xt75qf8jh89b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75qf8jh89b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1988 1988 1988-01-25 2020 true xt75qf8jh89b section xt75qf8jh89b  




The Cool Cats learn that it’s not over ’til
the fat lady sings. SEE PAGE 3.





‘Couch Trip’ offers
meaningless fun. SEE PAGE 4.


Today: Chance of snow
Tomorrow: Cloudy & cold






Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. N0. 93

EM 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Condoms in machines a,
get varying reactions

News Editor

Candy machines in UK’s residence
halls were stocked with condoms
Friday. And while the supply was
sufficient for most dormitories, it
wasn‘t for Keeneland Hall.

Sometime between Friday and
yesterday afternoon, Keeneland
Hall’s candy machine sold out of
condoms. A survey of all UK resi-
dence halls showed that they were
the only one that was sold out.

Allen Rieman, director of UK aux-
ilary services, said he wasn‘t sur-
prised by Keeneland’s situation.

UK expected “that the sales (of
condoms) the first couple weeks
would be heavy just because of the
uniqueness,“ Rieman said.

Ned Benson, hall director of
Keeneland Hall (a coed hall), also
said he thought that the high sales
were due to the novelty of the con-

“I wouldn‘t go so far to say that
we are more sexually active (than
other hallsi,“ Benson said. Rather,
Benson said he attributed the popu-
larity to residents who wanted to
purchase one of the first condoms
that were installed in UK’s candy
machines as collector‘s items.

But while some Keeneland resi-
dents are collecting them, other
campus residents are opposing their

“I would think it would be more
logical to put them in the rest
rooms," said Brent Curtis, a mar-
keting senior. “That way they
wouldn't be out in the open."

Curtis said that he doesn‘t think
the condoms should be hidden, “just
not in the candy machines.“

Paul Miller Jr., a telecommunica-
tions junior, said that his main con—
cern was the visibility. “I feel they
should put them in the rest room; I
think it's tacky (having condoms in
the candy machines). You got par-

ents going through here and they no-
tice that.“

Steve Schroering, Holmes Hall di-
rector. said that the objection by
some students to their location is un-

“If they're old enough to use
them, they're old enough to get over
that (condoms are in the candy ma-
chinesi," he said.

Bernard Vonderheide, director of
UK public relations, said that the
issue of condoms being in the candy
machines is a “non-issue."

“I think the objective was, not to
put them in candy machines,“ but to
make them readily available, Vonv
derheide said.

“I think it's gone very well . . . to
the credit of the student leaders who
were involved with it from the
start,“ Vonderheide said.

One of those student leaders,
though, understands why students
may be offended.

Student Government Association

independentshce 1971

Monday, January 25. 1988


Condoms made their way into basement candy machines of all but one UK dormitory Friday.

President Cyndi Weaver said SGA’s
“recommendation to the University

. was to put (condom) vending
machines in bathrooms."

The SGA proposal stated that con-
doms should be made accessible
while “offending the least number of
people possrble," Weaver said.


i éfi r», ‘


The thinker
g.- ‘4 ”f '3 :



Jay Kllgore. a biology freshman, studies alone in the Funkhouser but now is home to many of UK's student and

building. Funkhouser used to be the biological sciences building,


financial aid serv-



New entertainment coming to market

Staff Writer

hexington's Festival Market is
trying to live up to its name by add-
ing new entertainment to its market
and restaurant fare.

In addition to existing entertain-
ment at the market, the Festival
Market is adding a group of five
members called “The Troupe," who
will perform song-and-dance rou-
tines for customers.

Only nine other retail properties in
the United States are involved in
similar activities, according to

CAE attracting students

Staff Writer

Collegians for Academic Excel-
lence is recruiting academic achiev-
ers by sponsoring a phones-thou

“We hope to attract academically
qualified studen ," said Lynn Za-
remba, CAE’s camp‘s liaison direc-
tor. "tittiestudenthasthetrchoice
narrowed down to two schools we
mt be able to get them to come

Becky Smith, the market‘s enter-
tainment director.

“It‘s a brand new thing," said
Smith, who is responsible for orga-
nizing and handling all entertain-

Smith, a UK theater graduate.
said they are going through a series
of programs to maintain entertain-
ment at the market.

