xt75tb0xsn1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsn1g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1969-11-24  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 24, 1969 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 24, 1969 1969 1969-11-24 2020 true xt75tb0xsn1g section xt75tb0xsn1g   















Minutes of the University Senate, November 10, 1969

Motion was made and approved to resume consideration of the motion that had
been tabled in the October 13, 1969 Senate meeting, namely, the recommendation
of the Rules Committee to add a new sentence after the first sentence under
Courses Taken on a Pass—Fail Basis, page 8 of the Rules, which would expand

the ”pass—fail Option" for students in the Honors Program. '


Dr. Robert Evans, Chairm?n Of the Honors Program, asked the Senate to hear four
selected representatives of the Honors Program in defense of the pass—fail
motion. The Senate voted to permit the students to speak. Following a strong
defense by John Nelson, one of the selected students, the Senate voted to bring

the rule to the floor of the Senate for vote. The Senate then approved the addition A
of the new sentence after the first sentence under Courses Taken on.a Pass—Fail [
Basis, page 8 of the Rules, and the Chairman directed that the Rules Committee A
incorporate the Rule in the Rules of the University Senate. The new Rule reads

as follows: i

- w’—\t'\£


Students in the Honors Program above the freshman level may,
with advance written approval of the Director of the Honors Program, ,
select additional elective courses to be taken on such a pass—fail ]
basis . ”1%

The Senate adjourned at 5:25 p.m. [

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary {


November 24, 1969 in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Ogletree
presided. Members absent: Staley F. Adams*, Lyle N. Back*, Harry V. Barnard*,
Richard C. Birkeback*, H. Martin Blacker, L. L. Boyarsky*, Wallace N. Briggs*,
Jacqueline Bull*, Clyde R. Carpenter*, Maurice A. Clay*, Donald B. Colemafl*,
Carl B. Cone*, Arthur L. Cooke, Robert L. Cosgriff*, Clifford J. Cremers,
Robert J. DeAngelis, W. W. Ecton*, Roger Eichhorn*, Frank J. Essene, Frederic (5‘
J. Fleron*, Roy F. Gabbard, Jess L. Gardner*, James L. Gibson*, Peter 94%
P. Gillis, Stephen M. Gittleson*, Joseph J. Gruber*, George W. Gunther, [
Michael D. Hall, Virgil W. Hays*, Alfred S. L. Hu, Eugene Huff*, John W.

Hutchinson*, Mary F. James*, William F. Kenkel, James A. Knoblett*, James

F. Lafferty*, Melvin J. Lerner*, Rey M. Longyear, Richard V. McDougall,

Michael P. McQuillen*, Dean H. Morrow*, Theodore H. Mueller, Jacqueline A. (
Noonan*, Harold F. Parks*, Albert W. Patrick*, Donald E. Sands, John ‘
W. Schaefer*, George W. Schwert*, Ian Shine*, D. Milton Shuffett, Robert
Straus*, Duane N. Tweeddale*, William S. Ward*, David R. Wekstein*, David
C. White*, Raymond A. Wilkie, Donald J. Wood*, Otis A. Singletary, William
R. Willard*, George J. Ruschell, Glenwood L. Creech, Stuart Forth*, Lewis
W. Cochran*, Lawrence A. Allen, Charles E. Barnhart, Harry M. Bohannan, [
Robert M. Drake, Jr.*, Harold D. Gordon, Jack B. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, I
Raymon D. Johnson*, Ernest F. Witte, and Joseph L. Massie*.

The University Senate met in called session at 4:00 p.m., Monday, [

The Senate approved the requests of Jeannie Leedom, reporter, and «Egg?
Dick Ware, photographer, both of the Kernel, to attend, report, and '\ ‘
photograph the meeting.

The minutes of the special meeting of November 3, 1969 and the regular

*Absence explained




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Minutes of the University Senate, November 24, 1969

meeting of November 10, 1969 were approved as circulated.

The Chair recognized Dr. Robert Rudd, A Senate Council member
substituting for the Senate Council Secretary, who presented the following

In accord with a charge from the University Senate Council and with
its full support, I move:

- \-<’—\ E""é:'-5"
i. .

