xt75tb0xsh0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsh0p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-07-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 25, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 25, 1985 1985 1985-07-25 2020 true xt75tb0xsh0p section xt75tb0xsh0p M
— '
Vol. LXXXIX, No. in 5mm,” "94 Independent uric. I97] July 25. t‘785 '
Legal (10“th a“: a.» . ...,.
“ ' 'Q .. i.§_\.. ,. H - , I- _
/. > . ~. ' J v “ ‘ 1"“ 0a..“
delay Morton . > v. «—
sentencing ~' ' ’13? , 1 ""‘i , ». . '
HyALEXCROl'ClI ‘ , m [a .. . ., .-" .; ' .
Staff Writer *1 g, " ~‘ . ‘13- rs -. 5a. .4 . i & -.. - 7;."an ' .
begal questions about the sentencmg ‘}¢oti‘l~$;$‘éu . W" ' w I '
power of judges meant Elne Alexander ’ firms. (‘P'rsj "fi _ . g 1 .
Morton returned to jail last week. con (3"; *i "J" . .fgi!‘ in f ‘ V ’ i .
victed but still unsentenced. 5w“ ‘fififit‘fv'b ~. 3.3.“ ‘ .. 3 ' W” . ‘ . ,
Morton. 32. of 1972 Kingtree Drive. was . “ig-n‘ V' . ‘ f . . , ' >
to have been sentenced Friday for the ' “2‘1“”an imp «we.» 537,1 “fit I
murder. rape and sodomy last summer “ "9" _' (““334 “’t‘fi’m‘ ‘ ‘ .fi *3} .- a ' ’
. of L'K graduate student Lin-jung Chen. *A. 3"; :5 3 m a . «
but Fayette Circuit Court judge Armand .g. *i‘ ””‘wa‘aifi' Mr. 3.3mm 4;; . “a. ' ‘
. Angelucci delayed. asking instead for H i. .973“ “"«v' In 2mm}... .1; i 1,“, t‘ .. ‘ , ' ‘ , .
memoranda briefs from both parties. ‘1 k. ”sf : ‘ "a #5 ‘ 3"? gt; j~ ’3‘: ., :sm‘lfli i5)"; '
Angelucci said the briefs would help ‘51!“ .3; " 25> Yx‘ifl‘; ’ rife" . t '3 . ~
him decide “whether or not the finding ; . ' et’fi“, gt“. x‘c:_i~.fl§§,r-fi I " .
by the jury was a recommendation and ' g ‘ J» 7‘ “' a 1'. -L. 9"? -' ‘
not binding on the judge. or whether the j I , ‘ " _ ' . ' .‘ my: ;
recommendation of the jury is in reality . . W), , r. _\.' .l .‘ ‘74 2 f s '
a fixmg of the penalty." leaving him no W???” . I ' e}; 'L M§~*§.V?¢;QM4- ’ an.” a” 5‘: '3 g‘f w. ‘
option ' a - ‘ ..«- 3*“? g- fl" ~ ' '7' vF:71;r .» {(9. Jutgn‘ ‘%V"g~.’ ~ k' k; -. u.- . .'
He told the lawyers to submit the Sl- $1355, 'f ’ 1‘“? sé‘fm‘ffi’”. g; ”avg“? "k. pm.» 'K‘ngvé‘t‘i’fi'g‘ .3.” sgj.” , ~ -“~‘~“ . G'i ' ‘
multaneous briefs on Sept. 3 and set a ' mumuumu wamu ' .
sentencing hearing for Sept. 20. , ' -
Fayette Commonwealth‘s Attorney Gatherlng nuggets
Ray Larson. who. along with his assis-
tant Kevin Horne. prosecuted Morton. Michal Mortord. an education psychology senior, Woodland Park yesterday. Mortord is a sound techni-
- 53‘d he would continue tonseek the death tosses a piece of chicken to a hungry squirrel in cian for the Shakespeare Festival. -
penalty "if its an option. He preferred. .
however. to “save my opinions for the
memoranda . " S o o o o o .
Erwin Lewis. one of Morton‘s two t d t w t t I p t t ‘
court-appomted attorneys. said he sees u en S In In erna Iona com e 1 Ion
the brief as “an opportunity to establish . . ~——————~A—-~—~ ._,..#_._.....,,.A__..___.______ "_ . .
jury sentencing. When the community Archltecture senlors
speaks about life or death that voice . l .
should not be overturned by one single dCSIgn German center ‘
person ihiscommunityhasspoken," l .
