xt75tb0xsj7b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsj7b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-04-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 2001 2001 2001-04-25 2020 true xt75tb0xsj7b section xt75tb0xsj7b m

The ‘805

Ever wonder


Born in l980. I am a
product of the '80s
Saturday morning
cartoon shows. I
remember almost all
the cool, corny and
simply stupid TV
programs, no matter
how hard I try to

forget. Back then, I sat

in front of the tube
and accepted
whatever nonsense
the networks dished

out. Today, however, I

try to question some

of the inconsistencies

and confusing topics
that surrounded my
favorite cartoons.
Here are some of the

issues that didn't make


What was so mysterious
about Scooby Doo's
Mystery Machine?

Did the Smurfs really

replace all their verbs
and adjectives with the

word “smurf" or was
it just the producer's
way of bleeping out
curse words?

0n "G. I. Joe," why did
the good guys use
guns with red beams
and the bad guys use

guns with blue beams?

Most of their guns
looked the same to

Were the Wuzzles all
genetic mishaps, or

were they evolutionary

steps in the right
direction? How did
crossing a lion and a

bumblebee ensure the

creature's survival?

Were Mr. T's necklaces a

fashion statement, or

was he weight

Why did the Doozers on
"Fraggle Rock" keep
working if they knew


Find out the
story of the
evangelist l to




that the Fraggles were
just going to eat their
structures? It seems
like a raw deal to me.

What was it exactly that
"You Can't do that on
Television" couldn't do
on television?

Why was 'five' always the
magic number for
super hero groups like

What was the relationship
like between the Get-
Along Gang off
camera? I'm sure
their success made
their egos unpleasant.

With a name like “Pee-
Wee's Playhouse," how
did we not foresee
what was to come for
Paul Reubens?

When the humans were
riding inside the

Transformers as cars,

why didn't they get
crushed when they
transformed into

If He-Man and She-Ra
were brother and
sister, why weren't
their names similar,
like lie-Ra or She-

-Jonathwi Ray

7.0 4.?

on can you feel the

Kentucis v

VOL. M06



News tips?
Call: 257-l915 or write:






Parking fines to increase by July 1

Shell out the cash: Tickets will increase $5,
grade period will also increase to 10 days

By Nick Tomecek


Starting July 1 students will
have to shell out more cash for
parking tickets that are not paid
within the new IOday grace period.

Right now. students in viola-
tion of parking without a permit
will pay $10 and will have seven
days to pay the ticket or the fine
will increase to $15. Under the new
plan. the $10 ticket will double to
$20 afier 10 days.

Many students are upset by the
new plan.

“I think it's pretty ridiculous. A
lot of times it is just going over to
the parking office. Like other stu»
dents I forget.“ said Sabrina Coyle.

an elementary education senior.

But Don Thornton, the director
of Parking and Transportation Ser-
vices. says he is not sympathetic to
complaints by students because of
the impact violators have on people
who pay for permits.

“[Parking violations] impact
the students and employees that
have those permits." Thornton said.

In addition to the new grace pe-
riod. students will also pay $50 for
parking violations in fire lane and
handicap spaces. a fine doubling
from the current $25 fine.

The new plan was composed by
the Parking Transportation Com-
mittee. which is made up of faculty.
staff and students. The plan took six
months to prepare with much coop-



eration from the students in the
committee. Thornton said.

The new grace period and fine
will be effective for controlling per-
sistent violators. he said.

“increasing tines appears to be
a deterrent. Right now an individ-
ual can look at the cost of a pemiit
and can park in violation at least 15
times before it equals the cost of a
permit." Thornton said.

The fine for using a fake or
stolen permit decreased from the
cost of a new permit to a flat $100
fine. Pemiits cost $152 for the year.

Students will still be towed af-
ter six parking violations within a
year. but starting July 1 the im-
pounding fee will add $25 in addi
tion to the current $52 paid to re-
trieve a person's car after it has
been towed.

“We‘re trying to deter individu-
als from constantly violating the
rules." Thomton said.



