xt75qf8jhc7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jhc7t/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1985 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa 1985, volume 8 number 1 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa 1985, volume 8 number 1 1985 1985 2020 true xt75qf8jhc7t section xt75qf8jhc7t v9w



G. Katz Elected President

Lexington, Kentucky —- On
Wednesday, January 23, 1985,
the Board oi Directors oi the
Central Kentucky Jewish
Association announced the
election of officers for
1985. Gloria T. Kat: was
elected president.


Other ofiicers to serve
with Ms. Kat: are Sheila
DeKosky and Joe Rosenberg,
Vice—Presidents; Terry
wilson, Secretary; Erle Levy,
Treasurer; and Jack Miller
and Simone Salomon,

Gloria is a life long BOARD ELECTIONS REPORTED
resident 0+ Lexington. She
has an outstanding record of David Hekstein, Chairman
accomplishments in service to of the CKJA Nominating
the Jewish community through Committee, announced the
affiliation with Temple Adath results 0% the elections held
Israel, Dhavay Zion last month {or five positions
Synagogue, National Council on the 1985 CKJA Board.
of Jewish Women, Temple Adath Elected tor three—year terms
Israel Sisterhood and are: Gail Cohen, Vinnie
Hadassah. Her activities in Dubilier, Nancy Hoftman,
service through CKJQ are Bobbie Shain, and Charles
numerous: Women’s Division Stern. Marvin Frank resigned
Chair ot the CKJQfUJfi from the board in December,
Campaign, overall chairperson and Halley Faust was named as
of Campaign, and all areas of tirst alternate to fill the
publicity and communication. remaining two years 0? his
She most recently served two term.
terms as a member of the
Executive Committee of CKJA. Harold Baker has been
appointed by Temple édath
sident of the lsrael for a three—year term,
5. . Ls i - Advertising and Ellie Goldman has been
agency and ’ 3 active in ~ Hadassah
many ._*:‘-I ' adjunct to . . " lso tor a
her profes '




Lieutenant Governor Steve Beshear, and prominent Israeli attorney Jonathon Livny
will address the Men's Division Guardian of Zion dinner on Sunday evening, March 3.
Attendance at this event requires a minimum $1200 pledge.

Alvin Goldman, Men's Division Chair, explained-that this year's dinner will differ
from last year's in one important element. Any woman who has already pledged or is
prepared to pledge $1200 or more to the Women's Division is eligible to attend this
event. In either case, spouses or escorts are also welcome.

The speakers are each well known figures in their communities. Jonathon Livny
served as Israel's Attorney General for the occupied West Bank of Jordan following the
Six Day War in 1967, and has since worked as a staff attorney for the Israeli Knesset.
He received his legal training in the United States and Israel.

Before his election as Lieutenant Governor, Steve Beshear served as Attorney
General for the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the Brown administration.

Phil and Nancy Hoffman are in charge of arrangements for this event. While final
details concerning the location of the dinner were not available at presstime, they
will be publicized very shortly.


March 31 -SUPER SUNDAY- Hold the date

CKJA needs you on MARCH 31 (NCAA Weekend) for the
third annual CKJA/UJA SUPER SUNDAY. Call today and be
a part of the excitement as we raise funds to help Jews
in Central Kentucky, in Israel, and around the world.

ERNIE COHEN and SUSAN MILLER are chairing the
event, which will include six two—hour sessions from
10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. We need your help as phone
solicitors and on many important committees. Call the
CKJA office today and JOIN A WINNING TEAM.



Pubflicity Chain Kanen Mefinich


and Emit Cohen




In Memontam — Rabbt Bennand Schwab

The enttne Centnat Kentucky Jentbh communtty mounnA the £068 06 Rabbt
Schaab, Aptnttuat teaden 06 Ohavay Zton Synagogue 50h oven 20 yoané, teachen,
btaunch Aupponten ofi Ionaet, and totatty commttted Jew.

We quote finom a 600 who knew htm wett, wonked and Atudted wtth htm....

"05 att htA attntbuteb, I betteve he moat exempttfited the optntt 05
Tzedakah. He gave genenouaty and qutetty and tn uayA whtch ted to the
nectptent'A becomtng betfi Aufiétctent. May htA name be a bteAAtng tn Ibnaet.”

