xt75x63b2n8b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b2n8b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1971 1971 1971-10-27 2020 true xt75x63b2n8b section xt75x63b2n8b ,- o c . .

. I‘a' .fi'. It; . «3;: I d O . ', . I
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.. ..... s .2 . stu 1es prohl em s . . ‘
f -- 0:?" u 'fi ‘ i I I .5: "3::(3 I

“if ' $1'f ~ fit 'II '3’ By DAN MYSOCK - I'
13;"? , r g ‘9»; . 3*; ,.. . ,, ~ '7' III III I Kernel Staff Writer . I I ,
‘ ... . ‘\... 4‘... H »,a - - I I are hit “warding Wd\ he warning: gist-r. , tn; _ -
2. ., \ . . ‘2.“ . r. «3 Pen; \lawrh lii‘il ."lIL’ill In 'Fsr- l’ir—mx» ;.:vi:: Imaw :2 2, '
I . I L5,, ,— " ‘ I_I;.I tin law schools -, '
I 23,? ‘ ; lllc {7.11mi ii’ ELiclill} .illtl 'i2‘i."-'\ ‘ ' ' .. ’ . ix :II.
Souctm l’ru l.t.';‘.:hu\. 2h“ .isstgi mini: f. ‘j. .; 2' . I
2, Tlfldilu‘ l'iLl Ilz‘2ci {.12 iicnt, inn); : :t »..:\\ ‘z ,1 ' ; r. .
:72: g {33%;g} (iiirrclt W_ l liclxliigcr, pl 222 “Am" wl i.l‘~\ ». "3:2: .‘2. ' 2'
33% 3,,” II ,' '3. school admissions itlcllll" s ,ll'.!\!i- iii, ?. min: ;‘ -,I‘i
~ " .. ' throughout the tulllllf‘) Hut 221 lllt' cww'w. .2“; UH‘ - '
M2, » ‘ w, I. applicants, only one-third will hw .mup‘w! ! '
h I . ' l'L‘qufUlllt’llh to he even strinci ‘ [‘I.‘
‘ Minimum requirements I.
it a» “At present the minimum requircincntw to? drum: :. :'
,2 to llK‘s School 22f Law are a grade point ~2i.intiane .1: 3 t. _ I
a I: MHZ.“ and .1 score of SFU on the law School \LlllllelHll‘ lt‘\l " .'
55’“: I. H ' lilickingcr explained.
.2 . ”"‘“"'“ ' ' A cc 0 rd 1 rig to SJ in K n l g ht . 1‘:i Vt *2 r 'tkl 2s l
i it! "Undergraduate preparations arc {‘L‘l’llilps 7h.» $2125.!
- important aSDett leading into the field Ul law ” .
w 22‘ A Choose an area 2 1-. ‘-
. e “V ‘ “Concentrate on an area of law most interesting M2 2". 2“ . - F
.- II it ”23%, you and take courses relating to that .irm. But 2i\i)l’\l it»; I. ' I; . "
13w i2 *‘ pass-tail courses which Will not be yet: grit/ed h} t}: _2 I'.‘ 'I 2 -

J s" . I. ‘ admissions board." Knight advised. _' i. ’ 'i 5 :~ ,

7' ii“? x liXpenses for UK‘s law school range Ir 11:: S.‘ fill) I. L '

" . 36W _ < . 82.200 :1 year. loans and scholarships .m .1- n. -,‘ - :~

I , 2- .. , cover only a minim um of these expenses "

I » #34 -=:‘«;¢5.:. '2 - ' h l

, 1.5. MN 7%“ , ‘ l. R has . a pitiful scholarship tundI ii: :1: ;..: .

.. ”2- 222s -' ° 2» students which pays .2 mumn mm 222 > : w. \ihf .xn .:: ,I~_

‘ 29%,,”i, w I g“- «‘5' Goldman, professor of law. “Several liar .r\.\s« ulJllJ'. .9 .2.

as. ,g} A)“ I a“ A ‘2 = 2‘ loans and National Defense loans. however. .llL' .lMllldi‘lx if I

-::IIIII " I 2 28.3, «a w E s to students who apply early enough.” ‘I ~I ‘

x at “he a“ V' "WE H if“ :3” I ,6 3,3: Other aspects of law school discussed h} the panel

. Poor old Kursty seems quite was a Free U. photo class trip to IwerIeIItIhe role oIIf women inIlaIw SCIllI;‘i()lbI.IillL‘lI tuturc. .ind I.

Chou‘ [lnlp envious of Mike Walker’s stew, Red River Gorge. (Staff photo an 0" “drum ” I” nation 5 J“ 5“ mu”

. even if it is canned. The occasion by John Hicks.) II
I 2 en In em:

g meet Thursday in CB-118 . ‘, '.

an independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky g at 3 pm ,5 -. ,'


\Vedncsday, OCt- 27, 197] LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 2 V0]. LXIIT, N0. 40 $53533?315331355335;3333;353:333:3;??‘55'3535551:25555335555335}?2'3"?{If21173;;'3‘If353:EgE:-353133j?::'3;‘;." 3 ' I"
___.___._________________________________________ , .

