xt75tb0xsj30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsj30/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-01-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1997 1997 1997-01-24 2020 true xt75tb0xsj30 section xt75tb0xsj30  







By Brenna Reilly

[if/m I'I t/iiz'fi

He has l|\L'tl irr .-\lrie;r and sealed tall buildings.
He has worked as a carpenter. a ear salesman, .i
butcher. a real estate agent and for :l years. direttor
ol the ['K Student ( Zeirter

lint next week l‘itank Harris will be leaving [is
for good. \

"It‘s sort oftime to let the neu generation tonre
in and take over .ind do their thing." said l larris. (-3.

'\\ director of the Student (.enter. Harris is ill
charge of runningr the building. its irraiirtenaiiee. ind
dealing with the students who work .irrd attend lt tn ,
ities iii the buildiirg.

“I've got probably the liest job on earripus." llir
lls said.

Harris said the best part of his ltili is lltlt'l'at‘llliti
with students in a positive w ay, a challenge iriut lr dit
i'ereirt from the one he faced in 1‘)“ as .lssiit‘ldtt'
deair ofstudents. wheir he dealt mainly with drsei
plirrary matters. I

“l've enioyed it, but I’ve got other things l want to
do." Harris said. But he‘s not planning a typical
retirerrrent. Of course there is nothing tvpit al about

lie is planning a boating trip through the inland
w I't'l\\‘.l}'s of North America and trip
thi i iugh l“,lll'(ipt.".lll canals.

“My wife and l have delayed a lot of travel." ll.rr=
iis said. “\Ve don‘t like to do the touristy type thing
\Vhen we tr;i\el we like to go to the plate .rnd stavia
while to get to know what the sitrratrorr is."



All ready ._
for games . 9

By Mat Herron . g

fol/met lit/11m

l'he weekend N151. iunkies
have been panting for has finally

This year Mardi (iras will
arrive early for fans, as the land of
cheese and the land of freeze eon<
verge in the nation's cauldron of
(:airin cuisine. lotid parades arid
full frontal nudity,

Those choosing to watch the
delta duel on the tube will curl tip
with beer. chips atrd a few close
friends to forget their woes abotrt
Derek Anderson for an evening
that. hopefully (yawn). won't prov
duee a (snore) slaying.

“I'll be watching it with
friends." said Peggy \Vay, an
administrative staffoflicer in l’res-
ident (Iharles‘ \Vethington‘s

Asked which team she is root-
ing for. \\"ay said, “l'm neutral."

Melanie Cruz is not.

The executive director of the
Student Government Association
is all the way (ireen Bay, and for
good reason.

“.\ly rnotrr inst moved to VVis-
cousin. and my little brothers are
now cheeseheads," she said, excit-
ed aliotrt her party on Sunday.

Some organizations are using
the game for more noble purpos—
es. The (lollege of Social \Vork is
hosting a “Super liowl Bash" to
raise money to attend a confer—
ence later this year.

Also having a party on Sunday



...-.£—-l--~’..‘, .


llarris .rnd his wile l'ilsie may also do volunteer
work. irrirth .is they did in lWii when the newlyweds
spent two years in \liiea. I

Harris has spent his whole L'dlk‘kl helping stir
dents, He taught biology and \llL'llllle\ at .i lllL‘ll
selrool in lan/anra

.\fter returning from ;\lrit r in 1‘10". llalll‘ had
planned to study at (Iolumhia L'iiiA
yer'srty. lint \laekre Rasdall. then
Student (terrier direttor called him
every day asking that he return to the
plat e w here he was night supe r\ isor
llt‘lHl't' leaning. for .\friea.

l lariis took the ioh as adiriiiiistra
the assistant on condition that he ' 1‘
would stay a year. liut alter one year. Hams
lit .l. tr'plt‘tl .lll rillt‘l‘ til tllt‘ illl't‘t‘ttit‘ s‘
position .it the ( leiiter.

llar'iis stayed at the Student (Ienter for se\er:

ln 1‘)“ i. llean ofSttideirtsiaek llall asked him to
heeorne the associate Dean of Students. and Harris
moved to l’attersoir Ulfice Tower. ln l‘F—l Harris
worked with .loseph litirch. who replaced Hall as
l lean of Students.

llarris and l'iurth had met In l‘lfrll \\lie.i lr'rtlr
uirderili'adtiates were eiirployed it the \tudent( i'l‘

l’iureh worked lor llarris iii the grrrrerooin. ill the
spat e the [K ( .redit L'nion now occupies.

