xt75x63b0g94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b0g94/data/mets.xml Allen, Albert H. (Albert Henry), 1875-1953 McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), 1888-1944 1939 books Y 3.W 89/2:43 Am 3/no.2/6 Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications American literature--Kentucky--Bibliography Kentucky--Bibliography Check list of Kentucky imprints, 1811-1820, with notes in supplement to the Check list of 1787-1810 imprints text Check list of Kentucky imprints, 1811-1820, with notes in supplement to the Check list of 1787-1810 imprints 1939 1939 2012 true xt75x63b0g94 section xt75x63b0g94    _   MlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll\§lZ1||1|llllilllllllIWW      
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`     _”»W   AIH€Y1CHH Imprints II1V€I1t()I°y
L _  a_   L R A The Historical Records Survey
  A ‘ . L- Division of Professional and Service Projects
  jjj Work Projects Administration
1     No. 6. Check List of  
    j i _ Kentucky Imprints A
        1211-1820 1
V L T/Vit/9 note; in rupplcnzcrzt t0 the U A
__ A     L Check Lzkt 0f1787-1810 I77U)7”Z•7Zl`J` ·
L J A _ j_ ,_ _j 1 By Douglas C. McMurtrie J   .
A A   I 1\7{I[`I'()}I(Il Editor, AIII{’FI`CH}Z [n1pr1'1m‘]111.w1tw;y A
·  - and A
. Albert H. Allen i _
l   Louisville A _
_ A 1 The Historical Records Survey 1
j A y 1939  _ j

   AIH€f1C3H T1'I1PI`11Y1tS TI1V€I11ZO1`y
1 The Historical Records Survey
{ ’ Division.of Professional and Service Projects
  Work Projects Administration
  No. 6. Check List of
  Kentucky Imprints
I  1811-1820 T
  With note.: in mpplenzent to the
  Check Lixt 0f 1787-1810 Imprint;
  By Douglas C. McMurtrie
  National Editor; American Imprintr Inventory
1 `_vi   and
Y     Albert H. Allen
` V     Louisville
. _     {LQ? `_v-~ The Historical Records Survey
      __..   1939

 The Historical Records Survey
` Luther H. Evans, National Director
Dan Lacy, Regional Supervisor
Earl D. Hale, State Project Supervisor
John Wilson Townsend, Imprints Supervisor
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
. Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor
E. Fullerton, State Director
R. C. Harrington, Conwissienor
Malcolm J. Diller, Regional Director
George H. Goodman, State Administrator

 Preface v
This second installment of the Ehegk_List_gf Kentucky Imprints carries
the record of early Kentucky titles through the year 1820. The circumstances
under which these titles have been gathered, compiled, and edited, and the
1 important part played in their publication by the Kentucky state office of the
Historical Records Survey, are substantially as described in the preface to the
Qhigg §ist_pf_Kentucky imprints 1787-1810 which was published earlier in the
year 1959.
lt is hoped and expected that the publication of these titles for the
period 1811-1820 will still further stimulate the interest of librarians and
» scholars in early Kentucky imprints and thus lead to the discovery and record
of important items of local printed source materials which are as yet unknown.
To this end, notes of new titles, or corrections or amplifications of titles
herein recorded, are earnestly solicited, so that they may be included in a
future supplementary list or incorporated in a revision of the present list.
The supplement published with the present list, containing newly discovered
titles of the period 1787-1810, shows that the possibilities of discoveries
` in the field of Kentucky imprints have by no means been exhausted.
This installment of the Kentucky check list presents 429 titles-408
for the period 1811-1820 and (in a supplement) 21 new titles for the earlier
period 1787-1810. The supplement also contains improved descriptions of three
items previously recorded. The number of titles for the first thirty-four
years of the Kentucky press has thus been brought to a total of 308.
0f the 429 additional titles 50 belong to the classification of broad-
sides, leaving 379 vhich are pamphlets or books. Seven of the broadsides and
14 of the other titles will be found in the supplement.
‘ Locations in libraries or private collections are indicated for 406 items
(48 breadsides and 558 books or pamphlets). Thus there remain 25 items (2 of

