xt75tb0xsb8m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xsb8m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1993 text GLSO News, October 1993 1993 1993-10 2019 true xt75tb0xsb8m section xt75tb0xsb8m A Publication bv the Lexmgton Gav and Lesbian SchIces Organization
Missed the March on Washington? Went and want
to go again? (And again and again and again?) Well, The University Of Kentucky will host the 15th Annual
you now have a second chance. On June 26, 1994, the Women Writers Conference from October 20-23 with
March on the UN. for Gay and Lesbian Human Rights a stellarline-up of guest speakers and writers. These
will take place in NY. The March will be preceded, on writers include: .
June 17th-25th, by the Gay Games and a Lesbian and ‘DOl‘OthY Allison, openly lesbian 311th“ 0f the
Gay Cultural Festival that will be the largest event Of its best—selling Bastard Out Of Carolina
kind in history. And Community Health Trust of -Adrienne RiCh: feminlSt poet and National 3001‘
Louisville (CHT)Ihas put together a trip package that Award Winner _ _
makes gettingthere easy. CHThas Obtaineddiscounted —beIl hooks, a leading theorist on the interplay 0f
group rates on the Howard-Johnson Plaza Hotel, feminism and black cultural studies as well as a
convenient to the subway and events. Rates are $131 Hopkinsville native
single, $122 double, $153 triple, and $168 for four_ -OPa1PalmerAdisa, author, lecturer and lnStI'lICtOI‘ Of
CHT is also offering group air fare of approximately African-American Studies and Composmon at
$200 round trip. The fare is available out of Lexington UC-Berkeley and 33“ Francisco SLU-
or Louisville and dates of departure/ return are flexible. —Gloria Anzaldua, mestiza author and winner Of the
You can stay the entire week or any part of it. CHT W111 1991 National Education Assocration Award for Fiction
also offer Games and Festival tickets. As afinal benefit, Celeste-Miller, 3 Performance MUSE who combines
10% of the cost of your trip is tax deductible as a dance Wlth storytelling
donation tO CHT’s AIDS work. -Ann Russo, feminist writer and author of MIT’s model
How can you get in on this bargain? By sending POHCY on sexual harassment
$100 deposit per person to CHT, Attn: Bill Bird, P.O. _
Box 4277, Louisville, KY 40204. But you must act Resistration feesrangefrom$10to$100 depending on
NOW. Spaces are limited and going fast. In fact, which events you wish to attend (and various scales Of
ANYONE, planning to attend these once—in—a—lifetime Paw [0 include people 9f all income ranges). Students
events needs to make plans now. Five straight With avalid ID are admittedfree. For more information,
conventions are scheduled in NY that week and the call 257—6681.
strai ht folks are alread boo in 1 . act - - - -
now? and DON’T LET {is BE séagpgtgfiigoéeilimso "5'“ you been dlSCllmlnflth against
For more info contact Bill Bird (502) 228-1401 or "I "1! Commonwealth 0f Kentuc
Linda West (606) 233-7075 for your sexual orientation?
Over a decade into the AIDS pandemic, the US Postal
Service is finally issuing an AIDS awareness stamp 216-5383
featuring the famous red ribbon symbol. This stamp
will be released on Dec. 1 for National AIDS Awareness
Day and in perfect timing for holiday greeting cards. fluiflflmifiatlflflplo a“

