xt75x63b0700 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b0700/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1917-01-jan17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-01-jan17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-01-jan17-ec. 1917 1917-01-jan17-ec. 2011 true xt75x63b0700 section xt75x63b0700 

          UNTVIESTTY OF? K1WR'1TUKY- .kN, 17.117

     The Exe utive Board met with Chairman Nichols in the
chair and Mee re. Brown, Stoll, Johnston and U1cKee present.
Before taking,up the regular order of business, the Board
heard a statement made to then by the Hon. Abram Renick of
Clark County relative to installing in the University a
Chair for instruction in Pedigreed live stock breeding.

     Mr. Renick, represluetng Live Stock interests of the
State and sneaking-in their behalf, orotDosed the creation
in the College of Agriculture of the University of a Chair
in constructive breeding. In a general way Mr. Renick
stated that the State had fallen from its former orestige
in the field of live stock breeding and that the purpose
of this request was to endeavor to place it bIIk in its for-
mer standing. He believed that the introduction of such
a chair in the University of Kentucky would disseminate cor-
rect, scientific theories of breeding that would serve this

     Mr. Renick gave it as his opinion and the opinions of
those cooperating with him in the movement, that tae greatest
and most successful scientific breeder and teacher of cor-
rect breeding theories was Mr. Gane Johnson of Montgomery
County, who Or. Renick said, was known throughout the entire
breeding world and looked upon pretty much in the same light
as that in which Luther Burbank, wizard of plant life, is
regarded in his sphere of plant culture. Mr. Renick gave many
instances of the remarkable results obtained through the
theories of or. Johnson and further stated that as Mr. John-
son was at Dresent a man of considerable wealth, it was
doubtless of little import to him whether the salary was
large or small; that Mr. Johnson had given his life to this
study and was seriously interested in the project of leaving
it to his native state as a lasting heritage.

     Mr. Renick asked. the  oard to take into consideration
seriously what he had said and assured it that All breeding
interests would be placed on advanced ground if the Board
could see its way clear to establish this chair and give the
benefit of rA. Johnson's life of s udy to the State of Ken-

     After discussion of the subject by Desers. Stoll, cKee
and Brown as to the advisability of this sten and the finan-
cial ability of the University to meet these requirements,
Mr. Stoll moved that the President of the University be re-
quested to report at the next meeting of the board on the
following points:

1.    he amount of compensation Mr. Johnson would require
     if he were employed.

2.    he dutiev which Or. Johnson would perform if he were
     employed. A


3.    Whether there are any funds available to pay him
      and meet the expense of installing the chair.

4.    That Mr. Johnson be invited to anoear before a Com-
      mittee &anAnted by this Board at a time satisfactory
      to him and to the President of the University,

      Without objection, the motion was adopted.

      In response to the request of Dean Roberts of the Col-
lege of Agriculture for a definition of his right to claim
the $200.00 paid annually by the College of Agriculture to
the dean of that college, Mr. Brown moved that Dean Roberts
be allowed the $200.00 a year paid by the College of Agricul-
ture as long as Professor Roberts acts as Dean. The motion
was unanimously carried.

      Action on the report of the committee on tlilitary
affairs, composed of Oantain Fairfax and President Barker,
was deferred one month.

      On motion of Mr. McKee, a rBquest made by Dean Lafferty
of the College of Law in a former report, that $200.00 be
appropriated to pay for the Indiana Re-orts, was granted and
said appropriation made by unanimous vote.

      The report of Professor Frank McFarland incorporating
a general scheme of improvements to be made on the campus, was
received and filed and ordered spread upon the minutes as

                                      January 16, 1917

To President Barker and
The Executive Committee of the
University of Kentucky.


      I beg to suomit a very general plan for the improve-
ment of the University Gampus for the coming year.

      In view of the fact that the general improvement of
the campus will involve a great deal of planning and labor,
I deem it wise to submit a very general plan now and insert
details am we progress.