Evetyn Getten
"He wat the Onty man I've known who tnuty ttved htA ttfie accondtng to the
bettefiA wnttten tn the Tonah. He ttved tn dankneAA and dtbcomfiont fion the tabt
‘ flew yeanA 05 htA ttfie, but he neven gave tn to Aeté—ptty. He made me neattze
“6 that to comptatn and 5221 aonny 50h oneAetfi t8 waAted enengy. He conttnued
t- teachtng "htA" chttdnen unttt the day he dted, 5nom htA hotpttat bed and gnom

htA home. He managed wtth htb dtbabtttttet to matntatn an acttve tntenebt tn
the Atate 05 IAnaet and att Jontbh cauAeA and hetped yeanty wtth the UJA and ORT
campatgnA, htA 6avontte caubeA. I untt bgfiéoneven gnatefiut that I knew htm and

31 that he touched the ttveA 06 me and my 5a ' 9- Hahhégx Coopen






In Hebrew, numbers are represented by the letters holding the particular numerical
position in the order in which they appear in the alphabet. Accordingly, atcph is 1,
bet is 2, etc. Gematria is a system of equating Hebrew words in relation to their
numerical value. Thus, adding the values of the two letters chat and yud that make up
the word chat, the Hebrew word for life, results in the numerical equivalent of 18.

Meeting one's responsibilities as a Jew, by doing something such as making a chari—
table gift, is a celebration of life. Therefore, some Jews believe that there is symbo—
lic meaning in making such gifts in multiples of "chat". For this reason, in establish—
ing the 1985 Men's Division gift categories we have used the figure 324 for the bottom
end of one category. Chat times chat (18 x 18), or chatz, equals 324. We hope that
those who have not yet achieved chat? in their pledge efforts will make this their goal
for 1985.

Similarly, chat to the third power (18 x 18 x 18) equals 5832, the bottom end of
another pledge category and a most worthy goal to aim at in weighing your pledge to the
1985 CKJA Men's Division Campaign.



25,000 and over
24,999 — 12,000
lntck 11,999 — 8,000
7,999 — 5,832 chata
5,831 — 4,000
3,999 — 2,800
2,799 - 2,000
1,999 — 1,200

1,199 — 700
699 — 324 chatz
323 — 101


100 — l


 There are now well over 10,000
Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Like
earlier groups, they have come for many
reasons and after a dangerous trek.
They have come to study Torah in their
national homeland, fulfill mitzvot
(commandments) in Judaism's historical
center, speed the advent of Messiah by
ingathering, and escape terrible perse—
cution and famine.

Like other groups of Jews, those
from Ethiopia, who are black, bring
their own culture and heritage, enrich—
ing the diversified mosaic of Israeli
life. The Ethiopian branch of the
world Jewish family was certified as
Jewish by both the Chief Ashkenazic
and Chief Sephardic rabbis of Israel
in 1973.

When Independence was declared
May 14, 1948, there were fewer than
700,000 Jews in Eretz Israel, but their
numbers would double in three years as
Jews would begin to return to the home-
land they had lacked for nearly 2,000
years. Here are highlights of some
major waves of immigration, that may
show Ethiopian Jewish immigration in



”Behotd, I ma biz/ing them Mom the nolzth country, and gatheJL them Mom
the watt/3 06 the math, and with them the blind and the tame, the woman
with ch/(td and hen that tJLauatteth with chi/8d; a great company Ahatt

aetu/Ln thithe/L."

Three generations in an Ethiopian Jewish family.
is a sabra, a native-born Israeli.

The first Jews to arrive after Independence were 25,000 East European Jews
whom Britain had jailed on Cyprus for daring to seek entry into what was then a

British Mandate with strict immigration quotas barring Jews.

They were soon joined

by other Holocaust survivors -— men and women with battered lives and tattered
clothing, the vestiges of once-large and prosperous Eastern European families. They
were, like immigrants to follow, without funds but with confidence and hope.

