xt75tb0xqb5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75tb0xqb5t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1940  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 15, March 1940 text Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 15, March 1940 1940 1940 2012 true xt75tb0xqb5t section xt75tb0xqb5t I  
Vol. 1 March, l94O No. 15
ti"' W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
. Tl IMPORTANT! Price, State Entomologist. The
me yellows disease spreads to the runner
  Pelwh growers (wer most of the plants from affected mother plants
to Bmw have lost mm!. cmp of fruit from that are set and seriously reduces the
of the Cold “'€mh€"· Th°S€ le the Jackson yields of affected plantings. Growers
by purchase seem to have enough fruit who plan to gm", Blakemore plants
mss; buds IQU for {I l’m'ii“l to {I mir cmp in for sale should plant the yellows-free
ced Eomc l°°mi°"S· le um ~’i¤l¤i*v ot strains which are available at stand-
[tch Henderson the crop is lost and severe Md DHCQS
llgs wood injury has taken place. In the A
V t° Louisville and Lexington sections the THE ANNUAL MEETING
crop is lost and the wood injury does V _ _
{by not Seem to bc SO $,.v€r€_ l`he eighty-fourth annual convolution
Jig It ls difficult to determine the extent of the kentucky State I-Iortlcu gm
on of tree mjury In general, where any Society was held at Lexington, 1;;; I
111% wood injury occurs it is safest to delay f“<`kY on ·¥a“uaY_Y 3L February 1}
mv; any pruning until as late in the spring llldcglectlogy wlrth the animal]  
. .· · ... K head an ome ee program o e ·
mw, as possible. Croutis should go a V J V V k
with their plans for dormant sprays Wlellb of \€“tu€ Y·
to control scale and leaf curl. It The attendance was greatly in ‘
RAL either of these troubles should cause excess of expectations because it was
additional injury to trees already suf- feared the unfavorable weather would
P- O· fering from winter injury their keep a great many away from the
389 recovery might be delayed or the trees meetings. Each of the sessions was
killed. Dr. Ritcher of the Entomology attended by representatives from vari-
med department points out that it would ous sections of the State and it has p
  not be safe to leave off the dormant been years since the entire State was  
1939i spray on the assumption that the cold represented as well as this year. V
3 for might here killed a portion of the In the presidential address Mr. Wn-
Agp overwinteriug scale. liam Fegenbush stressed the impor- .   ;
Eton- Any new development in the peach tance of the use of improved methods  
icky. situation that comes to light will be and new developments in fruitgrow- ‘
Sl2‘·· discussed in this bulletin. ing and called for the c00pel‘8t10l1 of ' ·
all fruit growers and fruit workers in
l`. J. BLAKEMORE STRAWBERRY the State to help build a better fruit ;·
· 202 NOTICE growing industry for Kentucky.   ,· Q
I Blackeniore strawberry plnntin;;s Nr. \\'. W. Rlllgiue led a discussion   · U 7
Elrgé {hill show signs of yelltiws among the till 'Ol`(‘il3l‘<`l PYHCIIUQS alld Expen-
hgrsi plants during the inspection season ences where practical suggestions _
A Og 1940 and tilelpagtm- wm not bg and experiences in various fruit grow-    
U. S. certitied and, therefore, they will not ing enterprises were related by Mr.     _>
Bur be salable under the provisions of the \\’. F. \\'ilson, Pulaski County; Mr.   lv `
L Kentucky Nursery Inspection Act. B. L. Karcher, Jefferson County; Mr.     a
fiwgf according to a statement by \\’. A. Terrell Bray, Trimble County; Mr. Ben   pi. ·V ~

   ` Cru
` Niles, Henderson County; Dr. J. B. ing. The use of Balbo rye was sag- Zio.
