xt75tb0xsj55 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsj55/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-12-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1998 1998 1998-12-04 2020 true xt75tb0xsj55 section xt75tb0xsj55  





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Busmoss issues


The following are actual
statements found on
insurance forms
where car drivers
attempted to
summarize the
details of an accident
in the fewest
possible words:

Coming home I drove
into the wrong house
and collided with a
tree I don't have.

The other car collided
with mine without
giving warning of its

I thought my window
was down, but I
found it was up when
I put my head
through it.

| collided with a
stationary truck
coming the other

A truck backed through
my windshield into
my wife's face.

The guy was all over the
road. I had to swerve
a number of times
before I hit him.

I pulled away from the
side of the road.
glanced at my
mother -in-law and
headed over the

In an attempt to kill a
fly, I drove into a
telephone pole.

I had been shopping for
plants all day and
was on my way
home. As I reached
an intersection a
hedge sprang up.
obscuring my vision
and I did not see the
other car.

I had been driving for 40
years when I fell
asleep at the wheel
and had an accident.

I was on the way to the
doctor with rear end
trouble when my
universal joint gave
way, causing me to
have an accident.

l was sure the old fellow
would never make it
to the other side of
the road when I
struck him.

The pedestrian had no
idea which way to
run as I ran him over.

The indirect cause of the
accident was a little
guy in a small car
with a big mouth.

l was thrown from my
car as it left the
road. I was later
found in a ditch by
some stray cows.

The telephone pole was
approaching. I was
attempting to swerve
out of the way when
I struck the front

- Source:

- Ron Norton



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6.9 5.6

Same ole'. same ole'.
partly sunny with a
chance of showers on

VOL. 8104 ISSUE i870



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December 4__98



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their next
assignment: a
bowl I 5






“He showed up and I was trying to shave my legs as fast as I could; when I

got into his truck, my legs were bleeding everywhere.”


Relationships can yield tremendous joy at the start, but many students say that making them last can be the hardest part.

— Shara Snodgrass,

physician's assistant senior

of a kind

The science of dating varies for UK
students looking to build relationships

(Editor‘s note: This is the sec-
ond in (1 _tom=pm‘t series examin-
ing dating and relationships on
college trmzpuses.)

By Jennifer Treadway


Having trouble finding places
to go on a date‘.’

You‘re not alone. This is a
dilemma almost all couples at [K
face every weekend.

Though Lexington has more
options than most places in Keri-
tucky. students still find it harrl
to come up with new and inter-
esting things to do. In fact. many
students find they have to travel
to Louisville or (‘incinnati fora
change iii atmosphere. Longrdis

tance travel usually means more
out-of-pocket expense. not to
mention finding the time to make
the trip.

Broadcast junior Kyle
hawkins said dating is hard at
any age. but is especially hard for
college students.

“Balancing school with
spending time together is very
tough for college couples.”
Hawkins said.

Hawkins and his girlfriend
Jessica Davis. a communications
junior. enjoy going to the mall
and watching movies. Their fa
vorite theater is Lexington Green
Movies 8. because it‘s near
Fayette Mall,

Andrea Hays. an alithi‘opolor
gy senior. and her boyfriend

New rec facility ’
facing setback

By Maureen Chinn

(animations WRITER

The new recreational far
cility I'K has proposed could
face a setback.

Because of the recent
dorm fire at Murray State
University. universities are
now required to put sprin-
kler systems in their dormi
tories. said Jack Blanton.
vice chancellor for Adminis»

have a sprinkler system will
be using the state bonds in or»
der to pay for the systems." he

state bonds for other projects.
pool has never been complete-

ly used up before." Blanton

"l'niversities who don't

This leaves little money in

“The money in the bond

llK had planned on using

See FACILITY on 2 >>>




Darin Hensley. a civil enciu-w-i
ing junior. also like to :o to the

"We go to the (‘armilw- The
atre a lot." Hays said "'l‘hv-v usu
ally have a good selection, and
tickets are cheap "

When the weather I\ no e.
and they‘re bored with thr- 'xpi
cal dating regimen. Hays And
Hensley go to the park to tly kites
or play Frisbee.

