xt75x63b067j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75x63b067j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1931-05-may13-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1931-05-may13-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1931-05-may13-ec. 1931 1931-05-may13-ec. 2011 true xt75x63b067j section xt75x63b067j 

    Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Executive
Committee of the University of Kentucky for Wednesday, May 13,

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a* m.
Vednesday, May 13, 1931. The following members were present:
Judge Richard 0. Stoll, Mr. Robert G. Gordon, Mr. James Park,
Meeting with the Committee were Frank L. McVey, President of the
University, and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board.

     The minutes of April 14, 1931, were approved as published.

     1. Report of the Business Agent.    The report of the Business
Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes.    The re-
port was as follows:

                                                    EXHIBIT "B"

Statement of Income and Expenditures
         Month of April 1931


Current     Fiscal
Month       Year
            To Date

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation. 42,750.00
  Vocational Ed. Board    10,822.37
  Dairy Bldg. Equip,,St ,-
     Appro.                8,268.T8
  Special Ag. Appro.      26,805,62
  State Tax              970,779.17
  Int. on Liberty Bonds      850.00
  Int. on Endowment Bonds    4,322.25
  Student Fees           153,684.47
  Student Fees   Sum.Sch. 42,147.60
  Student Fees - U.H.S.    7,580.30
  Student Fees - El.Tr.Sch.       -

Student Fees - Univ. Ext.


Teachers Tr. Bidg.,
   Ecuip. - St. Ap.     30,000.00
Miscellaneous Receipts  11,623.48
Service Bldg. - St. An. 25,000.00
Rentals                   2,542.00
St, Appro. - Sum. Sch.  10,000.00
Ments Dormitories         2,2829.32
Ag. Eng. Bld.,St. Ace    _
           Total     1, 38,659.80

39,932.49 :


42 ,'50.00

30, 000 00
1LjO, 711.66
154, 506.82
  42 135.10

1,265.00   11,481,00

1,078.60   19,517,64

            30, 000,t0
  893.17   12, 516.65
   321.50    2,863,50
            lo 000,00
   245.25   23,074.57
25,000.00   23,000.00



  Adm. Exp. & Saint.
  Add. & Betterments

  Excess of Income over

Patterson Hall Income
  Misc. Receipts
  Room Rent - Sum.Sch.

  Additions & Better.

  Excess of Income over

219,35. 17


  ,423. 25

41, 745,13


79, 825.05
22. 7421. 89


127,183.31 1,477 575.80

(47,737.25)_ 1,530.06

16,534.70    68,614.48
    113,60       324.80
               4 443.25
 16,648.30    73,362.53

 8,364,58    50,109,71
    957.10     1,199.60
  9,321.68    51,309.31

  7,326.62    22,053.22

General Fund Income     1
General Fund Expend.    1
Excess of General Fund
   Inc. over Expend.



97,094. 36
136. 504.99




Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for General Ledger
Accounts               (6,200.98)
Excess of Expend. over Rec.
for the fiscal year to
date - General Fund    56,792.93
Excess of Receipts over
Expend. for fiscal year
to date - General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
General Fund
Cash in Bank April 30, 1931 -
General Fund

(3,914.61)   (10,115.58)

(43,325.23)    13,467.70

  13,467* 70






Trust Fund Inco-ne
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
          Total Receints

  Student Notes

  Excess of Receipts over

2, 871 , 33
Z 359. 00
7 ~-23;0 33

   4312, 24
6, 6 6S4 n 00
7, 076S 24


81.40   2,952.73
598.35   4.957. 35
679.75   7,910.08

-42.00    454,24
680.00   7,344.00
722.00   7,798.24

(42.25)   111.84

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
  Trust Fund
Cash in Bank April 30, 1931 -
  Trust Fund


