xt75x63b2m6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b2m6m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1961 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1961 Vol.28 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, November 1961 Vol.28 No.2 1961 1961 2019 true xt75x63b2m6m section xt75x63b2m6m ;"1 7;’-‘:"2.‘;-‘F*';:-,:2;-- ,- ii"; .. '- . . . , . , .2 2 - '. ' ,. ’ ._ , . .2 , .
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’ ' I Clock At Frankfort
’Y Kentucky s Showcase. Flora

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i The KentUCkY Press + As We S It Phil“ "1“?“ “WW intcrcst in
‘ 5‘ ee + Cr: 1. ts not too late for editors and got:
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l Kentucky Press Service, Inc. tron of weekh~ newspapers is abysmal If 0:1” LCP e{rough of them. \Vc think thq'F
Vim,r R. Portmann, Editor iou publish a weekly, ponder these ques— film uncut cops too man}. As of now we or /
Perry J- Ashley, Associate Editor hogs: i; hqralntcnormous file of evidence; theirs
Member 0 Your rC'ldcrs unclcrstm . . c 0 ascertain. Tliev .~
5 . . . .. d , . . . ,, arc Elfl'tlldy" .
,4 gilxuch 01:1?!“th of Commerce donit publish national and \vorldhlnclxosg cvasrvc. The secret terrifies those \i/llli B3, 1
S a . _ , . ,. . .. , . .
l Pslil:ain:mg;[rs AbSSOClatlon Do they know why \‘our baper comes out ll‘ll.i\llt' There isn’
‘ emer ., " ‘ 0 ' ,,, ,_ ..
1 National E dit ogr ial Association onclc c1 \\ cck instead of cvcr)’ clay? Do they Present egfltofr “lants to make the enemy alhorcr “cekl
l . Associate Member rca I’LC whatyour paper includes that they Kec m A Fool and useful information, must prlnt
i National Newspaper Promotion Association dont find 111 any other? Do even your 15.1% mericu informed does not 11163“ 0f the succes
‘ . .- . - )u. . ,-
, ‘1 e your paper well encugh to keep pav- A no possess. Brit contrariwise, keeping accelerating
, i‘ hThe Kentucky Ifress Association recognizes 111g for it along with a daily )a)cr7 D' mCUCH 111 blmdfoldcd ignorance of -t1)ICtUI'CS in (
i te fundamental im it ' - . - ' 1 1 ‘ 0 life ,. . ‘ H
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. . issem ' - ~ ~, - . . = ‘ ,
) 3:31»;wa information, It stands for truth, fig-r: I lnqulrcd around: “\Vliat’s the differ. 1be m an} enemy than all the mint“ excellent ph‘
l of imaicugbge} gig??? 62mp§siintafioln face between newspapers and liiagazincs7" :th ‘t‘lc "“"1- “76 won’t find a wav {5111311 “CWSpé
. ’ our _ .r , . ' ‘ (\‘C )0 . ., - , ', g
‘1‘ 133321;? _advocates strict ethical standards inmlts Ilc‘ ‘tHDICJl fast ADSWCI was that 11cw5- internal 1,, tnlth and hLCu'rll'V by dechrmng-rlrilncf an
a v ismg column. It owe?“ the publicaflm PJPUS come out every day and magazincs . ‘ “‘lr’ ““d fightmg 1t out with mega ‘156 “6 5t
l gmfifiafanfit :{lder the guise of news. It a}: don't! There are bigger differences thi tomc phrases” tures thev p
O V 211 - '
5 honest and féirégefiitfafiefisfiéfigmfi fITtmie’ that. and not all newspapers come out (l‘iilv * * ‘“ 1P1Ctur€s CZ
meets equality ofopim‘on andt ri ht ' ' I tried 'lgk' , ‘r\ 7 . . . ‘ T P 10t0gra )hv
