xt75x63b2n65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b2n65/data/mets.xml Arizona Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1938 iii, 26 l.; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.2/no.3 books English Tucson,: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arizona Works Progress Administration Publications Courts records -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- Arizona -- Catalogs Arizona -- History -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series II, The Federal Courts; no. 3, Arizona, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series II, The Federal Courts; no. 3, Arizona, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt75x63b2n65 section xt75x63b2n65 ‘l 2:. w . ,. . l... , .. a- » . ; ~»~: w‘uc : _ on ' tmnié‘finm‘n' ” , ‘ " ---,, .' l E‘W‘“ 3 , Wm“ .9,“wa “frag

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3:3 3 FEDERAL ARCHIVES » , _ ,
33E 1 ., . . IN THE STATES, _. ' . '.
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.3 33} ' E THE FEDERAL COURTS _ 3 ,
IE E , NO. 3. ARIZONA ’ . '

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§‘ Prepared by ‘ -. 1
& The Survey of Federal Archives 1
355' - ZnVision of Women’s and Professional Projects 1
Works Progress Administration 1
f The NationalArcnives )
, . Cooperating Sponsor 1
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% PREFACE , 1‘
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{‘3‘ ‘ 3
The W is one of the pro~
:1 dUCtS 0f the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated q
3 as a nation—Wide project of the Works Progress Administration from 1
1 January 1: 1936 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that 3
‘4 date as a unit of the Historical Records Survey, also Operating as " fl
:5 ' a nation~wide project of the works Progress Administration, and a :
i group Of’State or local projects of that Administration. a
, The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: _‘ '
- Series 1 consists of reports on the_adninistration of the Survey, cc~ 1
-, knowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and 1
" content of federal archives in the stetcs. Srcceeifing series centéin - 1
‘V the detailed information securei 1y workers of the Survev, in invcit~ 1
. Cry fOrm, a separate series number being designed to each cf tdc ei- -
9 ecutive departments (except the Departnent of State) and other urjor 1
units of the Federal Government. Within each series 30. l is i.gen— 1
eral intrOduction to the field organizatio: and records of the gover— 1
3f nmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inrent— 1
' QTY proper, separate numbers being assigned to one: stzte in slphabet- 1
ical Order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabana is No. 2, '
that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 11, etc. 3
For each lOcal office information regarding each series, or unit of 1
- related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive H
, dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information 1
' was secured), general description Of informational content, description I
1 of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency 1 .
and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets 1 j
in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, phy— ‘ 1 ‘
sical condition.of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location 1
. by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the num~ 1
3 ber of the Form 585A on which this information was originally records: 1 1
' by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. , 1
1 This form is on file in the National Archives. When it contains sub“ 1
' stantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in 1
. the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is give: by use of the 1
' reference ”See addenda.” 1 1
‘ In Arizona the work of the Survey was directed by Pr fessor Howard 1 .
A- Hubbard of the University of Arizona, with Hrs. Kerri 3. Morgan as 1
.1 his assistant, until June 30, 1937. Since that dite the st to project 1
- ' has been directed by Mrs. Morgan. This inventor; if file records of ' 1
‘the federal courts in Arizona was prepare; in the Tucson office of the ‘ 1
' SQTVGY1 with Mr. R. W. Lenawcrthy as chief editor. It was edited be— i ‘
" fore final typing by Dr. G. Philip Bauer of the Division of Research, 1
' The National Archives. 1
" Meryl E. Morgan 1 '
' State Director, :
Tucson, Arizona Survey of Federal A1» 3
. March 3, 1935 chive: in Arizona j ,
' l
‘ »fi’ m WW“ ”*7, ,l ., 4,_wmp_wflr t A. . , .wim imuml,,

 y .
éfi . t
commits . 2
”a ;
SE ;;
e -
24:1. 1
United States Courts for the Territory
i Phoenix .................ii. .. ... .... ........ .. .. M f
S Florence e.,.n........,;i........i......, .i.i ....... . S
Prescott g 1
fi Tucson .............,..... ... ...... ........ ... ... 9 E
l -
-§ Tucson Division , E
fIllCSOI’i :
{ Clerk ............... ..................i.....io. o.. 10 t .
'3 Referee in Bannruptcy .......... ............. .... 1} f
-.f Probation Officer .... . ..............ii............ 13 {
._ Bisbee '
:‘ United States Commissioner .......... .. ........... l! t
: Douglas 1
.3 United States Commissioner .....................,. ...115 J
' I Globe .
Reteree in Bankruptcy ............................ ... l5
_3 United States Commissioner ........................... 15
: Nogales I, i
‘, United States Commissioner...... ..................... 15 f
: Willcox !