9 Controversy erupts on campus .. .2
‘ A arCQ. l , ° , 1 .
over mock e ectlon charges » '

By WENDY L. WRIGHT “Our committee (consisting of Nicholson, no way affect the outcome of the election. ‘2 .. ,I'I . 'I‘
Assistant Managing Editor Guilfoil, and Phil Dunnigan, presedent of UK Anyone can come watch the ballot counting in 'I- ' .' ' j.

The rescheduling of the campus mock Young Republicans) had this set up to be an SG office 81.4 pm.“ . . " ' ,3"
SUbematorial election for today by the UK impartial and fair mock election. Our Brown said he when he talked to (iuiltoile I» " ', 2
Forensics Union has brought attacks and committee then called it off for a legitimate earlier Tuesday night Gurlfoile told him S(, . ., . 3
counter attacks from both Democrats and reason. We had not made any plans to have a would be co-sponsoring the election With the
Republicans. new one” said Nicholson. Forensics Union. . . _ I' 2

The election was originally scheduled for Carl Brown, UK Forensics Union president, “We were told the problem With the original 'I .

Monday but was called off late Sunday night by rejected Nicholson’s statement. “To call a UK election was “not havmg enough workers. '2 *
the three-man committee set up to sponsor it. debate team a Republican front is analagous to Brown said. We thought we could prowde . .
The reason for the cancellation, according to calling the UK football team 3 Republican 0‘ enough Ivolunteers 5,0 we decrded ‘0 80 ahead . . '
Student Government administrative assistant Democratic front,” he said. I and fulfill the need.
' Tim Guilfoile, was a lack of poll workers. “I do support Tom Emberton but that will in Continued on Page 5, Col. 1 I‘ .'
a The Forensics Union decided at a meeting I‘ . '.
V Monday night to reschedule the election and 0 . :
man the polls if Student Government Facu ty enate CO ”81’ e r8 2 I .
sponsorship could be obtained. ‘7-

Nick Nicholson, chairman of the UK
Democratic Campaign Committee, said 0 o o 0 ~ '. 2.
Tuesday, “As far as we’re concerned there is no C 0 d e of re s 0 n S l bl ll tl e s . . .I
mock election—only a mockery. No one P =I . I
contacted us about this, and they’ve had since . .-

Monday to do so.” By LINCOLN R. LEWIS JR. Other offenses would be dealt with ' .
‘Republican “'0'“ Assistant Managing Editor through h the Senate Advisory Committee .
NtChOISOh claimed the UK FOTChSiCS Union is A proposed code of faculty responsibilities on Privilege and Tenure. -
3 “Republican front,” saying the organization’s will be considered tomorrow afternoon in a Some of the major faculty responsibilities 2,
president, Carl Brown, is “active in Emberton’s special session of the University Senate. to the students as defined in the proposed ‘ -
campaign,” and at least one other active The code, if passed by the Senate in two code are: ‘
member 0f the Forensics Union is a successive meetings and approved by the UK ) Faculty members shall follow official 2 ' - 'I'I,‘
Republican. Board of Trustees, will make individual course descriptions and avoid persistent ‘I I. .' . '-

NiChOlSOh 3150 said though Student faculty members accountable to the students irrelevant material. xi ' I‘ _ ‘
Government is supplying ballot boxes and and the University. ) Faculty member shall make themselves . 5 ' .
printed ballots for the election, that did hOt The proposed faculty code of available to students for conferences. t I . ‘
imply “sponsorship or CO‘SPOMOYSMP Ofit- responsibilities deals with two categories of ) Faculty members shall acknowledge - - . ‘

offenses; “irresponsible conduct toward significant research assistance from students. I 2 ' ~ . 'I

. . .,... students and irreSPonsible conduct toward They can “0t exPk)" StUdentS {0' ' . ' . ‘

15:;.;::;.-:-:i-:r..l2is}. ;.:..;--..,.;.:.;::-:.- ,_ .. ;.,:3;._....; ._.;,;.; 3.3;. I: others (coneagues‘ the institution and the professional of personal gainI I I -’I I

I; public)" ) Faculty members shall respect the right ' _ .

