xt75tb0xr82g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xr82g/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 12, July 1, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 12, July 1, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt75tb0xr82g section xt75tb0xr82g To Editors: The i
news in this Bulletin ,
is prepared for the THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY E t
PPGSS and is released Z;·l>-·i·T·’;; V n ered as Second
for publication on   class matter at the
receipt.   P¤Sf Office at Lu.
.   f Ington, Ky.
July 1 1918  
EMINENT TEACHERS ARE Andrew Gill will come bu the Uni
. . . · AGRIC ..
ADDED T0 THE j·A_(]ULTY vers1ty of Kentucky as head coach in ULTURAL COURSE AMBLTIOUS BUILDING EMIN
. _ OPENS 00**1*. 14* mms APR 1 ENT PLAYERS AND
_____ athletxcs. Ha comes from U · ‘; > - +8 PROGRAM IS A
Miss Florence M. Barrett, who will °_ Nolth DakO¤”·- In 1912·19l3 MTU The College of A 1.- lt . -—"`_‘ NG
come m the University Of Kentucky as Crm was dlrector Of physical educa- University of Kerilic? me Ot the On xecommendgttiou gf Prggidgm; F_ 1;
instructor in romance langugxgesjs 3, UGH REU. P1Ul1€f.ic coach ai; Lombard nmmced that the 6 (iiy has an' L. McVgy, they Exgcutiva Committee The Elsie HEYUGOD KBHYHS Play-
mm wok hm. mastel-·S degree fron] B WHS Engaged 111 the same Capacity A ru 18 d 1 C SB Of KBHKUCRY, has authorized that HEC. campus of th U ‘ · `
_ . Q . . . , . at Albion CDU · . . P an tlflt the work of the __ . _ · _ G mV€1`S1ty Of Kentucky
the Same ;¤__1;1[ut10H lu 1910_ Smeg e Bgé, Albmm, M1Ch]gan_ College will Continue ,th _t·$s?U`Y IHIDIOVGHIGIUS COSt1Hg $2 500 July 15 d 1 ¤·
gr;tdua,ti011¤sh€I1¤.S 116611 an i11SU‘L1Ct0I` Smce 1914 he has been assistant d`i' UOHS throughout they W1 out vaqik Shan be made in the Ch8·P€] to bro- · al? 6. Romeo and Juliet},
I in Cgbgrgldo CO]]ggG_ 1`€CfOI‘ of Zlihletics and foot bali, [msg matés will be permitt geiuxt Matmc- Vid`? I1€W S€21tS, HGW ceiling, new dec- will be glvfmc Monday Bvenmgf July
Professor C. B. Cornell, who is to ball Nfl b¤Sk€f ball ccach and played Work SO that it Wm i ° =—tk¤ less lcratiom, and H];]_kG Such other repairs 15· at 8:15» 'AS Y011 Like It" has been
be assistant professor 0fPhysch010gy, Professional ball dl11‘i11g the summers them to make the Sm; possgue my HS are necessary, Fcpfgduled for Tuesday affémoon at
at {hg Univ3[·$ity, jg at prgggnt Super- of 1912*134.4-15. I credit in Studies the etgfa BS for Repairs on thé University comnlolls if `OVCIOCK ang “Th€ 1\l3St€I' Bl1il(1€I’5"
  of mg d pppr mm of bm   _____ Ch rrrr dm not mg tgyde {55 ¤» me =»m»¤¤¤ of $4»><><> was approved €¥J’?““’ `““ "° D ’€S€ M T“‘”‘“’
°‘°‘“°“‘*‘ “’°"k ‘“ the my S°h°°lS ‘?f JOURNALISM STUDENTS ment of Home Economics PTM by H10 Committee, and me,. mspm Ifmg at 8.15. _
Lincoln, Nebraska. He received ins GIVEN G change Of Schedule .5 t ' t. iwu of the Adlninjstrgtjou Building MISS KBMHS and the 1ea,diug man,
b‘a.ehel0r’s degree from the University OOD POSITIONS only through the Wa; asa cgqumge thé 0ld dormitxury, the Commons and George S0mm€S, are said to bg Very
gf NQ·b[‘Q_SkQ, in 1905, his m;),5tgr’g (]_€· """"""‘ inaugurated because Of lglbor lshorg Y2}1G 4DGW ‘d01‘mifOI·y tha following mO_ supfmpr in their Sh3k€Sp€a1‘€a,u intel-.
