xt75tb0xsg3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsg3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1979 1979 1979-10-18 2020 true xt75tb0xsg3w section xt75tb0xsg3w I. i .’
' 1‘ .
i’ 14,1 .-
Vol. LXXII. No. 45 E r 2 University of Kentucky
Thursday. October I8. I979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
. Care center, pharmacy
. l ‘ I
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s. I 1 ‘ :5 ' .,.41' 945'41.’ 4 V 1" ’. 71 ‘12 ' ~
' " . 1. flag: $4, 1. 44 I?“ ‘4 ,y 1. 4, BY STEVE MASSEY paying off the bonds. if the state
I21“ 4/13 (1." 1 e .1 é . s i. Assoctate Editor legislature follows the CH E
. 1 1f, 1 ' 1. .1 ..;1I a, @i‘ 1 " \ . ‘ 1 ‘ j” ' recommendation.
j 21- ‘t 3;; . J m a 5% '5I " I BOWLlNG GREEN. Ky. ~— The The carecenter wouldbelocated on
. ‘41, '1 1’ 5 I . ‘1 ’. 4; "11"‘1' ' Council on Higher Education Rose Street. adjacent to the College of
.,I ":15 ’ ‘1. 4,, I. I"; ’21: 4“ '1 . - . .
. 1L ., 1 ' yesterday approved the funding for Nursrng/ Health Seiences Learning
" W a‘ . both the Sl2.5 million Primary Care Center.
,5 ' . ” 1 " _ . 4,5,, M1. Center and the $8.2 million College of Singletary added that since the
, - I. 1'. 4,4,4. .4 a, , ,5 ,5. » .. Pharmacy building at UK as a portion pharmacy building would be financed
2;: i “,5 4 g ' /" ‘I. '1'“ Ma, 5 ~- / I . 3 l of a five—part capital construction through surplus funds left over at the
‘ ' ,1 1 1M. '. .5.,-,j;45<_5’>' «'2. '1." t / ‘ 1
V i5 ' " ' I, 1' ., 1 . ,. . “1;, - . 1' package. end of the two-year state budget
1 ‘= "'1 _ . ‘ c ' [I . .1 -I . 4.411,; The vote came after an often period. no construction plans forthat
I. . . 5. ._ , . 1 a .2 “ ., 1I " " emotional and heated discussion building will be initiated.
‘ ’ V ” 7 .1 3' among the 2l-member council. .
I V i ' a 11 .1?" 1? 1 ~ C HES recommendations Will now c0132123tEthiglsiatxdc hzsmdirect
' a 1' ‘9‘ 1 ","trm...;r 1””? go before the state legislature when it e e u s an ere ls
9% . >4 , .144, no guarantee any surplus would be
'.'. - ’”= ;' A“ " M meets next January. used for the harmac buildin
" ' 7’7 ' t: Ii” ‘t a” 1 .. An obviously pleased UK President .. . p. y . 8'
.. 1. 4 11, 4 1., s. ' , 1 . . . Nothing Will be done until we see 1
../ ,. . .- y, . 2;». 11 Otis Singletary explained that the . .
we. 2' .5 , .. .1; _ .1 ,4 . fig“. .. what the legislature does — if they
a” a15- ,15; ,1. 4,. . .5 1’ 31' .‘ 1s . 1°- 1 too counCil s l9-2 approval of fund .
,3 _.; 1 1 , . 1» .. .- .o. . . .5, . . . don‘t approve the funding (of the
,. . . a 5 51, III I 49 1.5; .1 - “.4 :fl ., ‘I appropriations for the primary care building) then we can‘t do anything .. .
