xt75tb0xqf5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xqf5g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-10-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1946 1946 1946-10-18 2013 true xt75tb0xqf5g section xt75tb0xqf5g 11





Homecoming Pep Rally
And Parade For Alumni
Students, Fans Tonight

'Cats Meet Undefeated
Commodores Saturday

Since the beginning of the
quarter the Veterans office,
through news releases and notices on the bulletin board,
has attempted to contact certain veterans whose pay will be
held up until they have completed Form 1961.
All new veterans under P. L.
346 and all veterans who in-

On Sale Today



terrupted their training under
P. L. 346, and are now
are required to accomplish
this Form.
If you are not sure as to
whether you are required to
submit this Form, please consult the bulletin board outside
room 204, Administration building, or visit your P.O. box






Christian Way
Is Not Hard
Says Jones



in tt





My Burden Light
My Yoke Easy


Missionary States




7-- 0.




Antique Show
At Phoenix

21-1- 3.



National Exhibitors
Come To Kentucky




Barney Rapp and his New Englanders will play at the Homecoming dance after the game in
the Bluegrass room, SI B.

since notices have also been
mailed to all concerned.
Director of Personnel

Absentee Ballot
Applications Available
In Union Building
Applications for Absentee Ballots
will be made available for all qualified voters on the Campus. These
applications will be available at a
table by the cloakrooms on the first
floor of the Student Union Building
on Monday and Tuesday, October
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each
All residents of Kentucky, 21
years of age or over, who are registered voters are eligible to vote
in the forthcoming election. Applications for absentee ballots must
be in the Office of the County
Clerk of the County where voter is
registered not later than of October
25. Completed ballots must be post- maked before midnight election day,
November 5, 1946.
Applications for absentee ballots
must be notorized. A notary public
will, be present in the student Union
Building on Monday and Tuesday
to assist voters in completion of
The Student Government Association, The Veterans club, The
League of Women Voters and a
group of interested Republican and
Democratic students are sponsoring
the distribution of the applications.
21-2- 2,

Homecoming Schedule

Ken-tuckia- ns





Art Exhibition



Kyian Pictures, Advance
Sales Through Next Week





Article Published







Gold Star Dedication
To University Men
Scheduled For 11 A.M.

