xt75x63b2p79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b2p79/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-06-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 21, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 21, 1979 1979 1979-06-21 2020 true xt75x63b2p79 section xt75x63b2p79 ‘ ' i it
Vol. LXXI. No. I58 Ker e] UnIvaI-alty of Kentucky
Thursday. June 2|. 1979 an Independent strident newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
Football coache to sta ' “‘1" i i
s ff ' t .
Ktrwan / for next year V .63:
UK assistant football tenative change) will go." she '. "”7“ E
coaches will apparently replace said. “We‘ll just have to wait 5 \ p ‘ __ gab“ , ‘ 1 i' x ’
resident adVIsers in Kirwan I and see." _ ' ’f’fij-fi * 1 .
,_ when the football team returns POHd. who 10565 86W“ stall ” ‘3 i V g _ . I
to the dormitory this fall. positions with the change. said ‘ ’1' ' fl , \‘ _ ’ i ’ t m, i ‘
, Assistant coach Ed shethoughtherstafl‘lastyearin 0' i q .' as“ . ‘ J, ‘ _ ' .- .
' Middendorf said in Lexington Kirwan i did a good job and -’ . ”" ' ft m... , Q' g; I gr 1"”be a? g >
Hera/d yesterday that four put in alot of man-hours, ‘§ 3; 3* I g ‘_ 1 ' I k -‘ I ‘ '5‘
x, assistant coaches and an She said that she didn‘t ‘ ‘ , " 2‘ a“ ' . v t.» t W 7 .
.~ academic graduate assistant doubt that the coaches could it " ‘_ 1 ,, ,. 1 g ,3 h ' f " »- ‘ ‘
_ hate been asked to live in the do a good job in the dorm. but . ‘64» jg”... g . _ W . .. i? 4.
Kirwan Lthe dorm where most said she was afraid that time- ' " ' ‘ .' I ' . f ' w. k .
.. of the football players and wise. they didn‘t know when ' . j”, ”:4 vii: - ,A “egg-1"” .- __.. a“
' other L'K athletes live. the} were getting into ' "7 - ' ' v f m“... v . ' , ”My: :3!» ' g
_' Dean of Students Joe Burch "After the) hate the - 4' " v a.- “fix-'2 _' ,, '-" . . . its _ “ I. 29:,“ .
. told the Kerrie/that the idea of program awhile and realize _, v I, Q ’ i W . ‘u i 7- " “ ‘
‘ replacing the resident adtisers how much time and work is *V* y "‘ . " ' -
wasdonein orderto“tr_\ to find needed." she said. "1 he) mat ' ’ N t gj.‘ (A
. the best possible wax to want to giteit back.“ I
manage the building." Burch said that alter the Flag em down B) nun l\\DE.R§ Kernel start 'i
Burch said the tentatne school )ear is met. Kirwan l. ‘ . . . . . V
change has been talked about like an} other‘dormitor}. will In yesterday s humid weather. so eral girls from throughout the state. twirl their flags In a beaton
. p . but saidthedormitorx haw its stall and oierall ( enter field. The girls are attending a camp to improve their color guard manuevers for the
iiicri}cl:dnrts last March. which performance e\aluated. He upcoming marching band season.
j ‘ . . ‘ said he thought a lair
' resulted m rape and sodom} exaluation would result and ' I ?
’ Charge? ”‘7‘” ”maid. “am." said he didn't think the staff COllege marrlage — do they mIX.
. eight l K football pla}ers. was . I
. , _ . would keep an} of the dorm s
probabl) the crowning blow .. _ g , V . , _
. . that actually brought aboutthe problems in house, I!) MIKE: KL\.\\ harder antlhardc'r rota/w utth attend L K together Once at
-. change. Chdln2;:sulr:iertheirlreast;n;‘tirt‘lii: Stall“riter and \e’H:U.\ "lttflt’i profit/tit (LjK_ thi‘.‘ accused to start ;
' * . it t c e' e ' arose, t-t'om taming t tne’ atin .1 am an at first_ it '_
. Middendorl‘ echoed Burch‘s atmosphere to hide problems. barn] and Wendi \ldrlt’t/ monei prob/clmx t'UVHt’ lllt' wasn‘t: toi bad
‘ thought that the incident had 'd but to increase their control 0“! like mm! other married arguments and/ruslrattom ota The first semester went fine , ,
bearing 0“ the change. oxer the players," (“UP/PS entering H’lle‘ge. fhei real-lite marriage. -\nd\ had sax ed a little mone\ "
V "i guess that's the main Middendorf said that in both believed diet had done a [)arril _\l1|,\ he tried from his prenous lob iii v