      For the coming year, I believe a considerable amount
be spent for labor in shaning up the campus in general. By
this I mean, the edging of grass plots, the making of flower
beds, the making of paths, the mowing of grass, and things of
this sort.  Many places are bare from the constant use as paths
and it is my plan to correct those paths and sod the now used
places.  A start has been made to make cinder paths from the
Agricultural Buildinp to the various parts of the campus.
Those are very serviceable and while they are very cheap they
serve nearly as good as concrete.


      There are many small patches of grass on the campus,
 especially around the coi'ners of buildings which ought to
 be kept cut. These places are usually too small to be cut
 over with the horse lawn mower so I thAnk that two or three
 mowers should be bought this snring.   ,here is but one mower
 now owned by the University but it is practically -iorn out.

      Many trees on the campus should be pruned during the
 spring and early summer and Derhaps this coming fall.    here
 are several of the old waeter maples along Limestone Street
 which ought to be removed on. account of their rotten condi-
 tions.  -hese are to be removed this s,3ring. The whole row
 of water maples needed pruning, and since they were seriously
 interfering with the electric wires, I gave permisston to the
 General Utilities Gompny, to remove the larger limbs from
 the water maples and tiat our workers would remove the smaller
 branches and t'he stubs. I went over the situation with a Mr.
 Jones of the 2lectric Company and polnted out what could be
 removed.  However, when the work was begnn, Mrl/ Jones never
 appeared on the grounds, and the workmen had iiost of the trees
 pruned before I noticed what was done. Nevertheless, the
 trees were not hurt as badly as I and some others had expected.
 To look forward into the future, we can see that this row of
 water maaples will not last but a few years and so it would be
 a good thing to begin now to set a row of ?in Oaks Just in-
 side of this row of water maples to start grow-th twhile re-
 placing the maples.

     There are other trees on the campus which ought to be
removed for the sake of the growth of other trees. My slogan
has always and shall always continue to be, "Not a lot of
treest%, but, "A select lot of Good Trees-ll.  This is what I
am gradually working for.

     What I desire to do with the Improvement of the campus
is not what I can do just for a month or so, but zwhat I do,
I wish for it to be continuous througiiout several ye-rs and
this is what I wish for you to back me up in. To do this work,
I shall ask for a minimum to do the work.

      n the way of roadways I can not rive anything definite
at the present time. Most of the streets on the campus are
in need of repairs and this mostly in the form of crushed

     The proposed roadway from the AgricalturPl Building to
the New Chemistry is now being considered by   rofessor Terrell
and as yet has made no report.   I regard the planting of trees
along the roadway from the Agricultural Building almost a
necessity and these trees ought to be the same as those plant-
ed last spring, hinese CatalDas.

     'hen the old fence along Limestone was removed there wan
left at various places along the sidewalk quite abrupt dropoffs.
In order to correct this, some grading ehould be dons.    This,
In my opinion, should be done this sering. Also. just south
of the Agricultural duilding there is another place which
needs grading.


      To sum up in a nut shell, what we want to do now iVS to
 make a big imp:ression as quickly as possible. To do this,
 everything must be done symstematically.   I have carefully
 thought out this plan and to make a nice annearing camous let
 us plant a good many shrubs.   After once Dlanted we need only
 a few to keen the campus in-godd repairs.

      I am attaching several recommendations whiak I submit
 for your approval,

                                iiespeetfully submitted,

                                       Frank T'. McFarland

 No. 1
      The imsportance of shrubs for campus work is well under-
 stood.   herefore, about *200.00 ought to be set aside for
 the purchase of shruabs.  hese I may add can be bought from
 Thomas Meehan Nursery at Dresheer, Pa. at wholesale and their
 price is just about one hialf that of any other nursery.
      Of this $200.00 about $20.00 will be used in buying
 Cannas and other perrenials.