; United States Commissioner ......... ................. 16
>* Phoenix Division ; E
‘ Phoenix 1
1 f Clerk ......... ............ ..,...............t...... 17
; Referee in Bankruptcy ......................i......... 2M
If United Stntes Commissioner .... ..,...i ..o.. .. ,... 25 5
-y. Florence (
"”_ United States Commissioner .............,.‘ .... ..... 25
.Q§ Holbrook 1
'fi‘ United States Connisei nor ................V....‘..... 25 t f
f Prescott 3 §
'5 United States Commissioncr .............. .. ......... 26 ‘I
f? Yuma ’
>42 Unitoi States Gomnissionar ... ...............,.. .... 26 ‘
H. w
it; t
: .
fit. ,

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_Q During the period following the acquisition of Arizona north of :‘
2% the Gila River in 1846, and south of that river in 185%, while the "
é territory was nominally a part Of New Mexico, there do not appear T
L? to have been any courts of record in the territory. In fact, on E
June 8, 1562, Col. James E. Carlton, 1st California Volunteers,
3; issued a proclamation, at Tucson, declaring himself Military Gover— 3
1?: nor of the Territory of Arizona ”until such time as a Civil Govern— i
.,g ment is established.” The original proclamation written in long E
"2 hand On a double sheet of ruled foolscap is now in the Arizona Pion— ,
‘_ eers’ Historical Society at Tueson. The Organic Act of the Terri— J
: tory of Arizona, approved February EH, 1863, provided ”the Judicial 4 .
‘ power shall be vested in a Supreme Court, to consist of three judges-- E
5 who ... shall be appointed by the President, by and :ith the advice i
of the Senate.” 1:: 155‘»: the. territory was divided into three Judi— .
_' cial Districts and the £01lowing Judges appointed: E
Wu. F. Turner, Chief Justice :
', Henry T. Backus, Associate Justice 1 _
' Joseph P. Alleys, Associate Justice ,1
These Judges were assigned to t;e three districts and held terms of ?
both United States and Territorial district courts in the several 1
.. cougty seets within their districts. Periodically they met at the E
: capitol and held terms of tee Territorial Supreme Court. ... the E
3. justice from whose district a case was appealed not sitting with J
’ the c0urt in the consideration of that particular case.
1 The United States courts for the Territory were originally di—
vided into three districts, comprising the four original colnties. A
5 As new counties were created the Territory was redistricted from TI .
' time to time. The chronology of such jurisdictional changes ar~ E
ranged by districts and counties, follows: E
1.: 185% — 1881 Pima County E
_ 1831 — 1901 Fina, Final, and Cochise Counties E
“ ’ 1903 — 1903 Pima, Cochise, and Santa Cruz Countiss E E
, 1903 — 1905 Pima, Yuma, and Santa Cru: Countiev E '
'~, 1905 ~ 1912 Pine and Yuma Counties ‘
- is; E
"5 le4 ~ 1575 Yuma and Monwve Counties E ”
I? 1875 ~ 1877 Yuma Gaunty j E
. 1877 w 1881 Yuma end Kerioope Counties 7
75 1881 ~ 1901 Yuma, Merioope, and Gila {triles }
1901 -- 1903 Gile, Grai‘iegg, 51:11:“. Final Ci“.;.1‘iief , ,
,JE 1903 ~ 1905 GraheA, Final, oil Coolisc Cfiinbiou E l
-;j 1905 ~ 191€ Cochise 3:1 Sent; Gil? Stuttiew j '
. 1' -- — «sh
f 186% — 1371 Eavapfil County :
,gfi 1871 ~ 187% Yevapei and Merio’pr Ctln is: . ‘
.e .
w?“ .

 .' / 1
2%»: . if i
3,257. j'i’
{1117“ 2 ‘73
5 . A
'3‘? f .'
911871; N 18”“ Y h. . . _ v‘
(a J ({ avapal, Marlcopa, and Mohave Counties i
1w " O - . - 1
fig 1877 ~ 1o81 Yavapal and Monave Counties 7 ‘w
. ' i: ' C‘ ‘ ' , i ' r - - I
{g lgel ‘ 1931 Yavapal, MOhave, an: Apache Counties i
on c _ ,. a . .- 1 . 1 . . .
mfi 18{1 1701 lavapal, Monave, Apache, and Coconlno Counties ;
1% 1901 ” 190) MaTiCOpa and Yuma Counties n
. 1 r‘ 1 ',~ .. . a . . *.
:8 130; ~ 1985 marlcopa and Gila Counties i
' 3723; 'A r ,_ o P ‘ 7 ' v - :
5% 1983 1912 Marlcops and Final Counties 1
‘Y ”Q31 _ o r - ~ ‘“_‘—”. v . . , - '- '3
fl lejl 1312 YaVapal, Monave, COconlno, Ravago, and Apache Counties ,
{if 1905 ~ 1309 Graham and Gila Counties 1
.j 1903 “ 1912 Graham, Gila, and Greenlee Counties f
,.\ ~—————~—— ; .
5": E
' " 17:11 1:4“ 5 - i - ~- “777‘.“
. col ~ jdl Third Judicial Dlscrict ?