Jordan, Jefferson County and Mr. gested. Rye grass was discussed as Fei
Frank Street, Henderson County. one of the best prospects for winter (g_
` A discussion of great importance COVE? Crops and Wider trials of il um
and interest was the one devoted to were Suggested It was Smtcii mm Ex!
i it 1939 Bitter Rot EXD€l_te“c€S_wh€t_€ tim hairy vetch did better than crimson the
_ troubles €l1C0lilli(>l‘ed with the disease Clever on Door $011*% on D0Ul'l)' (li`il1lll*lt fac
’ . .. soils and also when sown late in tht- t
by Mr. George Miller, Jetterson Coun- _
·_ ty; Mr. Frank Shattuck, Caldwell (ML It was Stressed that for mus- ml;
County; Mr. Fred \'anHoose, Johnson mcmry results me vetch Should be S10:
» ` County, and Mr. Frank Browning, i“oo“l8·t€d· Sw
~ i . Fleming County. were related and dis- Sovoml reels of Sound movmg pm rbi
CiiSS€(i_ Di-_ “*_ D_ \’;_iu€auv Uiiivgisiiy tures on Orchard Mouse Control were D9!
A of Kentucky Pathologist, summed up shew bY MI`- G· C· Odorkirk of tho bm
$ t the Bitter Rot discussion and stressed Biological Sm`VoY· Mo Oderkirk dis Of
` the importance of special vigilance in Cussod control moosuros ood broughl cx}
1940 to prevent another serious out- them UD to dM€» Bild Strossod the im ***1*
- break of this disease should favorable D0l't8¤€€ cf bomg on the alert for lm
_ \\’Q3_[]i9i· cgittlitigng QXi5t_ Hg Siig. l'llOl1S€ illjllfy lll Ol`ChIll`dS {\f[€l` Ill•‘ C10
· gested removal of all mummied fruit $<‘V‘i‘l`€ “'omhol` mid deer snows thru wa
` · and fruit stems from the trees and “'€ hiwo had during JammYY· wl
` from beneath the trees. In orchards The orchard spray service for 1940 Cu]
where the disease was serious in 1939 was discussed by Mr. YV. D. Arm- cm
t several midsummer bordeaux sprays Sii~Oiig_ It was Stated that the msec. Po
were suggested. As a precaution- taries that were in use in 1939 would ros
ary measure, a thorough bordeaux be used again iii 1940 and that gn addi- no
SDl`*‘~Y WQS SllL!§€$t€d f01` RU 01'€h€i1`dS tional one was being established in CO]
I _ containing susceptible varieties at the Coviiigioiit Kentucky &i·ea_ as wen Wl?
·   8-Dproxiulately tlle   of   first as     points.   `vtis un
_ § ‘ S¤111H1€1‘ SDYGY f01' second b1'00d C0d· Stated that every effort would be made [h`
I V ling moth. Varieties that suiered te make the spray Service tie ei~teeti\.e fol
- greatest from Bitter Rot in 1939 were as iiessibiey and that the Eiitoiiioitigi-_ i¤t
·  · listed as, King David. Golden Deli- plant pathology mid Hoi-ticiiiiiimi ali
· tt cious, Jonathan. Ben Davis, Polly Departments were eeepemting wiieie Sh
_· f Eades and Rome Beauty. heettiiy in this wei.k_ Wt
` 1 Dr. P. O. Ritcher gave a very The night session was devoted to an H1
t interesting and informative illustrated informal get-together at which time a Of
V E. _ lecture covering the life cycles and number of orchard and berry pictures Sh
. E A Y control measures of the important were projected on a screen for general wl
`· U . Kentucky fruit and berry insects, Mt-_ discussion. These scenes had been ue
t   Leonard Rouse, Senior Field Officer taken during the year in connection
i _ ·_ of th e Agricultural Adjustment with the special horticultural work YO
‘ E?   Administration discussed the A. C, P. and Extension program and wcrr ti]
’   asit related to fruit and berry growers explained by Mr. Magill and Air. .\ru2- li
j l   and discussed the new features Strong. D
’_   of the 1940 program. Mr. W. C. Thursday's program was given M
  ti -, _ Johnstone gave some very valuable chiefly to small fruit topics. 'l`ltce·· in
t   _ information regarding the use of cover started off with discussions led by llr 1)*
g   i, crops in fruit and berry programs and Magill during which various practi<‘<·#  
P   __ discussed the value of maintaining of strawberry production and market-
V V —' suitable soil covering at all times to ing were covered by l\lr. Fred Fistcr. Oi
. reduce soil losses by erosion and leach- Fayette County; Mr. Lace Wren. Mw- b'
- .. 2
\‘ *·:··r· '

 Cracken County; Mr. Vincent Denun- color and had been taken from both -
ug' zio, Jefferson County; and Mr. Paul unmulched and lightly mulched fields.