The jury recommended 2(iyear sen- H. ”“1" ”011(le .
tences for the rape and sodomy charges Staff Writer . , .
and life imprisonment without parole for - ‘
at 1935‘ 25 years {0" the murder _ Hard work paid off for two l'K (‘ollege . » 0
Lewis predicted his brief Will argue of Architecturestudents, Up
from Kentucky's “tradition 0f 3”." 59” Scott Hallam won the $8.000 first-place ”0" ~ ‘ '
tencmg" and the state‘s rules of criminal award and Pete Bivens won $000 for Am V 5
procedure. “'h‘Ch. give power ”f death second place in an international design t WW" ' .
sentencmg to the jury and ”0‘ the judge. competition sponsored by the National i ‘ ‘ ‘ .
hesaid, Institute for Architectural Education in i — A \ ,
See MOR ION. page 3 New York ! " I
There were 167 projects from 64 ar- ‘ ‘
. chitecture schools. including 31 l' S and W 1/" l
SGA tables blll 17 French schools and 13 schools in other i ,I \ \ 5 ;
countries. iii this year‘s competition A . \
panel of 24 institute architects did the ' I
to buy computer Judging
(‘ompetitors in this year's project were Q 5 _ ‘
Staff re iorls required to deSign a research center for p ' I
‘ l the history of the Third Reich and a park .
. . in downtown Berlin The site is next to ‘
The Student Government Association the Berlin Wall separating East and
interim senate last week tabled a bill West Berlin The.SS and Gestapo head- 4 .
t3; would have allocated 54‘0“) for an quarters once stood on the site. 4 ‘/ 5
5 persona computer Working independently of each other in , r x
SGA President John (Tain. the sponsor the studio of UK architecture professor ‘ ' w . \ ,
of the bill. was not at the Thursday meet- Bruce Lonnman. Hallam and Bivens " '
ing and Senior Vice PreSIdent Neal Hard- each came up with an entirely different ' a i ' ' . .
esty was unable to answer questions sen- building design. The designs both focused ' t + “
ators had about research Cain had done on water and were meant to be memori< ., .
in looking for the computer. Lack of full als to the victims of the Third Reich. , ‘~
answers caused senators to call for ta- Bivens said it was the first time in the ‘ ,
bling the bill. it will be discussed at the history of the competition that the top ‘ f j ' ‘
senate's next meeting. which Cain is ex- two winners have come from the same ' . V '
pected to attend. school. "
According to the bill. the computer "I didn‘t feel that 500" and l were ‘
w0uld be used for word processing. keep- competing against one another in the . .. I, , ,u
ing up with SGA expenses and keeping sense 0f "T198. ‘0 beat each other — bl“ 1, " '
student government files :0 Simglcyufifmsh the intact. d! have " s , i .
. nown . 0 or over a year. an we ve .. .
The b'" proposed to spend the money been in classes together.“ the Louisville " . a ‘
on an IBM-PC personal computer. ac- native said ' .5. s.‘
companymg software aim ta pginter. Bivens said he was really surprised to a“ ‘
8098. w' a serVice con rac an ‘5" have won second lace with all the stiff
trapping." lo stated that tudent 80 international com‘petition. He said he MM(I.")M‘¢M9 Hallam
e ' _a s. j S V‘ was in class in the architecture building The structures desi ed b 'v - - . .
ernments in eight of UK s it benchmark when Anthony Eardley. dean of the col- Hallam are very large. easiyinLsefiga: mgélafmfixfnogofigiwgfh a7 [$53339
institutions use COWWWVS- _ . lege. gave him a note telling him of his the Classroom Building, Bivens said Bi the Berlin Wall was begun - the court
Hardesty. speaking for Cain. said the win. ven's structure was designed to be built vard would be flooded to represent a
computer would be used mpecmlly to Hallam said. “I never suspected l undergroundwithan opencourtvard cleansingofthesite
write letters for lobbying campaigns dur- would win. It was more of a challenge to Hallam. a Berea native. said his build»
ing GeneralAssembly sessions simply meetadeadline." mg contained a courtyard with a very W‘“ m"‘- l‘aflt‘-

 2-KENTUMVKERNEL 7m , 25, 1906
lnlormatlon on this Calendar at events is
collected and coordinated through the Stu~
‘ dent Center Actiwtles Ottlce 203 704 Student
, Center Unwersnty at Kentucky The inlormar
tion is published as supplied by the on-cam-
pus sponsor wrth editorial prwrlege allowed
tor the sake ol clarity at expressmn For stu~
dent organizations or Universrty departments
to make entries on the calendar 0 Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and re»
turned to the Student Activrties Ottice one
week prior to publication date
. Other‘ The Athenians: Medea-A ' Academics: Deadline for applying ' Plays: 'Nudeo' Protected by the ' C°"'°'°"C°§-' Co“‘39e BUSiness
mm version of Euripides Tragedy: 340 tor admissions or readmission to The Actors Guild at Lax; S5 8 34: Theatre Management '"SN'U'GI Whl'ehO" C'OSS‘
. Classroom Bldg; 1 p.m. Graduate School for the was Fall Se- Downunder-Levas RGS'OUI'ONI 8 p.m; "°°"‘ Bldg.;Ca|l257-6368 . .
0 Plays shakespeare Festival, 'Tam- mester Cal|233-l5l2 . ' . ‘ ° Plays. Shakespeare Festival, Tam-
mg ot the Shrew', Junkyard Players; ° Plays: Shakespeare Festival. 'To ' PIPY53 Shakespeare F95"V°l- R'Ch‘ "‘9 0‘ "‘9 Sh'Wi Junkyard ”We”?
