xt75tb0xsh8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsh8c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1992 1992 1992-02-14 2020 true xt75tb0xsh8c section xt75tb0xsh8c  



Assistant Editorial Editor

It was only five years ago titat Lt.
Col. Oliver Nortlt testified under
condition of immunity before the
US. Congress about the nature of
his role in what became known as
the Iran—contra Affair.

Last night North took the spot-
light again — not before Congress.
but before the customers of The
Family Bookstore in Fayette Mall.

North spent and more than 90
minutes signing his new nationwide
best seller, “Under Fire — An
American Story."

Fans, customers and people who
were “just curious to see what the
crowd was doing" waited in line to
see North and applauded when he
made his appearance.

The hearings are history, but
North’s memories of the affair still
are fresh — however, the words
have changed from “not recalling"
to “not remembering."

When asked if he had raised any
money in Kentucky for the Contras,
North’s face became stoic and he

said: "This is going to sound unusu-
al, senator, butt justdon’tremem-

Many UK students waited in the
line to get autographs and a quick
handshakes from North.

John Calpacs. an undeclared
freshman, said he didn't mind wait-
ing in line for North sign a copy of
his book.

Calpacs bought the book last
week in anticipation of North’s vis-

“I've always been a big fan of
Oliver North. I like the book. It‘s a
good book if you want to under-
stand a little bit better what goes on
(in politics)," he said.

When their turn in line came to
meet North many people told him
they would vote for him if he dc-
cides to run for national of lice.

North laughed at their remarks
and assured them he was looking at
spending time with his family right
now, not running for public office.

North said: “There‘s only five
votes that count in the election l‘m
running in ~—- that‘s husband, father
and my household. It‘s a contested


race.de sulldontknow ifI'm
going to win." he said. “i have no
plans to nm for any office.”

North said he has visited over 100 I

bookstores. and his book “is still a
best seller on both the New York
Times list and the Christian Book-
sellers list."

Bill I-Iarman, manager of the
Family Bookstore, said more than
500 books were sold last night.

He also commented on the up-
coming Presidential elections.

“I think it's going to be a good
chance for Americans to choose. I
sure hope they vote unlike the l988
and I990 (elections), when they
didn’t bother to do so in large num-
bers." he said.

“The most important thing about
the process that's ongoing right now
is that people look at issues. as well
as the candidates, and what they say
they're going to be doing about the

North said that in Virginia, where
he and his family live, he won't
have to choose a presidential candi-

See NORTH, Page 10


Lt. Col. Oliver North greets a supporter a book signing last night in the Family Bookstore in Fayette
Mall. A crowd of more than 500 applauded when he made his appearance.



dent Center.


Keeping with the spirit of Valentine's Day, Ben Gaddie and Katie Everest, both psychology juniors, sneak a kiss in a lobby at the Stu-




Tyson rape Victim to appear on ‘People’ cover

The Courier-Joumal, identified the
accuser without her consent.

Associated Press

NEW YORK — The beauty
queen who was raped by boxer
Mike Tyson gave People permis-
sion to run her picture and name, a
spokesperson from the magazine
said yesterday.

A smiling photograph of Desiree
Washington, who competed in the
Miss Black America pageant as
Miss Rhode Island, appears on Peo-

Judge in

Associated Press

CARROLLTON, Ky. — Lawyers
for Ford Motor Co. and the families
suing over a bus crash that killed 27
people examined the burned-out
wreckage yesterday and offered
conflicting theories of what punc-
tured the vehicle’s gas tank.

Kentucky State Trooper Sonny
Cease said during testimony that a
front suspension spring struck the
fuel tank and caused 57 gallons of
gasoline to leak out and catch fire.

Cease’s 2,000—hour investigation
concluded that the steps in the bus

ple's Feb. 24 cover along with a
larger picture of Tyson.

The magazine quotes her as say-
ing: “I didn‘t do it for fame. It was
the right thing to do."