. . . . . _ . g ofeaery <~ mg. \hat IS the ma or dif— L 1 -’
l 3:233:15 (t)? 33531:"??th tfl’w conflitufim‘ll fcrchC in the content of daily tllldIW‘CCl’lY 00k To Draft Status matter, bettr
i i" the WWW” as aovitalemefilfimltffreldietfis nCV“SWPCYS?” One answer that floored inc \Vith thC World situation becoming mor bUt not man
5 igmlommnéft’r medial. and cultural community dc: was: “\Vccklies concentrate on social news ” tense CVCTY day, mam,- publishers are b; Spent fOr e
l ”m— T1115 18 not true of 31W weekly I rch ginning to take 21 Closer 100k 1t th‘c draf‘nC‘TV‘llpaper WI
, _ '— k l 1 '1t lC'll’ l ~- ' ' K ’ status f t1 1' . ‘ e clay
Kentuck P‘ . . . mc . .s gancc through 80 of them . 1 0 KIT (Employees. Herc 1‘ . . '
l W. Foster Adhmsljwss :ssocratlon, Inc. pretty regularly. Maybe mv informant tlmcly suggestions that gym 112:,‘1fevquahtl/ WOU]
l : Te“ “gema Citizen Ber never looked at a front page, with its news Shmfld follow if thCV have eniploerCSPa-l‘zil attention is g
l 101m B. Gaines; Vice-President ’ e? 0f the city council fights and new oil wells 21 LA Classification, I ' I “’1 “de311.“ pi
. _ . V _ .L, . . ~ r 00 '
Victor E Portfork—Cisty News, Bowling Green 151d firms and traffic thCldCUfs and football . (1) Ifilnd out thC name of the dial in )1 BMW
. 1 Pen J IAshl “211’. ecretary—Manager , games..=and public meetings and craps and . hoard concerned on each cmplovee With]. cl IS 111 a s
. ! Florlldain Gil’r” $31820"? Secretary-Manager storms and train wrecks and new churches“ LA CIRSSifiC'JtiOn. ' CIlOUIgh to .v
H . arson, . 1r ‘ r.
l Um'ocrsitygiiltldzntigilJufgxingt and new teachers and COllVCl-ltiODS and . (2) Send a memo to the board describiiiuililitt‘il 111 Si
' . _ 2 0n rocco'; ~ . .. . . ’,- . . " mec
' , District Executive Committee ‘ 1—f‘ind. speeches b} \1srt1ng celebrities mg the mans 10b, how essential it is, ill The . {H
l Chairman Fred J Burkha d C an( UL llst ls endless, amount 0f money Spent training him clcf ~ wee
NW8, Liberty (At-Large)-r15irstaS$Vy'llgmmty An educational program in Mont , Get all the information in 1' fi] 1 chlllg the 1:
Davis L onC t H ’ ’- 1 mm T' \vccklic '1 am '1 , “S C that .V‘lgressrve and
Larry, Styon (Eng eralg, Eddyvrlle; Second, s a)out what a weeklv newspaper poss1 )k can. pol't
. .6, essenger- rgus, Central Ci - aims to do wo 11 1 . . . '. ‘ -‘ 3 l . 4 .. ‘3“ “CW3
my, Iljasil Caummisar, Courier-Journal ail/cl __i_)d {)[C an awfully good idea. is El) f rm appcal to the state boarmany of the]
. Demes’ fmfiwcile? Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble ' i' ~ Johnson, Manager ‘ CCLSSJU’ the first thing thev Will dOi The b'
‘ t 90’“: e ford; Sixth, George Trotter En. NlOn’rana Press Assn call for the man’s filc 1-1., C . pu h
l emse’ Leba’lon; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher ' inforin- t‘ . i ' sue“ the ““1“de 13) perh
;‘ gwcury, Carlisle; Eighth, George Joplin III’ * * ~.~. b <1 Ion you can put in his file thrto give our -
j ‘ Nommonwealth) Somerset; Ninth, James T. Po e A 'l G (.ltCl' Clel’lCC 37011 ll‘dVC Of SCCUl’lH '1 di‘l’lll.