"We‘ve been dating for a lit
tle over a year now.” llavs said
“After a while. you just run out oi
things to do. so you haw to ui-t

Although the overall coin opt
of dating hasn‘t changed tutu "t
over the last five to lo you s.
Hays said the ideal oi the ii-staii
rant-movie date no longer domi
hates the social scene

See FIRST on 4



The Student Newspaper at the Uversity of Kentucky, Lexington .,



Tales from the
first-date front
I 4

Survey says
students sticking
to the one true
thing, sometimes
staying single I 3

Making it through
the tough times
when the
relationship fails
I 4




Owner to
in court

Summonses served to Haney's
bar on misdemeanor charges

By Jessica Coy
NEWS [poof


Bar owner .lames Haney Jr. was
served with eight summonses yesterday
that will require him to appear in Fayette
County District (Tourt on misdemeanor
charges of serving alcohol to minors and
serving after hours.

The summonses were in response to
reports filed by Fayette (Tounty Detective
Keith Howard that said Haney “provided
malt beverages" to Chad Alan Clore. a
marketing sophomore from Union.
Michael Beirne. an undeclared freshman
and UK wide receiver. and Nicholas Heald.
a business freshman. the night of Nov. 11
at Haney‘s Tavern.

The reports also said the alcoholic
beverages were served to Clore. Beime.
Heald. L'K center Jason Watts and busi-
ness senior Jake Terlau “during non-busi-
ness hours" that night, The summonses
were issued as the result of investigation
into the events surrounding Clore‘s death
that same night. Clore was killed when he
stumbled into the path of a passing train
after leaving Haney‘s home. A blood-alco—
hol test showed that he was drunk. Police
have ruled Clore‘s death an accident.

Should Haney be found guilty of serv-
ing minors and selling liquor after hours.
he could face jail time and the loss of his li-
cense to sell beer.

Fayette (‘ounty Detective Fran Root
told reporters at a news conference yester-
day that Haney is the subject ofa criminal
investigation being conducted by Lexington
Police. as well as an administrative investi-
gation by the state Alcohol Beverage Con-
trol department, Earlier this week. UK and
NCAA officials were investigating Haney to
see if Haney‘s gambling losses may have
had any connection with UK sports.

Haney listed 88.000 in gambling losses
in a bankruptcy filing last year. but police
and prosecutors found no reason to believe
the betting had anything to do with UK or
college sports. said Bill Saum. who over-
sees gambling matters for the NCAA.

The Associated Press contributed to this



Brown OK
with ()&E

SGA president skeptical, but
will comply if it is passed
I?! 4'" Wit

sort which

Student Government Association Presi-
dent Nate Brown said he is comfortable with
the proposal decided Vi'ednesday night by
the Operations and Evaluations Committee
that would require hint to write memos to
SGA senators regarding his weekly actions.

“I have no problem doing it." Brown
said. “but they need to define. in detail.
how intich they want."

The proposal came about because of
Brown's nomination of Matt Anderson to a
position on the Elections Board of (‘laims
SGA appointed him to that position with-
out knowledge ot Brown's actions. The sen»
ate asked the committee to complete an in-
vestigation and develop a proposal.

Brown is concerned that SGA members
might not need to know everything that is
happening within the executive branch.

“The executive branch should find a
good balance between keeping the Senate
informed." he said. “and what may not be
beneficial for them to know."

Writing a lilpage detailed report every
week. Brown said. would not be beneficial.
because several activities would not con-
cern the Senate.

“If they need me to write a long. detailed

See DIM on 2 >>>




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The Low-down



Western Algeria bomb kills 14

ALGIERS. Algeria M A bomb exploded
at a market in western Algeria yesterday.
killing 14 people and injuring 23 in the sixth
attack in a week.


Continued from page 1

report, though. I will." he said.