Notice To Veterans

Dance Tickets




The annual homecoming pep rallyS- Tuesday's scrimmage, will probably for au atumni .students and Univer
be out of Saturdays contest. His sity supporters will form tonight at
place will be filled by Wally Hill, 7:30 in front of the Alumni gym,
who played his high Ichool ball at and a parade consisting of a fire
Homecoming crowd Somerset. Ky.. and Is regarded as truck, the University band, a police
fore a sell-o- ut
Saturday afternoon on Stoll field. the outstanding freshman can-N- escort, and students will proceed
Tickets for the Homecoming
only does the Big Blue men- - ciidate. A great loss occurred in the from the gymnasium down South
dance featuring Barney Rapp
tor hope to see his charges in the Florida game, however, as Charlie Limestone to the business district.
and his New Englanders will be
win column again, but he will be Hoover.
star center,
The cheerleaders will lead two
on sale today at the Union.
trying to outpoint his former boss, broke his leg.
yells on the steps of the Phoenix
Tickets will be sold only until
vanav s l:st 01 oacks could cause notl and the parade mU1 tnen con.
. urn.-the allotted number is sold, or
caxi-jam-nwiii iu
team uneasy moments. Headed tinue across the viaduct and up
until 5 p.m.
dcrs. still chieftain of the Com- - by "Sinks" Bushmaier. senior
Lexington Avenue to the north staThere's the Southeastern back and old Kentucky nemesis, dium of Stoll field for the pep rally.
conference title, too. for the 'Cats u also includes the
Program At 8:15
are still very much in the running. -- Squirrel" Simmons, fleet J. P. The
band will play while the stu
Add such items as "winning this Moore,
Tommy Owen
one for the alumni." thrusting and Eddie Atkinson, another fine dents tenter the stands, and thei Sto'.l
f:i J
UI1 me
' nciu icauwilis Km uegm
. ... .
K.ntnrtv hork intl thp ,lati,ol'
rv , i .
muuic ......... ......... ill uic students singing On. On, U. of K.
iiu tit jaiua . , u- ..
- :J
.k.h r.iot
president of Su
n ...
,;,. uii tl r,.. iiiiau ok italic at 8.15. Bill Laslie, club,
first - - - rMi ho ... the
i Jim.
will preside
Kentucky guard half and Moore at left will do most Ky, University pep
coach, was Vandy captain in 1941, of the Vandy running, and Moore over the program and, will welcome
would like to beat his former coach, is the squad s top kicker as well, the audience with a short speech.
The pep program will be featured
Simmons and Bushmaier tormented
Scores Favor 'Cats
Kentucky as far back as 1941, when with five speeches by the following:
Comparative scores make Ken- - they engineered the
victory. Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president
turky one touchdown better than
perfect record is not of the University and a member of
The line's
Vanderbilt, but games aren't won too hard to understand when one the athletic association: James R.
Evil, in all its forms, is a paraof the UK
way. The Wildcats topped takes a peek at the experienced Shropshire,
Alumni association; Bill Griffin and site that is able to exist only by
Mississippi, 20-while Vandy edged roster, topped by Captain Alf
for the surrounding
the Rebels.
In registering three
at right tackle. Each start- Bill Portwood,
rtraight victories without their goal er either is a letterman or has Vanderbilt game; Head Coach Paul with good and therefore1 the Chrisline being crossed, the Commodores seen previous service with the Com- Bryant: and finally, the introduc tian way is the natural way to
have also defeated T. P. I- - 35-- and mies. Ken Cooper, guard, is a bro- tion of th el946 Wildcat football live. Dr. E. Stanley Jones, noted
missionary and evangelist, told a
scouted ther of Line coach Norman Cooper, team will end the pep rally.
them, reports a great passing at- played at Vandy before the war,
To Be Broadcast
Memorial hall Friday
tack and strong defense. Speed is bigger and better. Bill RobertThe Stoll field program will be University for
the second general
and power abound In the backfield. son, the other guard, is another broadcast by WBKY, University FM morning
and they have improved with each former Commodore who came back stations, and Lexington stations student convocation. '
Declaring that hi own "burden
came. Five seniors are in the start- from the service with added weight WKLX and WLAP.
is light and yoke easy," Dr. Jones
ing lineup.
and savvy. Ends are also in veterArransements for the
explained that the Christian way
Kentucky's past record with Van- an hands. John North was
rally are under the direction
derbilt would make it wary, i f
SEC in 1942, Everett of Matha Jacobs, Lola Stokes, Betty is not the hard way but, rather,
is the easy way because it is nat
nothing else, as only once in 22 Holt is a twotime lettermari. vFred
Betty Ree Rhodes.
ural. "Evil is an attempt- - to lire
years have the Wildcats stopped the Hamilton, left tackle, is nb new- Harris and
against the nature of reality . . .
Nashville school. In 1939. the 'Cats comer, having lettered at Vandy,
a revolt, against the God reference
and except for two ties played at North Carolina as a
. . . a failure of nerve, crutches
the Commies have won the other Marine trainee.
for the lame duck," he said in of19 games, Last year the score was
Two ' Bills" will serve as Kenfering proof of iUiunrteturalnfss.
as Griffin, tackle,
"You dont have to struggle to
and Portwood, end. ' have been
Injurie Trouble 'Cats
be good.- That is not Christianity.
One of coaches' biggest problem named by Coach Bryant as field
Surrender to goodness and it berui inuuu a injured leg
child. Injuries, is harassing the jcaucia.
comes a fountain with you. On the
may keep him out of the game.
Farris. and "Doother hand, evil is a struggle
A band battle is in store for
pey" Phelps, two of the better backs,
against reality. It is a certainty
Homecoming fans, too, as both
are on the doubtful list with leg
first antique show
Vanderbilt's and Kentucky's mu of national scope will be held No- that you can not live against life
hurts. No less than four guards are
and not get hurt. All anyone seekquestionable.
in the Phoenix hotel ing a kick out of life will receive
Leonard Preston re- sical outfits will give exhibitions vember 10-of Pearl is a kick back."
ceived burns from the lime line between halves. Game time is 2 under the sponsorship