 X o. 2
      Trees for the South Lime~stone Street and the  oa&way to
 the Mechanical Hall from the Guinea Pig House will cost about

 Ho. 3
      Labor as outlined in the general nlan wtill total up to
 quite a little saum. N-Nothing can be done unless we have good
      The best I could figure on this was in the neighborhood
 of about $20,Q.00.  hissum to be sufficienta until about next
 September,  Ihis amount should become available as soon as
 possible.  Price per hour IS5O .

 No. 4
     In view of the fact that a good many Dlanto (tender annuals)
iust be started in a greenhouse, and sincd Professor Mathews
no longer makes use of the greenhouse adjoining the Agricultur-
al Building, I wish to recommend to the Executive Committee,
that the greenhouse be permane-atly placed in my charge. and
that Professors AMathew and Gilbert be so notified.
     I feel that the Botanical Department should have charge
of the greeaheusz  and since a good many plants may be wintered
over it ought to be in charge of the person in charge of the
     The reason why I partially ask for this is because we
have had some trouble as to .Just who has charge.   Anparently.
no one shoulders the resoansibility at- this time.   It just
seems to exist.  As a result of this nonrespoonsibility, last
November, meny of the plants in thi" greenhouse frose for want
of sufficient heat.

No. 5
     About $125.00 ought to be set aside as a contingent fund.
No on6 Can tell now what will hanooen when summer comes on.


No. 6
      Many of our old poorly taken care of plants on the campus
 are badly infested with San Jose Scale.  It seemsabad thing for
 a public institution to have things which it teaches agaiast.
 These scale insects are responsible for the death of many trees
 and shrubs.
      Since Professor Garman. the only man who has a well eoutpped
 outfit for spraying, is connected with the Station and Univer-
 sity, I can not see why he can not do the scoraying.
      In order to kill these insects, the snra.y must be apnli-
 ed before the leaves unfold.
      My recommendation is to have Professor Garrnn spray the
 trees and shrubs on the camrus. He srrays those on the Exper-
 iment Station grounds.

 No. 7
      1n view of the fact that the University has no decorative
 greenhouse plants of any kind, and that plants are rented sev-
 eral times each year, I heartily recommend that about $7500
 be s-snt for Palms, and other greenhouse decorative nlants for
 the purpose of decorstine the Chapel platform, the Armory and
 other viaces as needed.
      I think that any one who has attended our entertainments
 are impressed w3th the lack of flowers and decorative clanats.

 No. 8
      One of tbe greateot eye sores on the camnus is the old
 lake.  Since there has been set aside $1400.00 for thiS improve-
 ment, why not imnrove it;  I can not spy whether or not it should
 be converted into a lake ar a Botanical Garden.
      On this ouestion, I welcome advice.

      These eight recommenlations I respectfullyr submit for
 your action.

                                    Frank T. McFarland.

      Mr. Johnston, chairmen of the Committee apnointed to
 audit the accounts of Doctor Fred Mutchler recorted that the
 audit had been completed. certain errors corrected and. return-
 ed satisfactorily to the government.

      The reDort of the committee on plan for lending the South-
 ern Railway Loan fund was submitted but action on it deferred
 one month.

      Mr. Johnston moved that an aporonriation of $360.00 be
 made to pay for *crizes given during Farmers' Week, This motion
 was carried u-nlanimously.

      Mr. Stoll moved that the Business Agent be directed to
 install a fire escape at Patterson Hall In accordance with
 the recommendation made by tias 0Qty B-ailaiig Inspeator to the
 Board of Control of Patterson Hall. The motion was unanimous-
 ly carried.

      On motion of Lr. Stoll the Board decided by unanimous
vote to apnro~priate $70.00 to pay for a new tyoewriter to be
used In the business Office.


