xt75tb0xqf14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xqf14/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-10-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1945 1945 1945-10-12 2013 true xt75tb0xqf14 section xt75tb0xqf14 upy wcii.ciu.t:

The Kentucky

Football Team's
Pictorial Section







An Honor System
For The University?



Sunny Dunham Playinj
Dr. Donovan To Address Fall, Winter Launched By Tuesday Skit, Fraternity
Students At Convocation Music Series YWCA Drive Closes today Rush Week Military Ball Tonight
Begins Sunday
'Miss ASTP'

One hundred thirty-tw- o
of Dorothy Collins, YWCA secretary,
Joined the YWCA at the kick-o- ff
All-Stude- nt
the formal membership drive held emphasized.
Skit Participants
Tuesday at a meeting in the Union
Women who took part in the skit
Bluegrass room, Alice Freeman,
membership chairman, announced included Melrose McOurk, Margaret
McDowell. Libby McNeal. Helen
WKh the crowning of a UK tfMen
members presented a Hutchcraft, Betty Tevis, Mary Keith
Dr. Herman L. Donovan, presi
of the ASTP as its climax, the milskit, "One Night in a Schoolroom," Dosker, Mat tie Evelyn Douglas, John
dent of the University, will address
Fraternity rush week will begin
One of the features of the fall
itary ball sponsored by the 1548th
depicting the world scope of the Scott, Jean Ritchie, Betty Fleishconvocation at
the first
Sunday, October 14 and continue
and winter season on the University YWCA
service unit will be held from 9 pm.
Group man, Nancy Lockery, Ruth Anthony, through Saturday, October 20 with
10 o'clock Uiis morning In Memorial
and its local activities.
campus is the series of Sunday afterAlice Freeman, Dorothy Collins and
to 1 a m. tonight In the Union ballsinging opened the meeting.
schedule of parties for each fraa
noon musicales, presented at 4 p.m.
room. Sonny Dunham will furnish
Patsy Burnett.
All 1 o'clock classes will be disin Memorial hall. Each year thfi best
Solicitation Continues
music for the dance, and the ballThose soliciting in dormitories and ternity during the week, it has been
missed M students can attend the
of musicians are brought to the Uniroom will be decorated in an EngiDorm solicitation
continued sororty houses were Thelma Spald- announced by the
convocation which is sponsored by
versity and faculty musicians and throughout the week, and tables ing, Margaret Skinner, Janey Jame- council.
neer corps motif.
Student Government association.
campus organizations present con- were placed in the Student Union son. Judy Johnson,. Betty Broaddus,
Each fraternity has been allotted
Before the dance members of the
President Clay Salter has aired atcerts.
building and in the Campus Book Ruth Ann Grannis, Mary Keith Dos- two nights during the week for forASTP will entertain their dates with
tendance to the first student-sponsorparties, with the exception
The committee in charge of the Store. Final tabulation of member ker, Casey Goman, Charlotte Knapp, mal rush
a dinner in the Union commons.
musicales announces the following ship figures was not available at press Mattie
Helen of Saturday night when all fraDuring the dance the winner of hi
"Shall Kentucky 'Have a New
time, but complete results will be Hutchcraft, Mary Price Creamer, ternities may give parties, the counschedule for the season's concerts.
beauty contest will be crowned.
Constitution?" will be Dr. Dono-.
cil ruled.
Elizabeth Walters, Mary Lou Jones,
Eleven sorority
contestants and
October 21. Maxine Spellman, published in next week's Kernel.
spevan's subject. He has made
All men should keep a list of the
Although the formal membership Mary Gene Lair, Betty Tevis. Ruth
three Independent women were
soprano. Metropolitan
Opera ascial study of constitutional governrush activities given each night, the
judged by the unit at S p.m. yeter- Convocation Courier
drive will close today, women may Anthony, Becky Lowe, Jeanne Crabb,
ment, and has been interested in
council advised, so there are no
Military Maestro
it for several years.
December 16, at 4 p.m. and at join the "Y" at any time by coming Jean Lyons, Virginia Haag, Amelia conflictions with party attendance
rally on the
Proposed Chan ires
8 p.m., the Christian Choral program to the YWCA office. Room 121, Mason and Ann Word.
Edna Crawford had charge of
athletic field beside the gym folDr. Loo Chamberlain, dean of the
by the University Choristers, Mildred Student Union Building, and sign
Scheduled parties follow:
ing membership
Miss solicitation of Lexington women.
lowed by a snake dance down-t- o
