xt75x63b0n64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b0n64/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-04-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1948 1948 1948-04-16 2013 true xt75x63b0n64 section xt75x63b0n64 f





The Kentucky Kernel


fa, '

Reverses Decision,
GOP Club Will
Also Be Legalized


She is

Shinnkfc, WilmeUe, I1L, iboir, was chosen Kentucky Beauty
for the coming year at the Kcntuckian-ODball last week.
a member of Chi Omega tocLal sorority. Amy Price is retiring
queen. Johnny Crockett was chosen most popular man at the


Stars In Night
Honors Coeds
Tau Sigma,
Glee Club

To Take


23 women's organi-

sations will participate in the "Stars
in the Night," program to be held
Monday at 7 p. m, in Memorial Hall.
This honors night for women is
sponsored by the Women's Administrative Council, and is open to the
Before awards are given to outstanding women students, and new
and officers o f the
organizations are announced,
members of Tau Sigma, dance honorary, will present a "Modern Man,"
choreography directed by Jo Trapp.
Dancers include Betty Elliott, Doris
Coleman, Janice Stille, Mary Lynn
Banders. Vivian Herford, and Ann
The Women's Glee Club, directed
by Freida Cornelius, will present two
modern compositions duVing the
program, "Waiting." by Frank J.
PrindL conductor of the University
band, and "Holiday Song," by Will-

iam Schuman.
Joan Rehm will be the commentator for a skit, "Stars of the Future,"
written by Helen Deiss. The stage
setting will be designed and arranged by Georgia Portmann.
Rehearsal will be held at 4 p. m.
Monday, Helen Hutchcraft, Women's Administrative Council president announced. All participants are
asked to attend.
Organizations and those representing them on the program are
Phi Beta Kappa, Aim Odor; Kappa
Delta Pi, Madie Lee Walker; Alpha
Gamma Delta award, Charlotte

nolds; phi Upsilon Omicron, Eloise
Ridley; Phi Beta, Mary Ann Faulkner and Mary Beth Kallbreir;
YWCA, Rosemary Dummit; Mortar
Board awards, Helen Hutchcraft;
Theta Sigma Phi, Garnett Gayle;
Chi Delta Phi, Mary Sue McWhir-te- r;
Home Econmics Club, Nora Lee
IJohnscn; League of Women Voters.
Elizabeth Ann Bicknell; Student
Union Board, Ellen Wood; House
Presidents Council award, Millie

Johnston; 3.0 Standings, Dean
Sarah B. Holmes; Cwens tapping,
Betty Jane Scrivner; Mortar Board
tapping, Helen Hutchcraft.

Five women and four men were
elected to the Student Union Board
Tuesday in a campuswide election,
with between 500 and 600 students
voting, according to Mrs. Dorothy
Evans, University Social Director.
Winners were Sara Mae Greene
with 313 votes; Alva Matherly, 277;
Suzanne Rogers, 276; Nancy Shin-- !
nick, 251 ; Betty Ann Shropshire,
9R7- Tlrh
navirf Hatyhoft
Compton. 282; Bob Bleidt, 271; and
Johnny Owens, 267.
Runners-u- p
for women's offices
were Mary Sue McWhirter, 214;
Frances White, 196; Judy Broaddus,
188; Lois Ann Flege, 188; and Lou



who polled more
Men runners-uvotes than the women did, were
Charles Whaley, 260; Tom Underwood, 236; William Harrod, 202; and
Charles Hurst, 58.
The new board will be installed at
Aipha Lambda Delta,
Katherine Barnett; Chi Omega the next meeting, and new officers
award. Nancy Shinnick; Women's will be elected, Ellen Wood, retiring
Athletic Association, Peggy Rey- - board president, said.


