xt75x63b2k14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b2k14/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1986-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, February 1986 text GSO Newsletter, February 1986 1986 1986-02 2019 true xt75x63b2k14 section xt75x63b2k14 / 1;. $335; , {if
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H w WMleetoaMHUu m meow "u"_“"”f""_‘"""”"“ff"f—n‘
Newsletter, please send your camera-read ad copy ____P1ease put oe/us on the BBC nailing llSt
to 550, eo Box 12471, Lexington, Ky. tosto. The Includlne a free subscription to the
DeatélineA tord ad subnéssion is the 15th of each nonthly BSD newsletter (delivered in an
non .. ny a 5 receive after the deadline will u. - 3 u '
not be guaranteed to be published in that issue. FJHMdFkEd' envelope}. 0 , t-d t
Ads may be submitted camera-ready or rough. ----~”Cl°59d ‘5 ‘10'00 .or ‘5'0' or 5 d E” 5
Rfiugh copies ire subjict to additional charges as for each membership in 680.
s own in ra es sec ion below. 650 will not be . , , r
responsible for typesetting errors in ad after ____Please let ME/JS Lnou ton I/ge ‘39 be more
printing: advertiser is responsible for proofing | anlflVEU 1“ 550 OF DthPF gay,lesbian 0’93“—
“ ads “I?! SUbfltt for publication. izations by calling _____________________‘
The, edi or reserves the right to censor or nritin . Phgqe p
advertisements which are deemed in our taste and ---~ '9' ' '
to edit due to space and/or grammatical errors.
Erotica,. fantasy or sexually explicit materials, ________________________________
or ads With sexuai innuendo, N111 not be accepted i;;é];f""_'
for publication.
RATES ‘ éEFEEE‘ASEFEEE'”mm""mm" in???"
Eifihth Page t 8.05 —7—j————----————-——-~———-—--——--———-—-———-——- _
Quarter Page $i5.00 Clty
gagt gage $25.00 _____________________________ _______________
.u 1 .age $40.00 State Zip ,
Classified 9 1.00 (up to 5 lines. $ .55 , .. 1 av su -e1= ,
each additiflnal Ward) ”all to BSD. F.0a 85:. 11411, L..«., ’1] 4ULIJ i ,4
Typesetting $1e.oe -—————---——-—-——-—--———-----—-—--—----———--—----—i 3
Screens $ 5.00 ,}
DISCOUNIS: the 650 newsletter is Bublished eonthly by the f?
LeXington 6a; Services rganization Incorporated, :3
1/4 nit :or fine. P.0. Box it: 1, LeXingEon, Kentucky 40575. 650 is t:
1/3 0 I ,or ano. a non-pro i organiza ion u ose purpose is o wfl
if? off for non- refit qraung, provide educational recreational, social and -ig
p ‘ r referral services ditectly involving or relating to .:
NUTPlacegient of an ad in the SSS eewsletter DSES gayéiggglagrpegpigions e ressed . st . -E{
. d-ns. ' V‘rs ’e s H' l ‘r' e -t’ . r r x 1“ OV‘QS or ‘3
businggg E C35t§§E.°§,EyE,§n§2, U ierta ior Jr 1 letters 'are tgose of tie writers and do not ~%;
" necessarily represent those of the BSD board or the ;;
12/35 nfinzlette; :tatf. Publication oft the naee or en
. p o ograp 0 any person or aniza ion or other .;
DIRECTORY entity in articles or advértisgng in the newsletter _“
. 57, “1?: is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation ;
BSD Ea"line.........---u---m-----=--x-L~-i;‘v:;gJ of such person, organization or entity. '
GED Bitlboard............................g9e-h;3g Subeissions for the newsletter are nelcoee. All I:
580 Newsletter, 2ener:l.....£............ggg-Q§g; aubeigsions becgoe the property of Aites texington
ver isenen ............e.e-r a a ervices r aniza ion nc. u eissions
BSD Recreational Events..................278-5048 euzt indicate thegtull nae; and address of the
author. although no byline nill be published ,
Anber Noon Productions.............,.....252-3110 without pereission of the author. Non-original
Dignit"/Lexin ton........................26o-3759 eaterial oust indicate that that person has given
Imperiél Court of ghe Bgeunrags Enpire...252-ll§5 his/her gereission {or the use of his/her naee in
Bay and Lesbian AA:.......f..:...........256-BBB7 the pub ication.‘ Anonyeous sublissions cannot be
Ga and Lesbian Democrats of Kentuctv 266-BVIA accep Ed- the Edlt°riil ‘ttti “‘5 the "?ht t°
C y nit‘ He‘lth trust ' ‘ “""'257_1155 alter subeissions tincluding advertiseeen s) to
initiate/nun :2:::::::::::::::::2e._nn mt publishing "wan-m
Louisville Crisis Hotline..........(502l 637-4342
Dwensboro 63y AlligHEEIIIEI'I'I'I'IE5??? gg?-;g33 ‘
Cincinnati a‘ Sui c oar ......... 5 q t - ‘_ n ,
National Bay task Force Crisis Line(800l 221—7044 50’” Wit- bY M Daniels i
NGIF AIDS Crisis Line..............(BOOl 221-7044 2 W