With the new troupe, Smith said
she wants to fill the market’s stage
with a new kind of entertainment.

Dave Brown, the market's mar-
keting manager, said the “in-house
troupe" seemed to be the best enter-

Zaremba said the phone-a-thon,
which runs tonight from 6:15-83!)
pm. and continues through Thurs-
day, is designed to recruit students
withaspecial touch.

“The students we have choosen to
call are generally upper-level
achievers who said they were inter-
ested in UK and scored well on the
American College 'Iisst (ACI‘),“ said
'I‘ommy Wade. CAE academic re-
cruitment directer.

Zsremba said CAE contacted
more than soo potential students last

tainment to have perform at the

Brown said the Festival Market
players will be similar to the enter-
tainers at Kings Island or Disney

“We want to control the quality of
entertainment. We want to form our
own troupe,“ said Smith. “This is a
big fad across the country. "

Auditions for performers were
held yesterday and today. Smith and
the market’s music director, John
Cole, judged potential troupers on
their ability to sing and dance.

Smith said she was looking for

acting skills and personality as well.

Smith said the paid performers
will entertain 20 hours a week at 20
minutes a performance.

She said this was an attempt to
draw more customers to the market
and is another form of public rela-

But most importantly Smith is ex-
cited to give the already peppy at-
mosphere at Festival Market some
life —— “especially give it some

“We hope to pioneer an avenue of
entertainment," Smith said.

through phone-a-thon

year, and Wade said they hope to
reach about 400-500 this year.

Zaremba said collegians are
matched up with high school seniors
who indicated an interest in the

With this match the students can
ask the CAE member questions
about their major and what it in-

DuringthephonecallCAE mem-
bers can get a student‘s point of

adjustments to ease their anxieties
and fears, Zaremba said.

“We hope to attract these students
and relieve their anxieties,“ Zarem-
ba said.

Wade said it was a “good-will
call" to potential students as well as
an influencing factor in getting aca-
demically inclined students to UK.

“I think this is a good way of mak-
ing UK more well-known and gives
it a more small-town college
image,“ Zsremba said.

“Putting them in basement bath-
rooms would offend the least num-
ber of people possible."

But in the candy machines, con-
doms are “the tackiest thing you
could see," said Hank White. an ani—
mal science senior.

Pam Mitchell,

Fitness of

an advertising

freshman, said she doesn't like to
see the condoms in the candy ma-
chines either.

“It's just kind of stupid.“ Mitchell
said. “When I went to Keeneland, I
got a bag of potato chips by acci-
dent, can you imagine getting a con-
dom (by mistake)?"

the heart

object of program

Contributing Writer

A UK fitness program tailors itself
to the individual to help increase
cardiovascular fitness.

The Syear-old program uses a
pretest to measure the percent of
body fat a person has and a submax-
imal fitness test. which indicates
how efficiently the heart and lungs
are using the oxygen they take in.

“After we know the fitness level of
a person coming into the program,
we can prescribe the intensity and
duration of the excercise program
needed to achieve the target heart
rate for that individual." said John
Hall, the chairman of the depart-
ment of Health. Physical Education
and Recreation.

“The same tests will be given at
the end of the semester to see what
the benefits of the program were.“

Hall said an excercise program
that achieves this target heart rate
and can sustain it for the recom-
mended time limit would increase
cardiovascular fitness.

“A person may not lose weight in
the program," he said, “but lose fat
and gain lean muscle tissue, keeping
their weight the same.“

Participants in the program may
choose from classes in swimming.
walking/jogging and aerobic dance
as ways to get the excercise they
need. The classes are taught three
times a week by graduate students
specializing in different areas of
physical education and excercise

Mary Cheesman, the aerobic
dance instructor for the program,
said that for many of the people in
her class, the goal is not only physi-
cal fitness, but stress reduction.

“A lot of the people in my class
are type A, high-stress individuals,
like doctors, professors. and re-
search graduates,“ Cheesman said.

“For them. the ultimate goal is re-

Cheesman. a graduate student in
excercise physiology. said that while
some of her group . just want to
be able to eat what they want, for a
lot of people it’s a good method of
stress reduction, and a chance to get
in a different atmosphere and get
out of competition for a while."

