xt75qf8jhb4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jhb4h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 2002 2002 2002-02-01 2020 true xt75qf8jhb4h section xt75qf8jhb4h PRinYKflNTUOKY

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Penalties sell-inposed by the
school and accepted by the NCAA'

UK agrees to reduce the per-
missible limit of 25 initial scholar-
ships in football to to in 2002-3003.
to is in 2003-2004 and to 22 in

UK will limit the number of of-
ficial visits (by recruits) to 36 in
2001-2002 and to 40 in 2002-2003.
The university has averaged 47 offi-
cial visits in football over the past
four years out of the permissible

For the next two years. UK
will reduce the number of permissi-
ble football coaches to recruit in a
given week from seven to six.

A total of four athletics rep-
resentatives were disassociated for
periods between three and five

At the suggestion of Presi-
dent Lee Todd, a compliance line
was established using a toll-free
telephone number. Employees. stu~
dent-athletes and representatives
of the university's athletic interests
may use it to report an incident or

Additional penalties imposed
by the committee on infractions:

- The committee found the
school had a lack of institutional
control for failure to monitor the
head football coach.

- Three years of probation
from Jan. 31, 2002.

- A one-year postseason bowl
ban for the 2002 season.

- A three-year reduction in the
total number of football scholar-
ships from 85 to 80.

- The former recruiting coordi-
nator (Bassett) received an eight-
year show cause order. preventing
him from being hired by another
NCAA institution without that insti-
tution showing justification that he
should be hired.

- The university is required to
obtain signature control of all
booster club accounts that support
the athletic department.

- The university will be subject
to the NCAA’s repeat-violator provi-
sions for a five-year period begin-
ning Jan. 31. 2002.


Pondering Athletics Director Larry lvy's

future | 8

elebrating 30 years of independence

NCAA sacks UK
with sanctions

‘This is an embarrassment': 41-page report cites 3 dozen violations,

pins UK with bowl ban, scholarship loss and recruitment restrictions

By Tom Soper

“All willlik‘

'l‘he Nl‘.-\.-\ lililllil'll l'lx'
t‘i'iiin postseason play. will st'liol
lll'\lilp\ .intl l‘t'.‘~ll‘ll'lt‘ll l‘i‘l‘l'llll
mu t‘tl‘tii'ts in whzit ol‘tieizils will
Thursday was one of the worst
recruiting: scandals in nu ent

The Nt‘.\,\ found more
than three (lo/en Violations
t‘oiniiiittetl lt\ l'l\'

“'l‘hh is :iii l‘lllliJll'leNlllt‘lll
to the lllll\'t‘l\li_\'. ilk .in einlizii'
i'zissnient to our link [illll it‘s .‘lll
eiiilmi itissnieiit tn the .-\lllll‘llt"\
l)ep:n'tiiit~iit." ’m’llll Athletics lli
l't'l'illl' l.;ii‘i‘\' l\'_\‘

The penalties were re
vealed in ii ll-llll‘gl' report llll‘ll
hy the MINA [hymen l lllll'lll‘
lltlll'w (‘oiniiiittee 'l‘liev mi'llllll'
.'l liziii till howl t‘llijlllllliV for the
gill): l'tiiithgill \ltglNHIl. Ji l‘Nlllt‘
iltlll til lll liltllllfilll scholarships
over :i llll‘l'l'-\'r';lt‘ period and .l
i‘esti‘it‘tioii on i‘ei‘i‘nitiiiu \'l\li\
intitle oil l'éllllllll\

The Athletics llepat‘tiiient
will he on iii'olizition for three

ll tiny .\'( .‘\.»\ i‘iiles \"llllil
illlil\ tll'l‘lll within the depart
nieiit lllll'llltl the next live \‘ezii‘s.
l'K \Vlll lli’ t‘llll\ltll‘l‘t'll :i "i‘t-iiezit
oileiitlei ” :iiitl more sew-rt-
l)i’llr'llllt"\ mnltl lie imposed

Willi the exception of the
bowl hill]. the NCAA's sane-
tioiis iiizititherl the ['K titlininis-
nation‘s reeoniinended selfiin
posed penalties. which were zin-
nount‘erl ltist year,

Siispit'ions were made pull-
lle about the program in No
veniliei‘ when The (‘oiii‘ier
Journal in Lonisi'ille published

