xt75tb0xsd26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsd26/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1937 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1937 Vol.9 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, October 1937 Vol.9 No.3 1937 1937 2019 true xt75tb0xsd26 section xt75tb0xsd26 I HIM; V
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I Publish-ed In the Interest 0F Community :5 : 555555

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I Journalism - - Of, by, and For 515 555,555 _

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Kid Kentucky Newspapers 5 5 55 555”

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: Volume Nine Number Three ”5%de)

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y Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS October, 1 937 October,
, _______—_.—__—_—#___H ,__.—___._._\ /.
: . Roasts, ME
Wm ape/1. pamal‘ian 7/141 Bung/L Rudd A I
‘ ; p host of Othe
. t I not permit
, C- F- Jewell 0f Breeze-Courier, mate expense of doing business! Soft Ball League [ Local Improvements .. .huhblatifinsj
. , _ Taylorville, 111., Gives Some They have also learned that they For the past three years we haveI We are ever alert to the promo. N Is kahli ht
. ’ Valuable Suggestions are buying something besides space sponsored a soft ball league with' tion of various local improvements -\ ban of 510m
1’ 'but they are buying circulation and play in our city park and this has that prove beneficial to the city. t 5m; the drz
.' , —_ upon that alone can we base our provided an unlimited amount of We do not start a program of that-r .an t the b(
j; ‘ The following address by an 1111— advertising rates. entertainment for a great host of kind until we have consulted the h $311101; sec
-: , nois publisher, was given at the The hard roads have enabled the our people. We have controlled the various city offiCials or other re-e subscriber ,
' meeting of the Hoosier State Press people of the small towns to go to nights of play to three each week spons1ble persons to secure their ‘ money is 16
' ; Association April 9: the cities and they can no longer in order that we may not retard support. We then start the pub. \ mount dOL'
,, . _. ’ ' ibe referred to as “hicks.” But there the business of our confectioneries t licity and then give credit to those a ‘k
' i It gives me gieat pleasure to ap— is one thing these people expect in and other concerns that remain who carry it through without tak- r weal-£11 the
V‘ ‘ pear .before a group 0f newspaper their home town newspaper and open evenings ing any credit for the newspaper? :rint 5‘
' men m my home state Of Indiana, that is the news of local happenings Baby Editions The general public gives the news. ‘ neg/hive we
Vj' not to deliver an address but ”St in all walks of life. Our circula- Those of us who have enjoyed paper credit for their part and the f e of sorr
- to talk about what I .thmk ls one tion figures can well be governed by the sensation of becoming the fath- officials are ready to come back , _emenue ifw
1 hf the most fascmating profess- the amount f0 attention we give to er of a fine bouncing baby boy or and cor-operate again if given the :hv ever inc
j ions I, know anything about. . N01; that phase of our newspaper. girl know that any nice things said proper kind of favorable publicity. i - e b siness
only 15 the newspaper a .fascmat— ~~ . . - _ about that youngster for the first Local Column t me u
- mg vocation in life but it is one ”we youi readers the mOSt 1m . ~ . ~ t - . L’ Spe
: where we are in a position to take portant Wh‘e news and all the ha‘ f6"? yeals IS 5111.8 touhlh he righh A local column ls also a good j For years
, an active art in the various civic tional features your revenue can af- 00“: 0h 01h" heait Stllhgs- To mee stunt to create readers interest but , f th loss
. t p . . f d d th d ’t .1 k that Situation we publish an annual it carries rt - t f u A 0 e .