as Fehr, Campbell County. Professor Plants taken from the heavily mulched
ter C. S. Waltman summed up some of plots showed less of the injury and
it the recent strawberry work at the were more normal in appearance, In
hilt Experiment Sl8.ti0ll which showed that the afternoon Dr_ Colby again led a
son the 1938 yields were much ’more satis- discussion on "Some Cultural Require-
ned factory than those of 1939. ments ot Red Raspberries" and "Some
the Dr. A. S. Colby of the University of New Developments in Grape Culture."
ttls- illinois gave a very interesting discus- Both of these topics were of much
be sion of his strawberry work in that interest to those in attendance and a
State and stressed the important part great deal of discussion was had from
plc- which winter mulch plays in the straw- the floor and many questions were
.·crc berry production of Illinois. It was asked of Dr. Colby.
the brought out that in most of the State Professor A. J. Olney then led a
dis- of Illinois severe winter injury is growers discussion on "Raspberries,
ight expected and is experienced where an Strawberries a n d Grapes" which
lm- adequate mulch is not applied. brought out many practical experi-
gm- Importance of mulch in producing ences in growing these fruits from, ‘
the- clean fruit and in conserving moisture Mr. A. H. Jones, Fayette County; Mr.
that was also stressed. The importance of Robert Scott, Kenton County and Mr.
early setting and early continued B. L. Karcher, Jefferson County.
1940 cultivation was brought out. In dis- In the business meeting Mr. Herman _
mn cussing the working out ot old berry Yopp of Paducah was elected Presi-
mac patches Dr. Colby stated that best dent of the Society. Mr. William
cum results were obtained when this opera- Fegenhush was retained on the Board
lddt tion was carried out immediately after of DiI`€Ct0I`$ BS first Vice President.
d in commercial harvest ceased, and that Mr. Marvin Eblen of Henderson ~
Well where the operation was delayed County was elected second Vice-Presi-
. Q unreasonably or was not performed, dent to se1`Ve the uueXDi¤`ed term of
,fQ_§ié there were very few or no plants Mr. Yom) and Mr. Frank Browning of
cmg formed sud the yield for the follow- Fleming county retained his place as
log`,. ing year was Seriously reduced Hg third Vice Pl'€Sid€l1t. MI`. Ben E. Niles
tm;] also discourages me leaving or exposed of Henderson, who has most oapahiy
mole shoulders of soil where the berry rows bsiitiied the duties of Secretary it-ud i
were reduced in size by barring—ot[. Ti'essu1`e1` f01` the Pest t“`e¤tY Years- ‘
to an His experience shows that a great deal submitted his resignation because of ` 7
me H of moisture was lost from the exposed 0tbei` business duties- Action upeu g ,
mm shoulders sud mst this son should be this resignation will he taken by the  
Hem] worked back into a rooting space for Executive Committee c omp o s e d ‘ _
been new plants as quickly as possible, of the President and Vice Presidents ,
cum Upon examination of the crown and and if they See tit to seeelit Mi? Niies ‘ V
work roots or s number or strawberry plants resignation. another Secretary and r
wen, that had been brought from the Treasurer will then be V elected by E   p
;\l_m_ gaducah section of western Kentucky, them. {
r. Colby pronounced that they had i - ` ‘
ivw been injuried by the severe cold of THE 1940 COLD AND STRAW' .