Prevshow 8:15 pm ‘ Curtain "me 8:45 Km a Mockingbird" Junkyard Players; ard Ill; Junkyard Players; Free; Pre~ Pre-show 8.15 p.m., Curtain time 8:45
p.m. Woodland Park Call252-7278 Prevshow ens p.m., Curtain time 3:45 show 8:15. Cur-min time 8:45 pm. Pam-Woodland ParKC0'l252-7278
0 Plays Nuclear Pro'ec'ed' by me p,m,;WoodlandPark;Coll252-7278 WoodlandPark2Call252-7278 ° Concerts Musical Sundays. Ash-
Actors Guild 0‘ Lax; $5 8. 54. Theatre . plays: 'Nuclear Protected by the land Trio (Classucal Music), Free,
Downunder-Levos Restaurant: 8 p.m.z Actors' Guild of Lex.: $5 a $4; Theatre Woodland Park: 2pm,, Call 255-0835
‘ . Cal|23345l2 Downunder-Levas’ Restaurant: a p.m.1
° Concerts John 8. Jane Herrod 8 C0“ 2334512 '
The Gray Eagle Band (traditional coun-
try)‘ Free, Triangle Park; Noon-l p.m.z
29 mm so means 31 wemsw mism-
‘ 0 Conferences College Busmess 0 Conferences: College Business . Conferences: ““999 Business , . ACOdemIICS. DTQdIm: ‘0' app|(i2cay
‘ Management Institute. Whitehall Class» Management lnstitue; Whitehall Class- Management Institue; Wh"eh°” Class- tion “if Ear‘y‘ Dejisw'nqssrogarltl'm; o I
room Bldg Cal|257-6368 room Bldg. Call 257-6368 '°°m Bldg» “MW-m '°9° ° Medm" °' we"
. Other' American Shetland Pony 0 Other. The Athenians. The Clouds- '9’
‘ Review Admission Charged. Ky. Horse A full length Marionette performance ' Conlerences College Business
Park. Ca|l5l3 548-3244 at Aristophanes‘ Tragedy, Worsham Management Institute; Whitehall CIOSS'
. ' Other The Athenians The Baa Theatre; 29"" room Bldg: COIMSIW .
'~ chae-A lull-length Marionette perfor- 0 Plays Shakespeare Festival To ' Plays I'Nuclear Protected by the
g ’ mance of Euripides Tragedy Worsham Kill a Mackingbird': Junkyard Players. Actors' Guild of Lex. $5 8 SA Theatre
Theatre 8p.m. Pre-show 8 l5 p.m. Curtain time 8.45 Downunder-Levas Restaurant 8 p m
y , Concerts Homegrown Bluegrass p.m. WoodlandPark Call252-7278 Call233-ISl2
. (Bluegrass Musml ArtsPlace Noon-l .‘ Other. American Shetland Pony
pm Ca|l255~295i Review Admission Charged Ky Horse
0 ConLerts Art A La Carte Home Park Call513 5‘8 32“
' grown Bluegrass, Free ArtsPlace
Noon-l p.m , Call 873-6741
i ts . in a i : l» W W
ms: John a Jan. w s nu. Gray sq. land (tradi- ms: m. Athenians: Medea-A rum version or Euripides 333/“ 5'099'0“ 5'°'° 50m”: “0'0" CW": C°” 257'
tional coun ); Free; Triangle Park; Noon-t .m.: Call 255- Tragedy: 340Classroombl .: t .m. , .
. ”35 try p 7/26: Deadline for 09pm: torpadmissions or readmission 8/2-8/3: 'Nuclear Protected' by the Actors Guild of Lem:
’ 7 25 a. 7/29: Shakflpoot'. Festival. 'Taming or m. Shrew'; to ThoGraduate School for thel985 Fall Semester $5 ‘ 3‘: "mt"! °°W"U"d°'-l"°’ R”'°W°"‘I 3 P-'“-3
' Junkyard Players; Free: Woodland Park: Pro-show 8:15 7/1!) 3 7/1”: American Shetland Pony Review: Admission Call 23345” g .