     The following report was submitted by Professor Glan-
ville Terrell containing request fdr general increase in
salaries for teachers in the College of Arts and Science,
which on motion of ir. Stoll, by unanimous vote, was referred
to President Barker for recommendation at a later meeting:

To the President and Honorable Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky


     We are a committee apDointed by the Arts and Science De-
partment of your University to petition your honorable Board
for an increase in salaries. The reasonableness of this pe-
tition is based solely on the high cost of living. We find
ourselves being reduced to the level of bare subsistance, a
condition incompatible with the accepted standards of living
and the hi-hest efficiency of the College Professors Present
prices need no comment. For living expenses $1.75 will hard-
ly go as far now as a l.00 would go a few years ago. We do
not ask you to meet this Increased cost of living, but only
ask some mitigation of its hardships. Our request is modest
and ultra-conservative, We ask for an increase of 25% in our
present salaries. this increase from the rank of instructor
to the heads of departments inclusive.   1t will be seen that
this demand is far from keeping pace with the rise in prices,
and is believed to ba an irreducible mimimum. We shall still
have to economise and go without many important tools of our
trade. At present some of your professors are unable to
meet the premiums on insurance policies, the Companies are
carrying them. Nothing could speak more forcibly of the cre-
sent conditions or be a stronger Droof that a remedy is need-
ed at once.

     The sum at present exoonded on salaries in our college.
according to the statement furnished by the Business Agent
(and hereto a.noended), is $55,300,  Lhe additional sum, there-
fore, needed to meet our request will be in round numbers
$14,000. We would respectfully submit that it is the duty of
the Trustee to devise some means to raise this revenue. It
would be;a great disaster to the University if members of the
Faculty should be compelled to seek other means of suinort
in addition to that derived from teaching, To be confronted
with such a possibility seriously impedes their best efforts,
and the above increase will barely relieve them of such

     An investigation by our Dean a few years ago showed that
the salaries paid by our University were smaller than those
of any other 'and-Grant College except Jew Mexico and Florida.
This proves that the standard of living which we think it
necessa'ry to maintain is not unteasonable if judged by the
practice of similar institutions.   Membirs of this Committee
know from their personal knowledge that Harvard a few years
before the present crisis raised $21,500.000., the income
to be used exclusively for the increase of salaries of the
teaching force employed at the time the money was raised.


Oberlin, Brov.i and MLichigan made a substantial increase in
salaries effective f-r' the nresent year. on account of the
high cost of living.

     Our Committee is also informed that the salaries of the
College of Arts and Sciences are on an average lower than
those of any other college in the University. This is a great
injustice, when you consider that our College forms the pivot
on which the whole University turns. We do fully 50% of the
teaching required by all' the other colleges.

     It is almost needless to call your attention to the fact
that hundreds of corporations have advanced the wjpges of en-
ployees from 30 to 40% during the current year. 'he United
States Steel Corporation has just declared an advance of 10%
asking 33% for the current ypar.  5he Sante Fe Railroad has
declared a bon.,s $2500.00.  his shows what they consider an
krreducible minimum.  Will you be less liberal to your emnloy-

     We think enough has been said and conclude in the lan-
guage of the old Chancery pleadings' "Your orators pray for
relief in the premises and will ever pray".

                               35.gned.-  GlanvillejTerrellD Chrm.
                                         J.W. Proy'r
                                         Paul P. Boyd

     Mr. Stoll moved that the following report from Instructors
in the Agricultural Gaollege be received, filed and snread upon
the minutes:

                                    Lexington. Kentucky
                                    January 10. 1917

President Barker and Members
of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ky.


     We, the undersigned, members of the staff of the College
of Agriculture, regard the proper orgenization of the agri-
cultural wvvrk of the Uni7ersity as one of the most imrortant
problems confronting the Board of Trustees at this time, and
one of far; reaching consequences In the development of the
agriculture of the State.  We therefore resnectfully request
that you give consideration to some suggestions which we
herein present with the belief that they art in accord with
the best thought and practice In organisation, administration
and policy in the agricultural colleges of thts couut0y.