"l wouldn‘t even have rerrietnlrered it. but he
loves to lrl'lllLZ it up," said linreh referring to one oi
l larr is‘s favorite stories


“BURNETT: lliiym Turner and Ark/vino“ I’izi Brad/11v (lrt' yet for (mother Sir/iri- Ila-a! f‘I‘ilIi’f


GET FUNKY Irving/unit (i-l‘im/e . l/fafill‘a‘

are .tt/‘i‘d/i/ed In [i/iiv 11f .‘ilxl Sam/fur .n/i/
(i'i'i/i’i' [till/ilI‘I'UIl‘. See pi“e:‘ie::‘ Page i,


areer helping students comes


WEATHER Kiri/iv tar/(1y. [Jig/a

_ i. '/ 7wIiift’rrmrmr li/ee/y


[iii/i r/ir. [my ill. l’zII'I/y \Hlllll

[(UI/IH‘I'UZC, high ”(Mr 40.

line hot afternoon litiielr was .llrst'ill hour the

\H illi‘l w here he was supposed to It workin't. when

\lr Li" R l‘uldll their Student (.entti

l\.l\\ llillt [\lt't‘ll llll .l t'l‘tlt ll

lllt‘tl'tl. taint-
l'. Ill

‘Slre went to l‘il‘dlils .rnd told him to tire ine."
li'lli l. s (til "I ll' tallsed her out oi it h

l l i: i is ~. rid he has used th it s'nt\ ‘.\llll his stiileiit
st iii. to remind them to stay on the l‘ill.

ln l“.\tl lluit h :rskt d him to rt triin attti the resig
!‘ rtioii ol \lary 'lo \leiteirs Sir llaiiis returned to
the \tii.l<'iit( enter with .ll‘. e\piirded role. iiitorpo
i l'il‘i" llliisl ol his tlllllt s lioiir the Heart ol Students
it‘lite into the director‘s ioh l he \iiideirt ( errtei
olti. e irow falls under the \tudent ‘rltiiisollit’e

l l or s said the t'lilllll‘ill ition ol'tli- responsibilities
lit llill‘. pi-rtet'tly.

”luv ll\\,l'\.\ tried to

err. ite the tri\ii.vnnreirt
\\lii lt' ‘illl-l<'ill\ \..lll .l\ \Illlllpll‘dl \\lldl lli!\ “dill l”.-~
ll.lI‘ll\ sant

l‘art ol his iol» is ‘d'l'Hlli' a» adviser to the Student
(i‘l‘fl'tlilllt'lil \\\l)L ration and the Strident \t’titities

"I le doesn't get .i lot ol recognition lor what he
does." said S(i.\ l’resident \lair -\ia ol llartis “ll l1e

o- is uotiiethirw well. th it ‘s.l'l‘ ltt‘- hint.


\ia ~ll.lllL'_1-rt'>liillliil\ who: .:i la ll‘ lilt .i.‘

.n i .. or. liar inse llaiiis knew. t t‘. !l\ how to 4'
I'll. “ytlttllt'
‘i it: {itlii'.i\.lll.ll|ltflt>sli:.i"t' llii'rissint ’l

em .idiiee. hut l don't dittite ”
\la and ll.lll“s "in-x

E'i-dl‘ lli llit' l"ll' _i’ v ' lllil

er rinsses ll' \l . \. retreat" in l

..:i lil\ dint s thr- 1':



Super Bowl

VAs a prelude to the Super
Bowl, UK will take on rival
Arkansas Sunday afternoon.
UK seeks its first victory in
Fayetteville over the Hogs.
See story, page 3.

VThe UK women's hoops
team also takes on nationally
ranked Arkansas this

See story, page 3.

VColumnists lace oit wrth
their Super Bowl predictions.
Also see what local celebrities
have to say about the Super

See page 2.


'./i- [VF/rm


CHE ready to hear education task lorce’s preliminary report

By Stephen Trimhle

Senior Staff H’r‘im‘

The long road to reforming Kentucky's systerrr of
higher education could start Sunday.