y vzfif

fmyrtTxn tssyntnf&f


200 Scholarship

Offered By Lances

Nine Members


for recognition.
Some time ago the faculty had indirectly turned down the group's
request for recognition by passing
a resolution saying no political group
would be recognized here.
Monday's action was only to approve the Democrat club and not to
give blanket recognition to all political clubs. A spokeman for the faculty
said each petition for recognition
.would be considered individually.
Campus Republican ieaaers have
sponsored a GOP club and spokesmen said steps soon would be taken
to make it legal on campus.
The Democratic Club is headed by
Thomas C. Carroll of the Law College.
He issued a statement saying:
"Students here are gratified at the
action of the faculty in recognizing
the organization of the club. It is
felt that such organizations will be
of real value to the University and
the state through the stimulation of
interest in practical political activities."
Carroll said the purpose of the
club will be to encourage registration
among the students for voting, to
encourage absentee voting and student discussions of political questions.
He emphasized
the club
would not in any of its activities
intentionally create an impression
that it represents the University
or that the University approves of
the club's views.
Other officers of the club include
Tom Underwood Jr., Jennings Kear-b- y,
Judy Keen Johnson and Elizabeth Bicknell, vice presidents,
Joyce Anne Harris, secretary, Robert Babbage, treasurer, and Professors Paul Oberst and Elvis J.
Stahr of the College of Law, faculty


SUB Elects



The University faculty Monday
partially reversed its stand on campus political clubs and approved the
petition of a Young Democratic Club



There must be some junior man
who could use a $200 scholarship.
The members of Lances, junior
men's leadership society, are beginning to think there isn't. Two weeks
ago they offered, through the Kernel, a $200 award to a worthy man
who would meet certain qualifications. No one applied.
The offer is still on, however, according to Roy Wallace, Lances
Deadline for applying
has been extended to April 20.

Dr. Clark To Teach
This Summer Abroad
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, head of the
History Department, will leave for

Austria about July 13, to teach at
the Salzburg Seminar in American

The school is sponsored by the
Harvard University Student Council and will be attended by people
from various European countries,
many of whom are training for the
teaching profession.




Faculty OK's
Club At UK

"XJ-y- m




Ti l

Language Conference
Convenes April 22-2- 4
Features W. S. Webl)
Foreign Language Program

Photo by Mack Hughet

Planning committee for Stars In The Night, women's honors day, are
left to right, Mrs. Dorothy Evans, campus social chairman, Georgia
Portmann, chairman of stage design, Helen Hutchcraft, president of
the Women's Administrative Council, Garnett Gayle, publicity chairman, and Anita Levy, chairman of the invitation committee.

Dick Mayes Named Director
Of '48 May Day Program


Dick Mayes, Lexington commerce
sophomore, has been named director
of the 1948 May Day Parade and
Mayes announced this week the
names of the committees,
chairmen, and the members of each.
ill inMembers of the committees
clude both active Suky personnel
and tryouts.
All sororities presenting floats in
the parade will use as a theme the
traditions of the Old South. Fraternities will fashion their floats to
represent historical events of the
United States.
Suky's selection of candidates for
Queen committee has released the
names of 18 girls as nominations for
the Suky May Day Queen. Of these
18, a student vote on April 27, will