,. . : . , . ,1” 1/ I . “13496. , ‘41 ., T. 13113): (II: a. 1 faCility was, in essence. “an Sin letar. said ‘
' . 7 . €41“? ’- hm ‘ ' i 1' “1.".4 ‘1 l ,’ ' ,5 - endorsement of bonding“ for the g y '
.. , 4, 4 t. ,. 15.41 I 1~1 ’ ‘8}: 1511a,, . 15 1- ”.4 center. Singletary said the center was During dlSCUSSIOh. CHE member
. 5 . :7? ”We a, .1 Km”. , s. 11.13% 1. ‘1 {I 1. . f; '4’? the number one priority item for U K, Lawrence Forgy said he opposed
4 . 2, I .- .11 "”2’ 11:41,, j; V1113", s. C. . '4 4 -. ’ ' .4 ",4, UK would finance the care unit funding for the care center as well as
1’" ' 4 (1'11 . I . .j‘,‘ ‘5 ‘ . 1 5 . I ’ ,1 through the sale of state bonds and the 01h" construction PTOiCClS
. ' if"? 1 ' .' .' w , . . ‘ I I would receive an appropriation because of uncertainty about
39 Ml“ '11‘-‘m1“1‘1"‘""" 5"" allowance to cover revenue used in Continued on page 8
Democrat John Y. Brown Jr. and Republican Louie B. Nunn listen to confrontation consisted of question—and-answer sessions with newsmen
last minute instructions before their televised “debate" last night. in the KET studios. The gubernatorial candidates were also allowed to l
' Televised on the Kentucky Educational Television network. the make brief statements during the telecast. e ate In ges
odayL—~———-————————-~—-——————-~2-1~——-—-—---——, f -|- h - t
by the grand iury .n connection with $500 monthly percent by the ei.-J of {#71}. down from the curtcnl I} o n a ml '3 r c a rg es
checks they were receiving from an lllinms company percent annual rate of inflation l .
owned by Lexmgton businessman W13. 'lerry. By DONNIE WARD businesses. Brown has said during the
. .d Terry. owner of Coca-Cola bottling companies in GASOLINE LINES HAVE DISAPPEARED Start wnm campaign that he has never had a
"18' e l exington and l ouisville. said earlier this year said only temporarily and will return, along with mayor oil substantial semcmcm against him in a
lht‘ checks represented a return 0" an investment shortages. once the nation emerges from its current The tensions of the gubernatorial lawsuit.
‘OLD MAN‘ WILLIE STARGELL leads Carrol made in a Long John Silver‘s restaurant in economic downturn. the (‘H predicted yesterday. campaign hit a new high last night in Nunn though produced what he 7
. . . , ' . . ' .I . . .' . 4 .3 v . .
Pmeurgh m “."n 0"" 0mm m ”kc me World mmms‘ “hm 1cm 5 company has“ from the ”it "3' "W?“ m“ pmbdhl’ mm? m '9“ 0' I93- the first 1» and probably only — face- said were photocopies ofa settlement
Series. See details on page 6. (“”0” children a C M olftcral told a House Intelligence 4 4 . , , u
I . . 5 o- ace confrontation between against Brown in a stock fraud
subcommittee And prices Will continue their upward D . d'd h Y 44 , b h' _ .
nation spiral unabated. testified Maurice Ernst. director of emocratic can 1 me J9 n ’ Brown case and SChCCk Signed y "n paying
local the fins office or economic research Jr. and Rebublican Loute B. INunn as that settlement. . 1
I A FEDERAL Jl'DGE Rl‘LED 4,444,441,“. in 1h: subcommluee “as, also told may world 0.1 they traded personal accusations and At that pomt Brown interruptedthe
ABOUT 30 FAMILIES WERE EVACLATED Washington that prcsidfl Carter acted {mpmpfliy m prices. which in just the past year have increased 60 Said llltle about other campaign issues. format of the telecast to examine the -
from the" homes "1th north Pa" ofthe city for about terminating the United States' mutual defense "gag percent to around $20 a barrel. could soar to $52 a "A New Day in Kentucky," was the papers. He pointed out that the
an “0‘" ”mm” “M" Fxl’lm'm we" "mo‘cd with Taiwan without first getting congressional barrel h)‘ 1995 hastd 0n the current Value of the theme Brown presented to the viewers settlement was against Heublein. the
gr7°niaWCklhmumm “"5““ “"hdmmlatcm‘ apprmal. dollar . ofthe 90-minute discussion.which was company to which he sold Kentucky
nganclion- 'd th f 75 blal d llS, District Judge Oliver Gash ordered the Carter A spokesman for ”1‘3 federal Department “l Energy telecast live on the Kentucky Fried Chicken.
- mas sai e cargo 0 5 ing caps an adm nistrat’on to t' kc no ction to term nateth 25- agreed with the CIA prediction that world demand 1 - ~ 1
80.000 fee! of primer cord was moved ‘0 a 440mg: I ' ' . d a I . I1 “I . ld d 5 Ih 494m Educational TeleViSion network. When Nunn painted outthat Brown
1 Hal'o‘d "a“? unless ”W adm'msmmn "C“‘Cd “”u “c" “pp" '" C Nunn however used it as an had SI ned the a merit check Brown '
bunker at a nearby construction stte. approtal bv two-thirds of the Senate or a majoritv of ‘ 1 ' 1 g p y. ' '
The highway was cicmd and the families were both the 41mm and House 1 world opportunity to present eVidence responded by saying that he wasn‘t _ -
allowed back in their homes at about 1030 am, 044,4.8'runn came in “4“" bmu m vaen Barr against Brown‘s character, which responsible forthe suit and that Nunn 1.