» ll ' orris, ]r., Independent, Ashland- Tenth, Maur- P 55C" S overnmental foant when the c- u ‘ - g ‘ mg to tu
1,. $13563? DddyMNeTws’ bl’liddlfiboro; S taie- Secrecy In WOShlngl’on dsc 1s revrcwcd. Good local I
r ‘ - . , war 5 . emp in, Herald-L 11 J’ . . .
_ l1 Isdexmgton; State-at-Large, S. C. Van 535:; Of all possible summit mectin s it’ . * w * {aiding tune
I l l dtetiitte 11?;in Ftraliklf'ort; ngWdiate Past Presi: quite possible the most important i; .S can Take Plctures 16p us 110M
,3 > eSp emg, u ton Counti N ‘ 1C 1“ 131'
Fulton J ewS, our futurc would be 'l rC'll n ‘ ' M ' ‘ 1 “tors of
l1 - < : Cgotiation for 11111C1pal Judge HUGH “7 M
r . , . , , -. c . cKessito 1.
' ll Kentucky Press Serv1ce, Inc. 00111111011 sense as between the harried go'lrcl— 1' 0nd du Lac VViS N0 1' " “I‘ ' lave to E
,5 l; . . . 11115 of , 5 . c .5 . . 7 - M > ruled that lSIble of the'
1, James M. Willis, President « our Safety and the 1)]_11‘\‘€\:01-S of 15 pcrlnlsnblc for )1, t . 1]
l1 Messe public info . . ,, - _ 1. 00grdphers to taland among
ll G . . nger, Brandenburg . Ymdthn, sald James S, Pope reasonable p10tures” In his 1
ll ‘ eorge M. WIlson’ gmlyice-Presidem executive editor of Courier-lOurnvil '1 l ing W‘ls made in 530111190111. Rurcameras.
. l ‘ - em -News, Hardinsburg Lomsville Times . A 5‘ c ‘znc " 6 case invo vmg thre Standards
l ‘1 Landon Wills, Second Vice-President sion [It N‘ . Y ,k in recent panel discus. Chicagoans.charged With murder of Fon‘papers m i
2 1 McLean County News, Calhoun . . ‘ C“ or U11“ ersrty. He declared du Lac 1’01106111311 and series of l l' ‘ctl USt
ll Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Treasure, 1t 13 not too late for editors and govern. B€f0re the three were arrii ned )urtgtme 1811 they m
5 r . ‘ . - ( 'c , , a orn ‘
{1 Perry 1' AShlgy,_ASSt- SZ‘f’W‘ary-Treas‘urer :illmt to understand and talk sense to each for 0110 Of defendants obieied to appetizggr PICturles
5 ll moersrty Kentucky, LexingtOn i‘er; 2111CC of press )hoto 1 . -' . eager _\'
3 ’ Board Of Directors The President last spring, in terms calllcmman. H: ‘lskeimdbliiilf 3nd tidallsw‘iylper Is we]
5 SlgmgilifigyilllelliiinguTfiDkkvisfiLym CWIMy Hem “C‘TSPHPCF editors thought much too vague to discontinue t-iking piCtureso (met msgoflllg P601316
, .’ i . 1 e . enry, Dai N .n anc unrealisti . ‘kr ' ~ . ' u cont’
Middlesboro- N1 0 . . El Wm, - C, as ed us to insure 7, , - I]
l , . . . , scc .
g l Dawson Spfingsleito Gagigilghcaomh 510%8? each in his own way," Mr. Pope decidildd, I ’ * * * llledlum, Its
I l :1;p;£%l;figay, Shelby News, ’Shelbym'll‘e; (gifi: “And 0‘“ ImmifCSt annoyance seemed to . ts bad enough to be a (lllittcr. But iland the pub]
0. make him doubt our interest in security i: 3:0 :0 tfilcllSh something you never 51101112111 effective 1
.y 2 '7 5 ar e .