     In the first place, we d~siro to em'nh&asie our belief
in the unity of the college of Agriculture. We feel that
there has been, and is here, a tendency in practice as well
as in theory to regard resident teaehing, experiment station
wrok and extension service as three more or les inldependent
functions to be administered more or less indenendently, in-


stead of three different phases of the activities of One and
the same institution- th1e College of Agriculture.  While it
is true that seo-arate funds are provided for the three differ-
ent lines of wmork, yet the federal lars istablishing the ex-
periment stations and extension service eixlicitly recognize
both services as parts of the college of agriculture and pro-
vide that they shall be administered by and through the college
of agriculture. We might add, in this connection, that in
some st tes, legislatures appropariate separate funds  for
specific projects in the experiment station, but recognize that
there shall be no separate administration of the funds.

      We beg to submit that. as organized at present, the
 three lines of work are entirely senarated in their adminis-
 tration within the College, and no one connected with the
 College has any authority to coordinate them.  If there is,
 or shall be, proper coordination under this system, it Is
 only because men may agree to coordinate, but if a man at the
 head of one of the three divisions refuses to enter Into the
 proper coordination, then there can not be the proper coordi-
 nat ion.

      We believe that there should be one nerson of broad
 agricultural education and exDerience in authority as head
 or dean of the College of Agriculture, with suthority to
 direct and coordinate in a broad sense all the activities of
 that uni.t in the University which should be recognized as the
 College of AgrIcult .re. It is entirely within the strength
 of one man to serve in this larger capacity, if he nroperly
 organises the various divisions and departments of the college
 with a budget system, holding each division strictly respon-
 sible for departmental ndministration and the accomplishment
 of results, as is done In many of the largest institutions of
 the country, such as the Iniversities of California, Illinois
 and Wisconsin. The dean may have his assistants, but this
 is a detail that should be left to him to work out,

     The general princinle of the organization we advocate Is,
we believe. what is contemplated in the Smith-Lever law, in
the Kentucky Statute accenting its provisions and in the arti-
cles of agreement between the University of !entucky and the
United States Department of Agriculture relative to extension.
It is that followed in the organization of the Colleges of
Agriculture in the majority of the State Universities in the
United States, including some we class among the best. The
College of Agriculture, in the large sense, not only works out
information in Its research division, which is the Exneriment
Station, and Imparts the same to students in its division of
resident instruction, and to the farming community thru its
extension division, but it is the collecting, adapting and dis-
tributing medium for information developed by other agencies,
such as practical farmers themselves, the United States Deepart-
ment of Agriculture and other institutions in all parts of the
world. "Each subject matter department should be the chief
center and authority for information upon its particular sub-
ject and it is of the greatest Importance that thais store of
information be systematically transmitted to the student in
residence, the farmer on the farm and the housewife in the home,
practically at first hand. This implies a close organic conne -


tion amon-; the three  ivisions; researeh. resident instruction
and extension.  In short. each 9abject-matter dapartnent should
be connected closely and definitely with rese:aroh. teaching and
extension and should be held responsible for the finding out of
knowledge, its proper organization and its inter*retation.   Let
us repeat tat thio requires an officer at the head with full
power to exact such work of each &e-.iartment.e

     Again, the tien who are engaged in research and enaertient
will often derive their best inspiration fron contact with those
who make Dractical a ,Dlication of thtir results and this affords
another strong reason why the raWbject-matter departnments ahould
be brOlght inltO thO closest po4sible relatiOn With the farmer
and the student.  It is an)Caraat  therefore, that those who tin-
part Informatian to the farming comlmunity, an well as tnose ..ho
oonduct research and resident te-aching, should be closely iden-
Uified with the subjeet-matter de-partments,

     This does not mean th-at the men doing research work and emxer-
Iments shall be distracted from their duties by excess of teach-
iLg and extension service, but rather that such men nhall do
enoug-h teaching and extension work to keep thaemioelvea aliva to
the needs of the student a.nd the farmer, that they may be better
prepared to give general diretion 'f what Ls tc be taxWht and
its Interpretation by t:`hose who nav be giving no-t of their time
to teaching or extension.

     All that we have said io entirely indejpendlent of ay con-
siderntion of iper'son who shall fill positiorne In the organisa-
tion.  2here Is a form of organisation' which should obtain and
men should be sought on the basis of fitness alone to fill poei-
tions In the organizction.