Tyson, the former heavyweight
champion, was convicted Monday
of raping Washington. an 18-year-
old freshman at Providence Col-
lege. in an Indianapolis hotel room

In Indianapolis, Judge Patricia

Carrollton crash trial visits

door — which were part of the bus‘
body and not manufactured by Ford
— were pulled in toward the interi-
or of the bus by the impact with
Larry Mahoney's pickup truck.

He said when the stairwell locat-
ed between the spring and the tank
pulled back, it allowed the spring to
be pushed back and puncture the

Ford attorney Bill Grubbs disput-
ed Cease's theory. saying instead
that the step well itself struck the
fuel tank.

Mahoney, whose pickup
slammed nearly head-on into the

Gifford granted a defense request to
delay Tyson’s sentencing hearing
by three weeks, from March 6 to
March 27, and scheduling conflicts
could make it even later. court offi-
cials said yesterday.

Tyson testified that Washington
consented to sex after the two met
at a pageant rehearsal in Indianapo-

During the trial, some news or-
ganizations, including NBC and

bus as he drove in the wrong lanes
of Interstate 71, is a co-dcfendant
with Ford in the suit over the na-
tion‘s worst drunken-driving acci-
dent. The plaintiffs are two of the
victims‘ parents — James and Karo-
lyn Nunnallee, formerly of Radcliff
anti now of Sumter, SC, and Law-
rence and Janey Fair of Radcliff.

The suit alleges Ford ignored
warnings from government experts
and its own engineers that a fuel
tank mounted on the outside of the
bus frame was vulnerable in a crash.

While the court was convened
yesterday inside an unheated con-

Washington‘s personal lawyer in
Rhode Island, Edward Gerstein,
had no comment on the People
magazine report.

Two messages left on an answer-
ing machine believed to be Wash-
ington’s in her hometown of Cov-

See PEOPLE, Page 10

crete block garage in Carrollton.
Grubbs held one of the steps up to
the gmh in the tank to show that it
could have caused the rupture.

But Cease said he believes the
step is too weak and flexible to have
caused the tear even if it were
pushed into the tank.

Grubbs, on the other hand, main-
tained that the steps could not have
been pulled out of the way quickly
enough for the spring to do the dam-

Cease said the entire impact took
“a fraction of a second."

Carroll Circuit Judge William

High court releases

Wilkinson opinion

Associate Editor

The state Supreme Court yester-
day released the reasoning behind
its December ruling not to grant an
injunction to prevent former Gov.
Wallace Wilkinson from serving on
the UK Board of Trustees.

While this opinion did not rule on
the merits of former Attorney Gen-
eral Fred Cowan‘s case against Wil-
kinson’s self-appointment, it specu—
lated that the case would be decided
in Wilkinson’s favor.

“A doubtful case should await a
trial on the merits," said the opinion
of the 5-1 majority.

Justices Dan Jack Combs, Joseph
Lambert, Charles Reynolds. Thom-
as Spain and Donald Wintersheimer
were in the majority.

Justice Charles Leibson issued a
dissenting opinion. Chief Justice
Robert F. Stephens excused himself
from the case because he is a mem«
ber of the UK Board of Trustees.

A spokesman for Attorney Gener-
al Chris Goriiian said (iorman
stands behind the case. but is post-
poning arty further action until Rep.
Ernesto Scorsonc‘s iD-Lexmgtonl
bill in the General Assembly is de-

The bill culls lor reconstituting all
the university boards, and re-
appomting hull of lht‘ current mem-

If the hill passes. and Wilkinson
is not re-appointed, Gonnan spokes»
man Ed Lynch said “there would be
no reason to pursue it at that time."

Franklin Circuit Court Special
Judge Reed Rhorer granted an in-
junction to keep Wilkinson from
serving on the board before the Dec.
10 board meeting. Then the Court
of Appeals overturned Rhorer‘s rul—
ing Dec. 9.