. : ‘1:

in cres m
>rs and gov B I. G D l N 3 3 '
lk sense to Ph 1- A N El 0W Ing reen ai ews
Ltrangcment 0 OS re ecessary ement HOldS Interesting C3f>ntest é
hin‘ .
'etthiril: t3131:F A C . . The Current Events Tournament is the 3
of now we or om mun l-I-y News pa per title of a unlquepubhc service being con- i
once; theirs E33313tcx3clgiilavtNBO33/3mi RGQeenS by the Park ; ,
. ‘ . . e j ews an a 10 ta i0 ' ’ 3
313123330333 “1/111: By RICHARD C. FERGUSON important to community business and The events puts a team (ft 33:38:; 353:
3 There isn’t much argument about it any 333335 _ scycnth grader and one eighth grader) 3
he cnemv amore; weekly and small daily newspapers i11\:1:izit doets achievemen; of high quality into competition with teams from other 3:33
f .t3 must print local photographs. The pages ws pic ures myolve. It Involves: 1. schools. The teams compete in matches in 1‘
n orma 101]. of the successful newspapers today are alive Selection of good sub1eet matter; 2. Good \yhlch they are quizzed on current events 3
s not mean with photographs in keeping with the ever photography; 3. Good reproduction; and The pairings are established bV drawing.
3313330133333accelerating trend toward increased use of 4. Some knowledge of composition. The eventual winner will be named aftef 3:
use, keeping pictures in communication media. It’s usually not expenditure of more the final round of the 31 weeklv matches
ance of in Many small newspapers are publiShing money that’s needed to lift picture quality Certificates of merit are awarded the 643
3"3030,3333excelle1it photographs. But in general the up 111 a newspaper. Usually just a little school Children who participate in the 37
the mrhtari small newspapers w0uld improve thei3r ap— more imagination, more careful planning teams. Each Social Studies class repre:
[(1-3 333a333pearance and their effectiveness if they and a trifle more “know—how” will im- sented in the tournament receives a copy
-)3“vi(t31fC13:33333 raised the standards of quality of the pic- protve the .qyualhty of your work. ln 33.333333 of the newspaper for preparation. ‘
egg tures they publish. ms ances, it s rust a matter of setting your- The qurz questlons are prepared from
Pictures can be improved through better self lugher standards and finding out how world, state, and local news reports of the _f
photography, better selection of subject to make your photographrc work measure newspaper. The tournament matches are
matter, better composition and, in some up to those standards. broadcast by the radio station. .3
but not many instances, a few more dollars Use of many pictures isn’t an extrava- Special electronic equipment was de—
.01“ng monspent for equipment more suitable for gancc—as some small newspaper editors vised by the station to conduct the contest 7 .
hers are benewspaper work. used to think. First of all, it’s necessary in complete fairness. The questions were 3
at the dgaf The day when a picture of most any to (313136 coptinuted health of the paper, re- prepared under supervision of teachers to .
'e are a Cunality would attract and hold a reader’s gar ess 0 cos. be certain they carry the r0 )er wei ht .. 3?:
. newspape attention is gone. Today we must not only \Vhat makes a good news picture? 1_ for the ability of the childreiIr) irivolved.g ‘
bloyccs wit] use many pictures, but also we must use A news picture “CCdS to be new, to have SChOO] 0333333338 and teachers have been
, good pictures, excellent pictures. Photo- recency; 2_ It needs to be local, or to eon- enthusiastic about the results, especially in 3 ,.