University, said, in making: the anS. Lewis, director.
Sunday and Wednesday, Sigma
Lexington will be held at S
nouncement of the convocation, that
Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Sigma;
February 3, William Hain, tenor,
p.m. tonight. Sponsored by S'l
his talk should be of particular inMonday and Thursday. Phi Delta
Columbia concerts.
Ky the rally will be the first
terest to University students, beTheta and Pi Kappa Alpha: Tues
February 10, program by the Uni
this year and the first bonfire
cause of the current campaign to
day and Friday. Sigma Phi Epsilon
jversity chapter of Phi Beta, honor- since the beginning of the war.
adopt a ' new state constitution for
and Sigma Chi.
I ary music and dramatic fraternity.
One of the proposed
February 17, University Men's
changes is the removal of the salary
day In the ballroom. Two attendSpeaking at a meeting of the- limitation on state employees, inants will be chosen in addition to
In literature, music, and art, a Glee Club, Lewis H. H or ton, direc Veterans club Monday night. Dr.
Another guest speaker at the
cluding University staff members. new set of courses have been added tor.
the queen.
Herman L. Donovan, president of meeting was Earl Robbins of the
Under the present constitution, no to the requirements of all lower
February 24, Cincinnati College
No tickets for the dance can be
At the close of registration WedAdministration, who spoke
the University, told the University's Veterans
state employee may receive more division (freshman and sophomore) of Music string trio.
nesday, there were 2.608 students en- 'bought at the door, according to an
veterans of World War n that the briefly on the part veterans can
than $5,000 salary a year. This lim- students, called the Humanities.
March 3, University Women's Glee next
rolled in the University, It was an- announcement by Captain Howard
belongs to them. in the "winning of the peace."
itation has affected the University. The purpose of these classes is to club, Mildred S. Lewis,
Thirty new instructors, several of nounced by Miss Maple Moores, of the engineer unit
Other Guests
Dr. Donovan, expressed a welcome
The convocation today is the first acquaint the modern colege student
them former graduate students,
ASTP men who planned and exeMarch 10, Era Wilder Peniston, to all veterans on behalf of the UniOther guests and persons con- have been added to the University assistant registrar. This number
of several to be sponsored by the with the ' contribution made to
organist. University.
nected with veterans who attended faculty this Fall. They are as fol- exceeds the enrollment at this time cuted the decorations include: Hoel-seversity administration, said that the
6GA. The Student Government as- modern
culture by the older arts."
lattery. Bob Cummings. Dick
March 17, Nikolai and Joanna University will do all in its power to the meeting included Dr. M. M. lows: H. H. Humphreys, assistant last year by nearly a thousand stu S
sociation is sponsoring them in an said Dean Boyd in an interview
Bill Jeffries, Ray Levitt. Frank
Graudan, 'cello and piano duo, make their pears here yield "in- White, associate dean of the Col- - professor In psychology; Truman dents.
effort to obtain larger attendance today.
The main reason for the increase Tepi, Kennith Andrews. Bob Grimm.
lege of Arts and Sciences, and the Morris, Instructor In political scion behalf of the students.
tellectual dividends."
Thompson. Neal Hess. WilThe Humanities Include Introduc- Columbia concerts.
Edward A. Bary, president of Uie
university vewraiis counselor; ucau ence; William Buckler, instructor is that there are more women stu Arnold
Donovan Speaks
April 7. Robert Kuhlman, baritone,
son Hamilton, Marion Goldman.
tion to Humanities through English
Leo Chamberlain; Dr. Crawford, in English; W. R. Brown, assistant dents enrolled now than) at any
give the invocation and
YMCA. will
Dr. Donovan, himself a veteran of
Literature; Introduction to Humani- University.
campus veterans' advisor; Prof. B. professor in geology: Anne Shrop- other time in the history of the Richard Locksdale, Harold
the benediction.
April 14, University mixed chorus, the First World War, told of how
Robert Smith. Jack Selzer.
ties through Romance Literature;
University. Another reason for the
H. Wall, the club's adult faculty adIntroduction to Humanities through Lewis H. Horton, director; Lei a W. he had completed his education fol visor, and Adjutant Slade of the shire, instructor in English; Ann E. increase is the selective service rul- Frand Van Demark, William Franz