can“ shot/m .//.:::.z _ LOVE Is A were
published Monthly by the HUMAN RIGHT
' 4.5 A . Throughout the world, gay and lesbian people
faxington gaff/£5 La” “umfi suffer a variety of human rights abuses which range
(07. amizati'on from harassment and intimidation, to job firings, denial
.9 of basic government services and legal rights, torture,
PO. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 imprisonment, and execution. In Brazil, the body of a
Editors: local politician is found mutilated and decapitated in a
B0 Robertson and Kristin Smith municipal garbage dump after his public announcement
L80 1 D $15 00 that he is gay and ensuing efforts to strip him of his
G Annua ues ’ ' public office. In Greece, a lesbian is sentenced to five
Dues for Couples — $2000 months in prison for writing that her magazine will not
accept solicitations from men who want to correspond
N eWSl etter Only ' $1000 with lesbians. In Mexico, two gay rights activists and
Views or opinions expressed in the 61.50 News are those of the authors AIDS educators are harassed, arrested and sentenced
333.5121: 5353:5553: yazi°pifff§$..ti‘lie 3353.13: iii? [:5 to thirteen years in prison on trumped—up charges by
property of GLSO and must: indicate full name and address of the the Mexican authorities. In Columbia, there are reports
author. The staff reserves the right to edit: submission and ads to .
meet publishing requirements, as well as the right to reject. any Of hundreds Of gay men, mostly transvestites and
submissions. > Pl'acement. of advertising in the GLSO News'doas not Sex-Workers, Who have been tortured and filled by
denote a peach 3 sexual orientation nor a business customer _ _ .
preference. death squads operating Without prosecution by
, 26‘ (Le refit. r7]; . authorities, if not with actual complicity. In Peru, gays
\‘x “ 1‘ I and lesbians age deta6ined without chfitrlged by the
overnment, an u to O ay men were i e in 1991
FAREWELL- - - - ~ - - - ngy the MRTA, an alimed rgvolutionary group. In the
Well kids it's been fun. I realize my stint with the United States, women lose custody of their children
GLSO News has been short but for me it has definitely because the courts determine that lesbians are by
been fruitful, no pun intended. definition unfit mothers, using the fact that it is a crime
My company has confirmed my promotion to in their jurisdiction to have same-sex
upper management and after a brief stint in Baltimore relations. In Iran, under an offical law which prohibits
MD I will be moving to Elizabethtown. homosexuality and stipulates the death penalty for
I knew when I agreed to pitch in with the GLSO those who transgress, three gay men are beheaded and
NEWS that my time would probably be limited but 1 two lesbians are stoned to death.
have to admit it has been fun. These stories are just a few examples of the
The GLSO NEWS is a great way to get out feelings thousands of such cases of men and women living in
and express yourself. If anyone is interested in fear for their homes, their families, their lives and their
stepping in and helping out I highly recommend it. ability to live and to love simply because of WI [U they
I will be in town until October 11. If you would be are. The modem t oncept of human rights emerged in
interested in working with. the GLSO NEWS you can reaction to a war which had as its basic purpose the
call me at 253-2123. After the 11th please call Mary at annihilation of people simply because of who they
266-5904. Good luck to everyone, were. Lesbians and gay men as a people, were
Bo Robertson amongst those whose persecution during the holocaust
served as a catalyst for the global human rights
W o 56 movement Yet, while modern human rights instruments _
”3W 0/‘ were mindful of those categories by which people
were persecuted during the war and attempted to
5%)(9 WW (.4 enumerate them in the language of specific treaties,
etc., sexual orientation is a category which is
conspicuously absent from almost all human rights
MW treaties and instruments. .
t0 “6 my gl‘ The Uruted Nations founding Charter, the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and a host of more
gm W specific human rights treaties, have promised to respect
(See LOVE, page 3)