1 and community enterprises. Some or an en on oveioo even b‘b editi n d rin bab e k S~ . 7, a ce ain amoun o dy We conSidei
20 years ago it was my privilege the smallest of local news happen— ‘d'hth ‘Ot .u fgf‘ 3’48”: {3011 f namite. For several years I wroteh- sibility of di
to become part of the newspaper ings. When you have exhausted ing e 1310 uies 0. 10m 0“ . 0 a column and during that time Ir sue and put
t , profession and during those years your sources along that line there the yhungsters Wlth some. Wise- became a dad. I then in a jOking . da' issue w
; I have served in most every ca— are still the local featurs that you cracks about the baby Ch" ltts par— Way organized the “Ancient Order iiiihlly decic
‘ pacity from bookkeeper to that of can work up such as Safety Clubs— 91:51.; to}: :‘(entrgghhdpaleh 5- JV: of Launderers of Little White a,» our Saturda
I a publisher. During those years 80 years series—old time pictures, pup Is] a m a (tld form {hrs 11 Squares.” The badge of this order[ reader inte
- I have failed to find any secrets consisting 0f pictures 0f well-known fl?" aways prftYe-n otbe dpro tabe was a small triangular piece °f~ thus have a
3 that provide a short—cut to suc— persons taken when they were quite “1er agftadve ismg ‘5 an pom it cheese cloth pinned with. a small lineage. W‘
cess. Any success that I may have young. We used that feature for t‘ OW er five yeais we are ge _ safety pin. Without realizing What . of society pi
been able to obtain has been bOth news and commercial purposes‘ ing an accumulation Of those cuts this-was all about it soon had me V on Saturda3
through application of some of the by giving show tickets to those who ‘ :hi lecfleéhéy W; started ahOthEI writing up all the new daddies in , theatre to
' ‘ ideas that I have learned from my recognized the greatest number of 8“ ure . ‘t°_se faby 1h Whgh 'We the .column from almost every walk coming the:
‘ friends of the newspaper profes— pictures in one week. The name 13h th: int uie 0 the b31054" erlhg of life. This column writing Ilatei i would assui
‘ sion and other thoughts that may 0f the person in the picture was show 10 e S to the one who‘recog- turned over to my partner who is 1 page of 00]
a . ‘ have evolved from some of the always given at the top 0f the njzes the greatest numbei eaCh' an Old timer in that City who is other linea
things learned. During the course classified page each following day “66k andtrequhsiting the parents to very adept to writing verse and by a churcl
of this shop talk with you today I and that increased our classified cortngto Peho cc and receive the commenting on current events in a i of 32 Weeks
hope you will pardon me for any lineage more than the COSt Of the cu. lee 0 lo) args. d humorous trend and reminiscing 0f the stores a
,- 1 personal references I may make for cuts, even before we installed our 0g iara es. . the eahy days and the people 0f 5 advertising
‘ I am sure I do not want to appear own engraving plant in 1931. For several years, until my time t that time. This commands con- since the I:
i _ 2 to be boasting but after all you do The 80 years series ~— I learned was simply exhausted, we staged - siderable reader interest. We have f' on Satui'dai
‘ want me to read what some one else ’ from the late Mrs. Deming of War- annual dog parades with prizes for ’ worked several other stunts that I l
. claims to have thought would be a. ren, Ohio, and that feature proved the “largest,” “smallestflh“ugliest,” Win not take the time to enumerate A We build
‘ good idea. Ito be most valuable from a point of “best dressed,” “best trick,” and but we believe that local news of by a soecia
. I trust that a large majority of reader interest and good will, In “most comically dressed” dogs. This this nature has been responsible In on that da
: my listeners here today are con- addition to the friendships added Stunt created considerable lhter‘ESt increasing our circulation by more . the farmew
: nected with what I choose to call among the friends of relatives of among both old and young and 211- than three times in the past nine 7“ of the couh
_ ' the “small town newspaper” and the subject written about, we also ways attracted. thousands of peo- years. Then we were a poor second items
, ' what I may say is directed to that prepared a most complete obituary the to th? business ChStth 0f the paper in the. city and we now have i: ' l
1 group whether you are living 10 file and pictures of personages who Clty' Thls also-pleased the mer- the only daily thehe‘ We have a . Wednesda
‘ j miles or 100 miles from the publica— cannot be here long before their chants andincidentally increased larger City Circulation than there ‘ a motorist
1 tion place of a metropolitan news- death and there we have the obitu— the advertising lineage enough to are homes and this has. permitted . lineage of
1 paper. ary with little or no trouble. more than bear the best of the pro- us to increase our advertismg from ’ Cessory stor
( If you are attempting to keep We have conducted various Safe- Ject. v20 to 40 Gems and more than-doth n Friday issu:
, i pace with the larger newspaper in ty Clubs for boys and girls in 00- Carrier BOY Publication ‘ble our national lineage, m Spltim ' ly divided
: t the matter of quantity wire news (‘peration with our local theater. Another stunt that proved very the. fact that there are four-1:1: a t amount of
or features I believe you are fac— We printed pledge cards for the profitable both from the standpoint p011? an dailies. hflthhed :71} m ' I have h‘
5 ing a financial impossibility unless boys and girls to sign in which they of revenue, reader interest and good radiusoli; 28 mlleb Of our Cl 3’ ever R number of r
I 5 you are carless about the use of agreed to stop, look and listen be- will for two years that we did it E hung : addtthat we have :uto- . with you a
| red ink upon your ledger accounts. fore crossing the street. These was to permit the carriers to edit m0? ed 0 cu .pllCES 'or‘an. of t, tI'espassed
‘ 1 It is only a waste of time to talk pledge cards were used as admission and solicit the advertising for one ; mOblle. cohtest m the‘mcmazingtwo ‘ SubJ'ects of
11 today about the metropolitan news- to a special matinee given for mem— issue. We selected our staff through ' 02:14:13: atlgninrhhmsisd :31. mail F am always
t paper as they furnish very little bers by the theater at various times. a circulation contest among car- :ubscri 5.0 V: t '11:: county from 1 Of this kinr
. c competition if we grasp the true Any one caught violating their riers. The one with the largest $3 00 th; 4130a 63h 5:0 tside the i ideas thati
f responSibility of our own newspaper pledge lost their membership cards number of points to be the manag- 0‘ t o ' ’ an $ ' ou , ne‘VSpaper .