p.m..Curtaintime 3:45pm.; Call252-7278 Chargod:Ky.Horsa Park;Call513/548-32u 3/6= m. Ashlond "'0 (C'w'm'): ”Mb“: N°°"" PM:
7/25-7/28 B 8/1: 'Nuclear Protected' by the Actors' Guild 7/1): The Athenians: The bancchea-A lull length Mario- Call 255495] '
‘ at Lex.; 35 G 54; Theatre Dawnunder-Levas Restaurant: 8 none pedormanca at Euripides' Tragedy; Worsham 3/71 L0" day 06““. fOOtSterOd students "NY PGY ‘50 '°
pm; Call 233-15” Theatre; 3 p.m. conlirm their I985 Fall semester registration
7/26 8 7/3”: Shakespeare Festival, 'To Kill a Mockingbird; 7/3l: The Athenians: The Clouds-A full length Marionette
Junkyard Players; Free: Woodland Park; Pro-show 3:15 per-torment: at Aristophanes' Tragedy: Worshom Theatre:
‘ p m., Curtain time 8:45p.m.: Call 252-7779 2p,m‘
, . 7/27. Shakespeare Festival. 'Richard lll'; Junkyard Players: l/l: Deadline for applications for Early Decision Program,
Free; Woodland Park; Preshow 8:15 p.m, Curtain time CollegootMedicinetorthetm FaIISemestor
8:45p.m.; Call 252-7278
. r-~‘ 7/28: Musical Sundays at Woodland Park: The Ashland Trio
(classical); Free; Woodland Park; 2 p.m.z Catt 255m
7/30: Homegrown Bluegrass (bluegrass): ArtsPtaco; Noon-
lp.m.: Callus-295i
7/30: Art A La Carve, Homegrown Iluegross‘ (bluegrass);
Free. ArtsPlace: Noon-l p.m., Catt 073-6711
7/28 - 8 '2 College Business Management Institute; White
hall Classroom Bldg Call 25776368

Professor discusses UK basketball’ s '
ff 0 e e e .
From rd h t th K Cl b , ' ‘
" SUCCESS, 1S ory Wl lwams ll - .
ByCYNTHlA A-PALORMO “ state or the conference. “UK really ‘ '
Editor‘s note' This is the last in a series sum- ManagingEditor UK,(baSketball) réally hasn't gone downhill. it's just that ' V i
marizing the day—today business of the General . hasn tgone downhill, other teams have gotten better ~ . ‘
Assembly's special session. 51}: basketball is at a crossroads “,5 just that other they've gotten stronger."he said. ;
ri now.
‘ H . Another reason L'K basketball is '
Thursday — The Senate passed Gov. Martha We ve changed coaches. changed teams have otten . . . . _
Layne Collins' education-improvement bill. but playing styles and even changed g , Egalitging ‘5 the retirement Dr Joe B '
with amendments the House of Representatives shoes." UK history professor Bert better — they Ve gotten ~ ’ '
did not accept. Nelli told 3 Lexington Kiwanis Club. Stl‘Ofl er n Nelli said that in his opinion Hall .
The amendments changed the House bill by in- Nelli spoke to the group Monday g ' . made two important contributions to
eluding merit pay for teachers; reducing class about "the history of one of the na- Bert Neill, L'K basketball and to the i'niversl- '
sizes by four students in grades 1 to 3. instead of tion's most successful college bas- professor ofhistory ty: preserving and strengthening the
by one student in grades HS; and instituting a ketball programs." — tradition andlntegratingthe team .
two-year pilot career—ladder program for teachers Nelli tom the Kiwanians. “The lm- teresting and probably the most im- um k . hl , ,, . , . ‘
insteadofone-year. portance of UK basketball in the portant topic right here at hand , I , fee at :3“ h‘ne Lomplételt
The two chambers formed a conference com- state 0f Kentucky can‘t be overem- University of Kentucky sports and. billé‘ognfid t ‘6 game 0f hdékmr ' ‘ V
mittee towork out differences. phasized, The interest shown in the in particular. l'niversny of Ken- ,d ' . ' e}; 5d”; And ”“9“de
Similar action came on the governor's business— summertime for a sport that. is a tucky basketball." glas 531mm ériitbit..seexfle.d [HAWTH- t ' '
tax bill: The Senate passed it but with an amend» few months beyond football 15 81- The research which he began in M? ii hend dd. (31m, Ufac b )m "
ment exempting some busmesses from increases ways unique to this state. _ 1978 culminated in 1984 With The . .ILI -the:t 1! soquu "(TW uno ”U ‘
in corporate license fees. and a conference com- In the 1978. Se”! deClded to re- Winning Tradition - a book detail- fine“ a 1 “d5“ tnote .
. mittee had to resolve the difference search sports hlStOI‘" ”I‘ a more for- ”lg the history 0t L'K basketball Neill believes tans “ill miss Hall .
Friday — Both chambers passed Collins‘ educa» mal manner. ”Sports mStOI‘y has be- Nelli said the UK program is because “they've gotten used to his '
tion package, (‘onference committees retained the come an American history in recent changing because of the growing style. they've' gotten used in his “It
merit~pay amendment and a twodyear pilot ca- years and an accepted area 0t SUCCESS 0f the [v “t L basketball PFO‘ tein. and-they've gotten used to the i ’
reer-ladder program in the school-improvement StUdY~"h€53id- gram as we“ as changes In the fact that he'was the most iirdent : V
bill The General Assembly also passed a resolu— “Looking around for topics. it {1' Southeastern Conference [K is no supporter of [K basketball in the I .
tion directing the governor to include funding for nally hit me that l had the most in- longer the supreme power in the state." . '
education in the 1986 budget . I
While Collins rejoiced in her success she said. 0 I =
“We havealot left todo." .Morton Sho ers V1“ 6 . .