reason “:6?” going t9 have 01” addition t0 the resident ad\iser I”! 0/ R’U‘i‘iflg up in lht’ Ilmt’ everrrhtng to Aeepthe marrtage LOUIS\I”C and had the luxury
1 own polictes." he said. change. there will apparently that had been together. And. it together. hutthtngsle/lapart m of being Just a student. .
Rosemary Pond. dean 0t be stricter dormitory rules. (her were not at‘tualli- loo/ting the ends\gnd Wendi nent hat-k Although Brenda worked part-
residence halls.said she seesthe He refused to comment on forward to college life, Iht’l at home to Ash/and. Ki. time as well as attend school.
change as a “wait and see the new rules because. he said. least thought that t-ouldhandle While some student she said she was happ} with
“Nation-n they have only been tenatitel) 'hé’ PWSSWP- marriages come to an end what time they had to see one
"It‘s unknown how it (the established. But the pressure became during college _\'ears.therearea another. .
i , . . larger number of couples who That summer, And} and
Per/0dlca/ room expanded use this period to build a Brenda were married. But it
. . foundation for a strong wasn‘t long before the
1 relationship. problems began again. Brenda .
'- M I I I KI "9 rec rgan Izes tt t5 hOt something that found out she was pregnant in
',-_ comes easy. In fact. it takes a late September and the couple -
By DEBBIE McDANIEL materials this fall. when all microtext room (on the first great deal 0f determination to had no maternity insurance. .. .' ,
.3; Managing Editor work will be completed. he floor of the main building).“ make the college marriage "ThtttSSIOOKCd prettygrim. ; ,
'fi said. Willis said. work. Brenda recalled. "I was worried . .
5;; The sound\s of hammering. One major change in\ol\'es In an effort to pull together Amt.“ and Brenda Carter about‘how I was gomg to get .
31;". the reshelving of books and the newspaper microtext room. the periodical collection hatent quite been married 3 m)se‘ll through 5Ch°°t plus
overall chaos which has on the first floor. and the which was scattered in these year now and ha“ alread) worried BhOUt And) getting '. .
.3. characterized the main branch periodical room on the second three different areas most of encountered some Of the more frustrated and quitting." .
{“5” of UK‘s M.l. King Library floor ofthe addition. The latter the additions second floor will dttt'Ct’tt problems. tt'tCt‘ttt’uf "A great quantityofourtime . i -
:;' since May is over for the most room held study carrels for be opened up for the combined names are used at the Couple 5 was spent very“ badl). she .
hi2" part. according to Director students and unbound collections. request). “Ohtthue‘t- , w? were ‘ ,
fm- Paul Willis. periodicals (magazines and A 20-foot information desk. Andy met Brenda 10"? c9"5t_a"tl." “Shunt! and. ~ 4
, f5}; “Basically. everything is research booklets). located in one corner of the before college and the couple bickering and that sort of g '
' finished." he said. With l4 “In the past. if students room. will double as the had t'VCdtOSCtht’tth Louisville. thins-f ‘ '
‘ 3.. branches and LS million happened to be writing a term counter where newspaper There was no realcommitment Adding to the problem was ' ~ V
‘ 1.5.1] books. UK‘s M.I. King Library paper and were using microfilm is stored and seating between them at the time and the fact that Andy had pushed .
. ‘4'.- system is complex. but the periodicals. the bound issues will be expanded on the bridge aft" two years they separated. for Brenda to get an abt’ttwh- .
‘ “’5; ' major reorganization in the were in the stacks.the unbound between the main library and Surprisingly. thF)‘ said there "We had a lot oftrouble mer . , j '
, ti main branch may simplify in the addition. and the the addition. according to WC" “0 bitter feelings over the that.“ Andy said. “I felt that it 3 - .
, '3 students‘ search for research microfilm in the newspaper Continued on page 5 breakupandthetwodeCidedto Continued 0“ I’lle '6 ‘. _
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j i ' . .
, . i
, a .A ~