t t in our town. and the teachers co—operated in ing editor and on down the line. 0 un y. . _ I; cessfui in]
i v With that out of the way we must keeping a close check on the mem- Our staff took the time to work Garner BOY Promomn "i ‘ IWill be ve:
i a realize that the day has passed bers. All their names were pub- with each carrier during the day While We are on the subject 0f t allO’Cted to n
i a when the merchants “give” the lished in the columns of the paper and every boy who secured and circulation I wish to say that the to answer
i I newspaper an ad out of ioyaity to and at one time we had more than wrote stories for the issue was given best way to build sound circulation f“ I know the
‘ a the home town newspaper. The ad— 1.600 members. Since that first a “by—line.” The last time we staged is through the carrier boys and i ‘
h E vent of the chain stores into our Safety Club was organized some one of these days we carried more that covers a multitude of stunts 'r S. F. W1
t n towns has taught most of our mer- years ago there has not been a fatal than 900 inches of display, in- that make their work a game ram 5 WhtEI‘ on t
. . rt chants that they must look at their accident to school children from creased our city circulation by a er than daily drudgery. We have I ”me: was
t y advertising just as essential an ex— being struck by an auto. That substantial amount and caused con- worked such stunts as Gamer Jamhstown
t 0 pense as their window display, store proved valuable as both, a service siderable favorable comment upon Tournaments, Circus Days, grab p““1011 on
' ‘ n arrangement or any other legiti— . and reader interest. the part Of our readers. Bag Night: Excursion TripS, Weiner 0f the Cam
7 ______,________‘ _ I

 ELEV: “m ,.'IE
l r- I‘ 9» I E E E E EEEE EEE E
31 Octobe , 1 37 lHE KENTUCKY PRESS E E E EEh
\ /fl _7 ) . ‘ i :‘Mi
.t [age 'lhree l i tip
Roasts, Meri Awards, Special COMMERCIAL PRINT E EE EE: EEEE
, ING ‘ E
’ Treats. A Bosses Banquet. and a OPPORTUNITIES knowtt and we offer it at a cheap— The t t ‘ E EEE EEE EE‘
host of other thinws that time does __ er Prlce too. ly impi EE flineEtE EEtOES EEOE necessark E E E E E
a x H . . y e ruh E E‘ EEEEEEEEE
(E not permit me to mention here. Many country printers, according notIaEEbEiDtEgihiiEu Sgflgthfhes if we are that it is a direct shgterhléghozrrig EEE E E EE‘ i
.. ‘Our latest stunt during these days :10 the Kansas State Press bulletin, in the habit gof 'uEt twekho hOt. get that the assumption iS uttered as E EEE EEEEE EE E EE
. “ is “bank night” is a carrier—boys ave been content to mourn the for granted I WJ 5d a Jng things statement of fact. It need not be E E EEEE EE E
lomc‘ bank night at which time a sman p‘fssillgvof much of the commercial ers really realize (this; tiE our lead— true} W6 say. E E EE E E EE :
mehh E? sum of money is placed in the “pot” E())EtElEiEeiEvESEg SSually done in their shops. their money in the way oEfe EE17 get EOEEE Gwen a community in WhiCh a EE EE E EE EEE EZE
Chi" and the drawing is made. In the i missiOnS a? Ithrned to the com- tion and service each week atanrma_ weekly newspaper is economically EE E iEEE E IEEE E
Ethat't ' event the boy who wins the money taking org 1.101f can be sefcured by below the latest abomination pEtElEiEe JEESEEfied—that ES to say, a commun— E iE EEEEE EEEE
d the has not secured at least one new sired by mirschatEiEitsmEsEiEiEghEhemss dle_ double bill movies, cheaper thah th: toyelEEgagutwomd him” a newspaper E EEE EEEEEE iiEE E
_ . i 5: ~ - . . 2” EE EE; EEE 1E EE
1thEeE- r subscriber during the week the bQOks, used in practically all stoEieEEss iEEiriEasnsi'ntEiinOr the eEeCth hght bill, lisher and hefgfthgiz f:aEtnEESb pub- EEEEE EEEE E EEE