995. 11

Experiment Station Income
Hatch - Federal Appro.     11,250.00
Milk and Butter - Ca sh.Rec. 9,366,560
Beef Cattle Sales           3,13'383
Dairy Cattle Sales            613.13
Sheep Sales                   533.69
Swine Sales                   818.66
Poultry Sales               2,3G1.38
Farmr Produce Sales         1,767.70
Horticultural Sales           182,25
Seed Test                      40.00
Rentals                     3,~43.5, 03
Miscellaneous               1,217. 34
Fertilizer - Fees          24,286.25
Public Service - St. Ap.   10,999, 98
Public Service - Misc,         35,0G
Feeding Stuffs - Fees      57,100,86
Adams - Federal Appro.     ll,250.00
Serum - Sales               1,539.80
Serum - Virus Sales           108.15
Serum - Live Stock Ssles       15.00
Serum - Supply Sales           88,90
Serum - Mi scellaneous         12,15
State Appropriation        31, 345.84
Creamery - License Fees     6,692.00
   it    - Testers Lict     2,312,00
   It    - Glassware Tested   475.32
Robinson - State A-pro,     8,806.95
Robinson - Miscellaneous
West Ky. - State Acnro.     9,5960.50
West Ky. - M1iscellaneous
Purnell - Federal ATrnoo.  45,000.00

3,750.00   15,000,00
  941.20   10,307,80
  412.71    2,714!09
  106.01    1,873.71
2,129.66    5,544.69
  927,56    2,144.90
16,888.75   41,175.00
5,499.99    16, 499,97
 5,980.20    63,081.06
 3,750.00    15,000.00
   177.30     1,717.10
   13.65       121.80
     9.65        98.55
17,265.92     48,611.73
    60.50      6,752? 50
    74,00      2,386.00
    4.23        469.55
11,570,22     20,377.17
    25,00         25.00
12,376.44     22,0792,94
1,045.81      1,045.81
15,000.00     60,000.00



St. ADpro. - Patterson Farm
nursery Inspection - St.
Nursery Inspection ' Fees
Apiary Inspection - State
Cream Grading
Poult ry Improvemnent
Blood Test


?5, 000. 00

1, 355.00

2,190 00
'83 557.21.


Expense                   306,
  Additions & Betterments     9
           Total            315.
  Excess of Income over
    Expenditures            (3!2
  Excess of Income over
    Expend. for the fiscal
    year to date - Experiment
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1930
    Experiment Station
  Cash in Bank April 30, 1931 -
    Experi.ment Station


100.00    2,166.42
145.00    1, 500.00


29, 529.40
5, 399.32

1799.61   34,928.772

, 2a . 40 )  65,206.75

383,692. 68

335, 798. 96


32, 964,35


68,156. 26

Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Ac. Co-op
  Federal Supplementary
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
* St,,.Qe Smith-Lever
  State Capper-Ketcham
  County and Other

152, 241,30
29, 000,00
54, 642. 56
37, 291.95
71, 518. 58
    540. 00
23478, 7.02
347, 702.41

37,090. 84

54-, 642.56
37, 291,95
17, 290.00
  32 348.82


Excess of Inc. over Ex-o.



39,880!36  346,740,33

14;,851.28  55,693.72

Excess of Inc. over Exo.
for the fiscal yea.r to
date - Extension Div..

Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
Extension Division

Cash in Bank April 30, 1931 -
Extension Division

55, 593.72

2,973. 18





  General Fund Income       1
  Trust Fund Income
  Experi-.ment Sta.. Income
  Extension Div. Income
               Total        2
  Gen. Fund Expenid.        1
  Trust Fund Expend.
  Experiment Sta. ExDend.
  Extension Div. ExDend.
               Tota.l       2
 Excess of Income over
 Excess of Expend. over Re-
   ceipts for General Ledger

 Student Loan Fund - Notes

 Excess of Receipts over Ex-
 penditures for the fiscal
 year to date - Combined

,455 ,374,03
392 380.12
    412, 74
,01Q5, 451.94





100, 135. 47
 34, 928.7z
 211,356. 07

1, 552,468. 39
  7;341, 547.85

40, 686.80  114, 739.84

(3,914.60)  (10,115.58)

   (81.65)   (2,386*65)

36,690.55 102,237.61

Excess of ReceiDts over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Combined Fund

Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 -
Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand April
30, 1931 - Combined Fund


(5,860. 77)


Abstract of item shown on statement
of income and expenditures as "Excess
of Expenditures over Receipts for Gen-
eral Ledger Accounts $10,115.58".