them broadsides) of which copies have not yet been located. Of these unlo-
_ cated items, 16 are known as yet only from contemporary advertisements of
them or other acceptable evidence that they were actually printed.
The 406 located items are distributed among 158 libraries and 24 private
V collections. Of the located items, 204 are thus far known from single copies
only. These "singletons" include 44 of the broadsides (4 broadsides have been
E. found in 2 copies each) and also 55 single copies of the minutes of various
Baptist associations. But there still remain over a hundred other items, many
of them of considerable bibliographical or historical interest, of which only
single copies can be recorded at this writing. .
` Nineteen Kentucky libraries and 15 private collections in Kentucky have
. been found to contain 201 of the 406 located titles, including 57 of those
that are knovn in single copies only——50 distributed among 7 libraries and 7
in 4 private collections. 0ut of 64 titles of which only 2 copies are record-
ed, 55 are represented in 7 Kentucky libraries and 5 private collections. In
one case, both of the two known copies are in Kentucky libraries.
The most widely distributed title in the present list is no. 612, of
which a total of 56 copies have been located in 54 collections. No. 728 has
59 copies in 58 locations; nos. 594 and 555 are found in 27 locations; nos.
504 and 646 in 26; nos. 508 and 685 in 25; nos. 450, 468, 691, and 725 in 24;
nos. 590 and 676 in 25; nos. 415, 605, 726, and 761 in 22. Other titles of
which ten or more copies have been found are nos. 455 (18 copies), 564 and
601 (15 copies), 511, 584, 681, and 745 (14 copies), 549 (15 coiies), 458,
641, and 729 (12 copies), 454, 620, 642, 712, and 721 (11 copies), and 767
(10 copies).
Of these 55 titles that have best withstood the test of surviv41, 19 are
lsv books (session laws, collected statutes, court reports, and the like), 7

are religious or theological, and 4 are histories.
-During the period covered by the present list of titles, the press of
"entueky was still much occupied with matters affecting the religious life of
the community and the activities of religious organirations. There are about
80 books and pamphlets of religious controversy and propaganda, sermons, hymn
books, and the like, and about 90 titles of the minutes of Kentucky's numerous
associations of Baptists-—a total of about 170 titles concerned with religion.
‘ The next largest group comprises sons 80 titles concerned with civil govern-
ment-laws, statutes, digests and compilations of laws, legal text books,
court reports, legislative journals and resolutions, messages and proclama-
` tions of the governors, and the like. There are 26 Masonic titles, 20 alma-
nacs, ll school books, about a dozen titles dealing with the economic life of
· the state, about the same number of works of fiction and verse, and also some
valuable histories and personal memoirs concerned mainly with Wentuoky's part
in the Var of l8l2.
The Kentucky legislative journals and session laws of the l9th to the
29th sessions, inclusive, are all represented in the present list by copies
located in various libraries. It should be noted, in the case of the legisla-
tive journals, that each title page, as printed, bore the year in which the
session began, although the sessions (wit? the exception of the 29th) all con-
_ tinued until January or February of the following year before adjournment. In
this list, therefore, the legislative journals will be found under the years
in which the sessions adjourn d and in which the printing of them must have
been completed, and not under the years printed under their imprints. For ex-
ample, the journals of the lQth session, vmioh began on December 3, 1810, but
did not adjourn until January Bl, ldll, will bo found in this list under ldll,
although the printed title pages bear the date l9l0.

As with the previous list, each title in the present list has been clear-
ed through the Union Catalog of the Library of Congress. The information avail-
able from the resources of that catalog, as always, has been of invaluable as-
sistance in finding locations of copies of a large number of the titles here
To the librarians of all the libraries represented and to the owners of
the private collections the compilers of this list are under continued and
gratefully acknowledged obligation for assistance received, directly or in-
directly. A great many of the librarians and private owners have most pa-
tiently and generously responded to innumerable direct requests for aid in
the preparation of bibliographical descriptions or in other details of the
work. A great many others, with whom no direct contact has been made, have
cooperated with the many workers who have been assiduously collecting ma-
. terial for the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical Records Survey.
Thus they, too, have made their contributions to the preparation of this list.
During the last few years, in fact, the final stages in the work of bringing
this list to publication have become a cooperative effort to which so rany
persons have contributed that it is impraotieable to make acknowledgments
With the "Hey to Symbols for Librarios" there is here presented a ro-
vised count of the number of titles thus far known to the compilers as lo-
cated in each library for the entire period 1787-l820——including many loca-
tions of copies in the previous list which have been reported since that list
was published. It must be understood that this count does not by any means
· purport to be a complete census of all the Kentucky titles through 1820 which
are to be found in each library or private collection represented. ln fact,
the figures are decidedly “subject to change without noticc." Yany librarians,