 LOVE, t' d.... . . .
and en:0:1emth: h m , hts of all eo 1 Th human rights organization, this historic change signals
, 111 1 h anf r 1g , h p , p e. e a movement towards greater recognition and inclusion
Universa Dec'aration 0 Human Rig ts ls the. most of lesbian and gay rights as human rights, which must
w1dely reeOghlzed statement Of human rights In the not be forgotten or excluded if human rights are to
world, and has as he fundamental premise that, remain the foundation for dignity and freedom in the
“Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal world.
and. inalienable rights of all members of the human From January to June of1994, Amnesty International
£3“;th 15 fills foundation (Effrfeegom, Juséice, and peace will be conducting a specific campaign to target
In ewor ', However, or es ians an 7gaymen who international human rights abuses against lesbians and
make up a significant part of the worlds population, gay men. As part of the campaign activity, Amnesty
, thll: pleldgle (has never been actualized or even International will participate as an organizational
ac nowhe'l 8eh' 1d nf delegate to the national steering committee for the
, W ‘e _[ e 1995 ‘Wor. C9 erence on Human InternationalMarch on the United Nations to Affirm the
Rights re—affirmed the indiVisability and universality of Human Rights of Lesbian and Gay People which will
human rights - c1v1l political, economic, socral and take place on June 26, , 1,941 in New York City. The
cultural rights — and took steps to remedy the historic goal of the March, which commemorates the 25th
Seglect Of somegroups, such as women, the hhal annniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, is to mobilize
ocument- the Vienna Declaration— was totally Shem the largest human rights march and rally in the world,
on the rights of another persecuted and long—neglected and to call upon the United Nations and its Member
group: 1633313115 and 833’ men. When these fundamental States to take all necessary action to assure that the
human r lghts are denied [,0 any group Of people, they promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
compromise the basic prinCiple that these rights are not be denied to lesbian and gay people, nor to people
universal and inalienable. who are HIV positive.
_ The 80013 news lishthat local, nationalband now On Thursday, October 28th, Amnesty International
lhter’rhOha umah hg tsorganijzations are eginning will be presentingatalk and discussion on international
f0 ac nowledge the interdepen encyof the struggle human rights and uses against lesbians and gay men,
or lesbian and gay human tights W‘th the general featuring the work that Amnesty has done in this area
struggle for human'rights. AddlhOhahW there has been and recent international developments. Fairness
a greater recognition of the international. nature of Campaign _ Lexington will also speak at this event, to
human rights and a movement to globalize human address human rights violations against lesbians and
rights efforts on all fronts. This year, the Uhlted Nations gay men within the state. This event begins at 7:30 pm.
granted roster status to the International Lesbian and and will be held at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church
GayAssocxation (iLGA)’,Wh1Ch was the hrSt time a located on the campus of the University of Kentucky
lesbian and gay organization was officially recognized in Lexington, at 472 Rose street. lior more information
by the Economic and ,Soelal Councrl Of the United about this event or the March on the United Nations,
Nations. Several traditionally domestic focused U.S. contact Catli- *rine DeFlorio at (606) 268-1407.
civ1l rights organizations have expanded their work to Amnesty International is anindependent world—wide
includeinternationalconcerns,suchasLambda’s recent human rights movement working impartially for the
Immigration and Political asylum prOJect and the work release of all prisoners of conscience—women and men
0f the ACME Lee???“ and (gay Rights Proxeét. Next detained solely for their beliefs, cthnicn origin, sex,
years Marc on e_ Uhhe Nations to. “in the color, language, or religion- who have not used or
Human Rights Of Lesbian and Gay People, ‘5 decidedly called for violence. Amnesty International also works
international andwrll include speakers and partiCipants for fair and prompt trials for political prisoners, and an
from 3h over the world. , end to torture and execution.
_ In September of 1991, Ann u 'sty Inte riiational voted
by consensus to expand its mandate to include for
adoption as prisoners of conscience persons who are MONTGOM ERY COU NTY
imprisoned solely because of their homosexuality,
including the practice of homosexual acts in private SUPPORT GROUP
between consenting adults. Not only does this mean A support group for lesbian, gay, and bisexual
working to free men and women imprisoned by their people is forming in Mt. Sterling, KY.
governments, but it also ncludes working to urge the The meetings willbe private and confidential. Anyone
repeal of legislation that could result in the detention interested in getting together for discussion and
of prisoners of conscience on the basis of sexual socializing should contactClifford, POB21, Mt. Sterling
identity. As the world’s largest and most influential KY 40353.