lowing that war, without benefit of
Instructor in physical
German Literature; Introduction to Cull is, organist.
and BUI Simpson.
any plan similar to the G I Bill of Man O' War Post of the American education: Joyce Wakefield. In- ing which permits men to finish the The dance is the last of several
Humanities through Philosophy; InBig white chrysanthemums, colorThe committee In charge of the Rights,
quarter or semester of work before
structor in physical education; Marand commended the G I
sponsored by AST and ASTR unit
ful reminder of the glorious "old troduction to Humanities through musicales includes Alexander A.
jorie P. Warner, instructor in physi- they are drafted. About 400 rterans
Constitution Read
days" will appear at tomorrow's foot- Music; and Introduction to Humani- Capurso, head of the music depart- Bill for its contribution both to
of this war have enrolled which has stationed on the UK campus since
veterans and to education.
beginning of the meeting, cal education; Harold F. Koffman.
At the
ment, chairman, and Midred S.
the war. Most of the approximate 17
ball games, according to Betty Ann ties through Art.
sociologist; Leora also swelled the enrollment total
Each student must have not less Lewis and Robert Kuhman, both of Donovan also mentioned the great, the club constitution was read by assistant rural
200 soldiers still on the campus will
Brauer, president of Mortar Board,
The total registration exceeded
now, stat Bill Price, adjutant. The constitu- Bentley, instructor in home economopportunities of veterans
than one or more than two of the the music department,
leave November 1 for other camsenior women's honorary.
by 400 students
ics; T. C. Brown, associate profesestimates
ing that he hopes as many as 1.500 tion sets forth the aims and pro
puses. Many will be sent to Europe
Mums were sold at every home courses in literature.
All concerts are hed in Memorial veterans will be enrolled at the Uni- gram
was explained by the fact
sor In mechanical
engineering; but this
of the club, organized with the
These classes have been introduc
and Japan as occupation troops.
game in the days prior to the war,
hall at 4 pjn. , , .
versity next year. '
motto, "Mutual benefit through Glenn D. Morrow, research asso- that there was no way of knowing
program of
before the cut in male enrollment ed In the belief that every college
Part of a nation-wid- e
ciate, commerce; J. R. Sterret, asso- how many service men would be reThe public is Invited.
Housing For Married Vets
reduced the men who bought them graduate shoul dhave a background
ciate professor in English; A. L. leased from the services after J specialized trainees. UK's ASTP"
Easing of the housing situation
First feminine veteran to attend Cooke,
for their dates to a bare few hund- of Che older arte from which our
associate professor in Eng- Day and that many girls, with then-wa- r were enrolled in curricula that were
for married veterans was also pre a Veterans' club meeting was Miss
primarily engineering
red. With over 1.000 men back in modern culture developed and thus
lish: H. K. Hutter. assistant proJobs finished, have come back to
dicted by Dr. Donovan, who ex Mary Cox, Shelbyville, who was recschool. Mortar Board feels students have a better understanding of them.
fessor In geography; P. L. Mellen- - college.
pressed the hope that 200 housing ognized at Monday night's meeting.
will demand this finishing touch to
Of the 2.608 students now enrolled, Post-Gam- e
Following the discussion of several bruch, associate professor in psy
units will become available in, the
a football game.
chology; A. B. Warren, associate approximately
are men.
not too distant future. Saying that business matters, the club voted to professor
Orders may be placed tonight at a
in psychology; Ruth Stall- returning to college win pay the accept the invitation of Jewell hall ings. critic teacher in music. Unibooth in the Union for the flowers,
The first meeting of the Inde veterans "in the long run," Dr. girls to another open house, similar
or they may be bought tomorrow
After the football game Saturday.
pendent party will be held Wednes Donovan was introduced by Joe to the one held last Saturday, al- versity school: Elsie Church, critic
morning at a booth on the corner
Alpha Delta PI and Delta Delta
teacher In mathematics. University
or Main a"hd Zfrffe from Mbrtar Eight cheerleaders were elected day night at 6:45 in the Union Covington, commander of the Veter- though no definite date has been school; W. H. Stephenson, professor