7} lflUl r 1313 -F0urth Judicial District i
A ~~r ~.~ - I
‘ , 80C 0111:; ‘
i. 1691 — 1301 Third Judicial District 2
3. 19ol ~ 1332 Fourth Judicial District I '
lccl ~ 1383 First Judicisl District 9
: 199} ~ 1513 Second Judicial District 1
=. GILA {
(‘1 ’, ’\ -. -~ . . . . . q— . , "
_ locl — 1303 Second Jud1¢1al District 1
_3. 19O3 — 1505 Third Judicial District ‘
* 1905 - 1912 Fifth Judicial District }
u GRAEKi '
'; 1901 — 1905 Second Judicial Bistrict
, 1905 — 1312 Fifth Judicial District
, V . i . . . “r?“f—T’. ‘
7 . 1909 — 191; Fifth Judicial District
g,, 1871 — 1877 Third Judicial District 5 L
1377 — 1901 Second Judicial District 1
_:5 1901 ".1312 Third Judicial District '
‘51 , MOEAVE !
‘"i 1864 — 1873 Second Judicial District 1 g
.3 1575 — 1301 Ihird Judicial District I '
.{5 1901 ~ 1913 FOurth Judicial District i
Ji- :iVin g
~E 1901 ~ 1312 Fourth Judicial District -.
7&3 PIKA ‘ i
: i , Isou — 1312 First Judicial District } I
.i; 27:17 3
f} 1881 — 1921 First JuniCiPl Di.tri€t '
3,f5 1201 ~ 19D: Second Judicial Dirtricl i “
.581 lfififi - 1512 Third Judi? cl Iia‘rict i 5
>81 1901 ~ 1505 First Juilsial Eitlli:* V
ii 190$ ~ 191? SecOni Judijicl Birtfi:t ' .
xii I
: ’-.’«:’.'«‘ ‘ ‘
”3“” 7
xi I
in: ‘

 M .
a: . 1
:3 .. ENABLE 3:
131:1). — igoi Third. Jiaiciai District 2*
ifi 15ml ~ Igl? Fourth Judicial District 1
"In": —./"1 _ . “m - ,‘
a 1904 a 1301 Second Judicial District ' w
1.303. ~~ 1 Third. Juriiicia]. nisii-im i
3.90.3 — 131.? First J‘idizial District ] -
,T F
5" The present United States coast for tie district of Arizona cane ':
_(. . into oeln; with statehood, February 13. 1913, With ore district judge,
1| residing at Tucson, who held regalar terms of coirt in Tucson. Globe. (
‘1 Phoenix,and Prescott. In 1922 the district was divided int? two divi— E .
I[ alone with a judge at Phoenix wnc alsc neld tne Prescott term. The
: clern of the cOurt and United States marshal 3r: loo ta; 12 fu;§”L,
‘ the resldence of the senior judge :ith depities in the 011v: clzies (
:_ tamed. The TucsOn division now corprisei‘the counties of Elna Santa (
‘ Crag, Cochise, Gila and Grecnlee, with terns of couri heii in Ticson 1
1: and Globe. The clerk‘s records were stored in retieo smarter: prior 1 .
to the construction of the Post Office and Court house and the steel
. filing cases are infested with cockroacres which tn: clerk is; been 3
' 12331: to exterminate niti the iunds 9t Lie Qiipfiiefi- !
. I
- i
. | .
( i
. 1
- ' J
, I; ' ) 1
_ (
._ - ‘ '
I .
I J, ‘-
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-~1 . .
)fifi 2
' I

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312,1; 3?
52*; 3
s1 t=
13% i:
* 3
SE . . 1
343 Old Federal Bldg., N. First and Van Buren Sts. i
;E There were no United States courthouSes in the territory. Terms of z
w; the United States court were held in the several county courthouses, g
7; and the records were lodged with the clerks of these county courts. 1
,3: Upon the admission of the state in 1912, the records and files of the
; United States courts were ordered shipped to Phoenix and are now stored (
1, in the basement of the Old Federal Building in that city. A few scat—
_ tering records were retained by and are now in the custody of the i
W: clerks of the superior courts of toe counties. ( '
~ _ ‘ . )
i . 33.113119112193111 » ?
:gi 1. MINUTES, Mar. 5, 1866 — Feb.6, 1912.' Recorded chronologically. ) '
jj Index. (Seldom, official.) 7; X 12 to 12 x 18 vols. (26), 6 ft. 4 in., 1
:fi on wooden shelves in vault. Brittle, dusty, bindings broken, ink faded. f
‘f Basement. (1569) (
_H' 2. JUDGMENT DOCKETS, 1866 — 1881. Pages in Book 1, prior to 1866. S 1
ij' are missing. (Never.) 8; X 13 and 8% X 13% vols. (2), 3 in., on shelf 1
31 in vault. Damaged by termites, dusty, pages loose, binding broken of i
, x
,j‘ Book 1. Basement. (1574) I
1 1‘} . |
1-; 3. CIVIL CASE FILES, Feb. 26, 1881 - Mar. 17, 1911. .U. 5. miSCBl- ( 5
1" laneous, Aug. 2, 1887 — June 22, 1909; record and files, Fat. 26, 1881 — )
May :38, 1896; civil. cases, (13—1 to 8—82) May 10, 11111.". — 15m]. :21, 1910; g
(*2 civil cases, Sept. 22, 1906 - Mar. 17, 1911. (Seldom, ctPicial.) 4 X 9 (
’.§ bundles, 0 ft., in 6 drawers of steel P?linc coco. D s'g. casement. ‘) i
3' (1600) E -
(q; , A 'j _ 1 . I
lit 4. CRIMINAL CASE FILES, 1682 - 1212. Lomplete '31n1nu1 cases in— =
fififi, eluding receipts of clerk, reports of grand jury, otC. Grand jury final {
fifli reports, quarterly reports, otticicl receipt of clerk, 1905 — 1912; ,
11> appointments and oaths, S€}71'_ 2;: 18352 - Jilly 2, 1,905" Crirfllnal l — 2312, _
, Oct. 6, 1882 — Oct. 23 1911: 11:19:: 01‘ itiu'ii:ztments, Mar. 14, 188'? —
”-1 Oct. 1912; brand jury subpoenas. jhny lists and papers, jury boxes for 1 ,
Effi' Rims and Yuma counties, powers 3" attorney, horde, attachments, Oct. 1 '
1885 — Apr. 1906. (Seldom, Orrin-11:1.) 1 9 bumnm, =11 1%., in 23
Fifi drawers of filing cases. Dus*y. Easement. (1501)
(fig ‘ 1
$31.3: I
.2662; .

