xt75tb0xsd1m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsd1m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1956 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1956 Vol.23 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, November 1956 Vol.23 No.2 1956 1956 2019 true xt75tb0xsd1m section xt75tb0xsd1m s
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Published In the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers . 111
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Uni ' Enoch Grehan BuildinO, University of Kentucky, which houses the School of or r :l'.‘ , 1 ,
.V’erSIfy Of KGI‘ItUCky the University press, tahe Microfilming laboratory, and offices of the KemJuch;l 11:2; 1 1
LEXlngton Association and Kentucky Press Service. 11
1 1
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Officml Publtcatlon Kentucky Press Assocmtzon 11 7 1

 . 11 ,.
- 1111111'1111' I NOW
1 1
{:3- 1 {ac ‘1 1 OH
... Press Serum-lac. / Pul
One-Way Route Service - 1/53"” 1 Public
1. 11 Through the one-order, one bill, one check plan / .. %/ 1 1111;215:1-
. 1 '11., . 1 1
1‘ . KPS is equipped to give service to the advertiser 4g 1 5:13? /:~ 1 115116‘1111
i and ageHCy from the time a budget is being made un- 1 4/!) l/W. 1 which th
. ' til the last statement is paid. {E 9 ’1 1 ' /// l 2:16:11;
‘ ' . 1 For the past thirteen years we have been giving the w,” ”1%, 1 62126116
» following services: E £2 " --E » 1 0mm} 1
I O assisting in making up a budget 9% fl 1 ‘ 1;. /1 ’ ment—ar
O assisting in choosing a string , ' i111 1 ' jr/Kr to the P1
. 1 o issuing individual contracts (:3 :1<:-/ L./’:// , For m:
1 O issuing individual insertion orders , : "u _, , 1W 13/ / 1 1n typog
1' O mailing mats, plates or copy ! 1’ M ' substantl
1 O furnishing requested proof of publication SEEP};
1 O rendering blanket itemized statements [ion of
o paying the individual publishers KPS does not offer special group rates. Space users for all p1
1 0 handling all details and corresimndence may select from the Rate Book any particular group, body typ
V and doing every other thing within reason to insure or use the entire list, dailies and weeklies. Through itig P151)“
1 satisfactory service and obtain best possible advertis- arrangement we service border counties in Indiana ugnfllnu
1 ing returns. We check for position, press work, and and Ohio, and cooperate with the Tennessee Press mg 2121‘
1. make suggestions to our publishers on more effective Service in servicing border Tennessee counties. Com- 1115:5131":
1 placement. pensation in lieu of group rate is received from rout— ‘
11 Without exception we have enjoyed our working ing your advertising schedules through the one-order
relations with the agencies using our service—we in— 131311 it SW93 the agency large overhead office ex— 1113:1171:
111 vite the continuance of these working plans and also pense. 1101 115611
1'1 invite the inquiries of agencies who have never ac— ‘ 1 that the)
11 cepted our offer for simplifying entry into the news— KPS is an affiliate 01 “769le Newspaper Represen- 1 between
111 papers of Kentucky. tatives, Inc., which organization is the only authorized dispatch
11.11 NO space under 5 inches accepted, unless for con- national advertising representative of our Kentucky or busin
’1 tinuous run. weekly publishers. National advertising schedules t0 beast
11 1 placed with Weekly Newspaper Representatives for ' EngliSh i
, 11THE AGENCY Who “5‘35 0111‘ office for clearing the state of Kentucky are cleared direct to our news- 1 ei31.11661"
11 . issues one contract to KPS papers through KPS with the absolute minimum of 23m“ 11
111 . issues one insertion (”1‘18r to KPS time lag. VVNR has service offices in Detroit, Chi- spicy:
11 . supplies string of papers cago, Philadelphia, with the main office at 920 Broad— 111% pm
11 . supplies mats, plates or copy way, New York 10, New York. WNR offers the same 5 tisemems
11 o pays the bill to KPS in one check less agency discount. one-order plan for national COVGI‘age- . Limiter
1 SERVICE Three Easy Steps: KPS will help select product 1 wished h.
11 markets, give market surveys, and help plan any cam- 1 11C noticc
3; 1 paign to cover. 2. KPS assumes the time consuming - mems 3‘!