Delta will entertain with open houses
season in an open building, Richard LeGrand, presi ans Club, who presided over the set, and voted to sponsor a dance on in history: J. L Watters. assistant
Board members. Booths will also be for the 1945-4- 6
at their respective houses with open
Saturday evening, November 17.
set up before game-tim- e
houses for men on the campus.
on the session held by SuKy at S ' pjn. dent, announced.
professor in analytical chemistry;
-Wednesday afternoon at the Alumni
rne independent party is an
east and west ends of the field.
D. W. Chamberlain, assistant in
Iris Shannon is in charge of the
Following the recent announce- open house
establihsed primarily
Committees are as follows: equip- gym. Those who were chosen' are: organization
forage crop investigations;
at Beta Psi of Alpha
ment of government lifting of re- Delta PI from 4:30 to 7 p.m.; and
ment, Emily Jones. Marie Jones, Anne Keeton, Janet Sulzer. Mary to further the Interests of the
garet Hotclikiss, assistant professor
OcAlice Dean; publicity. Betty Tevis. Montague, Nancy Shearer, Betty Jo
students on
in bacteriology: C. A. Anderson, as strictions on conventions as of
Ann Yancey Holland is in charge
By Nancy Shinnick
Betty Lee Fleishman, Libby McNeal; Harris, Missy Van Meter. Jeanne the campus. Th elndependents outsociate professor in sociology; Caro- tober 1. the University and the of the Delta Delta Delta event from
Every Sunday this summer. Just you know that a Kentucky student lyn Schoeffler, seventh grade critic executive committee of the Ken- 4 to p.m.
flowers, Doris Smith, Ruth Anthony, Elliot, and Charlotte Knapp. number the f raternity - sorority
Jeanne Elliott and Charlotte group on the campus by more than as my father got to the salad course, never again sees anything quite so teacher. University school; J. R. tucky Association of Colleges and
Martha Jane Ringo; orders, Nancy
Ellen Taylor, Jean Crabb, Betty Knapp are veteran cheerleaders who two to one, and there is no reason he would look down the table at me beautiful as his own campus), but Meadow, associate
in Secondary Schools announced yesan.-t
why they should not be one of the and say with emphasis, "You're the grass is greener, the willows are chemistry; O. B. Carson. Jr, as- terday that the twenty-secon- d
Anne Ginocchio; treasury, Nancy were
were given numbers strongest campus groups," LeGrande going to have to study hard this more graceful, and even the old sistant professor in hist pry; A. S. nual Educational Conference and
Lockery, Alice Freeman.
eleventh annual meeting of the
and a group of judges selected them said.
year, you know!
buildings give you a feeling that Cofflnberry, associate professor in the
by their numbers. The prospective
Ernest association will be held on the UniBut I know that there was an they are welcoming you.
It's a
Plans for the "year will be outcheerleaders were scored by person- lined,
extra-specreason, over and above grand thing to be a daughter of a Collins, instructor in political sci- versity campus October 26 and 27.
and a secretary-treasurand
ality and build,
voice, an
Prominent speakers on the two-da- y
ence; Mrs. Era W. Peniston, inexecutive committee member his parental concern which was Kentucky son and daughter.
audience response, and poise and
program will Include President
structor In music.
from the Law college will be elected making him anxious about my
posture. Five points were given for
Then, there's another thing. Of
(Continued on Page Two)
Francis P. Gaines of Washington
record here at the University, beat the meeting.
each characteristic and the conand Lee University, and Dean YM and YWCA
cause 28 years ago this fall he was course Kentucky has a reputation
will meet at 7
une secretary-treasurwill re editing the Kernel, running
testants were marked accordingly.
Earnest O. Melby of New York Uni- pjn. Tuesday.
the for hospitality, but I believe it
place Florence Fox, who is no longer
peak here at the UniThe Judges were: Cornell Clarke,
versity. The theme of the confersenior class, winning
oratorical really hits its
club . . . will meet at 7
president of SuKy; Mrs. Dorothy in school, and the" executive com- medals, heading
ence will be "Effective Educational Freshmaa
the Strollers and versity. Everyone has been soyoung
p.m. Tuesday in the Y lounge.
By Lacy Thomas
mittee member will replace Rosanna doing
Evans, social director of the Univer
so willing to help a green
Programs to Meet Kentucky's
other things In his spare