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The University of Kentucky Health Services has changed its policies on HIV testing. Previously testing was
“confidential” meaning that the test results were recorded in a person’s health files. These files are meant to
only be accessible to certain health professionals. This type of testing is considered by many HIV/AIDS groups
to be flawed in that test results sometimes are leaked. In September UK decided to begin “anonymous” testing
whereas a person’s identity is unknown and therefore can not be filed.
'Ihe Next Step...on to ,
4pm. , 4
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‘ .

 THE individual’s sexual preferences, behavior, social and
“ ,, political activities.
HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA 6. Federal funding for all homosexual organizations
REVEALED AT LAST! and advocasv groups.
B D 'd W'll' 7. Immediate release of all sexual offenders now
y am 1 iams incarcerated for crimes related to sexual orientation.
Ever wonder what the “homosexual agenda” i5? 8. Decriminalize private sex acts between consenting
You know, the one that Pat Buchanan and Pat Robertson persons; repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for
have been so gleefully scaring people with lately? private voluntary sexual liaisons, and laws prohibiting
So have I. But, although I’ve been involved in gay prostitution, both male and female,
and lesbian activism since 1982, I never knew there 9. Enactment of legislation prohibiting insurance
was a “homosexual agenda" until last year, and it companies and any other state regulated enterprises
wasn’t until this summer that I finally stumbled across from discriminating because of sexual orientation in
wlhkat I bglievc to be the agenda our opponents are insurance and in bonding, or any other prerequisite to
ta ing a out. employment or control of one’s personal demeanor.
Apparently what these Christian hate grOUps are 10. Repeal all laws governing transvestitism and
touting as our agenda is a platform that was adopted cross-dressing.
by several radical Gay liberation groups back in 1972 11. Repeal all laws governing age of consent.
when the movement was first getting started. Although 12. Repeal any legal restrictions on the sex or number
parts of this platform are still widely supported by most of persons entering into a marriage unit.
gay agiclllestiian groups, some of them are pretty far out Lately, our opponents have been running away
see e ow . with #8. Apparently the people who drafted this
In one respect it’s laughable that they would be “agenda” wanted to include both male and female
using this platform as a basis for their attacks on the homosexuals in the drive to decriminalize private
modern gay rights movement. We are, if nothing else, sexual actS, and so they decided to use the word
a pretty diverse bunch of people: get 50 gay men and “persons.” Of course, our opponents see this as
lesbians in a room, and you’ll have 50 different meaning children as well as adults.
viewpoints. Yet our opponents still insist on thinking Anything to sell more BibleSi
of us as some perverse, monolithic conspiracy working
like a fine-tuned machine for the overthrow of American
SOClCLy. (YOU may laugh HOW!) - men Truss vioto nrrnooc urcun um Tho rim rn-«E'fl' v: '
In another sense, however, it’s tragic: tragic not .. vncA m:
1 ' h ' 1 f 1 ' ' - he ' -
on y in t e potentra consequences or our egitimate n m5 “as-r
' claims, but also because it demonstrates just how .- rims. n l e x :-
bankrupt the fundamentalist movement has become. ,. ,m w m,“
It’s as if we were to take all of Pat Robertson’s w. h“ WM
garbage on the “700 Club," go on TV and hold it up as I, . ., .
, , , , ‘ rl sour-«run :xvosm: Hun 1-1 crr..r-;--i.P :-. 71m: 71-173 m:
an example of what modern Christianity is all about: m mm ! E L a U V m . I
, . , - , l‘fl'." Y L u 5: flu! C'F-L ,';':l .~~,h:.1 -.a
we d be laughed 'out of the studio. [TE any rate, here 5 "BS 1 “I‘M“,VE szs “E rasr “comm; ‘ ~1. m
what these misgu1ded souls think we re trying to cram _‘ yum REFLEcriou or m svmcuaucmc
dlovtvfn their throtaltsl.1 See how many pieces of this W" m gtossv zmss mar nave azzu OVERLOOKED u: T
a Orm ou ac 3 51.1 or. \‘ THE COSIIO-BUVING PUBLIC To XEHOXED H a
TI) eng I] . fl . llitslfpsto Ohmbtd . - Hon 1'"! :1 PERSONAL ZINES STAPLE!) IN SOMEBODVS \ ex;
- 1mm“ b ?- CE" “8 1 'Wt tipr 1 1 isCrirnina (WT BASEMEM ‘I'HE kuonc EVE OFFERS A __E N ‘
on e aSis 0‘ sex-Lia oriena on. ‘ ‘ ' SELECnou OF OVER FIVE nunnnzo OF ms -7
2 Fe 'tl 1 t - [h df :no a.” uosr INTERESYING, INFORMAIIVE. AND J,"
. ”‘01 iomosexua 5 0. serve in e arme .Orcles. UNUSUAL uncazmas AND aooxs am, UFOS.
3. Allow the entry, immigration and naturalization m ' mac. '3°'°G“”’,."n"...§7‘zs‘""'§§f"¥‘鑧‘
. .w nozsm I v . II W...“
homosexual aliens. " 7' Airznunws usesrvrts. vow CULTURE. "
4. Federal encouragement and support for a“ *0 Amosr AMV omen ionic v0u couw i :v
pro-homosexual sex education courses in public WW FORE,“ "HES ”ms" "FEES. AND A is. 1;
SChOOlS, prepared and taught by gay men and ...n in LARGE susciion or INDEPENDENT comes , ..A'
women, presenting homosexuality as a valid, health an: autumn ism "My.“ mmmn sat? and ... ....m
preference and lifestyle. rm. m. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK .. ur- v
5. Regulations andlegislations banningthe compiling, m m, g SEUN-ZTHE (1:2-9 AFN-SAT 12'" m u...
‘ ~ - ' - ' 4 1/ U LID VE . 255-8987
maintenance and dissemination of information on an nun. r Men 10 new "ammo COFFEE HOUSE nu .r