On the eve of the meeting. the
high court upheld the appeals

court’s overturning of the injunc-

“There is no limitation in that
statute which prohibits the Govcm-
or from being a member or from
appointing himself,“ the majority
opinion said.

“Accordingly. the courts cannot
write such a limitation into the stat
utc on the grounds of public poli~

Leibson viewed the vagueness
from the other angle.

“In the words of Mr. Bumble in
‘Olivcr'Tw1st,' "It the law \UPDOM‘N
that. 'the law is an ass.‘ "

Leibson took the view that ii .i
power is not spccil'icly granted. it
does not etist.

“I suggest that the opposite l\
true: that power to appoint twists
only where the tlli‘hlllUllOIl and
statutes en icttd ptirxiiint to the
constitution spi t ity sULh powtr ex-
ists or such L. ill bi rt ixonablx ill
{erred from thcii imtllglllilt‘ ltib-
son stud.

appointment \\ .i\

“Clearly the csttibiisiiiiicnt «it
public politw l\ not \thlll the au-
thority ol' the thc tiiaiorit;
opinion said.

For tin lllllllltlltlll .i i‘i.llllilli lllll‘l
prmc .iii .tbromtii-i. oi I)L'I\lili.li
right. liic court inuntl tht' tiltoinct
gcncrtil had no pt‘tst‘tml stake in HIV

argued that \\'iikinstui\
toiitrury to publit



“Here the Attomcy General has
no personal right of any kind.
This is clearly a very doubtful case
as to the standing of the Attomey
General," the majority opinion said.

Leibson said the majority “wan-
dcrcd far afield" using that reason»

“It is the Attomey Generals re;

See WILKINSON. Page 10

wreckage of bus

Dunn. upon seeing Grubbs hold the
stairwell up to the fuel tank, said,
“there are other factors involved
here, such as does this have the
strength and ability to do that."

Several times during the examina«
tion, Grubbs asked Cease what had
caused various bus componnents to
be moved and each time Cease an-
swered that it was the impact frotn
the pickup truck.

The court session was held inside
the storage area for two hours. The
garage has housed the t977 bus and
Mahoney‘s I987 Toyota pickup
tnick since May 18, 1988, four days

after the accident.

The session included exhaustive
examinations of the mangled bus
body, the charred interior and the
wrecked pickup by the judge and

Seats that police had taken out in
order to remove the bodies after the
crash lay beside the bits in the stor-
age area.

To demonstrate the inIL‘ltSlh of
the heat from the fire, (‘case point-
ed out that glass lights on the top
front of the bus had melted. Most ot
the school-bus yellow paint had
been peeled off by the heat.








Story, Page 2.


Wildcats face Western Kentucky University
this weekend at Rupp Arena.



The UK Albert 8. Chandler Medical Center
Book Fair will feature Kentucky author and
“Voice of the Wildcats” Cawood Ledtord.
For information call 233-6415.



Tiny Lights and
Blueberries will
play tonight.
Story, Page 6.



Classifieds .................. 9





 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Friday, February 14. 1002



Finicky, not fancy,Wildcats

to face Western Kentucky
/1 /i [1 /i /i A

Sports Editor

Frenzied senior point guard Sean
Woods unfurled a fury of fist on the
Formica table sitting before a top-
pish sports writer Wednesday night
in Rupp Arena that fired~up the UK
faithful and fostered the feeling that
UK’s new-found ferociousness may
soon become its forte.

And friends, it just might be for

Woods‘ informal visit with the
sports writer came with 5:01 re-
maining in the second half of UK's
game against the Alabama Crimson
Tide. He had just hit a layup and
been fouled by Alabama guard Elli-
ot Washington.

Although Woods missed his en-
suing free throw, his frenzy was not
fleeting. For a Wildcat grabbed the
rebound and gave Woods a second
chance to score. Nearly 20 feet
from the basket, Woods hit a three-
point shot off an assist from senior
forward John Pelphrey. His five-
point fiasco furthered UK’s lead to
15. When the final buzzer sounded
live minutes later. UK had framed a
107—83 win over the Tide.