1 THE AGENCY AND ADVERTISER order-checking detail of scheduling; it renders one in— 1 Lesser 01
11 0 receive full credit on each contract and insertion order voice and proof tearsheets at the end of each month. the value
11the same as if the agency issued the orders 3. One receipt of agency’s monthly disbursing check, : {unmom
111 KPS will not knowingly extend any of its services KPS pays its newspapers by monthly check. 1 151111111?“
111 to unrecognized advertising agencies or advertisers, . 1 lem
11 nor will it knowingly accept advertising which might Legitimate advertising agencies and national adver- 1 I
11 unfavorably involve the publisher, his newspaper, his tisers are urged to use the services of KPS; to advise 1 110111231111
11 leaders, or 1115 advertlsers. with KPS on all affairs of mutual concern. ‘ fling. P:
1 1 public n.
'11 after 180
111' 1 become a
“mm 1

 . ,t , .~ , , --.»-~new:;:.-.-,~.-,-:.-:—.::~‘-':‘ amt »: -' , ':,: :" .:;, :".:. 4- . , . .. 1 J J. ,. JJ JJ JJ JJ_J 11"
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. , o the need lor monthly statements of receipts ‘ 3 J '11
. . . 1 ,1 l J i
' OffICIa S Flrst To el I Ian and expenditures by public offiCials who J JJ 1 11J
J/ J handle substantial sums of the taxpayers’ J‘ 1lJ
1, . money. 3 l l 1 i
- ’ . . . . . 1 s‘ 1
P bllc Notlces In Newspa ers Honest public officials heartily acclaim the 1 1 1 1
. . ‘ ‘ l L
U published statement ill a newspaper as the 1 111‘J
‘ public notice in newspapers is as old as (EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article best and most Practical way to show their J ‘ 11§J
r‘ the first newspaper in the English language. by Dr. Charles L. Allen, assistant dean of “"hhhhcms that they have exerCised good 1 . '11 1
/ When the famous Oxford Gazette was estab- Medill School of journalism, Northwestern hh-‘hlcss acumen “1 the handling 0f funds 1 , 11‘
fished in 1665 its purpose was to fill the need University, appears as an introduction to the entrusted ‘0 them. There 15 5m 01“ saying 1 ' 11 J
V which the King of England felt for a printed book, Publication Laws of New Jersey. It lh‘” U ‘31) busincss transaction 0f any Size 1 J . 11 J11
medium to tonvey his thoughts, acts, and concerns the history and purposes of public should be recorded 1“ writing because Ah 3. JJ11J1
' orders to the members of his court. The notices in newspapers.) honest 111““ W011i hesuate [0 Slgn his name, 1 JJJJJ‘
Gazette soon became the London Gazette, and a dishonest man is the one from th0m 1 JJJJJ
olfiCiili newspaper for the English govern- federal, state, county, township, municipal, 10" “613:1, mitten Iiioifi' SO It IS .WIZJh [notJJces 1 '111J
-. incnt—and it has continued to be 1311““th and village governments. Nowdays every m PU) icatJion W I“ are requreJ y “W l 1‘11
3 d . ‘ . . . . . . to be made in newspapers or otherWise. Hon- 1 . . 11
to the present ay. public official, directly or indirectly, utilizes J , _ . 1
i‘ . . . . . est officials gladly seize the opportunity to . 111
“ For many years the public notice remained the columns of the newspaper to ass1st him 1 ‘J 1' m c J of their acts to 11 J1.
J . . . , . . . . renter a in) it: s i corn 1 11 11 ‘1
d/ 1 in typographical appearance and in wordng in the dispatch of his offiCial busmess. 1,, J _ 1 1J J11 J 1
, . . . show the elficieucy, honesty, and good Judg» J 2J‘ JJJ
\ substantially like all other notices in the It may be well to reiterate the fact that JJJ 1 c ’sed Dishonest officials 1.le 111511
. . . men 10‘ iaxe t‘X‘Itl‘ . . t i, . 1 ,1
newspaper due, no dOHbt, t0 the fact that public notice iii newspapers was born he , y . . 1.111
’J _ . . . _ . . while they may oppose the. American way, in 1‘ JJJJJ
early English printers had a limited selec- cause public officials demanded it; and it ’ J ' J . :JJJ111
. . the eiid “'1” be apprehended by the same J; ‘1J1JJ;
tion of types and employed the same font betame accepted as part of the American ,J 1 ,_ 1'} J J J 1 fi '-1 1 111,1
5 users for all purposes. Display gradually displaced system of government long before news» publishct notice w iicl proves so lene cm J JJJJJJJ.