)f the dral graphs in a small newspaper must be good cern local persons; 3' The hhhShal makes a developing ‘3 greater awareness 03 local and
loyee withtcnough to win the attention of its com- b63363 picture than the usual tht as the 533336 news happenings.
munity in spite of the intriguing appeals unusual event makes better news than the The series W33 developed by lflCk EVCF- i
oard describ of rival media and activities. usual. 5033’ Of the VVKCT Programming Depart— 3
i211 it iS, t1! The weeklies and small dailies are now 4. Pictures attract attention if thev are ment, 3“ 335003333013 With 1- Ray GaiueS, iii
ng him, cltfaciug the pushing competition from ag— rich in human interest, the Sthf that 31)‘ 33333303 03 the 333333 City D3333 News. 3'3'3
file that ,VO‘grcssive and beautifully illustrated mctro— P0313 t0 61110310115; and 5 MOSt important, “0—— '3
bolitan newspapers that circulate widely in perhaps, is that all outstanding news P130 3 ‘
state boarunany of the smaller communities. ture WUSt ObViOUSk" tell a StOTY- UK Journalism SChOOl
ey 3213333 d0]t CThe publlisher’s1 most challenging task A frequent fault of many pictures in Re(ZelVfi'S High HOHOI'S i333
'e, 1e mot O ay 13, per raps, tie extra )urden of trying the smaller news a36r is the 'a ' - - - - '33
his file th'to- give our readers a paper that they are so many people if]3 due picture tligtniiggofi: S 13333313333 fShank, 3.633303 3333103. 133 the U.K
curmg a dnyilhng to turn off their TV sets to read. can be identified. How manv persons He 30; 0 303333333333333 333033 333333 3303303 333 ' 3 3
ewed. Good local pictures will help us hold the should be included in a good 3news pic- 3313333133033333 033 3330 333003333 333333333 30333 3
reading time of our subscribers and will turc? Probably not more than five or six, 3333131333 331313333 Program sponsored by .the 3 3’
help us hold our subscribers. ideally. A group of no larger than that ‘13. laih 33333033333 33633383 3303333333330333 3- 3
Editors of community papers are going can be 3113636333“le POS€d around 3 center Tr3hi3svl33's 33333333 33d3333'ol3 13333 33333333333 03 33333 3 3
V. McKesslto have to fight to hold as much as POS- Of interest and Chh be hh’OIVCd 3h some tl 3 O talmd C033 3363' 03 3333333 '3333CC 333 3‘33 3
uled that “isible of their readers’ time and attention, 30ft 0f central QCtiOD- 3C' C 03333 336333 3333333‘ng (3033333633th A 3‘33 3
hers to talflnd among their best wea )ons are their M v ’ , _ 3333336 OfCheck,V1rgmra, Davrd 3.33“ share 3331
. 1 an. suggestions made 3330M 116‘“ P310 In a fellowship. Sixtv—five entrles were "‘
1rtroom. Rucameras. tography will help you in producing good judoed in the contest The School f 33 i
01‘.ng thK Standards of photography in small news- advertising photography, too. If action helps nali3sm also received honors anl ' (3 3fi3ftl 3S3 3
'der of Fonpapers must be lifted higher, much higher attract reader attention to news photos, it place among the nation’s c3011: 33 333 tl 3 3
of burglarmhan they now stand. Pictures, especially should help attract attention to advertising Foundation pro r-rfn Other €65 1131' 16 3
led, attorntgood Pictures, can do much to make your pictures. colleges so honogred include th3eoull313iii:i3- R333 3
id to 21PP33P3PCT eagerly awaited. As long as a news— There is no need for you to envy big- sities of Kansas, Michigan \Vashington 3
.ud telev1510pélpcr IS welcomed and read thoroughly town newspaper photographers because of and Florida. 3 3 3‘3
0 order thflb.V the people of its community, that paper the sort of pictures they have chances to
;. 1811112513; 3303:3331336 to ’be a top advertising take. You have the world’s best picture . E3 3
. wand th3e331)3r1]331i::1313_3i3(3)31:33:1313;u:13033333 lstay hlgh, sublerct matter waiting for you in . your Some people think that the easiestwayr 3’“
1tter. But 11 . . continue to be home town. There is notlung so interesting to make a mountain out of a molelull 1s ‘ 3
never shoulan effective medium of communication so to people as people. to add a little dirt. 3 i 3

 PAG Y -. _
I E _
1‘ Two ' w
| .. _ .