‘3‘} r.




Beginning July l stu-
dents will pay $15 for
regular parking tick-
ets. The current
price is Slo. Other
areas that will see
increases include the
fine for parking In
fire lanes and handl-
cap spaces. This fine
will double. The cur-
rent fine is $25,
beginning July I It
will be $50.


Lexington police

get decked in


Top: Adam Spiller, a marketing junior,
chomp: Into a hot dog at the United Way
hot dog sale outside of the use Building.
This is the sixth year of the hot dog sale.
United Way earned $400 last year from
the sale.

Loft: The event was sponsored by United
Way of the Bluegrass. an organization
that funds over zoo program through 92
partner agencies in Anderson. Bourbon,
Clark. Fayette, Jessamine,

Madison. Montgomery and Scott Counties
of Central Kentucky. The sign pictured at
left was part of a fund-raising effort last


mtoutcu | moratonon



By Lamin Swann


Reaching a milestone.

That's how many students
see the completion of their under-
graduate studies.

Nineteen minority students
reached their milestone last
Thursday in the sixth annual
Rites of Passage ceremony.

UK faculty and staff across
campus came as elders to honor
the graduating students in com-
pleting their studies in the health

When presented tokens and a
“Class of 2001" kente cloth stoll
by the Medical Center Chancellor
James W. Holsinger. Jr.. gradu
ates thanked those who helped
them through their studies. in-
cluding the Medical Center Mi.
nority Affairs office. The office
sponsored the ceremony.

"I would like to thank the Mi-
nority Affairs office. if not for
them. I would not have made it."
said Nardos Ghebrelul. a graduat-
ing dentistry student.

Graduating from the College
of Pharmacy. LuShawna Dulin
also thanked the Minority Affairs
office for the continuing support
it gives to students by writing a
senior moment in the program.

“Reach out to others and be
there for them as they in return
will be there for you," Dulin said.

“The minority affairs office
allows you to have that support
or shoulder you may need some

Dulin. from Louisville. will
have a doctorate in pharmacy
next month and is working on
her master's in public adminis-

“Knowing that every person
graduating from the college of

pharmacy in 2001 will have a doc-
tor of pharmacy degree, I wanted
to be able to have something that
would set me apart from every-
one else." Dulin said.

Some were thankful just to
make it to this point.

.lai Gilliam. a graduating
medical student. said many times
he thought he wasn't going to
make it through medical school
and thanked his mother for his

“Thank you for raising two
black boys into men." he said of
his mother. who raised him and
his brother as a single parent.

Gilliam was chosen by his
peers in the Minority Affairs of-
fice as the 2001 Outstanding

He will head to Detroit after
graduating from the UK College
of Medicine.

Full house: Cards used to
reinforce safety issues

By Cara C. Hood
Samaria 7’

Look a little closer the next time you
see children in Lexington trading collec-
tor's cards. Instead of cute little Japanese
monsters. local kids might be carrying
cards of members of the Lexington- Fayette
Urban County Division of Police.

Patients from the UK Pediatrics Clinic
thanked Lexington police officers for the
trading cards they receive when they visit
the clinic by presenting them with a hand-
made poster Tuesday afternoon.

Several officers were on hand to accept
the poster and meet the children who adv
mire them.

Grace Maguire. an UK pediatrician.
learned about the police trading card pro—
gram. started hy the Citizen Police Acade.
my Alumni Association. and decided to
start giving the cards to patients at their
clinic visits. Maguire uses the cards as a
way to reinforce safety issues to children.

Cards are available with pictures of 67
of Lexington's officers. and many feature
officers who perform their duties in a
unique way such as Officer Gina Beth
Smith with her horse and Sgt. Alan Martin
with his K-9 dog. Max.

Each card has a short biography that
includes their training and hobbies and a
safety message from the officer on the back.