grae m 1912 and hls doctorate from _Th01MS Underwood, of Hopkins. age On farms and Older bo _ twn camed: (et) That the president Pm~aU0¤S and equally as stmugiu the
the Same insqtlltiggn lin 1915. .39 V}u€» has b€€¤ DI`0m0t€d* f1‘Om thé [JO- iI1t0 service, As a result Ofyshégqglgi bg authorized to Construct new Of' Ibsen play,
taught   yeqrs m an pr1v=1t§ sc}1001 m §1¤Q¤ of reporter op the Lexington young men have been com 1 V @65 for himself, his secretary, Sup. E· Marion Rucl ` _
P tt N 1 H th rd 4 Sam bl, __ Y 101 0 U19 80 home before gxammamms were   fu ings and grounds _ mvérslty 0f South (jayO1ma’
eru’S gw e Orman _€ en Q _ G Du 1€&U0{1· Young Umwmood COmp1gt€d to meet farm labor dB_ am} Om? admimstmtive offices of the SPBCMI lecturer wt Winthrop College,
yfgars graduate Work U?. the `Unlvelu yy as a_`§i»_udQ]-It In the Dgpartlngut Of mandsl This leaving 00119 G tend 1 UHlV€I`S1tY, IUH4 {IIB A(]mjni5trg,tjOH» South C3~I`01iH3· NOF1H31SCh0013_nd¤thé-
SIW of Nefbraslm and SWP8 1914 has Jm}1`um1Sm» UHiV€1`Sify Of Kentucky, tg disrupt Class Work and iv, f QC Building? that BBW BOOTS bG put in all UMVGYSHY of Georgia, will lecture {-ive
`DGGD. lfl h1S D1`€S€¤€ DOSIFIOIL bemm going to the Hfimld. His suc- credits were Concemwd was ba aggeii rooms; that walls be 1-Gdecoratedi that times' July 1* 2* 3¤ 4 and 5 OD U16
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser jslto be head iissor op the 1-cpoymrial fol-ce of the handicap to the students. The new new seats be procured; that the general subject of domestic relations. .
of the Department of Aoology. Ha Gwld IS Thorton Connell, of paris, armng€m€n`t`Vil1n1at€r. U . Chaim} be 1'€m0del6d; that concrete Th€S€ léctures will be given dai] t
was grwluaterl from Wabaslx College ¤iS¥¤· ¤ student of journalism in the gr boys and Wm DD ga shaw farm' BOOTS bg Put in the basement; um 4 in the afternoon and will (jovgrytl?