DutiE \ money is left in the pot and the With comhli§sions from 15% to 33%;, per bringsestocthgipreh The hat/Sha— excuse for vexing problems 6 ho E EEEEE EEEEEEE EE
the amount doubled for the following bahk printing, With lithographed tures of world event 001stn_eWS, plc-. A publisher or editor with the iE E? Ei EEEEE
_ ta}:e ,9 week. giihcks, bookkeeping and statementEhours after they haS WE hm twelve proper OUtlook toward his com- ! i [EE EE'E EEE E
Ea .T ‘7 With the increase in the price of cgEnEiEhSr pass books and deposit slips, the cheapest thing 3:522? and 1t 15 munity creating a newspaper each EEI EE EEE iE ’
p p.1.‘ newsprint social security and taxes and 1:311:11? 19% to 25%;. county the family budget. We digits mtg Week that is thhy representative El E ‘1 h E
news. I believe we are all facing the prob— account flcfpality bookheeping and to be blatant about it but I beiE'EEEE Of the community he represents. EEE E E E E E
[d the lem of some source of additional sions 150701318 and. b00ks. .Commis— if we did hammer horrie these thirEive WOI‘klng for the goal 0f develop— EEEE E E E E
back ' revenue if we are to keep pace w'th ducts such 0 25%; .engraVing .pro- instead of being on the defen .gsflnent Wthh permeates the business EiE‘i E E EEE
h the the ever increasing overhead in (:0 tations canreiguhhsétlngtcardsi 1hVi— so much, there would be a beitEéEiE‘ :iteghSEs and administrative groups iEEE EEE EEi E
.. , . . _ , . mens, . . , . . . 15 com E E E E EE E
EEEEEyE El ing‘ business. cards, and stationery. comhgnriggiEcEJErEihsE ghEEEEeiilEiEgeregEhtloh 0f the function working WiEtEtimEiEiifs Zhihcéfitligrgs afEhd EEiEEEEEE EEE E
,v 8111 ‘ ‘ E r E EEE EE EE E E,
L Specfial Advertismg 15 /0 to 33%. EAmerican press ”g performed by the the better interests of all makin it i it. l? i.
sthlEoEEEii For years we faced the bugaboo ing'I'E 23:: a? many other advertis— EE——. athdetgrmined efiort E0 EEEEEEEEEE Duh EEEEE EEE EEEEEEE
u . . 1a ies, such as bad es 1 EE e ESE” ne E ' E E EEEEEEE EEEE
.. . of the loss 0 o . _ g , apel NEED TO _ wspapei in the d — . ‘
f dy-i w o 'd 3 f“} Saturday issue. buttons, theater tickets, maps ATTRACTIE‘tEIEEAKE NEWS iEthr 01‘ state. cannot help but fiiid E EE‘EE‘ EE EE
wrote» . -EE.C inSI ere .01 a. time the pos- Christmas cards, calendars. novel: : USEFUL lhis “vexing” problems selved EE E E E EEE E
ime I p Slbility of droppiilg the Saturday is— tiés, etc., which are made and sup—t If there is nmi l f ' Recent trends have dEhniteW EE E EEE EE
loking sue, hnd puhiishing abuiidog Sun— pne‘d by ,spemaltyhouses, and carry news attractive and 111E} or m-akmg Shown the weekly With Wider in“ E EEE E” EEEE EE
Order. . day issue With a comic section. We WOIthwhile commissmns to the man the same time d n Ormative at fluenCe than its eldEI‘ and more 3‘: it w iiil E
White finally decided to try a Stunt with Who gets the _01'der. There is also none, there are :2~ we know .Of spectacular brother, the daily. Re- EE iEEE EEEEEEEEE
order EEEE Our Saturday issue to increase the a lot of printing that goes to the will be evolved as 1:3: rules Whmh cent trends definiter ShOW the E EEEE’ EEE
Ce ofE reader interest of that day and Elan who sells an idea. Go over undertake the task OilneWspapers readers more interested in the EE EEE 'E'EEEE ‘
small ‘ thus have a talking point for more tuft/nbaitEisiEclEEEEs:S ~efnterprises in your of course. the heavy burcizlrlieoEfEetEilise gogelytfixpretssions 0f EhEEEEE country E E E EEEE EEE EE