The Council on Hi her Education is scheduled
to hear the first hints of change in Frankfort Sunday
when Gov. Paul Patton's Task Force on Post-Sec-
ondary Education submits a preliminary report.

According to council members, possible ideas
could be creatin a “super-board” that would wield
much more aut ority than the council. severing
UK’s community colle e system from the University
and perhaps merging t at system with the vocation—
al—technical schools.

That re on also should give council members a
chance to discuss Patton’s recent bomb-shell: a $100
million annual increase in funding for specific pro-
jects in higher education, starting after 1999.

“As a student, and speaking for all students (in
Kentucky), 1 think it’s wonderful," said senior
Wend ' H land, the council’s student member.

Hyfant said investin more money in the state's
22 public community cofle es and universities is “the
best security for Kentuc to better itself, both
nationally and international y.”



.__-i_ _._-..

()ther council rnetnbers, such as ()wenslroro
memberjames M. Miller, also recognized the pro~
posed funding boost as a motivator.

ing the system.
“I don't think he’s going to do that with the status
quo itrst leaving everything as it is." llardin said.


“Some rrronths ago, I had told (l’at—,
ton) that one sure way to influence
behavior in higher education is to put up
money for the projects you want to see,"


Hardin said the interest of higher edu-
cation observers peaked earlier this week
when Patton told reporters that he
planned to devote his next terrrr to higher

Miller said. “I‘m not saying the governor A“. a student education — only if the system begins
" ' ' ' ‘ ' . 'in r im in ve itself.
took my advrce but I think he s usrng speakingforall try “g t ) l ) f
the carrot approach. (I I He threw down the gauntlet to all 0
So far, it seems the council members ”a enfs, us in higher education” with that remark.

haven‘t discussed Patton's offer, which
he disclosed earlier this month at a lun-
cheon for the University of Louisville’s
Board of()verseers.

“We know what we read and what we
hear him say,” said Louisville banker
Leonard V. Hardin, the council chair-
man. “It's been reported fairly broadly in


think it’s won—

derjill. "

Wendy Hyland

student representa-
tive, Ky. (.‘Hh‘

Hardin said, “It seems to be a challenge
to all of us."

“But don’t forget the General Assem-
bly," Hyland said. “They have a lot of say
in what the council can do, because they
make the laws.”

Hardin said he hasn’t deciphered the
(ieneral Assembly’s position on Patton's



the media."

Hardin said he's optimistic that Patton will stick
to his commitment.

“l think he can (succeed) if he gets the proper
support of all parties,” Hardin said.

Ultimately, though, Patton will close the state’s
purse if higher education officials don‘t start refomr-

,___--____-___~, ‘- e. -._. _.

"W * >-~W* -W
. v 40
- T i

reform movement.

“l know he has the sup on of the (higher educa-
tion) council," Hardin sai , and adding with empha-
sis, “the strong support of the council."

liut it all comes down to the state legislature.

“They’re influential," Hardin said, “and they have
really the final say."

i - _. v




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t0 an Blld r

Spar/eels f0 fi‘i/i/ife
flu/”173‘ {If [line/Jenn

By Leona Hacker
i g . , , ll l ' .

\\lltl‘liltillwllllllillll’ llllllt't~l\llltlt"(
l)ll"lr~! llr'ils. llarilsthe itupoigu oi it‘ll . l '\
and llli J l ls olli Ill" 1. the? ot :' Titi

l ‘ i
i\ill1’ ilt's-

l!" ltill

its nit :iii. illtlildlltl 'i 'ir r;
l l

\ h»nt heorr lll honor oi llnii \\ili f- it it.
today iiithehinlentt :‘lll'! it'lt‘itl l'..i.v viio }
the ow ision ol 5 is l: lllt nreiit

Sear >' El“. l t‘\.l!'\ two ind l lxl lil« l'll'tl

sptak .ll‘tilll lh.’ lll\ ihialdr it'll.'illll'itlll llii:

l‘l lilt to llll' l I‘l\\ l\‘l\ and to llll'ltillllllllilll\

" \llhoiirtlr l Ln in t ill innsi be e. l 'l I lino
as the klth'lsil‘. \ltltlt'lll ( llm.’ .r i
reioiv e that he . .illl!‘ it it‘lll't’ lioin his position as
l e\iirgton eitixeii." l t'\lli:1lirll .\l ryor l’iin \lill.