                    Debit              re d.it

Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Ad-



Sundry Accounts


Notes Payable

-- 100,000.00 !

195, 919. 45




     2. Contract for Beef Cattle Barn.  At the last meeting of
the Executive Comnittee, a shecial committee was aopointed to
re-advertise for bids on the beef cattle barn.  The J. F. Hardy-
mon Company of Maysville, Kentucky, was awarded the contract at
$12,940. Bids were received by the committee and the committee
made its report as follows, which on motion, duly seconded, was

          The following bids for the beef cattle barn to be
     erected on the University of Kentucky Experiment Station
     Farm, Lexington, Kentucky, were submitted and opened on
     Thursday morning, April 23.

     J. F. Hardymon & Company, Maysville, Kentucky,  $12,995,00
     Skinner Brothers, Lexington, Kentucky,           13,417,'85
     Jones-Savage Lumber Company, Wilmore, Kentucky, 13,720.'00
     Smith-Haggard Company, Lexington, Kentucky,     13,948t00
     Perry Lumber Comnany, Lexington, Kentucky,       149000.00
     Lexington Lumber & Building Gupply Company,     14,684.00

          J. F. Hardymon & Company was judged the lowest bidder
    and was awarded the contract subject to additions and de-
    dulctions as per the alternates stated in the specifications.

         At a conference with Dean Cooper and Professor Good
    it was decided to let the contract with the changes speci-
    fied in the following alternates:

    Alternate No, 49 Deducting                      $130.00
    Alternate No. 5,      if                          60.00
    Alternate No. 6, using asbestos cement siding
                      and copper nails, adding
    Alternate No. 7, using asbestos shingles and
                      copper nails - no additions
                      or deductions in price.
    Alternate No, 8.. Deducting                      14G.00
    Alternate No.. JO     "                           56.00
    Alternate No. 12. Omitting 2 feet of height of
                      side walls, using asbestos
                      cement siding with copper nails,
                      deducting                       95.00
    Adding $45.00 to the general contract bid of $12,995.00 for
    alternate No. 6, and deducting $481.00 for the other alterna-
    tives stated above, lowers the contract price to $12,559.00.



     3. Purchase of Property on South Limestone Street.  A com-
munication was read from Mr. N. R. Garrison, real estate dealer
of Lexington, asking the University to make a bid on the Leet
property on South Limestone Street.  It was the sense of the
Committee that no bid be made; but that if the owners of the prop-
erty wish to make a reasonable offer, it will be considered*

     4. Widening of Limestone Street.  A coinmunication from the
Mayor of Lexington asking the University to give to the City twenty
feet of property fronting on Patterson Hall and Boyd Hall for the
purpo e of widening Limestone Street was received.   The matter
was discussed and referred to Judge Stoll for conference with the

     5. Use of Gymnasium and Stadium by American Legion.   A com-
munication was received from the A--nmerican Legion asking for the
use of the University Stadium on July 27 and the University Gym-
nasium on the evening of the same date.  Motion was made, second-
ed, and carried that inasmuch as the American Legion is a state
organization and there is no suitable space for the meeting else-
where in the city, that the request be granted.