on checking the lists, vdll undoubtedly find that their libraries contain ti-
tles which have not been credited to them. And it is expected that, as the
material not being collected by the American Imprints Inventory is sorted and
made accessible for examination, considerable additions wdll be made to our
knowledge of the distribution of those early Kentucky titles throughout our
American libraries. It is also expected that still other titles will be
found which have not yet been recorded.
Douglas C. NcMurtrie
National Editor
American Imprints Inventory
950 lichigan Avenue
Evanston, Illinois
November 15 , 1939

 ‘ 1
Key to Symbols {Er Libraries
NOTE: Following each symbol is noted the total number of Kentucky titles,
1787-1820, which have thus far been recorded as contained in that library
or collection, including (in parentheses) the number of titles not recorded
AU 2 University of Alabama Library, Tuscaloosa,
» -—` Alabama
Aitchison (1) Mr. R. T. Aitchison, Topeka, Kane.
p Allen l Mrs. Penelope J. Allen, Chattanooga, Tenn. `
ArchGenlnd (2) Archive General de lndias, Seville, Spain
` Az 6 University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Ariz.
Barrett 1 Mr. Oliver R. Barrett, Kenilworth, lll.
BiblNat 1 Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France ·
Bracken (1) Mr. William K. Bracken, Bloomington, Ill.
BrMus 55 British Museum, London, England
. Bullitt 40 Mr. William Marshall Bullitt, Louisville, Ky.
.»,, C-S l California State Library, Sutro Branch, San
-—_— Francisco, Cal.
CMiC 1 Mills College Library, Mills College, Cal.
CSmH 85 (5) Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Cal. 1
( CET A 2 Toronto Public Library, Toronto, Canada
Christie l Rev. John W. Christie, Wilmington, Del.
EEE  l Denver Public Library, Denver, Colo.
Coleman 54 (2) Mr. J. Winston Coleman, Jr., Lexington, Ky.
Cotten 1 Mr. Bruce Cotten, Baltimore, Md.
CtY --— Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn.
Ut?-L 9 Yale Law School Library, New Haven, Conn.
DE --- U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Library, Washington,
ADJ 3 U. S. Department of Justice Library, Washington,
D. C.
DLC 205 (67) Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
DNA-SD 5 (2) U. S. National Archives (State Department Papers),
_ Washington, D. C.
DNCD 1 National Society of the Colonial Dames, Washing-),
ton, D. C.
DSC 9 Library of the Supreme Council of the 55rd Degree,
Washington, D. C.
TEEE 4 Army Medical Library, Surgeon General's Office,
Washington, D. C.
lgil l Library of the Smithsonian Institution, Wash-
j.I'lg"bOI1, D• C•
Dean l Mrs. Mary H. Dean, Owensboro, Ky.
Dillard 5 (l) Miss Annie Dillard, Lexington, Ky.
Doyle 5 (2) Dr. George F. Doyle, Winchester, Ky.