 KKWY Jay Fosserr Sail Tarhan Teresa Young
er 2 Editor Entertainment Editor
Jay Hamburg
Debbie McDaniel Gary Landers Palsy COOk
Managing Editor Photo Editor .
editorialsat comments 5“" Wm
After Supreme Court ruling
Handicapped receive another 'handicap’
Special attention must begiven to the needs of only 45 positions available. ' . action" program according to law. Where is the
the handicapped, but the Supreme Court seems The college said Davis was refused admission justification in excluding handicapped students?
to think differently. because her hearing problem might prevent her They deserve no less a chance than anyone else.
In an unanimous decision last week. the from functioning safely as a nurse. This is another example of a major decision
Supreme Court ruled that handicapped persons Davis has worked as a licensed practical nurse undertaken without considering the best interests
have no legal right to attend colleges if they for more than 12 years. . of a minority. The Supreme Court has left some ‘
cannot meet the physical qualifications. In some extreme cases, and maybe even In very important unanswered questions. What do i
The court also ruled that colleges receiving Davis‘ case, the court‘s decision may be handicapped students do when they are denied .,
federal aid have no binding duty [0 take justifiable, but to apply the decision 10 all admission to the colleges and subsequently the ’
“affirmative action“ to open up their programs to handicapped students is totally ludicrous careers they want? Must they be forced to live out '
the handicapped. The definition of “handicapped.“ in itself. is their lives in a “handicapped world“ not
In making their decision, the Supreme Court questionable. If colleges enforce this decision to accomplishing what they wish to do with their
dealt a major setback to the educational the tee, then a student could be excluded from a lives? According to the new decision this is their
opportunities for handicapped persons college program for a very minor affliction. The fate.
nationwide. new decision is ambiguous and almostimpossible However. there is one avenue left. Since the
The ruling came in a case involving a 46-year- to follow to the letter decision was based only on the words of federal
old woman. Frances B. Davis. Handicapped students, who wish to attend laW, Congress can overrule the court and provide '
Davis has a hearing disability and can college and have the initiative to better added protection for handicapped people seeking
communicate only when she wears a hearing aid themselves in spite of whatever physical to enter college.
and looks directly at the talker to read lips. handicaps they have, will be excluded from the Let's hope that Congress sees the light and
She was one of more than l00 people who mainstream of society and left feeling useless. overrules the court‘s decision — eradicating the
sought admission to a registered nurses' training Colleges are forced to admit a quota of other additional “handicap" that the Supreme Court
program at community college, a program with minorities and must comply with the “affirmative put on handicapped students.
. . Letters
.2. iii / [ policy
ArrIRMAme f €311? ' - / ,
ACTION l fig‘ ' g , f," The Kenliucky fernel
, ‘, - I' we comes a contri utions
MN'T Pl a. {In I“ /,‘v ’4 from the UK community for
- . - .‘l C , l - 3% l blicati ontheeditorial nd
/\~ in l , W4 ' pu on a
APPLY b W i 2’; ff" “— ' VS j/ opinion pages.
" 6‘ .l ' T ‘ Letters, opinions and
me /’/’/"b / til 7E . ~ g commentaries must be typed ‘
WLe”. . ‘7. mafia’ b‘" ——-—— . g and triple-spaced. and must
/ / , . , ' . g . . , . 1
,/ ’(‘%¢_Jiae ll ‘ 13“}, ‘ irzltgude the writers Signature. j
’ 'mifl’v" ,r' . l a ress and phone number.
i‘td/f”? VIA—‘45:“ UK students should included ‘
4‘91." ’ m ’ "“q‘p their year and major and ‘
. ‘ «(fa r 'I g ’ I \ ‘1’ University. employees should i l
‘\ 1"“ . “ ’ / v I “f I list their position and l .
v ' v \n ' y ‘\ ' -’, -, ‘ t department. " l
r; r / ‘ . ‘\ ,’/ ‘ l‘ ' The Kernel may condense or 5
. “(JV ’ , k. (“a \ '. reject contributions. and "
o»- A. ’ ' L»- l ’3 , 2 ‘fi ‘ frequent writers may be a
ew— _~ . ‘ 'L\ \ ‘ " limited. Editors reserve the n
I . . g" - r », / right to edit forcorrect spelling,
v‘ A ‘j..- fi grammar and clarity, and may 0
~ l l \‘ T} ’ S/ j/ I delete libelous statements. 8
/ / _ ~, , i ' -‘ Contributions should be a
f// #53:: .. Jy’ ;. \ if / ‘_- - delivered to the Editorial n
_i-‘—2:—£=' . v" \ 5...... Room m Jam-“ism. ..
‘ _ / ._-_ ’- University of Kentucky.
”1, ”“3 -’ Lexington, Ky. 40506. For 5‘
$.— - . .
/’ / r. \‘ legal resons. contributors must '3
I /, x‘ ,‘V v \ present a UK lD before the u‘
% Kernel will be able to accept the 3‘
~"'~.-". material. 3“
l of
,4 .,, . n .. ., .s t , -., “a“... . away-ow" “"3:nt.ww.mwa.tf,~..‘.w..i.uye « . .. .. . ..,- . . . ‘ - . ‘ ' ""w vvmmm