 1 i
‘3 Territorial Courts, Phoenix 5 g;
fig Second District ,,
fig From records of other districts it appears that the second district ,j
fifi was organized in 1864. No copy of the order creating it was found. f
g% The first minute entry is dated Nov. 22. 1877. and no record of earlier ‘
:fi; proceedings could be found. .
:a 5. MIEUIEs or THE UNITED STATES COURT, Nov. 22, 1877 - Dec. 18, 1911. ' ‘
éfi Recorded chronologically. Index. (Occasionally, official.) 11% X 15 i
5%? to 13 X 18% vols. (12), 2 ft. 9 in., on wooden shelf in Vault. Basement.
1 (1570) A ;
‘ 6. CIVIL CASE FILES, 1891 - 1912. Civil cases, Oct. 16, 1894 — Mar. 3
@§ 30. 1595; powers of attorney, Mar. 14, 1910 - Dec. 31, 1911; orders ap— }
jg pointing commissioners and referees and jury lists, Sept. 1910 - Feb. g
g% 1912; Subpoenas, praecipes, discharged witnesses, orders for witnesses. 1
5% original court at Florence, 1891; civil judgments, h a 44. Oct. 1897 - f
Dec. 1911. (Seldom, official.) 1 x 9 bundles, 6 ft. 6 in., in filing 1‘
i? Case. Basement. (159A) {
:fé 7- CRIMINAL CASE FILES. 1891 - 1912. Grand and trial jurys' papers, ¢
(Q; venires, reports of original court at Florence, Oct. 1897 - Oct. 1898; I
(T3 criminah dismissed July 7, 1903 w July 13. 1907; criminal. 01d court I
1- at Florence. Dec. 13, 1893 - Mar. 12, 1912. (Seldom, official.) 1 x 9 1
III bundles, 8 ft., in filing cases. Basement. (1602) i
, Third District 1
ii: In accordance With the proclamation of John N. Goodwin, Governor of
t? Arizona Territory, the United States court for the third Judicial dis~
1;. trict was convened on the 27th day of September 1864, Joseph P. Alleys. '
,2» presiding Judge. ‘
if 8. MINUTES, Sept. 27, 1864 — Feb. 13, 1912. Partly a continuation ,I l
:3? of records of second district; see serial report No. 1570. Recorded ? E
ah; chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) 11 X 15} to 13 X 18% vols. i
fgfi (15), 3 ft. 4 in., on wooden shelf in Vault. Basement. (1571) }
Pwfi .'
ENE 9. CIVIL CASE FILEB, 1888 - 1912. Civil cases. Apr. 30, 1888 - i ;
(fifi Jan. 11, 1908; Patrick T. Hurley vs.others, 1910 - 1912; miscellaneous i -
figfi duplicate accounts, powers of attorney, etc., 1909. (Seldom, official.) (
éffi 4 X 9 bundles, 4 ft., in filing cases. Basement. (1595) Q
{fig 10. CRIMINAL CASn FILE, 1873 — 1911. Contains notes of court re— I 1
Céfl porter, lists of Jurors, etc., also a list of all cases which had been i ‘
fag dismissed by commissioners of this district during the period of May 1, -
fi% 1902 - Feb. 28, 1911. Most of these cases originated in Maricopa
gfifif County. a few in Yuma and Gila Counties. (Seldom, official.) A x 9 ! ‘
éfig bundles, 5 ft., in filing cases. Basement. (1606) t 1
iޤ {

.1 ":
. V ‘ - ~ 2.