Wilson Wyatt
Will Address
Convo Today

Wilson Wyatt, who is being mentioned in some circles as a candidate
for vice president of the United
States, will discuss the administrative processes of federal and local
governments at a Political Science
convocation at 11 o'clock this morning in Memorial Hall.
Wyatt's appearance here is sponsored by the Political Science Decut the number to nine with the partment as one of a series of
nnnmmcempnt rrowninc and reiflfn- - speakers who discuss the non-teina nf thi nuwn tn rnme nn Mav ' book side of government and poll
Day, for which a definite date has lcs- A frmfir mayor of Louisville,
yet to be set.
" lurmer
queen candidates who have
Housing Expediter. He is
been nominated by campus groups now active in the Americans for
Independents: Joan Rehm, Mary Democratic Action
Ridley, and Sylvia Smith.
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority:
Lyde Gooding, Sue Allen, Mary
Pribble, and Forgy KirkpaUick.
Delta Delta Delta sorority: Frances White, Nell Payne, and Priscilla
Chi Omega sorority: Nancy Shen-nic- k, ' "Applications for members in Omicron Delta Kappa may be filed in
and Betty Elliot.
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority: Sally the Office of the Dean of Men beginning today and until April 30,
Branch, and Fawn Grey.
Alpha Xi Delta sorority: Elizabeth ODK officials announced Thursday.
Qualifications which lead to memWalters, and Catherine Greenwood.
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority: bership in the senior men's honorary
society include character, leaderNancy Taylor.
Kappa Delta sorority: Barbara ship and service in campus life,
scholarship, fellowship and conseBidwell.
cration to democratic ideals, an official said.
To be considered as a candidate
for election a student must have a
standing of 2 or better. He must be
Seniors and graduate students
classified as a junior and have had
who entered the University this
at least one year of residence here.
quarter and expect to receive
In addition eight quality points are
degrees in June or August are
needed which are earned in scholarurged to file applications today
ship, forensics, athletics, publicaor Saturday in the Registrar's
tions, and social service activities.
office. Applications may be filed
Points under the forensics activiin Room 16 of the Administraties may be received from activities
tion Building.
in dramatics, music, debate, or radio.
Applications may be filed anyPoints may be counted for letters
time before May 7, but officials
awarded in intercollegiate
urged that applications be filed
and for work on the Kentuckian, the
today or Saturday.
Kernel, Kentucky Engineer, the "K"
Payment of the graduation
Book, or the Law Journal. Social
fees as outined m the Universervice points may be earned for
sity catalog must be made bework in fraternities, ROTC, SGA,
May 31.
and a number of other activities.



ODK Hopefuls
Must File Now

Seniors Apply Now!


The program for the foreign language conference being held here
next Thursday through Saturday is listed below. All sessions are open
7:45 p.m.. Memorial Hall: Dr. Webb.
9 a.m.. Memorial Hall: Dr. Tharp.
"Linguis-.l- c
10 a.m.. Memorial Hall:
and Cultural Implications of Inter
national Trade and Commerce," (20 min.), Rafael Goyneche, Director
of International Relations. New Orleans. "Foreign Languages in the
Air Force," (15 min.), Lt. Col. G. L. Glaser, Headquarters, Air Tram- ing Command, Barksdale Field. "Foreign Languages Alone Are Not
(15 min.), Rafael Urruela, Personal Representative of the
President of Nicaragua. "Kentucky Proverb and Dialect Study, (15
min.) Herbert Halpert, Murray.
1:30 p.m.. Memorial Hall: "The Place of Russian in Modern Language
Curriculum. (15 min.). Aznes Jacaues .' Roosevelt Colleee. "Classical
Greek Poetry and the Enlightenment of the Modern Mind, (20 min),
Vincent Horrigan, West Baden College.
3 pjn.. University School Recreation Room: Papers on Classical Languages.
3 p.m.. University School Auditorium:
Papers on French, including Rabelais the Idealistic, (20 min.), Samuel Will, Indiana University.
3 p.m.. Room 131, Colleg eof Education Building:
Nietzche and Stendhal," (20 min.), H. H. Remak, Indiana University. "The Swedish
Academy and Nobel Prize Winners," (15 min.), Berta G. Sima, of
Sweden, Bowling Green University; "The Idea of Enlightenment
through Education in Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister'," (15 min.), Edmond
Schlesinger, University of Louisville: "Thomas Mann's Latest
Novel," (15 min), Carl E. Misch, Centre College.
3 p.m.. Room 222, College of Education Building; Spanish, including
"Humanistic Values in Spanish Literature," (20 min), E. J. Burrusj
St. Charles College.
8 pjn., SUB Bluegrass Room: Dinner, Mr. Wallace.
j 8 p.m., Memorial Hall: Dr. Wahr and Dr. Agard.
9 a.m.. University School Recreation Room: "The Classics in Human
istic Education Today," (45 min.), Mr. Agard. "Sightseers in Graeco-RomEgypt," (20 min.), Verne Schuman, Indiana University. "Italy
in 1947," (illustrated, 20 min.), Laura VoelkeL Wesleyan College,
Macon, Ga.
10 a.m., University
School Auditorium: "Andre Maurois, Conciliator,"
15 min.), Doxie Dexter, Delta State Teachers College. "Jules
(20 min.), Martha O'Nan, Centre College.
10 .m.. University School English Room: "Faust Man or Superman?"
(15 min.), G. F. Merkel, University of Cincinnati. "The Bicentennial
of Goethe's Birth," (10 minutes), William Weirheuser, Bowling Green
State University. "The Garden Theme in Hesse's Works," (15 min.),
Mimi I. Jehle, University of Illinois.
10 a.m.. University School Music Room: "Federico Garcia Lorca," (15
min), Leticia Taylor, Sue Bennett College. "Spanish American Poetry," (20 min.). Sister Teresa Clare, Nazareth College. "Humor in
Medieval Sermons," (20 min), John E. Keller, University of Tennessee.
12:15 p.m.. SUB Bluegrass Room Luncheon. Dr. del Toro.
2 pjn.. University School Auditorium:
Administrators' Panel
10:30-1- 1
a.m Station WHAS. "The University of Kentucky Roundtable"
Rodman Sullivan, moderator.