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thu-fly. 1-0 2], 1979—3
' 5'5 i N ‘2' =- -‘ n .
s s “ The New
». - Child abuse center on UK
s— s ca m pus is 0 en for hel
. 3" ; «a ._~; . s3“ By JAY HAMBURG merits of Home Economics and to counsel, not condemn , ‘
1-. ; " ' ”is; size“; Staff Writer Education. parents.
e b g; They went to the Citizens She said the staff expects '
s . e 3; ‘ ' Child Abuse Committee with hostility from parents who
‘ "T I?!" \ 's I; ' :s 7: " "'11s- ' The fight against child abuse. the hope of providing parents must come to the Nest because
. ~36- s35 f" s. .- so. " _ ,o which is taking place at and children with a place of of a court order, but they
.5». '~ ”Q i he“ s so. ;- " national and regional levels, refuge from stressful situations. acknowledge the parent‘s right
fit“ as _ .fi * x s » . '1 "‘ so" has also emerged locally with Founded in February. 1978. the to feel imposed upon.
, “" 5‘ if“ , . ' the establishment of a child Nest is privately funded by the Betty Hunt. a mother that '
, . . ‘ _. " . abuse center on campus. committee, and has been brings her children to the
L _ The Nest, located in the accepted by social workers. center. said the Nest has beena '
we is} ' _ fi 'basement of Erikson Hall, isa state agencies, and even the very important place for her
s ,1ng f3: refuge for abused children and courts as an alternative center and her children. She feels it is
I ' ' " . exists to help both parents and for counseling and aid, she better than typical daycare
, g 5 ‘- ’ children, Director Suzane said. centers because at the Nest
i 3"“ ‘* _ Benninga said. From that beginning, the there is a chance to receive
" W , . ' i i In addition to offering Benningas have gradually some formal instruction,
’, W“ p M 5?}. form! testing and counseling. expanded their center's sevices speech therapy for her child '
MW he. the Nest is a place where to include counseling and and help in raising her children.
M " parents and their children — testing. The staff also tries to The ages of the children in
By RICK PARKER/Kernel Staff some are living with foster educate parents about what the Nest can range from a few
parents — can meet. She said it they should expect during their days to about six-years-old. It
Suzane Bennlngan. director of the Nest, a flop.“ eenge, on also offers temporarychild care child‘s development. is open Tuesdays and
campus for abused children. helps out ",0 young children with for harried parents who might The parents of abused Thursdays. 9-4 p.m. Benninga
. one of the day's lessons on a blackboard. miss a medical appomtment children “hurt Just as .much as said that it is expected to stay
(for example) because no one their offspring. Benninga said, open five days a week later in
can look after the children. adding that the Nest‘s staff tries the summer.
Pa libra fines “w°"“"""°°°"""““‘°"°
y W $113233? “m '° ““P' ’ChIt-chats’ to be held thIS summer .
t 8803 e h aSSIGS thesg‘rift: ::l1:2xb;sctcz:emg The Student Center Board with George Headley
a p [h t'on she said will present series of topical June 27 — “The Effect of
. AlthOSSEri‘: is "'0! officially 8' discussions during the :ecem C3“?I 1min? (:2
If you check out books from receive their grades. part 0‘ UK. students who ::?;:dchhte-eehed::::e;:k orgasfik that {mhr‘azixof
one ofUK'slibrariesand forget Willis said that the library volunteer at the Nest can named. “chit-chats n will the Herald-Leader .
to return them on time. be has also solved a problem receive credit hours for their present experts iii their July ll _ “Death _ The
prepared to see overdue book involving facultymembers who experience. ' . . 'respective fields to speak on Philosophical Implications" ,
notices and to pay the price for checked out books and never Ray RISES; a senior 1" Social varied sub‘ects from “Auto— with Dallas High
a b s e n t m i n d e d n e s 5. If, returned them. This year, the Work who works at the center, Art” to “Niiclar Energy .. July l8 _ “Automobile Art” 5