‘ . ‘ . to the \i'orthwhile office-holder. 1 11J111
group, body type, however, the news dispatches be- papers were out of the feeble, struggling age Protection for Officials '1W11
u u u ‘,,1J11i'
trough ing played under such label heads 33 FOP of oneman shops. In a democracy such as '1‘ us f)((111(11[ly place the bl'lll’le for _1 JlJJJJi J
_ J ,J . ,, . :txpa)‘ f “ ‘ . r ' JJ 11J J 1
- . i ence " and the flCiVlSCS becom- ours the ver / eXlstence of overnment bv the _ . , . 11 J
idlana cignJJlntellg ’ JJ JJ J J , J . _ J 1 J J g .J . J ’ increased rates Oil public Olhaals when the 111 'JlJJ
Press mg advertisements. Display iii advertise people and fol the people is predicated on 1 on for hivher taxes is to be found _.JJ 1.
. . . . rea reas g ‘1 11
merits far outstripped display iii news head- the assumption that every voter can be kept _ J J J _ J J111J
- . , , . .. in nu Movements and additional ex )endi- 1.11
Com lines and departmental titles. informed of the governments actiVItles. l J_ J h 1' J I J J1 J1J
' rout— E 1' 1 D'f-f Without such widespread information there ml“ authoiizcd by the voters t einse ves. n ' 1"1 1
ssen la 1 erences . , J J J . -J can - 111
-0rder J J J can be no democracy‘ lack of knowledge such cases the best proof public officials , J J J1J
BY 1750 1311811511 newspapers 1“ general ran . ’ . use to demonstrate their own integrity and J‘ 11J1 j
:6 ex— their public notices in ,1 type face that was among the people is the sword by which ev- JO 1. c tile 1,] uric for increased expendi J. 1_111J1
- . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . . ) i c ' E ’ ‘ ‘ 1,1
”0‘ used for regular hOdY WPC» indicating cry autocracy and dictatorshlp has Emailed tui‘ds where it belongs is an itemized notice 1111 1'1 i
. . . ‘ ~ ~' ‘ 1 ' i '. a - ‘ . 1 ;‘ i;
that they recognized the essential difference "" citizens. Muzzling {he press 1? dfmfdgol published iii a newspaper of general eircula- -. J11'1 111J
. _ . . ~1’- - _' .' I‘OVlll‘ in lvl ua ,. . . . 1‘3
IleSeIl between these offiCial notices and the news JJthJieiy s firs; step iiJlJ (JCSEJJJ, :0 le from tioii. Ath-erse (rlll( ism, when it is based up- J 111111 1
' . . . . . ~ 1 2 t , _ . . . J' 11‘
orlzed dispatches or advertisements 0f md'V'dua'S ”CI [1' J”? preveJn mg 1 ,ff, -[ If the com- on guesswork or malice, is ObViously unfair f ‘ 11111 1
ltucky or business concerns. Although it appears "hm'h'g "C "JUL stat: 0d ‘2 ‘11:: l . 11 to the public servant who is exercising his ,1 JJ'11'1
. .1. '~ ' ee )1110' 16m . . J ‘1 1 1 1
edules t0 beastrange typographical dress today, the ‘hohlu‘mh "5 m met 10 m I D duties with care and unselfish interest. His . 111111; J
‘65 for ' English newspapers of the last half of the ShbJCCte‘l' protection from those who seek to prejudice 5 1 11111‘1J
neWS- Eighteenth century frequently set all public R’gh‘ to Know voters against him in a public report of his 11111 1'J
um of notices in an Italic letter about the size 0f E‘VCI‘Y hhhh woman 1m" Child in the cast in such a manner that its completeness ‘1111 J1J
Chi our present 7 point. Cutoff rules and white United States of America was born with the will disprove unsound. and unfair, conten- J '11" 11J
é (1 space came t0 be employed for separating right to know what our public officials are tions. J 1111 '1
roa ’ these public notices from the regular adver- doing with the responsibility entrusted to It is Somctimes said that the books of all J! JJ1J1 :1
, : . , . - . . . - . . - ‘1'. :‘
,same tisements and news departments. them. Election to public office is botll all public officers are open for inspection by 1 ‘11111 J J
Limited in the beginning to those official honor and a trial. It is an honor manifested JJJJJ. taxpayer at any time, and therefore, the - 1J1J 1
pronouncements of the Kin b which he 1), the faith that voters have shown in the )ltl)llCfl[l0n of annual re orts is unnecessary. 1111 :
1 - . . g y i . . . i . 111. ;
l.odtlct Wished his kingdom to be governed, the pub— successful candidate. But it is a trial of that This is a half-truth at best. "the books of J 11111 1 J
, cam- lic notice soon came to embrace announce- candidate’s inherent lIOHCStY: ilbilh)’ ahd every public Office, theoretically are open to 1 1'11 .