Verdi Requiem Praised
By Music Lovers, Critics

Critics and music lovers this weekThe choral voices reflected credit
were singing the praises of the University's mixed chorus and sym- on the preparation given under the
phony orchestra after its excellent direction of Miss Mildred S. Lewis
of Verdi's mighty and Aimo Kiviniemi of the music
Requiem in Memorial Hall Sun- faculty.
The four solo voices were excelThe auditorium was packed for lent. Ruth Pinnell. soprano, gave a
both the afternoon and evening distinguished performance in the
performances and many more per- difficult arias that demanded sussons he3rd the program on radio tained high notes that sounded over
the full power of the large orcheso,
The Requiem was presented in its tra. Jean Kesler,
entirety with the chorus singing displayed talent in her solo passages
in Latin.
which frequently were long and difThe young voices of the well ficult. Kiviniemi stood out in giving
beautifully the tenor arias and the baritone
trained chorus blended
in the a cappella passages and as role was well done by Gentry Shel-to- n
the accompanying voice of the sowhos voice was resonant and
G. C. Dickerson, writing in the
Mr. Dickerson said in his review:
Lexington Leader said of the program that "it was a notable per- "While the Requiem was at first
sonal triumph for Dr. A wander considered above the capabilities of
Capurso, who merged the chorus an orchestra composed mainly of
into first-ra- te
and orchestra into a great volume amateurs, it developed with a aid
symphonic group
Vague Magazine, the annual pub- of harmony."
of Dr. Capurso's conductorial trainlication of Chi Delta Phi. will go
Dr. Capurso who heads the Uni- ing.
on sale Monday, officers of the versity Music Department conducted
literary honorary organization an- the chorus and orchestra in Sun
"The two performances
nounced Thursday.
day's performances which are the marked by a high standard of mu- The magazine will be on sale high spots of the department's Sun- - sicianship that is difficult to
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
scribe in a review."
afternoon musicales.
at booths in front of the Student
Union Building and in the book
store. The publication sells for 25
Officers said the current edition
would be the best ever published.
It will contain an article by A. B.
Guthrie II, of Lexington, author of
the best seller, "The Big Sky." Also
in the publication will be stories,
iff! J
poems, and verse written by University students. The magazine
will contain a number of cartoons
and quizzes.