lineage. We now Car . 8 1 you cannot figure services will b . 3 er an he oft—time misunder— '3 E EE E‘EEEE
what . . ry a full page out something that eliminat _ .- . , .e Increased. The stood and co ' ‘ .. E E E EEE EEE EEE
[(1 me .‘ of society pictures and society items petition. es com tEiiiEgEEgg Stylfe, WEh he Phallged: get- 0f highly paidmtiE'tiiiEgEggittEiElEiEElE'gEtaphs E E E EEE EEE
ies in . Eh Saturday. We arranged with the HOW about labels for a store that 0rd idZEthEthéitE 1315:1129 J0u1'nal—of_rec_ It iS 0111‘ sincere Opinion Etiiztsthe E EEEEE EEE EE
.walk eatie to devote a full page to Ships parcels to country buyers? soggy. es so muCh news Weel‘hy heWSpapet ES iuSt how 00m' E E‘EEEEE EEE 1E
Ilater t 023m 13g theater attractions if they boiiginltfsaéhsas printer has done % big The wire news problem is how lhg him its own and if there ap— EEE EEE E E‘
m0 is 1 “ u assure us of at least a half the distaErEiE a neat foldercard giving ever, relatively easier than that 0} pear bvex1ng_problems” Of a ques— EE EEE
rho is page of copy in addition to their h 'h Ces 0 other Cities on the the local desk. Sharp inte' ' E iona EEE SOEEEEEOEEE they are problems EEE E E
. and other lineage. This was followed caEtlgoirEiEE/ZEa’mglfih tEEEh mEtElE ad for theEhve’ writing of 10031 hEeWS rEeEtEiEuEEiETEEé; tight, EEEiElEES CEEEEEEEEEECE by the newspa- E E E E E
L - by a Chumh pa .,, . . n e o 181. side. Us- a hi 'h . - , . . _ an imself who has 1? . 1 ; .; i.
3 in a . g» sold for a period ing colored b . g e1 EomhahShC talent thah 15 adv E E re used to E E E E E E E
' ~ ( of 32 weEkS at a t. ' ond stock for somal generally found t . . ance With his competitive broth— ”H l 3» : ‘ .
mg of 1me and some of stationery orders will increas _ . . . Oh Slde 0f relatively 61‘s. the dail ‘ ' EE EEE E E EEE E E
Qle of ; tE‘Eie SEhths added to that lineage by tionery sales. Get your photogerasrih— girth; hiEEhSE hThEE youngster just Streamlined hEEeEEkEEihESEE EhhreShEhEEOE E EEE E EE E E
con. ' :Veitismg ‘Aftet Supper” specials elf to use advertising material on at this fingcogo‘lvgalnnot be ErEESEEEd tive 0f the community in whigh EE EE
have t 01mg the paper is issued at noon ills proof envelopes, and you print his fingers ache to hat fivgnttfhoug‘h they exist. might be applicable if E E E EEEEE EEE EEE
hat I n atur day. Chem. You can .salvage a lot of 1y. A mature mind must bi: inaCEEe- the country .newspaperman keeps EE EE EE EE E
aerate A ' Farmers Page dOmmercial printing. and you can trol on the city desk if the con- abreast Of hES WOEEEdE_GOEdendEEEe EEE EEEEE
ws of b We bulld up our Monday lineage tienEiZEOPNneEW Xustomers at the same not to find all sorts of trfihlhlgr iErsi (Wash) SEEEEEEEEEEE' E E EEEE E E E E
ble in of; ill-:92? Farmers Page feature . . . . Bulletin. i316 szEEEalhEtEaEEE writing of youth- ——-—*— EE EEEE E E EE E
more y carrying the news of . urn is s. Schools of 'ournal— EEE EEEE E E E
2 nine 7 the farmers activities and several gfi‘gEEAf’gIIECEERVICE tsm which bear down liardEE on the SOMETHING NEW’_ EEE EEE E E E
tecond SEE the country correspondents news E SMALL jghiEiEiEialiEsnd EEEChhical processes 0f SOMETHING OLD EEEE EE EEE E
thave lems. : l 5 ~ . — m are 11013 fitting gradu— EE 1 E E E
I . peaking before the Southern ates for this t E E EE E! E
ave a W Mot-oust Page Newspaper Publishers’ Association work. The schoolgpighigh Itiewspaper tlA bEtESEn‘eSS acqhamtance remarked EEE ‘E EE E
there .E ecinesday is also built up with recently. Roy A. Roberts, managing btickground in histor S.EEEES.S.W1de 53312111?“ day‘ ”Ewen! I’ve learned i 1E %
nitted Emotorist page that increases the editor of the Kansas City Star, economics, the elenlelitari’eosgéiihhy, The Egg REESE. EE E E