Officer Debbie Wagner directs the pro-
gram for the Citizen Police Academy Alum-
ni Association. Wagner said the trading

See CARDS on 2


It lets the
get to
know us
better. It
lets them
know we
are here
to serve

- Lt. James
of the Police
Department's new
trading cards


For the honorees




The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington







z I meson. mu 25ftobi | itiirucitv rum




The Low-down

USS Greenevllle skipper to retire

PEARL HARBOR. Hawaii , (‘mdr Scott RUDDERLESS:
Waddle raised eyebrows in legal circles when he Robert Downey
decided to testify without immunity at a Navy Jr., whose
court of inquiry into the USS Greeneville‘s colli- career has been


TOKYO — Dealing a blow to Japan‘s political
elite, maverick reformer Junichiro Koizumi de-
feated a former premier to win the ruling party
presidency Tuesday, guaranteeing his election as
the next prime minister. The 293-155 vote by par-
ty members over former Prime Minister Ryutaro
Hashimoto capped a stunning upset by Koizumi.
who was hoisted to the pinnacle of the Liberal
Democratic Party by an overwhelming show of
support by the 2.3 million rank-and-file members
in the primaries. The election of Koizumi reflect-


Continued from page 1


them free of charge.

Companies and individu-
als who sponsor an officer are
recognized on the back of the
cards just below the safety

cards have been an important message.

public relations tool for the

de artinent and ) ularwith .Wagner said cards are
officers as well. w p available on request from the

Lt. James Jackson does police department or from the
individual officers who carry

It is sad.
didn’t even
know who
Onassis is.“

- Martha
to the New

York Times at
the Metropoli-
tan Museum
of Art's Mon-
day night gala
for its special
exhibition on
the first lady.



Hellfh/Alcohnl quralinn
Programs Office
202C FI'IIR Hall

sion with a Japanese fishing vessel. But Waddle's
attorney says the skipper's testimony may have
helped him avoid a court-martial Japanese fami-
lies liad called on the Navy court of inquiry to
recommend a t‘lilll‘t-Illill'Ilill for Waddle. who was
in charge Feb. 9 when the [7.8. submarine
rammed the L‘hiine l\laru during a surfacing drill
and killed nine of their relatives. At an “admi-
ral‘s mast" Monday. Waddle was found guilty of
two violations of military law: dereliction in per
t'ormance of duties and negligent hazarding of a
vessel. Adm. Thomas Fargo. commander of the
US. Pacific Fleet. issued a letter of reprimand to
the 41—yearold skipper and took steps to perma-
nently remove him from command But Fargo de»
cided against a court martial.

Taiwan to get U.S. arms package,

WASHINGTON President Bush is offering
Taiwan a panoply of military equipment. includ-
ing submarines. to face off a Chinese threat.
while deferring sales of the item Taiwan wants
most: high-tech l' S. destroyers equipped with
the Aegis combat radar system The sale of such
equipment to Taiwan. which China considers a
rebellious province. could have worsened US.-
(‘hina relations already strained by the collision
between a US. spy plane and a (‘liinese jet that
led to the 11-day detention of 24 American mili-
tary personnel. (.‘hina still holds the US. aircraft.
The White House took pains to assuage Beijing's
concerns about the arms package. which was out-
lined to reporters Monday by several US. offi-
cials and lawmakers who had been briefed on the
decision. But the White House also made clear
that future sales to Taiwan of the statoofthe-art
Aegis system still were possible given t‘hina‘s re
cent arms buildup.

U.S., Peru disagree on facts of crash

WASHINGTON The Bush administration
and Peruvian authorities are in sharp disagree
ment over whether Peru’s military violated es-
tablished rules in shooting down an American
missionary plane. Peru‘s air force expressed re-
gret Monday for the deaths of American mission-
ary Veronica Bowers and her T-month-old daugh-
ter. Charity. but it denied suggestions in Wash-
ington that it failed to follow established rules of
engagement in the Friday incident. White House
spokesman Ari Fleischer said the l'S. crew of a
CIA—operated surveillance aircraft tracking the
missionary plane ”did its best to make certain
that all the rules were followed.”

l‘nrvrralrs Health \(nur‘
Hlfi‘ Kentmlu ( lirm
Rose Street

insult 1““ m": “lfl'hlu

repeatedly de-
railed by drugs,
was arrested
early on Tues-
day for alleged-
ly taking an
unknown "stim-
ulant." police
said. an offense
that could send-
hlm back to
prison. Downey,
36 - who spent
a year in a Cali-
fornia prison for
cocaine posses-
sion and faces
trial stemming
from a Palm
Springs drug
arrest - was
taken into cus-
tody just after
midnight local
time (3 am.
EDT) in the Los
Angeles suburb
of Culver City.