Question: Arc you in favor of sity; C. W. Hackensmith, head of Blake, who has graduated.
Student Government association . . .
Sponsorship of Kampus Kouslns Needs."
time, besides handing In a pretty freshman, so reassuring during those
beeping the Grin open at night for the physical education department
will hold its first fall meeting at
days when we new for transfer women, career conferLeGrand explained that under the creditable scholastic record.
hectic first few
Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, presip.m. Monday in the SGA room of
the students?
of the University; Jo Ann Kloecker, new constitution. adoDted last
ences, a Towle silver display, and dent of the University, will open the i
And now, although I have only students didn't know the AdminisUnion building.
Eve Greer, A4S, sophomore: I secretary of SuKy; and Mrs. Elmer spring, at least 50 members of
the been here a week, I can appreciate tration building from McVey hall, awards of a scholarship cup are first general session Friday morn the
sure am. Maybe all of us would get Gilb, physical education director at party must be present at a meet
that we couldn't help comparing it among the projects planned this fall ing, and H- - B. uray. principal oi Cwens . . . will meet at 4 p.m. toda?
his anxiety, as well as his pride, in
chance to get waited on then.
University high school.
reserve of The north.
ing before any business can be sending me, his
for Mortar Board, ' senior women's Bowling Green High School and In the Union.
oldest daughter. with the
JElixabeth Alien Thomas, A AS,
The judges' decision was reached transacted. A membership fee of back to
president of the Kentucky Associa- Mortar Board . . . will meet at 5
his Alma Mater. I've gotten
You've probably gathered by now honorary society.
Junior: Yes, if they can arrange a after several processes of elim- Z5 cents is charged by
Kampus Kousins, once sponsored tion of Colleges and Secondary pjn. today in the Union.
the party, the "feel" of Kentucky already, and that I'm crazy about Kentucky.
place to dance.
and this fee must be paid before a
by the Y, is an organization design- Schools will preside at the Saturday Mortar Board . . . will meet at 3
Bill Taylor, A4S, sophomore:
Approximately 750 UK students member is eligible to vote on any although I have always bragged to There is, and I don't believe any of ed to acquaint new students with the morning assembly.
pjn. Sunday in the music room.
my two younger sisters about the you all will care to dispute this,
For Mr. Roberts' sake, it is suffi- witnessed the
of the 39 question.
Bacteriolory society . . . will meet.
fact that I was born In Kentucky, something about our state that gets campus and Its possibilities for
as it is.
women and lour men.
Monday at 7:30 pjn. in room 1?7
"If you have not paid the fee, then not until I came down here to into your blood . . . and stays. That membership in various groups. Most
Jane Kelley, A AS, freshman:
see one of the members of the school have I really felt that I be- same "something" abounds here at Mortar Board members hold weekly
of the BS building. A show and reThere should be a place open here
freshments will be part of the proexecutive committee or the president longed.
the University. Take is from a meetings with their Kampus Kousat night where students can go for
Freshman Don Towles describes gram.
and pay him before J.he meeting
Perhaps I'm seeing the campus freshman who is looking forward to ins.
a coke and to meet their friends.
registration from the human viewDuring the career conference repWdnesday night, or bring the 25 through my parents' eyes, (because four years on this, our campus!
InterPitkin . . . the
Sue Fenimore, AtS, senior: Good
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, author of cents to the meeting
resentatives of large corporations point:
denominational luncheon club, will
with you," he
mem"Pills, Petticoats, and Plows," and said.
Freshmen upperclassmen,
campus to
wil be invited to the UK
meet at 4 pjn. Monday in the Y
Tommy Gish, A AS, Junior: Yes,
books dealing with the old
Inter-Fait- h
interview juniors and seniors inter- bers of the faculty, and most every- room of the Student UoKn. All
they'll have to keep it open until other has gathered material for a
Members of the executive com
general are extremly glad that members are Invited to attend and
ested in Jobs after graduation. The one in
midnight if everyone on the cam- new book, dealing 4t
hthe south mittee are as follows: Tommy Gish,