11 old -
a 'ti ' r , .
S .
9 DfiVs e Traln KENTUCK '
E done" 32f the Am . p . Y PRESS
\ Stant Odern mean r ‘
‘ 1 Comin 5110p tmm l n
M begend' Thegs and gosi Cannot 120113 timer ar er I
: y a - Set “gs. Cr C . _
! \Vard MIISSOul-ia 3165 are a ‘Vhat reate COIL heels 1] S Di NOV
1 book chks. Thu Who livggrt of thatniains is boxe; Sq firing the sap EMBER I
1809 Joegendh 0f of Pear' ' 961
E “(It K;DPUbllshed bof A Tran r0111 Ml' fi'Ed- Next Inst- Of the ‘V their 1L1 lng NOV
? Dur-Sas Cit" 1\y the Mid113 Printe} lcks’ morning orhing h est 3nd nch A m -
1 Office Sing 1hy'e’ar140_ -AmeriCa;111§80' Words, hupaper’ Ca: Was 111) 6 most enT-he Oldti e r l C 1 K
, ! at a a th “ an em
‘* tra 111et 6 i Cepi 1g v 0r g t m' 6 1"e 7 “11- ’as
1‘ 1’1] . t . g 1'1 Kltl , em , 7 0] 133 N to 1Ch 21
“ but Eofrtlfiter, II‘ChgenuSPSE-bfuiecgl 2:1: the 513”“, gillim’ P1312312; best Sigmore 35:3?“ 111?me 311 pqpmducingwere “Oliriduct th 1‘ Kentuc]
‘ a 14 - e in a“? f he A V6 1 utCh ‘ st and tune firs aft {e37 1'“ng ‘1?€rs th anger ’xactly 163’ sh
l Wear. 1Pres' Orgott mer' ad man sh . s 218 er )ef. “’Ork ’ “’111 en W 1C 0 C01 0v 0“
i- fioo‘ 0f Hold bov 510” he n 6“ his n lea“ h-S’ Washed here and Oohng st'he hand1 6x1 1 The 1Ch’ of c ere PUbh- lharacten tlfr 5 De
*? 1n ‘6 sh " He ladc 31116 13 hat up ther - lck ed . ‘Ctln 10mm Ourse sled‘ C Dre.-
H to Sw 0P 0 Was 51 on m ’ — and ’ turn 6 In , Plugg mg g and Were ’ me Infl] are ‘10
‘i Iflim theeep up Alf};3 morningeeping Onelas 113611y full Shoes anded his Colifofly'SPaczg '1vq'1roon1 tOOherx-ewhcfiwg 1ndant nigl Aproud
‘ ' t n : c w ar (H‘lflbl f ‘ in K th
5 tom th u511211 bre er the ed' When I 16 those arefree as 0n h‘ 7 brush 111 e for reqllel g. T e w s Sh
1 ' _ . _’ r , ( t] he 0] fi 0“
“ and at meal aLfast 11 “IO: ha C:Ell'l‘le CI hls days a 7.1'lapp 1S Way Cd ‘ \Cntfla 1n3’thi 1 y “733 COm gures
1! ‘ nightStay that 11,1 c111eci dedligey’ he I; glven 1plate anildlllcation v‘Ilannter ‘ng agam :llept, 516p ttedi P Hui]: else_pO:18paCeI:: tShe];v 3’11:
‘1 _ , ent g t. w urn 0w,_ 16 y as n 'rme - “71' s w r . 1e ' I
H OVEI the gamed, to How I frk the ded It 5 Until 1 “as not not Consigt a Print mad I“ 9* emu-e Others Orked w]:f hghta cu] hands
"I ‘ ”£16 flooI bnlted StthtOIieS of h1.Stened may expWas the dle had doaccflpted bered com' tine:t theirhaba-ln Sense Worked gnehothe “@3130“ fc