Ehicw mid-January and that the yields would BERRY MULCHING   K
y MVA be reduced to a certain extent depend- It is expected that the strawberry i A ·
cticcs tug Ou tbe \\'e8·ti1el‘ C0¤diti011S during mulch trials carried on by the Special   V ·
1]_kGt_ the spring. The crowns and the roots Horticultural Project will give results   [ "
Hsmrv of many of the plants examined were in 1940 somewhat different than those   _ n _
lv No brownish decked to dark brown in obtained in 1939. The weather during -5   g

   or the 1938-39 winter was mild and the the crown or roots. These plants m
spring was generally wet, cold and were unmulched but were protected ul
late. During the winter season of by a covering of snow. Bl
1939-40, the fall thru December was It is considered that berries in the U;
· generally dry and one of the warmest Louisville, Lexington and Covington I,}
I in years; however January was one sections escaped serious injury U
. of the coldest and severest months on because of their deeper snow covering
I l I-gc0rd_ [.‘§€ll€I`f1lly. tc
1939 REGGRDS t.ooK Fon INJURY ul
ll The I`€C0l‘dS» 9·S it Wholo from tho Growers over the state, particularly nl
  1939 harvest in Western Kentucky did 1,, the “-gsm,-I, pmt, are uyggd to Sl
ll0t Show 8uY increase iu Plouuctlou examine their plants to see if injury b
` ` brought about hy tho Dccomhor mulch has occurred. This injury can best he tl
&DDll0Ml0uS· Th€llool·'lo$t Protluctlou located if new plants (which were W
. came g€11€1`11llY from tho Plots Yocolu rooted in 1939) are examined. The M
` ing tl1€i1‘ mulch in lotto ltlol`oh· It plants should be dug and cut from top  
, Should be Yomomllolou ho“·'oVol` that to bottom through the crown. lf the if
‘ the “`lllt‘?»l` was Vol? mud- Tho crown is uninjured it will be of a bz
A two and three ton applications made in Clem. whim color inside; {md the my  
D9C€¤1h€1` cilusod rlwse Plots to be injured roots will be a bright yellow Qt
' _ several days later in blooming and in 0,, the O,,tSidc_ and H Creamy whim Y;
. ripening. The berries were earliest, Colo, 0,, me inside On the other  
smallest and dutlost ou tho plots hand, a cold injured plant will show
l‘€C6lVl¤g uo mulch at all but tho Yield various amounts of brown or brown-
W35 quite $otlSmotol`Y· flecltiug through the inside of the
At Louisville there was little dif- crown and injured roots will be a dark \l
ference in yield between plots that brownish color when cut. It should be
. ° were mulched in December and those remembered that symptoms of injury
, . mulched in l\larch. The yield of can be determined more readily from Q
» · mulched plots averaged about twenty- "new" plants since the lower portions °'
A seven crates per acre more than the of the crowns of two year plants are t'
_ ' ` unmulched plots. On the heavier naturally a dark red color and many ll
l ·, mulched plots the berries were larger of the lower roots are black. U
and the picking season was longer. It would be well to examine some
` plants that were mulched and some ti
l 1940 SITUATION that were not mulched. At the time of tt
The sub-zero weather over all of the cold, parts of some fields were ll
Kentucky at various times during mulched and the remainder un- h
_ # .. January caused a certain amount of in- mulched. By staking off the early t
l jury to the roots and crowns of plants mulched portion from that unmulched il
 Q in a number of western Kentucky and observing the two through the ll
‘ patches. This is particularly true of season some important information S
_ L " the tlelds that were free of snow dur- might be gained. o
p ,   ing the extremely cold night ot Jan- Dr. Colby of Illinois, speaking before l
- - . nary 19, when the temperature went the meeting of the State Horticulture I
- ? V to 10 degrees below zero or colder, in Society at Lexington, stated that when il
_ every Kentucky berry section. From winter injured plants were used to set l
l ` ' Henderson on north in the state prac- a new patch they were generally slow €
  _ ‘ tically all berry patches were covered to become established and were slow il
g   " with several inches of snow. Plants to start sending out runner plants. l
t     dug and examined at Henderson since Several nelds were observed after l
V ‘ the cold showed no sign of injury to the cold weather where the straw for \
Q . 4
Vi?-E V

nts mulch had been hauled to the field very little mouse inury in our orchard ‘
ted and dumped on the rows but not since mounding our trees.