We gOOfed Student related offenses of students to privacy. They shall refrain . I . 2

5;; The proposed code provides for student from impr0per diSCIOSUTe 0f 3 StUdeht'S ' '. ,

5.. In Tuesday’s edition of the Kernel New Party related offenses to be dealt with through the social or political views and activities and _ 2 .

a: was abbreviated as NP. This abbreviation stands Academic Ombudsman with the possiblity from acquiring or maintenance of , I

22.» for No Preference on the voter registration forms. if? of an appeal to the University Appeals Board disciplinary or counseling information. '

:7 Voters intending to affiliate with New Party whose decision would be final in the case of Impose sanctions . ~. .
should write “New Party" on the registration ;; prosecution. The accused will retain the The code would enable the University . . '
forms. 3;; right of appeal to the President and the Appeals Board. the Senate Advisory ., .

-, , .. -. -. =~=....i'i-=....'.;-..¢==..'-T' 5:22:31: ‘~ -- 5- - .--..;=3:-... 2. 3': ~55" Board Of TNStees' Continued on Page '0, Col. 3 '

 ‘_’ VTHE KENTI'CKY KERNFI . ‘chmwduv ()rt. ‘37. 1971 /’/’M_,W..hmu-w
‘ B ° 0 ' a ' I D ’
t W b ' n 8 M1
, 118111833 fit/e plans chanbes L . . . _
, By ,KATIE‘Ms‘CdRTHY Wells. who calls himself “a be fulfilled by any new cards. were initiated in holK‘S ”l Sill'lflg continue 1” ”5“ the present ”1
_ ‘ kernel Stall Writer bclicvcr m FL~rigidig rcvigtt oi The ID card budget has been mom-y but aggrirdmg t\} Ken Olllcr types Of cards being
lake a good look at you: polic‘ics." formed an ad hoc approximately $8,700 yearly for Brandenburgh. associate dean oi investigated are a semester card.
computer tee receiptait _could committee from all university the past twu years. Wells students, they havc cost just us one issued yearly. a two-year
one cu) be the only thing to units, including athletics. health admitted he is “cost conscious" much if not more titan the card or a card Without a picture.
_ identity 'you as J. hTK student. service and libraries. to discuss but said he is primarily one-year ID. A comPUlerFilrd, similar to .
. (Hills “9115’ s’Xt‘c‘UllVC assistant possible alternatives [0 the interested in having an ID with It COStS 41 cents to produce Ll the - fee I'CCClpt, is another
. 2 ' .' tothe assistant Vice president for present ID card. Wells said he is the necessary features for the card. consideration. Wells said he has
‘ . ‘ ~g business affairs, has initiated interested in finding out how campus units. Wclls said his study is still in looked into other services, trying
a. . action to renew the purposes of each unit uses the ID and Hoped to economize the reviewing process and it is to find a more economical
2 ~ — . the 1D. evaluating these uses so they will The present four-year lD’s possible the University would process than the UNiVCYSily
V Photographic Service.
Against pictureless cards
. ' c Q o o o 0 0 o o 0 Dean Brandenbur h said n
r\ O O O O O O fm—w g e
I U: 0 s O 0 0000000 0 00°00 o O Q ‘3 o o o 0 o o co 0 0 C .O‘ recognizes need forsome change
f . - - > o o o 02$: 0055:) L; Q3000 e f ’33? o ‘70 0 QC 0" {S 0 0 0 0 . but is against a pictureless card.
" ' . ' 9 o o o o sag-32.33 0 ol EFW/ ...“ V’s; o O/éf’zba GO ‘7 0 O - He said the four-year card is
2 2. 0 2:” \0 ol ' u . 2 as o .. o o 0 v obsolete, the picture of a