Marlon Brando
won't be
appearing in the
sequel to Scary
Movie after all.
Dimension Films
said Tuesday
that Brando's
illness will keep
him from doing
a cameo in the
comedy Scary
Movie 2.

ed growing public disgust with the political es
tablishment and the sour economy. and the
LDP‘s desperate attempt to revamp its stick-in-
the-mud image ahead of upper house Parliamen-
tary elections this summer.

not have a card of his own but
said he looks forward to get»
ting one soon. “It lets the citi-

them while on duty.

Jackson said. "it lets them kHOW hOW to have fun.
know we're here to serve
Plane takes off safely for risky rescue them
WELLINGTON. New Zealand ,, A plane re-
turned Tuesday to New Zealand with four sick
staffers and seven other Americans retrieved
from a research station near Antarctica‘s coast s- _ ML, we-.. . . _ ,
~ the first of two perilous rescue missions to the
bottom of the world. A C130 Hercules landed on
an ice runway at McMurdo Station on the last
day of sunshine before the polar winter. To pre-
vent freezing in the minus 22 temperatures. the
engines were kept running for an hour while the
evacuees were picked up. The overall flight took
15 hours before returning safely to Christ church
late in the day. Hours later. officials hoped to
launch a second. riskier mission 800 miles inland
to the geographic South Pole to rescue a sick
American doctor waiting for urgent treatment.

tributed to anyone who wants makes you human."

mm m
o o u ‘ ‘ E i‘ 3 ':
Arguments begin In driver's death M M .; y

GRAYSON. Ky. ., Opening arguments were W ‘5‘ a
heard on Tuesday for the trial of a man accused : ".1 l . ‘i
of fatally shooting race car driver Jack Boggs. lite“; haw; M’ ‘

Jury selection ended mid-afternoon. while at» a .. .
torneys delivered opening arguments before
Carter County Circuit J udgc Samuel Long.

Charles “Blaine” Dailey. 42. of Lawton. is
charged with one count of murder in the March
1999 shooting death of Boggs. who was found
dead in his truck with about a dozen bullet
wounds. Dailey told police he shot Boggs because
Boggs had raped his wife. according to court

Meanwhile. representatives of "Court TV." a
cable show that specializes in live trial coverage.
has asked Long for permission to televise the tri-
al Officials with the show said they would tape
the proceedings for a later broadcast.

Long has not made a decision.



How to make money...

Bureau of Printing and Engraving employee Anthony Brooks holds a

stack of one dollar bills sheets during a rare tour of the facility to

promote the fifth annual National Teach Children to Save Day.
Compiled from wire reports.


Wagner said that the pro-
zens get to know us better." gram ShOWS that the 901109

“I think it is a wondeiful.
fun program." Wagner said.
A 591 Of 1000 trading “And it is a win-win situation.
cards cost $100 and will be dis- It takes you out of the car and




Tryouts for the 2001-2002 National Championship
UK Cheerleading Squads will be held Sunday, April 29
at 1:00 pm in Memorial Coliseum.

They will he FREE and open to the public.


To try out you must attend the clinics held prior to the
tryouts. The dates and times are:

Thursday, April 26 @ 7pm
Friday. April 27 @ 6 pm
Saturday. April 28 @ 10 am & 6 pm
The clinics will he held in the Seaton Center
Gymnastics room. You are required to bring proof of
medical insurance.