See NCAA on 3


(35133513.: .‘5’ 52‘ r; . .l' 5 air“;
President Lee Todd addresses the media at a news conference following
the NCAA's announcement about the football program Thursday.

http: www.liyliernel.com


Groupto review
Athletics, report
due in 4 weeks

By Ashley Vorli

Hw'i'ri'iN 4“

l’l't'*~llll‘lll Lee 'l‘nilil \Illll he 'will now
tissiiine iiltiinite iexiioiiwliilitv tni' l'K
:\llllt'll' s

"(}:\.'eii the institutional lll\lttl‘.' nt
:iihletit i. l’llélllltllx and this llllllslldllk w
i'itnis t’.l\l' l".'e lll‘l iiletl we iiin~t on he
\‘oiitl il‘il\ i'eimi't iiitl the football pl'llL'l’rlll‘i
to look tleeiiei‘ .it the whole rillllt‘lll “It!"
til/.ititiii,” 'l‘tirltl will 'I‘hiii'xilii‘.‘ :it .i press.
l‘tlllll‘l'i‘lil‘l' :ilitiiit the N( .XAK \rllll‘illlll‘
on His illlllt‘lll'N pi‘ogi iiii

'l‘tirltl llllllltlliit erl .i plan n. \llill l min
inittee '.'.'iil:iii the llt'\l llll"“' to tour week»
tlirit will l‘t'\’l“‘.‘l‘ the l‘llill'l' .-\llilt‘il"'\ lie
ptii‘tiiieiit 'l‘he l'niiiinittee will report to

'l‘iitltl \Jllll illsl’ while its lllll'li'ixi' l\ to
turns on looking forward, the pint iii-oh-
ll‘m\ in l'l\' Athletir s "ill‘lltil lie il‘lf'tl w ith
out further lll\l‘\tltj(llltlll

"I'm not ronitoi‘tsihle with tine iln‘e'
illlll and the istllélllllll tilthe .ithletit s pm
:i'iin." 'lotlrl \lllll 'I do leei this {l\\llt'lfl
tiiii‘. lilll‘l"l'i‘\ \llll‘lt'illll“\ independently of
the I"‘\1 :it'tlie l.llll‘i'l‘l‘\ll\' "

'l‘otltl m'lltl the (lvlllmiilel' :i'ill rilso ie
\‘ieu, ..nl:ition~. r-nniinitterl nntlei former
head ltlr'll'll llzil .\liiiiiiiie Todd \illil he
2|. ill xiniit illl the t'lllilllll"““\ [l\\l‘\f\lil“lll lit-lore making any
personnel I liiiinzes ill\lll~"ll’l."."\llll"ll("~““1Hl‘llllt‘lll

‘l‘iii not :I'Hll: to talk slii't‘ifl'illlV rllllllll {Ill}. personnel is
\lii‘w iiiitil we :et ’li.i' :‘iczmi. l wziii? lll2‘~
Hi lll' rifll‘l'

The lili‘llilll'l\ «it the roiiiiiizttee :iiitl INSIDE
the wax‘ the? mil handle the review .
prom» :ii‘e willl ‘ilill‘i'lilll‘i. lint Todd \rllll AnalYZlnq the
his litilw ;\ ll": 'i’ the lll’tl‘l‘\\ at iii l)(' (’1 mm appeals process
tei tit weeks not I'l.til‘ill‘.\ He also wei
(’llll"(l i‘t-I ruiniwiitlitiiiiis whom who wwll l 3

I’m not
ble with
of the
program: '

- Lee Todd,
UK PreSIdent

.\iz «Ei'iitze .s 'i. it t-'.'ei‘j.tli.iiu is on
the lilllil' to: i‘l"»'il"i.\'. he \r’illl

Todd \{llfl he hits risked lltrh Lawson, a law professor and
former fll‘lll‘i of the (‘rillegze tit Law. to hi'illl the committee. but
didn‘t nziiiie any oi the other iiieinliers,

Rims \\ illiziins. shill representative on the Board of
Trustee» -\;i.tl Lawson is i great t'lllll(’f' for the committee “He
llllx one at the linear reputation; of anyone at [K he said

Wiiiinns and Todd rui‘eed that 'h“lll1flllli.15ltflfl(k(lfll‘mll
Tlllrtllltll vriiiti‘ol a. is i i'itit .il to the :‘lli'ill‘t' llfélil‘.l"'i(\

'li's time tr. «1;» the 'lllt‘xlllll'lrs \lllp the rumors. \lflp the art
tii\,'iritiii~,” Trirlrl xiiitl
Staff writer Casey Hamilton contributed to this article.