“When you work full time in an of-
fice. you don‘t get much of a chance
to excercise.“ said Penni Dugger, a
UK employee and graduate student
in business administration. "Go to
school on top of all that. and you can
see why it's so important

Dugger. who has been a member
of the aerobic dance class for all
five years, first joined to get some
exercise and try to keep her weight
down. “Now it‘s also for relaxa-

While Hall agreed that exercise
and physical fitness could help in re-
ducing stress and decreasing heart
problems, he was quick to point out
that exercise is not a cure—all.

“Some people who were notorious-
ly fit have also died of heart at
tacks." Hall said. He explained that
people like world-famous runner
Jim Fixx and basketball star “Pis-
tol" Pete Maravich had undetected
heart problems that probably would
have killed them much earlier if
they had not been in such good

“An active lifestyle is very benefi-
cial." he said. "but it doesn't pre-
clude that you won‘t have a heart at-

“We hope to teach the people in
this program enough about their
own fitness prescription that they
can carry on their own programs at
the end of the semester." Hall said.
“We want to achieve a change in
lifestyle, not just a one-semester ex-
cercise program."

Train wreck kills 90;
Chinese deaths continue

Associated Press

BEIJING — An express train de-
railed early yesterday in the moun-
tains of southem China and 90 peo-
ple were killed and 66 others
seriomly injured, the official Xinhua
News Agency reported.

It was China‘s sixth major trans-
portation accident in a month. A
total of 314 people have been killed.

The No. 80 Kunming-Shanghai ex-
press derailed and overturned at
1:35 am. as it traveled between
Qiewu and Dengjiacun statims, 220
miles from Kunming, capital of
Yunnan province, Xintaia quoted the
Ministry of Railways as saying.

The cause of the derailment was
notknown,Xinl'aia said.

The report did not say how many

cars derailed. how many passengers
were on the train or in which direc-
tion the train was going. It was not
immediately known whether any
foreigners were among the dead or

Acting Premier Li Peng ordered
army and police to the scene to
maintain order. Army units and
local medical workers took the in-
jured to hmpitals.

The accident took place in Yunnan
close to its border with Guizhou
province. The remote region is
among China‘s least developed

Xinhua said officials of both prov-
inces nrshed to the scene and Y“!-
officials were appointed to head an

See I'IAIN. M5


 2 - Kentwky Kernel. Monday. January 28. 1888


ISports Aikioo Japanese Martial Art Beginner Chases. Free; Miami
Gym Lott. 8 30b in .Call 288-0102

oneligious Cornerstone Drama Practice no auditions. lust bring enthu-
siam‘ (Wesley Foundationi, Free, 508 Columbia Ave. 630-8 p.m.; Cut
254-37 14

tReligious Worship Serwce warm a casual gathering tithe ot singing.
prayers. s messages. Free 508 Columbia Ave: 89 30 pin; cut 254-

‘Reltgicos Monday Evening Fellowship (United Campus Ministtyl; Free;
K-i-louse 412F10ae81.opm.CalI254-1881

~Religious Free Meditation Group. Free. Newman Center; 8 pin: Cd

'Soorts Judo Club. Free. Alumni Gym Lott. 5-6 30p m .Cdl 8-4158.

'Exhibit (through 1 30) Art Exhibit Michael Potts, Mei/id Mohaeni. Mah-
nez Koushs. Free 204 Student Center. 105 p n" .Call 7-6687

.ACBOOTTHCS Learning Skills Program — identity Your Lecning Style.
$10 semester 301FrazeeHatl.1-1 509 in Call 7-8873

~$ports Campus Aerobics. Free. K-House-ilz Rose St. 330 pm;
Call 277-5190

OAcademica Last day lor payment at registration tees Nor housing 8

lining less in order to IVOtd caicellation at registration L/or med cud

05ports UK Fencing Club; Free. Alumni Gym. 7'30-930 pm. GUI

tSporta. Japan Kuate Club — SHOTOKAN; Free; Buell Armory; 7.30-

Cflellgious' Lunch 8 Last Lectus guest speakers share about topics
trom their careers 8 three. $1 50; 508 Columbia Ave , 7.30 p m ; Cell 254-

'WI "Tuesday Night Together" — TNT — a time tor worship s
tsilowship; Free; 429 Columbia Ave; 730 p m ,Call 7-3989