“I knew that whatever the
committee decided would be
fair." Senator at Large Keisha
Carter said. “It sounds like they
did an excellent job. I don't want
to say how I will vote now. be-
cause l want to able to hear the



_ g . . . Committee officials though. committe ' t th d ‘d
‘~‘ . v The attack came despite a VlSlt by U. N. - . .‘ 9"?» repor en em 9
p A- pp Impeachment probe won t expand S _G 1 K f A that w think the proposal Is fair. next week.
, 1 ecreéarty eatera 10 1C6 [1111112129 dis utgd , We didnt want to do any Brown said he is glad SGA is
‘ . on WASHINGTON Housi-Judit-iary t‘ollllnit- PEOPLE'S 33$”: Sghaigéihvdftfdi‘ders Algeria ‘ivlore Ehtlng too harsh,“ Committee interested in his activities but
J “i w ' . , ) . , ‘ ‘ I . . . I ‘
. p mm poop ppppp p t0
, .9 d y «. ‘. . , _. l~‘.. . v. . ‘ .‘ gency sinceJanuary 1992. t ' p' ,k " 1»
etalllng alleged lund IilIHIIIL’ llleuulll ltles lll can help deter- 0” some action id en. ' There Should be some trust
‘- . -‘ President Clinton's 19% re election campaign did mine someol . Other SGA senators thlllk from the senate to both me and
i not yield information \\'ol'tll eonsitlet ing for am in. mm; In FEc debates CIIIItOII, Dole report the proposal was needed. the executive branch," he said.
«. ~ cles ofimpeachment. threemcate- V ' _ “Something had to be done “They need to remember they
. anwhm Re PM” Kill! R \. Y ”Hm," 00”.,an _ WASHINGTON - Federal election com- about Nate‘s actions.“ said showed their confidence in me
._‘_ g ’p ‘ I ‘ _ p. P-H ‘ g 1%. l . '- l 1 f pew.“ Choice mlSSIOHH‘S began dectdlng yesterday Jonathan Daugherty. a senator at when they elected me."
' . 9;! “1 ”“5”.” ”9"”;“1 p‘f‘t‘im “tz‘vill‘” Fm,” ‘1 l’i Awards Jerry whether President Clinton and Republican large. Brown said he is serious
I“ I Llilitr: Slit]!iiili‘is'n'riilllx'hllll‘i‘d‘lilmli'il’lllin'tl'lilllll ll|lrlltll('l Seinfeld, Tom challenger mm 0019 must repay ”“1110!” or Al "9-“ Wednesday's "‘99" about being hOHBSt and clear
' qt t t . ‘k' 1N} '. fl“ -‘ U km,‘ m, cm“ dollars In, taxpayer funds for exceeding ing. SGA senators will debate the about his position. "1 don't ever
5 “an“! ‘L im“ “ W“ “ ' "“F‘ ”ma h ‘ Brook; and spending limits during their 1996 preSlden- proposal and have the option to want to appear to be hiding anv-
i 39" ‘Sm‘m 5““ ~ Barbra Streisand tialcampaigns. The six commissioners are amend it. Senators will be able to thing." he said. “I encourage
. ‘ are among the l‘tiVlGWlllg auditsors l‘ficomnlerildStllons that discuss the proposal and will anvone to ask me questions, and
. ~ - - - (‘ inton re av " mi ion ant 0e re ay . ' - ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ , p "
Bin Laden aide pleads guilty nominees in the 3m mung]; ‘ P iototooltheracceptordoclme1t Ill be nail to answer them.
‘ _ all-time favorite
e NEW YORK A fol lller :llde to Islamic ex movie, music 5 I I —
tremist ()sama bill'l.adell has pleaded guilty to and television im son a a s m in . . _ . .
federal terrorism ch'ilges ill a secret liliit'i‘I‘lilllEI categories. p D” .. q _ mark and regional univerSlties.
and is cooperating \\ uh pioowntoi s SANTA ANA. Callf. ~ OJ. Simpson has Representatives from UK
‘ ' ‘ The identity and home of the aide who has 5‘5de an appeals court to reverse "5 dec1- ViSiIEd the facilities at Miami of

