xt75tb0xsq5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsq5x/data/mets.xml Husson Poujade-Ladevèze, J.-H.-Alexandre France Husson Poujade-Ladevèze, J.-H.-Alexandre 1796-01-16 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French [Paris.] De l'Imprimerie du Courrier universel, rue d'Antin, n° 8, section Lepelletier  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Courrier Universel du Citoyen de Husson, 16 January 1796 text Courrier Universel du Citoyen de Husson, 16 January 1796 1796 1796-01-16 2023 true xt75tb0xsq5x section xt75tb0xsq5x 1 vézificat?ofl

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(1".11' , :0115 163 I11111111ts qui ont 51.4IIIé Ia révqutiofi en
étoient 105 05315 11.":29541'1‘33. Cert: excuse atroce just 3 ct
Irigitim? tomes Ics I101'1'211'2'; (I‘m CoIIot, CITrICI‘ Ct miIIe
aut'cs om 000131.111th I'univu's. (Test p.~11r Ia milliéme I'o's
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Le dimctoire cxc’cutlf a pris, Ie 22 nivése, I’m-1311.3 sui-

e dircchre exézmif', 3.311011: J: 111.1:1‘11211Ir avcc Fermmé
I’cx.c1113m1 (I39 0i; , M d: dormer 3'1 tout: occasion (I35
p":‘11v's :I‘ ra é' r1I11t:r;nI11'3I'r1m'z111I: :I’.:: retenir I’esprit ié-
p.I‘L1.‘1‘11". , e: :I3t1'.. 11131:.‘3 . {.I age 611 fig: Ia I1:1.'1113 (I3 I11
royazzxs .

Art. I”. 1" "1 1 ' ' . "VS ('6 I'm
t1‘0I538'm‘ (I1'I :' 1. " ' 1‘ .: =':':'<‘.111' J11
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2111 v11‘ U: 111']. .111 11:1 1‘. 1:15 '3' cI11F—1-11111r"'t11".,

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1913191119 I1 0: 1;.Is, 11s aié. I21' 910:1: :‘11'?Is so tsin—

ceremm‘t .zzt cI1és 21 I"'1 111)I(;116‘ ('11. J: 111309111111. I1.1 =1:

étcm-iIIe a 1:1 1‘01.'.1'1".1". I' at“ rl'eac 1111 ;p 0 'e 4'01")". I (I3

(ette réu111111 et 0.13 IR rIé‘ .12 1.1-1 n (1115 guru. é:éI'1.t: m
chdcnn IIes 1011:11'111'14 r1. 5 1.111I1I: s 1. _1'é: 115

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11 1e 01? 1151011. 1:1) mm :In‘I: pz'é mag-3 1'36 I:1 C(11':1=1'11':I:
er (I: Ia 13011301 (113 mus , Ies I011.1I0t 1'11‘35
PIII‘ IICS. Ies agens (Iu 90111131119: Is 5 $.1I111'Ié5 11:: Id
‘éPubIIq-uc , 5e tassesnbleiom 50115 '11 grésidz :e du [1113/


."I31‘t (I11 :21. 11011; cnu'efIIr'r d1 I'admInISIratIon mun?c3’-j
'—. (-111 si‘ge I’admInEstrnticn de
.10; I‘.-:1r:'?1‘.111:i1'es ;\.1I)‘ics se feral
'13'11‘1-3 I'.:I:ni_ni'1:. :1: 0'1 dc dé-
1111.- :I.1 (I 011121 3:11 xé'..1g-:ra Ie

1' .Cswm‘cuI 561:1. sIg"1é de 1011; IPS I'c'mctIonJ
('t 10 110111 d-s'abmns 5013 relaté snr 15
1131111 t;.13 Ia 11.10.16 11-35 IOI'ICLIOFIS don:
"1:111 1 :an'cn.
.1'15 13:35 for—es do tcire et de mer pren-
d.‘(:1‘.: Ies 1113::11'31 :{11I I '1':1'>I:r0:1: I35 plus convezzabIss

JI'R' r3112; troupe. qui

. 1.523 {0111”}

so :1 s. 1:5

V I. Ls; c;1:1:‘.11=:3.'.3r1.-s (111 p0111."1.111 exccutIf requérerpn:
{111011 dc t11113 ‘125 111-3301.: qui pourrom (Ionner 5.
CW: 1.1'é1n3n'113 10111-3 Ia SCI. wt: (111311311: comporter
cI111111c I111:'.1':1.’s, er 51:15 occnsLonnrr d3; depmses extraor-

VII. L'ZS 50".111nirxa‘1r 5 d1: pmw 011' .-..é 11t;I pres I1 admL
nis-‘wtion 1‘13 cI1:.r'.r3 01.011011, {3117.111 11:15.11, 52115 aucun
dé'al , Ir: 1. ' '. - ‘ =- 1'- 5.11 comnfissaire

11w ~'- . 3.1. '. . ' de déparxmnem

I1 :11? I131 (3111'.
1: $10113! rI ' ‘1"‘1'1'2 cxécutIf, IC 2:.
nivb; ,1n IV :Ie I11 1‘-p11I;IIq1:3I1.111..11..


5.71;;ch 1.3%“ 131:; 1., "1r3'51'1'1173t.
Prégidcncc d-: T R {-1 1. 11 A R D.
Taxis 11': [a [of rebiv.’ 1211:: Est: 1115 ]:.zr;'.'15 111:; ."='.'.'igr;.';

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101 (I11 9 1I01L‘21I,1€I:1.riv: droits succescifs 141:5 1.11111118'5 ,
est Ic'zcjg en 1:0‘:.~é:111e11ce , C813 Ioi 5.11.1 ex: 'cu 33 suwzmt
5:1 form = . 1 r, ' . 1.33 modimatlon; déurminccs p1:
11p1'é5r'1113 réso 111}. m.

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(£35111 .-. , 111111111: Ieur 1.1I1111'3: 011 1‘1' eII'gr.

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cz’r s1.:':s'1.11tl.'s anicIcs XX . XXI , 813.111, 31111.11:

Icur Cl ["11 Iayenrqe uItS 11913611111115, q=111 0:11110t1311I1;:<'Its
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CII'1y 311:. a! 1I111.>: (I: I21.'1'11' ' ' fixation. =
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1.é:‘..-:cm1pas, d.1..1c51.1 nouv.‘ ‘
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