“That was a very intense ball-
game to say the least,” UK coach
Rick Pitino said afterward. “We had
to do battle because they are a very
physical basketball team."

Woods, who finished with 16
points, two rebounds and six as-
sists, has found that intensity this
season. His fortune has an'ived be—
cause he has adopted a new formula
for the role of point guard. An ap-
proach perhaps, more finicky than

No longer does Woods force low»
percentage shots. No longer does he
try to fabricate plays and points that
are not feasible. These fanciful feats
are history. Woods lets his game
flow naturally. And UK is forever

Thanks in part to Woods, the No.
19 Wildcats are now 17-5 overall,
7—3 in the Southeastern Conference
and in first place of the confer-
ence’s Eastern Division.

On Jan. 21, UK lost 107-85 at



. Player
11-Sean Woods
32-Richie Farmer
tO-Andre Riddick
34-John Pelphrey
24-Jamai Mashbum

. Player
10-Mark Bell
44-Bryan Brown
34-Jack Jennings
03—Damell Mee
42-Harold Thompkins

1107100§ ‘n'nOOOéD




Kentucky (17-5) vs. Western Ky. (15-7)
Tomorrow, 1:30 pm. Rupp Arena

UK leads 2-1. Last season UK won 84-70.

Wacky & Joe Hall)
Ca edtgrd & Dave Baker)

RADIO; UK Radio otwoMive (






Tennessee and 105-88 to Arkansas
Jan. 25 in Rupp. UK’s victory over
Alabama Wednesday and its 85-67

win at Auburn Saturday halted the
two-game losing streak.

“The Auburn win is a much
bigger win," Pitino said. “Now
that’s not to be demeaning to Ala-
bama. It‘s just that the Auburn win
was on the road. When you play at
home, you hope to win. You win at
home, but it's an upset on the

Thus. the flaws that seemed so
evident in those games (no inside
game) — have since been fixed, or
at least firmed up. And namely, be-
cause of Cats like Woods and for-
ward Gimel Martinez.

Martinez has posted two consecu-

tive career-high games. He scored
17 points in UK’s win against Au-
burn and had 26 Wednesday against
the Tide. And like Woods. his suc-
cess flows more from the finicky
titan the flamboyant.

“We have a few players who are
really coming on in practice." Piti-
no said Wednesday night. “You
saw it Gimel Martinez."

UK fans also saw five Wildcats
reach double figures. Jamal Mash-
bum had 17 points while his team-
mates Richie Farmer, Deron Feld—
haus and Woods each scored 16.

“We wanted to keep attacking in-
side,“ Pitino said. “We wanted to
take the three too. but we wanted to

See WOODS, Page 3







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UK point guard Sean Woods, seen here against Ole Miss. scored 16 points Wednesday night
in the Wildcats‘ 107-83 win over the Alabama Crimson Tide.






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Staff Writer

Like scraping together crumpled
bills and clunge for Tolly Ho Res-
taurant's Super Ho and fries in the
wee hows before dawn, going to
the UK Cool Cats' games at the
Lexington Ice Center has become
somewhat of a tradition for Lexing-
ton's night owls.

the confusing corridors of the Mar-
garet 1. King Library for months. or
for those who simply prefer a quiet
game of lawn darts and croquet. the
Cool Cats are UK's club hockey

The Cool Cats (20-2) are ranked
Collegiate Hockey Association’s
Division ll club hockey poll. They
have clinched the Western Division
of their league - the Southem
Club Hockey Association. They are
headed to the Collegiate Club
Hockey Tournament, which will be
held in Chicago March 13-15.

Played at the Lexington ice Cen-
ter, the Cool Cats' 11:30 pm. and
midnight faceoff. times have been
appropriately dubbed “Midnight

And Mayhem it is.