Records, nationally known direcmarkers at Athens last week, may o'clock.
In regard to his tendency to reProbable starting lineups:
tor of antique shows. Exhibitors
not be ready. Leo Yarutis' fracKentuckr
duce Christianity to naturalism, Dr.
Vanderbilt from many states as well as
tured right arm has not healed as Portwood
. LE .
reknown to local collectors Jones explained that h e believes
IT .
Charlie Browning
- Robertson will bring the finest in antiques, "Jesus is supernatural, but there
ceived a back injury against Geor- Rhodmyre
is a naturalness to be found in
gia, and Gene Haas hurt his leg. Haas
Cooper historical relics and hobby items.
RO .
sattertieid More than twenty booths comprise this supernatural."
Bill Chambers, fullback, and John- Griffin
W Jones
Drawing on his background of
L11C B11UW WHICH Will uc wuiuuui anil
ny Meihaus, scatback, are two more 'Mi" .Itl
39 years as a missionary and an obCutchin
LH .
Moore filled with authentic
ailing 'Cats.
Pearl Records, herself, is an ar- servance of peoples in many parts
Phil Cutchin will start at left Kcnnard
FB .
tist who was graduted from the of the world. Dr. Jones declared
half, where he continues the triple-thre- at
John Herron Art school in In- that "breaking with the old life is
talents of Ermal Allen. Den-ni- e
dianapolis and later studied at the hard at first, but obedience to God
Rice will open at right half,
The Art department will present Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, gives the most complete individual
at quarter and Jim
Bill Ulin-sk- i
Kennard at fullback. Rice was in- an exhibition, opening Friday, Octo- Columbus, Ohio. Study of detail of and personal inner freedom."
Dean Leo M. Chamberlain prejured in the Georgia fray, but will ber 18, of Japanese prints and paint- period furniture, utensils and ornabe available. He and Kennard were ings. On display will be loans from ments led to a desire to collect sided at the convocation and in
among the best backs in Athens the collections of Charles Boggs, a antiques.
Mrs. Records organized vocation was given by W. Bruce
last week, are expected to provide i o r m e r university student who the annual antiques show at Co- Strother, student pastor of the First
much of the scoring puch against served in Japan, and. who, currently. lumbus and decided to make this Methodist church in Lexington.
is speaking to student organizations work her vocation. Since 1938 she
The visitors have been having throughout the country; prints by has conducted antiques shows in
cities in Ohio, Indiana and Georgia.
troubles of their own in the injury Clifford Amyx, professor in the
"Choo-ChoRobin- - pariment; and prints by Mrs. E. W. Early this year she inaugurated the
son, starting full, was injured in Rannells.
annual Louisville Antiques show
which was highly successful.
Junior hostesses on the opening
night of the Lexington Antique
show will be members of the
Omega chapter of Kappa
Delta who will assist Mrs. Records
VETERANS CLUB . . . meets
in greeting those who attend.
Monday at 7:15 in room 111, Mc1947
Among the out of state exhibitors Vey hall. An official FHA sound
Advance deposits for the
now selecting lovely film, "Homes for Veterans." will be
Kenturkian are now being taken lr.
By putting up a two dollar deposit who are even
and rare antiques for the Lexing- shown after the regular business
the Kernel office in the
now and paying an additional two ton showing, is Gennaro Russo.
of McVey hall. Charles Harris,
business manager, stated today tha: dollars when the Kentuckian comes ( who first came to this country to
POULTRY CLUB . . . will meet
only a limited number of annuals 3ut next
tho stnHonr jsavoc bring some of the world s finest
can be printed this year because of fifty cents becaues the price of the cameos to the World's Fair in New next Thursday at 7:30 in room
shortages of materials and tha! annual is $4.50 if the whole amount York. His cameos are cut in the 109 of the Dairy building for the
preference will be given to those who is paid when .the Kentuckian is re- ancient style to reveal four shades purpose of
of coloring on four depths of the All interested students are urged to
have advance receipts.
cameo shell. The finest cameos attend.
Photographing of
Organizations interested in having were carved by his father, the late
seniors which was started Tuesday pages
in thi syears annual who Pasquale Russo. Mr. Russo iow at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Buell arwill continue through this week acnave not yet oeen contacted by a has a shop in Chicago and is noted mory. All members are requested
cording to an alphabetical schedule
member of the business staff should for his paintings on porcelain.
to be present to discuss plans for
which follows:
call at the Kentuckian office to reKentucky will be represented by reactivation.
Monday. Oct. 21, all upperclassmen
serve their pagps.
j live
exniDiiois iium
M through O.
from Louisville and one from
A schedule for the photographing
Tuesday, Oct. 22, all upperclassTheir booths will un- . . will meet at 7 o'clock Friday
of lowerclassmen will be posted in
men P through R.
room 128 of the Student
not week's Kernel. Prices for in- doubtedly be filled with the kind Union in
Wednesday, Oct. 23, al! upperbuilding.
of antiques that Kentuckians predividual pictures are $1.25 for the
classmen S through V.
Thursday, Oct. 24, all upperclass- fi:st print and 25 cents for each ad.o.o. Sunday evening at Maxwell
ditional print. Anyone who wishes
men V through Z.
Street Presbyterian church. Supper
Friday. Oct. 25, all upperclassmen. to use last year's picture may do
630, Evensong 7:00,
Forum 7:30.
so utxn payment of 50 cents for the
A feature article entitled "Land-scapimiscellaneous.
Dr. Sanders, head of the Sociology
first print and 24 cents for each adUniversity Style" by npnartmpnt will unfair nn "The
Photographing will continue
through the next three weeks. Helen ditional print.
Thomas R Gregory, senior jour- m th, Community- - 0pen
Photopmphs for the Kentuckian nalism major, has appeared in the f
Dorr, managing editor, announced
but the second and third week will are being taken by Lafayette Studios fall edition of "In Kentucky magJEWELL HALL OPEN HOUSE
be devoted to taking pictures cf in the Kernel newsroom where they azine, the official publicity organ
after the game Saturday.
h , vt ir