FE 1 Eustis Public Library, Eustis, Florida
Fleming 1 Mr. S. A. Fleming, Louisville, Ky.
Fowler 1 Mr. George Fowler, Louisville, Ky.
GEU 1 Emory University Library, Emory University, Ga.
Halsey 2 Mrs. M. L. Halsey, Louisville, Ky.
Hauser l Mr. M. L. Hauser, Peoria, Ill.
Hendren (1) Miss Nell Alden Hendren, Washington, D. C.
Horine (2) Dr. Emmet Field Horine, Louisville, Ky.
I l Illinois State Library, Springfield, Ill.
IE 1 Chicago Public Library, Chicago, Ill.
4 1 ‘; IEP 1 Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Ill.
rl ICHi 5 Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Ill.
_ 4 _ ICJ 6 John Crerar Library, Chicago, Ill.
» ICLaw 26 Chicago Law Institute, Chicago, Ill.
N ICN 6 Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill.
_ ICN (Ayer) 8 Ayer Collection, Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill.
_ EEE 1 Virginia Library, Presbyterian Theological Semi-
H nary, Chicago, Ill.
I ICS 1 Scottish Rite Library, Chicago, Ill.
ICH 194 (45) University of Chicago Libraries, Chicago, Ill.
ICharT 1 Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, Charles-
  n 17011,  
IEG 5 Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill.
IEE 1 Knox College Library, Galesburg, Ill. ‘ »
EEE 9 (1) Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield,
_ _, _ ILM 1 McKendree College Library, Lebanon, 111.
I _ IHESP 1 New Salem State Park, New Salem, Ill.
_ IP 1 Peoria Public Library, Peoria, Ill.
_ _IU 10 University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Ill.
' IU—L 7 University of Illinois Law Library, Urbana, Ill. ~
IaCrM 12 Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
" In_ 5 (1) Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
In-SC 14 Indiana Supreme Court Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
LgHi 1 Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind.
_ p IIEI 3 Indianapolis Public Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
Jillson 2 Mr. Willard Rouse Jillson, Frankfort, Ky.
1 Jones 9 (2) Herschel V. Jones Collection, Minneapolis, Minn.
Kellar (1) Mr. Herbert A. Kellar, Chicago, Ill.
g _ Kirk 1 Mr. A. D. Kirk, Hartford, Ky.
Ky 78 (14) Kentucky State Library, Frankfort, Ky.
KYBC 1 Berea College Library, Berea, Ky.
KyBgW 51 (5) Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling
’ Green, Ky.
V KyDC 15 Centre College Library, Danville, Ky.
KyHi 42 (1) Kentucky State Historical Society, Frankfort, Ky.
I KyhopCL 5 Christian County Law Library, Hopkinsville, Ky.
KyLe 56 (6) Louisville Public Library, Louisville, Ky.
_ KILEF 66 (11) Filson Club Library, Louisville, Ky.
KyLoFL 1O Federal LamrLibrary, Louisville, Ky.
KyLoJM 1 Jefferson County and University of Louisville
Medical Library, Louisville, Ky.

U KyLoLaw 4 (1) Louisville Law Library, Louisville, Ky•
i· KyLoP 5 Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, Louisville, Ky,
li KyLoS 77 (46) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louis-
ville, Ky.
· KyLoU—L 5 University of Louisville Law Library, Louisville,
·· · KyLx 58 (5) Lexington Public Library, Lexington, Ky.
; .y KyLxT 55 (2) Transylvania College Library, Lexington, Ky.
KyMay 5 Maysville and Mason County Library, Maysville, Ky,
KyOwDL 2 Daviess County Law Library, Owensboro, Ky•
· KKRE 8 Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond,
.. . Ky.
gyg 55 (1) University of Kentucky Library, Lexington, Ky•
,~, LNH 2 (1) Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, La,
~ ~ IUTL 5 Louisiana State University Law Library, Baton
~ Rouge, La.
V Lindley 6 Dr. Harlow Lindley, Columbus, Ohio
_ McMurtrie 2 (1) Mr• Douglas C. McMurtrie, Chicago, Ill.
M 24 (1) Massachusetts State Library, Boston, Mass.
MB ll Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass.
· · MBAt 21 (1) Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Mass•
MBC l Congregational Library, Boston, Mass•
MBBM 25 Massachusetts Masonic Grand Lodge Library, Boston,
· MBS 4 Social Law Library, Boston, Mass.
~ MBU l Boston University Library, Boston, Mass•
1KT' l Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, Mass•
_» MB ll Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass•
-~- » MHPL 58 (1) Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge, Mass.
MH—Z --— Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge,
` MHa 2 Haverhill Public Library, Haverhill, Mass,
V . THE? 6 Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Mass.
MMeT 2 Tufts College Library, Medford, Mass, ‘
MMeT-Hi (1) Universalist Historical Society, Tufts College,
_ Medford, Mass.
-‘ QQQE 1 Newburyport Public Library, Newburyport, Mass,
MNtCA 1 Andover-Newton Theological School, Newton Center,
. MSaE 1 Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.
MSaP 1 Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass•
1QQg 86 (7) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass•
. Mwak 1 Wakefield Public Library, Wakefield, Mass•
I NWHM%C 2 Chapin Library, Williams College, Williamstown,
Mas s.
., MdBJ 1 Johns Hopkins University Library, Baltimore, Md·
. [ MQBP l Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.
‘ QQQEE 4 Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Md.
· _ QEQQQQ l Woodstock College Library, Woodstock, Md.
. MiD-B IO (1) Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library,
. ._ Detroit, Mich.
Mig l University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Mich,

