Doyle was impressed that Sweden country the P999]? SlmPl." adore the highest in the whole world.“ a general awareness test. a judges' l JuSt want to go and enjoy. because
- , 2 seemed to have no poverty at all as kmg and queen. ‘vic‘fiwi'mf .‘f‘ interview and formal wear competi- ll IS something you only get to do
’ ‘ " . ‘ . d (‘UnM’qUt’nCt’ ”l bt‘lng it well“? On the contrary. Swedes seem to I;:_E§fltgflffl tion. once.“
.- ' ' . state “Average homes are better Although it lies between the two care much about life. When a hus-
j . ' than ouis‘hesaid major political blocks of the world. band and wife go out for dinner.
2' .. . ' He said he did not see any slum Sweden has no alliances. Despite its only one of them drinks alcohol: The
‘ 2 _ 2I‘ areas during his stay in Sweden policy of neutrality. which allowed it other one drives home Friday Aftornoons...A Tradition
I -. ,2 I. . Is Robornl
‘ ‘ ‘ ' TUESDAY
,..;;’ 2, , ' STUDENTS REACH .
_. ,‘ Repeat ADS FOR THE \_
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‘ A By JAMES A. smu. ——————-— , .5, - ' ' , ' -
Austln City saloon — 2350 Woodhiii Shopping Center. Tonight and tomor- Senior Staff Writer . ‘ ‘ , 'r‘ . '
row. Greg Austin Bond (country rock). 9pm. to l a.m. ”cover. REV'EW ' 1 l ' -,' ,1; "I 1
the ear — 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow. rap AO/disco music on a Frenzied frivolity was the order of ___ .- , ~ 3 I; y ' '- ,. ~_ .
sound system, 4 p.m. to l a.m.; otter hours on Saturday iron 1 am. to 3:30 the evening in 185‘ night's opening 0f ‘ ” \ t . ‘ ’ e, W i , 5", I ‘14, I" .‘
O-M-flcowr- ”Bedroom Farce," the “VS! tire cast has been successful in de- , 2‘ I ." . ';' . l :g,‘ '. ,_
Iottam Line .— w w. Short sc. Tonight and tomorrow, The Mighty Klique mainstage production mounted by veloping British accents _i'" " ' . / I‘M ‘ i .- i , {4“ _.. .1 ,
("9900).9PM-lol0-m.Covoris$3sinaio/t5couplo. the theater department for the Russell Jones' brightly colored set - h' . 2 \ “ 9 l .','- ,‘l
Ireee A saloon 2909 Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Doe and the 198586 season helps to lend a lighthearted. lal‘Clcal ‘ I _. \ \ .. 3 '.- '.- .4
Red Hots(Top40rock lromlndiana),9p.m. tola.m.$3cover atteerm. Sexual and emotional bed‘hopping mood to the production And the K ' ' 1 l . ‘1'1_'.,' {.1 '.1-'1! _,
Mng's - l505 NOW Cll’Cl. Road. Tonight. Charlie's Garage (Top 40 are the highlights, and thanks [0 a crisp work of [hose running [he ‘ - J V , ' .11-1111’1-111-1‘1 .- 11-111.
donce), 9 p.m. to l a.m. 32 cover. Tomorrow. The Trendells (Top 40 dance), 9 935‘ and crew that demonstrate con» lighting board 2 Chanev said there 4’ '1 3.2"": 7" . ' ‘
p.m. tol a.m. $3.50cover. siderable proficiency. the play deliv- were about 80 “gm cue; .. seemed 1 1" ' ' _ .16! 2‘ ,"-'1.‘1'_’r 1‘
C... W -— 337 E. Main St. Tonight, Hector In Paris (original dance), 9 ers on "5 promise. to be flawless All things considered. ’ _ ’Illf " . ,
p.m. to i am. $2 cover. Tomorrow, Not Shakespeare (original dance). 9 p.m. The play essentially concerns the the various elements of production . \ i; i, w‘ J I ‘.'V 1.1.1 .' . a
ioio.m.s2cover. relationship 0f Susannah and “'9' represent conSiderable creativitv ‘ 5 " ’ - ”~ 3157‘: ' 5. .