.' . ‘ o . ., i Oo‘ 3°“ -xf'LEfl/ Qt? ‘* ‘s r— 0 0 5/ 0 ' 0 o ‘ ' ‘
. ‘ ‘ _ [A b ‘7 Ski 30 4?. 5 o; Al Al \Of ,0 w? 03 o freshman looking little like he
. . . . . " v rat-.... r..--:. "'--. ' 2'": O ' ‘ “
. . ' _ oh '6 .1 < /,.\ is: stat WW3 \xi/ 2r" the picture off, it wouldn’t be
2 . AM? ' ' {b 690%; . . _2::_o o 0:33;... ”o , ¢ "“ worth a dime-”
. . , . _ /v*_ g . - 3 \'\\fl . , .- / . ~2 2' l “ ,,}.2‘g: . x \ Will "1! 2 ///," ”I Gordon are that the cards are
. ~ t . fl . .- . . c alarm , t/// - 2 —
_ _ ... Ml. / , , g E . 1/. 3.} .Kgq, ~ I p. jji, 4 ga. validated every semester and
' - ~ _ ' ‘ ‘5 ' ”1/17?” ; , - l ' .14 15""; «st/Ml}. 4;"... .457» I i,“ ‘ fl ‘ ' ' 2 Tk
_ . A / f,/le,/4j , . g e 253‘ W . ,,,,.... ,4? $5), Q eas y identifiable. Gordan said 7:30
~ .. - ’ Q L m ll _. r . as: ; l, ./ '\ he is interested in a tit
. .1 . ¢ . 2 as . 2 s a. Q5 N 0 \V mach...-........ card to
. .. . _ g ‘ . ' , ' fl gfi '3:,sa-'t-~-a.....-,gwa2227’“ . 0 ID computerize the check-out Ta
. . . 2. 6 \! W3. gr. 1,; g; “g. 2' & Q system. LE3
.a 2 ~ 2., , a '2 , ”Iii ’52 0 Mr A W Mor f h pres
. , . . . ‘ f I ‘2 w . . . . gan o t e
i . ‘ . . 2 % fl a 54, {a fi. // \0 ob Athletic Association said he is gig?
V, . ‘. ‘ ~ , : y , . 4 . '_ I . . “definitely in favor of having a Pub]
.- _ ‘1 . _, . . G’ 00,“ ‘\ g; l I / / o\e. 0 picture on ID cards.” mg
g , ,' . . ‘ , O p .‘ f/ v \0 Wells said the study “may take Part
y , l. . f . 0 (Its a 9* us full circle but we will at least Eacbt
5. j I} . g . f,- O,’ the n . ‘0“ . be sure of the importance of for
". . R 4 ‘ ‘ _ '. ,. _ ,- JUIce o 0‘ each feature.” 31 l
, ‘ l a l; . ‘ " 0/ T
. 5 . ' L , I I I ‘ .s'.-t--2-u CO”
.-‘ _ + A CI 1' d
_ ~ ». .. 1-; .1. . f. . . s: a; 3277.: " --s:=:‘-’-. 1 “
. _ .' . ' : - ‘ ‘ ‘l “ $53”? “l ’,’i; i - .L. z 7‘“ i a 55' Ie bfi
. ’ . z g y i .. ~ .2 a 8A U
._ - v ,. s23 ..rr 3‘». \ --  2- W
, ‘ . . f ~ . fl_..fl...._ . "\t . _ ‘ «it"s, r L/fr‘ta‘; \ l TV—Sears 16 inch.. madel year 68—69. p.m
. ._ . , “c . ’ l f 5 ‘ Ezekwgékavahyfieéttfis's can $333555 Stu
2 . - ' . . l l . ______________p.m. - . Sad
, . 2. , . . 't l $553533}; g 3 ' 5 ...-5.535551. x 1968 FIREBIRD Convertible. Six cyl- C01
. . -_: g . J . ‘. i g Inder. 3-speed. power steering. Best (”5e
, .. . . . . l o l ; u, offer. Call 278-2510 or see at 3372 Lib
, . ‘ . , l 4 l , I g a! Kenhshlre. Afternoons. 25029 1.:
._ ‘ i “ . - [1 } :1». 3:3-
: ‘ ~ . ‘ . .V ‘ l g i i: ~ ‘ WANT THE BLUES? Hard to find ¢-g
. . - ‘ ‘ ‘ . l“ .. . . u. 5‘ V . Wm; blues/jazz recordings discounted to ‘
, .- 2. ., - «at. , - 1- 322323 3332333 ......
‘ ’4 *. 7‘ ' K>X,...:3;.’:"_ X 7 s M ' 5 . - X xng- 1\
2' "2 9 2 That’s the diff r b t ._ 5 gl W w‘t—‘Hfm ______._ “Lo” 53
. ' . . ' . . E Buick Sp ‘ 1 tibl . R - °
_ . 9 once 9 ween l g Lemon Up and products wrth 2:3,.533,3..rntc’lrrigt‘tigt‘tif3°; .3
. . y ._ . ‘ . . . on. us se . e i
_ 2 _ . , _ . Just a little lemon fra rance r ' _'._____——————°° 6'” ““2 W“
V .M _ . U Sh _g . .‘~-—2~’” o extract. That 8 why Lemon aggggy‘gmcgisggw. 2...... “t;
. ‘ ._ _ C. S er
_ _ ~ -, p ampoo makes hair shiny Clean. That 3 why Lemon Up 25-..... .33". mm. $1900.23; 3'
. ‘ ,' .1 ' . - . '63 VW Karman Ghi - t'bl . T
p . p .. Fab/a/ Cleanser lS far better than soap. And that’s why Lemon Up ...... $533354 mg: 33