de-d- ay








PershingRifles, Crack Drill Group, Initiates 44
Forty-fobasic ROTC members
were initiated into Pershing Rifles
C-- l,
crack military drill
outfit, in an impressive ceremony
early last Sunday morning by Cap- tain Carl S. Corbin, company com- camp
after an over-nigon the banks of the Kentucky river.
Actual initiation was held on the
camp site with other company offi- rrrs takine Dart.
Among the more outstanding 15
alumni members, who attended the
ramp along with 30 active members,
were Col. G. P. Lerner, present faculty advisir. Col. John L. Carter, last
year's faculty advisor, Sgts. C. M.
Ferguson and E. B. Raber, of pres
ent military staff, Fred Nelson alum
ni member lrom western state
Teachers College, Elbert A Cheek
1947 commanding officers, Clayton
Cruise, company captain in 1940.
The camp group Ittt Lexington at


o'clock on Saturday afternoon
with the pledges finishing the
mile trip from Versailles to the
camp by foot. The remainder of the
afternoon was spent in shooting
across the Kentucky river and
ing ball games. The pledges served
chow to the actives and each man
to be initiated was assigned as an
orderly for a
period to each
active member or alumni member.
rtn thrpp shifts with 11
men to a shift and the remainder
assigned to KP, the pledges stood
guard duty at the camp for two
and one hour periods. When not on
gaurd duty the prospective initiates
spent their time serving as orderlies
or keeping the actives and alumni
ine cuihimhj
tradition that no man leaves camp
with his piece, which was a broom
handle, was not broken as several
of the active members visited the




guard post periodically and relieved,
either by force or otherwise, the
sentinels of their wepons, which
in turn were broken in two.
The group of pledges, one of the
largest in Company Csession
went through a five-da- y
of "Courtesy Week" on the campus
before becoming eligible to attend
the camp.
The following men from Lexington were initiated: Earl E. Caudiil,
Kenneth O'H. FajSan, Oscar H.
Geralds, Alfred J. Graves, William
D. Grote, Elbert E. Harber, William
H. Helms. Archie L. Howard. Gordon
R, Marsh, Tommy J. McCrystal,
Ferlmutter, Herman D.
Regan, William M. Sharp, Henry W.
Simpson, Donald W. Stannll, Rob- ert P. Swieterman, Guy E. Weeks,
and Daniel C. Webster.
From Louisville: Donald K. Gra- -l

'ham, Joseph W. Kilroy, Fianklin J.
Knoop, and Robert W. Scearce.
out of state: Eugene V. Elder
and Harold J. Jones, New York City;


Louise Wilson Heads

Journalism Honorary

Louise Wilson, Lexington junior,
William H. Burks, Border, Texas; has been elected president of Theta
Ronald C. Dorfman, Queen Village, Sigma Phi, women's journalism honN.Y.; Albert R. Mander, Allison orary. She succeeds Garnett Gayle.
Other officers elected were Lois
Park, Penn.; and Edward M. Pullen
Flege, vice president, Rubye GraJr., New Conaen, Conn.
From Hopkinsville: Frank H. Bas-se- tt ham, secretary, and Barbara Sue
III, Edward M. Coffman, Wil- Warren, treasurer.
liam B. Gaines; Hickman: Bently
D. Amberg; Danville:
George T.
Burke; Sinai: Dan J. Case; Junction City: David W. Catron; and
David: Donald J. Crain.
Vancleve: Charles E. Cundiff;
All freshman women with a
Paintsville: Byrnes C. Fairchild ;
standing of 1. 8 or better should
Covington: William J. Kreutz; Henreport to Dean Haselden at her
derson: La was L. McClure; Frank- office in the Administration
Building, the Dean of Women's
lin: Melvin E. Mitchell; Pikeville:
Paul Saad; Mayfield: Billy A. Usher;
office announced.
Mt. Sterling: Charles H. Wills.


to students.