'from ‘. neage of garages and motor ac- ah‘EOnE other good things, said: and mathematics, will find thiEEs' CODStantlmah t Est EEEE 01d OEEEEE used E
ldCU' CEStory stores. The Thursday and It strikes me that all of us news— DTOdUCt in greater demand as thEE impressith’ E: E CEeEEEed a pEECEEEEaEE E E E
me of T Effigy issues are now about even- gapgrfpeome have had too much of interpretative idea takes hold Thai forcibly the EgahstElEiaEtE toffought out i 3 E: E-:
netro- i lvided by a greatly increas d e ense complex the last few is all to the good—and it will ro per man 11V E e newspa— E EE EE EE
. :« amount f . _ e years. We get together and r0 e d Vide places in ' ~ p _ ‘ es En EE COEESEEEEEE change, EE EEE E
hin a r 0 food store advertiSi t t p C e ' hewsDapel WOEEE W611 a galaxy 0E new EhE EE EEE E
I have hurriedl ng. o ear our own profession to pieces paid places for men d 2 d lhgs’ and never EE EEE E E
y covered a large and air to th , . . an women a 33’ passes, 01‘ even 1‘31‘61 a 1 ‘ [E E
. a» num . . . , e world what a vei 1 who wont wast ' ' ' y EE EOEEEi EE E E
neter E withber of subJects in this discourse busmess we are in. Now, persons: purely routine jngEEEXrtiiaiienEEts on'a bug that somth‘mg new Es learned. E EE E E
autO‘ ,‘ ties You and I trust I have not 1y, I don’t feel that way about it at Editor and Publisher r Obb En h'eh professmns or trades exist EE EE E
ing of? subPaSSed too heavily upon the all. I believe in self-Criticism more “E hvl if have these changes WEEECEE EEE E E
l two lects 0f some of the speakers I than I do diatribes from unin— IT SHOULDN’T .EE es me an lhhhfesmhg ahd varied E ii E E
maiE t gin EhWaYS anxious at a. convention formed outsiders. But ESEEEE EEE about BE so EEEEEEEgEEEEEEEEEE EIEEEeEEe ES DOEthEng Of the E E
zfrom .E... id this kind to secure one or more tlme when Wt? get together as news— “The weekly newspaper is h d ing daymnriih c2216 bpubEEShEEEEES work— i E E
16 the E neEiiEESpthat may prove helpful to my 1233135202133;th ngvgntiohg’ some- ion the most vexing times ineahiesd the CEOée that EEligthiYiE; fight}? at E EE E
, aper and if I have b ’ _ re, a wes ould tell tory‘ anything an —|pened” ' ' ap- E E E
m, cessfu1 ~ . . een suc- the public and the world ~ . ' yone can do to. 01 that the day has been E E ‘ E
..| . Iwillbe1n Ending any help to you about the good side of EEEOIEiirE $10523 Ere-$1321: phEtohshers meet the many 1 wasted as far as some new impres— E EE E
ect of i aIOtted tovely happy and if the time ness? There is no need for Ameri- fronted wilEEEi1 h WEiEtCh they are 0011- Slon or thought has been presented. E E E
at the to answerme permits]: will be glad can newspapers to be on the de- to weekly ncegvnsSpE; Eietihda real service‘ The most SEECEEEESSEEEE editors are E E E
ilation *. I know th any Questions, provided finse to anybody or any other line This statement atEppegirEsEEth. those Who keep their eyes and E E
s and t 6 answers. 3 Work. True, we have evils, so on the front page of Th WES Week mmds Open for new material and E E
stunts i. \— Oes every other industry. But by ton News . - - e ahhlhg‘ new ways 0f presenting it' but even E E E
' s. F _ and lar 6 th A ‘1 paper, ofiiCial publication the most ioddE 'E ' E E
ram. “Tim . White. news and editorial pers deligver a eb ttnieiicag newspa— of the Washington Newspaper Pub help bilt SEtumbing 0f SCEEbS CEEEEEEOE E YE
.~ . . on the El‘ a - 6 er pro not going lisher’s A ' ' — E 8 over new and in— E E
5 have I m‘lce IzabcthtOW‘n _Enter. to more , . . ssomation. and forms the terestin f t . i. ,.