Ol-‘ieiigioue: “Cunpus Crusade tor Christ — WEEKLY MEETING"; Free;
Student Center 245; 7.30 p.m.; Cdl 7-3989

tom-r Panel/Slides. UK Students who have visited Nicaragua; Free:
Student Center 205; 7:30;: m ;Call 252-5225

OAcedemms. Learning Skills Progrun — Speed Reading; $10/semeater:
301Frazeeiiall;11-11 50am ;Call7-8873

OOther Who Is "0r. Vladimir Sakharov"? Notes by an "ex-KGBICIA dou-
blsagent". Free;MamorldHali.8p.m.; Calla-3191

IReligious. RCIA - Program For Adults Studying to Become Catholic:
Free. Newman Center. 7 30-9-15 9 m; Call 255-8568

IReligious, Basic Catholic Traditions — Discussion at the Mass. Free;
Newman Center: 7 30pm .Cali 255-8586

'Soofts Aerobics, Free; Newman Center, 5 50-7 p in . 255-8586

lntormdtlon on this calendar or events is collected and 0001de throws
the Student Center Activities Ottice. 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information 8 published an applied by the on-carnpus sponsor. with ed-
itorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expresdon. For student organiza-
tions or University departments to rndte entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calen-
dar form must be tilled outand retuned to the StudentActMties Ottlce.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday proceeding the

publication date.




escorts Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes. Free; Alumni
Gym Lott 8 30 p in Call 266-0102

ISports Wildcat Basketball vs Vanderbilt — Home. Free with lull-time
UKID. Rupp Arena 8 309 in ,Call 7-1818

0Academics Learning Skills Prongn — Study Reading Techniques.
$10 semester 301 Frazee Hall 22 50p in .Call 7-8673

~Movies The Untouchables $1 95. Worsharri Theatre. 8 p m.; Cell 7-

-Movies The Maltese Falcon. $1 95 Worsham Theatre, 1010 pm.
Call 78867

'RellglOUS Dinner Casual dinner a good company (Wesley Foundation);
$3 00 508 Columoia Ave . 5-6 p m .Ca11254-3714

-Reiigious Bible Discussion Group —- Great Commission Students. Free;
Student Center 231, 7 30 p m .Ca11254-3997

ISports Judo Club Free Alumni Gym Lott. 5-6 30. Call 8-4156

OConcerts UK Opera Theatre — The Manage pt figaro. $6. $4. CFA
Concert Hall. 8 p m .03" 74929

USports Lady Kat Basketball vs Vanderbilt: Away. 7 p in .Call 7-1818

'RBIIQIOUS Bible Discussion Group - Great Comm-ssion students: Free.
Student Center 231 7 30 p m . Cal1254-3997

OMeetings Career Planning Demystitied — Diane Kohler (bring sand-
wichi Free 231 Student Center.Noon.CalI7-3295

ISeminars Biochem ‘lnositol Tetrakisphosphate Metabolism". Free: MN
363 4 p m Ca113-5549

OSports Campus Aerobics. Free. K-House-412 Rose St, 330 pm.
Call 277-5190

-Fleiigious Presentation or lay Ministry Opportunities in Catholic
Church Free Newman Center. 7 30p in .Call 255-8566

oReligious Student Faith Sharing — Discussion ot Scripture Readings.
Free Newman Center 9-10p in .Cali 255-8566

-Religious Communion Servrce. Free. Newman Center. 8-8 45 pm.
Call 255-8566

OLecture Geriatric InterdisCipiinary Team Approach — A Case Illustra-
tion Free Medical Center Noon Call233-5156

rMowes: The Untouchables. $1 95. Worsham Theatre. 8 p m ; Call 7-

oMovies The Maltese Falcon: $1 95. Worsham. 10:10 pm. Call 7-

~Acedemics Learning Skills Program Notetaking Techniques. $10/se-
meater. 301 Frazee Hall. 11-11 50am .Call 7-8673

rFieilgious Cornerstone Music Practice — enthusiasm is the only re-
quirement, Free; 508 Columbia Ave :6'30-8 pm . Call 254-3714

sReligious Depision Point — Bible studies tocussing on 'Human Sexuali-
ty'. 'Living in Am'. etc , Free: 508 Columbia Ave . 8-9'30 p m . Call 254-