If there are any questions call 257-9080 ext. 347





Marlin“ nmannamnnni



"iitiinicii’vuniitti wtoiitsoriv. mu 25.2001 | 3



Pioneering woman,
always the teacher

Striving and succeeding: Sociology professor's life filled with
education and wisdom; Today she passes her knowledge on to others

By Donia Sflalhg


For many. the road to success is long. hard
and filled with challenging obstacles. But
Doris Wilkinson doesn't feel her struggle was
that burdensome.

Wilkinson was the first black woman hired
as a full-time faculty member at UK. She was
one ofthe first to enroll in the "historic" fresh-
man class a few months after the Supreme
Court's 1954 decision allowing blacks to enroll
in universities.

Graduate students at UK were admitted af-
ter Lyman T. Johnson's suit.

“You have to use the word
‘historic' because it is impor-
tant." she said. She was also
the first to finish in that class
on the Dean's List and re-
ceived her degree in less than
four years.

It was one year after
Wilkinson and 18 other
African-American students en-
tered UK that Rosa Parks took
a vacant seat in the front of a
City bus in Montgomery. Ala..
and refused to give her seat to
a white man. She was arrested and African
Americans organized a two-year bus boycott.

“It was very surprising at that time [to fin-
ish on the Dean‘s List]." the sociology profes-
sor said.

“I found UK to have been an intriguing en
vironment. and it was challenging but not dif-
ficult." she said.

Even though Wilkinson attended a racially
segregated elementary and high school. she
felt she got a very good education. “The ironic
thing was that I learned fundamental literacy
skills and math skills." she said. “I came thor-
oughly prepared."

“1 went to the real Dunbar." she added.
“the teachers equipped us." When Wilkinson
attended the “real" Dunbar. she could not go to
the movie theaters in downtown Lexington or
shop in some of the department stores or eat in
any of the downtown restaurants.

While UK did not desegregate until the
mid-twentieth century. "surprisingly it was a
very pleasant environment. with nice students
that were always smiling to let you know that
you were welcome." Wilkinson said.

“It was a very positive. very comfortable
climate." she said.

Nearing the completion of her doctorate
from Case Western Reserve University in med
ical sociology. Wilkinson was soon hired as a


full-time faculty member. “It was a very excit-
ing time and i had marvelous colleagues." she
said. She stayed at UK for twoand-a-half years.

It was her love for teaching. caring profes
sors and hard work that helped carve her way
to success.

“I think I played school with my parents as
a child. and l was always the teacher." Wilkirr
son said. She also worked extremely hard to
get where she is today. While studying for her
master's. she was hired to teach at Kent State
University. “I commuted from Cleveland (Case
Western Reserve) to Kent [to teach] and was
only a chapter ahead of the students because I
was a full'time student myself." she said.

She added. “dedicated teachers are so im-
portant for the learning process and student
growth. Chance as well as being a good student
brought me here and compelled me to become
a college professor."

“A university ought to be more than just a
series of courses but an enriched environment
for students to see art exhibits and to hear
quality lectures." she said. “Very little posi-
tive is known about African Americans and I
see it as a mission to reinforce the fact that
African Americans have been a highly produc
tive population in this country,"

Wilkinson is also interested in other areas
that she hopes to research. “I am interested in
studying university cultures. their values and
bureaucratic structures." she said.

She is also very interested in "the impact
of a university's history and its administrative
hierarchy on the intellectual life and its

”I think that the university could benefit
from a more multicultural. multi-ethnic facul-
ty pool." she added. “I'm not sure what the in-
centives are for good. quality African-Ameri-
can faculty, regardless of gender or age. to re-
main. for example. in a College of Arts and Sci-

While Wilkinson is successful today. she,
still admits to encountering barriers. "There
are African-American faculty and students
who face continuing obstacles. even I faced
them." she said.

Still. her greatest achievement was that
she established the African-American Studies
and Research program and founded the Black
Women‘s Conference. "because I developed
them from nothing , creations that attracted
the interest of students and faculty." she said.

Wilkinson's plans for the future are as
busy as her present and past. She wants to
write more books and play classical music.