     6. Report on University Library.   President McVey submitted
a report on the cost of the construction of the University Library,
which is as follows:


J. F. Hardymon Company,
    General Contract


. *_ *.279- 000. 00


J. J. Fitzgerald, Heating &
 Extras: Chg. Unit Heater 3rd
         Chg. Boiler Header
- - - - - - - - - - - _



$29,191.00 26,271.90

John H. Scott, Plumbing &
    Sewers                       11,165.00
Extras: Alt.#7, Chroaium Piat.     275.00
         31 yds Stone 7xcav.        286.75
         Drains                      16.88

11,743.63. 10,746.71

Note: Scotts csti:.ates show    l97.15 additional extras.


B. C. Ingels Electric Co.,
   Electrical Work
 Extras: Alt.#l Distribution

Snead & Co., Metal Book
Extras: Alt.i4-5 Tier TeMP.
Book Lift

62, 422.00

   340. 00

Carral Cases 15"deep   436.00

Deductions: Alt. #*1 Strip
   3 tiers
   Alt.#3 Omit Book Con. 3

12, 475 00

tiers                    8,500.00
Allowance for not setting
shelves                     90.00
Allowance for not nainting 2,100.00

$40, 033. Q0

Combs Lumber Comoany, Cabinet
Extras:: Door to rooms 235-

420, 225. 00


R. B. Hayes, Finished floors 12,500.00

MIcElhone and Maloney, Stokers  3,033.00
  Extra: Add. Clean out door     100.00

Architects' fees  6,

Grading and Sewer estimated




23 , 246. 00







$7,532. 00



20, 446.00


15, 381.00

11, 540.85

22, 179.00




     7. Boa.rd MIeeting to be Held on June 3.  Motion was made,
seconded and carried that the next meeting of the Board of Trustees
of the University be fixed for June 3 in order to fit best into
the comimencement program.

     8. Thompson Starrett Company Building Proposal.    or. S. G.
Miller of the Thompson Starrett Company of New York City appeared
before the Board and made a brief statement in which he indicated
that his company would be willing to build buildings for the Uni-
versity on the amortization plan a.s provided in the Kentucky
statutes at cost plus eight per cent, all sub-contracts to be let
to local concerns a.nd the work to be done under written contract
with the University.   The Committee took no action but received
the statement for further consideration.

     9. Bids on Hog Barn. Bids were received for the construction
of a Hog Barn on the Ex-eriment Station Farm at the University as
follows, subject to additions and deductions for alternates speci-

     1. Jones Savage Lumber Company, Wilmore ..... $4,700
     2. Perry Lumber Company, Lexington ............ 4,500
     3, Lexington Lumber Company .                   4,190
     4, Congleton Lumber Company .                    4,395
     5, Coleman and Davis ................ ..........  5,037
     6. Skinner Brothers.                            4,500
     7, Louis des Cognets Comnpany .4,600
     8, J. F. Hardymon Company ........3,90 ........... 3,930
     9. Lexington Quarry Comoany ...       ......     4,762

Motion was made, seconded, and carried that the contract be let
to the J. F. Hardymon Company and that the President be authorized
to enter into a contract with the Company for the construction of
the barn, and that the President and Dean Cooper be authorized to
accept bids for the equipment of the building.

     11. Audit of the University Books.   A communication from
the Johnson Fowler Co-mpany of Louisville proposing to audit the
books of the University was read, but no action was taken.

     12. Tuition for Ex-service Man. A communication was read
from Mir. T. W. Skinner stating that under the law he was entitled
to receive free tuition for the period of four years from the
University by reason of the fact that he is an ex-service man.
He indicated that due to the fact that he had been county superin-
tendent of schools he half been able to attend the University only
oart time and during the four years he had received the equivalent
of two years full tuition.   He requested that tuition be allowed
him for, an additional two years.

    13. Insurance on  uild~ings.  The Actuarial Bureau at the re-
quest of Klair and Scott recently submitted a recommendation for
certain changes to be made in the various buildings of the



University in order to get a lower rate of insurance.   Among
these recommendations was a recommendation that a sDrinkler system
be installed in the girls' dormitories as a protection against
fire.   This particular recommendation was taken up by the Committee
and on motion, duly seconded, it was directed that a sprinkler sys-
tem be installed in Boyd and Patterson Halls as soon as it is
Dracticable to do so and that the President Qf the University be
authorized to obtain bids for the installation of the sprinkler
system And to accept the lowest and best bid.