t - , Was fol‘merl . ‘ expense and effort to bring basis of ' ‘ ‘ ‘ g EEC SE E
r ed a series of d ‘ E
lags; ggi‘rfistown News, yand 1%:ng thhii hivgggfcysgoglelfi—the 1readers~—the are being held durithCEtiiséohzxvtEhtEglEcE) SlhmetElEinEtES EEE lightens the day to E E E /
s on . u . or con d ' - ' " rea EZEE a E i E E E E
Veiner 0f the 0011 this Paper was editor tertainment and ' f p e WEEh en mol‘lth 1n VEEEEEOEES key communities mun tE WEth EEEE EES EaCk 0f re_ i
ampbellsvflle Star. Etures than an EtEhorm'EEEEVEE fea- ovei the state featuring weekly errnera ion; the EEfe Of a newspa- E
, y 0 e1 industry I newspaper publishers and editors. Sfteraéilisnt the WOESE En the WOEEEdE E E

 g . - Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS October. 1 937 Oct0b(
. W /
. ‘ ————_—" be nothing left with which to buy before it can be classed as a legal .oFF WIT
. paper, ink and other needed sup- newspaper. '
. plies. When it comes, the doors of The law states: “No legal notice A real (
1 the shop will be locker and the advertisement or publication of any mall busi
‘ . ' ~33 publisher and printer, as well as kind required or provided by any 01 ,3 :orial in
i x ‘ V fig their employees, will be in the bread the laws of the state of Oldahoma_ RATORi ]
'. - ‘ ' ._ _, ,5 H ‘ line. to be published in a newspaper. ,‘- cooperatl‘
r ‘ Hundreds of publishers and shall have any force or effect, as Wisconsin
i " I “—~——~— printers have raised their subscrip- such, unless the same be published y chants an
" ‘ Official Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association tion prices, their advertising. rates in a newspaper of the county hav. “small
i and their charges for printing. ing a paid general circulation then-A . iy render
‘ ‘ , . They have not suffered any loss in in and which newspaper has bee -
CI. , VICTOR R'PORTMM‘N'“"""“"""Edu°r revenue of business. The public ex— continuously and uninterruptedlx; ”52:32:
'i - . . _ pects to pay more, and is paying published in said county during the .: poswhen
Prmmd On The Ktmel Press) Departme?‘ Of Journalism: more for other things. period of 101 weeks consecutiVe1y"“'d do A
. UHIVCrSItY 0f Kentucky: Lexmgton Why not follow the trend of the prior to the first publication of r‘ an the
.. ————-—~——~—— times before it is to late? notice or advertisement.” than do f0
PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS And remember the “plus” to ’~”' it f; gin elimii
. , Jodie P. Gozder ____ President News-Journal, Campbellsville cover your own and your f311111373 COVERAGE SURVEY VALUABLE thgl‘e is i
_ J. LaMarr Bradley _ Vice—President ............_.._ Enterprise, Providence nEeds, It, tOO, is neceSsary_ _ . f 0t}
- , J. 011N515 AJCOCk ~——~— 580“?er ~— Messenger, Danl’llle —Publishers Auxiliary Robert Good, publisher of the ltS or n
'1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE t * * Salem Post, has made efiective use ~. ho'iyhitso :2
' . erwo d, Lexin ton Herald, Chairman; Gracean M. Pedle , Herald, u n f cross—section surve meth
: ‘ $333123? igriliile ArgnentroutgCourier-Journal, Louisville; Dolph Great: Herald- THE EARLY BIRD’ YOU KNOW