A V- MiU—C 5 William L. Clements Library, University of Michi-
? rv gan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
._ MnHi 3 Minnesota Historical Society, Saint Paul, Minn.
*— MENKb l Augsburg College Library, Minneapolis, Minn.
MnS l Saint Paul Public Library, Saint Paul, Minn.
~ wa, ME- 7 Missouri State Library, Columbia, Mo.
Y y NYSE. 50 (1) Missouri State Historical Society, Columbia, Mo.
_ MoKU 4 University of Kansas City Library, Kansas City, Mo.
` .., MoS 2 Saint Louis Public Library, Saint Louis, Mo.
.U, MbSHi lO Missouri Historical Society, Saint Louis, Mo.
` i MoSL 1 Law Library Association, Saint Louis, Mo.
1,] MoSM 1 Mercantile Library, Saint Louis, Mo.
, [Q MoSN“ l Washington University Library, Saint Louis, Mo.
_ ` N 8 New York State Library, Albany, N. Y.
NAuT l Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y.
.Hi NBuG 2 Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N. Y.
. NCH l Hamilton College Library, Clinton, N. Y.
A ,`.- { NHCLS 2O (9) Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collection,
W`. Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y.
. ; NHi 4 (1) New York Historical Society, New York City
NYE 1 Cornell University Library, Ithaca, N. Y.
, h THYT 71 (13) New York Public Library, New York City
NNAB (1) American Bible Society, New York City
.W , NNE 40 Association of the Bar, New York City
.g·. NNC 2 Columbia University Library, New York City
_ NNTN 38 (7) New York Masonic Grand Lodge Library, New York City
_ NNLI 19 Law Institute Library, New York City
, _,; NNS 2 New York Society Library, New York City
__ NNUT 4 Union Theological Seminary, New York City
i' Nc—S 12 North Carolina Supreme Court Library, Raleigh, N.C.
__ NcD 1 Duke University Library, Durham, N. C.
{:1, 'NcMHi ll (1) Historical Foundation of the Presbyterian and Re-
L _ formed Churches, Montreat, N. C.
,U.,7 EEE 1 University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill,
` ` N. C.
"j . Nd—L 4 North Dakota State Law Library, Bismarck, N. D.
J Nj 7 New Jersey State Library, Trenton, N. J.
·V NEP 2 Princeton University Library, Princeton, N. J.
ET- 4 (1) Ohio State Library, Columbus, Ohio
l O-LR l Legislative Reference Bureau, Columbus, Ohio
H EMQE 1 Ohio University Library, Athens, Ohio
‘ ‘ _ QC 21 (5) Cincinnati Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio
» “ OCHP 72 (11) Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio,
‘ Cincinnati, Ohio
OCLaw 2 Cincinnati Law Library Association, Cincinnati,
OCU 1 University of Cincinnati Library, Cincinnati, Ohio
V · EXQQ 2 Young Men‘s Mercantile Library, Cincinnati, Ohio
-Vp`.- . 0Ch l Chillicothe Public Library, Chillicothe, Ohio
( tri? l Circleville Public Library, Circleville, Ohio
0ClV-L 5 Vestern Reserve University Law Library, Cleveland,