Ineligious, D A L Grill - Lunch and Devotion, $1 00. 429 Columbia

OReligious FCA — Fellowship or Christian Athletes; Free; 502 Columbia
Ave .9p,m ;Call 233-0315

089008 Japan Karate Club — Free introductory Class, Free. Alumni
Gym Balcony; 530-830 p m :Call 7-6832

-Sports: UK Fencrng Club; Free: Alumni Gym. 7.30-9 30 pm. Call

ISports Japan Karate Club — SHOTOKAN, Free, Alumni Gym Balcony,
5 30-7 30 p m

OSpofls UK Ping Pong Club; Free, Seaton Center Squash Court; 7 30-
10pm .Call8-8161

OReligioua Thursday Bible Study — Christian Student Fellowship. Free.
502 Columbia Ave . 7 p in .Call 233-0313

OSports 8-Ball and Table Tennis Tournament, Stievent. Student Center

OReligious Spiritual Reading — Discussmn ot Readings oi Spirtual Writ-
ers. Free: Newman Center. 10 30-Noon. Call 255-8568

'Sports Aerobics. Free. Newman Center: 5 507 p m . Ca11255-8568



0Movies — 1/27: The Untouchables: $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies — 1/27: The Maltese Falcon; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 10:10p.m.; Call 7-8867

OMovies — 1/28: The Untouchables: $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies — 1/28: The Maltese Falcon; $1.95;
Worsham; 10:10 p.m.; Call 78867

IMovies — 1/29: The Untouchables; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre: Bp.m.; Call 7-8867

rMovies — 1/29: The Maltese Falcon; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 10:10 pm; Call 7-8867

tMovies — 1/30: The Untouchables; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OMovies — 1/30: The Maltese Falcon; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 10:10 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OMovies — 1/31: The Untouchables; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 7 p.m.; Call 7-8867


meetin . s/lectures

rMeetings — 1/27: Career Planning Demystified —
Diane Kohler (bring sandwich); Free; 231 Student Cen-
ter; Noon; Call 7-3295

rLecture — 1/27: Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Ap-
proach — A Case illustration; Free; Medical Center;
Noon; Call 233-5156

OLectures — 1/29: Public Policy Changes that Attect
the Health Care Expenditures of the Elderly; Free: 112
Sanders Brown; Noon: Call 233-5471

OSeminars — 1/27: Biochem: “Inositol Tetrakisphos-
phate Metabolism"; Free; MN 363; 4 p.m.; Call 3-5549 .

OSeminars — 2/1: Learning Skills Program — Study
Skills tor Math; Sic/semester or $25/semester; 301
Frazee Hall; 11-1 1 :50 am; Call 78673




OMowes The Untouchables. $1 95, Worsham Theatre. 8 pm. Call 7-

rMowes The Maltese Falcon. $1 95. Worsham Theatre. 1010 pm.
Call 7-8867

0Concerts Spemal Benetit Pertormance tor UK Opera Theatre The Mar-
riage oi Figaro $6 $4 SCFA Concert Hall 89 m CalI7-4900

OLectures Public Policy Changes that Attect the Health Care Expendi-
tures or the Elderly Free 1 12 Sanders Brown. Noon. Call 233-5471



-Sports. Lady Kat Basketball vs Tennessee State: Away. 7 30 pm.

rsports Kentucky Gymnastics vs Cal State-Fullerton. Away. Call 7-

‘MOVIOS The Untouchables. $1 95. Worsham Theatre 8 p m . Call 7-

rMovies The Maltese Falcon. $1 95. Worsham Theatre. 1010 p in:
Call 7-8887

meligioue The Hub Coiteehouse —- Christian bands, drarne groups.
teliowahip atun', Free, K-House’412 RoseSt .7 30;) m .Cait 277-5190

'Concerts Margaret Kennedy/High School ChordA/oice Day. Free;
SCFA—Fiecital Hall,1-5p in .Call 7-4900

~Retigious Catholic Celebration ot Mass, Free. Newman Center. 8 p m ,


oExtilbit — 1/25-1/30: Art Exhibit: Michael Potts.
Navid Mohseni. Mahnez Kousha; Free; 204 Student
Center; 10-5 pm; Call 7-6687