in 1905» and YBCGWQG his m&$t€I"S d€‘ UmV€YSi‘tY· Mid during the sesgign Of A Enrollment next f H Ou m°r€a$° Suitable toilets bg installed and that Subjects: ··Mm,rmgB Its LG _ 1 A°
grae from CO1‘11€U ill 1812, ilild his @00- 191748 9d‘it01’ 0E the Kernel, Studg-nr; yvould have been   mover what It the President bl? fUI`th€I‘ &l1t”h`O1‘izcd p€ctS»" "HUSb2111d and Wife TIF? R S-
t°"5 d‘3g"€° in 191* DOCYOY Funk “'F’8klY Publication of the Un1v61~Sity_ mem had Continue; A9 91% ‘“"`““g€‘ to do such things as MB necessary to alive Dutiesf, .,Pm_€nt and ‘”gh_;’é‘
_ Muser has had valuable <==><1><>ri€¤¤¤ gh`- <¤¤¤¤<=>11 will continue his work at dents xvju bg d€prg,,8dg2§“n?T;Q§;Q` maka ***9 Ad¤¤i¤iS¤=¤ti<>¤ Building Their Duties and Obligations ~ ··Mi§Or’
as 3, teacher and principal of seccm- ’ 19 University and graduate next tuges what ` comfortable it *· ’ -
. . . . , ‘ , d , · ‘ Y 35 a Defense d ··
dmy S°h‘¥’°1Sv as an m"‘>`St*g¤t°I` m QI? Y‘°’&}`, taking IHS A. B. degree in jour. yviu have tiigelgaitgfaxgiglgeoiaifogilg _(b) That the interior gf thg O1d.dOI._ status of Womzmy an The Legal  
t°m°l°_gY f‘Pd as “_ {“"’mb"" of V‘¤“`*‘ ’““hS“’· that they have completed the mqum ““*°}”Y be taken out and that it be D1`- Hvwurd J. Banks, Og Alpine
Ou;2;€ntm%§X;€%1t§l1;iabi lu W _——;—_— ed course' rebmlt and 1_€m,mng€d for recitation New Jersey, Wm deliver 30 lecture fm:
1* ss0· * W r . BWI 1‘0 , _
. _t t l_ F _ -f ll. {_ BARRACKS BEING. BUILT The COUTSG Of study has been cm·€_ Oms ` _ . uw Summér $011001 students, _]u]y 8,
**%*5 ’*“ D‘°·"SS°‘ ° I’““° spew ON UN Q fuly al-mu Gd to ·, (C) Thattiw new d·c> rm1tory be cm. ¤¤ "0ne Thousand Miles D
ing and comes to the University from IVERWITY GROUNDS qults to thi _gHG the best rg` Verted info 1&bOI`&tOI'i€S for public Tigris River Algn th E t Own the
I“i“°iS ‘V·j=S1<=y=1¤ U“i"“`S“y·· HQ was ”_—` Hams and th€;Tiz;t1€(~’EEi1?um?€r Oi St“` hfmlth Work; and um Charm, Cool- Ling_" g B FS Bm B“m°
gmgumd mm·Dmmum Couége in Ground was broken Wednesday, CollegehaSb€9H_mm_€a§€dS  gfvfgf edge, advisory ammtgcn bg med _ _ _;
1910 mm received h1s master s d6— June 19, for the construction gf at bay- fom Og p ·d A ` ' ' ` upm t0 S¤S§€St Such changes cm the
greg in 1916. HB was instructor in racks in which to house the future have; bB€Hu1a?§’ mm L' J" Horlacherv ffcmt of the building as Yvill add t;O, FARM MECHANICS TEACHER
public Speaking in 1916 in M£mCh0St€!`, C0U*’£i11g€HtS of S0l(H@I`S sent t0 the 0f Animal I-Iilslignglirtgé qepartmémt its attmctiveness ` ARRIVES FROM IOWA