., . -, , . '1 , _ ', A - Bl - . . . . $523095; 900' 352 cum" Ave' 057%; p"
, .1 .2 ntl— em/sh Lot/on With hexachlorophene IS your best defense WW 3;;
. . . _. . _ WA ID
’ .’ ‘ . I I - W I
.- .1. . - . .2 agalnSt Oll trOUbled Skin. TWO ROOMMATES—Male. $55 month ‘1"
‘ j _ _ . apt; female 2 rooms $37 month. Pre- raj
. . _ .1 . _ fer upper graduate or graduate stu- C(
’ ' - - .1 ‘ ' Th P t 0 II b P 7 MW R‘
, . . - . a, , ‘ e er WI . ' L FRENCH TUTOR r 1 G‘
., _. 2 . 2- _ a Y opers - by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg $3338 cgggseh Veg? 8033‘3‘3322’)‘; at
’ . . . , . - 8 er p.m.
f V: . . 3 2 OK 4 (v. , J ..’ [ PKEPARE 0H flffif / 7 /5 ‘ oKA r WW’W-
2 .- .- . fr’ it 74! It‘sf’z/ we /T I 721K55— A R“ ' I X READ), ORE ”0M MHZ ”5 7/“ 7M5 70 "~12", ,°,".°““N'“" at
" . J - ' 7 - ‘ ,l “ (n1 "5' 4/ [Worfg I? 7‘ X OCK N07" flfRE COMES A F1 0/0 2’47 ¢§Z°K W///€// ‘N sTUDFNTs St a R‘
. . . . - >.. (,g/ .f‘ / \ . 550, f v ‘ ' - ‘“‘ t ' I -
. t . _ . .' . .‘ . . , . . f EAD H/Wp To 66 7 THE AC/D. s33 V/z [ 7/715” 0W5 7/11 A /Z£‘ A7 full time jobsl.’ fr‘Ligsleessuiia'y‘ofli
. V .- I . . ‘ 3y T 3/, _ J/f ”054/ ROCK M/Ta 77/1.- .3 g/ <. ’1 . 2 ROOM TEN/’ERANJRE ”ID > {chic-rule. 252—0833. Ask for 2:32.}.
_ . ,2 . ~ _ | 7 i . /"‘ ,, .. g u l , §\ t /’ » ' \ mscauannous ...
.1 ’ . ' | «. ~ ‘ .. "’ , I // , , ‘ \ Yd“ . ' 5 I ’ .3 ;/ W WW, L r k“ L l
._'l . , . ‘ . (1)7.” ' . ..l (I); ‘ / V l “\ r/l/ 1‘] 7 Now wNERE— SW ,( f . NEW IilFE—rvHear ED BECK. former l);
. . 4 . : 2/ J" 1 - .f ,1 \Q r s. l 2 ». \ , I’L"! N7 (crfff 7 ) ’\\ \“52 UK basketball star and evangelist. -‘
g g . _ . so. . ._ , ., ’ é \ 5 ¢ .1 a V .’ . ,y/l 3 y - /./ ... t 6‘ {‘ark Methodist. Clay and High streets in
. .' . ~ . . c » g,, y _ “ §@ l "‘ / ' / ,. ‘ \E 7i 73> .f t.30 nightly thru Thursday. 26028 V;
, i. , l ' ti ._ b; _. . 1:4 ll {(Q / .-- fi. 42' ‘le “2 .s’g: o) .-—-—-—-—— t‘
2. 2 . . , 4 , t. _“ . T . . i : ‘ - ’, 2' ‘ l‘ ’ ' . l . .Ji“ \ , ‘7 . ' Y
, . 2 . .. ‘ , mil lb 2 . g at /ils~ is ’1 Fri” l ”AL / fig . g. m 11“ MMI‘SH‘N‘I- t
. . 't. ‘ , l‘ ;\L“\ k ‘ " l . s .-.; ’ ”’ 2f? a .. . ; ‘ 25 The Kentuck x 1‘ iini i" H
‘ . :3 {i . Lt \ / . . ‘/ . - . "’7 1 . A“ \( ... (3:2) < .l r ,/ tg‘ ." ”r 2‘" .. . pg ll}. 31:51: 3 :‘la‘tlon. University ogrfiintucky‘feag
A! g , , ' \~ @fp ,: _ \uh A - s < «7... l a / .1... \ ll ~T\\~.=_L~ g on. Kentucky 40506. Second class D
2 , ; f3 l I" ’/ l -*’ l - g ‘ a] } .8 "yo-1"" //>,‘3 r, 1 . 4. p- / l 3 .. 1-2:: ‘1 909386 paid at Lexington Kentucky. A
”K1 ) ‘ I f l \~: 1, Q 4 ti..." - .. 7&9,“ {x \I 7, s“ . , / ‘ F7}. 7/ .> : i Mailed five times weekly’durlng the N
. 3 _ \ g. $5.; s ’r a x ‘1 ‘33,? _ It} . c \~ E "-v---- “4-" X/ . 1253“} school year except holidays and exam h
. . o 0 I: .. / [,2/II “4 4 n at I g‘ ’7 if _ x , w I .. , _ / 5: fl 3% fit 33%. and once during the summer T
. V) - . .’.' .22»: "‘ ' t ' r. = “5. . ’ . ' ‘
C E Q //,’ [/H’l . V "w x “'2 r // g I . \ i » "’ ' , ‘t'tif-I-‘s' ‘ is \ V ' 5i; ‘fl 0 PUbH'hed by the Board 0‘ Studen‘
m "it 5} ,4] ‘2‘ / » a. -; V {t .1 . \ Vgl 1s. - - , . £5: a. _ . “£235?“ 31x Post Office Box 006. P
. . \ ll /’ 3E _’ ‘—s_- : :_‘ “ ~ ts is! /' I, "r‘ :1; ‘_ E . as
,1 ”my”, ., ,, WWW ., . ...; . imam..- . u, ; \i ' ’4 \\ _. . ‘, ' , ‘; fig 2 published conttreiucfifs‘l? ”muniag‘teg‘g. g
. . ‘ , 2 ltnce 1915. ‘
/ .