\“l“."‘ Hi".



Former UK foot-
ball recruiting
Following alle-
gations of NCAA
rules violations,
he resigned on
Nov. 20. 2000.
The NCAA Divi-
sion I Commit-
tee on lnfrac-
lions found him
in violation of ethical conduct bylaws.



Hal Hume

During illnnme’s

tenure as UK's

head football


Bassett commit-

ted the viola-

tions. l-le de-

nied any prior

knowledge of

Bassett's activi-

ties. Resigned Me
on leb. 9. 2001.

receiving a $2 million contract buyout.

Policy: Other Kentucky public universities
allow 24-hour visitation for opposite sex

By Sara “Nubia


CM. Newton

Newton came to

UK in i989, fol-

lowing the Eddie

Sutton basket-

baN scandal. lie

was athletics di-

rector during

the time the vi-

olations oc-

curred. but re-

tired in June m
2000. before

the violations we discovered.

successor to re-



UK's athletics
director. ivy '
was associate
director when
the violations
occu'red. Ne
took over as
athletics direc-


ton retired , M

a few months ”1

later, in October

2000, news of the violations rote.


occurred while
Nethington was
president. it will
be Todd‘s job to
M the M
ishnients given
by the NCAA. He
has formed a
c' ee to
review the ath-
letic department's practices.

after New-

Look around the state: Comparison of visitation policies shows
that all but Morehead and UK allow 24-hour dorm visitation



Zd-hoir ooposrte sex
wSitat or ‘or some

reSIder'ce hails

The last time UK altered its visitation policy. Gun Smoke
topped the TV ratings. John F. Kennedy

was president and Dick Clark was 31 years


The policy. written in 1961. is highly
conservative compared to other Kentucky
universities and needs to be modified. said
Joe Impellizzeri. senator-at-large and chair
of housing and residency for Student Gov-


Murray State
24-nour ooposnte sex
Visttatmns seven days

a week


Some students
do not want 24-
hour visitation in
dorms I 3

"In our research. we found UK‘s policy
is generally more conservative than other
public universities in the state." said Edwin Orange. chairman

of the 86 Senate.

Student Government and Residence Student Council are
working together to write a proposal that may include 24~hour

Varying forms of 24-
ticur copos'te sex

See POUCY on 3



N3 ‘3'" 3’ 24""9“ Ell-hour opposite sex
3500839 SEX lSrffl’ I sitafor a some
3‘7" rescaoce areas




Zd-boix apposnte sex
V‘Slldllof‘ hursday to


24-hCu' 32505 is sex
v'sita‘ or ‘hu'sdav to


atthe Uvsity of Kentucky, H ‘


 2 l raiokvl‘ié'ieukirv T. 20021 KEITHCflERIEL—


The Low-down

Honestly. I
don't think
we'll lose a
I don't
know. As
far as not
having a
bowl to
strive for.
I'm sure
our kids
will be dis-

UK football


3? E4

The front
moving through
this weekend
will cool things
down for a while
21' it‘tx‘ti‘tw is
tiers. . .,

VOL 8l09

tips *3
Call 257-1915 or


UK fiction, poetry contest opens

The Creative Writing Department is now ac~
cepting manuscripts for its annual Dantzler Fic-
tion and Farquhar Poetry contests. The deadline
is Feb. 28 and the contests are open to all UK un-
dergraduates. A cash prize of $200 is awarded to
each winner. Entries should be typed. doubled
spaced and should have the author's name and
address clearly indicated on the story. Fiction
should not exceed 15 pages. Poetry submissions
should not exceed eight pages. The awards will
be presented in April at the Department of Eng-
lish's annual awards ceremony. Send manu-
scripts to Professor Gurney Norman. Depart
ment of English. POT. 1215. UK. Lexington Ky.


State park planned for Pine Mountain

FRANKFORT The state will use federal
money and a state fund for land and water con
servation to acquire the rugged Pine Mountain
Trail in eastern Kentucky. Gov. Paul Patton
said Thursday. The trail. which traverses the
summit of Pine Mountain from Elkhorn City to
Pineville. is "a great asset that needs to be pre-
served." Patton said in a news conference. The
trail would become a “linear state park." 120
miles long and 1.000 feet wide Volunteers have
restored and marked 28 miles of trail in Pike
and Letcher counties. It eventually would be
connected with the Cumberland Trail State
Park being developed in Tennessee. Expansion
of mining would be restricted in the area. as
would oil and gas well drilling and logging.