     14. Workmen's Compensation Insurance.   Communications from
several companies regarding workmen's compensation insurance were
received.    These were taken into consideration, but no action
was taken.

     15. Appointments, Leaves of Absence, Changes of Status, and
Resignations.   The following list of appointments, leaves of
absence, changes in status, and resignations were recommended by
President McVey; and on motion, duly seconded, approved by the
Coommitt ee:

     Appointment of M1rs. Pearl Bastin Herring, graduate assistant
for the year 1931-1932 in Ancient Languages, at a salary of $600.

     Appointment of Mr. James M. Boswell as graduate assistant in
Mathematics for the year 1931-1932, at a salary of $600.

     Appointment of 1rr. S. A. Boles as professor of Physical Edu-
cation and Graduate M1anager of Intercollegiate Athletics, salary
to be paid by the Athletic Association.

     Mr. Harry Gamage promoted from assistant professor to pro-

     Mr. Birkett Lee Pribble, instructor in Physical Education,
assistant coach in Football, salary paid by the Athletic Associa-
tion, was reappointed for the year 1931-1932.

     Reappointment of Mr. John Devereaux, instructor in physical
education, coach in baseball, salary paid by the Athletic Associa-

     Reappointment of John G. Campbell, irttructor in Physical Ed-
ucation, assistant coach in Football? salary paid by the Athletic

     Appointment of Leonard Miller as oart-time instructor in Phys-
ical Education for 1931-1932, at a salary of $900.

     Appointment of Louis A. Toth as graduate assistant in Anatomy
and Physiology for the year 1931-32 at a salary of $500.



     Temporary appointment of Mr. W. D. Armstrong as instructor.
in the Department of Horticulture at a salary of $1800 to be paid
on a ten months' basis from Septermber 1, 1931, to June 30, 1932.

     Appointment of Mr. A. B. Crawford, assistant in the Bureau
of School Service, for the year 1931-32, at a salary of $2,000.

     Reappointment of Mr. Paul D. Gard, assistant in the Bureau of
School Service, for the year 1931-32, at a salary of $1,000.

     Temporary appointment of Mr. Keith S. Venable, assistant in
the field vwork in a soil survey of Fayette County at the rate of
$110 a month, effective June 1 1931, or at close of present semest-
er; to be terminated at the discretion of the director of the Ex-
periment Station.

    Appointment of Mr. Van Barnett, R. C. Layson, Sam MoCluer,
E. W. Kirk, H. M. Sullivan, and J. Herbert Haynsv.orth, Jr., as
graduate assistants in Physics for the year 1931-32 at a salary
of $600 each.

     Appointment of Professor Frank Murray to take the vacancy
created by the retirement of Professor Chalkley in the College off
Law and to receive the sanie salary that Professor Chalkley re-
ceived at the time of his retirement.

    sAppointment of Sir. J. H. Durbin, instructor of Business Law,
for the year 1931-32, at a salar- of $750.

    Appointment of Mr. L. B. Averott   instructor in economics
for the year 1931-32, at a salary of 1800.

    Appointment of Mr. John V. HcQuitty, to a fellowship in the
Registrar's Office for the/1931-52.

     Temporary appointment of Miss Hary Mahler as clerk for two_
thirds time at the rate of $75.00 a months, effective April 11,
her employment not to exceed four months and to be discontinued
at the discretion of the director of the Experiment Station.

     Appointment of A. H. Lands, assistant professor in Anatomy
and Physiology for the year 1931-1932.

    Promotion of or. R. H. Weaver from assistant professor of
Bacteriology to associate professor of Bacteriology.