' officials said Goldhm .R’fAm and 2.4 on?” 444mb,” 0), SAN SALVIDOR ARMY TROOPS KILLED at would make him “unqualified to be knew that. He then tossed the papers 7'.
The truck owned by Explosive Products of Congress. ' 7 7 least Six leftist protesters yesterday duringa fiyeohour our next governor.” back at N unn, who tried _ 1
Louisville lnc.. was carrying the blasting caps and ' gun battle in a mountain town near the capital. Questioned by three Kentucky unsuccessfully to catch them. .
pninzr cord Ito thed company's Ea“ Bernstadt AMERICANS FACE A REDUCTION In their pitnesses reported. ll W348 the second flight of fighting jourrIyaIIists _ Richard Wilson Appearing [o be fighting back IIII . 1
"4.; 0:59 p0 Itcehsai ' k id 1' h 4. ii I living standards if inflation is to he brought under ollIowingMonIday "'8'“ soverthrow oftheright-wing (Lou15Vllle Courier-Journal), Dave laughter, program host Al Smith : .
e "v" o i c mm w W l“ e c as "p 3‘ control. the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board go‘cmmcm by the m‘ma'l' . Nakdimen (Louisville‘s WAVE-TV). interrupted the two. and returned the '
, the wheel. . . Only three hours before the latest fighting erupted. 1 - ' -’
said yesterday. k d “h . .H . . .1 , d h and Sy Ramsey (The Associated program to its format. ‘.
“The standard othihs Ollhc averasc Amtrican has a H; o c 5"” mg l ary gmcmmcm L “'"J‘ I m Press) — the candidates discussed Nunn continued to say that Brown
State to decline." Paul A, Volcker told theJomt Economic coup 3d “"an d popular “P“Sl"? and a 5“ “f - - - - - l' h '1 . .
(. _II f(‘ ld ith‘ k blood‘ m me (4mm Amman mum their stands on topics such as state covers up his associations. ies tot e :
s. “ ‘ or an ' ' ' ' ' a”
. TWO 0F Gov. JULIAN CARROLL'S IIIZIIhIlIhl “0 Ohm ‘ 0" I" Y W “C4” Howey“ sources “hm three main! 1mm debt management, taxation, publicand onn‘t release histax returns 1.7 1 ,
CHILDREN and a former top aide to the governor He said Americans must accept less because they organizations Wd yesterday that their groups “mm id :“Hon‘ “Mural refsources. andénformatton 9:0mdmsgssocmtes‘ if;
appeared yesterday before a special federalgrandjury are producing less with the same amount of effort as “I? “gum the new gmcrnmeni and “0“” “mm“ '8 ways; government re 0"“ and h"? a “Ind! ate en es to ”II“ . .‘
: here investigating alleged wrongdoing in state before. while the nation is losing billions ofdollars of i 6” ight. workmen 5 compensation. for Flesh”. his “I“ beIIcomesIa ”th 4.“; '
government circles. its wealth each year to oil~producing nations. weather I However, most of the debate was affatr.’ Nunn said. The difference 74.:
Patrice Carroll. 22. and Kenneth Carroll. 24.5pent "liwe failtorecognilethat. and peopletry to catch filled With Charges from both between us is that we live in two 3:1"
‘ ' about 25 minutes with the special panel. Grand jury up with the existing standard of living. or try to IT LOOKS LIKE ANOTHER NICE ONE candidates. At one point each different worlds." {E4- .