~Concerts — 1/27: UK Opera Theatre — The Mar-
riage of Figaro; $6, $4; CFA Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call

OConcerts — 1/29: Special Benefit Performance tor
UK Opera Theatre: The Marriage of Figaro; $6. $4;
SCFA Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

OCoricerts - 1/30: Margaret Kennedy/High School
Choral/Voice Day: Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 15 p.m.;
Call 7-4900

OConcerts —— 1/31: Center Sundays Series: UK
Opera Theatre — The Marriage of Figaro: $6. $4; CFA
Concert Hall; 2 p.m.; Call 7-4929

0Concerts — 2/1: Symphonic Winds. W. Harry
Clarke, Director; Free; CFA Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

0Concerts — 2/1: Symphonic Winds/Band Concert:
Free; SCFA—Ftecital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900


OSports — 1725: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose 81.; 3:30 p.m.; Call 277-5190

OSports — 1/26: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 272-1013

OSports — 1/26: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5250-7 p.m.; 255-8566

OSports — 1/27: Wildcat Basketball vs. Vanderbilt —-
Home; Free with full-time UKID; Rupp Arena; 8:30 p.m.;
Call 7-1818

OSports — 1/27: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Vanderbilt;
Away; 7pm.; Call 7-1818

OSports —- 1/27' Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose 81.; 3:30 p.m.; Call 277-5190

OSports — 1/28: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 272-1013

OSports — 1128: UK Ping Pong Club; Free; Seaton
Center Squash Court; 7:30-10 p.m.; Call 8-8161

OSports — 1/28: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;
5:50-7 p.m.;C81255-8566

OSports — 1/30: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Tennessee
State; Away; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-1818

OSports — 1/30: Kentucky Gymnastics vs, Cal State-
Fullerton; Away; Call 73838

OSports — 1/31: Vifildcat Basketball vs. Notre Dame
— Home; Free with full-time UKID; Louisville; 1:30 p.m.;

-Sports — 2/1: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose 81.; 3:30 p.m.; Call 277-5190




'Concerts Center Sundays Series UK Opera Theatre — The Manage
orFigaro $6 $4 CFAConcenl-Hl 2pm .“7-8929

oSpons Aikido we” Mutld Art Beginner Classes Free. Alumni
Gym Lott 1 p m cat 288-0102

~Movies The Untouchwlea. $1 95. Worm-n Theatre. 7 pm. Cd 7-

ofleiigious Celebration at Worship (CNIItU Student Fellowship). Free.
502 Columbia Ave 79 in .Cd233-0313

OSports wildcat Basketbdl vs Notre Dune — Home. Free with tut-time
UKID Louisville. 1 30pm 087-1818

05ports Japm Kuate Olin — SHOTOKAN. Free. Alumni Gym Bipony.
3 5 309 m

OReligious Catholic Celebration oi Mus. Free. Newman Center, 8. 10.
1130am 5 9 30pm 0&255-8588



0W Cornerstone Dr-na Practice no auditions. iust bring enthu-
si-n' (Wesley Fouidation). Free. 508 Columbia Ave. 8 30-8 pm. Cd

IReligtous WorshipService warmacasudmtheringtlmeotslnglng.
prayers. I messages Free. 508 Colitnbia Ave. 8-930 pm. Cd 254-

OReiigious Monday Evening FeIowship irisndahip. groin dacussion.
ptttes. 8 pot luck driner, Free. K-ttouse'4i2 Rose 81.8 pm . Cut 254-

rneligious Free Meditation Group. Free, Newman Ctr. 8 pin. Cd

OSpons Judo Club — Miners welcome. wrestlng siipenenoe valu-
da.Free.AlurianymLott.5-8 30pm .Cd8-4158

reports Aitudo WMMWM.Fru.Alumnt
GyrnLott. 8'30pm .Cl288-0102

OConoerts W m. W Fury M. Director. Free. CFA Re-
clflt'U. 80m .017-3148

OConoerts We Willa/m Concert Free: xFA -— fieoltd M;
8p m ;Cd7-4000

08eminvs: Lalnlng 918s Prov-n — Study ails tor m.81orssmes-
tsror825/sernester.301Frueei-U: 11-11 50am 131-8873