     Promotion of Mr. Ch'arles Barkenbue from associate professor
of Organic Chemistry to Professor of Organic Chemistry.

     Promotion of M. H. Bedford from associate professor of Phys-
ical Chemistry to professor of Physical Chemistry.

     Promotion of A. E. Bigge from assistant professor of German
to associate nrofessor of German.



     Promotion of Mr. W. A. Heinz to assistant professor of Hy-
giene and Public Health.

     Promotion of Mr. E. L. Rees from associate Professor of
Mathematics to professor of Mathematics.

     Promotion of H. H. Downing from associate professor of
Mathematics to professor of Mathematics.

     Mr. John.Kuiper to be promoted from associate Drofessor of
Philosophy to Professor of Philosoohy and head- of the Department
of Philosophy.

     Promotion of Ja. E. Petter to assistant professor of Physi-
cal Education and Head Qf the Department.

     Promotion of Mr. W. H. Hansen from instructor to assistant
professor of Physical Education.

     Promotion of E. ii. White from assistant professor of Psy-
chology to associate professor of Psychology for three years.

     Promotion of G. B. Dimmick from instructor in Psychology
to assistant professor of Psychology.

     Promotion of Dr. S. R. Allen from associate professor in
Zoology to professor. of Zoology.

     Promotion of Mr. Alfred Brauer from assistant professor in
Zoology to associate professor.

     Leave of absence was granted to Miss Ida Hagman, field agent
in Home Economics, Extension Division, from July 31 to August
15, 1931, with pay, for the purpose of completing the six weeks
summer session at Teachers' College, Columbia University.

     Leave of absence was granted Professor Lawrence Yates on
full pay fromn January 1, 1932, to September 1, 1932, for the
purpose of study at the University of Chicago.

     Appointment of Miss Ruth Ptheridge, assistant home demon-
stration agent for Madison and Rockcastle counties, from April
6 to June 30, 1931, at a. salary of $100 a month.

     Resignation of Mr. R. R. Robbins, county agent in Perry
County, effective April 30, 1931, was accepted by the Board.

      Resignation of Mr. E. G. Routon, graduate assistant in
Mathematics, for the year 1931-1932, was accepted by the Board.

      The following list of reappointments in the College of Arts
and Sciences was approved on recommendation of the President:



Anatomy and Physiology
A. M. Lands, Assistant Professor for 1931-32.

Edward Fisk, Assistant Professor, thrQugh June, 1934.
Ann Callihan, Instructor for 1931-32.
Jean B. Lowry, Instructor for 1931-32.

J. H. Barry, Technician for 1931-32, on basis of 350
   per hour.

B. B. Ir$Inteer, Assistant Professor for 1931-32 (on leave).
Gladys Kirkland, Graduate Assistant for 1931-32, salary

J, R. Mitchell, Assistant Professor,.through June, 1934.
J, L. Gabbard, Instructor for 1931-32.
W, H. Keller, Instructor for 1931-32.
C. F. Krewson, Instructor for 1931-32.
A. J. Zimmerman, Instructor for 1931-32 (on leave).
Edith LQve, Secretary, for 1931-32.
Effid D. Hughes, Graduate Apsistant for 1931-32, salary

Frank Fowler, Assistant Professor of Dramatics for 1931-32,
Abner W. Kelley, Assistant Professor for 1931--32.
W. F. Gallaway,. Assistant Professor for 1931-32,
Mildred Semmons, Assistant Professor of Library Sciences
    for 1931-32.
GeoTge Fithian, Instructor for 1931-32.
Elizabeth Gay, Instructor for 1931-32.
Mrs. George Smith, Instructor for 1931-W2.
Robert Shannon, Instructor for 1931-32.
William S. WVard, Instructor for 1931-32.
Margaret I. King, Instructor in Library Science for 1931-32.
Nicholas Williams, Graduate Assistant for 1931-32, Salelry
Mary Cole Holloway, Secretary for 1931-32, ealary $600.