spread. It would be interesting to l have notiood that Winton injury
LUG examine some plants beneath these happens quite olton following a_ doot,
tell piles aud ¢0ml>¤·1`e them with B0me of snow with sub-zero temperatures when
FY the surrounding plants- we have two or three days or bright
ing There should be a number of lessons sunshine while the snow is on the
to be learned from the present season; ground. The injury usually occurs
and after several more years of open- worse on the side exposed to the sun
minded study and record-taking a sub- (southwest in this section). This is
my stantlal store of information on straw- due to the reflection of the sun on the
  berry mulch manipulation in Ken- snow, as well as to the direct rays of
ug; tucky should hc assembled. the sun upon the trunks.
ere lemons NO'1`E: lu. Sanus is an }“‘°}"€". me "‘i“" ¥S.°"“S"", by
fhg epllvlliliollccdGlnltlucalialéllo     gt mice,. l¢lblJ1l.S, or Winter lnjury, bridge
top itil?-Sctibsfzilustkd a)grcat Smit of injury to gmilmg IS me best Operation to use
the gteuiggélltgjLitrcoilnic;;l»ltl_·irgr§li:52l:.grlllioxga to attempt to save the trees. If there
{ 8 by him and have since apparently com- are u number of trees girdled bY the -
vlcwlv F¢¢¤\'•¢¤’¢¢l· WS ¤¤"-tele wl bridge mice this work can be started before
l1l1· grafting below is based on his experience _
tow ot ,,,,1,,,- ypluis up,] ghiquld ucl Orngreat the buds begin to swell or sap raising
me ¥.2iE‘$?ts"Lr ‘.‘.§’Jbs."EZ¥1l“‘Fv.».§i£f°i‘.%Bi; ii; ravnly. in ¤r¤e¤· to ger the work done
ther   ill [VOID $(:\'(:l`Ll.[ SCCUOIIS of [H6 in {lying for lllgxllnum early summgy
how gow ‘ U
in-o, SUCCESS WITH BRIDGE If you start the bridge grafting early
tho GRAFTING APPLE TREES it is well to paraffin the scions to pre-
lark W. A. SANDEFUR, Robards, Kentucky Vent them from dl`Ylllg Out before
doo t { l growth starts. Make your examina-
jury There are three injuries that we may tions onily of tho nuinboi. of troos to
groin expect to ePl’le trees Hem the Yeeem be bridge grafted and cut your scions,
tions cold weather and snow. \\'e are likely which Sliouid bo ot good vigorous
oro to NW9 ill.ll1l`>' from mee~dO“' OY teeld growths and long enough to cover the
muy mice, rabbits, and also some winter inintod port ot tho tioos woll_ Yon
1¤Jl1¤‘Y- can save this scion wood while prun-
xome By bridge grafting, these injured ing, and by burying the scions in well 2
aome trees can be saved if the grower will drained soil or sand, the work can be `
ie or take time to perform the bridge graft- extended into very late spring, how- ·
were ing correctly and make preparations ever the most ideal time for this work
uu. before the buds swell. I might say is just as the buds on the trees are  
Boi-ly that along with using poison for swelling, ’ _
ched meadow or iield mice. one of the best The scions are grafted into the tree
the precautions, is to mound the trees below the injury by cutting the base
ation slightly, using several shovels of dirt or lower end of scion with a slanting .
