xt75tb0xr01g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xr01g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1984 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. University of Nebraska, January 4, 1984 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Nebraska, January 4, 1984 1984 1984 2014 true xt75tb0xr01g section xt75tb0xr01g l
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 ·   ~  it ti i
 {F1,. 4 .  
C0htBh‘I2S V V,  VV __    f i
UK Administration ..........i4.....,.......4.. 2   _ V   t‘’     A   .
Ceach Terry Hall .,.,.i.,.,...........i........ 3   Q 4   i V —    
Basketball Stalt ttt,..,..,...t..,.,.,...,.,,. 4-5   U  r      V  lA:V    
Scerecard tt.t,,t..,,i...cc...,.,..l...t..tt.. 6-7 _  _ J   = . V\   A ·
Lady Kats Team Picture .....t.............. 8   V-   ’:’t,.-— .   FV      
Oppenents Team Picture ._i......,........c 9   Y ’f   y·’‘   A      
° Features .............,.......i............. iO—l2         ~ ·‘* ’*   A  
l\/leet the Lady Kats i.ti.4cic4.c...44... l4—i5    t     ’iA· ~   t~’-·
University Intermatien ...........i....i.... lb V ``°i Z,]     , V  ``°t  , y T  
Assistant Athletics Directers ..,,,..,...i, 17         Ai ""'• A —    
Sperts Intermatien .,...t.ic.ic..........tttt 19       A A P €
Lady Kats Cheerleaders ......4.....tit,.,, 20   `       ' aw °Y  ___A
· =   ·;., ·      
University Archives   ‘ t—t,  N A,    sr
Margaret l. King Library - ?’ert}·• . _VV_  V  iiin is - V
.   K ‘ 11
University of Kentucky   A  MA     AAAAA  
Lexlnsten, Kentucky 40506   AA_A    A -; A-   A.AAAA —  
  i ~ hr Y`! ;..;i  
*g. . ' O I ~
gii  »’ ° GDS
  J A
_ k ` _ ·· Q Q Q '
. Z?   ··—.t   . . . . , ,
· * ‘`·=· Fer dmin and s mts, T. W. Lee s can t be beat.
      t.__ · ...Whetber yeu’re headed fer the games. er celebrating
Ti L(i§rE,,,@, ,   afterwards, meet yeur friends atT. W. Lees
  me   ~   Our lineup features a variety ef specialty feeds,
: _ " I   Yi § ; . . .
‘ " .- ,... ,»§}   mcluclin eur fameus r1bs... lus seafeed, salads,
' llc »’ .·.· \\—"`. .r ·-··   "
   V Sandwiches, burgers, and CleSS€I`lS. ‘
4, , · ‘ 1 __.·\   ·- . . .
_   Or enjey an expertly mixed drink frem eur
    AA§i \ leungew. Win er lese at the game, ne ene leses at
y _   T. W. Lee`s... We’ve get the spirit.
1Q i%T>;‘   ` · ,·
    Q "l·d 9
Q .Q» *“"“’_$2 ° ..‘ t·*%” .t { -.‘{
W , _ ___ W Rrchmend alNew<§1rclc Reatk,

tat   -   -. ·
    _ ;    g  _ ; , lDlR. <0'l1`ll$ A. SllNGlLlE’l[‘AIRY
..   _»L»    . -  
_ .     f _ has provided important research in students on its Lexington campus and
tobacco and equine diseases while other more than 22,000 students in the Univer-
Dr. Otis A. Singletary has maintained University research has focused on the sity‘s 15 community colleges.
an active role both in academics and field of coal and other energy sources. Recognition of his service to the
athletics since he became the University Singletary's involvement in athletics is University of Kentucky was evidenced
of Kentuckys eighth president in August as impressive as his academic by the UK Alumni Association which
1969. achievements. A former president of the presented to Dr. Singletary its Alumni
Great strides toward academic ex- Southeastem Conference. Dr. Singletary Service Award, an honor rarely
cellence have charactenzed Dr. is a member of the NCAA Select Com- bestowed upon a non-alumnus of the
Singletary's presidency at UK. The mittee on Athletic Droblems and Con- University.