The luday sessmn cost the public 3344.010. Continued from page one . I » ,
Rep. Louie Mack lD-bexingtoni said he thought Angelucci said in his statement to the court that he I] uors I _ .-
that overall the session went well. u" l was govv “wants to be certain . that if the facts warrant such '
ernor and I met with this much success I would action the court could impose the death penalty as re-
bepieased." dusted" by the prosecution though the Jury dd midd'smasraiaamatestimators: .
Ken Hoskins. Collins' press secretary. said Col- not recommend" it. Later he said his “duties as a good use m: CUSTOMER LIMIT on SALE lrws EXCEPT are: FEATURES ALL
lins was satisfied. “Her feeling was she presented judge require me to 100k at all the options I have." "“5 INCLUDED m “(WK “Vin“ mm ‘ I
a strong plan to the legislature and what came out Angelucci summarized the judicial progress of the Coors Old Milwaukee . Miller I t, I
was a Strongman case in his statement and described the conflicts he sees COOI’S “9'“ Miller Ute . 'I I
Mack attributed the easy passage 0f the pack- between the death penalty statute and state Supreme im'r-v -'£1‘”.°.’,327I1 .
age to constituents letting “representatives and Court rules and rulings. (. ‘ r: . ‘ _~ "' PAK ma H. 5 .
senators know they were interested and wanted . , I .. 3:”; _ ‘ W E H v .
something done. They (the constituents) encour- The conflicts could raise "the ultimate question. An- 9" ‘ . 9N3 ‘ ' ,
aged them to act p05itively,” gelucci said: whether the General Assembly or theSu» 39 69 ,. 99 osyosiv ' .
Sen, Michael R. Moloney 'D-Lexingtonl raised preme Court should establish Judge or jury sentencing sputum 1m, ms M ,m ms
concerns during Senate discussion of the tax bills Larson said this question was the most intriguing one
about revenue shortfalls. He said those concerns the judge raised . . - ,
were not suffiCiently addressed (‘ollins~ tax in SALE! . I -‘ '
creases "will not pay for the education reform ‘
Package over the next 34 months." he said ”It 0" GEORGES DEBOEUF ' -. . .
will require future tax efforts infuture sessions " e “ u n ‘ .. . ,4 ‘ '
But Hoskins replied ”you deal with things in CQPIES “\“ FLOWER LABELS . “3552.!
the light of today. and to the best of your ability ’ . s _ ’3" H h' .i V
dd ddmdd " ed ‘sl / -. ., assassins:mistresses:Jim
Rep Pat Freibert 'R'thlngton’~ Whose REPUD' é? 2nib-arr OPEN ages of Georges Desoeufs beautiful newer label bot ' I .
llcan colleagues tried to present their own educa- A. . 1 .. 23‘; 11L ties And we re celebrating with special sale prices
tion package and failed. said. "it‘s accurate to .' X 2¢ 3 v’; through Wednesday Hurryl
say I'm better satisfied with the revised version Pf ‘ *L :; M|DN'GHT , , . . . . , '
it you don‘t like the choices you take what you ig ANNUAL SALE / 1 Ni Beaujolais Regnle 84 Beaujolais Villages 84 , _
can get " She said the package “won‘t substan» $2 JIIlV 22.31 \L" g 2,343.0 regnie, the oestof the 37 ist Prize Winner at the '
. I t . .. - « l communes that make up prestigious Vlllefrarche
tlally reform the conduc Of education. k «a WM” dd‘d WV Hi," ‘0‘ s' ”mum". Beaulmals Villages, has Wine Competition i'he '
' . , " applied for Brand cru first 84 to reach our
’_ , Vi . status. Try this new stores, get this now while
__._.———.—— , before Its Its flavor
~- fame drives is at its
r . - ~‘_ swan—inf prices uni 599 peak. 499 ‘ '
,. .. I; v . . Save 33%! 750 Mt Save 17% 750 Ml.
M...— - ‘ . , ,
Playing This Week: ‘\ deShaS SP'R'TS 0" SALE
Cinema E 32"”...
' a ua
_ _ some: .
‘ (From LOUISVlllC) ‘ Stollchnaya ,EW gaffee
. . r
l ‘ deSha 5 Restaurant 8. Bar is ac- —- queu ; .
' e \_ n u . . ‘ l
Tonight. . i k cepilng applications for the fol- 899 999 Kg?
.1. Riggins Fashion Show .3. lowing positions: mm :1 _ 750m. a
, i‘ .’ _ 'G ;
MR. BRASS A V , ll: . BAminnins ”m .‘ _OOLER -
CONTEST " a I ' BUS PEOPLE Bacardi , f; (mum I. i
' ‘ ‘ Light ‘i ' t California ' it ’
l lst prize $50.00 . - ' l . COOKS or Dark W,“ Cooler ' 3
2nd Prize Brass A 9‘ .I.’ .. ' . FOOD RUNNERS 99 I . m g
Sam mm ~, a; at V l . HOST/HOSTESS '. m: 283
WI , . SERVE" “ ‘ ens I331
l i I ‘1
Ap lications will be acce ted IMPORTED WWES
Ladies No Cover Charge l p . P -
from noon ‘llll 6 p.m., Saturday wwumm
. u . . “mu m m VALIOlICEuA
'Long Island Teas \ July 27, Main Lobby, Victorian Blue Nun Folonari
m. 5L, $2 50 ' Square . Liebfraumlicii Wlnes 1‘
a l 2 m, . m, ’-
1‘ f . l I 69M” . 1 99 mt”.