however, you tend to forget circulation departmentcracked said he thinks it is improper to All the discussions will be with David Trapp
about book due notices (or down on offeiiders— students thlhk_ 0f the abused ehltd held at noon in the Student July 25 _ “Nuclear Energy
Simply ignore them), beware. and faculty alike. Situatloh 88 depressnng because Center President‘s Room (2“). Forum” ‘
If you area student, don't be “We went after — rather depresswn means Withdrawal, Following is the schedule: August I _ “The Art of _
startled when your gradesdon'ts aggressively — the- offenders. h°t involvment. . June' 20 _ “Jewerly Art“ Minatures” with Phyllis Miles
come in the mail. the people who may have taken Even $018: tthe “limit” 7 - _ '
If on are a facult or staff advanta e of our lenienc ,” may “N a e 03D“ . ey ' wsh
member. you may lie called Willis sagid. y can still cxgres; theiremotionss UK graduate '8 awarded fello 'p
into the office of our dean or Facult members who had “888 sai - ome response 3 -- .
department chiiirman to books oyut received notices from the BdUh is necessary, 1h"? . Hgnlt‘ti a] sreicent igfltpilsuiriighwzgnishifire
explain why you still have the asking for the return of books; even if that response '5 fin :c m field at. "cenhcie. h n for "‘11:" in ublic
,- library‘s books. if there was no response after nonverbal. For R1888. that as n awar ‘ e 0“." P c ose. . . 3 P
. - - - - by the Southern Regional administration at the
MJ. King Library has thecrrculation departmentsent response has been to volunteer T . . P . P bli U . it" of Alabama .
i initiated a “crackdown" on two notices, stronger methods to work at the clinic. “nu-"8- rogram ms :T; Km:": iesd Tennessee The
students and faculty members were used. At the Nest, you are Sdmihistrstiorg leman :n uc :ftllie SRTPistoitrain .
who hang onto library books Willis sent a letter to the motivatedtolcarn howto help. R”°:n°'1r "250mg“ fece'pn°t'°mdw“ (who were
and don't respond to book faculty member asking for the not merely how to Week well {Tillie fee’llowship is valued at selected for the program) in
notices. books‘return,andacop y ofthe about the subject, he said. $5 000, including a stipend of- government administration.
“A small percentage in every letter was sent to the faculty GheOI'Be He'Etl'hlhg a .- ' , — . . .-. «-
T's n or de nment SOP omore In ngineering. ' _ _
2:35;: f:::l?;rih:dl;i‘atf3 $2!!st Tli‘eeasenate pliibrary said that his motivation came Th“ ,K'mud‘y Kernel“ 2'0 Journalism Bizlding,
aren‘t as responsible with committee also received a copy from his background. ' University °f Kentucky, Lexmgton. Ky. 40506. '5 Pu ltshed ,
materials as we'd like them to of the letter, he said. Heitzman, who became en _ each class day during the spring and fall semesters and
be," Willis said. “In a number of cases,- the orphan in his childhood, said ’ weekly during the summer session. 5“
If students fail to return deans or department heads are he hopes to help others make It l Th"? 9““ ”5“" P‘"_‘" Lexington. Kentucky. ‘0 ‘
books before their loan period following up,” Willis said. through the same traumas he . Subscription rates are mailed $5 per year or one cent per
is up (one month for About 250 books have been experienced. _ year non—mailed. .llm Clevehnd
undergraduate students. one returned. “The response rate The idea {0' the abused Chad Production Mgr.
semester for graduate has been better this year than dronlh center came from
students), and don't pay for any other time,"he said.“They Benninga and her htt't’fhds -' Anthen! GP! AM‘AM
overdue books before the end (faculty and staff members) are Jacques. “he h” a 10"" Advent-"fl! DINC'O' Advertising R'P' ‘
of each semester. they will not answering letters " appomtment In the depart- . , . - , . ...
“raj -. '7 . .. . . 1‘ e . ‘ _ .. . 2 f ‘ . . _ .,. H”. “I: _WMWM’QJW§S.‘mefififimi‘ufl‘winA‘Offife."gmsVH-WWiNM‘Wh‘uf‘WM'»1"o"v-\.'Un uu-evctaxllaom -.. ‘.............“;-.-..~
. Y . . u H ' a . o - a . ‘ .