loznii: (my ld‘aird "\Iel" lil' it‘s”
lllll.‘ lul'l-l l\ 'i "'ll'.’ :l'..:"lri \ i.
ll: ll"*ll-liltlilrlll'iill. t. l‘.
lid, li"'l'1 ll to“. l!.l Cal? .iswtd
lolni ll: llt‘sh who his ltt"‘ll iiitind l'r lli‘:
I it rim-t ~iltl the p i~ple lli“}»lll*s 1‘ ‘r'ia’
.tl ltist llttl nevi. st linpwllitiil an:
lion. his -.n.li a pittiotnd iizll‘irn ,. on 1:
Ml ' in l l‘ it‘llit‘lllltt' .l b; 1h. .., i. .,
l. 'Il’l‘llllt1.iill‘: tit.
t J .- i' r.: In \lan ‘tj: \tiietit t t-vu
it". in ‘ittsilint ll' lowly .1, lliri
i: .iror lle destrilied llrrim as a lllllli int. llllt lit
gt in and atria/trig irrair
“l w- ll l live to lire llir’ illl' ,.g l l «11‘». “Hip M

Ma and
l l\ l‘ir'sldt‘lil( hailes \\ ethineton rid llllll
ha. been .rir niitir'iirtt worker loi min. t: i: "

7'.:‘ ‘-l:lil’lli’\
\\ ill proud ol loin rnl it l:
n on ididu‘lflw snd
iinira'ti. ::._ [refis'llr nio-i won lltt tin or-
ltl‘flwl llii'i.i~liisilos< liit-nd oti toils in .;~


"for lien. sellishly, l don‘t want him to It anal
.llll i’till‘fl to miss him." said lillll it. in: presid: :‘
ofl'triveisity Relations .

"lt is yoiirg to he ilillieiilt to {'tl .ilonez withou'
st enig him every day." said liiiith. who will le-
sei\in:t ls eiiit’ee .it the lllllt'llt on

l lit litlw .lllil tti \stlllst'l\ til llalllw siltl lllt‘lt‘ is
lit \ei iiri-tn'h loi thein to say about hin.

l ht ii lit-st dtstriptiorr is that he is not oirl'. .i
lli ‘ll to lhi Ill. lull .l h tit'tltl.


STATE State hemp law
ruled unconstitutional

lil'h-Vl‘l \'\'ll.l,l“. '\t'ltil \\Xiodv ll lilt'lnw’l
won a round yesterday in his light in it"ll'/'
iirdlistri il ht trip production in l‘st'lllllt ly .

l‘lre state law. \\lllill does riot drill il ritizt
llt‘l\\t't ll lie-nip .riid one r-fits‘ hypro-lirr is, in l'll'l.'
ira, is tin. oirstitiitiorrallv vague .lllil ltl'tllil. lltstit
hrdg‘e lx‘ ilph \lr.(:l.'ll.ill.l'l ll llllt d.

hit the in life didn't let ll.ll'l’t‘l\till oll th" ll" ll
ll" Mll'l .l trial lllll‘»! he held on whetlnr hr :ng»
sW‘ils llarielsoir had planted were t.l[l.llil" ol 1 “t

iirirritiiig and producingr ll llfi. the llii'i'\lt "on
ingri dient iir inaiiiirarrr.

illi-rirp does contain trace amounts of l l lf .. the
potent drug found in much larger amounts 1'!
irrariiiiana. hut Sillilitill'd‘s say it (ltit'slld liatt'
enough to make it prolitahh to drug dealers

llilllt'l\t)li, partner in :i (illllitlrlild torrrprny

that makes clothes and other products lron;
imported hemp. challenged the law by lililt'lld‘rllkj
a plot of land and planting four hemp seeds. He
was charged last jtrne wttlr misdemeanor posses
sion of marijuana and had faced 13 months in rail


Clinton comments on same behavior

NICVV Y( )R K.-. President (Ilinton is urging
Dennis Rodman to just do itzjust say I was wrong

ul'm sure in his heart of hearts he regrets (ltllllLf
that, but I would hope that at some point iir addi
tion to )aying this enormous litre, and also tryint.’
to pay t e gentleman he kicked that he'll find a
way to say. ‘I shouldn't have done it and I really
regret it,‘ “ (llmton told New York's \\"BlS-‘l'V iii
an interview airing yesterday.