” :n. ‘ I I non TI a 15mm ’1—
‘ t9 / Mu" 1 \ . I 1 mums.” 9" mums-e ‘
melon-tau u. ' ’ \V/
Ito-tn.” Y
\ union".- ‘
, . pestinkizawi » . . ,. .. . .4

.. . . '1‘"
Kef‘i‘iel ' ' ‘ " ' Q
, .3.
' g . r v)»
MIMI”. Imoflmtfli . / L I
5:0"ch _ // ' "x 7! I "
Editor-in-Chief 1 at f /, i
Cynflllc A. Paloma James A. $00" , ‘> ‘
Managing Editor Editorial Editor I RTRE ‘0 {:4 . . /
i 1l f k If urn-N /
. 1 . fax. \
. ' l \ ,7»:
t A“! ' 7 i -_ ., :2";
I S th Af ° ! ’ L
.. n on rica, . A. . \
Violence will stay I Q
. ; ’ l. O .
‘ untl] syStem goes :3“? All“ ‘That ’5 Strange, itjus! keeps gelling hotter in here. ’
;__.__wfl;a _ _.s,7_._ _. .__i, ,Mth, ,, 7A,". .__VVA__._.7V,,A,,W,. . NW,“—
, South Africa ‘5 problems continue. . ,
. While that may seem an understatement, T h h t 6 d t f
it is actually quite inaccurate. The problems eac er Opes 0 emyS l y Space
experienced by the government in that sec- Th f‘ td h l t . leg [ed 1 d
‘ . ' ' __ e IFS OVVTI- ome. norma -type news S orlw re , a 0 un 95”“
“on of thet“0rl(:tage ingfed ltilprOblems. passenger to be fired into space will able air time and advertisement—
meamng l 5 fau - u 9 pro ems — ViO- goupnextJanuary. Jams A_ laden newspaper pages. the first imv
lence. starvation, oppresswn; take your pick Are you excited? ' STOLL portant step toward "demystifying"
—arenotjust South Africa‘s. l'mexcited. g space will have been completed:
The problems are our problems, too. MS- Sher?" Christa McAUliffe ‘ Segatravell wmflb" {‘0 more amaz‘
‘ There are two sides to every issue, but agifistthrilled right down to her ing nalrp ane igh.
there is not always a doubt as to which Side Sharon ‘ 3 Concord NH, high and works as a volunteer at a family Then. perhaps. even smaller.
is right- There is little dOUbt here- school teacher will have to leave her 9'3“"in 'clinic 0“ the shuttle her minded Ear th—humans m“ be forced
The extremely small minority of white cit- um and 12th-grade‘students for a £335" W111 be ‘0 :eteifha gnaw 3:55:51: dhetligsinilgi 2’3": Osfhg‘;
izens in South Africa hold an extremely bit and the Pupils W1“ certainly 1"" er efper'ences' " 5 8 SC” d' ‘ , ha . '

. . , , derstand that country comes first It her value to the shuttle program istance “9 V9 strayed from our
large majority of that country s wealth. This so happens that Momma country Mt when she expmsed her dam, homey “me world. After that it is
by itself seems unfair, but when the same has asked her to leave the world _', "to demystify NASA and space just Possible that they could realize

- rich ruling minority also suppresses the temporarily — and the high school flight" thmgsdonthavetostaythlsway.