 . _ . , 3
‘ i
' 34
. i.
l—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. June 2|. 1979 g 3
I I :
sports 8 0/18 JIM BARRETT I ~_ .. .
———————————————————-—————-———‘ a r ,
, . The Man that e o ,.

College life is not all runis very informaland should program Mid COHSISIS ofscaling . ” \... Ki. .
classwork. and you can meet be especially interesting to KCMUCKY'S “9‘0“" Cllffs- The cuts hall“ U _' flax-25" i, I
new people and make new beginners. planned 338“: is Saturday. JUIY - ' 7 .i;.?.:-’3\"‘“lb‘~'h‘ '” '
friends by taking part in the Elk Hike‘ Th' should 14. at 8: a.m. . ” I... ".t ‘ _ ,
following summer programs interes'i those Who “lie to view ' (Inger summer $0.8m"? ”For You.‘ Half ‘ in
offered through the office of the outdoors atamore relaxed inc'u C a J088m8 Clmc an .
Campus Recrcalmn- pace. Thehikewillbeginat8230 3:33;:‘;:L'::mn°‘;‘;:$":2;dt;;§ . Garden Plaza Salon ..

The Mini-Run for Fun: This am. .0" Saturday, June 730‘ The tennis, squash and racquetball. ' . V
outdoor. two-mile runwilltake startli’ng “Km 0‘ the In“ has For further information . 1811 Alexandna Drlve
place Wednesday. June 27- not ‘een c osen yet. contact Russ Pear in Room l35 . 277—7591 or 278-7711 D
Runners Will meet at the Rappelling: This is perhaps at the Seaton Center or call c - I I_- - ~l I_ I I: .
Seaton Center at 7 pm. This the most exciting summer 258-2898. _ — -.

'G d t St cl t U ' ' ' “‘1;

ra ua e u en nion y. _ $133K
I a. a... 4,2. - ‘ it
will be one name 0 tion ' ° * i“ V '
.1 . - , ‘1 " ( E
i “.4 it?
By TERESA YOUNG professional students in the wished to find an issue which it. . _ . "‘
Staff Writer union was based on a general would affect all graduate ‘ f“ 3% ,' .3
agreement by the group that students and on which they 2 ' ( .‘, '_ :1
professional students do not could “win.“ Donnellan said. ”fl 1%

Six graduate students met have the same objectives and “This will gain us (the group) ‘ A Q“ ~ :1
Friday and selected the title needs as graduate students. more support," , "~ . _ ' I .5
“Graduate Student Union“ as Other issues the group The majority of the meeting _ ‘ . . ’ ~ .
an option for the name oftheir discussed -, and will deal with was spent in discussing the WE HEAR . .
organization. They also in the future. they said ”7 options the group faced in
decided 110! 10 include included tuition increases for naming their organization. m ..
professional students in the out-of—state students. how Some of the graduate
union and to rewrite the by- much of a graduate student‘s students thought the group SEWING
laws 0f the former graduate formal course work should be should use the word union in ,
5"!de organization. completed before the student the name because it showed the m

These by-laws will be used to can take a qualifying exam for group meant “business." Other “
form ”“3 structure or the a doctoral program and members thought the word m M” a!
foundation for the new group- defining the TA‘s status. would have detrimental effects m g

The\g{:up of graduate The group agreed that they on the group, IN T“ 2 r
“we” h° "m a" " CAFETERIA ""

( organizational committee. r““““““““““““ g l

i They will plan a structure for m ; 7
the union.which willbeformed : CHEVY CI‘IASE COIN LAUNDRY ‘ O 3 ,
next ran. ’ g n... N- chip. ward 3e bggtgm, '

\. The by-laws and name ' ' Oiol‘ish WWW-0'0 '° 9" ' '
chosen by the group will be : WEI-COME ALL UOK : otoiflmggnnrfaagmiggselse t

resented for ado tion to " n, I .

graduate students inpan open : STUDENTS AND FACUI‘ : g‘ If - .
meeting at the beginning of the . - ‘ I , ‘z
fall semester. Debbie : 8:00 a.m. " 10:00 p.m. ‘ I 1.“""'lllllill \ 1:25;..Rgatgtg.m.h .
Donnellan. an Anthropology ‘ ‘ ‘- '.* ‘ EN! 7. '-"".4,f - Loxlngton Ky . '
TA and organizer of the ‘ 7 days per week ’ "" v- S; i‘ll‘gl 2734"" ' .
committee. said during the ‘ o 5 " -. .- DRIVE-THRU SERVICE .
meetms- , a Clean, modern equipment ~,./.