House approves photo IDs for kids

FRANKFORT ., Parents across Kentucky
could choose to obtain photo identification cards
for their youngsters under a bill approved by the
House Transportation Committee on Thursday.
The ID cards would be available for children
ages 2 to 1:”). Parents deciding to participate
would go to circuit court clerks‘ offices to get the
cards. The card would also contain the child's
name and a toll-free number for the Kentucky
Missing Person Clearinghouse. The voluntary
child identification program would be run by the
state Transportation Cabinet. Each card would
cost $4 to obtain. with the cabinet and the circuit
court clerk's offices splitting the money.

Former Nirvana
bassist, Krlst
Novoselic and
drummer turned
Foo Fighters
frontman Dave
Grohl, have filed
a countersult
against Courtney
Love. labeling the
Hole singer a
"greedy prima
donna" with a
"waning record-
lng and acting
career” and
accusing her of
using her late
husband's mus:c
to "further her
own career
goals." The suit
comes seven
months after
Love sued
and Universal
Music, in her own
attempt to
dissolve their
partnership and
gain sole custody
of the seminal
grunge band's
music. Love
claimed she only
agreed to form
the partnership.
known as Nirvana
LLC, because she
was stoned at
the time.
Naturally. Love
responded to
Grohl and
lawsuit with her
own open letter
to fans, signed
by "The Family of
Kurt Cobain."
"Kurt Cobain was
Nirvana," Love





Harlan County miner dies in accident

FRANKFURT A Harlan County miner
died Thursday from injuries he sustained in an
underground mining accident at Lone Mountain
Processing Inc‘s Huff Creek mine in Harlan
County. authorities said. According to the Ken
tucky Department of Mines and Minerals,
Franklin W. Jenkins. 32. of Wise. Va.. was struck
by a battery powered coal hauler at approximate-
ly 5::10 a.m. Thursday morning. Authorities said
the hauler operator was not hurt in the accident
but was hospitalized for possible shock. He was
the only witness to the accident. Jenkins is Ken-
tucky‘s first mine fatality of 2002. The accident is
under investigation by the Kentucky Department
of Mines and Minerals and the Mine Safety
Health Administration.


Senate candidates raise millions

WASHINGTON Kentucky's US. Senate
race is shaping up to be an expensive battle. Re-
publican Sen. Mitch McConnell filed a fund-rais—
ing report with the Federal Election Commission
Thursday showing that he had $3.5 million on
hand at the end of last month. He took in about $1
million during the sixmonth reporting period
that ended Dec. 31. Of that. about $800,000 came
from individual donors and $200,000 came from
Political Action Committees associated with core
porations and interest groups. Democrat Lois
Combs Weinberg's report showed that she had
about $740,000. Weinberg's report showed that
she put $93000 of her own money in her war
chest during the six-month reporting period.

Death row inmates claim retardation

RALEIGH. NC. Nearly one in five of
North Carolina's death row inmates has claimed
to be mentally retarded in an attempt to win a re-
duced sentence of life in prison. Thursday was
the last day for already-condemned prisoners to
seek retroactive protection under a new law that
bans the execution of mentally retarded inmates.
About 40 of the state's 213 death row inmates
have invoked the law.

Authorities find police badges for sale

NASHVILLE. Tenn. —-- More than 900 law en~
forcement badges w from the FBI to the New
York Police Department - were purchased over
the Internet as part of a two-state undercover
probe into the black market badge trade. The
number and availability of the badges — both
real and counterfeit * presented a domestic secu-
rity threat. the FBI said. The badges obtained
represented more than 40 agencies. including the
US. Secret Service. the US. Border Patrol. the
US. Postal Police. the Drug Enforcement Agency.
military police. security police from Air Force
One and police departments in at least 20 states.
FBI spokesman Jon Stephens said no one should
accept badges as the only identification from peo-
ple representing themselves as law enforcement
officers. He said people should request photo
identification as further proof.