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Oct. 27, [97] — 3 - ~
Money key ° . - - . .
College d't d' f d' gp bl w

(Editor's Note: Kernel editor Mike Wines . , , ' '_ '
returned this week from the national convention College papers, they contend, have both a right legislators and regents WhjCh is making many .- I i
of the Associated Collegiate Press in Dallas Texas and a duty to pUthh bOth news and opinion on editors 100k more closely at independence. And 5 t
The article contains his opinions.) ’ ' canlipus. 0“ YhOSt campuses the 0011886 paper IS the while it was generally agreed that the days of . '

on y C'OHSISteht, dependable forum for “blanket” funding of papers by the state was over, ‘ . '
By MIKE WINES co'rrnhmunication anddebate. most newspapers at the conference clung ., .' ' ‘
Editor-in-Chief e most attention at. the “Dallas conference tenaciously to the concept of university funding of _
Of all the dirty words which have appeared on :61? t1: tthek two Kmalolr Sdtfalght cotlege one wort or another. ' " .
a les— en uc ’s eme an ’ ' . . ‘
3116 Iliages ff campus newspapers, only one was on —which have eniiured fundin cutsthxatshe 33:1: In fact, every newspaper at the convention was ' I 1'

e ps 0 the several hundred college newspaper Both papers have stuck to trgdit‘ 1y. hit. getting university funds in some way, usually - ‘ ,
staff members who gathered last week for the techni ues inste d fl flofia journa “‘th through advertising. For example: _‘.' . . I
gational convention ot the Assoc1ated Collegiate “undergrgund” press nfovemoent ogregeiitniarst e —Indiana University’s Daily Student, an " .54
ITS}; d? M Texas’ situation is perhaps most charactglnstic of independent paper considered a ”‘9“ operation, ' '-

. wor . oney.' . ’ ‘ the muddled state of the newspapers receives some $54,000 in advertismg from the p . ‘

Michigan State University 3 Daily, a huge, plush That university’s board of re ents cut ff 11 university in the form of a daily, full-page ' . H '

newspaper along the lines of most small-town student fees from the newspaperiftera dr :1 at announcements calendar. : "
' a n-ou . . . . . .. ~ . : ,
presses, had lt' . . debate over censorship of the editorial page The ~-Michigan State S Dally receives a dollar per "
e newspaper at the. llnwersrty of Texas, move caught the paper in the middle .of a student per semester ill administration-paid ' 1‘
recent Victim of an administration-press battle, $000 000 construction program on a new office “subscriptions" for its publication, adding heftily g - '
mi“; 1 D building to its $800,000 per year budget. ‘ ' ’-
n near y everyone at allas’ Statler-Hilton ‘ . —Texas Technical Univers't ' News” < (S7 000
. ~ ’ Other editors across the countr' n' v ‘ ' .. .. 1 y “'U ‘5 d "’ ' ' ‘ .~
where the three-day seSSion was held, was similar Situations y I d“ soon fa“ per year blanket tax to finance its operations. The ‘_ ,/
“ontemplauf‘g 105% ‘t- . . Editor Ron Sachs of the Florida Alligator still ”X 151”th fromsmdc‘” fem ' » ' =
b Elle ACP S national convention looked hke a must Chart a course for his newspaper which is in BM ”Qt all papers are so handmmely supported. " ' I l‘

c “all“ Uf .111 'health' for the nation 5. college hot water over the publication of 'l listyof abortion and many are checking mm economizing mmes {‘8' ' i. - 2' "f
press, JuSt as It 15 bcgl‘l’mg to 215.56” Its own referral agencies in violation of an ancient Floridt PU“ them through tht‘ LmtiCiP’atL‘d '9 wit 5911601198 ”3 '. . ' i» 3 1 ’-
irzidtepeniclecncea Facedd With a choice between law Sachs ran the list in a tmimeographedl the next five. years. . ‘ . .3
e ioria .ree om an monetar' harassment b .. ,. . , . . . , . ‘ _, . a - ‘ .A
university administrators trugtees and tat): edition of the Alligator. contending the law was Lamentcd one student editor. These days, the ~ ‘ ‘ . . .
governments editors are turning toward finaficiacl in violation Of the “mt amendment. WhiCh Cgltonéil Side Of a paper has to be jUSt as concerned LI 1 l I '1 I. E “