NBW H¥1mDShiT`€, YOUHE MQIYS Chris' UHiV€1`Si'£Y of Kentucky training de- Of @-118 Students ri~iu.€;rn;I$Str&lCt1(;n` (G) That thc President of UIQ U1`1i— ""‘*""‘ `
tizm Association School in 1916-1917. tachment f t‘ N.-t· K. . , ,, L,. ' re me " Versit b xt -. , . , - _ ,
His SUCCGSS in Orzxtory has been re- 1Hj]j’[·1- Ol HG ~d IOUQ {hm} for mb “1u be €1€§?t€d to the teaching M1,   le dlfquas ‘?d1tP Consult With Mark H3¥€1h1ll, 0f Igwa AgmCul_
_ JY am téchmcal tl`ZUH1l1g. The stuff of the department Of Homg E ‘f ‘ 00 G ¤9 Tégmdlflg Dlzms for 1·UTiil College, 11:15 already arrived at
§‘a‘ik“‘“G·uH" has *““’“Sh‘*“ S“"B"“1 mm mmm is ¤X1><><¤t€d to Occupy the Homes and tw nf the mmm qi; SL¤d€¤¤<1¤r¤¤t¤1·ies at the Umveysiw the U¤1»·€1—Sity of Kentucky to take
OMS ml "mt $“bj€°t· DYCSGM location mc um tygttjl . LN I rem · ’ . ' ‘ ` · ‘ L and it ¤€(-gqqql-Y th t NI. " 1· , __ . _
, . . , ‘ ‘ *° ¤ I A, ( kmvr iivg m€mbQ· ’   ‘ 5* Q 1 I- CO0}€dg9 up US “ 01h 35 111struct0;· m [arm H €_
D1- C· A· Shun Wm be 1¤¤¤<1\ Of UIC UHUI Augu—·t 15 qud. umn mo, °t Ci lam _mq ¤ IS 011 {hg be asked to v_ _ I _ I · 1
_ _ ~· ~ V . A »t1 K f lt , ; _ ¤¤m€ T0 Lcluugtou - Chamcs. M-, H Y -- .
;};31;C1F£Zl1lCHt‘O£l BOUIHY   Qu: €JL~O}l€g€ new barracks tg bg built OH tg; IGUIEE   zglgégciriinhegggfsftéggé ger thai; he may 100k OVQY fhg ggtxzi- d€gY0€ of Bgch&1a(;·€g?1gcj;?;Cs;vjiF ix?
l` S 2LH( CIQIICE. O 1S 21 p~1‘€S- gk 1 ty _ lu , ~ , . _ ~ Y. Y · . V ` 1011 al lc · · Y ‘ . _ _ _ ‘ `
Gm; professor Of Botany in Kansas 2133 Igjcsz;ml;E;b&J;;;1;1;;O§I WIIISIOV 1¤·1;XH11H&l Husbgmiiyy at pm-dug and (G) ;h2t(u€iBC‘gO€;;§;{1s be rgprf I   t§;S$amhY §10m Imva, ul 1904,
.   Y __ . . ' 1 j‘ ‘ » » · W1 special' ‘ - · V- _ ' _° _ ~11`€< Y (€gI‘€e 0 Ba hi · ‘ · _
` ` ` 1 `Sl Y O` Slguu 0 CZl1‘pG11t1·v gre; building the ject qt CO. H , ·` . ` `   {WCG Wi 1 tw 1‘@c01umgDd&tjOuS yearg’ gxpgyjence in t h-
Chicago in 1905 mu} his dcctm-*S dc- bm.1.&ckS· 7.1.1 __ _ ‘_.u _ _ · ’   ’ UIQ ~m<11t1s expected that Of the P1,€Sid€Ht· I { Y W, €¥1C {Hg at Iowa,
greg in 1915. Dioctor Shun is an able mm t Y. mrcijw U6, t\\0 blllld- 1163 \\lH build up the work here this (I) Thqt th P` _ v _ {inf $‘?Y€1`a1 565317 €X])€1‘1€l1C(3 as a
bot mt I t   _ ·¤·~» S ammg GHSL Hlld west -pa1·;1llg1 year and that the Cumumgnt for it _ _ . ° Q lemdeut Of the Dm" Hmmm and DI`¤€UC7:ll €11giu@er_