PTOCCCdihss lake Place behind Cloud dOOFS- "1mm their standard othihtl- 1 - up 8065th PM: TODAY with highs flawed in the low 70s. Clear challenged the other to look the Brown called Nunn's attacks a I . ‘ r
1 Both declined to answer reporters' questions after level some more." he said. tonight with lows in the upper 40s to low 50s. camera “squarely in me eye“and prove “foolish" and no‘ worth answering. “I «44':
I their appearance. Volcker said his best outlook for inflation this year Tomorrow will be partly cloudy and mild withaslight his honesty. have a clean record __ and one to be .5? ' '
The Carroll children were reportedly subpoenaed is to reduce the annual price increase rate to below IO chance of showers. high in the low to mid 70s. Nunn had charged that Brown had proud of. Nunn is just trying to make :‘I5-I 1 I
.___ __ lied about the legal problems of his Continued on page 8 | '
7 7 M . . . ’ 7., )4 7
akmg fake [08 can mean blg bucks If you an 1‘ get caug t v v
O I s r
' 7 By CLAUDE HAMMOND cards are used by people under 2| backing offtheir real operatorslicense but paint posters and boards to “The same people used to park that tells the police where he got the ID to g , I
_ Reporter years old to buy liquor or enter bars. and retype all information onthe card. resemble driver's licenses. and sells van OUlSIdC bars. They "‘tht hflVC "Old as his fine. I ' . '
' Last ofa series "There are lots of different ways to changing only the birthdate. them for SIOO apiece. When I quit really Iraked In the money." Ray said. ”Pc0ple Who get caught wrtha false 4 I g . I
‘ make (false le). and the method I He told of another. more elaborate making fake IDs. i gave my postertoa "ll ll SCI“ around Ilhll you make 3 ID “Th0“ always h." lhflhkh’“ '0 i
" ' ' “it was getting tobekind of risky, so used is the method you see most often. method. friend who made $600 off it in two good ID. us money in the basket.” he blame. What usually happenins they l
I’ ' 11,1 l eventually stopped making them," What i did was painta poster to look The forger removed the lamination weeks." added. “it wouldn‘t bent/"me " all get PM!“ 0‘3" {0" 'PWdlhl 0' 5 ' -. - ..
. . said Cheater Ray, who once like a driver‘s license. getting the right from his license. cut the crucial Ray said there is a big market for before you'd have I line of people at something like Ithlt. and he 3 - 5 , .
1,, . ', manufactured false identification scale and everything. numeral out of his birth date and false identification cards. adding it is your d00f- Y0“ WWW!“ want “‘0 I“ accrdentally 8"“ h“ false ID ‘0 the I 5 '1 I ‘_
1,144»~ :1 ' cards. “Then. i put the poster on my replaced it with a numeral cut out of notunusualforamakerloearnseveral around 100 much, thouih. or you COP. ‘ . .1 fl
' ffift , Ray (not his real name) was never basement wall. Whenever someone his Social Security number. which is thousand dollars in a few three 00““ fihd yourself In 00“" Oh I (Spflflmeh for I hmflbfl’ 0f 1 ‘ ' ' ’
1 ’L".,.:’,41-i - arrested; the authorities never knew of wanted me to make them an [D i also on the license. He placed the months. couple counts of forgery. campus-area bars and liquor stores - .
$4.534}? his forgery. But ‘he knows several would stand them in front of the red original birth date numeral in the hole One of the most successful quick- “And the Dome ll" particularly ‘0" the Kernel, how"! . "1“ lh‘)’ ‘ 1,1
giggiflkj people who weren‘t so lucky. “i had pan of the poster. where the picture left in the Social Security number. cash methods. according to Ray. is hfl‘d 0" you. l h“ 09¢ friend who h‘VCIhl‘le "0“th spotting “*9 I'Dl) 5I . . 1 '.I . 5' 1. .
fugfg‘ifi been making them for a while. and usually goes. and take a Polaroid “That license was the best one that using the inside of a roving vehicle as made lDS lhd ‘h‘ P°hIC° f0“? out I w'“ “VI "9" make false dm‘" ., I ' - -. 4,
§5411I1I4“,1'j.2;1.§i then the police started catching people picture of the person in front of the We ever seen." Ray said. the studio. “Occasionally. you will see “’0‘" "- Th? ”1'“ ”Md “m” °“‘ licenses again? , i '. “ '« .i ‘
‘I'Isggr' Mil for making le. so I just stopped poster. N then clip off the edges and Ray said making fake ID: is a someone with the entire setup on the week after lhl’ guy's birthday ‘0 arrest “NOl unless I were atamng "‘d l-' 419. .. .1
5‘ " .‘ ‘ "3 l altogether.” he said. laminate it to a Xerox copy of the profitable business. “What people inside ofavan.There hasn‘t beenavan him. 50 he could betriedaaan “Ml-7 needed thI money desperately. i . 1 ‘- 1 i “
. .. . 4.14 There have been very few recent backside of a license.» usually charge is . 5'5 fee. and some like that in Lexington for. while. butl Ray and few makers of the cards go Making IDII it a mky business. and all 4 - . , 1 . . I.I.I
' , '. 1; arrests in Lexington for the Ray mentioned other ways of will knock down the price to $10 for remember a couple years back when “MOW“ by the P°h°¢1 “A customer you M I' ‘0 be “nil“ once “'4 ,' g 7 I,
. . '. manufacture of falsele. The last was making false licenses. He said he had friends. someone had one parked outside 0‘ h" (I “Yd Wk") 39“ bummed 0|" youVe 80‘ I. felony charge 0" VOW 4' 4 , “'1 I‘ ', '
. , three years ago. Most of the bogus seen people take the laminated “I know ofa guy who does nothing Haggin Hall (a freshman dormitory.) when he [9" null“ With the i0. and record for life.” f1 .