 . \ October 1993 '\ J'm MCKelghen
Happy Halloween From GLSO! _m__ fl
:diii ‘ ' f
1 2 Office: 606—268-4663
- 2560 Richmond Rd. Home: 606233-9995
8:00 :11 Ga /Lesb1an Mr/Ms/Mi ’I‘ GRA s .
AAP y SUITe 200 Pager: 600231—4724
9:00am Fromrunnenz Lexington, KY 40509 FAX: 606-268+4667
102mm!) HIV/AIDS SI ILG I.
' o
3 4 5 6 ,_ 7 , 8 . . 9 Proclour FUN
6:30pm MCC-L V1116 7:30pm Men s Chorus 7:00pm Dlgmty Mtg. “ll 8 d P l G
(MCl'nm ne Run Farm Game/Out in Suburbia 7:00pm GLOBAL—U of 7:30pm UK Lambda 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 9:00“l F m '
6:00pm New Morning: Beans& 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian AJ-Amn L. 8:00pm HIV/AIDS AA 10:00am Pig/[AIDSBSppLGrp “PG 9 Foomlng
Rice Dinner 8145Pm Rainbow Bowlint 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian Sppt.Grp. 8:00pm Rubyfruit Cafe 8:00Pm Rubyfi'uit Cafe Demu- .
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Southland AA Dessert Theater Exp°nl¢no @d
1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6
4: mDive 'ty Bus' c... 1 . - 6:30p MCC-L'vill 7:30p M '3 Che . ~ 9:00a F nlrunne
Mgm TSGgA-Tl: 12:15:12! COIUHIbUS Day 7.30pm Gay/LeSblan 7:00p: GLOBAL-60f L. 7:30p: Iflinlambdam 8001311] Gay/LeSblan 101008111111 SV/AIDSmSpptGrp.
6:00pm Imperial Ct-Club U (Observed) Al—Anon 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. AA 10:00am Men’s Network -
6:00pm New Morning: Beam. 7 30 m GLSO Board 8:45pm Rainbow 10:00pm ICBE Show-Club U
7: Ga liesbian : .
00m y M Mtg. @ Peter’s Bowlmg-Southland "Kathy & Mo Show" @ Actor’s Guild .3
1 7 18 1 9 20 21 22 23
7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:30pm MCC-L’ville 733011111 Men's Chorus 7:00pm Dignity Mass 9:003m Frontrunners
6:00pm New Morning: 3W A1- Anon 7:00pm GLOBAL-U of $333: $33?ng Gm 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 10:00am HIV/AIDS
71(1):): Dale/L MM 8:45pm Rainbow I" / b i - . AA Sppt'Grp' R E A T I V E
1 m y 8 ~ 8:00 G Le '
Bowlmg-Southland Pm ay S 1am "Kath & Mo Show" @ Actor’s Guild
AA y D a
. *
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 W
IGRA Finals R deo-FLW rth 6:30p MCC-L‘ '11 7:30p Me '5 Ch rus : ' :0 F
Mam; an 723.2“nt 800m Gay/Laban 12.03;: games
WW 2322222322“ WWW AA swap
. n _ ' I m in W W - I _ . .
we sore "‘8 WWW meme TYPESETTING
7:00pm Gay/LesbianAA 9:00P” COLTS M‘g- "Kathy & Mo Show" @ Actor’s Guild
l: 'meavis
e m
I'Inllowccn/Samlniu m J4
7%” G‘y’m‘m’“ FL“ :Léigemng Out“) KRISTIN B. SMITH
" or o Corm Poth
Kathy & Mo Sho... oeu Jen Jonz/ 0t. 9706006 (606) 23 1 '8303
vaq, our name, and Addrvu/
wakimtz, Lo Lexingtonl W