Memorial Service, Pep Rally, Dance
ighlight Homecoming Weekend

The 1946 sponsors pictured above for "The Best Band in Dixie are,
left to rtrnt: Jerry Steele, Middlesboro; Wilma Proffitt, Lexington;
Jane Quisenberry, Mount Sterling; and Ann Button, Lexington.

Coach Paul Bryant of Kentuckyhas umpteen reasons for wanting
to beat Vanderbilt's
end unscored-o- n Commodores when
his Wildcats meet the Commies be- -



7:30 p.m. Pep



forms at Alumni gym.
8:15 p.m. Pep
rally after the
parade in south stadium at
Stoll field.

m. Gold star roster mem
orial board unveiling in front
of Buell armory.
2:00 p.m. Wildcat - Vanderbilt
football game on Stoll field.
4:00 p.m. Open house at Maxwell
Place following game.
p. m. Alumni dance at Lafay
ette hotel.
11 :00


EPISCOPAL HOLY COMMUNION . . . celebrated Wednesday,
7:30 a. m. SUB chapel. Rev. Daniel
Davis, officiating minister.
p.m. Monday in the BS build


By Bill Jones

The big question: What do you
think of Kentucky's school spirit
and what could be done to improve
Margaret Fogg, Chi Omega: "The
school spirit is excellent. Cheer
leaders at football games should
have a little public address system
to call yells to the stands. Usually
thaxe is too much noise to hear
what they're saying."

bashful Zeta: "I think it's


rible. There isn't any. People don't
show enough enthusiasm. Cher
leaders could help a lot. As it is
now, lots of times the studnets have
to ask them for yells. Of course.
pep rallies and downtown parades
would help a lot.
Lance Trigg. Sigma Nu: "It's
lousy. There should be more seats
and more games for the students.
By the games, I mean basketball, of

Pennry Weight, Zeta Tau Alphha:
"There should be a cheering squad
formed to be centrally seated in
the stands. Cheer leaders should
be scattered through the stands in
the aisles as well as on the ground.
Also there should be more men
cheer leaders to get better cheering
results from the gals."
Byron Reed, Independent: "We
definitely should have more pep
rallies. Students should send the
team off as well as welcome them
naturally welcoming them
back means whether they've made
a victorious trip or not."