or coal cinders, around the base of the cnt two inches long, then make an Q o
efore tree to make a good size mound. We opening at the base of the tree with a   ' r
num prefer cinders and every tree in our straight blade knife and push the base 3 o
when apple orchard is mounded. I am of or heavy end of scion that you have
,0 set the opinion there is something in the cut slanting i11to the opening you have Q
slow cinders that mice do no like so well, made at the base of the tree. Cut the   K _
slow and of course the mounds expose the upper cud of the scion the same way   —_ p
lS_ mice to the cold unless we have an and make an opening in the tree above   I —
arial- unusual deep snow. We have used the injury and force scion in opening   “ ._ 4
w for very little poison bait and have had as below. It is very important that     i

 the cambiuru of the sciorr come in flowers. In about eight days these
close contact with the camblum early infections are themselves pro I"`
(Which is ihé i1111€1‘ 01‘ growing bark) ducing spores. The years when scab '"`
, of NIB Wee. D1`iV€ ii small two DQUUY is a serious facto1· in apple produc-
nail in both ends of the grafted sclon tiou ara thoso yoaru hr which rahro  
to hold it in pla°°· and carefully cover precede the first signs of growth and iu
r , . . rr
~ both upper and lower end of scions Occur, during tho early blooming It
» · with grafting wax to prevent drying period. *'
out. It is also well to cover the lower D t __ rl i Yemuck _ has Shown ""
`· end of the scions at the base of the xpelmlcevln \ 5. _ 1 ‘*'
_ treo with Soir Place those Scrolls that those w ro commence spray nr., h.
‘ about two ruohos apart arouud tho early in wet seasons and keep the new
-. trooy or as tar as tho injury ortouds growth well covered thru the blooming I
A arouud tho troo_ The Soious that are period have little loss from scab.
_ bridge grafted in the tree must he The early sprays seem to be partic-
‘ V gone over occassioually and the ularly important on Red Delicious
B\1Ck€1`S 0I' side bI`im€h€5 képli Yllbbéd because early infections occur on this
t OE- variety on the tips of the Calyx lobes,
Graftins Wax for OPBU ai? w<>¤·k or the green leaflets at the blossom fil
Should be made as follows? 4 ms- end of the apple. 'l`hese infections VU
~. R·°Sm· 2 lbS· °£ b°€s“'“x· and 1 n’· of occur before the pink stage but later
. fallow all melted together. Pour oo to tho Sorhrg Sooros oro oroouoou pr
this melted mix mm cold water' a from these early infections and these m`
Small amount at a _um8' to °°°1 the are spread over the blossom end dur· *"
` melted fvaX{ and with gleased hands ing wet periods, causing the heavy "
pull this like _)°}1 "ould molasses infections which distort the fruit. *"
candy, and roll rt rrrto balls and wrap It _ bec mi i cmr _m I €v_d€m rc
, » the balls in greased paper. When ready 1 XS _O u_g H °l?ugly V1 _l_ at
r t to use, these balls can be warmed up tut smb li bemg Sogltro Lgt moo"; } th
r _ or made pliable by the hands on or   thpu b ohh e cnet. d os; nr-ng gt
. warm Sunny day- ra er ran y rose app re o ourrrg
, _ . . . blossorrrrng. This has the effect of
When making your exarnrnatron for· . , rn
‘ . . . _ _ cuttrng down the number of rnfections
_ mouse mrury take a heavy pruning which .n a fe d wh be _ du .117 w
t   l knife or light hammer and tap on the _ 1, bwdays I d DM; Cl; 19
f body of your trees and if you have igogei m a mi mise ar? wuts Hgt; i or