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 Whatever you work out, if it includes sex
outside of your relationship, demand that only
ASH AUNT MARY safe sex techniques are practiced. Good luck to
you and your lover. - Aunt Mary
Dear Aunt Mary: _ ,

I just found out that my lover is being if you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send your
unfaithful to me. while we never discussed the letter to hunt Harv. 72550. Post fifflte Box 11471,
subject directly, I thought HE were both committed Lemqton. Kentucky 40575- if you would like a
to a monogamous relationship. l certainly am. 99’50031 rEAIYr A 9359 1“C1Ude a stamped, ,SEEt

1 really don't know how to approach this addressed envelope. All names are kept strictly
problem. We have been together for over three confidential.
years and i love him very much. Can he really , .
physical contacts outside our relationship? Why .
would he want to do that? 650 is pleased to announce that our Speakers

Up until hog our relationship hag been good. Bureau is undergoing reorganization and expansion.
Actuall it has been much better than good, both Steve is. has agreed to act at: coordinator and is
physicariy and emotionally for both of us. If currently working A“ VBTIQUS UUtIIHE§ AAA
something is wrong and he no longer can find QUIAEIlHES tOIDE used 1“ speaking EAQEQEASAIS- HE
fulfillment with me, why hasn't he talked to he expats to nave the hams together In time for
about it? ' the first_meetlng, scheduled for Sunday. February

Now that l thou, that do i do next? He 161th. 7:00 pm atthe BSfl office a . ,
doesn’t know that l know, you know? ~ On The Rocks . Anyone 1Ht€r95t9d in becoming IAVQIVEd t“
' this very worthwhile and rewarding project 15
Dear Rocks: urged to attend. Training sessions will probably

No, 1 don't know! 1 have a hard time keeoin consist of a discussion group meeting once or
Up With the changing times and attitudes, 'ang twice a month, and a modest reading list. . Past
after contemplating my answer for a while, I SAEEklfifi engagements “BYE EVETEQEd ””9 UT,1WU a
realized that my initial reaction of "dump that month, bUt "9 “OP? {0 lfiCFESSE thE number of
bum“ may not be the best advice, engagements conSiderably once additional

In talking to seyeral oay couples about this yo unteers have been trained. No volunteers will
issue I also found a very different attitude than 09 BSkEd t0 appear bETDTE 3 AVG”? thEY 5T? ”0t
that expressed by straight coupleS. ln non-gay comfortable With, and in most cases there will be
relationships fidelit' is almost always expected, a AIHIQQW 0t tWD §PE§REFE for EECh engagement.
though not always praziced. host gay couples seem 1?, YUU1N0U1d like more IntDTAAEIORs CDAtSCt
much more willing to admit that they may geek Steve directly fiat the} next 853 Forum or on
outside contacts from time to time. Tuesdays at the bSQ Bowling LEBQUE-

The authors of THE MALE CGUF‘LE found in their The‘GSO Board Members would like to take this
research that ever\ couple in their study who had opportunity t0 thank the outgoing Speakers Bureau
been together for more than five years had non- EU‘UlenBtOFi ““0, has SIHAIE “EHAEdIV keep thE
exclusive relationships. The couples involved had speakers Bureau SAtACt 0V€F the past SEVEFAI
developed many different ways of dealing with the YEATS- Thanks, Dflugr for a 105 "911 ADHE-
situation, from "if you do, l don’t want to know,”
to "if you do, you better tell me about before I
find ou from someone else," to “if you do, you H W 4 mn..
better bring him home to share." 14 W tillaiihfx boil EHElE Etitihhfitueh l