uming merits and orders 0f other court officials. Willingness 10 serve his constituency. Ac- the inspection of any taxpayer, but in actual 1'11'
)D6 in— 1 Lesser OffiC'a'S were not long in recognizing counting for his stewardship directly [0 the practice, as every honest official knows, it is 111' JJJ
nontll the value of such notice, and by 1800 we find men and women who elected him is as much ;. physical impossibility for taxpayers to get JJ. J1J
check functionaries of counties, towns and non- an essential part of American government their information in that way. It would re- JJJJJ J J
’ , government organizations regularly using as the exercise of the franchise itself. quire the services of at least one additional JJJJ1 1 ‘
this method to keep their citizens informed. Custom now has established the point that person to each county, township, and muni- J111J 1 1
Officials emant . , ~ - w 10 receives or ex ends )ublic (‘l )211 office to direct taxpayers to the records, :11 I
Cl r t any person P l J _ J J f J . JJJJ J 1
a V13 J In America, the public notice was an im— moneys should give an accounting of the and aSSist them in finding the in ormation in JJJJ J J J
adV1se . Jortan J J_ J . . . . handles b a )ublished statement \\'thll they are interested; and that would be 11; I J g
lJ tpart of newspapers from their begln- funds 16 Y I J. es the cost of the ub- JJJ J 11
"'hg- Paralleling the development 0f the at periodic intervals. In most cases the uni expense many 4er ldp J 1111 11
public notice in English newspapers until amounts are not sufficiently large to warrant lislied statement. 1e taxpayer wou no JJJJJ JJ
af ‘ ‘ ' ear but it is be able to have a complete copy of the re. ,J1.J ;JJ
ter 1800. the American notice has smce a report more than once a y x f 1 _ 1 d‘tures of every public of ”'1' ii'
. 1 . . J J. . - av et cu m ant ex )en 1 - J11 :1
meme as varied as the ramifications of our significant that legislatures often 11 e [ l J J JJJJJ1 JJJ
—"1 1 1111111
' ‘L 1 111: 111
I 1 111 ‘ 1
l ”L11 -
1 1111111.
' 1111 1111’

 . 11 .
fice unless he could take several weeks of his Shively Newsweek Sold AN PA Mechanical Department 1
own time in which to copy them. Further \ 1 ’1 1 . 1 'Provides New Ink Formul'as‘ '1 1 1
_ .. more, if 10 per cent of the taxpayers in any ”m Dd e le‘s’ 87 years 01d’ dled No 1 ‘ ' ' ' 1 C
1 ' county chose to inspect the public records veinber 9. She was the Widow of R. S. Rives .AHICI‘ICEU) NC‘VSpélper Publishers Assodil
~ and to make copies of a part of them. the who owned and Edlted the Green River 1")“ MCChthH] Department has adl'lrl a
- 11 records never would be available 1-01, office Republican, Morgantown, for many years. member newspapers of a new service to 11111 TIP
~ . 11 clerks to use. Consider, [001 how illipractical . ‘The Bean l’ublishing Company, Leonard vide ink formulas for newspaper Run.011
1 1 this system would be on those occasions when I. Bean, -p1‘€Sld€nt, announced the purchase Paper Spot Color printing based on the 11 h f
. 1 public interest runs high in some certain of_ of the Shively Newsweek from John Y. Hut, standard colors recommended by the ANPA‘ 1 T e H
1i 1 ficc and facts and figures must be obtained who organized the paper in l952 shortly .\.A..\.A. Joint Committee on NewsPapfi' 5111-)l’ C
. for thousands of people in the space of a alter the Kentucky Gazette. Wthh bore the Printing. 1) 111“}; h
I 1 {6111111151 _ namoof l'xentucky’s'first newsliapcr, went All so-called trade colors or spot color. 10‘: '1’}:
> 1 Easy for Taxpayer out of business in Shively. ' specified by manufacturer's name and iiuii ”Limo"
, i 1 The need for a complete C 0111, of the re- The. new publisher, who also publishes lier can be converted to a standard {011111111 " 6'13““
. port of public officials is not to be under- the tabloid, Inside The Turret, at Fort "\NPA Mechanical Department has bet c0130.)