08m Curious Aerobics. Free. Kiowa-412 nose 3. 3.30 pm;





special events

OAcademics —- 1/25: Learning Skills Program — iden-
tity Your Learning Style: $10/semester; 301 Frazee
Hall; 1-1250 p.m.; Call 7-8873

OAcedemics — 1/26: Last day tor payment 01 regis-
tration tees Nor housing a dining tees in order to avoid
cancellation of registration a/or meal card

OAcademics — 1/26: Learning Skills Progrun -
Speed Reading; Sic/semester; 301 Frazee Nd; 11-
11:50 am: Call 7-8873

OAcademics — 1/27: Leaning Skila Program -
Study Heading Techniques; $10/aernester; 301 Fruee
Hit; 2-2150 p.m.; Cdt 7-8673

OAcadernlcs - 1/28: Leaning Skills Hogran: Note-
taklng Techniques; Sic/semester; 301 Fruee Hit; 11-
11:50a.m.; Cd 7-8673

OOther - 1/26: Paid/Slides: UK Students who live
visited Moe'sgua; Free; Student Center 205; 7:30 p.m.;
0‘ 252-5225

OOttisr - 1/28; Who is "Dr. Vladrnir W"?
Notes by It "sx-KGB/CIA doubts agent"; Free; Memorld
Hd;8o.m.; Odo-3191



‘ (““1

lookin . ahead

02/2 -Other: Ground Hog Day

outltmpeerlngonthestudent's trmscript

02/2 — Academics: Last day to change grading 09-
tion (pass/tall to letter grade or letter grade to pus/tell;
credlttosudltoraudlttocredt) in dean's ottice

02/2 - Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Mississippi;
Free with UKID; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-1818

02/2 - Semina's: Leaning Skits Progrln -— Motiva-
tion a Your Success; Sta/semester or $25/sernester;
301 Frazee i-ld; 3:30-4:15pm.; cat 7-8873

Session: KlESProw'n/Olfloeothmldm:
Free; 228 Student Center: 3-5 p.m.; Catt 7-8139


 Kentucky Kernel,

Monday, January 25,1833 — 3





:: ’ Int


And I wonder
still I wonder

Bill Cosby once asked his fa-
ther why is there air. His father
said to blow up basketballs.
Sounds logical.

Too bad the logic of other
sports questions is so elusive. So
much doesn’t make sense. Sports
tempts my curiosity and yet
leaves me teased with no an-

Why is ABC televising more
than 100 hours of the Winter
Olympics? Why is there a Winter
Olympics? Let's look at a couple
of events.

First, the ski jump. What pos-
sesses a man to catapult down an
icy incline and launch himself
into the air like a Wingless bird?
How does one practice the ski
jump? It seems to me you are ei-
ther very good the first time or
you break both of your legs.

Why is figure skating an Olym-
pic sport — or a sport at all. Ball-
room dancing isn’t. Any sport
where a man wears sequins
shouldn‘t be either.

Why is basketball in the sum-
mer Olympics? The luge isn’t.

Besides $3 million, why did
Larry Holmes allow Mike Tyson
to tap-dance on his head? Why
would anyone fight Mike Tyson?

If Rob Lock took the time to go
to the World Wrestling Matches
at Rupp Arena Saturday, why
didn‘t he climb into the ring?
After all, he held his own against
Jose Vargas. And where is Jose
from? I'm not buying the Domin-
ican Republic.

Speaking of LSU, where does
Ricky Blanton get his hair cut?
Who taught Dale Brown to use
his middle finger?

Why doesn’t Dick Vitale shut
up? Does he run on batteries?
smother Cloned him for every
time zone? Does his wife like
having him away so much?

UK freshman forward John
Pelphrey is being red shirted this
season. Why does he wear a
knee—brace during the games?
Pregame layups are tough but
medical records show they result
in few knee blow-outs.

How much does Melvin Turpin
weigh? 0K, without the butcher’s
thumb on the scale.

Why did only one UK pitcher
bother to show up for Tom Seav-
er‘s speech at the Kentucky base-
ball clinic last week? Seaver is
headed for the Hall of Fame. He
won 311 games. The Cats had a
staff ERA of 4.61 last spring.

Hey Eddie Sutton, just how soft
are Mike Scott’s paws?