. rights of the impoverished majority, the in- willberema‘ining planetside. iieaanebiZn l'ter ll "ms nds of —_——"‘——
, ‘ ‘ ' ' Besides. the National Aeronaut‘c 5 ' a Y a '
equities appear even mahcmus' and Space Administration will ne‘e: years since civilized men first The fll‘St aStronaUts —
As of Tuesday police in South Africa ad- time to run her "trough your basic ‘°°"ed at "‘9 "m" and 5‘3“ “1"“ heroes all — were the
. mitt ed the ha d'arrest ed 441 1 Th astronaut training or a reasonable ignorant wonder. It has only been a ,
d ta" d . y _ P909 9- °§e facsimile thereof before they load few hundred years smce the wonder pioneers. Sharon
. e the include a large list of members in he . the h t] becameinformed. ° -
. _ . . r into space s ut e Challenger , Chnsta McAullffe _
' black township counClls, reportedly the first withuierestomieerew on Jan,22_ Until 50 years 889- n0 Earth-
line of resistance to the white minority rul- Then it‘s zoom. whoosh! Off 31:13? aMdksmw it“; filaneti'ltii: and the other
ers. Yet after three days in a state of emer- they" 8° ““0 the Wild blue yonder o S y was Op 0 m h '11
' — and the airless black beyond the world-foreveryone- com oners w 0 M
‘ gie:cyt}:he c-"ickdow" Wis: n° 1%“ ‘° “9"" yonder. mnearedlfferemnow follow — will be the
p g e V10 ence — e a one restoring We're talking World's Longest Technology is intheworks to send
order- Field Trip, bar none. a 'mmed $3” ‘2?) the plane}; Mar: settlers-
» . . Of course. the kids won‘t have it M n per ps years. onoug .—
~ . There were arrests last Tuesday in Wash- so bad. Education Secretary William knowledge already exists _to con» The Smrsarewamn Pawn“,

. . .. . . ac S e ' , - s ruc spaces ions 0 con51 era e ‘ ;
mgtqn D C as we.” JOhn E J 0b . th .1. Bennett intends to stop by during t t , tat f d bl As we watch Slgiaronl Clirlsta
preSident 0f the National Urban League was the first day McAuliffe misses That size. And ‘t was long ago that we McAuliffe‘s rocket ride into the his-

- carted downtown with approximately 40 oth- means nationalnewscoverase- ("St escaped, the 'mpnsonmem 0f torv she teaches none of us can
ers who demonstrated on the sidewalk of the 8‘" America ““1 "0‘ be inmate“ our own pldnet' comm-3mg the dofibl the obvious im “cations The
. .. , , - . ea y vacuum 0 space Wl repea - . ‘
‘ iii Bennett or the smiling adminis d d1 f th 1 p
' South African Embassy. The law states dem- [raters and student leaders at (‘on- edsuccassfuimooniandmgs Paine! Earth ls not the only Place
, onstrators must remain at least 500 feet cord High School. America will The first astronauts ~ heroes all :ooiire me? mlgiit llVe. Skoon — very
‘ ’ away from an embassy when they protest, know what is important about this ‘Were ”‘9 Pimeers- Sham“ Chm“ will eoifiiizggtfifséaigit Iiing h we
and Jacobs knew this, event. even if the television news McAuliffef and the other common- ' e ‘
‘ ‘ . I f t th d t. d h . . broadcasters try to confuse the issue ers who “1” follow ‘“' M" be the 59" Already, however, the sky is no
_ - n ac ‘ e emonStra 10" .— an t e meVI- with a barrage of “background tea ”"5- longer the top of the world for
.4 table arrests f were. coordinated Wlth the ture pieces “ . It is high time mankind takes note anyone
local police. Not counting last Tuesday, 2,447 America wants Ms. McAuliffe. ‘ of the fact that Earth-humans may
‘ arrests had been made since Nov. 21 as a re- MCAul'm‘ '5 a ”flaw” GI” not be alone in this galaxy “119" Editorial Ediw' Jam“ A 5‘0” ‘3
sun Of de’nonstrauons held outside the South Scout: leader and mother of [WO She NASAS “lay passengers" on shuttle (I theater arts senior and (l Kernel
. African Embassy. teac es lav». economics and history trips eventually become mundane COIUMMSL
“We call on the US. government to move BLmM COUNTY by Berke Bream
beyond pious words to immediate action to 4 p“ AflER my h
' . . . ., N ..
' Pl" the screws on SOUth Africa S raCists. WWW/6756 VII/(NOW grave/5 mm atewoutpm Imam, 'ERMIGW wane/v7 mu ‘
Jacobs said. flEM MW 70 we 7M6 ”WEKV/fw Mn (WAKé TH/V arm H46 7w cm: armor? \
, And J ob ' r ht t do Th nt‘n $35M 3%” hfiwflfii’fi’y‘“ ‘0‘ “W” 5“” “VP/“mm
. - ac s ls lg- 0 50' e man I .g move m “0739 ’ V $505255? tag/L0 ,7 ”W” if»?
storm in South Africa must be headed off in , .\ \ \ , m ,1 ' xi mm? 17
any way possible — before it explodes in all - ‘, ’j - , . ~ _ \ _
' its fury. «W ‘_ \‘ K {(Qt':\ ‘ 4 6y / y. X;; Y. "L_,?’ h
fl l» \ : N L . ‘ n ' ,_ i. v / // K ‘i i- I
No one can condone disruptive chaos, but pl ‘ . t .‘ - ?., ' (I ‘ V- '1 Th ‘ ”er L 4, 1 (‘1‘; ‘ ' ‘
the South African government has brought , , \ “\N" /J I \ X ’ \f “c ' . ;/,
' . '. I . _W y ,/ \ - vs, ‘ .r‘ ‘ h N
the recent destruction upon itself. Short of «~ka -M L” 1 with)”: ft?» ”fluj).<;j\x my“ 1,‘ ?gfv A1.“
ending that country‘s system of apartheid, ,~ , u ‘ H.” t “‘5 ‘ 1
there are no optimistic scenarios for the res— ' ' . ml . ' ,_ I
olution of the political struggle there. And
martial law can only make things worse. Mywpm
- ’ ’ 6W ,. //
As prggests mam around the world, it ap- Imggggrfléf‘ w “flag? WV"? 11% 7/30 mg
pears t time 5 come or serious recon- “WA W 7 my 0. WW ”I“ mama” mom We“, ..