(a) the adoption of the report of the Senate's ad hoc Committee
_ t on Academic Policy Implications of Instruction by Television;
Ltion ,
t (b) that the document be forwarded to the Senate's Rules Committee
{ with the charge that appropriate sections become a part of the
Rules of the University Senate;

(c) that the Senate Council be charged with the responsibility
of taking appropriate steps with the Office of the President
and/or the Senate to implement the report as early as possible.

flfiwl On behalf of Dr. Adelstein, who is not a Senator, Professor AlfIEd Crabb
‘ presented an amendment to delete the material following sub—paragraph
‘ 2 on pages 8 and 9, under section c. and to substitute the following
minimum guidelines for it. He further recommended that these proposed
, minimum guidelines be followed by the University and the faculty member
( in the written statements:

1. Initial Compensation
I An instructor engaged in writing, planning, rehearsing,
r and coordinating a course for television shall be relieved
* of all other teaching duties for one semester or compensated
accordingly. Instructors responsible for part of a
{ television course shall be relieved of their duties or
( compensated on a proportional basis.

2. Agreement on the Use and Distribution of a Television Course
The University shall have the right to use a television
6%gg5 course for two semesters. After that period, it may
r" negotiate with the instructor on an annual basis for
3 future use of the course, or for distribution of the
course outside the University.

1 _ 3. Ownership of the Television Course and the Copyright
( The instructor of the course and the University shall
I have joint ownership of the television course and the


4. Clearance Responsibility as to Previous Copyrighted Material
. Used in the Taped Presentation
l The University through the review committee (see 2 above)
{ shall be responsible for clearing the copyrighted
material used in any taped presentation.

\L’ At this point the Senate approved a request by Dr. Adelstein to be permitted
to speak on behalf of the amendment.























Minutes of the University Senate, November 24, 1969

Following Dr. Adelstein's presentation Dr. Dobyns presented an amendment
to the amendment to add the words "and equal" between the words "joint”
and "ownership” in the first sentence of arabic 3. of the amendment.

Following discussion the Senate defeated the amendment to the amendment.

Dr. Rudnick presented a recommendation to amend the amendment to delete
the phrase "all other teaching duties" in the first sentence of arabic l.
and replace it with the phrase ”some other duties”. The Senate defeated
this recommendation.

The Senate defeated the amendment to the original motion by a vote of
64 to 48.

The Senate then adopted the report, directed that it be forwarded to the
Rules Committee for inclusion of appropriate parts in the Rules, and
directed the Senate Council to take appropriate steps with the office

of the President and/or the Senate to implement the report as early as
possible. The Report, which was circulated to the entire faculty under
date of October 31, 1969, has been made a part of these Senate minutes
in the Registrar's Office.

On behalf of the Senate Council Dr. Rudd presented a proposal that
the Senate extend invitations to PreSident and Mrs. Singletary, Dr. and
Mrs. Alvin Morris, and members of the Board of Trustees and their wives
to join the Senate in an end—of-the-semester social at 6:00 p.m.,
December 17, 1969, at the Alumni House, this function to be paid for by
the charge of $4.00 per couple, and $2.00 for a single person attending
the social. By a show of hands the Senators indicated they would enjoy
such an event.

The Chairman stated that at the request of the AAUP and in response
to many Senate members there appeared to be some confusion in the balloting
process for election of three Senators to the Senate Council; that the
Senate Council had requested the Secretary of the Senate to submit a
second first ballot with lengthy instructions on how to vote; that this
request had been fulfilled and he was asking the Senate to rule on which
ballot should be counted. The Senate voted to count the second first
ballot which the Secretary had mailed to the Senate constituency.

Dr. Rudd stated that the Secretary of the Senate Council had been
charged by the Council to recommend to the Senate, approval, in principle,
of the proposed alterations in the Summer Session Program as circulated
to the Faculty under date of November 10, 1969. He stated further that
the Council at this time, wished to recommend to the Senate and the Board
of Trustees the implementation of only the first term of May 18th to
June 12th, in addition to the present eight—week term; and that on the
basis of experience gained from addition of this one term, the Senate then
act on the remaining summer schedule recommendations at its October 1970
meeting. Following discussion the Senate approved Dr. Rudd's motion by
a vote of 56 to 53. Therefore, the 1970 Summer Session Program will consist
of the regular eight—week summer session beginning classes on June 11th and

ending August 6, 1970 plus an additional four—week term beginning on May 18th

and ending June 12th.