' . ~ , .- . ~ . . ~ , make up for a loss in foreign aid. The ruble's . . . . sho , health bar and deli. an 1/8
.. guards kllle d c lght ttllnlt mAllldlllflllS Ttoday. EXPANDING fall came a day after International Mone ation faCility, Blanton said. mil: _0 in track a 40-foot-hi h
adding nen iu gent} to the ellol ts ofthe L .5. en- THE LOVE: The . . tat) '. . J. g8 g .p g
' m vov who is Irving to negotiate ,1 permanent peace LionKl ls Fund chief Michel Camdessus left Moscow By then. the bond pool vnll climbing wall mm about 2,500
m; he * ~ _ . ‘ ‘ "7 it Without promising to free up frozen loans Rus- be full again. and UK Will be square feet of climbing area and
, Several other armed 1m Idonts were reported "MW ‘ sia badly wants to dig itselfout ofits latest eco able to request funding for the four mumuse courts for m.
1 5% t as EIIVUY (‘l‘ll‘lSIUIllltil‘ Hill [lljt’fit‘lllt‘ti Serbian “Mill-’0 to ' nomic crisis. Without the money Russia‘s gov. project, dents t0 plav basketball. vollev-
m PreSldent Mm“ M”\””“"l" {mil :1 "9‘15“ plan Eggmwmmy s emmenthasrun out ofaltematives to printing The committee appointed to ball. tennis.» badminton. soccer
m» for the futule ”f‘h" 5‘” l' 1"“ m‘ 9‘ musical wi'mlulibe‘g rubles. 39"? defieraslrfliloned SlghS that the look into the new facility has. and floor hockey.
' money-pun ing as a ybegun. up until the release of the pro- . . . y . .
~. I i U ' Scientists target secondhand smoke slimy? p , pgtslallelzriilpediattamom or its time benflfigfifi‘gfifiofi 33$ Si Si:
' London next Jordan rejoins NBA talks *4 In 1:96 James Kuder vice :20- $35 mdillion rengpfp, said Bill
1 * ' ‘ ‘ i t‘; ‘ i. ‘ . . , , ieratt. irector 0 Cam us
i i V adV'lEEI‘SVEQiflfilil‘igcfiii}?(llil‘ltFiQililleilliiSNLifii'ed title m litter NEW YORK — Michael Jordan made a Chanwlor Igor Student Affairs. Recreation. p
. _ . _ i _ p . p r . n > Y ' . v p.
f way for secondhand smoke to be placed on the of many awards surprise appearance at ”T“ I\B‘A: labor talks i appomted t e committee. “huh Because those facilities were
Mal-in ~ - ~ . ~ ., , ._ yesterday. but whether his magic touch can i is composed of students and faC- . ~
. fedelal goitlllmeilt s olllt in] list of tallttl caus on Broadway, . . i , . ,. ‘ built two to four years a 0 he
an“ ing substances mm. m“ “mam.“ industrv's was adapted save the season remains to be seen. His l {Ali}. to come up Yilth anr'oposal 'd . x , ~f . g ‘
, . ‘ ~‘ . T ‘ 1 ( ‘ ‘ ’ - . resence was romisin . thou h. since his : 101‘ 8 new recreational faClhty 10 $5.“. : the price tag or 51mm" fa-
fiwm stlongolnettlolls from Disne s p p g g - ‘l ' b ‘ I f 1‘
. u“ . i l . . . ,. . ni ted fl! agent had said he wouldn't get involved 1 be b11111 next to the Seaton CED' “. ltles may 9 515m icant)
.~.* The subcolllllllltee of the .‘vatli-llal loxu-olo- a. ma "'v again until discussions got serious. Jordan ‘ ter on South Campus. hlgher T10“-
” gy Program's lioald ofIScielltillc (‘ollllselol‘SiUt- '"fl' “"3”.“ did not comment as he entered a hotel ‘ For the last um years the SGA President Nate Brown
ed unanimously to :tilll lll tln- rtwommelldations “91.7"“ m“ across from NBA headquarters ‘ committee has been ‘ ’ath‘erin , said if UK does receive the
of two illoups of govellllllellt scientists that set‘- ""th ""99 i ' l - ' . . 1 , ‘ g, . L h 1‘ ‘ ‘ ' "11 L
”mm smoke qwm 1‘” H‘ ‘1‘”! fl ”Wm“ ,0” new songs. CW from wire "MS- information and resealch about ,tont 8. construction VH most
01“ . - - ~ . i h - recreational faculties at bench- likely start around the year 2002-
' - - - - - - - - - - - _ - . .
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been cooperating for the last tun \eal s is blacked
out ill the US. District (‘oull papers.