. estimated. Most taxpayers are neither ac- know, changed the format 0f the Newsweek assembling standard mixtures WhiCh hat 1. 1:116
‘ countants nor politicians; they do not readily to tabloid Size because 0f present ‘he‘ihhhl' hCCll “In 011 the press and accepted byai 0811113 1
1 understand all of the items in a report and (“1 [nCIImes' _ 1 1 1 1 _ vertisers. VVhCh mixes are requested “'11111 g' 1
‘ i must examine it at their leisure and with re- The Newsweek WI“ maintain “5 editorial have not been run on the press, C01! umns IIl
f peated attention to the least understood ”hd advertising offices at its present location ""tChCS Will be made for member new] 1:11:11:
.. 1 items. Often they must take the report to with I‘Villianr l Rafferty as editor-manager, papers. In these cases, proofs, color swatclii. “rroxinia
some friend who has greater knowledge of a similar posnionahat he has held With the or wet samples of ink to be matched willli P Piste
.1 accounting and of the procedure in public i\'ewsweek. A majorehang‘e WI“ be eflected necessary. ‘ desi‘ an
office in order to get a thorough knowledge nuthat the publication Will be placed on it Because of distances from ink manulai Uiiiizt
1 of how public money was handled. Any paid-Circulation has”; the only free drop turers and the time element, many “6“? 1), astii
method, therefore, which does not make it copies Will be used to hell) bmld Circulation. papers find it “(hi-9311319 and economical 1; cdmpiellc
. 1 easy and convenient for each taxpayer 10 I-Iitt, former owner, announced he wol11d mix their own inks. ANPA Mechanicalll 116111113211)
1 have 11 (.011), of every report of :1 public 01; continue to operate a Job—printing shop at partment can now give newspapers their» Suppli
1 ficial is inadequate in a democratic system of h” present location. formation needed t0 blend inks on “part 01115 an;
government. The very least to which a man ._W_ bvaeiglit" 133513 30 the required “131C111” pages.
1 or woman whose money goes to support gov- d N _ 0 f be Httfllned lol‘ (‘olors deSired by advertisti Use 11
ernment is entitled is a simple, complete. Increase ewsprint .utpu 0‘ ”dwrtlsmg ”2'61‘C1e5~ 11P1 one
1. clear statement of what was done with it. '5 Pred'd'ed BY Executive 0 another
11 We 11ifiiijfisiiiiizhlififilifilgiiiiisimnae of A Paper "mumaumg execumc 19m Weekly Does Color Printing 1 Eqmp
:1 1. ‘ , 1‘ 1’1 1 newspapermen. October 17, that Canadian ’1 1 1 1 self-cent;
11‘ l“Ith notices 111‘” a” not (”hfuhhh “”1 and United States paper mills can meet in- I ll“ I‘UItO“ (.ounty News, Fulton, h"‘1 ChhSl‘l
11 the monetary accounts 01 public offices. Yet creased newsprint requirements of 17 per "”(l .l“ VVCStPhCIng- publishers, are actep" straight
1 the need for wide circulation of such 11121- (11111 11‘, 1960. mg two»(‘olo1‘ ads—one color and blacklli 0p6rator:
‘ .1.