The one agreement that seemed to be shared by .
all of these couples was that there could be no This RDQTS of gay and lesbian history focuses or:
emotional involvement in sex outside the the homosexual experience in America before that
relationship. If one of the artners started to tDUEhStDfiE _event on June 27, l9é9 when police
become emotionally involved with their outside sex staged a Violent raid on Stonewall, a Greenwich
partner, it was understood that they would break Villagev gay bar. lTuo days of rioting followed
it off immediately. Emotional fidelity has far and hls is the generally acknowledged beginning
more important to these couples than physical At the gay rights movement.) By blending
fidelity, inteereus with the famous (poet Allen Ginsburg.

Now, as to your situation, i think it is time and the not-so-famous (a lesbian woman recalls the
for you to stop assuming your partner feels the Harlem nightclubs of the 1920'53, this excellent
same way you do about a monogamous relationship. documentary describes a wide spectrum of male and
The only way to arrive at an understanding is for female _gay life with candor, dignity, and a
the two by you to sit down and talk about it, no SUFpFlElfiE sense of humor. Narrated by Rita Hae
matter how difficult that may be. You have three Bfflwny, B FARE STUNEWALL has the award-winning hit
years invested in what you feel is a good fit this year's Filmex and Houston Film Festivals.
relal;)'_on'5,tlipI so it is imperative that you reach BEFURI: SIONEWQLL will be at the Kentucky Theatre
an understanding that both of you can live with. In February (find 99:45 pm, the 3rd 6 9:3fi be).

Happy Valentines Day
x K ‘ g g ’ ‘ j I
Images Hair Design
2 7 3 -2 3 O 1
351 7 Landsdowne Drive