The alde‘s illfol lllatioll ll is plov ided much of

the batkgloulld fol Llli Hz. is lnolluht 11g iiust sus
pects ill the deadly lioulliines of U S. embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania last August.

The aide admitted in the plea to paiticipating
in a Conspiracy to attack US. national defense
targets by bill Ladell‘s ol'gani7ation. al Qaeda.

Serb border guards kill eight

BELGRADE. Yugoslavia
breach of the Kosovo cease til e. Yugoslav border

- In the worst






sion ordering a new hearing into whether
he should have custody of his two children.

Simpson‘s lawyers filed the request
Nov. 25 with the state appeals court. which
ordered a new guardianship hearing for
Sydney. 13. and Justin, 10. that would con-
sider evidence on whether Simpson killed
the children‘s mother, his ex-wife Nicole
Brown Simpson.

Russia reportedly printing cash

MOSCOW — Russia’s currency slid to its
lowest point in months yesterday amid fears
that the nation has started printing money to


Continued from page I

state bonds to help finance the
construction of the new facility.
but now that the bonds are be-
ing used for the installation of
sprinkler systems at other
schools, UK can't start construc-
tion unless someone makes a
sizable contribution or it can
find another way to finance the

UK will have to wait until
the year 2000 to begin any real
construction on the new recre-

Ohio. Vanderbilt. University of
Florida. University of Georgia
and Western Kentucky Universi-
ty, to get an idea about what
should be included in UK‘s pro-

WKU‘s Raymond 8. Preston
Health and Activities Center in—
cludes a weight room. Olympic
size swimming pool. upstairs
running track. basketball and
volleyball courts and racquetball

Miami of Ohio’s facility
opened in 1994 and features a pro










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Survey: Students staying

Playboy survey shows college students are

sticking to one person,

By Dave German
SINIOR STA" tiltiltll

Most students go to college
to meet lots of people and test
the waters, but according to a
recent Playboy survey, students
on campuses across the nation
are sticking to one body of wa-
ter and sometimes even keep-
ing their feet dry.

In its November issue, the
magazine's second college sur-
vey of the sexual attitudes of
undergraduates on American
college campuses showed an in-
crease in the number of monog-
amous relationships.

Most of the students, 54 per-
cent of the men and 70 percent
of the women, have had sex
with only one person during
the past school year.

The old-fashioned word
commitment has been taking
over. Although, in Webster’s
dictionary, the word is defined
as being “the official consign-
ment of a person to a prison," it

and one person only

is not rare to find long-term
committed relationships at UK.

Business management ju-
nior Jeremiah Johnson has
been in a relationship for more
than two years.

“You get to learn to respect
a person," Johnson said. ”It’s
hard to be monogamous be-
cause of the selection, and it’s
always tempting, but it takes
more effort to be in a relation?
ship. It’s definitely worth it."

Johnson said he has no re-
grets about being tied down. Al-
though he said his relationship
looks to be long-lasting, he said
relationships with others help
couples in the future.

“You gain necessary expe-
rience for a relationship in the
future, possibly marriage,"
Johnson said. “It helps you see
what you like and don‘t like
about women. You find out
what you're really looking for
—— that way you don’t go into
the next relationship blind."

Still the committers have

their critics. Some college stu-
dents like the idea of having the
freedom to shop around.

“I like being single, because
I don’t have to answer to any
woman," said Dave Hodgens, a
political science sophomore.
“You can do whatever you
want, and then you don‘t have
to call the next day. Plus when
you‘re single, you have more
time to hang with your boys."

Hodgens stressed that be-
ing single means he will never
have to put a new girlfriend be-
fore his friends.

So how does commitment

According to the fourth edi-
tion of Sociology of Marriage
and the Family. by Randall
Collins and Scott Coltrane, the
traditional view is that men of-
ten get into relationships with
sex in mind, while women are
often looking for a longer last-
ing love.

Some students say that's
why they take the time to form
a friendship with someone be-
fore they get involved in a re1a~

Political science sophomore
Adam Salmon and integrated



Monogamy on campus

The majority of students participating in a nationwide survey said they have had sex with only
one person in the past school year.