CIVIMI'I —— Hyatt Regency Hotel. Formerly Pim's Pub, the lounge is now re- V01" bl“ their squabbling Spills over and effort, . Q 3 I i ".45". .‘ 1‘ 3,1
modeled and lectures Top 40 dance music on a sound system, with videos to lnto three Other bedrooms ' those x' . \ ., ' i , 5,1113)" ‘1.".:-
boot. Openevery night until i a.m. No cover. of the couple's friends and relatives. This productions only problems " ll! . , ' ~ ’ .. _ ~ i E '5 -’-.:
Greet soowr Depot _ 684 5. Broadway. Tonight and tomorrow, Good 'Null Before long. relationships of every begin and end with the script, a tan- . . ,_ . , . ;.‘ _.4:
(iap40danco).9p.m.ioia.m.Covorsasingio/sscoapia. sort are skirting the rocks, and all gled web of bedroom encounters ~ ‘0 . ‘t 5 .- 3‘ _ 7';,:.,f..1.;‘
Jettenon Devls Inn —. 102 w. High St. Tonight and tomorrow, The Cast (rock the bedrooms are in chaos. both phySical and emotional that 7 ,mW ~ ~ .. {1 '- .- ', 1:1
from the 70's).9p.m. tol o.m.$2 cover. This production of Alan Ayck- are firmly entrenched in standard .__... ‘ , D ”WOO“ , i. i ‘ 1/" .-‘-'_, (2“,
L. A. Oliver's —— Holiday lnn on l-75 and Newtown Pike. D-J Mike Morris boum‘s BrltlSh comedy was direaed situation comedy The 30mm or the . '."‘,--1.j'._” {ii i'
spins the hits on a sound system. Tonight, Bottomless Beer Mug Night, where by graduate Student Vic Chaney. play, while f35"133C9d and laden John Voskuhl (in bed' grimoces ot Wren Picassc in a" 3"r)" L' '2 . 1". ..1‘ 1.".- J1 '..‘¢"11 '
$5 buys all the beer you can drink lrom l0 p.m. to l u.m., and you keep the and {he young (tremor has drawn a Wlth comic encounter5~ new". ”33“} intimidate him into leaving his bedroom in a 3’ er 8 'ii " by; - t. '11-" if.
glass mug. Tomorrow, it's $2 Lynchburg Lemonades and Long island Teas all number 0‘ 50nd performances from lrles to go anyv‘here m Partlcmar room Force whmh opened last nlghy at the qu» , 'v,..r}~9v ,f, .f . 1; fix-"‘3': 3. ,
"59*" |°n91N°covm1 a somewhat inexperienced cast Fortunately. it succeeds admirably The UK reduction W1“ run ""011 hOrt ‘3 " '10;-_ '. 1 we;
lerlry - 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, The Attitudes (Popular Mos‘ 0f the cas‘ members have m the non~attempt p 9 ‘ 1'"- '1'. ' I I; ‘ ~ 1‘"
rock), 9p.m. to i am. $3.50cover, never aeted 9“ UK Stages before 5 1": ,_ h .11
Spirit: 7— Radisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow, Perfect Stranger (Top B“! there 15 nothing 'nexpenencf’d The play satirizes a type Of British _____2._ .. 22 s. . '-.“~ 1‘4
“rockyqpflyiola1m1NOCOVGL about Henry Kenn Haggard as 1‘41? comedy known as bedroom farce. 1 .‘ "I ‘-, ;
INT-VIP Club —- 5539 Athens~Boonesboro Rood. Tonight and tomorrow, Mag "es“ new” 5 father] Haggard 5 yet Viewers Who are unfamiliar Wllh ‘ . ’ \ ii', , '
7 (Top 40 dance), 9 p.m. to i am. Tonight, $3 cover; tomorrow 34 cover. comic bits are Up to his usual hila‘ workS Of that genre can hardl} get el a on to . , ‘ f _.