'V ' Territory“ 1" "vtr '0‘ 4 - 1'»
I U 3 r. .L 40L... .3 , 130621-; ‘ 6 ;
“7:"; ' K (i
E1 3=
1 ' - (,1
gfi - Fourth District (3
..; “M
L '1 ‘
Ff ‘1 .1 ("Hf rm 7r. .. «f ~.~ - -- -~ I f.
fig . ‘(A' LLAUTLDa m8_. v: 1331 ~ Feb. 13: 1742- Minute entiies of all "
.‘s .Zi‘j‘”: s arr—.4; ‘ I. .. . -. _ .. - 1- ~ ~ - .. . ' '
E. d JLe.:t-umlcé oe-o.e tne court lflClinng one order Iorxing the four '
."g, r: T'" r: ,n ‘ -..‘ .‘ . ,-_._ 3‘1 _ n: 4- n «a. .c’ ,-. .n - - . n . — - - '
%§ _lol.1.Ls 1” U“. ierllool, oi ailzcna. The order :orming the ioartn '
:s; C1333}. " 3' VT: E‘ mt. 1‘ "I 1’ch “ "’11.? - . - .- _ a . ~ . a ‘ 3
ET P79 4 b L~fio ndfle in ”ml- 1441 and cantalns.a ccpy 0: too orier o: .
‘ :- P "1‘ . v. --. .. u” s , 7. r» 1 '. . _ '
E5 *‘~+*b¢4 «airlw931 lppOIItlng the IOllow1ng named Junees: Herr" C- 5
ELL?“ "» :1 4 '«7 1:." 5!». ‘ +‘ r. ‘ :— m _ 1‘ ..- -. . —, ., _ _. ' U H .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘l
3% GOUV~~ , Cele» JucElCe, ucsep; :- iibby and Edmdnd W. Wells, associ~ ') ‘
i151" '1. O '3’“: <3 4‘ ' r: “ - ~ '- , T ~ - ‘ * :
kg I)”.”I“:lce“‘ Recoraso “”395910510311Y- .Index. (Occasionally, of~ 1
217:?“ I ‘ ‘1‘»? . ". " ~~ ‘1 l‘ + r ‘1 ”Z .i. 0“ .- ’ _-l - . . . .. .
3% _*” '“j/ -3 A e) #9 a; ~ 1»? v018~ (o), l -1. o in., on wooden sneir ;
(«as ‘f‘. ._ —, ‘r‘ 1. , ’ r~~—- ' .
3% 1“ Vailt. basement. (14(2). ' i
1.11:”, ‘1 _ ‘3
iv - w - -- . . . ,- .1 ' %
$§ a. nan DERILS FILE, cot. an, legs m Jan. 11, 191: Fuses dis— (
.» ,—_ ‘ a. . ,1 g a: -. r. 3 -. _ ,. l ._ _ , , ’_' . 1 ' I K
Rd niosoi, 900- 203 199) ~ only a, 190?; Oaths ana conic. official ir~ I
.22.: n»1,- 4« -.F 7, L .. .,' o .w r’ r ah . .- ' ._ l -f _ .
iég €“:fl”‘§4“fi 053- fib, 10?& ~ Oct. H. 13cc; clv11 cases. LOV. 5, 1.“. w ;
1' it; , "' -'.' :7" (if; ‘ . n ‘ 4 r - . P " r1 .— .. .. —' ~ ' ~ ; v
. “ W“ ‘0’ 10$ ’ "1th 0355’s ’ June :11, 159‘: '* D‘5C‘ . 11. .I 21:1: ' C}..:..,-'_‘=. '4'”. §
Hi 830?}133’ Jule :01 133C " 5&3. 31. 1312- (SsldJn. oiilriai.3 % 1 ~ )
9%) ELHCLQB, . 13- c in., i: filing cases. Faseflcrt. (Eff?) (
Vg 1
.1; Lg: BAEKRUPZCI CASE FILES, 51}; 15, 187; « Jane 1?. 1931. (Sela (
‘34: do..; Offiréi a". .) i' ‘r i: ‘ .1‘, 2“) ’26 7 3+ 4-» -='.' 1 ~ r. I) L 1---. 1 1
is, y .11.... f a. _,v 31.11;...sz , I .L o - , .LAL 1 14,1115; Cr 39, - E_-iS1_.-i~‘: J ~ - l '
v (17593:) . g
f _ )
.1. .
1', _ a :1 1 77-" »— g; n . ~r-r- , n r! —. x '3— -1 "~ - - '1 " ‘1 ' i I
k3 1.. CRIMinlh CASE FlnEo, 108; — 1:11. (Seldor, of1101ai.; A x y E
‘ '-v-~~.~ " fir. -; I" 4.- - :-:. ,. —~-—
. 9;; Li.-..uCL.(.D;-’ j, It. , .Lil Eli—1.1.5:, CREE? . Basement. (1)3341.) (
.IIIV‘ ‘ ‘l
. : l
)1: Flftfl District W
gj ’ 1?- MIKUTES, Ma? 15, 1905 — Jan. 17, 1912. Recorded chronologi— .
if: sally. (Occasionally, official.) 1% x 13? vols. (3). 7 in., or
f. . WOOden shelf in vault. Basement. (1:73) 3
"5“E {T " w. . -1 'r- *1 r m . . - ., . I
'f! lo. LAW SLRIES rInnS, Mar. :5, 1893 ~ Apr. 1911. (Seidom, cifin ‘
;;g oial.) 4 x 9 bundles, 1 ft., in filing case. Basement. (1599)
V i
fffl 17. AANKRUPTCY CASE FILES, Feb. 1?Oo — May 1903. (Seldom, offi» 1 '
.: 5:4, ' ”1 —. _ . 1 . . . ‘
y,a Clnl-> H x 9 candles, 2 It., in filing case. basement. (1559) (
net ‘ I
“a ”
(3% lb. CRIMINAL CASE FILES, 1905 ~ 1912. Cases dis.ipi‘i, furv re— I
:»s l. n ..--. . l . ~. - - . ” ° *
ggfl barns, emolonent returns, sunpoenas, and aiplicrte ace: ;::. (Seldom, .