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Minutes of the University Senate, November 24, 1969

Dr. Rudd presented a recommendation that the Senate meet at 3:00 p.m.
on the second Monday of each month effective in September 1970 and that
members of the Senate avoid that hour in scheduling their classes next
year. He stated that this recommendation was made in order that the
University Senate might have time to execute its business and in an
effort to avoid "called" meetings. The Senate approved this recommendation
which becomes effective in September 1970.

The Senate approved a motion to adjourn and to have a special called
meeting at 4:00 p.m., next Monday, December 1, 1969, in the Court Room

of the Law Building.

Elbert W. Ockerman


The University Senate met in called session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
December 1, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman
Ogletree presided. Members absent: Robert Aug*, Lyle N. Back*, Robert
A. Baker*, Harry V. Barnard, Henry H. Bauer*, Ben W. Black*, H. Martin
Blacker, Thomas 0. Blues*, L. L. Boyarsky, Wallace N. Briggs, Cecil Bull*,
Jacqueline Bull, Collins W. Burnett, Marion A. Carnes*, Clyde R. Carpenter*,
W. Merle Carter, Maurice A. Clay, Donald B. Coleman*, Carl B. Cone*,
Arthur L. Cooke, Robert L. Cosgriff*, George F. Crewe*, Loretta Denman*,
D. F. Diedrich*, R. Lewis Donohew, W. W. Ecton*, Joseph Engelberg*,
Frederic J. Fleron*, Joseph B. Fugate*, Milton E. Gellin*, William A.
Gordon, Ben R. Gossick, Michael D. Hall, Rebekah Harleston*, Robert D.
Haun, Jean M. Hayter*, J. W. Hollingworth*, Eugene Huff, Vernon L. James*,
Robert W. Kiser*, Donald E. Knapp*, Carl E. Langenhop*, Melvin J. Lerner,
Richard V. McDougall, Michael P. McQuillen, Dean H. Morrow*, Vernon A.
Musselman, Thomas M. Olshewsky, Bobby C. Pass*, Ronald E. Phillips,
Nicholas J. Pisacano, Muriel A. Poulin*, William R. Proffitt, John W.
Roddick*, J. G. Rodriguez*, Donald E. Sands*, John W. Schaefer*, Ian
Shine, Raymond A. Smith*, Stanford L. Smith *, Robert H. Spedding*,

Carl D. Tatum, Richard Thurston*, Duane N. Tweeddale*, Thomas A. Van*,
William S. Ward*, Paul M. Weeks, David R. Wekstein*, David C. White*,
Raymond P. White*, Raymond A. Wilkie, J. D. Wirtschafter, Donald J. Wood,
.Lawrence A. Allen, Charles E. Barnhart, Harry M. Bohannan, Glenwood L.
Creech, Marcia A. Dake*, George W. Denemark, Robert M. Drake, Jr.,

Stuart Forth, Timothy R. Futrell, Harold D. Gordon, Jack B. Hall,

Joseph Hamburg, Ellis F. Hartford, Raymon D. Johnson, Taft McKinstry,
Joseph L. Massie*, Elbert W. Ockerman*, John C. Robertson*, Sheryl G.
Snyder*, John L. Sutton, Joseph V. Swintosky*, and Ernest F. Witte.

The Senate approved the requests of Jeannie Leedom, reporter, and
Kay Brookshire, photographer, both of the Kernel, to attend, report,

and photograph the meeting.

*Absence explained















ADMISSIONS November 18, 1969


To: The University Senate

From: Elbert W. Ockerman, Secretary

A special meeting of the University Senate will be
held Monday, November 24, 1969, at 4:00 p.m. in the Court
Room of the Law Building.

Items on the agenda will be the report of the Senate
ad hoc Committee on Academic Policy Implications of
Instruction by Television which Dr. Ceo presented to you
for your consideration at the November 10th meeting; a

report of the ad hoc Committee on Attraction of and Aca—

demic Programming for Superior Students; a report of the

Senate 3d huc Commitlcc on the Role of the Faculty in

Public Relations; a proposal for a modified Summer Session;

a recommended Change in meeting hour for the Senate; plus

any new business which may be brought to the floor of the Senate.