Tonight, it's Ladies Night, with special prices on drinks all night for the le- nous Standards” lnStead 0f Stereo 105‘- The bcdvhopping and ’ 2' .- 'I ‘ :i' l
males. typing the elderly Ernest, Haggard relationship-swapping that compose ‘ 75,-. '.
has drawn a complete — and lively “Bedroom Farce' are not the kind 0 e v Q , 1" '1;
. "character from the script of activities that make for plodding, Dlre S tral ts d r0 p S 1 1.1 1 1 1.1’, \ . 7:-
Wren Picasso also offers an analytical theater ; :' '» ~ ‘ ’ '1“ .
. ’ engaging portrayal of the bother- ’ . ~ ‘ f ' .1, "
0. some Trevor which helps set the Instead, Ayckbourri’s pla} lives up Th- 1, , . i- . ‘~ ‘ 7' i'
whimsical tone of the play. Picasso in its name, and iii these capable 8“ ' \NK'MMHN“ ;-_""_ ,; - . ’
,- gives Trevor a physical idiosyncra- hands the work is a s n htlv rom _ , . , ._ ‘ ' " ’.
N cy or two which make for more than through a variety 0;; [inn-waging Tkhe f(1)ll0“ll1lgBl1i1l‘1L' 83",“"Ulntf‘nf" {lama/1, 511'," “:7 148%: ' ' 7 1 i _ . s
.- one riotous moment. relationships rec 3 ”Ff 0 ...1im(1.r1.1. mdgdl'ht. ”pk W“ if ' ' I I ‘ » - e‘ > i" i
There are equally colorful perfor~ ions, nt eprinte( wt .perri: .\\lllli 1 _~ \~ 1 ..
Agnes 0' God i Jane Fonda returns to the screen in her first pertormance mane?” among, the less experienced 11 11 “(yr SINGLES ‘ ' 1, i 5 . 1 ‘

. . .. .. . , , , actors John \Oskuhl is delightfully Bed room Force will by ,or .. . .. , ._ n _ _ .
since l98l s On Golden Pond as a psychiatrist called on to investigate the caustic as the bedridden \‘ick \'05- formed (1 11111 11 8 11 1 P 1 Oh Sheila Read} l')!‘ The World _\ll »\ ._ '. > . ‘
mental stability at a young nun (Meg Tilly ol "The Big Chill") who is accused of kuhl and Picasso work particular“ Sun/rd,“ :r‘ld 0‘ y 10p11i 01r1nnrrmi, 2 ”Mom? For thmg “”9 Straib ““7“" l" " ' ‘- -
killing her illegitimate child, Anne Bancrolt, as Tilly's mother sdperior, rounds we“ m their scenw together ' may (’rforrmanrii t ,h “1” u "“11! .i "Taketm Me“ A-Ha Warner Bros - ‘ ~ . ~.
outasuperior cast. Rated PG-i3. (Fayette Mall, 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7.45. 10.) Kent Seidel and Susan anger cre- ii I: the Gm no? {hp 11 ("I O“! 4 “SaVing All M} Love For You ‘ilhttnm liuiisiui. \r'x‘v '. I . _ ‘ c '
led: To The Future A- Eleven weeks and siso million ago, Michael J, Fox ate uallv en'ovable characters as Fine Art‘ y 111;: i (. (as: 1", n" 3 "Part-Time Lover 'Steviunonrler 'I.iii.i.i . * ,
was iust that smug kid on TV's ‘Family Ties." Now. however, Fox has practi- “31:31," and Siisannah And the en: 1_ 1 f )_u ( mg a.. ‘3' “‘9‘ "" 5 "Lonelvlll ngm liohncfiugdr Mplipm-Jmp [211“. ‘ a ‘ . ‘

‘ . 'iwrtatiims .. - , ,, .. , - ‘, . .
cally become a household word, thanks to this well-made comedy. Rated PG. 1 "Dancmg in the Street \lit'k .l illuiir IL l‘a'. ;'1 Hm i l ‘3. ' , . ' . . _ ' .

(Southparkz7z30,5:l5,7:35,9:50,FridayandSaturdayatll.55.) cat ; .-‘ -. - 1
Commando —- Arnold Schwarzenegger flexes his boat in another ‘Termi- ii ”Cherish" Kooldi'l