. 4 4 7 e
.1 ‘ -
lit-LR «4:449 . i" 1 1
"if.“si'gc 23 s. 'r . . .4 ,,.1 ”gym '1"‘.'.’;‘:'“ .‘“.“WT 3:3 J. an; 4... l. 39,,” . 1 ~790~0~1I I I I°,'_ 1. .va ' v11“ ~ 't . .4 n g .1-1.‘ .o — ' '- 1 - . - . I \l ‘4 . a 1 .
if, . 1..t""§~;‘ 5;.“ II 4;“ "041.4"de :31“; 11:, .. .4, “1.1%; . 51 . olimIéstwlw _ _ 4. who? .. ‘I ,, .‘ 49;“ Wit 442%,In4311.yr a» .5 ‘64?" 99.5395, 1;..I1;“I1Q.¢.‘..4 1. .7 . . .- . . , '5 e '4 I _ 5 ; ._. ,t ..
f ,ndI-‘z‘I 141,4”: ’I s‘ ‘ ‘e- ‘1: _ II1:_I—‘ ”:5," .;5I" t} 3 1%.} $3,416:- “£4.44, ti”: .. 4: in}; .‘T. ,4; 7' :‘F’L .55“, 11=":.44‘II.%114 4'13, '._'I ,yéfil'i'Z-"fi J-i%¥?‘-i£;y9 1‘5‘ .. 32:21:17 4: V: ‘ .5 I. 1,. . I ' ~ . . i O “- ~
' "‘ ' ' .s‘i"1'1,“1". 191.. . 11 .3" '1 e 1‘1"»? Hi «11.3”. 1' ”’I. ‘ s'1 0 j . 1 44%,M’7” ' . " 1' "‘ i ' ’ .‘V " ' 1' 1' . " v " ."1 ’1 . ’1 ' - I” II _.. I“ -_ I

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' i
‘ .W l
'i I i
1 Debbie McDaniel Mark Green Paul Mann Thomas (‘larh John Clay Guy Lenders
KENTUCKY Edllur in (‘Iuej Steve Massey Richard McDonald Enmnflnmrm Mm" Spoils Editor Dllrt'lur u/ Pholugmplii
Assoi'lalr billion (‘lndy McGee .
, I I (My Wllb Klrby Stephens Cynthia DeMemn Ill-n Richest! David Maynard ,
e n .ualla‘in‘ £4.70, Lh Donald (am will.” Assistant Assistant Sports Editor I Photo Manager
. . Enlrrlainmrm Mum
' ’ Milona/ tdllor
Jey l-‘o-ett
editorialsfiacomments ““”“‘“""' T"“"‘.""" . l
Sperm] lull/Ions till/or ‘i
I ' l5
~ Kentucky 3 ace In the hole t
' Co I t m ' I b ' bl m
a no aglca panacea, rlngs pl‘O e S
' Coal ’ Kentucky‘s ace in the hole. Hundreds have died in underground mine buildings and machinery exposed to the'weatherJust politicians. including the president. are making the l
. That phrase makesasnappyadvertisingsloganand aCCidznts. 1,] h.“ 'd h be I askdany hexrnhgtonlan ilk/ho has had his car parked same promise. . . ‘_
, . lazy reportersaconvenient way to start their . umcra .e ‘l'Sl es ave en permanenty out oors or t e pastt ree years. ' These men should C0nSldCl’ their statements ‘
ll gives , . . . scarred by stripmlning and even more small streams There are air pollutioncontroldeVices.“scrubbers.” carefully. l
stones. increasingly. it has become a rallying cry for . ' ‘ .