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// , VII/27,, ’ // fl , / ,I/ W ‘* ‘ MONDAY é TUESDAY :2 ,v ARE ALWAYS nor ; W 1. J ,_ ,1,
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I“ W //l I" IMW/I ° HAPPY HOUR ALL NIGHT g; ; BELLE’S 5.3529 Coven . ; (11’- 5‘70”“
II I I 1II-/ // / WI / ;/ AMPAGNE SPEC‘AL é ‘. CLUDES YOUR. s‘ '3
" “W . 2/,/ '8 WED- C” vs 5 z 'N DRINKl I" ‘
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- " ‘I II I I \ I MW § ALL WELL Wang/1451414143 I I I" 7
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(peratirg Receipts and Wit-we “W ““3 Heraldieade" ‘
m 1 TO M 31: 1% The Episcooel Diocese of Lexington endorsed
oenerel' Conventton action Torhiddlng the
ordination of homosexuals to the prelsthood.
. - Lav delegates to the denomination's ooverninq ‘
Ratfill-Fics- convention in September defeated the measure even :1
Advertiijg $ 650.140 though bishoos'and other clergy voted for it. T
Aerobics 173m The Diocese of textndton, which ended its :
, 1311 (X) two—day conventwn ‘et the Radieson Plaza Hotel, ,
mm - debated the resolution at lengthhefore adopting ‘
Sm Amtim EBA” it. The diocese Hill notify Freetdlng Bishop John :
Allin and Presiding Blshoo-elect Ed Brownin of 1
Volleyball _ —% its action. The Rt.'l~‘.ev. Don Hlmherly, the hgshop i
Total Reoelpts $1,1 - of Lexington, has instructed to communicate the :
resolutloh to fellow bishops as he sees fit. . 1‘
'W' Fis approved by the denominations House of ‘
will - "r '+f1‘i—'-rd f‘rb H1: 'vf 1
, (X) themes and tie clemet «1, er o ..e .ou.e L. ‘
WES $ 150- Deouties. sexual orientation would not deny a
General Adrdrfistrative l$5.03 candidate access to the ordination process. ‘
mm ‘ 1486.98 However, the lay order lulled the proposal With
78 its vote. ‘
Phone 19”- ' _ ”Nobody (at General Conventlonl was opposed T
Tait 1100.00 to gmnq homosexuals .‘ull rights 1n the church,“ 1
_ l r: dwwm.
3mm” 15 m Said-- the {‘9": ”'Ha; fieniell 9; must Lnorcn
. $1 cpiseooai in Lexingonj ' The Issue, he lentt‘b
T0133]- Experxh’am ,ZQJB out, 15 whether practicing homosexuals should he
- - 10 "I’m orieved. but we need to ease the
mmdmmmeswe‘ Iieoemts< 3'69) motion?“ said the REV. Robin Smith of Trinity ;
Eotscopet Church of Bovinqton. The resolution ‘
CashBaleme, Septmber 3), 1985 M passed Wlth little dissent.
CeshBalame, Deoenber31, 1985 $ “53.0” BRQUf-S WANTS TU BUILD [335w
———-—-—-""'"’—"" RESORT NEAR RENO
hv Eon vetter
liens: homoseeuel group eezts to cu1ld the
As ofDeoarber 15, 1985, 680 ms received a new TM; rrS’D m: gehmgmtvfiéo: 1t“) 220
- - “.5“,- :1E.’: ..1 x’: :‘m. st ”Etaua 371.: '1, .t'th. ll;
garb of $3,200.00 the Bfllboend pmject mm memes.
(him W Carter. Fred Schcsoheeherg {hatrmsn oi the Reno-based
National linesocietloh of teeoians and Bessel said
Thursday he is éeelilno ler a illtlfiacre site as
< -:«.—- A '= -- -—.--"" . ~.—. T~ ”f1.1‘l
. . E‘UFE U] hell? 4: PU3:191$', The lcSDT'lc'. seeiEx-Tgll
-- - cult!!! DSQDle.
- - — 5"; "i P: 1- " lat“: it; 1: hat} I 4' r1: 5
- 'v"“ ‘ — i. In Vlizfifl: Lillie” ec 3., “fleet“.fll d‘.’
..../,l-1‘l‘l , _*’\v — Schooneaher said. lifetinone e? the 51>: sates under
— ‘ i- ' -— coastderetion _ which :cheoemexer eouldn t name
= it. — eeceuse it oieht drive on the once - are m
_ .: \ M _ . s .
_ [fig—.7 » = hashoe. 1
— x - » 1 - x -. .1 _
— r — Tenn—razeinn orncnures oescriee the resora. e5
— . . ed 1 . .. x - ,1
= 5x I CREATIVE VIDEO = being tie the intern 111 ’n‘erthwest heeeoe and
— = "close to heme- and Lake Tahoe" _ , __
— = {1 spokeswoman for the F‘rofaellv Lnrlsttan
— = iealittoh says Reno residents don‘t H1111 a seeort
= = neer'ov that caters to those who engage in
=Cathleen Otvos 266-9698: "neoetwe." sel€~cerstered 3’10 irresponsible ESHUET 1
-': _ oraczicesfi