Helen Connell, Instructor for 1931-32.

Ellery L. Hall, Instructor for 1931-32.
Robert G. Lunde, Instructor for 1931-32.



Hygiene and Public Health
Dr. F. C7   o;homas, part-time, Optometrist for 1931-32.
Dr: E. C. Yates, part-time, Otorhinolaryngologist for 1931-32.
Dr. J. W. Davis, part-time, Training School Physician for
Lillie Davis, Nurse, for 1931-32.
Elizabeth Desha, Furse, for 1931-32.
Katherine W. Owens, Secretary, for 1931-32.

Gerald Griffin, part-timeInstructor for 1931-33.
Neil Plurwner, part-time,Instructor for 1931-32.

Mathematics and Astronomy
E. J. Canaday, Instructor, for 1931-32.
W. W. Chambers, Instructor, for 1931-32.
Sallie Pence, Instructox,for 1931-32.
N. B. Allison, Instructor, for 1931-32.

Militarv Science
Major Owen RB. ered.ith, Professor and Head of Department.
Captain W. A. Cunningham, Assistant Professor,
Captain Clyde Grady, Assistant Professor.
Captain Harry D. Scheibla, Assistant Professor.
First Lieutenant P. E. Le$tourgeon, Assistant Professor.
First Lieutenant Jaymes E. Rees, Assistant Professor,
First Lieutenant Havard D. Criswell, Assistant Professor.
Warrant Officer Edward F.e Gallagher, Instructor.
Warrant Officer George A. Knight, Instructor.
Master Sergeant John A. Short, Instrulctor.
Sergeant Herman B. Bryant, Instructor.
Sergeant Elmer 0. Rinker, Instructor.
Sergeant W. D. McDaniel, Retired., 1ilitary Storekeeper for
Mary Dunne, Secretary, for 1931-32.

Josephine Parker, Instructor, for 1931-32.
Hilda Cooper, Secretary for 1931.32; hourly basis, 400 per

Pbysica.l Education
B. A.-Shively, Instructor, for 191i-32.
A. F. Ru-pp, Instructor for 1931-32.
ElTer Gilb, Instructor for 1931-32.
Frank Mann, Instructor for 1931-32.
a. W. Hackensmith, Instructor for l931-32.
Rebecca Averill, Instructor for 1931-32.
Mirs. A. McClure, Pianist, for 1931-32.
Kelvin Applebaum, Student Assistant for 1931-32, salary
     $200, hlus fees.
Nancy G. Rothwell, Office Assistant for 1931-32, salary



    Jarvis Todd, Instructor fox 1931-32.
    B. P. Ramsey, Instructor for 1931-32.
    F. F. Cleveland, Instructor for 1931-32..
    Carl Schneider, Instrument Maker, for 1931-32.
    Dorothy Rominger, Secretsixy, for 1931-32.

    Political Science
    i. W. Manning, Ass6ciate Professor and Director of the
       Bureau of Government Research for 1931-32.
    Esther Cole, Assistant Professor for 1931-32.
    Paul K. Walp, Assistant Professor for 1931-32.

    Henry Beaunont, Assistant Professor and Executive Secretary
        of the University Personnel Bureau for 1931-32.
    Mary Agnes Gordon, Instructor and Resea.rch Worker in Per-
        sonnel Bureau for 1931-32.
     Edward Newbury, Instructor for 1931-32.
     E. J. Asher, Assistant Professor, through June 1934.

     Idie Lee Turner, Secretary to Dean, for 1931-32.
     Willena Duncan, Stenographer for 1931-32.

     Appointment of Miss Beuna Mathis as graduate assistant in
Mathematics at a salary of $600.

     Appointment of Brooks Harmilton as Bacteriologist in the De-
partment of Hygiene at a salary of $1600 for the school year.

     On motion, duly seconded, the Committee adjourned.

Wellington Patrick, Secretary
     Board of Trustees