. official.) '4 3C 3 bundles, 3 ft. , in filing c 1. 3o. . . (1592) )
fag ’ fliscellaneous ‘ _
,' 3633‘. y
F 2.19;: . 3
[gig-g ‘ ' r- . , . ~ v c. . . r s r. r a ' r F - (‘2 ‘ '
Hgfi - 13. COURT nLOTIER - J. S. DISTRICI COURT, IJLU ~ Fee. u, 191:. 1 .
) rml‘» .‘ .1 , A _,‘ ... ,_ 7- , g , _ -. . ~ _ '. __ ' .1 . ‘ '1 ‘
ggfi, This reesid was maintained only far a enolt time. It apparently '
(Ti-:31": . . A - . . . . . - . . . ‘ " .
sag covered the whole 363$?CJTT as no specl(ic cistrlct was shown. Record
53315, n . . ., . . . ,1 - . . fl _ .
(fig Of lees IGCGIVOQ 0y tn: CjQIK. decornea caronOIOglcally. -(Rare1y, ) ;
Edd official.) 95 x 13 vol., 1 11., on w ode: snelf in vault. Basement. f t
. .— rl '
sag (1302)
(«fig ‘
1 i L "
fi%; 20. RECORDS OF CIVIL CASES, 187& ~ Jan. 1}, 191?. Civil dockets, ,
$3? registers of actIOns, few books, 9:5 final rccflTiS i? OiVil matters
fit: ‘ '
w a.
5-,» ‘
J" I
I '

 P E '
1 -
5 TerritOrial Courts, Phoenix 7 g:
%. Ef the fiTSF. second and third judicial districts. No similar records (i
g% :3322i52:3:1ng1:gixrou?;:l::: fgfignflguiigialldisirigts:‘lRecogged chro~ §
5% (9). 1 ft: 7 in: Von wooden Séal} :gl: ‘lt ; 3f Dew: Lbfil§81)4 VO¢SI 17
§§ — . . ~ ~ o-c i- au. . asemsn . 3 5 .1
Fan, ‘
g; .91. BANKRUPTCY RECORDS, 1395 w 1912. Includes bankruptcy matters h
fig arltléé in the S judicial districts and contains bankruptcy dockets, }
3% registers, orders, clerk‘s memoranda,and certain items of documentary .3
fig eVloence in various cases. These are grouped together in one section .;
fig 0f l2? SflPlVes as a single unit. Recorded chronologically. (Seldon,
Efi offlClal.) S—j/H x lUfi to 131 x 18% vols-, 5 x 7 cards, 7 ft- 5 33v: d
3%: on wooden shelf and in_wooden drawer in vault. Basement. (158C) f
£1133“ - (
:g: 22- JUDGMENT DOCKETS, 1886 — Feb. 13, 1912. Complete records of J
(fig - judgments snowing names of judgment debtors, judgment creiitoss, ‘ 5
fig amounts of judgments and costs. and dates of locketing sane. Recorded (
IE ChTOROEOEically and alphabetically. Index. (Seldom, official.) 2
(E: ll X it to 1i? I 18$ vols. (9), 1 ft. 6 in.. on wooden shelf in vault. ,
5% Dusty- .stamon:. (1583) E
ii 25- GRIMiln; RECORDS, 1853 - Feb. 13, 131:. These are records of _'
14% all criminal prccecdings had within the various judicial districts, (
of excluding the fourth district. Included are registers of criminal .
3% actions, fee books, docketo, final records. and records of Chinese K
j;; cases from Feb. 21, 1902 ~ Dec. 3, 1910. Recorded chronologically and ”
Kg alphabetically. Indexed. (Seldom, official ) 13 x 19% to 9 x 13—3/h (
;% V018. (34), 6 ft. 5 in., on wooden shelves in vault. Dusty. Basement. 4
(1578) ‘I
fl? 3 l .
;a¥ E4. RECORD OF SUBPQENAS, 1889 ~ Jan. 3, 1912. Subpoenas for grand L
fig jurors, trial jurors, and witnesses together éwith lists of jurors and h j a
.‘g , witnesses, mileage, number of days in attendance at court and other {
ffi data relative to service of subpoenas. Recorded chronologically- E
,{Q (Seldom, official.) 9% x 1% to 33 x 18% vols. (10): 1 ft. 6 in., on 5
,flfi wooden shelf in vault. Dusty.’ Basement. (1586) '1 1
fig 25. NATURALIZKTION, 1885 — 1912. Records of intention, petitions j
'EE for citizenship and persons naturalized, cancelled citiZenship papers, .g
Egg and Chinese deportation orders. (Seldom, official.) E 1 9 paper ?