Olcaulgélgu lalllllollgijgll {Hunt ph'ySi_ w` each other 310112: the north Side Of will bc largéi Temporary mbordtoi XS] sity be Humorizgd to mmm pm_ma_ _——_1___ —
( ' g?’M* »1?*° lm?1—¤1€i UUUILIOUS {fm IOP. Eauh puildiug will be g StO_ ries \\viIl be Constructed for fh _° __ gev °fmSt1`uCtmJU·f0¥` $h0DS to take GOOLEDFE & S T
**-1 tmlhh OH Hut SUUJECU 1168 the first; bgmg {umd up fm. kitCh_ this Veal, G “m1‘ MUG ct U. S. soldxgrg at the Umvelu J HATTLCK
I DI`. C. R. B2111CI'0fi1 is to bc an AS- @11, dining room, bgthgy Sergeant qumx M1] Hohache SRM ihfi Slwps to be gg ];u·gG as may I ADVISGRY ARCHITECTS
*“S“‘“t §"`°f‘2i**°*` Of (’h€*miS¤‘Y- HG tm wd recmemtmm moms and the SGC. muguml C6H€;9°§?1f{Sa;;;1‘1tthe Ag bc Mecessuvy at the present time —-—— _
was gm `mvm from ZL Cmmdiml inst? 0Hd Story for bunkg Each buily i t L S 0 3$$iSiZ (g) That 8 qt D1 - .·   The H1. V
_ _ _ _ .. C 1 . _. , _ _ ·. OVC judglng pgvlhgl, m of Cooledge & S1 [gt ]
tumm amd he mccwgd hls doctors de' will ?1CC01llm0d0.ta rg, ful} compzmytixg tig Egrigigp and réwlue dlvlswu Of tv cost znpprgxiumtely $7 500 D; Of Begum, have been Selectedmasuggi
SFGB f1‘0m Yale University in 1917. mm,.COmmgSSiOH€d ff .. -   mem; HG IS an €XU‘€1`t ¢°1‘6€L€d 011 the U]]i\’€1"·t y y ViS01’v architects t · -
Sincg {hg fall Og 1917 he has been pI.0_ ,   ?1;d$F`0t_§tQ<%1€ 2`md has been featured ___~__~_;i_¥_gI`0uHd$· Erm ·0f Olmstead B;0tY£;;;{ \;1t1g` the
f"SS°’ Of “h‘*"“““`Y at T“‘¤SYl*’=mi¤ F ,., {mm? ;‘ ;§¥}1%‘g {M? ¤¤_ the winning T. J. BARR NEW HEAD OF Hm, Massachusetts, in ,1; rfazgsk-
College. IRST ·¤OLDIER GONTINGENT mg O lb msmutwm m S*#¤<=1th€ COUYSQ OH July Tth glad §;1~V;<€3iEg2gy’ Iilembgrs Of the RG` §(;§;;€Od0;vlm.H01OugG1`b€d°a‘H`*Oftl]€ scape) improvement Dlims and 10;;;,,
S 0 ur unl GY `vil be {116 (`ovgyn t I , ’ . I rs, r mining Uilnlp, yvgpg 'I [Ines arid 1\I€t3,]]|_]_ygy Of ’[,i()]j]_ Of     b . _
head of HTG D€D8I`t111Gi1t of Music, (mg requgst formin S,[;?;mi;lI;$ady'11?ad€ ZL Sem; tp _FOI`t Sheridan Jung 3 for R th'? U¤iV€·I`Sity but wj]] Comjnug to be the Summer. wu egln later ml
of the new departments added to the the Special qualmcay 1‘@l<¥UY€ to m0¤t}`{$ mwnsive €1`%1i11i11§· They will State IHSp€CtOI._ A ____j________
Umversityj _P?Of0SSOr Lambert is R men, Th.; Second Conlggzalgf Ehige be dlscharged f1'0IU Fort; Sheridan _SmC§ thc merginrg of {hg three €n_ DR. MABEL ROE MADE
tilléllféd \'10l1l]‘lSt. He Organized the men will bcui th , __ [_ O 0 Jlfly 4- The U`2liIlir1g of thgsg young $mG@I`mg G011€ges 0f the University PLAN .