Schools of Dentistry and Dhamiacy con- cems in Higher Education. He is also A native of Gulfport, Miss., Singletary
sistently rank among the best in the chaimwan of the board of directors of holds degrees from Millsaps College
nation. Departments such as political the College Football Association. and Louisiana State University. An ac-
science, history, and mathematics have As president of the principal institu- complished administrator, Dr.
also gained nationwide attention while tion of higher leaming in the Singletary served as chancellor of the
the UK Library now rates among the Commonwealth, Dr. Singletary is greatly University of North Carolina at
best in the Southeast. concemed with the University`s role as a Greensboro and was executive vice
Under Singletarys leadership, the land grant institution, a "people's chancellor for academic affairs for the
University of Kentucky has also become university" accessible to all who can University of Texas system prior to
a major research institution. The Albert profit from education. coming to Kentucky.
B. Chandler Medical Center is an In the 13 years Singletary has been He and Mrs. Singletary, the former
established leader in research on cancer president, the University of Kentucky Gloria Walton, have three children:
and the aging. UK's agricultural college has grown in enrollment to about 25,000 Bonnie, Scot, and Kendall.
  <· a      _  _` _  _ tg  W
.. la t       _ - .9
. al',     (·  i ’ . ‘{_    s   ROBIN BOARD
‘  ‘ `     at A °  j      ~  W\ t Graduate Assistant _
. V _       = \t Louisville, 1983 .
._ " A former player for Coach Terry Hall at Louisville. Robin
é t•· _ joined the Lady Kat staff in September. While at Louisville, g
t 1  _   Robin lettered in baslzetball four consecutive years. two of
. j ,  those seasons with Coach Hall at the helm. She was a
 1 ‘ " _   l`'C`` member of the Lady Card teams that won Metro Conference
titles in 1979 and 1981 and is in the record bool2 for best free
Mike Kil'ldl'€d throw percentage in a season. which she set in 1979. Robin
Assistant Coach was also an outstanding high school player at Louisville Butler
. . High. She helped her team to the Girls' State Toumament in
Eastern Kentucky umverslm 1980 1976 and 1978. She was All—State honorable mention for three
straight years and played in the East-West All-Star game in
· 1978. She also la ed tennis for three seasons and ran traclz
Milee was hired as a part—time assistant at UK in July. and One yeat at Buggy?
[l'l€['l WHS elevated to fUH·[ll'Il€ 3SSlS[€:lI'l[ ll'l lEl[€ S€pI€lTlb€l` pObin is pursuing 5 Masters Dggygg in lQ€Cl·€a[lOna] Thgygpy
following the resignation of assistant coach Dottie Berry. A at UK She nas a eteat lntetest in Yeung neenle and nas nat.
1980 Qleduelte ef Eemem Kemueblz Mme Sewed fe? we ticipated as avolunteer for Special Olympics for five straight
seasons as assistant girls' baslzetball coach at Estill County Yeata She alse is Credited Wltn Statttne me yeatn Basketball
Hieh Seheel in Irvine- Ky-- befere eemimz te UK- camps in tgst ata 1989 at the st. Matthews YMCA itt
A native of Winchester, Ky., Milze graduated from Clarl2 LOuiSVill€_
€e¤¤tv Hieh Seheel in 1975- He then ettended Mereheed A tatmet Caiieatate sattisaii piayet at u of L. pasta has ttm-
Stete UmVeT$iW fel One Yeel befere Uemfemne YO Eemem- pired softball and officiated baslzetball and volleyball. She is
He received a degree in Industrial Education, and then Q3 yeata Ola and Single
taught at Clarlz County for one year before accepting a job
at Estill County.
In his first season at Estill. Mihe helped direct the varsity   .
squad to its first-ever winning season in 1989. The following      
year, the Lady Engineers won their first district champion- .,_- C i n
ship. Mil2e's junior varsity squad. meanwhile, was doing even  ga   .
better. finishing with a is-4 record in 1989 and a 19-4 record  1    its . ,
in 1983. I .ttii 1  
Mil2e is very active in the Big Brothers-Big Sisters program,  
and currently sits on the organization's Advisory Board in W f'   --*3)/ joan FI-y
Winchester. He is also an active member of the Fellowship , w t/’ ,
of Christian Athletes, and was the FCA's 10th Region [ ” 5 Staff Assistant
representative last year while coaching at Estill County, · Southwest Texas State *977
Joining the coaching staff at UK fulfills a life-time dream Jean tained the Lady Kats nteatam in September t98t_ Het
fer Muze e e6‘Yef’“ Old eeehelet whe has elWeY$ been e HB1? primary responsibility is handling all correspondence for the
Blue fem coaching staff and acting as a receptionist for the
department. A native of Burnet, Tx., she graduated from *
Southwest Texas State University and worlaed for the Texas
Department of Human Resources for three years. She is
marreid to Jason Fry, a senior at Asbury Theological ..