111 . ‘1 .( 1 . d I - 11 f 1 .1 _ . competition from producers oi paper-board 1’ ates, [“10lele adyance 110““! one an , as ar
11 ”uh“ {10.1“ being “chm? 101 ,L 11611 (.OITSU- containers for the manufaclurer's supply of receipt 01 material 1“ advance 0f PUbl'a, mall 1m
. 1 tutional rights. in such cases as mortgage “10011 fiber. 11,)“. Our rates are $20 for a half toalll' Scotch T
11.. foreclosure sales, sheriff's sales, sales 01 land “1 1: C1 1711 O 11 1‘ ., .1 1' 1 1 , 1 page.” Their issue of October 18 includti Correc
11l'or delinquent taxes, etc, the persons who . ' ~ ‘1”5' 14‘0“" 3““ 1’1"“ ” PARC) an attractive red-and-black ad for Motllffl starting-'1
1 1111“, 21 1.11211 interest 1-“ the properties have mills to inci casye production (:apaCity Best 11101111. Arc other community weelllt‘ Valuak
11 the right to be informed about their disposi— l.-l(l(l.000 10““ MINDS “71h more than care contemplating similar rid—ventures? ”11111111 ilds imO1
11E iion. Non-resident owners are noticed by 1"“ theexpected ”10‘6"“ m the demandfor 141““. furnish all information. them oye
1 mail to their last known post office, but no 11““h‘lfhh (hh‘mrg; the ”0‘“ three ("1 10m. . _____. - Have 1
l serious attein it is made to conduct a thor- .w‘r'rs' . _ _ fore ui
1 Hugh search 101‘ them and the notice often ————————_———-—-—- George Rumey Crll'lcally Injuredl 8111165311111
11 ‘ lails of delivery. Friends and relatives living "01h“ to people “'1‘” have the right. to be George 1,, Rainey, director of the M3111 Cut E]
1‘ in the community or tlic county in which informed? State \hicational School, “11111511116111.1111 €1,516th
1" the sale is. to take place, when they see 21 Parties not directly concerned in a legal imludes the Kl’A printing school, was 613 Where
1 notice to that died. published in their com» action also may be entitled to notice in those cally injured, and his companion receil'1 ildS- Use
munity papers, will take the responsibility cases where their welfare is affected. Such minor injuries, when their car overtumfi, saves tim
1 upon themselves of informing the interested cases would include divorce and nullity of in h/lorgan county, east of West Liberty.T1’_I PTOVid1
11.1 non-resident parties. Then, too, newspapers marriage. bankruptcy, adoption. sale of car, driven by Luther Safriet, coordinator? “.Ierupz
1 have a way of traveling around the countly property for liens and many others. It is the Mayo school, skidded and turned 0‘51 tIon systt
{11 that gets them into the far corners of every impossible for anyone to predict how many several times down a steep embankmfmy days Of
1; state and nation. Like a letter from home, people will be interested in one way or an- The two men were thrown from, the “’1 Wages.
1 they are read eagerly and minutely by those other in any legal action and the general the foot of the long hill. Mr. Raineym1 See th:
1 who are far away from their former neigh- public, therefore, should be given an equal tained several broken ribs,.a broken 5110111 “broom"
borhoods. \Vhat better way is there, under chance to get the information with those per— der, a sprained back, and bruises. The P151 maintena
I 1 I such conditions, to convey an important sons directly named in the legal document. wishes him a speedy and complete recOVe’l‘1 traimed b
1:".111111i 1
111 .

 l'. ‘ " ”11111—1“
% “‘ ."
1.1 1‘.