Gone are the stoic “my rear end
is superglued to my seat" UK alum-
ni. who clap only for double-pump,
reverse-axle, triple-somersault
dunks off rebounds. Absent from
the rink are Billy idol and the islcy
Brothers pumped through a mass of
suspended speakers. Removed from
the arena is the army of glittering
pompon girls gyrating in unison.

.- Last, but cenainly not least, no one,

thank the dear Lord, bothers to ask
what your favor color is, baby.
In fact, LlC‘s sole forrn of enter~

tainment comes in the form (1 the
“Sonshine Express." Not a spiritu-
al- -music revue as the name might
suggest. but rather it is the LiC's
huge sea green and pink dinosaur of
a Zamboni that rumbles out of hi-
bernation and onto the ice between

So why do students often stand in
line. chilled to the bone by Lexing-
ton's whipping winds, only to get in
the LIC to find the temperature
nearly as frigid?

Because the Cool Cats win. And
win often. No gimmicks. No Anna-
niosuited coaches. Just opponent's
blood, sweat and cheers.

For the past three seasons the
Cool Cats are 60-4-1 against SCHA

While the Cool Cats play their
fair share of road games, more of-
ten than not they find themselves
skating in the creaky, but cozy. con-
fines of the LIC.

Although the Boston Garden is
many years the LlC‘s senior, and
quite a bit larger, the two arenas are

Take the intimidating champion-
ship banners. While the older Cel-
tics organization may have acquired
a few more, the Cool Cats two
SCHA banners, strategically placed
over both goals, are never out of
their opponents’ sight.

Also strategically placed (above
the opponents“ bench) is a sign that
mocktngiy reads “Learn To Skate.
Sign L’p Now For Group Lessons."

Although the sign is actually
aimed at the youth who fill the rink
in the daylight hours, its placement
is fitting after Chad Cooper & Co.
destroy another foe at LIC.

The Cool Cats are so domineer-
ing on the ice, one must wonder if
they hold some sort of Arctic voo-

Kentucky Kernel, Friday, February 14. 1992 - 3

‘Mayhem’ at home at Ice Center

doo on oppments.

Like Boston Celtic opponents
who swear that a tiny Leprechaun
the Garden, LiC's noisy, cramped
quarters have developed a certain

Jan.17,l992 — Purdue comes to
LIC. They score first. They hold a
2-1 lead through the second period
until Paul Cerabona ties the game
2-2. The Cool Cats explode for four
straight goals in the third period to
win 6-2, while Cool Cat goalie Eric
Sanders shuts out the Boilermakers.

Purdue coach Jim Lawrence is
bewildered. “We didn't think we
did anything wrong the puck just
jumped in our net in the third peri-

The strange occurrences after
midnight at LIC may well be attrib
uted to the motley crew that fills the
rink to the brim. nearly every game.

A meek, studious lot during day-
light hours. the folks who come out
to LlC probably would quietly nod
their heads when passing you on

But then the sun goes down, and
the Jekyll-and-Hyde syndrome de-
scends upon the masses at LlC.

Acting as if UK Parking and
Winchester‘s Towing & Repair had
preyed on their cars all week. the
gathered mob unleashes f unes
against opponean and the “/ebras”
on skates. Steve Edwards and Scott
Marine, a pair of referees who
closely resemble Twecdlcdce and
Tweedledum, often receive the full
brunt of abuse —- should they make
the mistake of cooling off a Cat in
the penalty box.