Rodman told ABC's “l’rime'l‘ime Live" this
week that his kick of a cotrrtside carrieraman dur
ing a game in Minnesota was only a “ta x",

“l apologized," said the (Ihieago Bu ls forward,
who has agreed to pay cameraman Eugene Amos
$200,000. “lint most people in the world would
say. ‘I le's acting.’ “

The National Basketball Association has fined
Rodman 521000 for the incident and suspended
him for H games.

Compiled from in" "porn.



2 Friday, January 24. 199.", Kentucky Kernel




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4- 0...”... -§ w “


Packers or Patriots? Split decision:

New England

I .
pmneclfor wzn
uper Bowl XXX] is Ameri-
ca's biggest game this year,
and ifyou don't believe that.
ta e a look at the competitors.
America's 'l‘eain, Green Bay,
takes on America's most
atriotic team, New Eng—
Pand, with both teams hav—
ing lost to my favorite
team and “America's Most ;
\Vanted" team, the Dallas E
And while most experts.
my colleague included. are



Some people think the Packers
have history on their side. Yes,
(ire-en Bay is 2-0 in Super Bowls.
And yes, it's hard not to get chills
when one speaks of the fro7cn
tundra of Lambeau Field and the
aura of(loach Lombardi.

But the Patriots, too, have tra-
dition that's more impres-
sive and actually predates

the storied Pack. liver
heard of the Revolution-
.ii'y \Yar? 'l‘hat's when

another group of under-
dog patriots defeated a
formidable powerhouse
squad from Great Britain.
'l hough no lines were

‘ . .‘ . ‘. . _ ). . ._
picking the SINK“! 1“: lie" atailable at the time. word
as m, wm, l. m dointh L “"80“ has it that 'l‘eain Patriot
:\ltllcrlca(tji titling I?) ta‘ing Spam was more than a two-
[K ‘un Cl“ 0g Mrmt\ “WWW” touchdown underdogr to
Here 5 why: V the Brits.
lllll Parnell: llll‘l W008

Meaning no disrespect to
(ireen Bay coach Mike llohn-
gren, btit his adversary is “'l‘he
Man" when it comes to winning
big games. Parcells knows how to
get the job done —~ itis‘t ask the
'86 Denver Broncos and the '8‘)
Buffalo Bills.

Both teams felt the wrath of

Parcells preparation and Super
Bowl wizardry. Parcells‘, former
New York (irants and soon in» be
New York lets head coach, is a
perfect 5-0 in championship
games (three conference champi-
onships and two Super Bowls‘i. \
win against the Pack on Sunday
would make Parcells the first
coach to win a Super Bowl \\ltll
two different franchises.

Y0llllfl Ullll

lt's time for Patriots quarter
back Drew l’iledsoe to raise his
level of play on the world‘s
biggest stage.

lf New England is to prevail
against the Reggie \Vhite-Ied
defense of(ireen Bay, then Bled~
soe will have to remain poised in a
collapsing pocket and make good

llc has shown the ability to
make the big play. but in two
playoff wins over the Pittsburgh
Steelers and _lacksonville jaguars.
Bledsoe's play was less than

Defenses win Super Bowls and
the Patroits best defense against
the Pack‘s high-octane offensive
attack will be a ball-control. inis-
take—free offense that keeps NH,
MVP Brett liavre on the side—

'l‘his game will be played not
in Lambcau. where (ircen Bay
holds a tremendous advantage
over opponents. but in the cli-
inate-contriilled Superdoine in
New Orleans. ’l‘wo of (irecn
Bay's losses this season {at Dallas
and at Minnesota) occurred on
;\stro'l‘urf. This could work in
the Patriots favor if they can
exorcise «lemons tron: Super
liiiwls past.