Considering all the
bad press it has
earned him over
the years. you'd
think by now
Michael Jackson
would just leave
the subject of kids
alone. Instead. we
get this: the self-
proclaimed King of
Pop making a
pitch for
"Children's Day."
The singer tells
the latest issue of
Vibe that he would
like to see a
national holiday
established by
children and
promoting their
welfare. "There's
3 Mother's Day
and there's a
Father's Day, but
there's no
Children's Day,"
Jackson tells the
magazine. "It
would mean a lot.
It really would.
World peace. l
hope that our next
generation will get
to see a peaceful
world. not the way
things are going
now." The 43-
year-old singer
also notes that he
often gains
inspiration from
his interactions
with children and
they bring to the
world. "I've never
had so much fun
in all my life.
That‘s the truth. I
learn more from
them than they
learn from me."
Jackson added.


Armored car robbery nets $1.9 million

RUTLAND. Vt. ,, A gunman robbed an ar-
mored car company's office Thursday, tying up
two guards and getting away with about $1.9 mil-
lion. the company's owner said. The robbery hap-
pened between 5:30 am. and 6:30 am. at the
downtown Rutland office of Berkshire Armored
Car Services Inc, owner Jerry Reder said from
the company's headquarters in Pittsfield. Mass.
Reder said no one was injured but estimated that
$1.9 million was taken. Officials said a driver in a
getaway car may have been waiting nearby.


Afghan warlords fight for territory

GARDEZ. Afghanistan -. Terrified families
huddled in basements or tied on foot Thursday as
rival Afghan warlords waged artillery battles for
control of the strategic town. killing at least 43
people and injuring dozens of others. The fierce
fighting gave new urgency to Afghan leader
Hamid Karzai's appeal for an expanded interna‘
tional security force to be deployed outside the
capital. Kabul. to stave off such factional battles.
The fighting could complicate American efforts

including clandestine operations led by small
hands of US. special forces to root out fugitive
Taliban and al-Qaida fighters in Paktia province.
Paktia. which borders Pakistan. includes numer-
ous smuggling routes that Taliban and al-Qaida
fugitives could use to escape Afghanistan.

Sharon wishes he'd killed Arafat in '82

JERUSALEM Ariel Sharon says he‘s sorry
he didn‘t have Yasser Arafat “liquidated" while
he had a chance , 20 years ago. during an Israeli
siege of Beirut. Sharon's musings about the
missed opportunity. published Thursday. raised
eyebrows abroad but wouldn't have surprised
most Middle Easterners. where the bitter.
decadeslong personal enmity is widely seen as a
key element of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Israeli prime minister spoke as his tanks
surrounded Arafat's compound in the West Bank
town of Ramallah. trapping the Palestinian
leader inside. His remarks in an interview with
the Maariv daily coincide with speculation that
this time. Sharon hopes to finish off his old ene-
my. Sharon's part in the Lebanon invasion drew
him a rebuke from an official Israeli commission
of inquiry. which found him indirectly responsi-
ble for a massacre of Palestinian refugees in
Beirut by Christian militiamen in September
1982. while Sharon's troops controlled the area.

Compiled from wire reports


online this week


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that fr
tor Cl

he is

said I




was \
tee o
of th(

and a

is rev
(lio c


By Kr
ing 1
ter. .1
and 5


va. t







Continued from page 1

copies of $1.400 in money orders
that former recruiting coordina-
tor Claude Bassett sent to a high
school coach in Memphis. Tenn.

UK President Lee Todd said
he is disappointed in the whole

"I don‘t mind saying at this
point I‘d rather not be here."
said President Lee Todd as he
stepped up to the podium at a
news conference Thursday

Todd will appoint a commit-


tee to review the operations and
practices of UK Athletics.

Bob Lawson, a law profes-
sor and former dean of the Col—
lege of Law. will lead the team

Todd said he was surprised
anti disappointed that the
NCAA declared UK ineligible
for a bowl appearance and that
he might appeal the ruling.

It was the first instance in
which a football program has
been declared ineligible for post-
season play since 1995.

“If I question anything in
the report. it is the loss of bowl
eligibility." Todd said. “The
greatest punishment is really on
our Sitlflt‘lllsélihlt’it‘s and the

coaches that have taken over a
program that was in trouble."

With the NCAA's report
having just been released to UK
Wednesday. coach Guy Morriss
said he's not exactly sure what
effect it will have on recruiting.

“To some degree it would be
speculation." Morriss said. “I
have not had a chance to sit
down with my staff and crunch
some numbers and see what the
effects of the reduction from 85
to 80 will do to us."