LEXINGTON HAS A SAN DIEGO - BiWest, the 1993 Western 8: Pacific
Rim Bisexual Conference will be held October 22 to 24
in San Diego.
Fritz Klein, M.D., author of the The Bisexual
Option will discussthe new sexual orientation grid
G R E E K from his upcoming update of the1978 book, and Dr.
Ron Fox, will speak on his recent comprehensive
survey on bisexuality.
R EST AU RAN T Other speakers include Lani Kaahumanu, editor
and contributor to Bi Any Other Name - Bisexual
People Speak Out; Dr. Amity Pierce Buxton, author of
The Other Side of the Closet - The Straight
Spouse; activist Robyn Ochs and Nina Silver, contributors
to Close to Home — Bisexual People Speak Out; Dr.
\ Regina Reinhardt, author of Bisexual Women in
. - - , ' _‘ . x . Relationships; William Crawford,
’ , “Jill/5'” ‘ M.D., safer sex lecturer; and religion writerJL. Wohls.
-I"‘ '4’ _ / // Workshop topics include bisexual relationships
7"‘3 "' .' ' . ‘ » and lifestyles; the sexual orientation grid; bisexual
' _ I ‘ . ' . . politics; bisexuality and the media; religion, spirituality
" ‘ ' 7 and sexual orientation;
bisexuality and feminism; transcultu ral and trans gender
EVERY TUESDAY issues; AIDS and safer sex. 6
For information on the conference, call 19/ 259—8019
5:30 PM ' 9:00 PM or fax 619/259-8591.
9. Promised to lift the ban on homosexuals in the
10. rornise to a oint ua ‘ ie es ians an a
VEGETARIAN _ men to major posifigns inTlhe Clinton administratiiril
From the Kentucky Gay and Lesbian Veterans Association
If any gay man or lesbian currently serving in the
United States military thinks that they are now free,
under the government’s new policies, to stay in the
military, guess again!
557 SOUTH LIMESTONE The President doesn’t care about you, Les Aspin
doesn’t want you, Colin Powell doesn’t want you, the
253-00 1 4 Joint Chiefs of Staff don’t want you, Sam Nunn doesn’t
want you, the United States government
doesn’t want you, and, according to the latest polls, the
majority of the people don’t want you.
The military has been fightin President Clinton’s
FREE EVENING PARKING proposal every step of the way Efind has succeeded in
See MILITARY, page 12