In 1949—50, Operation Magic Carpet provided a dramatic example of aliyah or
the "going up" to Israel by olim (immigrants) forseen by the Prophets (Ezra 1:3).
Operation Magic Carpet airlifted to Israel virtually all 47,000 Jews in Yemen,
who first had to survive an arduous journey on foot to Aden.

JQJLthah XXX1:8

Operation Ezra soon followed (1950—51),
bringing out 114,000 Jews from Iraq. They
came by sea and air, over 18 months.

Throughout the 1950's the return con—
tinued, including many from Arab lands
such as Tunisia and Morocco, where oppres—
sive anti—Semitism sparked departure.

In the early 1960's Brazilian and
Argentinian Jews came in larger numbers,
and after the Six—Day War in 1967, Jews
flocked from Britain, France, the U.S.,
Canada, Australia, South Africa and New

In the 1970's thousands of Soviet Jews
made aliyah. And in the 1980's Jews con—
tinue to come, including from Ethiopia,
fulfilling the mitzvot of living in Israel.

The decision of Ethiopian Jews to ex—
ercise their right to make aliyah under
the Law of Return (1950), which grants
every Jew the right to settle in Israel,
and the Citizenship Law (1952), which con-
fers Israeli citizenship on arrival of all
Jewish immigrants, fulfills an ancient
dream that scores of their generations have
kept alive. They leave behind rampant
anti—Semitism, persecution, discrimination
and oppression; domestic political, econo—
mic and military turmoil; and a sub—Saharan
famine of shocking proportions.

The prayers of the grandmother (left) are answered: her grandchild

Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia have many problems common to other olim, but
include a far higher proportion of children under 14 without parents. And each is
challenged by the needed transition from an ancient culture to a contemporary
Western—style democracy.

They are being helped, as have all 1.8 million other olim since 1948, by the
Jewish Agency, main beneficiary agency of the United Jewish Appeal/Community Campaigns
in the U.S. The Campaigns enable American Jews to play a role in pidyon hashevuim,
redemption of the captives, and help improve the economic and social life of the
people of Israel.

Next month: "A Diary of Absorption"





This outstanding series is being re—
broadcast, beginning on Sunday, Jan. 20
at 10:00 p.m., in nine weekly install—
ments. On January 29, at 10:00 a.m. at
the Lexington Senior Citizens Center
(1530 Nicholasville Road), a discussion
course will begin using the program
material. A Video tape of the tele—
course will be shown at 9:00 a.m. before
each discussion. The leader will be
Mark Luckens, Ph.D., a retired univer—
sity professor.

Call Mrs. Hanna, at the Council on
Aging (257—3138) if you wish to enroll.


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1985 a discussion
of "Circulatory Problems in the Older
Person” will be presented by Dr. Gordon
Hyde, a member of the Department of
Surgery at the University of Kentucky
Medical Center. The program will take
place in Room 230 of the New Student
Center at 4:00 p.m.


Dinner Theatre Party...Happy Hour...
Adult Volleyball...Skiing..."Singles
Serenade” Dance...Trivial Pursuit
Party...Playhouse in the Park...Single
Parenting...Drop—In Lounge...Desserts...
opportunities unlimited!

Check with Judy at CKJA (277—8048).
She will provide you with a list of
other interested persons, a road map
and a coupon for a few gallons of gas,
and you will be on your way to a Spring
Bash or a broken leg on the slopes...
whatever, you'll be doing it with other
SJM's and F's.

333 Waller Avenue
Lexington, Kentucky 40504

Phyllis Scher, Editor

Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager Cjwfii

Gloria Katz, President
Judith Saxe, Community Worker



Join this lively group of seniors
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, at 12:00 noon
for a brown—bag lunch (beverage will
be provided) at the Temple-

Tomas Milch will speak on ”How to
Maximize your Cash Flow."


Evelyn Geller, CKJA Budget & Alloca—
tions Chair, announced that requests for
funding support of non—profit or charita—
ble organizations are now being accepted.
All requests should be submitted to her
in writing to 3493 Sutherland Drive,
Lexington, KY 40502. The deadline for
the requests is Feb. 18, 1985.

Grants to other organizations are
made from funds remaining after alloca—
tions are made to the United Jewish
Appeal. Consideration is given to re—
quests from national and international
Jewish organizations and various Israeli
organizations and charities. Funds may
also be requested by or for non—Jewish
or non—sectarian organizations.