“We want to have a working ‘ ‘ - ,
strucrure to present to ’ Courteous Attendants ‘ Captain D S.

(graduate) students this fall." ' ’ ‘ seabed
Donnellan said. ‘Chevy Chase Com Laundry312 S.Ash|and Ave! .
The decision not to include A“““““““““““‘
"Furniture In our Middle Name" . M '2 .
a 1032 Malaun Drive mexncm h . - .'
l \ WM! "I” Ad Imus: er an i . ..
Pint Monttt'e nonii . ' : 91:9 wings-'1 , '5 1
_ o m .
.y a Option to Purchase “a”; 3 .
; - Rim“: . w .» w Mom-Fri. 9-523ODJI'I. I .
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THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. June 2|. 1979—5
M. I. King Library staff IS a LAN — MARK STORE
‘./<. a
3 - ~ .. .. . - we; .
I l l . ,' )L{J." (A ll,’ ~
'. é. [7 fl " (‘l _- A” '
‘ .. reorgamzm , , i /“ ,, .,
' .; r ‘ \ Y
' Continued from I’lle I tapes will move into the The Aids room will function .Your UK Headquarters For
Dennis Dickinson. King Education Library next fall this year as it has in the past. _ . ‘ .
Library‘s assistant director for while the center‘s building is serving as a central place for ‘D'Ckle Khakis ° Duckhead OBibs
public services. Racks of renovated. students seeking information. - -
~ . periodicals and newspapers The Agriculture library will Faculty members can place .Jeans .139“ Stratlghl '895 at
; will also bestored on the bridge have a computerized catalogu- slides. films. or tapes of TV . ' 'scoun pnces
to “lead students" to the ing terminal that shows which programs for their students on ° Fashion COlor Painter Pants "
. addition, Dickinson said. library houses specific books. reserve in this room. also.
‘i The third floor of the Other materials reserved by 361 W. MAIN 254'771 1 _ '
. .. . Although no formal plans .
it addition Will hold offices. the . . faculty members fer their
9 . . Will be announced until July.
1 book bindery. stored books . - . . classes. such as reports. theses
. . the Engineering library may . . /
h). and catalogumg eqmpment. he add a coal literature section to and readings Will be kept at the . - _
ii said. . . . circulation desk.
. . . . its collection. The section . ,
In addition to this change. would be shared between UK In the Aids room. the office
- books in the main branch are . . _ of Developmental Studies will
, be' shelved in order to and the UniverSity of West I . t t f t d t .
' .. ing re . Virginia and would be financed SUPP.) u ors . or s u en 5 Hairdressers
.3, create growth room in the th . wanting help With classwork.
.. .. rough a grant totaling . 233-3334
; stacks and to create more $250 000 research papers. and taking
7? chair and table space.” Willis ‘ ' tests for their classes. | 12 ESplanadC
5, said. During the final weeks of In the main library. a The student lounge in the Downtown-Lexmgton
- each semester. when thecrowd computerized inter-library basement of the library will . , \
, of students in the library loan system will be availableto remain the same. although Discover the creatlve
' sometimes outnumbers the students this fall. Willis said. Willis said he'd like to“dress it '
available chair and table space. Under this system. students up a little bit." Decorated in pIOfeSSIonal Shop
it has not unusual to see seeking books not owned by “early antique or junk." Where you are
i students sitting on the floors UK‘s library can do a search according to Willis. the lounge
‘ and in the halls. and find out which library contains a telephone. candy. numero “no
5- Two other organization (such as the one at lndiana drink and cigarette machines. . l0 discoun W. - ' .
33 changes involve the card University) has the book. and several old couches. tables and c( 676 t lth vahd U'K' 1d) 3
i catalogue and reference room request to use it. Then the chairs and is used by students