Towle silver display is exhibited In the mad rush of registration week is discuss plans for the coming vear.
pus wants to eat dinner. You can't
arts and sciences; Ross Moore, duca
ern country editor from the War
Union building and seniors are over. The five and a half days of
First luncheon meeting will bo
get service anywhere else.
The Student Government AssociaApproximately 100 persons, repre the
Between the States to the present tion; George Campbell, agriculture
standing in line, taking physicals. Wednesday. October 31, aceordir.j
Ceeellia Florence, AAS, sopho- George Steward, engineering, and tion will hold its first meeting of senting six religious groups, attend asked to fill out a card stating the
and filling out registration forms has to tentative plans. Membership in
pattern they prefer and why.
Why sure, I think it would be
Angelina Fabrizio, graduate school.
the fall quarter at 5 o'clock Monday ed the Inter-Fait- h
Council open
The scholarship cup is awarded in made mental and physical wrecks
club is invitational.
swell, and more so if they'd let us
TD SiU afternoon in room 204 of the Student sented included Central Christian the spring at the women's convo- out of most everyone on the campus. the
Home Economics ehio . . . will meet
Union building, Clay Salyer, presi- last Sunday afternoon in the StuOne example of what several days at 7
cation to the freshman woman mainJack Burgin, Commerce, senior:
pjn. in room 105 of the Homo
dent, announced today.
dent Union building for the purpose taining the highest standing.
of registration can do to an average Ec building.
Not Just yes, but yes!!
Coming Into existence at the
introducing the ministers and
games will student was shown by the following
SOA sponsorship of a convocation
The sale of mums for
Wyant, A&S, sophoMarjorie
beginning of the war the UniParty
will meet a:
of churchse
several different books to purchase Independent
to be held Friday night, October 28, young people's directors
begin tomorrow.
more: I can't help it if I get hun
are still going
In the Union
to new students and for
store, two freshmen 6:45 Wednesday
at the book
with Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president
gxy late at night
who attended the church
girls stood in line for two hours to
of Washington and Lee University,
George Hobbs, A&S, sophomore:
The organization. In conjuncAll undergraduate women
choice. The groups repreclub . . . will meet at 7:30 p m.
of their
get books only to remember that
Yes. Because it would be a good
tion with the Army Specialized
speaker, will be discussed. sented, included Central Christian
students who are employedoand
they had bought the books earlier in Tuesday In the student room of the
Committee appointments and apatmosphere for deep studying.
Training program on campus,
Ag building. Freshmen and transThe Kernel wishes to correct
Cavalry Baptist church.
the morning.
who did not obtain employment
pointments to SGA vacancies will church.
Bob Whitley, Commerce, senior:
has as its advisers. Captain
a false statement which appearMaxwell Street Presbyterian church.
not be hard to write a fers are invited.
It would
But definitely!
through the office of the dean be completed.
Howard and Lt. Tractenburg of
. . . will have a hockey pracFirst Methodist church. Adath Israel ed in last issue, October 5.
volume of such incidents but we W.A-Lola Stokes, A&S, sophomore:
the military department.
of women should report to the
Lloyd Booth is not the president
congregation, and Christ Episcopal
afterthink that the above related is suffi tice from 4 to 5
When I am in town I get hungry
Tuesday, October 16, marks
of the the Veterans' Club, as
dean of women the name of the
cient to convince the outside woruld noon in the field behind Patt hall.
at eatin' time and where would I the first meeting of the fall
firm by whom they are em
The Kernel stated .
(anywhere off the campus) that All women students are Invited to
quarter. All women Interested
rather go than the Grill well
During the hour, Mary Ann Faulployed, Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes
President of the Veterans'
get my lunch thea.
Sherman's quotation about war could attend.
maybe I could
in Joining are asked to report
kner and Jerry Leet rendered violin
announced today.
Club Is Joe Covington.
will meet at
be said Just as easily about regis tra W.A.A. council
Richard LeGrand, Agriculture,
at the armory at 5 p. m.
and piano selections. Joan Scott
5 pjn. Monday In the Women's gym.
tion week at UK.
enior: YES, Definitely so.
was In charge of the arrangements.