0ClWHi 40 (8) Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland,
OC0 1 Columbus Public Library, Colu bus, Ohio
ETH 2 Hayes Memorial Library, Fremont, Ohio
IEEE 6 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society,
-7- Columbus, Ohio
00xM l Miami University Library, Oxford, Ohio
OU—L l Ohio State University Law Library, Columbus, Ohio
PCA 17 (5) American Baptist Historical Society, Chester, Pa.
EEE 7 (1) Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PPA l Athenaeum of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPAN 2 Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPAmP 6 (2) American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPB 7 Philadelphia Bar Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
TTTM 5 (3) Pennsylvania Masonic Grand Lodge Library, Phila-
~ delphia, Pa.
PPHFL l Hirst Free Law Library, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPL-R 6 Library Company of Philadelphia, Ridgway Branch,
Philadelphia, Pa.
PPM 1 Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPPrHi 62 (20) Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.
r PPiw__ 1 Carnegie Public Library, Pittsburgh, Pa.
PPIAL 1 Allegheny County Law Library, Pittsburgh, Pa.
PPiU 20 (2) University of Pittsburgh Library, Pittsburgh, Pa.
PPiXT 4 Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh,
. PU 12 University of Pennsylvania Library, Philadelphia, Pa.
PU—L 1 Biddle Law Library, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa.
PU—Penn (1) Penniman Library of Education, University of
I- Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
PWbO 1 Osterheut Free Library, Wi1kes—Barre, Pa.
RNR 1 Redwood Library and Athenaeum, Newport, R. I.
_ PIUCB 7 John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I.
RPL 24 Providence Law Library, Providence, R. I.
Baugh 1 John G. Rauch Collection, Indianapolis, Ind.
Pickes 1 Mr. Clyde C. Rickes, Indianapolis, Ind.
Reuse l Mr. S. D. Rouse, Covington, Ky.
Smith (5) Smith Peek Company, Cincinnati, Ohio
Staples 4 Mr. Charles R. Staples, Lexington, Ky.
Streeter 3 Mr. Thomas P. Strecter, Morristown, K. J.
T 5 Tennessee State Library, Nashville, Tenn.
EEE 2 Lawson-McGhee Library (McClung Historical Collec-
tion), Knoxville, Tenn.
QQQQ l Fisk University Library, Nashville, Tenn.
ENE 1 Vanderbilt University Library, Nashville, Tenn.
Tinsley 1 Kr. Thomas D. Tinsley, Ashland, Ky.
_ Townsend S Mr. John Wilson Townsend, Lexington, Ky.
Eggglg 10 hr. Kenneth Tuggle, Barbourville, Ky.
TxDaM 1 Southern Methodist University Library, Dallas,

- - Txli l Houston Public Library, Houston, Texas
T::U 6 University of Texas Library, Austin, Texas
-. Vi 3 Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va.
. o ViU 5 University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville,
. V9.•
my Vili 85 (20) State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison,
_   V..iS•
A i Walter 2 Mr. Lewis A. Vfalter, Louisville, Ky.
,. .. l'\'aSp l Spokane Public Library, Spokane, Wash.
. ' Vfest l Mr. Malcolm C. Viest, Columbia, Tenn.
_ Wilson 39 (6) Hon. Samuol li. liiilson, Lexington, Ky.
  . Vorthington l Miss Amanda Worthington, Grecnvillo, Miss.

. 1811--1820
Note: If more than one location symbol follows the title, the description
has been taken, as a rule, from the copy in the first location listed. _
Other location symbols follow in alphabetical order, except that foreign
` ‘ libraries and private collections are at the end.
Almanacs. Kentucky.
The I Kentucky Farmer's I Almanac, I for the Year 1812, I being Bissex-
tile, or Leap~Year; and (after I the 4th of July) the 56th of American I
Independence: I Containing, I (Exclusive of the Astronomical Calculations,)
I a variety of I Useful and Entertainin Matter. I [WoodcutI I [Filet] I
Calculated by Robert Stubbs. I [Filet] [ Lexington, IKen.I Printed by
W) W. Worsley, and Sold Who1e—Isa1e and Retail, by Self, and I Maccoun,
Tilford & ce. I [1e11.] [ see ]
10 x 17 cm. [56] p. Title in border of type ornaments.
Advertised in the Kentucky Gazette of October 1, 1811, as "Just published
and for sale at this Office."
KyLo. ICQ: EQ2? MoHi. ER;.
Bailey, John.
[Fanaticism Exposed: or the Scheme of Shakerism Compared with Scripture,
Reason and Religion, and Found to be Contrary to them All. By the Rev.
John Bailey, of Kentucky. Lexington, 1811.] [ 570 I
No copy known. Advertised in the Kentucky Gazette of November 5, 1811 and
later, as "Lately published, and for sale at the office of the Kentucky
Gazette, . . . price 12 cents."
Baptists. Kentucky. Elkhorn Association.
Minutes I of the I Elkhorn Association of Baptists, I Held at the Great
Crossings, in Scott County, the 2d Saturday in August, 1811. [ 571 ]
14.5 x 24 cm. 6 p.
Caption title; no imprint.
KyLoS (imperfect). ECA.
Baptists. Kentucky. Licking Association.
The Minutes I of the I Licking Association I of I Baptists, held at
Stony Point, Bourbon County, I the second Saturday in September, 1811. I
[1,sx1¤[;t¤m T. T. Skillman. 1811.] [ 2.72 ]
15 x 25.5 cm. 8 p.
Caption title. Imprint on p. 8: Lexington-T. T. Skillman, Printer.
` Dillard. MoHi (mutilated).