. . ". . . , . 'd OUt inances as the business m'n‘ . '* “ -, H. ' ‘ " I‘
and Journalistic freedom in increasmg numbers. guzrjgteeesgfecéonilof the press. d , , ‘ . _ “I h' k _ ,. _ f : d ager lb. 1: :
Tile nation’s traditional college press is already r s , ac s was arreste and laces court t in it s bad or a univerSity paper to be .' _ ;,
facin battles w'th t te h' h f l bli t' proceedings against himself and his paper. And the forced off the campus. just as I think it’s bad for a . - ~
to flignd news 2: er: awithwstlrcon eeedli]: r? 1 9:112” Florida legislature, which was not endeared to the Dallas paper 10 be PUthhEd in Fort WOFth,“ Sdid ' l "
Meanwhile edgitgrs are defending theii) aa grsgosn Alligator anyway, is certain to COhSidC‘T the rights one university newspaper adVisor. . -
educational constitutional and sogcial grofinrds of state-funded college newspapers soon. “College staffs often run on inspiration. But
i - It is such impending financialfcensorship" by inspiration doesn’t carry YOU tOO far in printing.” . “ "
Today and . '
The deadline for announcements is '. t' ._
7:30 p.m. two weekdays prior to the :I ‘
first publication of items in this . =
column. - . . .
TODAY ,_'.

presents Mr. and Ms. Bill Cohen in a
multi-media program on Appalachia. _ ,

7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 27. ' l, I
Public Library Gallery. ' '.


the 1971-72 season “The Birthday . ' I
Party” opens 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. .
Oct. 27. Fine Arts Building ‘ " '
Laboratory Theatre. Tickets are $2 . . ' '
for non-students. $1 for students and ‘- ‘ . '
$1 for groups of ten or more.

THE CFPCCA presents the Taurus " '
Collection of underground shorts . "
including such old time favorites as . ‘ .
“I Feel A Draft”. “L.A. Life”. ‘
“Escalation" and others. There will ‘ .
be two big showings 7:30 p.m. and 9 1'
p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 27. Student .
Center Theater. Tickets are $.75. ' ' ' . , - . , .

UK cm. ”BERT... mm .5 Notaries public are available at the p , _ .. .. _, .

having an organizational meeting 7 . . -_ * . . :
p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 27. Room 206. ‘ . ' ‘ . ‘.
Student Center. Speakers will be Bob . 0 ‘ .
Sedler and Al Goldman of the UK . .-
College of Law and John Rabum. emocra Ic am al n ea ua ers ‘ - " ‘1 ~‘
executive director of Kentucky Civil . . ‘ i . . " . ,
Liberties Union. -' - . , - '


AWARENESS scam mi... 395 South Limestone (above Dawaha re 5) ~ '
7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 27. 4 . -
Room 245. Student Center. , . .

MIKE MOLONEY will be at UK . . ‘ ’

7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 27. . ' .
Room309.smd.mc...o.. or Call 252-6726 or any of the followmg not-ones and a 1. .. .

ETA KAPPA NU, electrical o o .
eng‘neering honorary. sponsors a film nota r . -
series every Wednesday at noon in y Publlc WIII come and “Otarlze your bOIIOI'. .

Room 255. Anderson Hall. . - .

”mm“ a.“ ROD KUEGEL 258 2574 I
Women‘s Center. C : . _ . ‘
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday . . ° ' ' ° . . . . ° ' . ° _ ‘
through Wednesday and 2 p.m. to 5 ‘ . g.

p.m. on Sunday. If emergency during BO B C RAN FILL 299-0516 .
other hours cal] Patti or Laurie at o o o o o o c o o o o o o i, . '
263-2284. . ' .

...... NANCY MARKSBERRY 258 8574 - ,.
the end of October for a raf e to _ ._ '; _
raise funds for the North End ’ ° ' ' ' ' ° ° ° 0 . . . . :
Community Center Volunteer ‘.

Recreation Program. Contact Dan JERRY LEGERE 277 8481 ..

Gossett at 254-0791 or John Rotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ p .

at 233-1883. ‘ . p
HANK BUGAY 257 3424 ‘ '

“FLOW VISUALIZATION" film . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ‘.
at 12:20 p.m. Thursday. Oct. 28. . .

Room 259. Anderson Hall. GREG J a SKO

COMING UP 0 o o c o o o o o o o o o 0 255-3719 .‘ , l , _.