More pressing is what this
means for this year's recruiting

National signing day is Feb.
6.. and Morriss said he's confir
dent the program will be able to

President might appeal
NCAA’s postseason ban

Next: Todd will consult SEC commissioner,
Morriss and his staff about possible appeal

By Will Nesser

The running gag Thursday
was why the NCAA's Commit
tee on infractions slapped the
Cats who finished 29 in 2001

with a bowl ban for 2002.

As trivial as the ban
seemed to some. President Lee
Todd said it was the only aspect
of the report UK might appeal.

“We need to evaluate
whether we believe this is fair
and appropriate." he said of the
bowl ban at a news conference.

“The greatest punishment
is really on our student-athletes
and coaches who have taken
over a program that was in

Todd did not speculate on
when he would reach a decision
about an appeal.

He plans to consult with
Southeastern Conference Coin-
missioner Roy Kramer and
coach Guy Morriss and his staff
before making a decision.

()scar Combs. host of a ra~
dio call—in show for the UK Ra-



By Kristin Durbin
Sim WRllER 7

Antonia Stoyanova is tak-
ing 17 credit hours this semes-
ter. As a chemistry sophomore.
Stoyanova said she studies at
least four to five hours a day
and she prefers to study in her
room in Boyd Hall.

The Student Government
proposal that would allow 24~
hour opposite sex visitation
bothers students like Stoyano-
va. though an online poll con-

dio Network and former owner
of Cats Pause sports publica-
tion. said Todd will seek out
Kramer because of his back?

Kramer served as a mem-
ber of the Committee on Infrac»
tions from 1988-1997 and could
advise Todd about the validity
of an appeal. f‘ombs said,

Combs added that the bowl
ban is severe because it could
prompt players to transfer. A
NCAA rule allows players with
one year of eligibility to trans-
fer without sitting out a season
if their school is banned from
postseason play for the rest of
their eligibility.

LeRon Ellis. a sophomore
center and leading scorer for
IYK‘s 1988-89 basketball team.
took advantage of this rule.

I’K faced two years of post-
season probation. Ellis chose to
transfer to Syracuse and was el»
igible for the 1989-90 season.

As for the appeals process
itself. Jane Jankowski. NCAA
assistant director for public re-
lations. said it can be nearly as

drawn out and complicated as
the actual investigation.

If UK appeals. the first step
is to file an appeals notice. Then
UK must file the formal appeal
with the NCAA.

The Committee on Infrac-
tions is then given the ()pptil‘IlI-
nity to respond to the appeal

Finally. the Infractions Ap-
peals Committee. a separate en‘
tity from the Committee on In-
fractions. will rule on the ap-

.Iankowski said if UK ap-
peals it could request a hearing
in front of the appellate com
mittee. or have the committee
rule solely on the actual appeal.

Todd said Thursday that if
UK does appeal. it will not ask
for a hearing.

David P. Roselle. president
of Delaware University and UK
president from 1987-89. under
stands the decision Todd faces.

Roselle did not appeal sanc-
tions imposed on UK's men‘s
basketball program in 1989.

Roselle. who said he is a
“close friend" of Todd's. said he
trusted Todd to make the cor-
rect decision.

“If he thinks it ought to be
appealed. then it ought to be ap
pealed." he said.

salvage the recruits

“I feel pretty good about it,"
he said. “We've talked to (poten-
tial recruits) about reduction in
scholarships and possible addi
tional penalties."

Morriss said that some ol
the coaches who are on recruit
ing visits have been made
aware of the report anti will be
contacted to get some feedback.

”I don't know how much
damage is going to be done." he

“We‘ve been open Willi kids
that we‘ve been recruiting. The
good things that made them do
cide to come here in the first
place are still here."

UK’s major infractions

1953 - Two years after win-
ning the national title. Adolph
Rupp's basketball team is found by
the NCAA to have violated rules
regarding financial aid and eligibil-
ity. The program was placed on
probation and banned from post-
season play for one year.

1964 - The football team is
given one year probation and
banned from bowl play for con-
ducting questionable, out-of—sea-
son practices.

l976 - Fresh off its
Southeastern Conference title,
coach Fran Curci's football
program is found to have violated
rules involving financial aid. extra
benefits, complimentary tickets
and improper recruiting enter-
tainment. UK was deemed to have
a lack of institutional control and
given two years of probation. one
of the two without TV or postsea-
son appearances.

l989-- Sports illustrated
publishes cover story,
“Kentucky’s Shame," detailing the
basketball program's violations
for paying recruits, academic
fraud. The NCAA also deemed UK
to have a lack of institutional con-
trol in the matter that put UK on
probation for three years, includ-
ing no postseason play in the first
two years of the Rich Pitino era.