Vague Sales
Start Monday


Louisville Times
Editor To Speak
On Culture



featuring prominent speakers in the
fields of foreign literature and culture, wil be held on campus Thursday, Friday, and Saturday cf nexi
Among the speakers will te the
editor of the Louisville Times. tle
personal representative of the
dent of Nicaragua, the president of
the American Classical League, "he
(president of the National Federation
of Modern Language Teachers. a:i
expert in the field of Air C Tps.
language warning, an expert ui
papyrix, and many
educators and laymen.
The conference, with "Foreign
Languages for Enlightenment" as
its theme, will be directed by Dr.
Jonah W. D. Skiles, head of the Department of Ancient Lan"ai;e-;- .
Associate directors are Dr. A.loiprt
Bigge, head of the German deaur--R- .
ment. and Dr. L. Hobart R; lanr
head of the Department of Romance
Pricipal speeches. Dr. Skiles said,
will be made by Dr. W. S. Wbo on
"The Prehistory of Kentucky'" at
7:45 p. m- - Thursday in Memorial
Hall; Dr. James B. Tharp of Ohio
State University, speaking on The
Place of Language in General Education" at 9 a.m. Friday in Memorial
hall; Dr. Frederick B. Wahr of tre
University of Michigan, whose address will be "Certain Trends in
Modern Foreign Literatures.'" and
Walter R. Agard of the Universny
of Wisconsin, president of the American Classical League, speaking oi
"Classical Myths in Modern Sculpture." both of whom will sntai
Friday night, beginning at 8 o'clocit,
in Memorial hall.
Tom Wallace, editor of the Louisville "Times," will speak on "What
Sort of Culture?" at a subscription
dinner at 6 p.m. Friday in the STJ3
Bluegrass Room. University student
Jean Kesler will sing, with Joe
Young as accompanist. Invocation
will be given in German.
The president of the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers, Julio del Toro, will give an address on "Shall We Stand United?'
at a subscription luncheon in the
SUB Bluegrass Room at 12:15 Saturday. The invocation will be given
in Latin. Reservations for all meals
may be made with Dr. Skiles.
All of the sessions are open to
students and the public.
A program of the mee'ir.;
printed elsewhere in today's Kernel.




Band Concert
The University Symphonic Ear.J
under the direction of Frank J.
Prindl presented a concert in Memorial Hall last night at 8:15 o'clock.
Numbers performed included a
composition by the director, written
for the purpose of includ.r.
Music Department's recently ac
quired alto flute and Sarrusa;hn:-.t- .
and a Hungarian fantasy composed
by Joseph Prindl. father of the
The program opened with a
chorale by Bach. "O Tiicu ".v'i' !i
Hate Surrounded." and was t
lowed by Wood's tone poem. "i:j:i-ni- n
Veen"; "On the Shores of the
Danube," fantasy by Joseph Pri.Kt:;
Alfred Reeds "Russian Chnsinits
'Music." performed for the h. it :.i:
in Kentucky; "Eulogy." bv
"A Joyous Interlude." by
Lee; "Miniature for Band.' b
Frank J. Prindl. and "Finale" Iro.n
Shostakovich's Symphony No. a.
The University Symphoiv Orchestra under the direction of Alexander Capurso. will present a ton- .cert on Thursday night. Apr.; jo,
in Memorial Hall at 8:lo ocioc.
Dai-Kco- n;

Fire Causes
$2500 Damage
Damage caused by fire in the Biological Sciences storeroom S'.intia
totaled $2500, according to Fiantc
D. Peterson, University Co.npt roller. The fire, he said, was caused
by spontaneous combustion.
The estimate included ollice
janitorial supplies, electric il
equipment and other matei Ls. ,
well as all physical damage to the
building and its contents, Mr. Peterson said.
The storeroom in which the
received the greatest Rn.o'.m
of damage. The art gailery. litraiv
sap-plie- s,


Freshman Women,
See Haselden


and Keeneland Foundation

The panorama shown above was the scene last Sunday afternoon
when the University orchestra and mixed chorus presented the Verdi
Requiem. Dr. Alexander Capurso, head of the University Department
of Music, conducted.



lotron Microscope Laboratories,
cated next door to the storeroom
were not damaged.
The basement
floor rooms sustained minor damage
from smoke.