Sclummnii Quintet and for many ·UDivEl,Sity O'}nK€nii1rC1;rd1“1“§IZ;t tim OIUCGTS, Who arg {0 mkg Charge of 1S HOW effective, the Coucge Of Mines T PATHOLOGIST
years was yvjth the TIL` O I ,_ , __ _ Y OU uy 5, the training Of St d Hlld Metallu 9 . ` __-
tm_ gf Chic¤lg0_ The S(;§E;;;“Hr(Ei&?;   fgmtmgeut will i1I‘I‘iV€ year under Commagdggg   D`$§§ pa;-{mgm} OEHQSIZZ ];i;1On;i;t;%i1r];;< qS@;ka%g-?b€;1a€{1$B hail iieer; &D'D‘0iI1t€f]
tat has [or soma time been with the M ` give =1ddi¤<>¤¤1pu¤¤11 and v` lf, with T- J- Burr as head 5 tl ’ ‘ · J l pa 0 Oglst iu the
Redpaum Burcau and MI" Lambert Wag ________________ young 111011 who are to trafiofhgo   Dartuwnt. Mr. Barr is my slumgisdsé E;;Vf‘iIf;};nPf ;<$Ht‘·}°kY» YVPQYB sha
with We C°‘}‘P““·Y Hm g"9¤t€l`1)¤I'€ of 153 STUDENTS ENROLLED dént b=§§t&1i0u next year, as mesé the University of Kentucky and has Sistant pI;O?*;;S0$ d0;h€Bpi>s1t1ox{ of as-
last wlllmr m th€_w0St· V FOR THE SUMMER SCHOO Cami'? Officers W}10 have been at Fmt b€}%I1 Connected with tha College Of COME G Of A ri v 0 Hily IH 'thg
Dr Ll ,, ._ _ L Sh d, _ W S g cultum. Dr Rog
. umrd Ways}; 15 to bg head Ot QQ mn, have been gwgn intensive Mums wld M€t¤UU1'gY lllimy years. gmduata of Vgss Q l IS a
the D"*’“ "t‘“°“* of EC0¤°mi¤S· HG Summer Sghgol qt thlg U ., . “"“‘““S`i¤ military praetiw AS Assistant Inspecwl. of Mines in her nmstefs if 011%;. and has
come? from me smug Wmk in the Um of Kwmcky Opened Momhv  igsatgr PRO —————— Kentucky hg has had Wide Gxpglwnica from thé Univggity g;’°é‘;§ag‘l€$§]$”
  ‘ Y , •` i, ’_ ¢,, , ` 'I 4· ‘ ' , _ _ 0.
fl y 0% ?C{mO{‘¥‘ H‘° b"°h°lO1 S mth 153 students Cmougd for th . FESSOR SUIVIMERS TO M1 &¤s¤cm.t1ous or pragma] mm€1.S_ IS Spending mg Summer f
dmjret? “ ah lgcmvcd from George Weeks, W01’k. The program of . gab BEGIN WORK IN FALL Dean N01`WO0d w11l Qgutjnua his Of_ versity of Kcmtucl _ at tha UT11·
;)NnS{mlgm“ UmVGmiiy* W=¤Shi¤gt¤¤, IGCUITSS opéued Monday Juilggcgil ""‘;~ UCB Of SUNG Mine I115p@gt;Oy at the COL in plant diseaées (Y lu research work
. QH in 1912 his mqdstmus degree when P_ ,dJ V ' `· —*» P1`(){.6]SSO]‘ VV I Su .. lege gf Mi~{]Q· { » . . `
V · 2 t ` fx}. ` t 1**% V iv Y L . 4. 111111015, rec tl U ‘ rb am Metaumgyv at U ____—t_-—
fi'0?1 (vlllmbm, 111 19];) gm] his dm;. dmsscd taiacllqtuiéillg I" M$}\`€} nd @160tGd professor Oy mw, College? O}; Ulllversity, ` IB YOUNG WOM