BER 1 5"“
1 . 1 . l
1 “"
'3'?‘ ‘ M ne - And Time-Savin 2“? Y?" ff" “SW“ ‘2‘? "‘4“
1115116115 11181111111 0 y g as s n our ant 1 11‘ 1 1
it has 811111111 . . 11 5<)111re‘111terest111g figures and comparisons 11111111
I service {0111 TIPS For The Com m u n ”-y Press 11.111111 ficnzce‘gtéh fIieuslliaper ctrtité‘gnondfigurgs .11 111 1 ‘1
:paper Run-0‘1 The l‘olloi‘in‘Z (1:; i: fife? from :1: Eiigifor 4' “i ‘ 44
- 2 :1 ‘
1a;e)d1‘(‘): 131:1“ The following recommendations for back- Develop a closer relationship between 1““: 1:“;113511191‘ Year 3001‘ for dailies and the ‘11“‘ ‘ 4
on Newspapg shop efficrency 1n community newspaper management and mechanical departments. 1 1 ““0”“ Directory Of Weekly News- {1 ‘1 1
plants were made by I‘rank I Ferrarl, Lud- Fhe loreman or superintendent is probably papers. ‘1 “ ‘ ‘1 1‘
01 spot (0111 low Typpgraph Co., at the Pennsylvania as the most important money-saving function Dailies 0 1 1 1.‘ 1‘ ‘1 1
lame and 111111 socrations summer conference. in the‘operanon. hlanagement should ‘in» ‘1‘ ‘1 \1 1 1 1 1947 1956 /o increase 1 1 11‘11“
lndard formula" Accurate copy editing and proper head torn] him regarding big papers, expansron ‘_’l“ 1 1h“ ’01 L 1 ‘1 1 111‘1‘ 11‘
1 h b count. 1 1 1 and equipment. in Us. .1 1,763 1.760 .2911 ‘ 1111‘1
ment ‘as “I Drop head decks wrth posstble exception ‘ .\verage ‘ g“ ‘
es WhICh ha“ of page one [Op heads. Next to lost register, perhaps the common— circulation . .. 28,887 31,902 10.4% : ‘ 1‘“ 1“
accepted by at Slug cuts and captions 101. page and col- est defect in cylinder presswork is slurs and Average line ‘ 4“ ‘
‘equcsted whirl umns insertions. wrinkles. .\ wrinkle in the impression of a rate . $0874 35.1306 33.1% ‘ ‘ “‘
re press, colt Avoid overset (three doublespaced 111110 panel form, especially of an electrotype panel Weeklies ,1“ E ‘ “
1112;25:113: written sheets, 181/2 x 11 inches, make up 3111;121:123 111:5;1r1:r1;n\‘c11\ connlnonntrouhle‘, 'l‘otallhs‘umber 8 1 1 1) ‘11 ‘1 “1
11131111111111 proxmrately 21 inches of straight matter). ‘ l - 1 l‘ 1 gy snnp e , 116 p ate 1m“ . .503 8,478 ._.l 1,, _1 1 1 1 ‘11
natc 1 Paste in all illustrations m ad copy and must be lexcl so that it cannot rock and the .\\e1age ‘1' “;1‘
1 designate sp‘ecial'typcs if such are to be “5ch overlay properly graduated, and the wrinkle circulation 1.414 2,188 54.602J ‘ “ '1‘
1 mk manulat Utilize open spaces in Fairchild plastics will disappear. Slurs in electrotype forms Average line 1 ‘ig4“‘
11t,ec:1::11ylici11‘1 1111131151ng in large ad figures and attention yield to the same treatment. ‘The foregoing rate ., . 3.035 $051143 31.9% '1' “‘1 1
Mechanicalh compellers. These benday backgrounds give ‘5 [ht (‘hhm‘OhC-‘t “”56 hf wrinkle 413d Sill lhus, it is seen that the circulation of the 1 !1“ -.
. 1 newspaper ads added "push.” Ihc picssman wrll find it an excellent t1me- average weekly Infireased about five dmeg 1 1““ 1
‘fpapers that Supply composing room with makeup lay- saving habit to test all electrotypes for rock- in 1947.51; period more than did the average ' ‘1“‘1‘
inks on part outs and “slug” special stories for special ing ””d tl'l’t’ height before starting to ”"01“ daily. Also. while both dailies and weeklies 14““ 4
”ed match‘w pages. l“)'- were forced to increase advertising rates to ‘ “““1
i by advertiser Use multi-colored pencils for ad mark< 51“” may “150 be caused by careless 11d” meet increased costs, the weeklies have "“ “‘
up, one color to identify body matter and justment "I the feeding mechanism or by trailed the dailies slightly, percentagewise, 1“, ““‘
_ another for display. printing with cylinder underpacked or ovel‘ but when the increase in line rate is related “‘E ‘ ‘
‘ 1- Equip ad machines with quadders and use packed, as well as with form over or under to the increase in circulation, the weeklies V" “‘ ““1‘
ntmg ‘ self-centering sticks for Ludlow setting. type height and “"ith units rocking. It is are way behind the dailies. “ ‘ ‘f