} 0 flex etWe ‘ 65- \V 13 tr at erien 33" of “e s V h' ' - ”at th SOCiql ' e 7 'V‘
. Vs en e In 3V6] tr CCS the Ome 13 1361 Th. e N ‘ out Y b an ' 2111
i’ 131110“ Papers f tW0 t' ade 5 all gulps . 0f tl'g tram Wand , ' 13 W Orth Casts all'ti
5 78- H' Or 111 3P6 1— a bed hSt glltt V61 re] P PI. el'ln Dher as h— ‘AITIC . 7 I]; O ' 11k
' on Is t1 attres 30kg b 0n ened ered . ated Inter g. R‘ s krlo me of “can hr
I P the o aes m Ses t ’ und] Wh t0 \‘ Wlth by th ‘ The We . “'11 i t1103 .. “1'ch 111
‘ L111 Pen ade ’ yPe b es . 0 Wa Vlth r0m e v r 1’er n th e Itm Mn
1 the 2:18: S’ and r123: d’ £01 11?: long fcfrxes fo‘ llke“’iSeS filled ‘Viiiger earsallnlge andetiran E111: Missgs?’ 13/110 :1?“ 386:1?” tYPOEr {eportitgl’
‘ er Y st XCar . 3 hi 1 ' 3 d - th ere “X C' 1 i que 6 M' ‘ >33 3 1‘
H Couple ecstass' acks_ S, 81 d e tWa es,re e T10 . 0 1tv Ver b I1th 1580 , 21
y ‘ - .’ . and e—do CO 3 a I to Vlce CCasi . 7 211th the town ll thre f
I Stab] Of 111C] Of beln to th. 0]: “Sta (21v g0 and 7 - 011311 011 1 61'] S 3 211 . 6 C 7‘
1 €_ 165 3h g 3b] 111k 5t . . ht Craf -7 too Of do 1n to 37 get g1 SOn t_ LO . 0[ edlt' ‘01]
E ‘1 He . ead of e to k of r1Vlng f t irrit ’. Craft Cl- “Us On Off the 16 of t U13 an 10115 of
1‘ mile agglmed he Co 1 the Villageeip a :iltoria] 33:1 IOWCr ‘:::)ns- Pigment, Witl Ciliago an d :19 uppfib‘lislten 1331:1111 WOIfl Cdgommm
it“ a g00d y; that u d Sm On‘ e Orga ‘ 'Witho 65; f0 netOrs 1 so .S‘ I w fen as f ’iSSis ' to w - 1 10113
, i‘ . un- flnvo 611 a , Th leati llt rest ' Yemen Were “151 R' as fa . ' gr 11 Slppi Into an
V ii Stlck i 1011 m3 7 He ‘Vh Print h 6 print On and . Ia111 T'l Were . pri Wer P. 11111131. , CHI] ,1 and, ~ 011C _
‘ thin n hand 11- W11 0 COuld , S 0p a 63fly b er, as Vlrtual. lere dlc— “ters 1 Irate» ‘Vlth t1 ‘5 the T 1 111g, 0n 11
i 2‘3 1'1; , hi en h .ntw " Ut ~ a L1st 1y n Was 1' the; “Sean, as d 16 te Wm . €111
' b 1 C d S m e h aSn’ ran 1f , 181 th' 0 1t- 6 3r 3 a . eSc . ' Tm “ Ofn <
I Ht 3 Caf_,1 Ovem 1t th ’E ged th marl.1 111g _ Protect. Or . e tho S 111 t1 Ilptl , M C 111g
| mi Stead ‘nd_d ents 6 C38 frOn at 1 ed, h 7 d1d Ion gaaned _ Se W] 1e 56V .\e Of Venin 7
tted 1. y, Sur urnb s' were 6, b 1 tOWn 1e 00111 6 had 'notma1 . 0r . 1n 0 10 Will entles the D- g, 211
1‘ Clock 11m t e m