New l‘ngland
took quite a
thumping (do-rill} ,
ill the Siiperdoriie i
from the Chicago i



Bears in their \cr» .
sion ofthe Boston i
.\lassacrc in the:
l’ati'oits only
other Super Bowl


Green Bay Packers vs.
New England Patriots

Super Bowl lililil
i Sunday, Jan. 26

Here are some statistics to help

Green Bay loo/es
to restore glory
he Packers are going to win
I the Super Bowl.
It‘s that simple.
(ireen Bay finished the regular

season at 13-3, easily its best fall
campaign since the late

ranked No. l in team defense.
allowing only 359.8 yards per

The Packers played well on
the offensive side of the ball as
well. Eavre threw for four 'l‘Ds.
finding his favorite receiier.
Antonio Ereeman, for three of
those. They racked up ‘7‘) total
yards, but that's only 30 more


l‘)(i()s when the Pack
dominated the NFL.
Despite the Packers‘
record. their statistics and
their .\l\'P (QB Brett
liavre). the sports circles



yards than their season
It was business as usual
It wasn't their best per-
formance. lt wasn't their
worst performance. It wa.
iust the Pack being the


are filled with disbehevers -. Pack, which N am”,
m people like my c-ol- __X__.. enough to beat nearly
[Sill-5”“ th’ tpiestion Jay E evervone. with the excep-
(ireen I!” -‘ big-game Tate [lullvnl' the criminal wine
"1’11”.“ _ gmr, of the Nl’L, otherwise
“Any ”t those detrac— ,,},/,,,,,.,;,, known as the Cowboys,
tors point to .i key mid- ‘ V chl‘l“? m mind [9“.

season loss at Dallas as a
glimpse at the l’ackers' lack of
clutch football. to” losing
repeatedly to the (Iirulioys our
the past live seasons, the I‘m kers
secured primed to break the

(:(i\\'ll(l'\ s 3 l. l’acls't'is (i.

’ietter hick ne\t time.

Not so ironically, those same
prognosticattil‘s lllltl ways to dis-
credit (ireen Bay's 41-6 pounding
it laid on the ll-l Denver Bron-
ios. a tt'.lllt many believed to be
the year's best. “But l‘lway was

hurt." they assert.
”i \i'giimcnts
surrounding that
:J‘dlllt: .llL." ELL-“Cl"
.illy circular.
l’ii-ker fans boast
of the bashing.
(:rrtics whine
about l‘lway's

: .ll‘scln'c.

.llilit'dl'dllt c.

Will streak
'lt'dtlis froin
the NH) have
dominated ;\l5(l
foes for more

than .i decade. lt's

(iotta sortie
time may as 2
well be now so
former \\'ililt.it
.\l.it’t}' .\li)irt‘c
(special tearner

for the Pats) can
earn a ring for all
the tough his
football loscs he‘s
had to endure.
.S/wr Ii (.‘u/l/mrilu’ .Ilr'i‘,‘
lint/in 1i ./ tin/marl

v’Ou make your pick for the game.


VGreen Bay - ranked 5th (345.9

VNew England- ranked 7th
(335.6 yards/gm.)


l VGreen Bay- ranked ist
(259,8 yards/gm.)

VNew England - ranked 1ch
(331.6 ydsr’gm.)


VGreen Bay - 08' Brett Favre,
DE Reggie White, RB Edgar
Bennett. KR Desmond Howard
VNew England - OB Drew
Biedsoe. RB Curtis Martin. DE
Willie McGiriest. TE Ben Coates

lilll the kcy to
the game for me
wasn‘t the lack of

Rather it was
the peculiar
nature of the
whole thing. 'l‘hc

l’ackcrs played
good defense.
.-\g.tinst the
’iioncok. the

Pack stimied the
typically power--
ful Denver
attack. holding
them to only 83
yards through the
air. Among NFL
teams during the
regular season.

llt‘ics‘ Irwin/1.41


(ircen Bay



fact that Dallas isn't in
New Orleans, here's a few more
things to consider.

Mitre iiolmgren is underrated

Much has been made of Bill
l’arcells‘ Super Bowl record.
\\'hat many people fail to notice
is that llolingren has earned
some iewelry of his own with the
San liransisi‘o 49ers. .-\.s offensive
coordinator, he won back-to-
back Super Bowls in 105‘) and

\\'hen llolingren came to the
Pie kcrs lti W"). he was heralded
as one of the best offensive min l~
in pro football.

Nothing has changed.