Greek Groups

UK Choristers,
Glee Club And
Kuhlman To Sing

Meeting: Sponsored


To Be Introduced

To Entertain

During Dance


With Parties



Inter-Fraterni- ty



A&S Adds




Next Half'Century Yours,
Donovan Tells UK Veterans


To Study Older

Arts Background

2608 Enroll;
Final Count

Thirty Instructors
Have Been Added

Exceeds All
Previous Estimates

To UK Faculty

half-centu- ry



Mums Are Back!



Independent Party

Eight Cheerleaders
Chosen To Yell
For Blue'n White

To Outline Plans

At First Meeting





Annual Educational
Meeting To Be Held
On UK Campus

'My Old Kentucky Home'

non-sorori- ty










Mortar Board Plans
Numerous Projects


That Week Is Over

Dr. Clark At Work
On New Book

First Fall Meeting


Holds Open House


To Meet
Armory Tuesday




Women Must Report
On Employment



The Kernel Retracts

Beat Georgia!


� The Kernel Editorial Page


.t th. Pot omc .t


cls mutrt

under th









Bi Rnftt
Marilyn Mitchfii

Pfot.y Watkins
Ianf. Hammfrsi.fy

T""" "


tweUtieet HetrmUttm
1- New
Maomok Ave.
miui im Mauu .



One Quarter


Xnrs Editor

Life, Liberty and Pursuit


Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant Aw. Editor
Society Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager

a tltned article and column are to be considered the
opfaiont o the writers themselves, and do not necessarily
reflect the opinio o The Kernel.

hut accepted
no tactful way of

is not only common

in University classes. There is
Mating stith a shameful fact. Everyone knows it,
and if he happens not to indulge himself, he
considers it none of his business if another student does.

Although he is taking another person's work
and calling it his own, the class theater's conscience doesn't bother him. Cheating isn't considered dishonest. It is putting something over
on the prof, or getting a letter grade, or a little
game of trying to get by without getting caught.
Pupils who are absolutely reliable in other
things may copy from their neighlxir's paper
during an exam. And they don't feel that they
are doing anything wrong. They would probably say "Everyone does it," and they would le
atxMit right. But if everyone didn't do it, think
how much better it would !e. It could be said
with pride that "Students at the University simply don't cheat." Not liecause professors stand
over their classes with watchful eyes, but because the students themselves realize the value
of scholastic honesty.


if? iTE SSt S r


report themselves, and they go to any extreme
to not break their


In a university of this size and standing, it
is a disgrace not to take a stand against cheating. Why couldn't the Student Government association make the installation of the honor system here one of their projects for the year? That
body, representative of the students, could draw
up the rules, and fix the penalties. An Honor
Court, set up like a regular court with the advice
of law students, could be provided to try rases.
The mechanics of the system, however, could be
what the students want. The important thing
is that the need for an honorable way of eliminating cheating be recognized.
At other colleges the honor system is traditional. Why couldn't it become so at the University of Kentucky?

Integration Of Veterans
Into Campus Life Vital


Speaking of bedcothes, some per- sons on the campus need sheets,
The Patt hall women announced
yesterday in a late bulletin that
"Woman cannot live by mattress and
sneeis aione. 11 any 01
you generous persons nave any
sheets, would you please contribute,
and thev will be acceDted with a
"Wilt thou take tnls man, to have
and to hold, to love and to cherish,
until death do v part ? Two of
our happy wives have hearts which
would weigh extra pounds on any
scales for you see, these unhappy
wives have rated almost nil in culi- nary arts and sciences on their
husbands' eastronomical classifica- So Betty Bohannan
tion tests.
Meyer ana saiiy uuenner momson
are exposing tnemseives to learning
the freshman cooking class. In
the Home Ec. department.
The Spanish classes, have offer
ed no end of amusement to profs. In
a first quarter Spanish session, a
obviously of mountain heritage
was called upon to pronounce the
wnrri mniir With a mioVirTr snica
weignted down mith initiative, the
boy proudly answered Missouri.
Casey Goman, veteran bass drum
irUst in the "Best Band in Dixie",