“They take the other goalie out of
the game," Patrick Fortier, a center
on the Cool Cats said. “(The fans)
hound them. A good goalie can

Stars & Stripes gets first victory

Associated Press

SAN DIEGO — With strategist
John Bertrand at the helm. Dennis
Conner's Stars & Stripes defeated
Bill Koch‘s Defiant by 55 seconds
yesterday for the first time in five

Stars & Stripes trailed Defiant by
as much as 1 :01, then tenaciously
fought back for a come-from-

behind victory in the fifth race of
Round 2 of the America's Cup de-
fender trials. Stars & Stripes com-
pleted the eight-leg, 22.6-mile Pa-
cific Ocean race course in 3:04:43.
This was Stars & Stripes’ first
victory in the second round, having
lost once to Defiant and twice to its
stablemate, America3. The win
keeps Stars & Stripes ahead of De—
fiant in the point standings, with

five points to Defiant‘s two points.
America3 leads the series with 12
points. Defiant faces America3 to-
morrow. Today is a lay day.

Credit for Stars & Stripes' win is
going to the new keel, rudder anti
mast combination installed
Wednesday night. The crew, work—
ing in shifts. labored in the wind
and rain through the night to com-
plete the refit.

block 1 out. but sometimes they can
really get under their skin."

Fonier. a native Californian
played ice hockey in upstate New
York and Massachusetts before
coming to Lexington. “Hockey-
wise, it's fun down here. We didn't
get the crowd suppon up there. i
think maybe the time is a factor."

“it's more exciting than football,”
Mark Turner, a undeclared sopho-
more said. “Just wild crowds. We
make a lot of noise. i swear I‘d hate
to be the other team coming in there
to play. "

Even if you know nothing about
the sport of hockey, (Not exactly
the Bluegrass state‘s official sport)
you can still have a good time at the
HQ Just remember to yell (l) at
opponents, (2) at pin-striped people
on skates and (3) when the Cool
Cats slap that lil' round black thing
in the net.

The Cool Cats are, not so gra-
ciously, playing host to Vanderbilt
University Saturday night at mid-


Continued from page 2


take it off inside to outside passes.“

Woods, Martinez and the l’t.‘\l of
UK's “coming on players" “111 lc‘si
their practice success Saturday af—
ternoon against Western Kentucky
in Rupp. The Hilltoppers are
coached by former UK assistant
coach Ralph Willard.

“i don’t trust this coach at all,"
Pitino joked Wednesday.

Before last night's game against
Louisiana Tech, Western was 15-7
Overall and 6-5 in the Sunbelt Con-
ference. Tech leads the Sunbelt.

The Hilltoppers won nine of their
first 11 games this season. They are
lead in scoring by 6-foot-5 senior
forward Jack Jennings, who averag-
es 19.9 points a game.

UK leads the series 2-1. The Cats
defeated the Hilltoppers 84-70 Dec.
21, 1990 in Louisville‘s Freedom



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BeM Valentine Forever! LOVE SAM.
MARK V - Looking Forward to the

Weekend. T.C.

SRJ - It's Been a Great Year and Two Weeks”

Colleen & Paul:



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 Q— Mucky Kernel. Friday, February 14. 1992




Contributing Writer

When thinking of cities that have
spawned new and exciting music.
Hoboken, N.l., may not readily
spring to mind. But it is the town of
Tiny Lights, a band

known for creating this type of

Formed in 1986, this quintet has
created a blend of folk. psychedelia
and funk that enables them to have
a truly unique live show. When the
band returns to Lexington tonight it
will be promoting its fourth and lat-
est release. Stop The Sun, I Want To
Go Home.

Stop the Sun blends the styles
that are predominant on the band's
last two releases. From the folk psy-
chedelia of the Hazel's Wreath. the
band progressed to the harder—edge
funk of their last release Ilot Choc-
olate Massage, which guitarist
John Hamilton said resulted from
their extensive touring practice.

“When Hazel's Wreath came out

Tiny Lights was primarily a studio
.band." Hamilton said. “But after the
amount of touring we've done you
develop a sense of what the crowds
respond to, and that came out With
Hot Chocolate Massage. 1 think the
new record is not as light-hearted as
Our last one — it’s kind of a combi-
nation of Hot Chocolate and lla-
zel’s Wreath."