Why would any UK student
want to pay five bucks for a Wild-
cat tennis exhibition when they
can see Kentucky basketball for

Why is Oscar Combs on TV?
What happened to Earl Cox’s
wig? Why does the The Cats’
Pause have a subscription cam-
paign entitled “Big Blue Penetra-
tion"? Sounds a little like
never mind.

Is there a candy machine in
Wildcat Lodge? If so, will con-
doms be installed?

Did Jimmy the Greek own any
slaves or did he just breed them?
He got fired. He deserved to. But
Jesse Jackson once called New
York “Hymie town.” He's run-
ning for president. Why?

Why does a UK cheerleader
have to grab a Mr. Microphone
before the game and instruct the
crowd how to cheer? Isn’t that in-

Getting rowdy at a basketball
game is great. But why throw ob-
jects at a player or coach? What
if Rex Chapman slipped on that
piece of ice and ripped his knee
up? And isn’t this sports? Why
have a cardiac arrest over a bad

Why does Tennessee basketball
coach Don Devoe moan about the
terrible officiating when his team
committed 23 turnovers and was
thumped by 18 points?

Why has Jim McMahon made
more TV commercials than he’s
played games?

Why does WKYT-TV continue
to run commercials for "The
Eddie Sutton Show" and not tell
what time it's on? WLEX-TV
proudly announce “The Sharon
Fanning Stow” begins at 12:30


How di Bobby Knight get pro-
moted to the rank of General?

Why am i sanding like Andy
Rooney? Why did you waste your
profm's time readlm this in

Sports Editor Todd Jones is a
journalism senior.






Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

UK victory at LSU wasn’t pretty but it was a win


APand Staff reports points, got six over the next three

Chapman, who also had 18 points,
got four in the Kentucky surge that
put the Wildcats ahead 43-33 with
14:28 left in the game.

“When we got that lead, we went
into a zone to stop their inside
game,“ Chapman said. “We had to
take advantage of their poor outside
shooting. I think that’s what did
them in.“

The official scorer gave Bennett
credit for a free~throw that appar-
ently bounced astray.

Although others at the scorer’s
table pointed out that it was a miss,
the scorer was adamant. The missed
shot was credited to Bennett’s total
and the final score.

LSU hit three of 17 shots from
three-point range. Kentucky hit
three of seven three-point shots.

Ed Davender led Kentucky
scorers with 21 points.

Ricky Blanton led LSU with 16
points. Woodside had 13, while
Wayne Sims and Fess Irvin added 10

Sutton said that when LSU center
Jose Vargas got in foul trouble, he
made a decision to go right at him.

“When they went to a man-to-man
in the second half, we made the de-
cision to go inside to Bennett and
spread the floor," he said.

“Winston hasn‘t played down low
much this year, but we just brought
our center out and let Winston roam
free," Sutton said.

Four LSU players and one Wildcat
fouled out of the game. For the Ti-
gers, Vargas, Woodside, Sims and
Irvin exited early. UK senior center

BATON ROUGE, La. — It wasn‘t
the prettiest win he’s ever seen, but
after two home losses, Kentucky
coach Eddie Sutton wasn't fussy.

The Cats downed Louisiana State
University Saturday afternoon 76-61
at Baton Rouge.

“We were pleased to be able to
win this one, after losing two at
home,” Sutton said. “it was a big
win for us, but it wasn’t a thing of
beauty for either team."

The win boosts UK’s record to 13—2
overall, 6-2 in the Southeastern Con-

The Tigers, who were tied for the
conference lead with Florida going
into Saturday’s game, dropped to 9-6
on the season and 4-2 in the confer-

UK got off to a slow start with
LSU taking an 11-6 lead. Then the
Cats ran off nine unanswered points
to go up 15-11 and they never trailed

UK went into the half holding a
31-25 lead.

Then, guard Rex Chapman and se-
nior forward Winston Bennett led a
10-3 surge over a three-minute span
early in the second half that broke
the game open.

Kentucky led 33-30 when LSU’s
Bernard Woodside, the Tigers' best
defensive player, picked up his
fourth personal foul and had to sit

Woodside had been covering
Bennett, when LSU was in its man-
to-man defense, and sluffing off to
help on Chapman.

Bennett, who finished with