Enter‘bm nmenh......run Fen the whale Psmltau
Kate was (BREATH COMING SOON . . .
) What ha ens when Ginn laces an ad that reads
Bull: Whah 5' NEXT? “Gorgeous pbplonde and temgeituous redhead want
Iris Event's Inc., will be bringing the "Ladies of the rampant dyke for spare room?” Find out on Friday or
Cabaret" to stage on October 8th and 9th. The Saturday, November 12 and 13 at Transylvania
Rubyfruit Cafe will entertain you as the "Ladies" University, When Between the Ads presents “Corning
preform scenes and songs from familiar and original SOOII . - - (a Sapphic Sudsaga).”
musicals and plays. Tickets will be $8 in advance, $10 at the door. They
For more information on show times and ticket Will be available after October 20 at Sqecial Media (3.
information look for our Playbill on page 15! Limestone) or you can also order them by ma 6! at PO.
Box 25146, Lexington KY 40524. Mail orders must be
U K WC) M E N STU D] 55 received by November 8; we will mail you tickets if we
receive the order by November 5. Be sure to specify

OFFERS GAY/WOMENS Fl LMS November 12 or 13 and send a SASE for faster service.

UK’s Women Studies Program, UK Lambda, and the Between the Acts still needs help on this production.

Martin Luther King Cultural Center are among the JOih US for fun With the program, PR props, lighting,

seven UK organizations co—sponsoring a “Women in COStUmeSi mailings, CtC- Call Mojra at 223-9121 Of

Film Series.” Once a month through April 1994 (except Pamla at 277-7611 for more information.

January), either one or two films will be shown at 7pm ,

in the Center Theater in UK’s Student Center (older ACTOR S GUILD BRINGS

part). On Oct. 5 there will be two films and a follow-up KAT HY AN D MO

discussion of homosexuality, gender and “out-ness”

facilitated by Nora Brashear of the University of T0 LEXINGTON- - ~50RT OF

Louisville. The scheduled films are: The Crying Game The Actor’s Guild will present the comedy

and QUE in Suburbia. The full schedule 15! "Kathy and Mo: Parallel Lives” beginning October 14.

OCE- 5: The Crying Game & OUE ih Suburbia This show was a big off-Broadway hitwith the original

NOV- 2: Sleeping With the Enemy & Loved, Honored, actresses portraying a number of characters. Kathy

Bruised Najimy and Mo Gaffney placed the original parts.

F€b~ 13 JUSE Ah0thief Girl on the IRT Former local city councilwoman Debra Hensley places

Mar ~ 11 Gas, FOOd, Lodging & NO Way, NOt Me one of the leads in this production.

Apr. 51 Passion FiSh & Genine Shows are every Thursday, Friday and Saturday
at 8pm from Oct. 14—Nov. 7 with special Sunday
matinees on Sunda , Oct. 31 and Nov‘ 7. Tickets are

ACTORS THEATRE OF $12 for regular adhiission and $8 for students and
atrons over 65. Grou rates are also available for
LOUISVILLE groups of 10 or more ($10 a head).
TICKETS: 502/584-1 205 Support the arts and have a good laugh too!
Written 8: performed by Tim Miller November 6 at 9 .
.m./ November 7 at 2:30 .m. A brauvura teller of tales is .5: $553? ‘ . ”if

E) both dressed and undliessed — Tim Miller charms ““6 fléeflé

audiences with humor andfantasywhile embarking on " i 5"" ‘ "

a spirtual quest that takes him from gay conception into

pleasures and