The recommendations of the Budget &
Allocations Committee must be approved by
the CKJA Board. Following that approval,
the complete list of allocations from
1984 funds will be published in the
CKJA newsletter.


Camperships and Israel scholarship
applications for the 1985 season are
available through CKJA. For applications
contact Evelyn D. Geller, 3493 Sutherland
Drive, Lexington, KY 40502; 273—8972
(call between 10 and 11 p.m.), or the
CKJA office at 277—8048.



Suite 5

(606) 277-8048 Liam'fii‘us








'4“ *“ V W ‘< l-‘ I H (D n o I C
I :3 :13 H a m w m
' I
FEBRUARY 3 ll 5 6 7 8 9
9 ‘ 5 Havurah Retreat
1:30 Temple Congrega-
tional Meeting
8 p.m. Hadassah Study _ 7:30 p.m. Temple Bd.
Series with Imer 7'30 piEU Temole AdUIt 8:00 P-m- 025 Board 8 p.m. Hadassah 8 p.m. CKJA Camp Shalom
Steier ucation Committee Meeting
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
10 a.m. Temple Brother-
- T‘ 1) Ad \x \l
8.00 p.m. 8 p.m. CKJA Super Amp L ath l,r1t
. Sisterhood Dinner
7:30 028 Adult Educa- Hadassah Board Mtng. Sunday Committee Dance
tion Discussion Meeting
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ohavay Zion Synagogue
Sisterhood Meeting
. 8 p.m. CKJA Community Hadassah DiSCUSSion CKJA INTERACTII
CKJA Men's Division Activities Committee Group
Solicitor Training 8 p m CKJA Budget
7_ w W Committee w , _%__¢
2A 25 26 27 28 MARCH 1 t
12:30 Hadassah Book
CKJA FORUM rERIES Discussion at ‘
3 12:00 TAI Mitzvah Corps Esther Moskovitz's Scholar in Residence 8 pvm. LKJA INTERAFT l
“The Future of the at Temple
American Jewish 8 p.m. CKJA BOARD Mtng.
Community” with
David Sidorsky, 8 p.m. Hadassah
8 p.m. at the Temple
3 q 5 6 7 8 g
3 p m. CKJA Purim
Preschool Party
8 p.m. UKFAJA lecture 7:30 p.m. Temple Bd. / F ‘7
with Ruth Link-Salinge 8:00 p.m. 025 Board 8 p-m- (MM INTFRN‘ '1

CKJA Men's Divi5ion
”Guardians of Zion”










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S algns 9nU9AV Jallem {EE












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11/2 dozen bagels'
Alaroe Cream cheese
3 oz. lox
QE 7
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7 HADASSAH  10x BOX 1 y. I ‘3_'v . 'HADASSAH;LOX.BDX,-
sUHDAY, MARCH 3, 1985 , A ' v .SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1985

>Al1 orders include: _ 1 dozen bagels All orders include: 4 dozen bagels

-‘ 8 Oz. cream cheese . ' ' 7 I- ' 8 oz. cream_ cheese

'3.VYOuL$electi ' a; f;(:) : You select: E? 5;”:
7:»-‘H1 _.K"‘ C].,12.o oz. salami ‘ 1 . . E] 120 02-  531ami


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.I,Specia1 Instructions' "*~IB” ' ’ i 7 Special Instructions:


QDCDeck here if gift ordei.......g[j’v _ ChéCk here if 81ft order. ---r--E3
*ffGift from ,,. y ' Gift from

If(Recipients Will .be .notified 0f delivery) ' (Recipients will be notified of delivery)



'DSend orders and checks (Payable to Hadassah) 7” Send orders and checks (Payable to Hadassah)

-to Jo Mink 5411 Parker 8 MilI Rd , to: Jo Mink 5h11 Parker 5 Mill Rd.

7. A Lexingt on, Ky. #0513 Lexington, Ky. #0513

~F9r additional informatlon  cal1= For additional information call-

' J9 Mink 255— 7520 Bobbie Shain 266— —5208;2 Jo Mink  255— 7520 Bobbie Shain 266 5208