“I love the task of creating an idea."

I think I played school with my
parents as a child...”






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Campus Calendar

April 23 - April 2‘), 200]
The (ompus folendm it, produred by the Oltire of Student Attwrties Registered Student Gigs and Ult Dept: (on submit information lor FREE onlrne ONE WEE i
(all 257-3867 for more information
33:93 I .l ”C"ylyiimff'li'Lillli'li.:l;"l1§"m9R” 'Diientation for Internships & Shodowmg. l0 llorn l0? Stuorert Bldg

PRIOR to the MONDAY information IS to appear at http://www.uliy.odu/(unipus Calendar
Ihurs 26
3 'AflthoW' ‘- . - ACADEMIC-


‘Amnesty International, 8pm 223 Stud (tr

'lreshmen torus ipm, Boot Stud Union (hapel

‘UK lambda Mtg / 309m 73l Stud (tr

‘Devoiiom n lun(h l7 lSpm, det Stud Union Multipurpose Room
‘Dmoqr'nn‘td‘c '(umpusfrusode for (host 7309M Stud (tr Worshom Theatre
SPORE '(hmlion Student Fellowship Synergy Bprn (SF (other 0‘ Woodland
‘llkrludn (lut i b tiluni Alumni Gym :7“ and (OlUMb'a

srtrul right:

‘AFD Pie Med tndurtiori («lemony Banquet t’pnt butt-town

'"n‘tuu Vic/flue it hot? ‘1tvd'vdfl'fl‘,’ ’t

. 3m ’gmw 14.. we iii, 6 from fat-4r. that ’ “1'

~ rung“ 3K193M‘0m roman

'UK RUGBY Prortrre 6 8pm, Club Sports ireld

vac; 5335.0": ”"ilflq ~ not;
9w' Stud *Mhum “we“ on e 1«‘-ic'tlfi- .tr. 't '- '

' ’l‘tm «r M ii ..=

» ttfliflflélfii REEBLlllON

'UI iviioa'irn a warm» unrm {.m .zi-
Medieval and isnonsanre lurooean (rowing f 9pm 163 Did ituri .ti

Fl“ 27 MEMO?
MEETIN_G_S ‘Newmon [enter Mos: 60m

'(ulturol Event in Frenrh Mtg 5-60m Keenelund Hall Basement


- SPORTS . 'loe Kwon Do (lub P'ottire Hours llom l7 3Cprr Alumni Gym lot“
‘loe Kwon {Jo (lob Prottrre Hours. 5 6 309m, Alumni Gym loft

fipt of Entomology (olloqurm. 4pm, Ag Sirenre (ti North A 7

'Open Gyrn~Volleyboll Uplinlr (ompus MmlSilIES 8pm. (olvory Baptist

(hurrh Gym

”Newman (enter Mass 9am ll 300m Spm and 8 300m 8""
'Noon Bagel Brunrh Hillel lewvsh Stud Org ‘YOOom Manhattan Bagel on Rrrhmond Rd

"Phi Sigma Pi Mtg lpm 230 rJtud (tr

‘8 1? University Worship Serrire 8 llpm SouthSrde {hurrh 0t (lill‘u‘

’Sible Study Jesus the One and Only Uplinlr (ampus Ministriet 3 7pm [ulrory Bup'at (hurrh
' ‘Romona Bible Study 8 309m Baptist Stud Union {hovel



'Leiington (ornrnurut, Orrhestru turn Srnqletnry fir R“

' lllléfllflgfiflifllgfi
'Ull Atlrido (lot) 1 3pm Ult Alumni Gym rah
3 'Rerreolion Night Uplrnll (amnuiMrrnstnes 79m Calvary

Bap'lSl (hurrh Re: 1 Outrertrh (tr


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orkshop offered for
non-traditional students

Back to school: People interested in returning to
school can get answers to questions about college