� Page Two





Each Friday morning during the ten minute "breaks" between
(lasses the University wst office in MtYcy basement is a scene of
students tan push their way in to finally
(haosnnd confusion.
their lxxes and then stagger out along with the throng withreach
out mingled feelings of hate and disgust.
The situation would be alleviated somewhat if students could
gel their Kernels at staggered inteivals during the day and then,
after picking them up, leave the xist office immediately instead of


tlgned mrttcle$ mnd eolamat are to be Jack Sorrfile
the opinion of the wrltrri Martha Evans
Viemtelrtt, tni to not nrctuarili rrflect Haskfil Short
Tom Riskin
tht opinion of The Kernel.
Ray FtiTON

Managing Editor
Newi Editor
Sports Editor
Asst. Mng. Editor
Asst. News Editor
Hflfn Dfiss
EviJiaiige Editor
Rt siY Russf.ll
CIforge Barkfr .... Business Manager
Adv. Manager
Dick Stoftr
Entered at tha Pot Office at Lexington,
Kentucky, aa second d
Joan Cook
natter under
the Act of March . IS7I.
Dudley Saunders, Kent Hollings-wortWinfield Leathers. W. T.
Perkins, Em Asbury, Tom UnderKentucky IntercoUeUte Preat Association
Lexlnrtoa Board of Commfn-- s
Keotucky Praia Amturlatioc
Stanley J. SchiU, Charles Whaley,
National Editorial AsForiatlcn
Lois Ann Flege, Helen Henry, Lillian
Ann Pardue, Ann Vaughn, Sue WarMM UT'IMM, AOvrt.Tl.twa
ren, Gil Mark, James Eddleman,
National Advertising Service, Inc. Clyde Denton, Rubye Graham, EmCtUf Pmiliiktn ktmtntium
ery Lewis, Charles Dougherty, WilNew York. N. Y. liam Hanna, E. P. Schroeter, Wil4SO Kacison Ava.
aacLC - sab rcisco
araa lm
liam Schupp, Monte R. Tussey
Sandy Morgan. Frank Cassidy,
I .50 On Quarter
CM One Tear
Allen Terhune



loitering around and obstructing traffic.
Each student must remember that he is one in over 7000. He's
not the Only one who wants to go into the Kstollice and get his
copv of the Kernel.
By cooperation and by a little consideration for others we can
do much to ease this situation.


The Spice Of Life
By Helen Dorr and Pat Quinry
The rest of us may not enjoy
the rain but the professors do. As
one of them so aptly put it when
he checked roll in his two o'clock
class and found the attendance nearly perfect, "I'm glad to see the
weather is keeping my students away
from- - a certain establishment on





that is.
Fred Nichols is currently dividing
his time between Betty ileiss and
Mary Alice Schisler. The rest of
it is spent in writing to Edith Bishop
at Virginia Intermont. Edith's name
is supposed to be a deep, dark secret.
The Tri Delis are hapoy to have
Bob Shearer "in the fold." His latest interest is Barbara Mandt.
The social chairman at the Sipma
Nu house, J. V. Larkin, is very adept
at keeping his social aSairs well
hidden. An occasional glance is all
that the outside world gets.
Ralph McCracken would like to
know whom Ann Friday is goinj to
steady with. As a matter of fact
so would some of his brother Tri-

Since when have kitchen parties
with spring flowers been given for
boys. It seems one was given for
Harold Dsn-bilast week. We'd like
to know the rest of the story. Harold.
Moe Long seems to be having a
hard time keeping the women away.
Occasionally, breaking a date is the
only way to solve his difficulties.

Barbara OdeU and Charlie Woodward are now going steady.
The Betsy Billiter - James Maloy
romance seems to be holding out
much to everyone's surprise.