oliticians polluted by the runoff from the strip mine sites. that reduce the sulfur oxide content of coal smoke. To be sure. some mine regulations are overly i
p But while coal is. in fact. an important part of ,, Many ofthe roads in eastern Kentucky have been But these are expensive and aren‘t completely restrictive. There is. for example. a federal k
America‘s energy future. it is not a magical panacea. rentlieredkalmost useless by the damage overweight effective. Researchis being conducted into methods of requirement that strip-mined land be restored to its
There are serious problems associated withthe mining coa tr uc 5 cause. , . , burning coal that would reduce the exhaust sulfur original contours. But there are many occasions when
. Other problems arent so familiar. Late last week, content. - -
and consumption of coal that must be faced before . . . . stripped land can be converted into more
. . . . . . representatives of the United States and Canada met Some people contend that a more effective use of - -
there is a Significant increase in coal use. These ‘ l d'ff .. _ | , g b . . b . , _ economically productive flat land.
blems must ultimately be solved ifthe health and to‘res‘o ve l erences overa proposed. treaty on ac1d coa .lS .iot urnlng it. ut converting it into other But most re ulations are nec ss t h
pro f h' . 't' n are to be rotected rain.‘ a pollution problem caused princ1pally by the physrcal forms through liquefaction or gaSiflcatlon. h g , e ary 0 protect l e
safety 0 1 Is state 5 Cl m s . p ' ‘ burning of coal. There are indications. however. that some of the by- ealth and safety Of miners and those who live near
A5 UK professor Harry Chu‘ll" noted ”l a speech When coal is burned. the sulfur in it forms oxide products of these processes are carcinogenic. Again. mines.
befOTC the Student BarAssocratlon N00“ Forum last compounds. in the atmosphere. these oxides are research is being directed at this question. To be 5“er the coal industry needs help ‘0 C503!”
week. “Kentuckians “"11 pay a fearful price‘ 'f the convened into sulfuric and sulfonic acid. 'But the attitude of many of the state and nation‘s the boom-or—bust cycle h is trapped lh- And the
state's coal resources are explorted recklessly. Because of this. precipitation in the Ohio River politicians seemsto be. "Damnthe research.fullspeed country needs C031 ‘0 help end its dependency 0"
Many of the problems with coal are well- Valley ._ which has the country’s highest ahead.“ Both candidates for governor. Republican foreign 0”- Bill the 501‘"th ofthese problems won‘t
documented and well-known: concentration of coal burning plants, and hence acid Louie B. Nunn and Democrat John Y. Brown. have be easy or qu1ck *‘ and W sacrifice 0f Kentuckians‘
—Thousands of men are afflicted with black lung. a rain _ is as acidic as tomato or lemon juice. told leaders of the coal industry that. if elected. they health and safety won‘t make them 50.
debilitating respiratory disease caused by the Besides the harm it causes animal and plant life, would do everything within their power to minimize We should not let ourselves be deluded by snappy
inhalation of coal dust. acid rain also effects the fertility of soil and damages restrictions on their businesses. Many national advertising slogans into believing otherwise.
L tt to th Ed 'tor
- But what 15 really puzzling is why the i will also apologize to Miss Pauer band to promote schoolspirit. lt‘sjust air of nobility. It may be true that exception to your headline writer‘s
Correctlons Student Health Fee deadline has this for my sitting next to the band. It was that I was very disappointed by the Apocalypse Now is rather excessive in designation in last Fridays's edition of
For the record. please inform your thing, what it's going to do withit. and either there or the end zone. 1 had waytheytreated me and others around its use of gore. but the violence was the Lady Kats volleyball. tennis and
readers ofthe following facts about the why we need to know about it. never sat next to the band before. sol me. I would have expected this used to show the horrors of war golf teams. and the men‘s cross
scholarships offered by the Kentucky Frankly. it seems that of infinitely took a chance. It‘s not my fault for treatment from the Ole Miss fans. not instead ofjust to sell the movie. country team as “minor" sports.