% materials; both will move from books will be transferred from as a place to take a break from '
:é ‘ the second to the first floor so that school‘s library to UK. books and study.
it students will be able to find the Willis said. construction _ _
materials easily when entering . — it} a .
f the library. Willis said. . ‘ ’ ' )7 a '
The materials from .the FISH BOWL BEST PETS l .5 4‘ All- .
_ reference room Will move into ? a -- .
. _ ‘ what was the newspaper- l . a
‘ microtext room. while the . ‘ I .. i l c
reference room will become a 20 Geno“? 9A5quarlum b ,3 ‘sfi I ;
formal lounge with chairs and ' f“ .3 nr‘.“ , u:
- ' . couches. he said. 55 98L Tank \9 ‘ " ' - i \
i The card catalogue will be Top, nghi . ~ / -1 .'
_~'_ ' placed near M.l. King‘s $119 . j N I .‘y‘v’v‘f 5;..- 0g? {1
entrance. on the first floor near 1“ , ' g I," '
the circulation desk. he said. --. ‘ L! o ’
, Other changes in UK‘s FISH BOWL BEST PETS ’ ‘ , ‘ r - , \‘
library system include the Law @ GARDENS")! PLAZA ’\ 5 .
. . s i '
library‘s move into the Law 0 (OFF VERSMLLES) _ ; f ,1 '
- building addition (which was 0 277-0003 ‘
completed in May.) and the 'Q‘r‘ w y I . . .
", Media Center. which houses fly ' _ .
P ' films and tapes. The films and (1-117 , ' ‘ J "‘ -
O ..
. We subscribe to both .
. . ~ . “THUIVHHHHH'Hnnr‘h ‘IH‘ NH‘lz‘l‘li‘t'liil'l‘iilli \ liv \.I\ \\i'ir .
i i. 7 CO LISEUM Ll U0 Rs tiiii'ihi‘hli flint!irritinxlfiliilu“'Ii'iii'lih‘ii‘i‘i‘l ll‘l’ llidlllliIN imiiliii’z l\illf\i\ll\l .iiiii '
.- ' tn.“ .1.“ \4)\\('l.fl|llllll '. ilil ii ”1|:lil\t”“ll'\'t‘l”"llill\'ll v
f ‘ i illi il'lxiN'Ki'fli'lt'lll|;(|i"lgi’lllt'ill ill-{loud ‘\l'.'|.i i \l-fl ‘1‘\H\\\'\\<'I'
' r ii‘l‘lln ill";t" L’s"? u l'""'\': i“ , ‘ \(ft‘i‘l‘l I‘l‘h" H .
i ‘ ha‘ ’5‘ ,N ribl'irli lNii :il' iliv y" “ Q " |l\ iii-i i'miiiglt Ii-
i I“ ‘M~ lltl t'ix nigh Iii ‘ ,l'lnm' in": 'rjlr:l't‘ :\Tll:lb'
' ”“5”” GOLDEN ALE 'RON 0" u-"m'r'iu‘iTim-ii W
' inuniigriiiiit- and "‘1’” . Hi I li.ll\ If!!!
, "til nih'i \mi ilii- miiur I:I\L'|l)-lh.ill 1hr ”.m- is
)'(H I“ IN (I! [(H'N' “\l' W! l i!\' H lVMIIt I
. 6 pk. NR‘ 5 Pk N-R- RETURNABLES ‘ 1 i ‘ lotlhloflumlorbu .
‘ . 99¢ 2.48 3 99 e.................. :
E - ; 0 case 278-7481
.' ‘3 iui Nichoioevmo mi. .
i _ . Lexington. Kentucky 40503 ,_ .
, . 752-8831 379 Rose St. Wmm M) '
t ‘ x7 , , - ‘ . . '
- , ex . . l V \ I. . . I y I , ‘ . ' ~ I I

6—1‘HE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, June 21, 1979 i
- l
Landlords Will be evaluated ”
‘ I e -
SG 3 Landlord- l enant Servuces wull expand
By DEBBIE MeDANlEL describe the condition of the University and the program third—yearlaw students to work ofit. for some reason. but we‘re
Managing Editor rental unit and the perform- offered by the Human with the program. but “That going to try it again this year.“
ance of their landlord. Resources Department, he idea got placed in mothballs The senatorsalsoapproveda
The information will be said. after the spring semester.“ he $2.500 budget for the 3
You‘re looking for a place to transferred to a permanent file, The department has a said, adding that the Law committee. who will use the . i
live offlcampus‘ but you‘ve which will be open to all tenant-landlord program, faculty voted on the idea. “The money for promotion and ' i
heard horror stories about a students who present a valid which “provides free legal Law professors didn‘t approve coordination of the program. _
certain landlord. Wheredoyou UK l-D~ assistance (as does SQ‘s
go to find out if what you fear is A committee of five senators, program), prowdes relocation '
true before signinga lease’.’ The chaired by Arts & Sciences to another area. and provides >
Student Government office . senator Michael Breen