     We respectful1y quijbt tht foregoing for the purpose of
aiding in the develOfent'Of the larger College of Agriculture.

     Believe us, your obedient servants.

Alfordd H. Peter - Actiag Director. K.A.M.S. Read of Chem.
George ioberts    Professor of Agronomy - Acting Dean
Fred Mutchler     Director of Rxtension
T. R. Bryant    - Aee't Director of Mixtension
B. S. Good      - Read Dlv. Aninal Husbandry - Beef. Cattle
J. D. Turner    - Head Depntrtment Feeding Stuffs
J. J.  ooper    - Head  aminal Huebandry - Hornes, Dairy Cattle
3. 0. Laeach    - Chief Chatmist - Acting Read Food & Drug
Robert Graham   - Head Dent. * 1ni"_11 Dirgeafaes
W. D. Nichols   - ReadDept. of Farm iManagenent
}. J. Kinney    - Asooc. Profesoor of Agronomy
D. J. Healey      Profescor of Daeterlolog r
William Rodeo   - Chenint, Fertilicer Dept.
H. E. Curtis    - Head Fertilizer Dent.
Chas. D). BohAhnoa- Actiag- Head De-oartment of' Agrioaltu'al Soon.
L. A. Brown    - Drug 0heilst
W. R. Pilnell   - Bacteriolegist - Food & Drug Dept.
G. Davia Bucisner- Researaoh Chmisat
P. L. Bluaenthal- Research Chenist
Nowell 8ears    - Chemlat Feed D3enartment


L. D. Averitt
J. S. McHargue
0. M. Shedd
C. W. Mathews
A. H. Gilbert
W. S. Anderson

- Chemist-Chemistry Department
- Chemist-Chemistry Department Exp. Sta.
- Research Chemist
- Head-Department of Horticulture
- Assoc. Professor of Botany
- Assistant Prof. 'nimal Husbandry

Dg1.&rt seahing, gtation and extension- (in)

University of Ari'zona
University of Arkansas
University of California
Delaware Agricultural College
University of Florida
University of Illinois
University of Louisiana
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Montana

University of Nebraska
New Jersey Agr's Col. (Rutgers)
Cornell University
Clemson College. S. C.
University of Tennessee
University of Vermont
Virginia Agricultural College
University of Wisconsin
University of Wyoming

One authority over teaching-or station andL e.tensi  (8)

Alabama Polytechnic Institute
University of Maine
Mississioil Agricultural College
New Hamnshire    It        It
North Carolina             "
North Dakota
Ohio State University (Station in different part of state)
Pennsylvania State College

Bxtension. &each-ng and station_1ndepende nt         o-    (19)

Colorado Agric. College
Connecticut "     It
University of Idaho
Purdue University
Iowa State College
Kansas Agria. College
University of Kentucky
Maryland Agric. College
Mass. Agric. College
Michigan Agria. College

University of Nevada
University of New Mexico
Oklahoma Agric. College
Oregon Agriac. College
Rhode Island Agric. College
South Dakota Agric. College
Texs Agric. College
Utah Agric. College
Washington Agric. College

Exten alqSo.2 d atg with slb   t-majj        .      . (1)

Georgia College of Agriculture

     Thirty-two institutions hold extension specialists respon-
sible to subject-matter departments for corrdetnees of teach-
ing. The same number refer correspondence requesting informa-
tion to subject-matter departments.

     In reference to this renort, president Barker state& to
the Committee that what the organization urged. in this renort
is now in effect.


     The report of F. Psul Anderson, Dean of the Mechanical
and Electrical Engineering College was ordered received and
spread upon the minutes as follows:

                                    January 17,, 1917.

To the Executive Committee,
     Univeresity of Kentucky


     On account of there not being a quorum present of the
Executive Committee on December 20. I am combining my month-
ly reports for November and December, relative to the College
of Mechanical and Electrical Lngineering. and submit same to
you in accordance with your order.