{0,.5 dcgmc from Columbia in 1916. Gauges of W. ty, I fm ’G€¤*€YHl Luw, University of Keutuckv has · » ____ EN GWEN
Miss Mimm MCLQM] Izcck wm Come m, 1;)] .1_ d ‘¥]' R¤bb¤ Levi MZLYBI`, rivsgd ju Lexjmgmu and wiif QL ADDITION T0 BE MADE MILITARY EXERCISES
to the UniV€l`$iY·Y HS RSSiSik\11t pro- (my Sglteighéiag"iQ‘1`Q;£ gicgge 1§I(m` {OY his WO1*k whgu {fhg Unigilgziig TO MECHANICAL HALL -—··——-·
f€SS01' of Ark and Dgqjgu She Wqs P1 t ` ‘ ’ IG QW, Opens in the {.1] y   ` ·—··- 1 . , - . V
~ . L V (· 2 1 , , ,, _ __ __ » :1 . P1‘0iu>bO· S   ,-_ _ _ H UNM? to Téhev tl
g"“d"“‘»“’d f¤‘¤m <*<>1umm¤  ill5Jll11€, ye- wmic   g;1?15C?lt‘ D¥I“ flfke OH was grgduatgd from Iudmim   1 DUI}? U10 S\}lUIH€]_‘ u bulldmg wm of long Dcrmds wir §w1¤<;l1;0i€:}ny
caiviug hcl, masterys degree with EL Night. Dr 1\IQVGyt:)i)1{l;;h;1;iq luesilay sity iw 191]. With {hg dcgree Of LLB fill1Clf(;;t0g1€adJaC(?ll1t tU0\ ]\/Igghanjcal board}, young wonleu taking dr;;\t§;]lg
m¤~j0i' iii line arts. She mught mugic mpeg ,lr_'. ` War 6c' Hlld from the Lqw $(.11001 Of Yu ' .` _ Specw !`i1i11i11g of $01- wm-]· ·u·G · , , - . `
· · ' V ’~ ·" · ~· Y · . , K ‘ ¤ U111- dmrq in · t · · _ ‘ ‘ gucn (·&llSth€1'11cs the Samo
m Tm; Coucgc Forsvthg Golfwgin when loam OW \V€<]11GstL1y afmlngguy Vgrslty m 191,, _. _ G ~ M1 0 H1€Oh6.I11cs at thg; Um- .1;; is · , . ,
· · » ~ . V · ka on US GC-ll ,_ _ _ ~· ~» Vlfh the dggrgg Og vcrsitv E Y t __, _ _ "_ QNGH to SO1dl€l`S, 10;- twgnty
fron] 1908 to mw. From 1910 to 1910 I€ad_ IG bpo D id Ldubcs jurist D1. Wl1·1, _ - O Xen UUQ- The bmldmg mmuty · » ·
_· —· J to the present W ,, · 10 il student gi; \’gJ]g wm be 1 , S dt ten Oclock m the morn-
, ‘ ‘ ‘ * ~Y aftemuwqu hg COnS·d H _ , S “(m U19 P3.I‘k61* Prlzg Serv I ·t - . , ‘g am at thY€€ 0cI~0ck 111 the ugter,
’ 1 Law }],1](`[ the W. rv \V and b9f01‘[—) going to S01d·9, · _ ` . _ _ _ · lb \v()]k jg given under the
she taught; art; alt Smgm Collage Win (Jud la MU and (3011- the Universit f . 1 15 m4 tec}-1m€&1 SU.bJ9cts 1t. wlll (]im(\t· ·
· * d the Series F ·d Y 0 Florida, hg was Bn. be . ’ » mn of Li€11CODa11t L, ()_ Braund
gtomgm N bl ’ _ Bu Y1 ay afternoon ` · _. _ €011V€I‘t9d mto a. woo;] ·] { · . ., •
_ course Of the University- of K§§t;2iyS0]di9TS Bt the U.u,ivergit_y
` / —