Only one

More than
one partner

strategic communications
sophomore Cathy Ayersman
took the route of becoming
friends first, best friends actual-

They have been together
for nine months, but for the
first six months, they were
strictly best friends.

Salmon prefers total
monogamy and emotional secu-
rity to the freedom that often
comes with being single.

“I like being with one per‘
son over somebody different



‘Little’ woman making big splash

By Holly Young

For such a “little" woman,
Brooke Davis has accomplished
many big things.

Even though she is only 4-
foot-9, Davis stands heads above
the crowd.

A kinesiology senior, she is
a member of the eight~time na-
tional champion UK cheerlead-
ing squad.

A four-year member of the
squad, Davis helped the squad
to win the Universal Cheerlead-
ers Association National Cham-
pionship the last two years.

Cheerleading has been a
way of life for Davis, ever since
the fifth grade when she began
Cheerleading in her school in

Her mother cheered in high
school in Paintsville, and her
whole family's athletic desires
nudged Davis in the direction
of Cheerleading.

“All my friends were doing
it, and my mother was a cheer-
leader, too," she said. “i just re-
ally wanted to do something."

Not only does Davis hold
two squad titles, she also holds
two National Partner Stunt ti-
tles. Davis and former UK
cheerleader Brian Elza won the
National Cheerleaders Associa-
tion Partner Stunt National
Championship in 1997. This
win encouraged Davis to try for
the UCA title the following

year. Although she had a differ-
ent partner, the net result was
the same: another national

“Winning the partner stunt
national competition was great,"
Davis said. “Other than winning
nationals with the squad, it was
one of the best things that has
happened to me."

The UCA Partner Stunt
Competition was held in Orlan-
do, Fla, last January. Davis,
along with her stunt partner,
LCC student Doug Stithem,
competed against 20 other col-
lege duos. Davis and Stithem
performed a flawless, one-
minute routine, and received
the highest score ever recorded
in the competition.

“Brooke possesses the
skills that it takes to win a
championship," Stithem said.
“She knows how to ‘sell’ a rou-
tine, and make it hit when it
counts. Brooke is very consis-
tent with her stunting. and
that’s why we won the UCA
partner stunt competition."

Saleem Habash, the UK
Cheerleading coach, said,
“Brooke is a good all-around
cheerleader. She is the most tal-
ented partner stunter in the na-
tion, which helps bring the tal-
ent level of the people around
her up also."

Two nights after Davis and
Stithem won the partner stunt
competition, they helped the

squad to win UCA's National
College Cheerleading Champi-
onship for NCAA Division 1-A

The UK squad has UCA Na-
tionals in 1985, 1987, 1988, 1992,
1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998. UK‘S
squad is the only team to win
back to back championships
twice —— once in 1987 and 1988,
and again in 1995 and 1996. In
addition, UK is the only squad
ever to win three — and now
four — championships in a row.

The UK cheerleaders un-
dergo extensive training to be-
come national champions. Dur-
ing the fall, the team members
practice four or five days a
week, do weight training three
days a week and cheer football
games on Saturdays.

When basketball season be-
gins, they usually cheer two or
three games per week. They
also attend University Associa-
tion and Alumni Association

Because UK's Cheerleading
squad is so active, it can be
hard to find time for school,
Davis said.

“We stay really busy." she
said. “i try to set time aside
everyday to work on my school-
work. I usually go to the library
to get away from everything else,
so I can concentrate on school,“

Most of the cheerleaders, in‘
cluding Davis, hang out togeth-
er even when they're not doing

basket catches and pyramid

Davis said she doesn‘t real-
ly have much time for other ac-
tivities that don‘t involve her
Cheerleading comrades.

“I just don‘t have any time
for anything else," she said.
“It‘s hard to find time to do any-

What‘s the best part about
Cheerleading? That‘s an easy
question, Davis said.

“The games."

She has traveled to two
NCAA basketball tournaments,
and has been to games in Cali
fornia, Utah, Texas, Florida and

Davis said one of the high-
lights of her career was the fi-
nal game at the 1998 NCAA
Tournament in San Antonio.

“Cheerleading has given
me so many opportunities to
see new, exciting places," she

But she‘s looking forward
to putting one last jewel in her
crown: cheering at a bowl game
this season.