Baptists. Kentucky. Long Run Association.
Minutes I of the I Long Run Association, I held at I Salt River Meetin —
House I the First Friday in Se tember, 1811. I [Filet] I Frankfort (Ky.) [
From the Press of Wm. Gerard. I [1811.] [ 575 ]
15 x 25 cm. 8 p.
Baptists. Kentucky. North District Association.
_ Minutes I of the I North District Association of Baptists, I Held at
A Hopewell Meeting House, in the county of Woodford and State of Ken-Itucky,
on the lst Saturday in August, in the year of our Lord 1811. [ 574 ]
_ 15 x 21 cm. 4 p.
Caption title; no imprint.
Baptists. Kentucky. Salem Association.
Minutes I of the I Salem Association of Baptists, I Held at Lick-Creek
Meeting-House, in Nelson County, on the lst Friday & Satur-Iday in October,
1811-being the 4th & 5th, of the said month. I [Bardstown; William Bard.
1811.] [ eve ]
15 x 25 em. 4 p.
Caption title. Imprint on p. 4: Printed by Wm. Bard. No place is named
in the imprint, but this printer worked at Bardstown.
' KyLoF (loaned by Rev. George L. Ridenour).
Baptists. Kentucky. South District Association.
Minutes, I of the I South District Association of Baptists, I Met at
Harland's Meeting-House, Mercer County, on the 5d Saturday I in August,
1811. [ eve ]
24 x 25.5 cm. Broadside. Text in 2 columns.
Caption title; no imprint.
KyLOS• SEQ;]-•
` Cameron, Archibald.
I An Appeal I to the I Scriptures, I for their decision relative I to
the I Design, Extent, and Effect I of the Propitiation I made by I Jesus
Christ. I [Double rule] I By Archibald Cameron, I a minister of the Gospel.
I [Double rule] I I8 lines, quotations] I [Thick-thin rule] I Frankfort,
I (KenT)—[jNr1Hted by~Johnston and Pleasants;_[-Fdr the author. I [Filet]
1811. I sv? ]
‘ 12.5 X 2O cm. 79 p.
Qgi. CSmH. KyLoF. NEA. QCHP. PPiU.
Campbell, John Poage.
The I Pelagian Detected; I or, I a Review I of I Mr. Craighead's Letters,
I addressed to I the Public and _ the Author. I By John P. Campbell. I
Lexington: I Printed for the author, by Thomas T. Skillman. I 1811.
_ 14.5 x 22.5 cm. 8O p. [ 578 ]
ln addition to the "Errattu" at the bottom of p. 80, some copies have also
a slip, attached to the verse of the title page, containing other errata.
_ Of "Mr. Craighead's Lctters," whether or not printed in Kentucky, no copy