{Eg‘ packages, 10 ft., in filing case. -Basomont. (lbOE) J E
fig 26- CASH AND FEE BOOKS, 1899 — Feb. 13, 1918. Includes a record (
ng of the cash handled by the clerk of the court in civi? cases re fees I .
1%? and expenses received by the clerk from the United State: narshal- ‘
in: Recorded chronologically. (Seldom, official.) lO~3/LL x 10 to 15% x 18 , '
fl? vols.'(7), 1 ft., on wooden shelf in vault. Dusty, bindings broken. f
Basement. (157g)
*2 1 .
fig 27. EMOLUMENT RETUERS, Sine 138; w Jan. 1910. Reports of fees, 1 3; l
ggfi fines, etc. which are collected in lcgular course of business and v
Egg later deposited to the credit of the Enited States. (Seldom. OffiCi‘.r 4
a1.) 11 x 9 bundles, 15 3t., in filing cases. (1590) . ,

 P 3
.1 E
“ “M— _WHVWW‘MV a 1.1 . _ , 3 13
. Ierlitorial Courts, glorence, Prescott 8 t
r- 1
c . . , . . f 3'
fii 20- COURT CORRESPONDENCE, 1901 ~ 1912. Copies of letters pertaining V
E: to matters before the district court. Most of tae letters orginated in ifi
fig Marlcopa and Yavapai Counties. Recorded chronologically. (Rarely, offi- ,
a: ~ \ , . , . . , . . . - -.
g< Clal-/ 193 X 12; vols. (o), S in., on woooen snelf in Vault. Dusty.
e: r. . ‘ "
we 6 seme t .1
Re a A n . (1575) 3
Ԥ 3
1 3
1% 7. - !
fig Pinal County Courthouse, Final Ct.
13%; ,3
753:; . , . -. . . ~ 6— 5
:fi. 29. ACCooulo of u. S. COMMISSIONERS, sept. 33, 1398 — Fen. 14, 1:19. 1
.31, ,1, _~ _ 3 .3 3“,. 3,. ,, - . , . . - _ 4 . 1
Kfi ouarteily accounts 01 u. S. COmmlsleflerS, lCCated at ElorenCQ, Arizona, 3
"-‘N V v‘ . r. . . o < 3 . . a .3 , , _ ._
fig ShOleg amount 01 fees due coumISSIOners lor case: nanoled by tnel. ; .
3% (Never.) 3“ x 8; folded documents, 3 in., in wooden ocx on glatfor . E
5% Damaged by Careless handling, faulty containers; brittle, dusty, aid ‘
4:5 - l '
.@ torn. Clerx’s vault. (33) 1
5% Q, . H . . 1 1_h. , H n V 1 3 1“ ‘ 3 {
’fis JO“ NALUhALILAIlCN RECORDS, may 30, 1474 - Fee. 14, 19-2. DeCIara— ,
.5 ticns of intentions to become a citizen of tne United States,-petiticns 1
‘E Or affidavits of applicant, affidavits of witnesses in aipport of 93ti~ f
‘ 1"" ' ' c . 3 - 1 ‘ - L - i 1 .~ ‘ ,. 1
I; 110351 OaCJ 01 alléglencs, and order 01 the court admixtin; pet_tioie. »
‘.3 or dismissing‘petition. Documents filed numerically, 11 X 13 vol. index. ‘
:s- 1 . ,_ ,, . . . , _ . . ‘
'3" (UCCaSIOnally, OIIlClal.) variously sized vols, (3), and A 1 GA envel— ‘
(Pf Opes and folded documents, 1 ft. 2 11., in steel folded docunent holder 3
.5 drawer and on steel roller Shelves. Clerk's vault. (EC) a
- .34? ‘ .
Iii Yavapai County Courthouse, Slaza 1
.. 55' 3
3-33.33. _1.U.s. DISTRICT COURT DOCKET, A13. 2. 1.393 — Ju le 25. :34. ;‘ieC- e ‘
15$ ords of cases filed showing proceedings. (Seldom, ofjicial.) 11 x lo 2
-”£, vols. (2), 2 in., on woodsl snelf. Clerk’s Vault. (557) I
32. PETITIONS IN ”BANKRUPTCY, 1:79 1 1882. Petitio .s an: 6211:; banii~ , »
{Lfi ruptcy natters showing name of bankrupt, court, etc. (Sol on, official.)
5%, u x 5 bundle, ; in., on woods) shelf in lower vault. T. 2. (5Ao)
. 1's .
V3.33)? ‘ .'
* iii 33. COMMISSION/23's 3300 R33, 1:162 — 1330. Record 6: proceedings 6.:— ,
Efig fore the Commissioner showing name of defendant, nature of Case, amcnnt ,
58k; . . . . . . 6- -, ‘ _ - _ ‘
57% of fees, date and dispOSItion. (Seldom, OlllCLal.) a X 8 bundle, la 3
jg§ in., on Wooden shelf in lower vault. R. 2. (586)
17‘??? 5 .
a. - ,
jwfi ( .