By Michal Cieraszynslii
"s 'v'tht ' Ni, Nk‘ '-~
llttlilt'uiu’lx. tests and studying
the daily pressures ol' i'ollege lite
I‘Lu se routines ixin be dit‘iieult t'oi‘

s.'!“lt l‘ls biz! espeeially t'oi' non
't lilll“'iltll students who ha\e laiiii
'. ~ intuit-s ind iobs‘ to ai'i'oiiipaiiy

the» l lass work

In an etloi't to make returning to
st Eioo‘i eis‘iei‘ tor adult students. 1'l\'
l-i\teitsioit is otleriiig a bark to
*st hoof workshop Sarah Sizemore.
t'itt‘l‘tl‘llilii'i' tor the l'iii\'er.sity Ex
tetiviw t‘u‘ workshop \\'ill be open
in eittit students who are high
swhoo' grain llt‘s lor those who lit‘V

li‘i‘l‘llt‘ll toliege or students who
s 't ;\'\ ‘.\ sh 'o return to t‘ollegi‘

s- minim Med the workshop will
will: :ii.tii\ solutions to the eoiii'erns
o: "wt‘ tt til3tioiial students

\lit'dl‘fillfi .it the workshop will
it. ‘ilt!t>\21l:l\.ill Medallion i'eeipieiit
ex? . '7 ‘Cl‘t‘l l'lx' student Randy Law
sor I l\\sllll. l 13 \eai‘old graduate
sizi‘» '2' ill the (‘olli-ge ol~ Soi'ial
\\ w ?. Wanted to school at'ter many
~ a 'i o: i..t‘.«.: with disabled stii

l‘.i :1 "it llls.illllli\ Reselli‘i‘e

l t tit-i tried to study soeial
i‘uvl, "til it t‘b l'it'iersltvs
l'k‘ .w t It‘i'i \VI‘r‘lxt'i‘al L I‘llt‘tll‘

it .. ot goitxz to si'hoel.


Walker, Gill to receive honorary doctorates

t‘haneelloi' emeritus ot’ the Silll(lt‘l‘\*Bl‘t)i\'l‘i t‘eiitei‘ on Ag of the Martin Luther King. Jr,

Lawson had to deal with payments.
bills and tainily matters. which he
said younger students do not have to
worry about

"It (the Evening and Weekend
(‘olleget tells older students what to
expert and also tells them many
things that students who have been
out ol st'hool llll' 3U years may not
know." he said. And Lawson said an
lllIi‘Ullth‘iltlil is benetieial to students

who. like himselt‘. haVe been out oi~

si‘liool toi‘ it) years

litl\\\()ll said the Evening and
Weekend t‘ollege eaters espeeially to
the needs itillitll traditional students.
It otters elasses to nearly lotion sill
dents during the tall and spring so
inesters as well as the seeond sum
mer elas's session The eollege oll‘ers
many inaioi's llit‘l‘tltllllkl English.
business administi'.‘itioii and soeial

(‘eeile Mrh’miiey. i'oordinator
for the Evening illltl \Veekend (‘ol
lege. said mort needs to
be done,

“Many St’i‘Vlt‘es uttered to adult
students have dei hneil over the
years." she said .\(llllli‘.1lllill in 199':
l'lx' dissolved an (lilllll‘lllll support
program t‘or adult students Al
though many ol‘ the .ser\ii‘es were

moved to ventral .id\ ising, a l'ew ot‘

the seryii-es sueh as the Evening and
Weekend (‘ollege and si'holarships

for adult students went to the Uni-
versity Extension under MeKinnev's

Even though McKinney said she
feels UK provides adequate assis-
tanee to non-traditional students. she
said more should be done to make
l'K eonvenient for them.

"There should be a eentral loca-
tion for adult students to go front 8
ant. until 8 pm." MeKinney said. ”It
would be good for students who
work as well."

Mike Rohs. a 2ti~year-old psy-
ehology senior. is one ol‘ the 7500
adult students over the age of 25 trav-
eling aeross UK's eampus daily.
Rohs happened to be one of those iti-
dividuals wishing to eontinue his ed-
ucation. non-traditionally. And he
said it was not easy.