                        NOVEMBER REPORT

     The following lecturers have addressed the students of
the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering since
my last report:

     On November 14, Mr. M. J. Kirkland was sent to the
University by the Portland Cement Association of Chicago,
and under the auspices of the Westinghouse Society, a, sopsh
omore organization, he lectured on the uses of concrete. be-
fore the freshmen and sophomore classes. Lantern slides were
used in the presentation of his subject.

     Professor C. F. Harding, in charge of the School of Elec-
trical Engineering of Purdue University, on November 16th,
gave a most profitable lecture on "The Marketing of Engineer-
Lug Ability", under the auspices of the Student Branch of the
Americaj  Society of Mechanical Engineers of this institution
Our reason for asking Mr. Harding to come to Kentucky was on
account of the very favorable comments we had heard on this
lecture, which was delivered before the American Association
of Engineers in Chicago in the early fall.

     On December 13th, a lecture and lantern slide: were sent
here by the Pelton Water Wheel Comnany of San Francisco, pre-
senting the modern praotice pertaining to the use of water
power. On account of the distance, the lecturer was not pre-
sent but the slides and lecture were so well coordinated that
the presentation was made by Professor W. I, Freeman, under
the auspices of the Student Branch of the American society
of Mechanical Engineers.

     On December 14, Mr. W. S. Culver of the General Electric
Company, under the auspices of the American lnct' ate of Elec-
trieal Engineers Student Branch of this institution, present-
ed a most delightful lecture on electrical industries with
speciEal reference to transportation. Mr. Culver's lecture
was profusely illustrated by lantern slides and a moving pic-
ture, known as the King of the Rails, which has been prepared


by the General zlectric Company for presentation to techni-
cal schools and societies at an excense of $8000.00.

      On December 18, Mr. James A. Aupperle, Chief Chemist
of the American Rolling Mill Company of lMiddletown, Ohio.
before the Student Branch of the American Society of MAechan_
ical engineers of this institution, lectured oh the production
of a pure iron, known to the trade as Armco Iron, a non-
corrosive iron. Mr. Aupperlels lecture was presented through
the medium of lantern slides.

     Governor A. 0. Stanley apipointed the writer as a dele-
gate, recresenting Kentucky. to the American Uniform Be~ler-
Law Congress which met In Washington on Monday, December 4th.
Thie Congress met at the Raleigh Hotel, and Kentucky was one
of thirty-five states represented. There was a resolution
passed almost unanimously, adopting the boiler code as devel-
cped by the American Society of Mechanical EngineersA and there
will be a recommendation to the next Legislature of entucky
to make this dode applicable to boiler nractice in Kentuckly.

     The American Zooiety of Mechanical Engineers met in Now
York on the 5th to 8th of December inclusive. Many important
matters were discussed nertainigg to the education of engineers,
the principal one being a discussion of the Student Branch
activities of the parent Society thru-out the country. The
writer made a report on the work that is being done 'In Kentucky
and I believe there is not a more active chapter in the tech-
nical schools of the United States than the one here, for the
reason that we require all of our seniors to become members
of the Student Branch and also to subscribe to the Journal of
the Society which we use for seminar nDurnoses in the bi-month-
ly meetings of the Society, which is really part of the course
of instruction, for we set aside two hours a month for the
meetings. Tik2s procedure enables us to put the young engineer
in touch with the very best literature presented in his pro-

     It was brought out through the various reports from tfiech-
nical schools throughout the country, that most of the Student
Branches are voluntary organisatione and on account of the
heavy course in technolopy prevalent, in many cases the very
student who would be benefited by the work in the Society did
not attend.  We feel thzt the plan that we have adonted here
is the most logical one that has been devised for making the
Student Branch of the American  ociety of Mechanical Engineers

     It was my pleasure to meet over thirty of the former
graduates of the University in New York and without exception,
they seemed to be haoDy and orosoerous.

     The mid-term report on the grade of work