Hamilton said that the group’s in-
corporation of a cello into its sound
-— something that hm become one
of Tiny Lights' eclectic trademarks
— stemmed from a personal deci-
sion he made when forming the

“I'd always wanted one from



Hobolten band to ‘Light’ up Wroeklage


Hoboken, N J 5 Tiny Lights will pertorm tonight at the Wrocklage, 361 W. Short Street, Lexington's The
Blueberries Will open. Tiny Lights' newest release IS "Stop The Sun, I Want To Go Home.‘

hearing strings on things like the
Beatles' records,” he said. “And l'd
always liked the cello and its sound.
I think it fits in really well: It's
higher in pitch than the bass and
just lower than the guitar, so it has a
nice filling-in quality to iL"

Tiny lights is also known for us-
ing a wide array of other instru—
ments beside the cello during their
live performances, which Hamilton

said happened purely by accrdent.

“It just happened," he said. “I
think having a cello player (Stuart
Hake) pushed the rest of us. It
wasn’t intentional. (Vocalist) Don-
na (Croughn) had played violin in
the fourth grade and (bassist) Dave
(Dreiwitz) had played trumpet. it
just worked out that way."

Hamilton said that money and
success is not an issue for his band

and that they are playing together
strictly for the enjoyment.

“Tiny Lights is and has always
been a musical thing," he said. “We
never had financial goal. We don’t
want to have to compromise any—
thing — our only goals are musical

Tiny Lights will perform tonight
at the Wrocklage. For more infor-
mation. call 231 -7655 .


Contributing Writer

A long time ago. rock 'n’ roll
was about the basics — a guitar.
has evolved into a multitude of
categories and divisions.

So when three guys get togeth-
er with nothing but the basics
again it almost can be consid-
ered something new.

The Blueberries are three such
musicians who are about the ba-

“I’m just a big fan of straight
4/4 rhythm rock ’n' roll,"said
Blueberries guitarist Otto Hel-

“There‘s not too many bands
these days that do that. I think
we‘re the only band in Lexing-
ton that comes close.”

Formed in 1991, the Blueber-
ries have been playing around
the region and quickly develop-
ing a name for themselves as
straight-edged rock ‘n’ roll at its

Having previously played with
the now-defunct 330 High. Hel-
muth and Chad Ward were no
strangers to Lexington‘s music

After that group‘s demise.
they continued to play together
and eventually hooked up with
drummer Andy Mason.

The trio then formed what is
now the Blueberries' sound.

“This band is a rhythm band;


Blueberries taking
rock back to basics

there is no lead." Helmuth said.
“l'm not a lead guitarist. The
way we play together is real
cool. I just play basic rhythms
and Andy and Chad just play off
each other. I think without a lot
of soloing we can still get a lot

“And I think the songs defi-
nitely stand on their own," Ward

The Blueberries also have
made a name for themselves
from their live performances.

“A lot of people just go to a
bar to talk. which is cool,” Hel-
muth said. “But we want to
make them listen to us, and
sometimes the only way to do
that is to just go nuts and make a
spectacle of yourself.

“We don’t want to play clubs
for the rest of our life. We want
to make albums and get our mu-
sic heard. We want to be able to
quit our day jobs and just make

The band definitely seems to
be on the way. Their song “Scaf-
fold Cane Road" was on the lo-
cal compilation compact disc
Bigger Than You and they are
also contestants on WKQQ‘s
“Decent Exposure” contest this

The Blueberries will open to-
night for Tiny Lights at the
Wrocklage, 361 W. Short St.

For more information, call



Falla Guitar Trio to perform at UK tomorrow

Acclaimed group performs diverse
material from Bach, Bernstein, jazz




The Falla Guitar Trio (left to right: Kenton Youngstrom, Dusan Bogdanovic and Terry Graves) will per-
torm tomorrow night at 8 at the Otis A. Singletary Center for the Arts. Tickets are $10.

Assistant Arts Editor

Lexington will