 and discuss this opportunity God has _graciously
provided. tet's proclaim Efreedom ano Justice for
Earnest—arise ‘y’CJLi know .i. '1 gay". . . ELL W the grace 0t GOdi through our Let“ JESUS
maybe ismmisizima esp seineow now! 1% LEQBOE
VD“ “we" (3530 ”Warmest“
’1‘"? ,... " ”TI-51":
”J1 (,i._.._,.c.i TOY-5t
the Teebfietit-_____needntfitttdttttEEEEEEE
3 Spare he 45 23 2?435 as
3 h n‘“e % 3 id 28 39364 58
850 is happy to announce that our Community A angtratgeg 33 Ed 28983 55
Outreach Billboard Program has been funded for the 5 r 315' 33,5 31,5 28935 53
next twelve months by the Chicago Resource Center. 3 Elsvgge; 35 33 28379 51
The billboard is scheduled to go up around 7 pegg, Three 32,5 35,5 2343a 47
Februarl lst, weather germitting, and will refer B geg5= 35 43 23941 33
interes.ed parties to a new phone line, o gngag Buddies ti 25 as 33254 33
independent of our gayline number. Callers will id egg’geee 31 a} 23331 3g
hear a message aimed at the non-ga community and '_,___.'_'_____'_'_______--_--__-____-__~_______
those individuals who are trying to come to terms T gen :PnNEfiQq gqp T
with their sexual orientation. T ”‘4 * ”'“'“‘ “‘ l
We urge our members and friends to call the T—————————————-—————————~~~—----——-~--——-—T
billboard number (293-6734) to hear the messa e 1 Brett gghnggn gaiigry 5
and let us know your reaction. Suggestions as in T g,¢,;nfls: '
how we might expand the project and donations to ! :5“f“3 ' H T
allow us to expand will be welcome. Some possible T LAtE' LENS? .
areas of expansion include bus boards on Lextran = Ehggen Books T
Bosses, radio advertising, or advertising in T p,,,,_ i
various printed media. i ”'“Tmt , T
The board members of Lexington Bav Services T Creative Video T
Organization are proud of this worthwhile project l David 5, Reese, FEE Securities ggrg, .
and think you will agree that it is one more good T D‘“ it,,,fi“,nfl,qr ' T
reason to be involved with 680 in 1985. i tent t’tbt‘”e“’ T
T! Eor’N Feathers i
T Galore Productions l
”CC LEXINGTON T Ereen Earth tandscapiog Company T
There is a church which proclaims liberation T: Images T
for all, and extends its ministry to persons lof i imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire i
all races and backgrounds, to young and oio alixe, T 7’, 1 , _ A F_ qg,. - T
to rich and poor, to Gays and Lesbians and ; lehhs9s eh" ee= eeseh ,
heterosexuals, which welcomes all people to l Jegtgr’s T
worship, witness and serve together....che kind of Joe Efilfiflfiais
church described in the pages of the New Y M F:_ ~. p 1],. A pee-1+, T
Testament. Such a church is the hetropolitan , uUhe ”Lelhh1=s Jea.eor ~5=ee1=2= I
Community Church. The liturgy and worship comes TX Keith Buchanan, Trendsetters T
from the mainstream of the Christian Chruch; the . 5 q , .v f a l
. . . . . . tentacty Thea-r-
traditional Christian Gospel of salvation, social T ,P ' - j P} T T
action and community is proclaimed; and - hiehie Recoru oo.
homosexuality is accepted as a gift from God in T Landscape Originals Inc. !
ghg same way that heterosexuality is a gift from T Library Lounge T
a ' T 1-
Efforts are under way to investigate and it Marque Cross Productions T
ossibly establish an HCC in Lexington. 1 A Rafi Reflectigng in Hair neglgn l
gession will be held at the BSD office, 4a1 Sout T, Rod Saalfeld, Trendsetters
Broadwa , Suite 322 at 7:30 pm on February ilth. T Th 9‘
Interested persons are encouraged to write: Rev. . e ‘6’ T
N. Dale Miller Post Office Box 11686, Lexingtoni T The Bungalow T
Kentuck 40577-i686._ In additiog, you can cal. Unitarian Universalist Church ,
the ESO Phoneline at Zal-Oaafi. (Ali . a . F . +
correspondence will be confidential.) Write or hoodfors Humane DDCIe-Y
call todaz....or better yet come to the BSD .
office on ebruary llth at /:3O pm and let 5 meet , Ask about DISCOUNTS for 550 members!! T

4 i
000% $9 If” ‘ "
‘2»‘P'VRY‘Q’ ‘3‘ ‘7 <31]
\queegj‘kera g ’ ‘ 4."?
O :6?
A” %

 .1 can‘t believe that under these Word of Stonewall Park has spread without the
circumstances with regard to AIDS that someone is mgrketing campaign. ht 1935t 1,200 lEitEFS and
trying to bring this into our community," said 3.,OQU in donations have been received by the non-
Janine Hansen, coordinator for the uO-member PTOllh QFOUP SChOOfiMQREF said.
coalition. ' "And it 15 a threat that the . A Los Angeles librarian has asked to start a
homosexuals are bringin upon themselves.“ library at the Chhflhnltyl a California PTOdUCE

It'. not lush concerned about AIDS, but worker wants to ybulld a grocery store and a
bringing the homosexual ‘deathstyle‘ to Reno would lesbian senior Citizen wants to start a retirement
be a blight on our community,” sle said. “it is home ‘0’ women, he Sald- . _
not a good position for families...to grow up in a The Zjvear-old aSShhlatlhh has 80_members
community with people practicing a lifestyle of from 12 Chthh‘hleS' The ha’kEhfh? campaign 3159
negative, self-centered and irresponsible sexual SE’VES 35 a hERhETShlP drive, "I h dues onlng
practices." toward Stonewall Park. .

Sexual intercourse between adults of the same . Th? 7950‘? 15 boing named after 3
say is illegal in Nevada. transvestite bar in Greenwich Village.