Dedication of a Gold Star Rof-tein the memory of 320 University
men who lost their lives during
World War II and the reappearant
of lawn displays by UK fratermt.--na- d
Mortar Board is selling mums
sororities will highlight the f::-- '.
for the
postwar homecoming to be held on
and for other Kentucky
the University campus next SaturOrders will be taken by Morday.
tar Board members before SatA special program incident to t!i
urday. Mums will be sold on
the north and south sides of unveiling of the memorial board, at
which the "gold star" parents arc to
McLean stadium, Dunn's drug
be honored guests of the University,
store. Phoenix hotel. Williams
has been planned by the Alumni
drug store, and Jewell hall on
AJsocia'ion for 31 c'cWik Saturday
Saturday from 12:00-1:4- 5
morning in frot of Buell Annorv..
Pesentation of the roster will be
mad bey Chauncey E. Forgey, A?h-lapublisher and president of tl- ! Alumni
association. President H. K
Donovan is to accept in the name .f
the University and veterans of VK
are to be represented at the ceremony by Howard Bowles. Hazard
senior and president of the student
veterans club.
Non-Reside- nt
Band Will Play
The University marchin? bind
will furnish processional and recessional music and the national anThe University has approximately them with Bart N. Peak. University
students enrolled YMCA executive secretary. eivii.
in home study courses for the cur- the invocation and benediction. A
rent fall quarter. University Exten-tio- n military color guard is plannel to esDirector Louis E. Clifton re- cort the assehblage ta the program
ported today.
site. Miss Helen King, executive sec"In compaison with the nomal retary of the Alumni association,
pre-wextension enrollment of will be unable to take part in the
about 600. the present figure seems program because of her hospitalizalarge. Prof. Clifton said. "But there tion.
was an increase in enrollment in
The "gold star" names will eventuthis division of the University dur- ally be transferred to a bronze
ing the war years despite a marked plaque' to be ocated in the proposed
drop in all the regular colleges.
Memorial fitldhou.se, but in the
"During the past three months, meantime, they will remain displaywhich is the first quarter of our ed on the memorial board to be loyear, there has been an increase of cated on
the west side oftheUniver-sit- y
258 students.
Thirty of these are
of high school calibre while the
Committee Of Five
rest are college-grad- e
students," he
H. D. Palmore of Frankfort, a
member of the alumni executive
"The division of University Ex committee and the University board
tension operates with an instruc- of trustees,
of the untional staff of 61. Correspondence veiling program chairman Assis'insj
courses are offered in both high
memschool and college level. Assign- him in the preparation of the
ments are made by the instructor orial program ae: State Sena'or
of the course the student is enrolled William Blanton of Paris, and H. C.
alumni representative
in and are mailed to the student. Robinyon.
Each course is based upon some and Dr. Alexander Capurso. music
scientific textbook, which the stu- department haed, and Lt, Col. John
dent must secure, and occasionally Carter, military department adni-tan- t.
as representatives of the Uniupon some reference book with
which the student prepares his versity.
Other events arranged for th1;
homecoming celebn-fro- m
A total of 178 courses, ranging first Pos.-w'.t
English to labor tion are the
problems and such technical sub-- fotbll tilt at 2 p.m. Satuddav. the
jects as dendrology, corporation anru.l homecoming tea ar-'- open
Presented by Presider.t and
finance, and Shakespeare, are
fered In 22 different departments Mrs- - H. L. Donovan at Maxwell
(Continued on Page Four)
for college grade students.


Mums For Game

1,150 Enroll
In Home
Study Courses


Student Enrollment
More Than Doubled




0f-h- us

Jeanne Ratliffe, Independent :
"Cheer leaders should announce the
yells twice and not clutter up each
other's calls by shouting at the same
time. Yells should also be printed
and distributed."


Betty Cannon. Alpha Gamma
Delta: There should be more organized pep rallies."


Joecol Blough, commuter from
SGA ASSEMBLY . . . will meet
Monday, 4 p. m., room 128, Student Botanical Gardens: "Yep. a lot of
Union building. Open to the public. students may think that spirit is
confined strictly to a cheering secCENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH tion, but they're all wet. I was on
. . . invites
all students to supper my way home last Sunday mornand a lecture by Rev. Leslie R. ing around 8 and heard a band and
Smith at the church on Short and a couple of feeble yells. Naturally I
Walnut streets, Sunday, 6 p.m.
(Continued on Page Four
Methodist students meets



for a

Foundation dinner at 5:45 Thursday at the University

will meet Tuesday night at 7:30



Miller Mall. Everyone is invited.


6:15 to
October 24. in
the Bluegrass room of the Union,
music by Bob Bleidt's orchestra.