s, Fulton, P311 Consider ‘Teletype system to overcome important that the feedboard and guide An increase of slightly more than six per 51“.; “
mm, are amp straight matter bottlenecks and shortage of tongues are Wt 50 that the Sheet may lie flat cent in total income for 1955 over the pre- 1 1 1‘ 1'
and black. Tb? Operators. on the drawsheet; that the (h‘ilWShCEt is vious year was recorded by the average week— 3‘ 1 “‘3‘ ‘1 1
re two mount Use shell cast in stereotype operation for Shitmth ilhd taut, With no hthS 0t paste, 1y newspaper in the United States, based up- 11 “ "1 41 ‘
OIECC, 0116““: “flats” and base “P With Elrod material. Strip etc, under the grippers; that the grippers on reports submitted for the fifth annual 51'1“ ‘1
nce of publia in all inserts in plate matter through use of “1‘0 5“ C“3th and “0t t00 C1050 to guide National Weekly Newspaper Cost Study. " “‘ ‘
a half to alt‘ Scotch Tape, tongues lllld ShOOHiCS, and that the WWII is The increase was recorded in advertising . ‘1 ‘1. ‘
)er 18 includff Correct all ads and news matter before SCt firmly in contact With the sheet. If the income, with circulation revenue remaining ‘ ““ “
1d for Mother} starting-makeup 0E pages. form and drawsheet are not at prOper height about the same and a small decrease in com- 1 § ““1 “‘
nunity weeklié Valuable time can be saved by separating Shh‘ Will ShOW ht tht‘ margin- 50ft packing inertial printing income. These conclusions“ ' ‘11 ‘ '
1111.05? Paulwi‘ :lds into column classifications before turning and loose drawsheet (‘211156 the 531119 tl‘OUbIC- were reached after studying the returns sub— ‘ ‘1‘“ ,
)n. them over to ad machines. SOHlCUIIICS the sheet Wt“ show 11 51111‘ at the mitted for the Cost Study sponsored by ‘ ' 1‘1"“ ‘
_-__ ' Have compositors clean off ad banks be- end because it wipes the form as it leaves it. Newspaper Association Managers, Inc. [‘1‘ ‘
I I . red‘ fore (lu‘tting time. An orderly household Brads driven in the furniture th1t 0f the “\Vhile the total number of reports sub- ‘ ‘41““
Y njll saves many valuable minutes. form will how the ShEEt UP 311d Pl‘CW-‘ht the mitted for the study was smaller than for the 1 ‘1“ ‘1‘
)r of the Ml‘ Cut Elrod base into column measure for wiping. When brads are not effective be- fourth annual survey, we feel that the re ‘ “‘111 ‘
11115111161 whit easier handling at makeup. cause of a very narrow margin at the end of turns are sufficient to give a reliable insight “E ‘
chool, was 0“ Wherever possible. avoid string tieup of the sheet, a tape may be placed to work in into the weekly newspaper business," said 11' 1 ‘
)anion receifiE1 ads. Use of various column size galley locks 11 Ilml‘gin around the Cylinder. Carl (1. Webb, manager of the Oregon News- " j1 ‘
car overturfl‘ saves time in handling of ads. , . paper Publishers Association. Webb has “1“ ‘11
351: Liberty. T‘ Provide plenty of material for both ad 1 handled the compilation and analysis of the :‘1‘4
, coordinator“ makeup and page makeup. The nondistribu- l’ruett Dryden, 69 years 01d: for 4" years five annual studies. , “3' ‘ 1
nd turned 0“ tion SYStem is far more economical in these an Operator at the Frankfort State Journal From the 42 ”perfect” reports, which listed ‘ “‘1‘ ‘ ‘
) embanhuffli‘ days of high hourly rates and minimum and the Roberts-Printmg Company, dled a figure for each classification of income and ‘11‘E‘i1‘
from the can wages. . October 16 followmg a heart attack. He had expenditure for 1954 and 1955, a “compos— 1 1‘“ :1 ‘1
141.1 Raine)!“ See that the apprentice is more than a retired in June, 1955. ite” report was again developed. The 1955 “‘1‘
1 broken 5410" “br‘oom‘” boy, Utilize his services for minor Over 500,000,000 books were printed and ”CthPOSl-te" weekly newspaper had a an?“ “'1 ‘ 1"
uises. The ht maintenance chores; see that he is properly bound last year by the nation's printers and “tho“ Of 3,046: 1““ 75 more subscribers than "1; i‘ ‘
.plete recover?!1 trai