The gay and lesbian association plans to __
choose a site by the middle of next year. Ground _.- §§§§E§§§___ _'
breaking for the development's first phase, 5 Eggé—E Eggffé’s‘ég-‘i‘
estimated to cost $5 million! is scheduled for "f ? ? -=?=-‘='= == '-' '-" '1' Elf-=3:

Stonewa Park wi fea ure vacation lodgin
time-shares, permanent residences. legal gamhligb M'Q‘NY FEARS ABOUT
mdferKrmhomlfnnihfl. ' V AIHS UNFDPNDED

Schoonuater, a 43-year—old casino worter, hY Joan BELh
said the fund-raising campaign will prov1de the Chlh‘hh Tribune
initial capital for land acoutsition, planning and u . . _ V
evv1ronmental impact studies. A kitchen worker in our company cafeteria may

“he want to build a citv, not lust a motel or have 9303- .15 1t 53f9.h° eat there? ,
hotel that caters to may people.“ Schoonmater I think hY analr Shyl‘Sh ‘5 gay. Chhlh ‘
said. ”It will be a source of pride. And the catch eIDS from h‘h‘ . . ,
resort will be something nice for everyone to loot h salesman hhrhlhh hhh hi our hillhe does
at and be left with a better understanding of all have Ath' Shouldn h he be {tradi' .
people." ' No matter how many sensible guidelines about

Schonnmater said he doesn i expect a major hfhh are issued 07 government ahhhhleh and medical
backlash from Reno-Tahoe area realdentg. associations, paranoia about the disease lsn t
especially when they realize the positive economic dfhlhthh‘hq- .
impacts of the resort. Stonewall Park would also 'hE hhthTVUi dIBQHOEEd [3595 15 “9 to almost
serve to create a better mutual understanding l5,000. The falhh hope that French thSlCKAhS had
between gays and heterosexuals. he said. ‘hhhh an effective treatment_ls gone. hhh people

”l’m sure there will be a vocal minority.” are .r93dth between the 9h1d911h95 3hd ffhdlhh
Schoonmaher said. ”But if you talk to advertisino cracvs where the" tears can grow. ..
people. even bad huhyycyty is publiClty.“ ' Some churches cite a falloff in people taking

But the congervatgve morals of Reno and communion, for tear_of sharing a communal cup.
northern Nevada mav be too much to overcome, said Paramedics 1“ 0“? thcago SUhUTh are TE*U91fi9 t0
jyh {Unhey_ a member of the haehge County AIDS practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation unless the
Task force ' mannequin is equipped with a disposable face. The

“filth the local school board so entrenched number of donors qlVIhQ hlhhh has dropped. There
with Aifig‘ a par establishment l3 Goynq ya get nre worries not only about Vialting a friend with
people very disturbed. EEDEClallV‘NhEh they are AIDS but about social kisSlng, swimming pools and
not up to speed on the facts about the dygeasevu even sweat on exercise mats in health cluos as

Conley gagd_ sources of infection. ’ ,

lne gay and lesbian assoClatlon has hired Bob Fears [the these are hhlhhhheh- “IDS does “ht
u brien or Reno to handle tne resort 2 marketing spread hY airborne Vl’US or “hrhél contact. It 15
campaign. Part of the campaign theme teatures an transmitted hY 1hi95h9h hth TlhldSy, particularly
American flag with a lavender star and the slogan, hlhhd 3hd semen, 5“d_ €1h05t entirely through

”He are EdthHhEFP." ' sexual contact or by intected needles sharedv y
Eelore' the end of thlg year {1983]. fig‘ghg intravenous drug abusers. Other victims aCQUlred
brochures H11; be sent out to bad community the disease through transfusions of cnntamlnated
(the,g‘ agiltlcai groups and. other day blood or were born to a mother who had nlDS.
organizations in all it states. At least 560 don hIDS 15” t ipread hY casual contact, the ”'5‘
people will be informed of the Stonewall hark hhhllc Health GETVlC? 9h9h35129d 5931” thls "99kt
protect, D'Brlen said. as it issued new guidelines for_ preventing the
”it is no doubt that Stonewall Part will be a spread Of the d‘SEaSE‘ hlh° patients_ can remain
major emploser 1n the area," Q'gryen said. “it in Virtually any job without restrictions as long
will have the same economic impact as a medium- 35 tth have ”0 099“ sores and (991 "911 enough,
sized business.“ the gu1delines say. Several major companies are

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