“It would be great to have
been to two NCAA Final Fours
and a bowl game during my col-
lege career," Davis said.

“We are lucky to have such
exciting games to cheer at. both
basketball and football."

Dialogue Editor Matt Ellison

contributed to this article.


Clinton talks water


Reports: Death



President introduces new
federal standards for
filtering drinking water


NEWPORT, R.I. — President Clin-
ton employed the sparkling blue Nar-
ragansett Bay as a backdrop Thursday
to introduce new federal drinking wa-
ter standards aimed at filtering out im-
purities and helping communities up-
grade their treatment systems.

“When it comes to the water our
children drink, Americans cannot be
too vigilant," Clinton said to a crowd
standing in Fort Adams State Park be?
side the bay. “So today I'm announcing
new standards to give our families
greater peace of mind with their water.“

Clinton's visit to Rhode island
seemed to give him peace of mind, too,
though there were protest signs from
some citizens and shouted questions —
ignored —— from reporters about the
impeachment proceedings back in

Clinton joked that when he is out
of office he'd like to come back and ful-
fill a dream ._ to play his saxophone at
the Newport Jazz Festival. And after
Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., noted
that his uncle, President Kennedy, vis.
ited Rhode island six times, Clinton
said he'd like to surpass that.

“if you'll give me President Eisen-
hower's house and access to the golf
course, I‘ll break the Kennedy record."
he told Gov. Lincoln Almond,

The president toured Newport‘s
Bliss Mine Road Water Treatment Fav
cility with most of Rhode island‘s top
politicians by his side. Then he ad-
dressed the crowd on the edge of the
bay to announce higher government
standards for drinking water and re-


lease $775 million in low-interest loans
to states so communities can improve
their treatment systems.

The $775 million, included in the
fiscal 1999 budget, provides low-inter-
est loans to local governments that
must upgrade facilities to bring them
into compliance. Another $93.8 million
is being released to state drinking-wa—
ter monitoring and enforcement pro-

Most water treatment facilities
must comply by December 2001. Small-
er systems serving under 10,000 people
have two more years to meet the high-
er standards.

The improvements are expected to
cost federal, state and local govern-
ments some $2.5 billion over five years.
It is expected to add fewer than $2 to
the average water bills of about 90 per-
cent of American households.

The new standards require munic-
ipal plants to use higher-performance
filters and to monitor filters more fre-
quently to curb the threat of cryp-
tosporidium. a parasite spread through
human or animal feces. in 1993, more
than 100 residents of Milwaukee were
killed and another 400,000 sickened
when cryptosporidium contaminated
the city's water supply.

According to estimates by the En.
vironmental Protection Agency, the
changes Clinton announced could pre-
vent up to 460,000 cases of waterborne
illness a year. it also can improve over-
all drinking water quality for the 140
million Americans who are not al-
ready served by top-of-the-line filtra-
tion systems.

Sen. John Chafee, R-R.i., chairman
of the Senate Environment and Public
Works Committee and the co-a uthor of
the 1996 legislation requiring both
tighter standards and federal money to
help implement them, also accompanied
Clinton on the water treatment tour.


was preventable


CLERMONT, Fla. -— in the months before 6-
year-old Kayla McKean was allegedly beaten to
death by her father, child welfare workers
missed one chance after another to intervene and
perhaps save her life,

State documents show that in one instance.
welfare investigators withheld information that
could have led to Kayla's removal from her fa-
ther's home.

They apparently failed to interview a doctor
who said the girl's life was in "imminent dan-
ger.“ And they didn't challenge her father's con:
tention that bicycle accidents or the family dog
caused her injuries,

“We made some bad decisions. I think all the
parties involved made some bad decisions,“ said
Pamela Pauiik, a district administrator for the
Florida Department of Children and Families.

Kayla‘s case already has prompted changes.
On Thursday, child welfare officials said they
would begin letting judges deciding custody is-
sues review a child's entire case history.

Currently. Florida judges review only the pe-
titions filed by investigators after each incident

Kayla's father. Richard Adams. confessed
Monday to the Nov. ‘25 killing. according to inves»
tigators, He was charged with murder and aggra
vated child abuse.

Prosecutors said Adams, 24, slammed Kayla
against a