DR. BERTEL M. SPARKS. Duke ‘ .. ' ~ - ' ;.
University School of Law. will -. ,. . .
answer questions pertaining to law CHERYL DAUGH ETEE 255-5138 | . .‘ ' . | .
schools and Duke Law School 3:30 . . , . . . . . . , , » 3. ‘ g i.
p.m. to 5 p.m. Fridav. Oct. 29. ‘ .1”. i . ., , .

Room 1445. Office Tower. Anyone ,7 . . 3, ‘ .. ~ g . ‘.
interested in talking with him contact ” S _ 54 7 . L .I ~ _ . .

Dave LeMaster at 209-2880 or c o . . is . . .. , , . ..._ :' ’ ‘

Damon Harrison at 252-3687 prior to (a. O _ ‘ ‘ . ~.

JIM PRUIT ~ 9 9486 .

MARIAN CAWOOD. soprano. . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . L I - ‘I‘. , ' . p

8:15 p.m. Friday. Oct. 29. Memorial ‘7 . '. .

‘ BERT MAY 258 2095 ' " "


DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE o o o o o o o o o o t o o o o ’ . . - .

ARTS‘ second production ”The _

Night Thoreau Spent In Jail" will be RALPH SCHIEFFERLE 258 445 I .

held 2 p.m. Sunday. Oct. 31. Guignol o o o o o o o o o o o - ‘ . ‘.

Theatre. . . ‘

186“ t‘? ' .

Pl:2:%§du:tf02i¥flnfllone’g 4 Paid for by UK Democratic Campaign Committee, Nick Nicholson. Chilirmnn

p.m. Sunday. Oct. 31, Memorial Hall . ‘ ‘ ‘

Amphitheatre. .

 l —- THE KENTltiKY KERNEL. Wednesday. ()(‘L 27, 1971 ___________________________________._.——————————————
. I . . 0
Youth offenders receive educatlon
. By DAVE CALLAHAN drinking l.\ strictly forbidden and Project Newgate. Along with its who is also Jt the house for ln-state tuition and books are
KenleleaffWritcf a weekend jaunt to Louisville UK program, it provides study tutoring help, is an intermediary paid for by the Department of
Seven UK students thtyt- it would land them mjail. for 45 inmates at the Federal between me and the students." Vocational Rehabilitation.
rougher than you do. These seve n are not Youth Center, who gain credit "Most of these people tend to Project Newgate tilkCS_ €1er ol
. . 'V They hint to be in V” a certain complaining because the} are from Ashland Community have a lot of failure m their the out-ot-state portion of
. ' ' . time every mng excessive getting a chance many people in College. backgrounds. A lot come in tuition.
. V . their situation do not have. The seven on~eampus students, without a high school diploma. “We try to get the students to
‘ Tllt‘SL‘ SCVCH SlUdeS are all about 20-years old. sentenced That’s where the counselor get loans and maybe a55istance
' V“. ~ ~ The seventh is married. parole officer," said Lynn Ashland.” organization’s success.
, V- , ’ V . Project Newgate Bradley, the resource According to BradleyV The program has 109
. , . The experiment is called coordinator. “The counselor, candidates are given [0 and graduates, S2 of whom are
- _ ' " V GAIES .' ‘ grade achievement tests to gauge attending college. FIVC are at
. . _ , HOME— .' their ability. They must make a vocational schools, three have
. ' . . -- . 95 on the IQ test and have a completed vocational training
. . PM" ' TKO presents ' grade achievement of eight courses and 42 are employed.
. - For ThoseIn -: T IQ - - - years. The staff also considers The Kentucky Newgate
. V - Advanced '? . he 31" JOhn ' Ensemble Of Cmcmnati the parolees’ general motivation. PrOject Is one of six
. . - . Stagesof in a concert performance of the Rock “The institutional and demonstration projects in
.- ' - ADULTHOOD! ', Opera c r i m in a1 record isn ’t correctional education on which
’ - . i ' considered,” Bradley noted. the 0130 has Spent $3.6 million.
' , AV COLOl-I ,’_ Three-fourths of Project Others are in New Mexico,
, V " I .- ”...-m-.. . . Newgate’s $200,000 budget is Oregon,Pennsylvania, Minnesota
V' , . - : - VV walnut—mind.- - esus fl 5 taken care of by the CEO. The and Colorado.
. 35:3,- 3"“ (:33. remaining $50,000 is provided Only the Colorado and
. V'V V' a -. :: ® .x by the Bureau of Prisons_ Kentucky programs deal with 4
. , V : . VV V l H V . .- - . $150 amonth federal institutions. The others
,V . . V‘ 44+ . axl' i upers or “We give $150 a month to handle parolees from state
‘ ‘ ® V . these students. They pay for pnsons.
. . i . . ‘ K ’ ‘
. WfiMENV f (the same performance as presented With the the” mqu at Newgate House enmeky 5 program Starteqm