"learning to think like a student
again can be hard." Rohs said.
adding that regular students avoid
nontraditional students.

However. he does believe return-
ing to school has been a very positive
exixirienee so far.

"Readjusting to life as a eollege
student has been difficult." Rohs
said. “However the (‘hanee to better
yourself is Worth it."

In the classroom

The workshop will take place from 7
to 9 pm. on Thursday in 230 Student


to think
like a

can be

- Milte Rohs,
26, psychology
senior on the
difficulties non-
students face
when going back
to school.























litet piiiiiii‘ lliat ll;l\'t'

r Katee to the tamltus
ll‘liil W".‘\ ll; \.lbitHl\ ‘fitlfi \
‘\\_:‘ .I‘ti ,\.t' l‘llljitl'flK tltlt‘ittl'

degrees tron; l'li .it this

\ t‘.il' \ i'ttlllll'J‘llI i‘llll‘lll

prrli‘“ l‘ llosotiiuorth. tor
lill'l‘ rhiiireilor ot the t‘han
iiier \leii1i ii l'tiitei‘. Linda
Ill-1% lllll. it lu-liviar‘ttii‘ ()1.
llx'l lurii and ink tiill

lie!“ Institute, ind Frank X

\t..‘;«.., glib" .iiit’. iuihor til

"i \""It'lt hJi/ it'ollt't‘ilrtli

lHJ’ littll'll Hi l‘l‘llilt‘t's Iii)


l il‘x\trl‘ll‘;. who is




UK (‘haiiillei' Medieal (‘eiiteil
began his tenure at l'h' in
ion: as the lust ehair ol the
department ot anesthesiology
at the age of :13. the youngest
i'hairperson ot' a department
oi anesthesiology in the

This is not the only honor
liosoiiiwoi‘th rei'eiyeil this

(in .-\pril :l, the Health
Seient'es Research ltuilding
was named alter him It was
built during his tenure as
t‘li;llit elior l‘rom 198‘: to lttitl
Many buildings were <-on
striit'ted during his tenure as
i‘haiirelloi'. They llit‘llllll' the

Since TORI


N l'
x.‘ "s.
I ,‘V‘i

‘ ‘
u 5"!


$55 ‘Tflh'IIE lBllfGa WLUl


. -

v‘anotia'rt Dnrmd my a mi

manic: caret?”

Ponfius (chief 19' “

e a in w (l m p u s mm a


ll,///,/ .




ing. Warren Wright Iliiiversi-
ty Medieal l’laza. \\'lll(‘ll be»
eame the Kentueky (‘liiiit‘
and the l.ueille l’ai'ker
Markey (‘aneer (‘enteii

(till. with her husband
.laek. gave an initial donation
ol‘SB million in 1998 to build a
heart institute, 'l‘he Linda
and .laek (lill building. whieh
will house the institute. is
under eonstruetion at the
Medieal (‘enter and will he
eompleted in about a year.

(till is an UK graduate
and a former teaeher.

Walker. a native oi~

llanville and an UK graduate.
was the program eoordinator
















(‘ultural (‘enter when its
doors opened in the mid-1980s
In 1999. Walker produeed
his first and highly requested
published work. illffrilat‘hia.

A year later. the book of

poetry was adapted into a
sold-out play by LlK's theater

Walker is eurrently diree-
tor of the Governor’s Sehool
for the Arts in Louisville.

The eoinnieneeinent will
begin at 10 am. Sunday. May
is in Memorial (‘oliseuni

()utgoing UK president
(‘harles Wethington will be
this year‘s (‘ommeneement

Kings chp

Los Angeles Kings'
Adam Deadmarsh
reacts to his overtime
goal to heat the
Detroit Red Wings
and talre the first-
round playoff series
in their Western Con-
ference game. Mon-
day night in Los
Angeles. In the back-
ground is Kings'
Jozef Stumpel. The
Kings won 3-2.



. 1, and 3 bedrooms

. Small Pets Welcome

. 50 ft. from UK Medical Center
-24 hour Laundry

. Washe