The Green Bay ‘0'

’l‘he Nl’lfs No. l defense has
been the backbone of Green
Bay‘s success. 'l‘hough the Packet
offense boasts some ofthe game’s
best talent. it has been the defense
which has allowed the team to
flourish. ln allowing only 25".h
yards per game, they let their
offense win when things aren‘t
firing properly. lirivre has the
occasional bad day, but the
defense has proven capable of
stopping opposing offenses,
allowing w ins to materialire when
liav re and (ii ., sputter.

Plus. if ( ire-en Bay wins, it w ill
mean that Sherman Lewis. a
native of Louisville and a man
who ont'c said he was “very inter-
ested" in the his football coach-
ing rob. gets .l Super Bowl ring
for his work .is offensive coordi-

Sprint 1. i/irrr/rri'irjiy' (i, line I\ iii/(INF

rmlim/ ii'r/ii/I'.

Campus celebrities make the call

“Generally, I ‘m
”(if r? l’rlfl'iofi‘
fin]. But I‘m

pulling/hr Iliem
in flit: Super-

lfatz‘l. “
Wayne Turner
t'A' [lilil'r'r/nrl/ [its r
and [I nirriri' of
”air”. Hair




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-l fire/-2 -J WA;


Editor ln Chief ..........
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. . , . . . . ........... Kathy Reding
...................... (iary \V'uli
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Editorial Editor .................................. 'l‘iffany Gilniartin
Assrstant Editorial Editor ........................... Chris Campbell
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\Veekend Sports Editor .............................. Jay (E. 'l'ate
Arts Editor .......................................... Dan ()‘Neill
AsststantArLsEditor .............,.................SiizanneRaffeld
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The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
Founded in 1894 ........................... Independent since 1971

026 Grchan journalism Bldg. University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky 40806-0042
Your first copy nf'ibe Kentucky Km"! irfi'ce.
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) l

a - ‘W‘M--—"



“lilo/1‘! think
then: R any (ll/rit-
rim that fltr’
’iri'lcerx trill

:z'in. "
( ‘lv l‘r'i'i‘iili'rlt


“I lime New
England. [mt
I 'm r'riorz'ngfin'
[lie AFC"
Patriots 26—20.
If}~ going to lie
”)0 bigger! upset
()f‘flic (lt’r'rlrlr’. ..

i v
Alan Aia

l’r'i'ili/em, Sim/rm
(In: 'r'mrm'llt
{b r‘oi’lrltlon



Another lll0W0lll?

The NH: owns an
advantage in the
Super Bowls and has won with an
average margin of victory of 38»

previous 40

Slow start

The Patriots are only the sec—
ond team in NH. history to have
started the season 0-2, but make it
to the Super Bowl. The Dallas
(Iowboys opened 0-2 and won

Super Bowl XXVlll.
l‘lIII lllllSlI

After giving up l98 rushing
yards in an embarrassing 34—8 loss
to the Broncos, New England's
defense has tightened up —~ allow-
ing only 536 rushing yards and 73
points since.

Worth tire wait

lirit7. Shurmur, defensive coor
dinator for (ireen Bay, has finally
tnade it to the big game after 17
years in the league.
Shurmur had
coached for the Los Angeles Rams


and the Arizona Cardinals.

Veteran leauel'Slllll

The only players with Super
Bowl experience on the Packers
are quarterback jim
McMahon and wide receiver Don

Mc Mahon passed for 2 56 yards
and ran for two 'l‘Ds to lead the
Chicago Bears to a 46—10 rout of
the Patriots in Super Bowl XX.
Beebe was a member of all four of
Buffalo's Super Bowl losing