Seminary. They are expecting their first child in December.

Trainer Manaser
Ohio State 1979
Heather is in her third year as manager for the Lady Kats. A
Sue iOin€Ci the UK mining Sian in i98Q aiiei Sewing im junior political science major; she is a member of the Delta
one year as oeoieiiiieiei of Sports Medicine for the Depart- Gamma $¤r¤¤¤r· Heather €“lOY$ 5<>i¤¤¤1*~ @01* arid readme-
ment of Intramural/Pecreational Services at East Carolina Sha IS 90 Years Ola and 15 a name Of Paducah KY
University. Sue graduated from Ohio State University. where
. she earned a degree in Physical Education in 1979 after serv-
· ing for four years as a student trainer. She was a graduate MARY BETH BROOKS
assistant at Purdue University. where she earned her Masters Student Trainer
Degree in Physical Fitness and Exercise Physiology in 1981.
e A native of Smithville, Oh' . Sue is a membe f the Na- . . .
iimai Aihienc Trainers A5SO§anOn_ I O A native of Lexington, Mary Beth was a baslzetball trainer
for three years at Tates Creeb High School before coming to
UK. She is an 18-year—old freshman majoring in Physical
_  -  iiii »     Therapy. She has been worlzing with the Lady Kats since Oc-
    . ;  j   tober.
 Q     ‘   ‘·‘ . ¥     1 {re »~ 9 } Manager
 fi  ici  A  ii  i Q “  . .       . Li53_ who is in her first year as manager for the Lady KGIS.
`   _   g  ii   `-.· -   '_ _ Q graduated from Boone County High School last May. While
_i_V ei   in     L   i '_ 1 Qi - '_ ·   .  · I at Boone County, Lisa played baslzetball. volleyball and ran
if  i»»_._ jr   e       ‘Vif     l i` _`_~_ _· . ‘  ‘_-   ° traclz. She was also a member of the Beta Club and was nam-
i     i         . · —· ' Y · · ` ~` ed to the Society of Distinguished American High School
Sue Stanley Heather Longton Students. Lisa is majoring in physical therapy at UK.
YOU d€S€l‘V€ Ollf W€€k€l’ld.
After a tough week, escape to the f ' ‘ ·   x
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scrumptious dinner. lf the mood strikes A V · A  *5 { if ’ " X U i   ummm . .- · ····i ·
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about our great package weekends. Many   , aw • Ma n n", ji•i'l Wil-l;%·Ui;u.’FFTJ_§jL  In  · _,;|'¤»    
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WMS -11
Expenence the taste __
With true Kentucky hentage
1 4
* GG

LADY I         ~.·  I »·· ·nv.__ »  ·’  I   TA-   {sm ,7 A  
Front Row (left to right): Ronda Pieper, Kelli Benson, Jacquie Shackelford, Ann Costello, Debra Powell, Stacy lmming,
Crystal Coleman, Cathy Owen.
Back Row: Laurie Ramsey (Manager), Randy Reinhart (Trainer), Holly Warlick (Asst. Coach), Shelly Block, Heidi Keyes,
Terri Parriott, Angie Miller, Mavis Washington (Asst. Coach), Kelly Hill (Head Coach).
No. Name Ht. Yr. Pos. Hometown
10 Angie Miller 5'10" Fr. P—W Clatonia, NE.
12 Crystal Coleman 5'7" Jr. W—G E. St. Louis, IL.
‘~ 14 Cathy Owen 5'6" Jr. W-G Ventura, CA.
20 Shelly Block 5'8" Fr. W—G Gothenburg, NE.
21 Kelli Benson 5’7" Sr. W—G Grand Island, NE.
‘ 22 Stacy