1st .
1w? -
j 3
“ti _
53B 1
s .

 I '2
‘ willl.li ‘ Ea
, iii
, 3?
L Territorial Courts. Tucson ‘ 9 it
$1 34. NATURALIZAIION PAPlRS, 1888 - 1911. Name of petitioner, place 2E
ifi of birth, residence, place and date of arrival, dates of filing, post- -‘
Efi ing and final hearing, name of witnesses, and name of clerk of court. ‘;
t? (Seldom, official.) 10% x 14 sheets, 5 in., in steel cabinet drawer. ”
iE Clerk's vault. (552) H
81 5
fig TUCSON - 3
fig (A) Pima County Courthouse, Pennington and Church :
3% (B) U. of A. stadium, 6th and Vine Ste. {
be {
33$ ' ‘
Ed 35. RECORDS or COMMISSIONER, June 9, 1876 ~ Nov. 30. 1877. Com— '1
6% missioner's docket showing proceedings in cases brought before him. ;
ffi Entered chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 12 vol., 1 in.. on i
3% shelf in vault. Recorder‘s office (Bldg. A). (1627) 3
1% 5
yg 36. CCMHISSIONER'S DOCKET, 1876 - 1877. Record of complaints and ,1
fig offenses. (NGVer.) 8 x 12% v01., 3 in., on open wooden shelf. Base- 1
r% ment (Bldg. A). (1144) i
7g 37. ORDERS OF DEPORTATION. 1901 - 1902. Commissioner's record of !
§§ deportations for smuggling. selling liquor to Indians, illegal entry, 5
, E etc. Arranged numerically. (Very rarely, official.) 9 X 1h% 10059 7
.2% , sheets stapled together, 2 in,, in wooden box. Basement vault (Bldg. i
A). (1170) 5 1
'fi 38. NATURALIZATION, May 6, 1864 - Feb. 16, 1881. Declarations of ’ 2
)IE intention to become American Citizens. Records from 1881 to 1906 not 5
iii found. Index. (Seldom, official.) 12 x 18 vols.. * 13.. in 6,:1 i
(1% steel shelf in vault. R. 30. (1181) 1
§”d 39. PETITIONS FOR NATURALIZATION, Aug. 1, 1912 ~ Feb. 14. 1914- ; '
5&3 (Seldom, official.) 4 x 8 vols., 1 ft.. in steel filing box in Vault. ;
§y§ R. 30 (Bldg. A). (1182) j
j;§ 391. U. S. conulsSIONER's DOCKET AND MINUTES. 1&94 — 1895; 1898; fi [
fffi 1904. List of witnesses, expenditures, and diSPOSiEiOHS 0f cases. 1
1%; Indexed. (Occasionally, public.) 6; x 15; Vo1., ; in.. in lower 896' i
igfi tion of an old sideboard. R. 101 (Bldg. B). (1296) ‘ ,
§§; 395. U. S. COMNIsSIONER's RECORD, 1905 - 1906. 98 photos of Chinese I i
Egg criminals with a complete record of case as date of illegal entries.' ”
fig deportations and proceedings, and final dispositions. (Occasionally,
kg) public.) 9-3/4 x 15 vol., 1-1/5 in.. in lower section of an old side- 1 ,
gar board. R. 101 (Bldg. B). (1302) e '
dd '3
g. g .

F331 :- L
t f
ms L
33 £31k 1
t% Federal Bldg., Scott and Broadway L
4% L
4% General IL
’* L
gfi 40. GLOBE GENERAL MINUTES, Jan. 1913 to date. Daily minutes of court J
’31 proceedings during sessions at Globeo (Frequently, official.) 18 x 24 ‘
fdg vols. (53, l ft. 9 in., on open steel shelf. R. 314, vault. (35l) LL
}§ 41. TUCSON GENERAL MINUTES. 1913 to date. Daily minutes of court 3
Pg proceedings at Tucson. (Frequently, official.) 18 x 24 and 10 x 11% j
vols. (22), 6 ft. 2 in., on open steel shelf. R. 314, vault. (350) 3
. 5:33 I
g; Law
42. GLOBE CIVIL LAW DOCKETS. 1908 to date. (Frequently, official.) '
{1% 15 X 22 and 10 x 11% vols,, 7 in., on open steel shelf. R. 314, vault. .
{ii (353) '
f L
43. TUCSON CIVIL LAW DOCKETS, 191.2 to date. (Frequently, official.) !
fiffi 15 X 22 vols., l ft. 3 in., on open steel shelves. R. 314, vault. (352) 3 i
L d I L
44. CIVIL LAW CASE FILES, GLOBE CASES, May 8, 1912 to date. These L
gig files consist mostly of civil suits of mining companies and damage suits }
fififi on which the United States has been made a partya (Frequently, official.) L
inn . . . . (.1 1 we 1 .
LEE 9 x 15 folderse 6 ft. 9 inH in filing cases. Rs. 314 ad; 315. (335) V i
L? 45. CIVIL LAW CASE FILES, TUCSON CASES, 1912 to date. Transcripts, L
Lié records of pleadings, and disposition