(,‘nmpilrrlfi‘nm ii'ire reprint










.‘l \ \‘i





:\ rl



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tr it


























‘ I.,I~ . I, A I ' —»"‘ril" III:
'I ‘ . i I. i l ‘ ‘ ' rt
3...) . . i . N ...
L-"~/-J'.._4.. - m- , , 3...-“ _. .. “in - -..—--~m-. ,. .i .c. ......-—.-.M4.....- .. . . t :
.. Kmmil‘y Ixrr‘nrl. IVrrir'in. [durum I} 1w. ' 3 i .
~ I I - -
I _. . -
Anderson-less m Arkansas scoumarepm Kentucky Minus 5
mi By 0. Jason Stapleton V Sm’daJh 2-" ’ 1””- I
Antwan! Spam Editor decrtcvr/le l
on BACKCUUhl l
)1” This it what it‘s all about. Arkansas sports hot-shooting Pat Bradley and the streaky, but talented Kareem KenluCl‘V ("'1 5'1) ;
I’ ‘ I he UK \Vildcats are ready to take on the Arkansas Razorbacks this Held In the backcourt. Bradley, who leads the Southeastern Conference in 3-point !
”i. Sunday in Bud Walton Arena. shooting, is on tire from beyond the arc. He's hitting nearly 45 percent from long “WM" “WWI NH 3 i
till The game time has been movedIup however in order to better range. making teams pay whenIthe defense softens Up on the perimeter. Reid S'Egflzélr'm“: Pd}, 5:”: l
ire accommodate the good people at CBS Sports, which will be broadcast- can hurt YOU In a M Ol ways, usnng his qurckness to create In the lane. G Anthony Epps ,‘ 5i 'i 7 I
Im mg the game live. It was originally scheduled for 2:30 pm. [25 l but has 3 til 5 Next Monamiiw H 3 3
been moved up 15 minutes to a 2:1) tipoft. fBUNlCUURl m 0V FAllen Edwards at: $8 '
il '1 he game has proved to be one of the premiere college basketball The days of Oliver Miller and Todd Day have laded into memory, but Razorback Ediffjvzgklfiérolt “006“, :3: '1“) I? ‘1”,
:r— a; Siatchups in previous years, but this season the two teams are somewhat low post power is a Strong as ever. Derek Hood is the leader -- scoring nearly 10 Mohaiiithed. 7.4 i} Wayne lulllt“. ‘. ~:
‘l‘i ’ '3 U‘z‘ri’ante i it i much ea i t‘ t l l \ k th UK pomts and seven rebounds per game. SlOPpIng Hood and center Lee Wilson 8 Sterilicntvldsrlhx l 2. F 5 W Milt». l ‘
.- i ( s ‘ '5 er or one o ie town on .- r 'ansas an . ' . " ‘
la). The Hogs lost to Oral Roberts after all. effectively prevents Arkansas "om second Chance opportunities. Arkansas (10-5' 4-2) i
Mi o The Cats, on the other hand, are currently ranked third in nation m National ranking; Main
3: i and are coming off an easy victory over the Vanderbilt (Ilonimodores. Th R Prgbable SIM"! Pts. "F9:
- ‘ But a knee iniury has deprived them of Derek Anderson for the rest of . e azomaCks play a deep bench — nearly everyone on the roger gem alleast gyg‘rBfiidifld iii 1 .f i.
111:! ‘. the season ~— :1 loss that takes awAIIV a lot of production from the (iats‘ Sighgém?:;e; giggngfiogihghgrh‘gsgfi lesfidselgeefiililge 9h" tpeIgegtfhjontIr‘thuting C [leech/livid Eff y ‘
, g . 5‘ uad. - . , . l a y . , mini 9 te . en 0” exan- FrankwdiiIi,-._Ii at ‘3 ‘»
isc is I “lt‘s devastating {m I,” (”-ng hem“ (:mch Rick plum, “MI “l [C “.le. ‘ der provrdes some perimeter muscles ~httttng 34 percent from three-point range. FDerek Hun: I in 1 . . ‘
'A statistically the best player on our basketball team by far." ' :83“erin AQIZISHV ;. "' ililiii: '
he \Vith Anderson, the (Eats were going to have their hands full with , William; 57.1K)S‘iliii_.,si,',,.,‘n,lyfg i,“
ii: Arkansas.I Without him, the trip lit-mines -.i treacherous one. . . Turner UK prepares to play its second game without All-American candidate Derek Ander- Wilson fNiCky mus, :, a l? o . mix-m, .i f». ,
1 hey re very good in the open floor, and they change their defenses son, who was lost for the season after an Injury to his knee. Arkansas is coming off G Lance Ke'il‘l'g‘ 0 3 5
up quite a bit," l’itino said. “Right now we’re just feeling out our new a dismantling of Miss. StateI 98.64. 'assrsls {lr’rtldlrot’
I rotations without Derek Anderson, and it's going to take some time." TV: Vr‘r