branch ofthe English-Speaking L'nion greater concern to the students would wanting to sit in a good seat. And as UK fans. I am sorry [didn‘t talk about Apocalypse Now is a film made to These teams practice just as much
(reported in the “Campus Briefs“ in be. not the recent acquisition of the for askingthem to stop. l did once but how immature pot smokers and beer educatethe forgetfulAmericans onthe and work just as hard as the almighty
yesterday‘s edition): Student Health Fee deadline. but all i got was a plastic top whizzing by drinkers are. butthat was notthe point futility ofthe Vietnam War. Instead of Big Blue football and basketball
I. The scholarships are available to whether the Student Health Fee my face. of my letter. i only wanted those like making a war movie in which awar is squads. it‘s not fair to call them
India“ students as well as seniors deadline has passed. That is.whether it To a certain Joseph P. Flanigan: l Mr. Flanigan and the band members glamorized. this film successfully “minor"just becausethey don‘t attract
and highly qualified juniors. is in fact already past. agree with you about the talent ofthe to know how we feel and to perhaps portrays war as an undesirable. the drooling adulation and reams of
2. The competition is open to band. i have never seen a better put an end to the problem. unfortunate tragedy. publicity from thecheerleading media
students in the Departments of Judy Carney marching band on a football field. that what you all would desrgnate as
English. History, Philosophy, Advertising senior They are great. But when they were in Don Simandl Stephen Roder the “major"sports do. l‘m surethat all i
Political Science. and to students in the stands. not playing. their conduct Undecided sophomore Business Administration junior the athletes on these teams would ;
the College of Fine Arts. At present. it Apology to band was pitlfUI. 0r ShOUld l sayS percent of concur with this viewpoint.
is not open to students in the College them. Perhaps [just caught them at a Horrors of war David Conaway . it‘s time that the Kernel became
of Communications. as reported This is an apology 10 Mr. Flanigan. bad timelagree with yoursayingthat . ‘ Business and Administration senior what it claims to be: a “groomi”
yesterday. Miss Pauer, and any others who may some members may have been This letter is in response to the newspaper. and began provrding a
3. All applications must bereceived disgree with me. But first i would like retaliating against drunks. but I was Oct.l7 letter 0h Apocalypse Now by 'Minor' sports? service to the Umversrty community.
in Louisville no later than October 3|, to thank the editor for changing the not drunk and I did not aim obsenities Mr. Davtd Yeiser. Apparently Mr. . instead of merely a very good training
Partial scholarships may also be original title of my letter. “A at anyone. so why Should l suffer? l Yeiser went to the movie expecting to As a dedicated fan' and concerned ground for an occasional good writer.
awarded. Diappointed Fan“(of the band) to just went to watch a good football see a wartime frolic in which people student who takes pride in this great
“Band Ruins Game.“ which makes me game. not to be insulted. Also. the are killed without bleeding and the university‘s achievements and Christopher L. Montgomery ‘
William Hutchings sound like i hate music. (Editor’s band is not the only group which whole wartimesceneisshroudedinthe accomplishments. I must take Telecommunications senior l ‘
Member. board of directors Note: Letter writers don‘t title their works to better our Universnytand ‘
Kentucky branch. English-Speaking own letters;the title chosen is, as in this state?) i am sorry for being a plain old . . :
Lnion case. usually-phrase chosen from the student. but that's all 1 can handle f
' letter.) i do not hate music. and I do right now. :erfhaps lwhllllhryn fir ec ur I n y l
l ' not hate the band. i. and many others governor "ll e uture. ' l a ma e ‘
PaSt tense sitting around me. (I wasn't the only you happy? _ . l
The Student Center Board placed one) were just very disappointed with AISOIWQUId liketoapologizetothe l l i
an ad in yesterday's Kernel. stating the attitude of the band. As Miss UK Marching thd for condemning
emphatically that the Student Health Pauer said. they are supposed to add all Of you. l ‘M “0‘ take a h?“ count ‘ i‘
Fee deadline “has past." What exactly spirit to the ganme. About fifteen fans. Of all ”1°55 who called us Wimps and I i
is “past“ an abbreviation form of including me. stood up and began the fags. so my “8“": Of 200 may be ‘ . _ ' . . .