2002 - NCAA finds that the
football program violated a slew
of recruiting and academic rules.
mostly stemming from the actions
of former recruiting coordinator
Claude Bassett. UK receives a
one-year ban from bowl play,
loses i9 scholarships over three

policy idea bothers some

ducted by 80 said that 98 per-
cent favor change in the policy.

Nicole Hardin. a telecom-
munications senior. said if the
proposal passed. she would
worry about security in the
dorms. “I don't think it would
be terribly safe." she said.

Even students who support
the initiative have concerns.

A..I. Beck. a mechanical en-
gineering sophomore. said the
policy is outdated and needs to
be changed. though he fears
SG‘s proposal could



Continued from page i

visitation for the opposite sex.

Visitation policies differ
throughout the state and most
are more lenient than UK‘s

The University of Louisville
allows two options for opposite
sex visitation.

In eight residence halls. 24-
hour visitation is permitted sev-
en days a week. In two others.
visitation is more limited.

At Western Kentucky I} ni-
versity. students hav e

In the single-gender dorms.


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cause problems.

Beck said latenight visi~
tors. especially of the opposite
sex. might cause friction be-
tween roommates.

Katie Vogelsang. a sopho-
more resident adviser in Kir-
wan II agreed.

“Some (students) aren‘t up-
front enough to say something
and end up living pretty

Kevin Steele. minister to
students at the Newman Cen
ter. said he supported a trial-

opposite sex visitation is permit-
ted Sunday through Thursday
from 10 am. until midnight. A
policy of 24-hour visitation ex-
ists on the weekends. In coed
residence halls. Zl-hour visita-
tion is allowed the entire week.

WKL also has halls under
community living where resi-
dents vote on visitation policies.

Northern Kentucky Univer-

run of the proposed policy. as
long as issues of safety and pri
vacy continue to be dealt with

”There is value in experi
mentation." Steele said

One student proposed an
alternative plan that would :11
low 24~hour opposite sex visita
tion on weekends

“A lot of people don‘t study
on Friday and Saturday
nights.” said Melissa Pena. ar.
ISf‘, senior

“Why don't they try it just
on weekends?"

sity permits residents of each
hall wing to vote on visitation
hours within set guidelines.

One of the halls and the
apartments on campus are un-
der a 24—hour Visitation policy

"The policy we have here
works pretty well." said John
Rasp. a computer science major
at NKII. “The 24-hour Visitation
is a great option."




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Week ofJamiary 28 February 3,2002

_ rrnés -
‘ - ' - ‘ http/i'www uky edu/Campus

Calendar '~. 257 aaéi-lr- .


'Math Tutoring. / 1 .

., 3 .
seonrs Ff l
IHSA Stock, Seat Show “ , '

3;; /;,. . ’ F'l t'»l‘~n/

'Lihrary Sen/ice to African Americans in
Kentucky From the. Reconstruction Em to the 19609 by. Reinette Jones

'UK Tae Kwon 00 Club


“Catholic Mass. *3 70in =10 Jose L»


‘IHSA Hunt 8: Stock Seat Show Flaw U dim;
College, Enaestmr Ceo'ev

NA, 1:00PM.

Rupp Arena

'Kompo Self-Defense, 3 00pm Alumni gym

'UK Tae Kwon Do Club, ‘7 00am ‘2 30pm A'iJH‘lW Gym .i'if‘

Catholic Mass r-

University Worship Service I. S U n

Math Tutoringl108/109l.

'Math Tutoringi123l - . ‘

‘History Tutoringi104/105l107i - .

History Tutoring i107’108l1091 '

English Tutoring, .


‘IHSA Hunt 8. Stock Seat Show "4 ’t,‘ .‘2 i.

'IJohn Edmonds, Knntuckv Artist Series I

'UK Judo Club i :





Tuition Program

0 Are you an out of state student?
0 Are you a full-time undergraduate?

0 Did either of your parents
graduate from UK?

Starting fall 2002 UK Will offer in-state toition
rates to eligible Children of UK graduates To
find out more. contact us at (859) 257-3256.

Applications are available in
Room 100 F