8:15 p.m.. Tuesday,

5 p. m., in Room 206,


NEWMAN CLUB . . . organization for Catholic students, will entertain with an informal dance at
8 o'clock Sunday
at St. Paul's
Catholic church, 501 Short street.
All Catholics and U:eu- guests are


Cincy Dean Speaks
At ODK Fall Banquet
Dr. Robert W. Bishop, dean of
men at the University of Cincinnati,
and national executive secretary
of Omicron Delta Kappa, will be
principal speaker at ODK's fall
banquet on October 22. The title
of Dr. Bishop's speech will be "The
Role of ODK on the American College Campus."
The banquet, which will be held
in the Red room of the Lafayette
hotel, will be the first reunion
meeting of Nu circle of ODK since
the war, as many of the old members did not return to the University until this quarter.
Ed Barnes, who is in charge of
arrangements for the banquet, said
that other speakers will be on the
program, but could not name them

at present.








f i'i

KA's candidate, was chosen queen of the
Angela Meisth,
Lances dance held Friday night in Bluegrass room of the In ion.
Shown in the picture are (left) Clay Salyer, chairman of the
committee, Miss Meiach, aiul Sam Weabky, president


� oei wupy MvaiiaDie

iitnrv4 t tlw Pot Offlc at LrilnirtoTi.
wrotid cikM aifttter under th Art of March


Kentucky, ftJ

cWlw'dMw.'ii. N. V.
nlw Yok.

M Ooa Quarter







There's a character running
around in contemporary
named Asa Hearthrug. If you
haven't made Asa's acquaintance.

Buuness Manager
Advertising Manager


Well, Son, YouVe On Your Way
"Will. son. in 10 nvrm's your train is duo,
cni'ie on our vav to college. Hut In Core
l'ii. son. there arc some, tilings 1 want to tell
.itur;illv yon want to cuiiif :tc k to lioodle-m'IIu.
alur ou graduate and t;ke a job as
..ho is 1'hu1c a illc's lead- ti our
in" Lnttlicr. Well, the only way ou can k iliat
is 10 l.e a success at college. Anv von ran lie a
cev at college if you do as I say.



don't c?re what you major in or what

make. I5ul ou must get
kind of grades
iiuo a lot of i. 'i... its and become an outstanding; man on the camjirs. 1
way people will
; i to know you, and you will get to know



"I'm not bragging, son, but mv picture was
in the veaibook H limes mv senior year, and
jny name v.as in it 37 times. I was j u .idem
l thiee maj ir cat.'!j);is organizations, and 1
to dozens of others.
"People got to know me, and the president
cif the college would neer make a move
he consulted me. I tell ou, son, I would
ii a er have got the chance to start in the butcher
hcie in Boodleville and to woik up and
be(ine owner of the shop if my name hadn't
bcn in the papers so many times. The man-npat the butcher shop recognized my true
value and made me a splendid offer the day I



"But, dad, how can


become a Big Man On

Caw pus?"


so I had to pionounce my name loudly as
soon as I came in the door so he would mark
me present. And soon the whole class got to
know my name.
"After they know your name, the next thing
is to make them recognize you when they meet
you on the campus. The best way I found of
(loiiip that was to wear the same litht rordurov
coat every ci.iy. m course, alter intee or lour
months, il Itccame a little dirty, hut everyone
began to connect that coat will) mv name, and
soon the whole campus knew who I was.
"llttt flail, yon still haven't told me how I
tan get into ojlia1!"
"Now. that's casv, son. All vou have to do is
attend meetings of different organizations and
when the floor
open lor discussion on some
u itli what
moM.m oh no n.l vi .l- niinm-the piesidcnt and the other ofheers are trying
to cio. i nat way me menioers recognize you as
an intelligent ixrson. Soon you are asked to
become a member, and then all you have to
tlo is to keep cm disagreeing, and soon they will
elect vii president
Because you are president of one organiza- lion, the oilier campus organizations will real- ize your tremendous powers as an administrator,
you will be elected president of so many
organizations that you will have to start turn- -



"Vhere uill 1 find the alarm clocks?"
C.:pvritlit lasC

water suoplv


Ejquirf. Inc.,



throat cutting between Columbia
and Local No. 94. As I crawled gin
gerly through the picket line to my
thought of Frankie, as i
saw the burley policeman on either
side of the door Remember the
faturaay nignis
Alas, tis not all. the students have
taken up the fight.And I csn't find
my mail for notices, ana leaflets to
Jcin Vouth Labor Lassies, or Student
Sedition Society-- or what have you?