` loose bark you most likely have winter a afnage O B mop' H O IC gr
- I Y words rf scab sprays are to be cut
njury. We have saved a number of d ,t 1 D tt t t th l_ T;
I valuable trees in our orchard by Own 1 S E? Sr to gut Ou 6 et?} st
tt bridge gmmugt sprays, especra y n ue seasons, an as
- r to attempt to control scab after prl- 1
. _ _ U
t to APPLE SCAB mar; infections have already occurred. UI
i f l W- D- VM-LE-AU z..,El;"Z§§§“350f.?d“i;‘°..2,‘iZ“$?§0IE3‘
i Q U The apple seab fungus is the cause and set heavier- cr·ops of fruit if it m
i J . il
r 2 of the black spots on the skrn of were not necessary to apply lime sul- it
_ _   ‘ apples, especially around the blossom fur sprays. In some seasons there is at
" 1 i end. The disease originates from evident serious injury to foliage bv  
r "   · . spores discharged from overwiuterfng lime sulfur spray. Those growers who,  
r § _ apple leaves on the ground. These in the past, have had good success in ,
_ l · , early spores not onl cause infections eontrollin s a tl allv M
r , Y g c b by re usu , rr
l r __ on the young fruits but, more impor- recommended strength of lime sulfur hr
r T ~_ tant, they cause infections on young can afford to cut the strength some rh
· leaves, and the green leaflets of the what provided sprays are applied at rr
» ._ 6,

}_ proper intervals and spraying ls com- sidered as depleting only when the
D menced early enough. berries are harvested for any purpose
__ Many growers are finding it pays to €X€€Dl- when i¤ 8 b0m€ 8¤¥`d€n· H°W‘
'S start the early scan sprays as soon as ever, if the strawberries then become
d any new green-tip growth starts; and d€¤¤”0Y€d by W¤t€¥`» frost. O? dv not
in wet seasons like 1939 as many as b€¤F for BUY ¥'€8»$°¤. and are Dot nm"
g (hygg 0,- gem- Seen epyeye were vested in 1940 the acreage occupied
required before blossoming to prevent bY me Strawberries is then n°n'd°P1€t‘
'll und chgck [hg gayly infectious rg. lllg. Ally HCPGBEO of BBW StI°8»Wb€YTi€B
lg ge,-,-ed [O ep,0ve_ set in the spring of this year will be
W considered as non-depleting.
ng FRUIT GROWERS AND THE Commercial orchards, that is
TRIPLFPA orchards from which most of the pro-
rc. duction ls sold, are considered as
us _ W' 1* ROUSE occupying non-cropland. Cultivated
is anne A· A· A' Onice blackberries, dewberries, raspberries,
ES. The 1940 Farm program Offers gooseberries, and vineyards are also A
,m farmers greater opportunities in soil ndnsidered as eeenpying n°n`cr°Inand‘ ‘
us conservation tliau ever before. In 1940 8 maximum Payment wmen
Ver There are, in addition to the regular may be earned in eannecuan with
Bd p,.acUcES_ Special practics which are soil-building practices is computed
BSB provided for the orchardlst to help him fm eaen fa"n· This payment in 1940 ‘
up solve the problem faced by all farmers ia the calculated ngure °r the du`
X.), —that of taking care of their land. The ference new een Special anmment
purpose of the the farm program is to payments and $20·00· whichever is the
(.0“SQ].\·(, the fertility of the Soil and larger. It is 3.V3.ll8bl€ to pl'0dllC€I`B lll
me at the same time maintain or increase nddnmn to tne anmunt earned fer
  the standard of living foi· farms in n;?(;;;itS"`m;:1n cgnslggtffgciilc 2:3]
_ general. n · ` V
mg The t-mm pmgmm provides pa), building payment, seventy cents is
3;; ments to aid in carrying out worfh a]n°“;;d· ton sac? gcsaogf sggpicriiaog
ing while soil conservation practices. For txt ln; In ELC Smmerchl whegt .