sideration by the South African government. fluw‘mmmw“ i " W’s roar ”1'5““mx’" A \ my
if real concessions are not made, the V10- wrmmw . / macaw. .. 59m!“ . \ Mm/
lence can only be expected to continue . . . [é - ' . ‘3’ \ f‘ ‘- my W ”39 ll /
and grow. ‘ - “-1 \ at F ’ A
Ki" 3 ,: i i' I! 1 '1 ,9
If that is allowed to happen. South Africa‘s , fr , r’ , J 5’ G ,. . _ 1:1
problems — truly the entire world’s prob- M I. , f ( . 3F \ " ' I” K;
lems ~ will remain unsolved at a steadily \/ \ g #5:: . t, ./ 'v:-;::;:-:_ \ . é ’-. ._
increasing cost. /K , -. i 139:; a flange? ’ 'v.-.::'-.':'-:'—"

 a. 0‘ i
Gory Fiona .' '.
ans (4 ~ ‘ ‘
High quality ‘Shrew’ offers impressive entertainment " ' '
e , . l I
ByJAMESA. STOLL ——_—————"‘—_ phens Kateisadelightto watch. strong sense of timing in their scenes to . - ,
Editorial Editor REVIEW Despite serving as Junkyard Players" gether and the hilarity ~ slapstick or ‘ .
artistic director for the festival. Stephens otherwise — is crisp. funnv stuff . . ,
[t is a theatrical experience that is not _ g {011“ time to (195191 the COIOTfUL StllllEd Richard Giles gives a colorful rendition
tobemissed, In this production. the comedy is clean costumes for “Shrew" as well as those of the laughable old Gremio. a suitor ,0 ’ -
The Shakespeare Festival's fourth sea- and the language. can hardly be dis‘ USGd "I”TO KIHAMockmgbird " the younger Bianca He is among the nu-
son opened last week under the stars in cerned as verse. Nichols has found much Tamara J McConnell is also very con» merous applicants for the mung” girl .
Woodland Park And whether you are to be ”910"“, in the comic trials and vincing 35 the "sacred and sweet" Bian- who must wait for Kate to. be married ' -'
seeking a first dose of the immortal bard tribulations of. the play's motley charac- ca, hate 5 younger 515‘” I\lc(‘onnell's before the sisters' father will allow Bian .
or have enjoyed Shakespearean plays m ters. And during performance. the cast Bianca is a delicate. desirable prospect ca to “ed (meg~ L‘haraClE‘l‘llalltm (,1 the « .-
the past. the festival offers a unique op- remains unruffled b." everythingfrom a for marriage striking a dellfihllUI 'pantaloon ’ (iré‘mlti can be extreme, but
portunity to view these ClaSSlC works pervasive roar of insects to passing mo- counterpomt to Stephens tempestuous mm m, gooverboarrt ‘ g .
It was Shakespear0.5 "Taming of the torcades of honking cars andsirens Kate in both word and action "ind be how l.owr\ D W“ “mm: d‘ the ”m”, n . ‘
Shrew" (”de bv Nick Nichols. that Julie Anne Stephens explores many dif— tween the sisters. the words of heated ”HM main“, ”(1., of mi- trout: w: I ’
klt'kt‘tl off the {05mm on Jul} 17 And If ferent levels as the illatempered shrew anger are complemented by the it?’ mm,“ pur\UinL7 [hp 14m.“ “L.“ ’1 LM , .
"Shrew ‘ 15- any indication. the annual ish Kate Bringing to life once more as ol Kate's iutio throw and right cross r} \ “Pt" Hm“. Mm \hakt'six‘azwar. 9:”. ' .
Shakespeare Festival produced by the ”“5913“5 ‘ hi”? done. for hundreds (’l Another engaging pair is that of John 2‘ 'ilr‘uotts ll;s tl mz‘oi o: ‘.;. ,i-yst ‘
Junkyard Players in cooperation with the Fm” Sl‘i‘k"5l)€<‘l“~’ 5 ancient ”Wk" Ol Dunleavy and Joe Gatton gs l’etruchio whether in l,lit“i(‘l‘i'ti s {Minn-ms iii raging: ~
Division of Parks and Recreation may the liberated woman 1“ an ““l‘lkmled ‘Kate‘s SUltOl“ and his servant. lil‘Unllli "F romancing. dll‘t‘t‘ 3‘” w t‘diili'w'i'h;
well establish itself as the premier event 3819- btephens limb Ju5t the right ml)” l)unleavy brings a mischievous energy to Variet} 0’ <“‘1"D ' .
0f Lexmgton's theatrical year ture of fire and ice Behaving alternately the confident and determined Petruchio There is more to he said of Thomas if . -.
The plays of this years festival 7 35 a nag and a W” “'h‘19 constantly an