has been found. In The Pelagian Detected, on p. 24, the title of the
I Craighead book is cited as Letters containing original philosophical dis-
quisitions; Campbell quotes from it—frequently, with page references, the
citations showing that it contained at least ten letters and at least 83
;~ · pages. "Craighead's Letters to J. P. Campbell" is included in a list of
books advertised in the Clarion and Tennessee Gazette, Nashville, in the
· issue of March 3, 1815. *The craigiead letters were doubtless published in
.·I reply to Campbe11's Several Letters, Addressed to the Rev. T. B. Craighead
(Lexington, 1810; see no. 349, above), which appeared 15“tH6 sehw contem-
porary binding with The Pelagian Detected.
0n p. 66, Campbell calls Craighoad "the grand horosiarch of the wost,"
responsible for the schism of 1805 which resulted in the "Springfield Pres-
I bytery" headed by Craighead with Barton W. Stone, Richard McNemar, and
‘ John Dunlavy.
NcMHi. CSmH. lCQ_(2 copies). Egg. KyLxT. Wilson.
Campbell, John Poage.
l A Sermon I on I Christian Baptism, I in its primitive mode of adminis-
tration, I and I as it respects both infant and adult subjects. I [Filet]
I By John P. Campbell. I [Filet] I Second edition. I [Row of dots] I Lex-
ington: I Printed for Maccoun, Tilford & Co. by Thomas—TT`SRi1lman. I
[shew; mia] I 1811. [ eve ]
"'”'iB"x zo cm. ev, [1], sz p.
The sermon proper (87 p.) is followed by 32 p. with the caption title:
Proofs and Illustrations. The errata for "Proofs and ll1ustrations" as well
as for the Sermon are on the unnumbered page following p, 87.
The first edition was the Sermon preached in Stoner-Mouth Meeting House;
_ . see the follovdng title. —_- _——__—·-·__m_—
. Advertised in the Kentucky Gazette of June 4, 1811, as "Just published . . ."
_ OCHP. KyLxT (87, 1I p.I. 1PPrHi (B7, [1] p.).
I Campbell, John Poage.
A Sermon, I preached in I Stoner—Mouth Meeting House, I October 28,
1810. I At the request of the congregation, and their pastor I the Rev.
Samuel Rannels; I in which I Christian Baptism, I in its primitive mode
of administration, and I as it respects both infant and adult I subjects,
, is largely treated, I and distinguished from I John's or Jewish Baptism,
l _ I as vmll as from those corrupting additions I which human invention has
" so often and so I hurtfully engrafted upon it. I [Filet] I By John P.
I Campbell. I [Filet] I Published by request. I [Thick-thin rule] I Loxin·—
· tos, I Printed by `ia.*1-mms Smith, Main street, :?¤?H25`   [2-*11et] I
· . 1811. I eee ]
13 x 20.5 cm. 152 p.
"Advortisement," p. [iii]-iv, dated April 4, 1811.
q A slip containing errata is pasted on p. 102. Pages [105]-132 contain
Heviovrpf;§r;_Me£pil's Seven Sermons, on the Mode and Subjects of Baptism
Icnption title): Thi} refers—to "seven“sermon§—T-T-Tlbyéh Mr. Pahizl Her- ·~,.
_ ril, A.%., of Sedgvdek, District of Naine." Campbell quotes "the Washing-
_ ton edition, made 1810."
_ I Vniversity of Chicago has this in contemporary binding with Several Letters,
Addrcssed_tg_phe Rev. T. B. Craighead (see note on no. 578, ab¤v67T

Craighead, T B
[Letters containing original philosophical disquisitions, addressed to
the public and to the Rev. John P. Campbell. Lexington ? 1811 ?]
[ sei ]
No copy known. Frequently quoted in Campbel1‘s The Pelagian Detected
‘ (Lexington, 1811) and advertised in the Nashvil1e*Clarion and Tennessee
Gazette of March 9, 1815, in a list of books for sale at that office. See
` note on no. 578.
Freemasons. Kentucky. Grand Lodge.
Proceedings I of the I Grand Lodge I of I Kentucky. I Held at the Masen's
Hall, in the I town of Lexington, I August, A. L. 5811-A. D. 1811. I [Cut
of Masonic emblems] I [Thick-thin rule] I Lexington, (Ken.) I Printed ag"-
the office of the Reporter, I by William W. Worsley. I [Row of dots] I
ieii. —_`— I sez]
1O x 18 om. Q8 p.
Kentucky. Adjutant General.
General Orders. I State of Kentucky, Frankfort, March 22, 1811. I The
annual returns of the militia of this state having been here-Itofore very
_ deficient, and as it appears that the deficiency proceeded, in I a great
measure, from the negligence of the company . . . I [Frankfort, 1811.]
18 x 20.5 cm. Broadside. [ 585 ]
At end: P. Butler, I Adjutant General.
-pg;.-Q4 (Mss Div.).
Kentucky. Census.
Census of Kentucky. I [Rule] I The following is a statement of persons
within the I state of Kentucky, to rdt: I [Rule] I [1811.] [ 584 ]
15.5 x 52 cm. Broadside. Text in tabular form.
Certificate dated December 10, 1811: "T, John H. Hanna, Clerk of the Dis-
trict Court ef the United States of America, in and for the state of Ken-
“ tucky, do hereby certify, that the foregoing statement is correctly taken
from the books of the Census filed in my offiee."
· · OCHP.
Kentucky. General Assembly.
_ [State of Kentucky. In General Assembly, January 29, 1811, being a
proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Frankfort,
1811.] [ see ]
4to. Broadside.
Described as “crude1y printed."
Not located. Title from American Clipper (American Autograph Shop), Jan-
uary-February, 1955, no. 50 [copy sTEned—in autograph by