the 1940 special emphasis is being placed T: min Sam;) Otilzr B eéial cmp; 3
her on those practices not always carried lsdggg {0 this amount is gz 00 for wei  
cut out but which are sound practices. acre Of commercial Orchérds on the S
my The use of phosphate, ground lime- farm on January 1 1940 A Small Q
han stone, terracing. contour stripcropping ucwance is also édded 'for farms  
ri- as well as the seeding of grasses, awth mamma nomcmp Open   V
Fed legumes, green manure crops and lu Cons H i th V
` others are included. nastnrg The Pumper Of do ars H 6 .
that Fruit growers are interested in the mammum Solbbmldmg Payment is
-0us . . . divided by $1.50 to determine the soil- ·
_ manner in which their crops are _ _ i
f It classified under the program in order bmldmg goal` _Th€_gOal is expressed ? "
eu]. _ . . . in units which it will be necessary to -
that they may plant within their acre- . {
e iS . ,. carry out before August 31, 1940, In ·
age allotments in 1940. l·1rst of all, the
by acreage on the farm is divided into two Order to Bam the fun Soilbuudmg j
vnO‘ main land uses: cropland and non-crop- payment'  
S in land. (`ropland acreage includes that Many Sndnnnding practices which  
lany which is devoted to depleting crops, may be calmed Ont an the farm mr 1
nnn non-depleting crops and also idle acre- Clbdil nnden the program are especial E
)me' ilge in the regular rotation. The acre- IY suitable for fruit gmwel-S"   _
a at use devoted to strawberries is con- Certainly a fruit grower would be '

 V interested in the provision which THE ]_94() SPRAY SERVICE V
Oncrs him 47% *111*16 S¤¤¤¤¤‘¤1¤>S¤1¤¤*¤ Arrangements are being completed -
furnished as n grant Of uid‘ This fm" for the operation of the Kentucky
i mizmi can be made available to the Spray Service again during the limi
in`0dnC€*` if he Win cnn nt me county season, to he carried out under the
l ·. Office nnn indicate 1115 intention Of program of the Special llorticultural
. . nsing 1116 nnltminn On gmen nmnnm i\ppropriation in close cooperation
V CYOPS in 01`Cnm`dS» Sgenlngs ef grasses with the Extension llorticulturist and
A 01` i€gnm€$» Perenninl gl`nS*CS· wnncr the Entomology uml l’lunt Patliology GI
i€g11111€5· €1`0l?1i*11`111» 1111111111i 1`YC g1`i1S5· departments of the University of l{cn»
» · and permanent pasture. One hundred m(.ky_ Tho hmdqumqpl-S rm- [hn work
~, l101111d5 of 1115 47% 511P9l`Pl1°5U11i1l° will again he at the \\'cstcrn Ken-
earns one unit credit of the soil—build- tuck)- ].;xDm·i,mim guilsmgpm Hi .1
i ing g0?1i· S11l1€`1'l1i105l1i1T1i€ “`i1i1 f1 20% Princeton, Kentucky, where spray sss
i _ i$111?1iY5i5 1113Y ¥1i50 bt? 1159d 1111¢i€1` ii1€ letters. notices uml broadcasting and
same conditions. One unit is earned material will in most cases originate. uttl
for each 240 pounds of 20% phosphate The spray service has for its pur- smj
~ applied. pose to give tiincly suggestions on »I
_ Many Omhmdmeu vessel. to terrace spray applications land control meas- ag';
V` hillsides before setting out their trees. MUS mlcmidinn te lnS°°i‘ (nS(_`"S" "nn Kei
°   One unit can be earned for each 200 fruit development ni the various sec- Sha
linear feet Of Standard tsrmcs with tions of the state. lwery grower who ads
proper Outlets coustmctedl has a spray niaclnnc and attempts by
to control insects uml diseases should ws.
Fruit gl`O“'€1`$ nnd g1'€€`11 n1*111111'€‘ profit by receiving uml studying these I
CYOPS VBYY 116111011 i11 i>111i1i111g 1€‘1”1n‘ spray letters. Such growers who wish bm
ity 1`€1Di(] into {hp l·(~p()i·\g_ av
1 g _ me
i ·A ou
i Bl
~ e».|~l