Danish pastry....lta1ian pasta....old cheer “Go Big Blue" only to be pelted Incorrect. Excuse me. ' insecurity is an inescapable aspect Meanwhile. it is bothasCientific and getting to know each other. it cannot V
fashioned gusto? Or. since this with plastic tops and a cheer by Fmally.lwouldliketo 8P0108|2610 of humanexistence. ltafflictseachand theological fact that all people are be rushed. Again though. we must
attribute affiliction is admitted as members of the band( more than 15 of the cm'repmvemty 0f Kentucky for CVCTY one Of US; some more than basically created equal. Anyinequality genuinely “kc ourselves before We can '
being an error ontheir part. perhaps it them) to “sit down wimps.“ This comdemmng 0“: flhi5 band at all. I others. it is the primary motivating results from biased human attitudes. truly love others. Of whatvalue is love ,
is some sort of social disease. doesn‘t sound like spreading spirit to agree With Mr. rlamgan when he says force in almost everything we do, from it is often stated in psychology from someone who conSiders himself ;
. l indigestion from the ltalian pasta?) me. we need them. EV""Y “hlVCFSIly needsa joining a social organization in order books that we join groups to provide worthless? . ‘
to meet people to taking up some form us with the security we crave. Most of How can you tell if you really have i
. \ \/ / i l . of exercise to improve the condition of these books don't delve much deeper inner security? Consider how you feel i
ul l 69 _. ‘ l our bodies. into the subject of personal securitv. when you are alone. Canyon find
‘ ‘ i 5‘ This is not meant to imply that leading readers to believe that things todo tooccupyyourtimeorare
. f it ‘ \ '\ » l9 ' , . l insecurity is necessarily a bad thing. If *———‘_—‘ you bored? If you are eating alone in
‘i the fear that insecurity instigatcs leads stave _ the cafeteria. do you worry about what
,\ ' g , ‘ -\ I to an activity which results in a - rt OthCFS lhlhk 0f YO"? (“Oh no.
,;-3'. ,l l positive outcome. well and good. we’nga 9” everybody thinks I'm weird and have
"4129;"? ‘ . However. as l have alluded to in __————_——f— no friends.")lf someone says thatthey l
’ Eda: 00 I previousarticles. insecurity often leads affiliation and camaraderie wrth don‘t like your clothes. hairstyle. or
. . l l j } 9 to attitudes and activities which. atthe people we like will prov1de us With the hobbies do you go to pieces? If you
. ;_ r i it t l - . / best. are simply not beneficial and. at security we need to enjoy life. answered yes.then you are likely living
. : y . , k .. \ the worst. are actually destructive to. However. the concept of security your life for other people.
r. . lid i M g __- the individual orhumanity asawhole. doesn‘t start with acceptance by .lnstead of relying on other people to
; . ‘ El . l h 7 _. _ ‘ To 17 Prejudice is an example of a harmful others. it stazts mtb acceptance and direct your life for you. make others
’ . ~. “ I M j “ l :3: . phenomenon born out of insecurity. liking of theself. This is realbiriecuritlef accept you on fyourofwn terms. Be your
,- ‘. t l, _ ~ ~ " ‘2. Pre'udice has no limitations. and is we havea irmbeietin our sicwort own person] your riends want toget
' - 7.: ”" I ll: i! ( ' u l a - ”\\ L illuitrated by derogatory remarks as people. if we believe in ourselves. if bombed and you would rather sit
'_- l -Rfldb . -Jl .. _ ' ‘ T? r 4- h) Swag :__:—_.—.;-— made against blacks, Jews, lranians, we genuinely like ourselves. then and home and read a book. do it. If you
I . l‘ ‘0) ll r ‘ - Q { homosexuals, greeks and virtually any only then can we reallybesecureinthe think the current craze for alligator
" 2' '—‘—‘—"~ l I l _>_ I a. other group. There have been several world. We will have more to offer to shirts is ridiculous.don‘tfeel pressured
'.‘f -. g :7 ., ‘ - theories proposed to explain others. and be more abietoaeceptand to buy one. lfyour friendscan’taccept
5 , § ‘l \I tiff: g it"L‘ 1g prejudice. but they all revolve around appreciate what others have to after you on your own terms. their
; l h '3 l / gig-fis- !' l "IV ~ w- " ""‘h 0 a . the concept ofthe In group vs_ih¢oui us, thereby leading to richer acceptance is not worth having.
.3" g , .2 J \\ ’\ lvl‘i/ .u-- ”09.0.QQ O \ group. interpersonal relationships. ' This is not meant to support a
.. . _ \\. . _ its, to ..'.QQQ’ 1% I It? The Out group is the object of The desire to find secunty In others reclusive, hermit-like existence or
. . .3. ;_...' X \ t ‘l j ' . O 0.... ‘(t ’ / .‘ 1 prejudice. while the In group holdsthe is shown in the men and names who imply that human beings should be
3.2:: -'-:-.{i‘g,’v':;;»§ ‘75-“? D . . Q 9 ‘ l prejudicial attitudes. Underlying this proclaim "I've IN V 5352!! l Ioners. People definitely need each
Ex Me" {"1 ‘ ‘l g " . T .. . ,1 is the lack of understanding of the Out men/woman."A love afflh .. uniting other. At the some time. however.
akin; , g i M ...O t ‘ group by the in