Remind me never to ask questions
again, ionignt, just Deiore i Degan
this eer- -I saw a group of young
lasses who seemed to be indulging in
a bit of harmU,ss cnatter, if they
could tell me what was happening
about tne strike.
As I picked mvself up off the floor,
j discovered they were in my room
still talking excitedly. Feebly, (which
was not exaggerated) I offered them
-- .
it i.;
iuu miuw uui iiiciiuiv
soButhern hospita,ity. Here ls
the way
the conversation went.
THEY: "Would you like to Join the
a p of XYZ'"









Dr. Donovan, on "Courtesy."
In connection therewith, may we
ask one simple question, when you
have a president who has found
yours and my university made of
brick but determined to and who
Ls workine ton? nights tet mnlro tt
uld " 0
o our
mutual satisfaction, good taste and
t0 the niSh Benuine dignity of
your PaDer ir yu referred to him
occasionally at least as Dr. Don- ovan or even "President" Donovan,
even as you readily do on the in- side pages to common professors
in the class room
Tticf m cilcrOActtnn wma iinitAHiniiil
Liiu Kiaua aiiuw your
fnn- too
uch slnce our davs
there too- - 'and one little observa- -.
Won has been that your President
Donovan and mine is duly digni- fied throughout this nation where
councils of strong men make our
policy of leadership as among
America's greatest educators. That

Do what I tell you, son, and someday you
THEY: "Now is it fair,.closed shop
may take my place as Boodlcvillt-'leading is the thing. crooked corporation
institution, costs money poor woric
butcher." T. G.

class only to hear a lecture on the letters, to Rosa). I dream about her
br,ck. "Between Earth and High sometimes, and she has a halo of the
note: For the uninitiated,
Heaven." I wondered if I hadn't purest gold. Tagging along in the
v.e explain that Aaele Dcnman was
same manner are the nieht watch
read the book before.
a cclunini.st. cgtjssip, ttot isi for
and lock out at 12:00
When I went back to the dorm for men-loc- kup,
on the Kernel. She was
And last but not least by a
in August and now is lunch I was not afraid! This time Pm. shot-t- he
cooks are going to
taking advanced work at Columbia I climbed four flights before I lit a do what comes naturally to even-onr.nDrirn
University, New York. As you will
I have else' and next week they will remain
Fe. o'her universities have their tcAAnd soIR it flightsbeen-to- day
un nnrl rinu'n in at home andYtfW for their husbands
ttnke troubles too.)
is slomie? T unrifr- what th1
I hear you Dave a strike down me aorm. iu nignts tor one class up
,T me in
t!1( re. How terrible-h- ow
inconven- - nd down, and 14 up and down for
on it at the local restaurant.
enough cf another.
i'iit. how terrifying. WtU
Maybe I'll get to starve in a garret
But sob not yet for my plight.
TROUBLES. YOU CAN JUST GO gentle reador. The men who run the after all. Oh, yes, I forgot the light
are cut down to on elight for
P.ARBLE IN YOUR BREW, AND dormitory heating plant are in the
rame union guess what? No heat! each room, no overhead lighting
Ycu know of course I am on the Not tc be outdone, the maids are rnaybe I could modify my previous
ninth floor. There I am 350 steps glinted with the same motley crew, statement to a blind genius, tired,
from mother earth and guess what? Guess what? Dirty rooms. (I warn shivering, hungry, dirty, trapped in a
V!ie elevator operators have gone on you with the greatest caution not to garret.
AH I can say is thank God for the
r'rikf ! As this place is tax exempt ihow this letter, as you do all my
bit of information I.
tl otight only heaven could get away
v.iih such privileges) they can't
l.nve any strike breakers.
Oh. this is a snap, I muttered
caiificli'titiaUy. and flexed my mighty
muscies which rippled under my
clo hes like the flags of the United
Natii.ns. and began the escent..
Pimple! When I climbed the first
three llichts to my first class there
vas a smile on my fine young Amei c:in lius. and a sog in my heart. I
- 2030
i; a cigarette. vi.Z started up the



As a reader of your paper, a fond
admirer of mo