Don Donahue speaking

to any of his many loves this week?
Give the gals a break, Don.
Joha T hawiry had his greatest
collegiate thrill at the KD formal
last weekend with Jobie Anderson.
Constant Twosomes: Lory
and Sonny Connell:
Gatdner and Bill Wade; Dot Joiner
and Smiley Anjri.
Unpinned: Pat Mason and Rodney Beck; Jean Vogelsang and (.'net
Hawiey; Ingrid lllman and Bill
Sumraitt; Amy Price and Dirk
Overs tree t.
Dex-hrim- er


in prohibiting
defend against Communist infiltraforeign monogrammed sweaters on
Recommended revival of credit campus.
giving system in Physical Education
Recommended State's acceptance
of its portion of Europe's D.P.'s
up committee to study regisSet
Supported WSSF Drive on camtration system at University.
Set up committee to study parking Passed
situation and recommend improveRecommended retention of Dr.
Noe as state's Poet Laureate.
Established committee to work J. C.
Installed system of securing stuwith Veterans Club in obtaining a
dent's ideas and informing them of
flight training program.
S.G.A.'s activities by sending
Chest sentatives to residence units. repreDrive.
Installed system of passing legisSet up committee to study and
recommend changes in registration lation to coincide with state and
national systems.
at University.


Coeds can get on the list of samplers of the pop corn turned out by
pop corn popper
at the Sigma Nu house by calling


anv night arter

Friday, April 16, 1948

Post Office Traffic Jam

The Kentucky Kernel



What Has SGA Done?

Sue Allen's current flame seems
to be Rill Benjamin.
Sponsored the Senior Prom . . .
B U Wanamaker and BafT Alford the first since the war.
seem to have really hit it off this
Organized the Freshman Book
staff and contributed $500 toward
Fawn Gray's latest is Dick French. paying for its expenses.
Prepared the Student Directory.
She always did like that variety.
Gilbert Sirta is almost to the point Negotiated for a campus night
of writing songs to Mary Martha spot which is to be installed after
eating schedules become less
Rcger Grason is spending a lot of crowded.
time at the ADPi house lately.
Sponsored delegate to the InterThe Kappa Sig politician, Mike national Students' Conference in
Edgeworth, seems to be taking his Denmark.
campus elections seriously.
Supported the removal of the
Who is the lucky man who is go- Ouster Bill from our state statutes.
ing t o receive the green tie Lou
Donated $100 to Jim Shackelford
Fnry is knitting?
Jean Craft is currently for Pi KA Sponsored delegate to the NSA
the whole chapter, that is.
triangle Charlie Constitutional Convention in WisThe
Pritchett, Monie Newman, and consin.
Inaugurated move to construct
Mouse Seaman.
conNancy Harris is wearing Bill Ber- extra intramural facilities and
courts opposite the
ber's ring these days. Does this crete tennis Barracks . . . which
Scott Street
signify a big romance?
been contracted for
What's the scoop on Bill Mc- have awaiting construction. and
clain's getting unpinned? Bill says now
Offered $100 reward for informa"No comment" but he's back in cirtion leading to the arrest and conculation again anyway.any student operating a
What's this we hear about some of viction of on the campus.
bridge handbook
cur most
with the Dames
fiends giving the game up in favor
for married
of chess? Maybe they are turning Club a
intellectual on us but may we re- Freshmanand their families during
mind you that it is rather difficult
In cooperation with the Univerto play chess at places like the swim- sity personnel department assisted
ming pools and the river, and bridge
in the Freshman Week program.
is simple enough.
Revived the freshman cap tradiFrance Pritchett is coming up tion.
from Paducah to be Jack Pryor's
with the Student
date for the Delt Dance; but the Union Board a dance for freshmen
question of the week is: did Hurh during
Freshman Week program.
Moorhead really
"Coke" machines
Mayo to the dance?
Constant Twosomes: Emily An- Scott Street
Secured traffic lights for intersecderson and Roger Day: Ann Clayton tion crossings between U High and
and Tom Voutsey; Wilma Haverly the University's
and Dale Barnstable,
Pinned: Joan Koslowsky to Davis
Fields; Betty Leet to Bob Bell; Jean
Bolton to Bill Welch.
A gentleman is unconscious that
he is one.


conservation program by petitioning
all campus eating establishments to
abide by the requested restrictions.
Supported the expansion of hospital facilities so that intramural injuries could be cared for at the dispensary and net at the expense of
the injured person nor the organization which he represented.
Appropriated $500 for vocational
guidance for the House President's
Sent "welcome letters" to all new




Drive In Service
